The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 01, 1897, Image 4

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    Tbe Dalles Daily Chronicle.
t'ureliw-o of tha
Ail vertUliie ISnte.
One inch or les in Pally
Over two inches and under (our liiehe
Over four liieht's mul uuder twelve incite
Over tvel e Inches
One Inch or less. ier Inch
Over one inch ami under (our inches
Over four inches iinil under twelve luetic
Over twelve lnche .
Ther 'Are Olitiilnrtl lv
, All the female population of Da
homey bolont?.-- to tin- hint, who sells n
l'rr fn-A. ' fow. onee n year, to :r.i.v subject who
$1 0 may be in wntit of a f : oino
1 W I lime... if a man ha-- p 'V :;:: I i act
" of bravery or p'u'ithe.l ;!u- !.i r.i any
w 1 way. a wife i?. ln-Mowe-l ttj..i him free
is a special mark of favor The price
- , for a wife is llxed, but theiv i ; no choice
- 10 ; allowed.
.inc. lavs the sum of money nt the
: Iringr's feet and he may receive in ox
i change younpr givl of eighteen or a
1 toothless old lia.T of sixty. Hut he
i lare not .rrur-ible or and can
j only 1 -are '.ho pnuitv wi'h !ii bargain.
If anv vvhV (itmrivl.. with her hus-
1 w
like a dog's bark, is a sign that
there is something foreign
around which shouldn't be
there You can quiet the noise,
but the dangc may be there
just 'the same. SCOTT'S
EMULSION of Cod-liver Oil
is not a cough specific; it does
not merely allay the symptoms
but it docs give such strength
to the body that it is able to
throw off the disease.
You know the old proverb
of "the ounce of prevention?"
Don't neglect your cough. A
book which will tell you more
on the subject sent free on re
quest. Your druggist keeps Scott's Emul
sion of Cod-liver Oil. Put up in 50
ct. and Sj.00 sizes.
SCOTT & BOWSE. New York. i
oan 1 an 1 :
1 i-etm-
i - - ...
:i: vj I.".', c ..::n. a-'eora-'v.
h- r. vU'.itto
pukuv. T'.i.' pie-
jr. ra :i;:v..i i ".al.l tr pjj-.e.w onl a
few Itv.l whv... Ir.U there have
I be n l.i : : f D.iltomry who posse.--?o-l
j thrv t': , e.'j'l co'.i-ort...
' All i!i i '. jinl-; at the court, when
i thi . the 1::iit'.. nresenee. lie Hat
i m tli
1 .ioa .
; -.i-'.d :::id ;.tri.fc tueir tore
.1 the iloor. an n that they
:se::.lvc.s to x'.ie uu Even
a.t. the e'.iicf niinl -tor, is com-
i i crawl toward hi -
i h.-n he lnii a communication to
w nivn of Daliam
: Kji-fra'.ui''
1 t-i c:it
2atv anv instruction
rv.v them ou their
to stand I
. :..wif.
he. .'u- . pre .jti'jj without his
m.i.'nl .!'
Deputy Clerk Holton returned from
Goldendalfe this morning.
Attornev Joe Teal. Jr., of Portland is
in the eitv looking after business in the Poe.-i
circuit court.
Conductor Char'e; Hansen, who has
been on his ranch at Hood River for
nearly two months, returned vesterday
and has re-umed his nosition.
Mrs. Chas. John-on and family went
to Corvahis yesterday on a visit.
Mr. H. H. P.iddell returned lust night
fnmi East Portland, whither he went on
a fishing trip.
Mr. A. Floyd, formerly a resident of
this city, and employed in the 0. R. &
2. shops, came down from La Grande
Saturday and returned Sunday night.
Mr. Ed. G. Patterson left yesterday
morning for Ranier. where he will be in
the employ of Mr. H. Glenn.
Mr. J. F. Nowlan, school superintend
ent of Umatilla county, is in the city.
Mrs. J. E. Harnett, Miss Ethel Rid
dell and Miss Edith Ratmell went to
Pntilaud vesteiday its delegates to the
grand lodge of Good Templars which
meets at that place
"Kino S.u.omo:;V Minus" has been
translated into German, and one pub
lisher catalogues it s... "Old Testament
In the seventeenth century a pam
phlet was published entitled "The
Spiritual Mustard i'ot. to Make the
Soul Sneeze with Devotion: Salvation's
Vantage Ground, t-r a Loupinpr Sand
for Heavy Reliever...'
