The Dalles Daily Chronicle, The only Jtepublican lhuhj Xnctpapt n Watco Cattntu. EASTEKX OFFICE Courl, X. Y. Citu. -2.10 to CM Temple K. KATX. Menl. ors Clulililuc l!uti'- Chronicle and Oregonian Chronicle nnd Examiner Chronicle and Tribune Chronicle and X. Y. World dor the law, will set a precedent, which if followed by others, will soon make the adulterated fiaud business unprofitable, and encourage honest dealing with consumers. Tint it is necessary that the food inspect- should bo diligent in enforcing the laws against adulterations, with out fear or favor. s a e a s WEDNESDAY, XOT JUKE 2, IS07 .rich THEIR WISH. The followini has been going the , that ho could reasonably be --o . .Judge Bradiey, in discharging 1 ,0 1 Ilavcmcvcr. commented upon the 2 00 1 " ) duties "of witnesses in geneial, nnd witnesses in particular. lie 'said, among other things, that Have I mcyer had answered all the questions upposed rounds of the country papers, and isito answer without having necessary a harsh and uncalled for criticism : i data at hand, and that he was not Congressman Young of Ponnsyl-! expected to no and examine his vania has introduced a bill in the books and then come back and toll house to exempt all ex-soldiers who wlmt lie learned. From which it Mirvod as long as ninety days, from ' ,JC infcn.e(1 Unt IIttVCllleyur. in the restriction of the civil service i , , . , , , law. allowing them to be appointed I l,:a(1le-v s l,11,10n ll:ul u, ,nh tn ntlip.n without, ovamiimtimi. It ' money to be compelled to obey the would seem that this soldier mania law. Is it not possible, in view of was perhaps being carried to a great- tlc n,ling. that llratllev got some of Wholesale II. Ml ....... I,l I I " 1 VWC w iMiiuu.i iu ,vt i. that same money, response from the people. It is not J has been born I ..,, ., , enaior aiiiman recenuy inane $250,000 am jm i g , given Away ! S : BillglSfcfBl I this year iti valuable 1 BpHBHI 'SlIiB article- to smokers of jlBIP mackwell's !l; S9 Wt Durham i g p mmml mm i WAItli PAPER! WAIiIt PAPEHI Just Received You Get the The Best g SmokingTobacco Made Tobacco You will find one coupon in side each 2-ouncc bag, nnd two coupons innide each 4-ouncc bap. Duynbng, rend the coupon and sec how to get vour chare. & o e o S c 5000 Kolls of Willi Vapor, best patterns. The beautiful colors. New Invoice The most Of Dealers arc. vim and Middlemen y jgg rect from the niamifacturei of Paints and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. one s taint that lie since the war closed, and the doors should not be closed to this class of j sweeping charges against members of j citizens any more than any others, j that body, accusing them, or rather j In the first place the old soldiers j reading and repeating accusations j are not to blame because there are j made against them, to the effect that j demagogues like Congressman Young tliey vere speculating in sugar; who are out for votes. The old sol-j stocks. One senator was mentioned j' diers do not ask or desire any by name, and his name was Smith, j feiich legislation. The most they j The dispatches esterday show that! have asked for in this line is a sliabt ! Senator Smith rose in his place and J CClines and Cigars. iSnipes-Kinersly Drug Co. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ruANs.vcr a genkk.u. hanking husinks No beff?r wliwl mn'A ww UUQgg 4cnie Bicycle Built in our own factory bv skilled workmen, usiii the bd material and the most improved machinery. We have no ab Sold direct from factory to lb" rider, fully warranted. Wjj anywhere for examination THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER on draught and In oottles. replying to these accusations indig nantly said: "It is unnecessary. Mr. reduction in the per cent necessary to pass an examination. For in- stance, where it requires 70 per cent. .President, for mc to deny that old soldiers willonly be required charges." And he didn't, to obtain GO per cent. r , As to the doors being closed to those born since the war. it is hardly worthy of comment. The few places are filled by old