WMRNING, After the Cream Our attention has been called to the advertisements of a Dalles firm, other than our Agents, oilering Baker Barb Wire. Pease & Mays have been our Exclusive Agents Has been skimmed off, we have no further use for the milk. It is so i In Our SHOE Department. After the line has been nearly all sold out, we have no use lor the remaining pairs. AVe have several broken lines, and to clean them up we have placed them on sale at At The Dalles for many years for the sale of our Uaker Perfect P.arh Wire. Genuine Baker Wire Can be Bought Only of Them. This Wire is manufactured under our patents; the name is copyrighted, and our attorney is now preparing to bring suits against the manufacturer of this spurious Wire, and we desire to give notice that all, One-third Less than Regular Prices. sellers and purchasers alike, are liable. We wish to call your attention to our $1.60, $2.00 AND $3.00 Gents' and Ladies' Shoes displayed in our window. Better values for the money have never been offered. .ALGOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS Cheap, undesirable articles of no merit are never imitated. The great superiority of our wire has caused other wire to be stamped Baker. You buy Baker Wire, not on account of the name, but because of the su perior excellence of the wire which has been tested to your entire satisfaction. Then Purchase Your Wire of PEASE & MAYS, Our Accredited Agents at The Dalles, For no other (inn there has or can secure Baker Perfect Barb Wire. 205 Oregonian Hldg., Portland, Or. BAKER DEPARTMENT, CONSOLIDATED STEEL & WIRE CO. H. J. McMANUS, Manager. The Dalles Daily Ghroniele. The steamer's a more correct and helpful consideration ! Ku8se11 SllB to assist him, but the re iveral hours be-1 than he. You will save yourself from j fl"t3St was """I'ded. Uncle Russell'i WEDNESDAY, Francisco last night ' ni!Qflfnonr lisf. wast full apvprnl I ' " 1 fore her leaving time. If you want to disappointment if von hear this lecture JUNE 2, 1897 . travel on t,,e Bteauier it will be a good , lor you will hear such as will interest ' plan to buy your tickets and reserve and profit you. All are invited. uertns some tune in advance. , The Woodmen ot .Alt. Hood camp and I rr.... 1 . .1 1 f .11 l I lift WntllOM rt W'rtrt.l...... . - f .1... - I oiiice me river nas sianeu 10 iau, anu j '"v u. uuuciwi, ui me oime, itiimium oiscrvatiiuiK ami Loral Kvnuts conseouentlv set clearer, the salmon are tnis cit.v are making extensive arrange ! beginning to run in fine shape and a i v. rw.,,.., i,,-o ! good season is anticipated. Some of our WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. old fishermen, though, insist that there can or will be a heavy run onlv everv ments to entertain the public next Wednesday night, June 9th, at the Baldwin opera house. On this date Hon. F. A. Falkenbun. head consul of tion with The Dalles bowling alley. ..... i license to marry was issued today to ye and th(j nm ot , the Pacific jurisdiction, Woodmen of the James M. Dayidson and Hattie Mortis, I " .. 1CHQ .,..,. . ' World, and Mrs. C. r ww,in UJUIC until jmui iiuj'c titcv uc -' hwvicuiui) I disappointed this time and that the run Srand guardian of the Pacific Circle, will may upset their theories, and fill their ; Ue Present. An excellent program will purses. j rendered, and everybody will receive The cattle ranges of Oregon are being j lieiKllbrb' welcome. The chiefs of these depleted this year, sure. Crook county W r,derS a.T elotent speakers, and all has furnished several thousand head for ' ehou,d "v'ui temBelve8 of the oppor the Eastern markets, and the counties tllu,t-v of hnng them, along the river have been pretty well j Iood plver may be slow in some cleaned out. Last night two train loads thinge, but it is certainly up-to-date on passed through on their way East, com-! others. Down that way just now there ing from Eugene, and we noticed in a 1 are a goodly number of pretty Portland Southern Oreiron naner the other dav!k'il,s engaged in picking berries. A both of Wamtc. The trial of W. J. Jeiiers before Jus tice Filloon yesterday afternoon resulted in a verdict of acquittal. A jury was secured in the Bauer case this morning, and the testimony is be ing taken this afternoon. Lost A watch-charm, a Roman cross, with initials S. P. M. B. and A. 0. TJ. W. Please leave ut this office. j2-2t Lost A black silk cape lined with gray. Either in cemetery or road thereto. Finder please leave at Ciino.v ici.k ollice. A full attendance of the Rathbone Sisters is requested on Thursday even ing. Business of importance will come before the meeting. Remember the hose teams will give a moonlight excursion in a couple of weeks, and be ready to buy a ticket, when called upon. The town of Dufur is to have a much larger, or rather