It is --aid that when I-enjamin Frank
lin proposed to :;te.rt a rxv.--p::: -r his
mother tried to li: eeaf.e hi:n from it
becati-o she said there were already
two papers in America ::nd there was
no room for ;uothcr.
I'i'ttenua::. in hi- "Arte of English
erected tv.-o pilkn-s of poetry
in lienor of (luce;; Eli;::ibth. Each
pillar onbita of a base of lines in
ciffht syllables, shsft:. of four-syllable
lines, and a crown in the same meter
at the base.
j-Jou fibout Your
Vo have the facilities fordoing all kinds
of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a
catalogue, and we are after all the work we
can do. Ve not, only desire .0 keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. Come in
and compare our prices with that of any
one, and compare quality of work. 1x4 us
have your next order.
Notice is hereby Klvon thnt by au
thor tv of ordinance ru. "ye'"
passed the Common Counc. Jo I)lle8
Citv April 10th, 1897, onlUled, "An op
i diimnce to provide for tho-nlo of certain
' !" tn Dnlles Citv." I will, on '
iSimuduy, the H'dh duy of May, 1S9 ,
eel 1 nt public auction, to the highest
' bidder, all the follow inc lots and parts
01 lots 111 t-Ulies uuiiin"" . . 1
1 ... ... tn.U'lt
Lots 0 and 10 jointly, in b ock H; ots
. . -rv .... tr, tJnfL In? mtn
'7 S v 1111(1 lu JUlliin i " y v " w -
! olock 27 ; lot 0 in block II l ioib a, ,
r. I- r o in nnil 11. in block oo; .
' lots 2, 4, S, !), 10l n unaiS.ln bl 'DpOM
;;t; loin i, . , - r '
ivj in block a7; lots i. .!. 4, , o. o. Minneapolis
! , 10, 11 and 12. in.block - 2; lots 1. 2, o, ,
I 4 f. 0. 10 and 11. in block -1.1 ; lotf l . J, pnTli
i V 7 10. 11 and 12, in bloc U, and lots ; C5l. rani
The rciisonalile value of sa
Kansas City
lows, to-wit : OCKAN
Lots 9 and 10, in block 14, $ln0; lots )
8. U iind 10, jointly in niot'K i, .t-uu, i
s 7, S, ! and 10, jointly in block 21. 1 j
We Carrj
lots, for I
IS ft" W WX," I ; X j low Maxes io an Eastern Cfc
Common Council of Dalles City ns fol
' 1,5 - rutin,
" ' - ' " lar
lots 7, S, Hand 10, jointly m ioci 1 BAJN J?tAJNUISCO 0.4T
'nn. nt in. n i tick Si. y-'L'.) iol ii, in ' --.
block 27 22o; lot 12. in block 27. ?jJ00;. Kor cnUona R 4
lot 9, in block .14, .100; Jots i Ji . Th. Dulles, or HUtlrts 'ipst
!), 10 and 11, in block :a, cacn reaper- i
lively .100; lots 0 and , m mock .10,
each respectively su'j; kus o, 1, 0,
10 and 11, in block Ho, each respectively 1
SIOO; lot 12, in block :ili,'$12f; lots !, 4, .
5, S, 9, 10 and 11, in block :!7. each re
apectivelv -100; lots fi, 7 and 12, in ,
block .",7, each respectively Ji-'' . into efl'ect tomorrow, trains kPIiiimm,
O '! 10 mill 11 111 block . .. umteu
V1" -.1. Vi in- lots 1. ioiiowb:
7 and' 12, in block 41, "each respectively No. 4, to Spokane and Great Xorthirj
125; lots II. 4, 5, S, il, 10 unit 1 1 , in , arrives at b p. in., leaveH at 6:05s.a .
block 42. each respectively .fiuu; lot e , ; Xo. 2, to Pendleton, Baker Citti.l
t! and 12, in block 42, each respective y p .fi . J
ir,' litR 2. :i. 4. fi.n. 10 and ll,in,u,,lou lnu,K- nrmes l.lo s. b,4.
.lock-4:i. each respectively 100; lot 1. 1 jwrts 1 :20 a. m.
in block 43, $125; lots 2, I), 4 and 5, in No. .1, from Spokane and Great Sort
W, II. IltJUlJlUriT. Ccn. v,
HortUna, 6-eria
... ui ......... 1 iv-a.uuiii uuu .iiana tr
Tlio Now Time Card.
Under the new time card, which pa
7 a full line of
Builders and Heavy Hardware,
Lime and Cement,
Farm Machinery,
Bain "Wagons, Champion Mowers
and Reapers,
Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron.