soldier?; ihe many by those born since the war. "Be sides, the term of otlice of the veter- Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine. a non-alcoholic fm ATARRH these beverage, uneqnaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WiLLIAM i LOCAL'mSEASE and is ths result of colds and suddcii climatic changes, i For your Protection a visstiveiy rtare tua: ill's ans cannot he very long at the best ' J for most of them, for they are getting i up to that nge when- they will soon j have to retire from active pursuit;. The youngest are now .10 yeats old. and tiiere are more over (:.' than nn- j der that aae. i 1oj drusr. El i it knowledetl to be the most thcrinzh cure for N i- ii Catarrh, Co.d in Head and Hay Fever of all rc;. d:ej. It open- ami cleanses the na-sal passages, al.iyj iam a!icl liitlammation. heals the Eore. pro f -t the membrane from co;ds, restores the sen' of t uteand smell. Priio &.. at l)nir?ists or by mail. 1II.V UKOTIiEIlS. jo Warren fctreet. Yoris. NEW SPRING GOODS NEW SPRING GOODS JUST ARRIVED JUST ARRIVED Letters of Credit issued avnilablo in the Eastern States. Sitrht EncIhwrp and TelPRraphu: Tranafurs sold on York. Chicairo. St. Louis, Sun Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Ii. COIHINI, S0I.K DKAI.KIl IN' T1IK I)AIJ.l;S 01' estag Oiler Acme Cycle Co., Elkhart, Ind. Regulator Line The Dalles, Portlanfl and tti Navigation Co.' Mar e Burial Vaults isirsJefiilatord DalM FREIGHT AND PASSENUER LINE UKTWKKN A Perfect Protection from Water l l)iitn))iit'P. I'reaervea the liody by h. cludltii; the Air. i It possesses every murk claimed for j GOOD SERVICE. LOWEST RATES. The DhIIl'.s, Hood I'.lver, Ca.-cado Locks ad Pirt bind didly, extept Sunday. the most expensive vaults, viz: absolute security and durability, thus making a permanent and imperishable resting place for the dead. This vault is made of six pieces of mar ble which can be firmly fastened to L'tithei with cement, thus niakint; them air and water tight. ( DOWN THE Till C. F. STEPHENS.!fil1 Kintis Cemetery Work SULTAX' ATTACK OX EXdl.AXD. Cash in Your Olicoli'. All countv warrant? registered prior ! 1, 1S92, will be paid at my Interest ceases after May 7, ! . C. L. I'iului's, i Countv Treasurer. , Yellow wa-jhiii'B powder will make your clothes the same color. Avoid this by n;inr' Soap Foam. It's pure white. i2 I'm This is an "Aye of Soap." Why use any but the very best. Best soap means Hoe Cake. Sold by Pease A Mays. al'-3m s. A. II. Cll'.I.KV. Attorney and Counsellor at Law ;.vi!;i)N. Practice Iti the .-t.itc- mid Fedi-rul mirt of Orexov imil ushirnrton jmi 2!-;!mo "oinoriuiKueiy, saui im; .-Miuan t0 x)ec of Turkey in his interview in the j office. "World last Stmilay. "the conduct of: lS9" the Uritish amba;ador has been a ! great obstacle in the way of a ood understanding" (between England and Turkey.) These words and the rest of the "World's interview were cabled back the same day that the "World pub lished thein. and appeared in the London newspapers and all the lead-1 ing journals of Europe the next morning. There was no question that the Sultan had used the World as his medium of serving general j notice that he was out of humor with England and not afraid to say so. ; The rage of the English has been j growing steadily. As our cable dis j patches show this morning, they tire I at a white heat against their ambas-,' sador to Constantinople and against 1 the Sultan. ,lThe fust question," , ta's the London Chronicle, '-is i whether the Sultan's woids tire cor ' rectly reported," and with just con-, fidence in the World's reliability, it adds, "We believe they are." And , j , it closes its long leviow of the inter- ( jiUcLIT GlCCl view with this epigrammatic sentence: : "The emperors jockey us and the Sultan spits upon us." Clearly the Sultan ot Turkey knew what ho was about when he made the "World the medium of ''his private opinion of England publicly ex pressed." N. Y. "World. 