WMRNING. What is a Bargain? I 5 The Dictionary answers with definitions; we answer by giving EXAMPLES. Anyone who reads the following will never need to ask what a bargain is again. Spanish Boleros Our complete line of these goods will . be offered on Saturday, June 5th, at Shirt Waists s , ALL GOODS MARKED IN 1 PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY, JUNES. 1897 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Kiimlom OliMorvatinuR and Lioual Events of I.UNMur iMugnitiKle. The closing recital of pupils will probably be Miss Eliot's held Friday evening, June llth. Lost A watch-charm, a Roman cross, with initials S. P. M. B. and A. 0. U. V. Please leave at tbie office. jl'-2t Tiie Lutheran Sunday school held a niciiiu in the academy grounds this afternoon, and had a very pleasant time. Fifty cents will buy a pair of those new toft kid lace ehoes for infants at Pease & .Mays. They have them in either red or black. The contract for the retaining wall at the site of the new schoolhouse has been let, and work commenced, Mr. Brown having the cuntract. Another train load of cattle from Southern Oregon was slopped at the SaUmarshe feed-yards last night, and will go on East tonight. Bishop Earl CraiiBton arrived in the city today, and is a guest at the home of S. French. He will preach this even ing in the Methodist church. The ladies of the Catholic church, who managed the Ice cream and straw berry sale in the Bunnell building yes terday, report having taken in $G5.15. There was a great big 10-pound boy came to Mr. and Mrs. S. LyYouug's this morning, and they wereso pleased with the little 6trangor that they will keep him. A new and very handsome line of ladies Oxfords, in ox-hlood,chocolate and black, has just been received at Pease & Mays. They are beauties and the prices are right. An exhibit of tho class work at St. ( Mary's Academy will be given for a few . daye, beginning next Saturday. The I parents and friends of tho pupils are 1 Invited. The meeting announced for this j evening at the Congregational church will be omitted that those who so desire j may be able to hear Bishop Cranston at tiie Methodist church. The river this morning was at 80.8, a full of a foot in twenty-four hours. The weather bureau announces that the fall will now be steady but slow, tho flood conditions all having paesed. A full attendance of the Rathbone Sisters is requested this (Thursday ) even ing. Business of importance will come Wore tho meeting. Refreshments will be served during the evening. Bishop Morris will hold services in St. Paul's Episcopal church on Sunday wext, Whitsunday, administering the Holy Communion in the morning. Ser vices at 11 a. ru. and 7 :30 p. ui. j3-3t The case of the state against Veiiz Nauor is still on trial, and bids fair to One-Half the Regular Price. ? These goods are well known to the shoppers of The Dalles, and need no further Introduction. We have a few left which we shall sell at last Saturday's prices. PEASE last nil day tomorrow. The testimony Is getting pretty badly mixed ; enough so at least to give the jury a job of sort ing. Wool continues to come in very fast and the warehouses pre about filled. So far, though, buyers are scarce and no prices have been fixed. The final pass age of the new tariff bill will start the ball rolling. Something new and dainty for infant?. Pease & Mays are showing a line of in fants shoes in ox-blood and tan, with colored silk tops, at 75 cents a pair. Every mother in town should see them. If they do, every infant in town will have a pair. School Superintendent Gilbert is ex pected homo about June loth. Begin ning July 12th lie will hold a four-weeks summer school and teachers' institute, of which further notice will be given on hiB leturn, by circular letter to teachers. Fern Lodge, Degree of Honor, last night elected officers for the ensuing term as follows : C. of H., Mrs. Gibons ; L. of II., Mrs. Crandall ; C. of C, Mrs. Douthit; Recorder, Mrs. Longmeier; Financier, Cora Joles ; Receiver, Lizzie Schooling; Usher, Miss Eton; I. W., Mrs. Lauretson; 0- W., Mrs. Kreft. Yesterday evening Mr. and Mis. Ger man Sequi came in from their home on Mill creek for the purpose of placing their 3-months-old baby, that was very sick, under a doctor's care. They stopped in front of Blakeley & Hough ton's drugstore and Mr. Sequi eot out of the wagon and telephoned for Dr. Hoi lister. Going back to the wagon he drove up the street to Mr. Comini's place, and upon going in the house there it was discovered that the baby was dead. The college boys of Lawrence, Kan., played a good joke on Governor Leedy soon after his inauguration. They got up a travesty on