stronger, water supply, arrangements having been made for doubling the present pressure. The trial of Vinz Bauer, indicted for rape, began in the circuit court this morning. Defendant is represented by A. S. Bennett, E. B. Dufur and Sinuott & Sinnott. Bishop Earl Cranston will be in the city tomorrow from Portland, and he is expected to preside at the conference sessions during the day, and will preach tomorrow evening. The meeting announced for Thursday to permit the operation of the locks at evening at the Congregational church j the Cascades, as the fall will be slow. will be omitted that those who so desire , that $250,000 had been expended for cat tle alone in that part of the state this spring. Prof. Swanton gave another of his enjoyable dancing parties last night, which was the last, as the Prof, will leave tomorrow for Portland. He ex pects to spend the summer at Newport, where he will give lessons in dancing, as well as enjoy an outing. Those who have received instructions here are more than pleased with his manner of teaching and the number of new dances they have learned. He is certainly an excellent instructor. The river is at the 40.7 mark this morning, and falling slowly. The wea ther bureau reports the Columbia above I Pasco, and the Clearwater as having . passed their floods, and that they will continue to fall steadily. The very j income amounts to something more than $600 an hour, so it will be seen that it was not through lack of meatu, but simply through the worst kind of stingi ness that the aid was not rendered. In our youthful days we doubted the existence of hell, but the more wo see of the world, the more impressed we are with the absolute necessity of such a place. Here are a modern Lazarus and a modern Dives. It is to be hoped, now that the former is gone, that he miiy not have to wait loin: for his revenge. Komid In Kij pi. A great find of ancient papyri in Egypt has been made by Greenfell and Hunt, who are working in behalf of the Egyptian exploration fund. At Mehnesu many ancient rubbish mounds yielded rich stores. Among the papvri is a leaf from a third century papyrus book, con taining a collection of the sayings of Christ. Some of the sayings are not in the gospels, and others exhibit divergen Be Not Alarmed i r .i .. t.i ... i ..uuiuc. ui mem wear uioomers anneir;uie3 from the text of the gospels. One work, but those who were not the pos- j hundred and fifty rolls, in many cases sessors of that kind of a rig, finding several feet long, have been retained at their skirts in the way, adopted the . t1(J Gizej, ninSjeum, and thu rest are on manly but. unpicturesque blue overall. I the way t0 KnKltnil. Besides the pa- Now in selecting this manly garment, j pyrii a Immbcr of coins, 200 inscribed most of them were found to have too , titleS ,)ronze .Uld ivory ornaments and much length and not enough latitude, so I oti)er ol)ject9 of tl)e Homan ,.y.ui. special sizes had to be ordered. For tin0 perlod8 haVB beeil r,coven(i. further particulars, we refer you to i Elmer Hand, the young and wide awake N,!W Tl"1" ;i,nl- uierch.au t of our neighboring town. I r. . T . 1 I he. O. R. A . has made another The Daiiex iMtrift m. k. uuuference. change in its time table, which goes into The district conference of the Method ist church convened last night in this city, the first session being held in the church at 8 o'clock p. m.. when a ser mon was delivered by Rev. Henry Moys. This morning's session was opened with devotional service led by Rev, J. W. Helm. This was followed bv tlin warm weather, which was expected to administration of the sacrament of the canee a rise in the upper Columbia, had Lor(j8 Supperi c0l,dl,ctwl hy U. H. no appreciable eflect on it. It will ,)e'Hine8D. D. some time before the river is at a stage ) M Q 0.couk th(J ,)reauillt; ,.Iaeri ev. rii ovn ininntion of Enninuer and "nay be able to hear Bishop Cranston at otherH ftt Vorlani wnB begun before U. tho Methodist church on that evening. ; s Commissioner bladen at Portland The ladies of the Catholic church will I vpRturdnv. Gautier. the principal wit- from the pastors of the charge have ice cream, strawberries, cake, etc., netfS( 8 even of more unsavory character . Revs. F. R. Spaulding, leturued mis for sale at the Bunnell buildinc next I thnWamoiiBlv infamous Nat Blum, t sionary from South America, J. W i effect tonight. It is as follows; No. 1, I west-bound, arrives .'I ;5!i a. in. and de parts at 4; No. .'I, west-bound, arrives 1 8:25, departs Si.'lO; No. 2, east-tinund, I arrives 1 a. in., departs l:0.i; No. -1, east-bound, arrives b-Jti evening, de I parts at ti. All trains except No, I stop I at Umatilla House. Tin In No. 1 now ! runs via Walla Walla, j A special rate of i'.i for round trip j tickets to Portland, with two days' j limit, has been made, going into ellect ' tnrliiir Tl trier ttlstitti i fii a Icn rril istir. Robt. Warner, took the chair, and the ! ' , " f - k-.. k K , i . . , I Saturday and returning Monday, conference proceeded to organize, Rev. ,r. ' , ... ....... uu mill ijnitj una airu niuitu liiu Vf ' lowrate of if") Iretclii88 and f2.