Barb Wire. Etc.
block 40, each respectively sf 100 ; lots 1
ern, arrives 8:30, depurtB 8:3-5 a. 1.
Tin- IStjst Kemi'ily for KlieimiatNm.
From the Fairhaven (X. Y.) Kegi-ter.
Mr. .lames Rowland of this village,
state that for twenty-five years his wife
has been a sufl'erer from rheumatism.
A few nights apo she was in such pain
that she was nearly crazy. She sent
Mr. Rowland for the doctor, but he liad
read of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and
instead of coini; for the doctor he went
to the store and secured a bottle ot it.
His wife did not approve of Mr. Row- ,
land's purchase at first, but neverthe
less applied the Balm thoroughly and in
an hour's time was able to yo to sleep.
She now applies it whenever she feels an ' Opp
Tim tun fnrnif.r ' ache or a pain and finds that it alwavs
Phone 25.
and 0, in block 4b, each respectively, .
. 0. - . .vu ,r
Each of these lots will be sold upon 1 eilic, arrives 1 :20, departs 1:25a.m.
the lot respectively, and none of them 2sos. 23 and 24, moving east of The
will be sold for a lees sum than the value , Dalles, will carrv passengers. So. a
thereof, as above stated. 'nrrivnn nt r,:3fl 1".. .. H.t. mi
n.w..r.,irtl, nf T-.rtri luil nn nnv 01 " '
I "IUHI ... . ' I V.IW ' " ..... .... , - (
1 said lots shall be paid in cash at the 1
time of sale, and the remainder in three j Passengers for Heppner willtatetnit
equal paymeiits on or before, one, two 1 euvjni! here (i :05 p. tn.
I and three years from the date of said i
! sale, with interest on such deferred pay- 1
j nients at the rale of 10 per cent per ,
annum, payable annually; provided j EAST and SOUTH via
tlml tin- niivinent mav be made in full:
j at any time at the option of the pur-l'T'T-jp KnflCTQ TrflllTP
Tlie said sale will beirin on the loth
tiny ot .May, ibi)i, at tne nour 01 i
o'clock p. 111. of said day, and will con
tinue from time to tune until all ot said
lot shall be sold.
Dated this Kith day of April, 1897.
Recorder of Dulles Citv.
J-'nr hale.
Lots A, B, K and L, block 30; A B,
block 72; A, B, C, I), E and F, block 82.
and A, B, C, D and K, block 2o. Apply
Southern Pacific CompY
Traliih leave and are due to arrive t Portlci
A. M. AVilliams ct f'o.,
Tj-ii-:, ou,
from the local lodsre and the latter from ! Lives relief. He says that no medicine
the Juvenile Temple, of which she is 1 which she had used ever did heras much
superintendent. l(L The 23 and 50 cent sizes for sale
i.mier.iiv Si-imoi Kniirt. by Blakeley & HoiiL'hton.
Tiie following i the report of En
der-by sciiool district, No. 57, for the
month endinir May 2t:
Number of days tamrht, 19 ; No. days
attendance, ;!25 ; No. days absence, 38;
No. times tardv, 0; total number pupils
enrolled, 20; average number belotif-'iuf:,
19; average daily attendance, 17; No.
of pupils neither absent nor tardy, 6.
The tollowiiit; is the list: l.yna Lonren,
Alice and Mable
A Valuable l'rf.uriitliin.
' Editor Morrison of Worthinirton, Ind.,
"Sun," writes: "You have a valuable
prescription in Electric Bitters, and 1
, can cheerfully recommend it for Consti
j pation and Sick Headache, and as a ren
j eral system tonic it has no equal." Mrs.
1 Annie Stehle, 2025 Cottage Grove Ave.,
Chicago, was all run down, could not eat
' nor digest food, had a backache which
Endersby, Wilhur ever. " er ana ieit tired ana weary,
Dick-on, Georu-ie Read and Orville . 8toreu ,ier heait, ltn(i renewed atrenylh.
Smith. Visitors .Miss Constance Har- J Prices 50 cents and 1.00. Get a Bottle
riinaii, Maud Brown, Bernie Read, Mrs. ! at Blakeley and Houghton's Drily More.
Eudursbv and Mrs. Dickson. 1 'b
BK.-nli: N. H.hTINO!i,
Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has
no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE & -ifcV.,
MAYS, The Dalles, Oregon.
-i) i.s-
IClliC'" Sew DliconT.v fur
I tlmi.
i This is the beat medicine in the world
for all forms of Couu'iis, Colds and Con 1
.. , .... ,,- sumption. Every bottle is nauranteed.