'The Delft' "Tiere is a tide in the affairs of mev. which, taken at its Jlooa leads on to fortune" The poet unauestlonablv had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture ant at CFIANDALl & BURGET'S, Who are selliriR those goods out at greatly-reduced rat MICHKLBAOH BF.IOK. - - UNIOA, ST. New York Weekly Tribune Mr. Com'mi has on baud a lame sup ply oi (irat-class Marble, to be used in .Monuments, etc. I'riccs lower than in Portland. El' s Pullman Ware. -trau- Farmers and Villagers, KOlt Fathers and Mothers, KOI! Sons and Daughters, KOlt All the Family. ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car HT. I'AltL .MINNKAI'OI.I lJUI.UTII KAICKO GUAM) I'DIt tJIlOOKSTO.N WISSH'KO IIKI.KNA an miTTK Are you going li so, s-iivi? monuy mid oujoy n licsiititaltnpin tlio Columbia. The wf t-lxmwl train jrrimit The Dulles in ninple time fur jiusfeiiiterstotal! the .steamer, nrrlviiiK 1" I'irtlainl in timefortht outKidiiK i-'outheni nnd Northern tMin: Iist hound nLiiKurs iirrivliif: In The Dales In toi to tuke the Kiist-honml train. Kor further iiiiuriiiiitlou i'ply t" J. N. IIAItNKV. AKeiit, Unk Street ltoek. l'urtliinri, Oregon, Or W. I Al.I.AWAY, Gen.Ajt, The Dalles. Oretoi Elegent Tourist TO Willi tlu i.ln.i nf flin Prcsiilpnlinl PfimiiHicn TH V. M'l'TIUTVI.' ..r,,,,, i. ...t,.... - I .. : ..; .. ... iaci inui inu .imencau jjeujuo are now iui.muuh uj j;ive inuir uiientton to Home and business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less t-pace and , j prominence, until another Statu or National occasion demands a renewal of the AllXiid Jihie and White Out- jlteht for the principles for which THE TUIBUNE has labored from its inception I to the present dav. and won its irreateat victories. side and While inside. Thpough Tiekefcs j CHICAtiO ( WAHIIINOTON rilll.A DF.hl'lIIA KIV VOUK IUIHTON AND AI.1. I'OINTS KAST Hilil SOUTH A oently : 1 1 1 1 now : "The Delft" is the latest San Francisco "rocer was re- rested nnd lined WO for , W1U' out 111 wiolan- utensils. lie has' prices are ahoul the same as nn itdnlterated syrup. brought nn action against the . Pacific Coast Syrup Company, trom c,a"il 'uia'"lluu eRUl whom he pui chased the adulterated i cheaper than the aluminum article, to recover $2."j,000 damnses. ; . That grocer has taken the adulter. ; wo, and prettier than either utcd food question -by the horns," ' of them. Call and see the mi1 tn tiinl.'Mirr rim i nn n it f n ft n rnrc nf f till l j iiuhviiiq vi imiiiMiMUbiiiui j Every poiblo efl'ort will be put forth, and money freely spont, to make THE WEEKLY TKI15UNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, eutertainiui; and iudisiieiisable to each member of the fainilv. We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. hi. o-iLiiEjirH. Kor liiformiitlon, lime curds, mnimuiid ticket, j Ml on or write to W. 0. ALLAWAY. Atront, I ine imuui, Oregon i DR. GUHn IJIW.OVEO LIVER PILLS A moitiment ot mo uokoio ,,,01 1KJ! WiuuT? -011- D. CHARLTON. Asst. C P. A., ! i5j. ilorrlaon Cor. Tlilnl. I'ortlatKl Orwion ' HiUiDail wiiniiM irw-.or full! " fajiidfl mlii terert foods rosiionsi j o for ( tun-1 o ages sustained from prosecution im- roods at 107 .Second Street. mV Write your name and address on a postal card, sand it to Geo. V. Best, Tribune Oflice, New York City, and a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib une will be mulled to vou. Job Printing at This Office. This Is Tour Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, etish or stomps, a KonoroiiH feamplo will bo muiled of tho most popular Catarrh and Hay Fover Cure (Ely's Cream ltohn) sufficient to demon. trato tho groat merits of tho roruedy. ELY imOTIIEIlS, CO Win reu St,, Now York City. Ttov. John tteid, Jr., of Great Fulls.Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Halm to mo. I can eiiiplmsiiso his stntomont, "It is u poai hve euro for catarrh if usort us directed." Kev. Francis W. I'oolo, Pastor ContralPre. Church, Helena, Mout. Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledged euro for catarrh and contains no mercury uor any injurious drug. Price, CO cent. la The coliil PACKERS OJ-,-!- PORKand BEEf MANUKACT0KKKHOr Pine Lard and Sft' Curers of JT BRA HAMS & BACON DRIKD BEEF, ETC.