&0 see- By the so-called "WARNING" of our competitors. The threat made to our customers Is nothing more nor less than a big blull of u would-be monopoly. Our Baker Barbed Wire was purchased from one of the largest concerns in tho United States; each spool is branded "Genuine Baker Warranted," and we invito comparison with any other mako of Wire. Wo have bought nearly 100,000 pounds of this wire for SI'OT CASH, at the right price, and propose to give our customers the bonellt of it. Wo are not holding it for a fancy price, and claiming it to bo the best Wire on earth. It is worth no more than any other good Wire, but is as good as any, and wo are celling it as low as any. Compare our so-called Spurious." Wire with the ONLY Baker PERFKCT, be fore buying, and get our prices. Wo are making prices that should get your trade. MAYS & CROWE. Baby Carriages .HJST ARRIVED AT THIO Jacobson Book & Music Co. Wlioro will also ho found tho largest and most com plete line of Pianos, and other Musical rnstrumeuts in Eastern Oregon. Complete Line of FISHING TACKLE, Notions, Baso Hall Goods, Hammocks, Uooks and Stationery at liedrock Prices. New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. E. C. Alford being elected secretary. The session was occupied with arrange ment of work of committees and reports I ondclaBs from Portland to Sun Fran c'uco, which rate includes berth and meals. jl2w-d,vw BUSINESS LOCALS. office, this evening, the benefit of the uoor to the land Proceeds are for church. -me excavation for thn McCov resi dence on the corner of FifLlf and Wash ington streets Is beinft made. The building will be one of rhe handsomest i the city, and will Le completed by The live young fellows arrested Mon lay on euspicioii of being the persons who took $20 from a stranger in Birg eld's saloon, were discharged last night, n formal complaint having been en tered against them. The O. R. & N. and Southern Pacific cut rates have Induced lots o! people to trvel. Last night'a Telegram says be tween 800 and 1,000 would leave for Sau Nebraska corn for sale at tho Wa-co warehouse. Best feed an earth. mtl-tf English and Belgian cement, very According to his own testimony, he is, JMeener ot ueiiver, Uolo., and W . U. and has been for years, an all-around Curtis, pastor of tho Congregational torn?!! and done fiend. And it is on the ; church of this city, were introduced. testimony of such a thing as this that ' The later gave expressions of fiaternal ' Itest imported brands, for sale by Wnsco reputable men are accused of crimes, greeting. Warehouse Co. my5liii and dragged before the courts. It is j uzHrim uwi jiive. j Tho merchant who tells you ho has really high time that Murphy, Grady, ' George Sage, grand nephew of Russell t soniftliinif else as good as Hoe Cake soap Black, and all that sort o: tiasu, ue gage aiJ(1 gon o K1Jyur gngt.)(ie(i in t, given the grand bounce. ' poorhouse in Will couuty, Illinois, May An important and interesting lecture 27th. It was his father who borrowed will be given at the Methodist church $50 from his "Uncle Russell" a few this evening at 8 o'clock, by H. K. , months ago, bis mother who a few weeks Hines D. D. Hie subject will be "The J ago tried'to commit suicide ou account Historical Relation of Methodism to the ( of inability to meet the payment of that . .. . r .1 Pacific Northwest," or -wno naveu Oregon. This lecture will bo of educa tional profit to all interested in the his tory of our own state, and few, If any, are better qualified to give this subject same 50. George Sage had been suffering from consumption for two years, and two months ago wa-j taken to the poor farm. Application was at that time made to is a good man to keep away from. a'-'.Jm Tho Westfleld (Ind.) News prints the following in regard to an old resident of that place: "Frank McAvoy, for many years in the employ of the L., N. A, A C. Ry. here, says: '! have used Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for ten years or longer am never without it in my family. I take pleasure in recommending it,' " It is a specific for all bowel disorders, For sale by Blakeley A Houghton. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. Hiii'coMtr to Ulirlmnuii .t Cornon, " FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old stand, I would be pleased to see all my former patrons. F.o delivery to any purl of town. Lumber, Building1 Material and Boxes TradediorHay, Grain, Bacon, Lard, &a rowe & CO.. The Dalles Or