the circus in order to raise money for a local church, and in vited the governor to grace the enter tainment with his presence. The affair was held in a tent, and aB Eoon as Mr. Leedy arrived, the ''barker" on the out side "began to call out in a Eing-song voice: "Step inside, ladies and gentle men, and see the governor of Kansas, imported from the wilds of Coffey coun ty at the great expense of Mr. E. N. Morril of Hiawatha, whom he has turned effectually. This is a rare and hand some specimen, and the only governor of Kaneas now in captivity. All others have been let loose as not being the real thing." The governor knows college hove, and enjoys a joke, so he remained ins'ide, and was the biggest attraction of tho show. Oregonian. The Westfield (Ind.) News prints the following in regard to an old resident of that place: "Frank McAvoy, for many years in the employ of the L., N. A. & C. Ry. here, says : 'I have used Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for ten years or longer am never without it in my family. I take pleasure iu recommending it.' " It is a specific for all bowel disorders. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. 1 1 1 9 & MAYS BOGGS GETS HIS SENTENCE. Throe Years aixl Grant WIiIiiw-TIip Italian Drew the Line. Sheriff Driver went below this morn ing, taking Lewis Boggs to the peniten tiary, where he has three years to eerve. We understand it is his second term, and that he looks forward hopefully to the time when he will be again free, He expieBes a determination to earn as many credits as possible, and so shorten his sentence, and insists that as soon us he is free he will marry the widow of his choice. Some other fellow will be in luck if she waits for Boggs, und he seems to think she wiil. There are some men 60 constituted that nothing seems to appall them ; who possess, in the highest degree, a species of moral or immoral bravery that permits them to face situa tions that would drive men of different mold insane. Boggs is u remarkable ex ample of this kind. lie not only faces three years in the penitentiary manfully, but looks forward with pleasurable an ticipations to long years thereafter with a hay-widow and a hay mow full of children. Other minds cannot contemplate future conditions with the same com placency, the same hope, simply be cause they look upon the small side of things. A story told of an unfortunate Italian who was convicted of theft illus trates this trait. His case wub rather a pathetic one, the theft having been committed to appease the demands of u vigorous and full grown appetite. The judge, in passing sentence, felt that the circumstances were extenuating, and in the generosity of his judicial heart gave the prisoner three years. He also threw in a lectuie. He said: "The court feel's for you ; how much you no doubt realize. The court feels that you were urged on to the commission of the crime of stealing something to eat by the remorseless pangs of gnawing hun ger. That between your spinal column and the lining of your vest was a vast aching void. The law fixes the penalty for your offense at from one to three years, leaving the matter of time to the discretion of the judge. The peniten tiary fare is good, the working hours short, and the society much better than that on tho outside, The court there tore deals with you generously, and gives you the full limit. It also hopes that when you come out, you will follow some honest avocation, and if you can find nothing else, the court will see thut you are furnished with a hand-organ and a monkoy. The prisoner, who had worn a broad smile during the announcing of the sen tence, turned pale beneath his swart skin, and starting to his feet, with one hand thrown upward in the very aban donment of despair, be sobbed : "Judge, I stands ze tre year, and I stands ze hard work, but, judge, I no stands zo d d monkey." The New Time Curd. The O, R. & N, has made another change in its time table, which went into Our attention lias Won called to the advertisements of a Dalles (inn, other than our Agents, ottering Baker Barb Wire. Pease & Mays have been our Exclusive Agents At The Dalles for many years for the sale of our Baker lVrfeet Barb Wire. Genuine Baker Wire Can be Bought Only of Them. This Wire is manufactured under our patents; the name is copyrighted, and our attorney is now preparing to bring suits against the manufacturer of this spurious Wire, and we desire to give notice that all, SELLERS and PURCHASERS ALIKE, are LIABLE. Cheap, undesirable articles of no merit are nover imitated. The great superiority of our wire has caused other wire to be stamped Baker. You buy Baker Wire, not on account of the name, but because of tho su perior excellence of the wire which has been tested to your on tire satisfaction. Then Purchase Your Wire of PEASE & MAYS, Our Accredited Agents at The Dalles, For no other firm there has or can secure Baker Perfect Barb Wire. 205 Oregonian Bldg., Portland, effect June 1st. It is as follows: No. 1, west-bound, arrives ;:55 a. m. and de parts at 4; No. H, west-bound, arrives 8:25, departs S:IiO; No. 