Nebraska corn for sale at the Wasco . .,. , " ,. , . , ,
warehouse. Best feed on earth. m0-tf II w,n UHre 1,I1U 1101 -W'P--"t. It 1ms
, . . , . . no equal for Whoopimr Coutrh, Asthma,
Euulish and llelt-'iau cement, verv ' , ' 1 . ., ' . '
h.-t imported brand-, for sale by Wasco Hb" 1'evjr' -'neumonia, Lroncnitis, La ,
Warehoii-e Co. invo-lm I Grippe, Cold in the Head and Consuinp-
The merchant who tells vou he has;1'0"' It Is eufe lor all aj-es, pleasant to
Eumethit.t.' else as pood as Hoe Cake soap ! take' ,uul above a,!- n sure cure- U ie
is a L'.md man-t..ktepaway from. a2 I5m lllwa.vs vve:1 t0 tal;e Dr- Ki"'a Uil
. I I s in connection with Dr. Kiny's Now
Tlif Hiiy nt I'riiiiiil-iiit. ... . 1.1. .1
Discoverv. as thev reuulate and tone the
San Fiiancwco, May tU.-Memorial' at0n,neliand bowels. We fe-uarantee per , -
day was linpre-siwly observed in this; fect satisfaction or return monev. Kree-
cityt-day. The Guard, Grand ; lriu, boltl(J8 ttt i5,aki;, & Houghton's .UraperS MailUiaCt Ured aild ReDaired.
Drue Store. Remilnr size 50 cents and
$1.00. '0.
I rriiiiNUl fur CmiHt riu tiiiK Water and
I Si.-vf-r Sj trii.
LT S. Iiullan .-crvlcc, Warm SiirliiKi Akciii'm
. I. Or.. Mav 7, 1'J7.
SKAl.El) l'l!01'OsAI.K,tii(I(iri.e(l 'I'miKi-uls
. for Water anil J-uwcr oyntcia ' and wlilroMM 10
the uiiilL'r-lKiif.'il at Warm apriiics, (Jrook
j Comity, Oregon, will lie received at tills nccney
until 1 o'clock p. m. of .May 'J7, Ie'J", for fiirnlnh
! Iiik the ncceMiry materials anil labor reipiired
, in the con-triiutinii and completion of a water
and sewer .-ystem, (tiicIuilliiK iilunililiiK) for the
boanilnir .school jilaut to he elected on this re
serve, in strict ateordaiice with plans and m ed
ucations, which may bo examined at tlie ollice
of tlie "MornliiK OrtKonian,'- Portland, Or.,
"Tub Uiiiio.sicLK," The Dalles Or., and at this
llidilers will state clearly in their bids the
leiiKth of time required to complete the work.
Ti.erlKht i,. reserved to reject any and all bids,
or any port of any bid, if deemed for the best in
terest of the service.
Theatlen.ion of bidders In invited to the act
of Conuress approved AiiRiist 1, l.VjJ, entitled:
"An act lelattnii to the limitation of the hours
of daily service of laborers and mechanics em
ployed uiion the public works of thel'iiited
stales ami of the District of Columbia:" atso to
the act of Congress approved AilKUst III, lh!)l,
entitled: "An act for the protection of persons
fiirnl-tliliikr materials and labor for the construc
tion of public works."
Each bid must be accompanied bv a certified
check or draft upon some I'nlteil States Deposi
tory or solvent National llntik in the viciitltj of
the residence of the bidder, made payable to the
order of the Commissioner of Indian' Ail'airs, for
at least HVK l'KK CENT, of the amount of thu
proposal, which cheek or draft will be forfeited
to the t'nited ritatcs in case any bidder or bid
ders recelviiiK an awatd shall fall to nromntlv
c.wuto a contract with good and sulti-dcnt
iruiies, ouierwisc to uo returned to the bidder.
Kids uceomiiankil b ensh in tiii.n nr.. ...-n.
tied check will not be considered,
l-'or any Additional information, npplv to
iuv.-mv.'7 U.K. Indian Aueut.
S:E0 1'. M
ri::X A. M
press, Kalera, Kose-
liurc, Ashland, Sac-
I J rameuto, Ogilen,Satii
"1 I-rniiciseo, Jinje..j:i.)i.l
1 i.oSiinuie-,c.iioi"ii
I New Orleans and I ,
1 (.East. J'
'l! mid W11V t--l . .:P.I
1 f Via Woodlmrn fori
i .Mt.Am-'el.Silverton,,
J W.ikt -.nln. llrillVlls- Uf.'
i I vllle.SiirinijIieldnnJ m-1'J-
(Natron i .
i.m i t iSalem and way stations W.l)iJ
i 52 i-? "1 (forvallis and wayjlfWPJ
j it -"
U:i:i V. M.