'J, east-bound, arrives I a. m., departs 1:0,") ; No. 4, east-bound, arrives 5 :." evening, de parts at 0. All trains except No. A stop at Umatilla House. Train No. 1 now runs via Walla Wallo. A special rate of &'.' for round trip tickets to Poilland, with two days' limit, bus been made, going into effect today. These tickets are aleo good going Saturday and returning Monday. The company has also made the very low rate of $5 first-class and .f'-'.OO sec-ond-cluBS from Portland to San Kiau cisco, which rate includes berth and meals. jl-LNv-d.w IHmIi Ic! Confoi I'Cicc. w i:i).i:si).vy An.Eit.NooN. The session was opened with devo tional service, led by Hev. F. It. Spauld ing. The businesp was resumed at 2 o'clock and the theme, "Tho Support of Our Superanuates," was presented by Hev. K. Warner, who called upon the mem bers of the conference for its discussion. Iiev. J. H. Wood spoke at length of the necessity of planning for Eome sys tematic means by which the caie of our veterans can be had. Dr. H. K. Hines followed in an ear nest presentation of the cluim of the veterans. The entire ministry, by in vitation, gave Borne spirited remarks. The theme, "The Bible und Its Critics," in a clear, comprehensive and rich paper, was read by its author, Hev. N. Kvans. Tho paper was a masterly production, and touched many Important points relative to the higher criticisms and advanced ways by which their evil might be overcome. Dr. A. N. Fisher, editor of the Pacific Christian Advocate, by invitation, pre sented the interests of that paper, touched its relation to the discussion of the above and othercurrent topics in the home and study. The remainder of the afternoon ses sion was given to the business of the district conference. At 8 o'clock Rev. II. K. Ilines, D. I)., occupied the pulpit, delivering a lecture on the "Historical Relation of Method ism to the Pacific Northwest." ft was an exhaustive presentation of the work of the pioneer missionaries of the M. K. church. TJIl'KHIjAY MOKNINO. . The conference was called to order as usual and the reports from pastors and examination of candidates occupied part of the session. On account of illness in his family, Dr. Hines was called home. Before leaving, he was asked to present the in terests of the Portland university school of theology, which he did, The best year of its life was reported, with ex cellent prospects for the future. Bishop Cranston was announced to be in the city, but would not appear in conference until afternoon. He is ex pected to preach tonight. K, U, A. Subscribe for Tiik Cjiko.vicj.k, BAKER DEPARTMENT, CONSOLIDATED STEEL & WIRE CO. H. J. McMANUS, Manager. Or. Be Not Alarmed By the so-called "WARNING" of our competitors. Tho threat made to our customers is nothing more nor leas than a big bluff of a would-be monopoly. Our Maker Barbed Wire was purchased from one of the largest concerns ui tho United States; e.ich spool is branded "Genuine Baker Warranted," and wo invite comparison with any other mako of Wire. Wo have bought nearly 100,000 pounds of this wiro for SPOT GASH, at the right price, and propo.su to give our customers tho benefit of it. We are not holding it for a fancy price, and claiming it to be tho best Wiro on earth. It is worth no more than any other good Wira, but is us good us any, and we are telling it as low un any. Compare our so-called "Spurious'' Wire with tho ONLV Baker PlCUFKOl', be fore buying, and get our prices. Wu are making prices that should got votir trade. Baby Carriages MUST ARRIVED AT TH 10 Jacobson Book & Music Co. Where will also be found the largest and most com plete line of Pianos, and other Musical Instruments in Eastern Oregon. Complete Line of FISHING TACKLE, j Notions, Rase Rail Goods, Hammocks, Hooks and j .Stationery at Redrock Prices. New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. i GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. IHncci'bbor to Clirlmiiun & (,'ornon, FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old stand, I would be pleased to see all my former patrons, k'tuo delivery to uny part of town. Lumber, Building1 Material and Boxes TradedjorHay, Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c. ROWE 8l CO., MAYS & CROWE. The Dalles Or