(way stations
'Dally. tDaliy, escept Sunday.
orit. i.MAV nt'FfET SLEEfR3
Attaclied to all Through Trains.
Direct connection at s'an Fmnchco wt. 0
dental and Oriental 'iU';!,,Cc,,SwB '
Hues for.IAI'A.N and CHINA. SalllW im"
111 plication. . ,-jri-
'lOltes and tickets; to l.lIIMS
lope. Also JAPAN, CHINA, H "u-ul
ThroiiBli Ticket Olhcc,i:il TbWiWtgg
through tickets to all points IKffi,
s.t..t..u .., ..I,, .niri Kiirot can M 0jUw
lowest rates from Kn!KuSp, Ticket
All above trains arrive at Mid. ir"
Ciranil Central Station, Fifth and ItTitt
Pusseucer Depot, (wit of Jcflc-wntlKe
U,ve for OSWEGO, d? ly,wceptSu-
7:ao a. m.: i-J.15, 1 - is. ufa
(and ll:: p. 111. on s-atitrUuy ot 1. l6
I'orilaiid at 7:10 mid bW B.m.. "'
G;3, and 7:&o p. 111.
Inv.. tor week days, t W
Arrivoat Portland, U:: . m
Agricultural - Implements.
Aru.v, federal troops and detachments
of men from warships in the harbor par
ticipated in honorim: the memories of
d -(l litiroes. Fuiii- lloaled everywhere
at luil' imiHt, and there was u biK parade
prior to the exeiei-es at the Nutional
and Odd Fellown cemeteries.
Came to my place
u r
mm' Vuiir Oruln.
Few realize that eacli squirrel de
stroys $1.50 worth of train annually.
Wakelee'e Squirrel nnd Gopher Exterm
it. jiot is the most effective and econom
ical poison known. Price reduced to 30
cents. For sale by M. Z. Donnell,
A i;ent.
Pitts' Threshers, Powers and Extras.
Pitts' Harrows and Cultivators.
Celebrated Piano Header.
Lubricating Oils, Etc.
: First National Bank.
I A General liuuking Business tratibactea
j Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
, Collections made and proceeds promptly
; remitted on day of collodion.
hitfnt ana 'ielegranhiu Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco an.i port
D. P. Tuomphon. Jno. S. Sohknck.
Ell. M. 1LMAM3, Gko. A. LlBIIK.
H. M. Bkai.i,.
da-'h siavamlSaturlayat3:(B
, i.-r.n lcvet S:!"-?
Sunday trams mr yo" ,:(.s o5P.b.
K. P. B0-to
rive a"t' I'ortiana at fc.SO, 10:10
n:u,fi:a,i,7i5ap. n
Asst. 0. F
Dalles, Moro aoi A
about a vear ntro
last April, a red Meer. 'i vears old past :
litllH white in right flunk ; marked twoj -
iinderbits in right ear; brand is alinost ' oiiDa Miii - Ma. - W SfiW1T10 Mfl oh 1 Tl ft ftTlH Tr."rfra e
llliia ad blinl. A. ......... u ... o.r. -T...1-1 v
nndi-ceriiilile, but looks something like 1
an A. Owner can have same by paying oW:Bb8Ai3.kb.8UKlLE, remedVI'UV.';'.
clia.ges and adverting. . i'TrrVt
Wii.uaisi) Tavi.oi:,
j2 linw 15 Mile creek, Ihifur P. 0.
Subscribe for Tiik Ciikoniolk.
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
ThroiiBli ' l"J-S-t vltt
mul Oross Hollows.
. m. wairai-ft"
. -j'he Dalles- from K
fitaues leave The "5
at 7 a. in., alto Irom ''ff!, twra
Mouduy, Wediiesilay , trio j,,
mmlo at Antelope . 'r r nSecttoa Bl-l .
points beyond. Cloe w w u,
luiiies with ra hvnys, tralii" u" . n,M I
rettCB ''. .
ys, ThurMlayb and bfl,ur"
Dulles to Deschutes
do atoro..;
do tlrass Vallcj
do Kent
do Cross Hoi Io
Antelope to Cross Hollow
do Kent, j
do (iriis VIle
do Moro.
do PeaoliueM
do Dalles .
, C J j