?! WHRNING, After the Cream Has been skimmed off, we have no further use for the milk. It is so In Our SHOE Department After the line has been nearly all sold out, we have no use tor the remaining pairs. We have several broken lines, and to clean them up we have placed them on sale at One-third Less than Regular Prices. sellers and purchasers alike, are liable. We wish to call your attention to our $1.50, $2.00 AND $3.00W Gents' and Ladies' Shoes displayed in our window. Better values for the money have never been offered. Our attention has been culled to the advertisements of a Dalles firm, other than our Agents, ollering Baker Barb Wire. Pease & Mays have been our Exclusive Agents At The Hallos for manv voars for the sale of our Baker Perfect Barb Wire. 9 s Genuine Baker Wire Can be Bought Only of Them. This Wire is manufactured under our patents; the name is copyrighted, and our attorney is now preparing to bring suits against the manufacturer of this spurious Wire, and wo desire to give notice that all, W 1 1ALGOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS Cheap, undesirable articles of no merit are never imitated. The great superiority of our wire has caused other wire to bo stamped Baker. You buy Baker Wire, not on account of the name, but. because of the su perior excellence of the wire which has been tested to yourontire satisfaction. Then Purchase Your Wire of PEASE & MAYS, Our Accredited Agents at The Dalles, For no other linn there has or can secure Baker Perfect Barb Wire. 20") Oregon ian Bldg., Portland, Or, BAKER DEPARTMENT, CONSOLIDATED STEEL & WIRE CO. H. J. McM,ANUS, Manager. 1 ... . 1 . TKo THIloe T.ai1 RhwmiPlP , "ess meeting tuis evening at in the the proceeds of which will go townrdi IWS ACUAGJ xouj wuiuuiwvi vestry of the church. Officers will be ! the fund for meeting thn ; elected to serve during the next six ; dent to the tournament, to be held here TUESDAY. --- - JUXE 1, 1897 1 monUl9- All members are requested to in September. The Dalles bund will no- WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Do not foriret that the O. II. & N. ' tie present. company the excursion, and it is the ; Messrs. Sinnott & Fish have a gang j present intention to have arrangements ' of men at work tearing out the parti-, made for dancing. The moon will bo ' tions between the rooms to the left 0f j about that time, and the ride down 1 the hall in the lower floor of the Uma-! tne rlver will be a delightful one. You want to make up your mind now to go. '.andimi OliMTvntmiiH mill Local Events (if l.t'M.T MliCllittlllfi. I tilla. preparatory to putting in a bowling time dUey, the material for which is now on card changes today. See local giving hours. Geo. i. Uall of Decatur, 111., will soon uc ijeie LU IJCan U UIC buu cw, ui Nntlltrluv lititht icnc tr nirc- .-luieni'u in me jwenueiu vumui) the way. The bowling record at cial Club allev for the the Commer week ending Monday Lost A black si'.k cape lined with ! 5 Wednesday Vic Schmidt -18, Tlnus- nrnc I. IHw.h I ..amnion' mm UU 11. M . .F I UIJUIl 0 1 . rilUHV H IUI uiereu. rinuer mease ieivu uuu. The trial of J. Jeflere, cuurped Ivnont?.1 Imv 1 a vn?nrr nn this iiftprnnnn A social dance will be held in Bald- t.i i. 1 ; t a . .1 A letter received from Mr. L. L. Hill 1 1 11 1 :i 1- en i'L hid mtnri 10 anniiM nir nn 111 I inn I rrin tltc mining mun 1 ti trior CUP. nun. There was u email uized scrap today hat. 1 f l. UHII1 lf'P irnc ilnno t rvrniv rilir flf r m Hood Kiver strawberrv shinmints ; held up well until Monday, but Sunday while there we learned that "the hot ! weather had done considerable damage 10 uie crop, lite oerries wete not ' "cooked," but their ripening was forced eo that a large percentage of very small and unsalable berries is the result. We den 43, Saturday Vic Schmidt t4. hope the damage is not so serious as I. V. Howhvnd, indicted for larceny, E0,ne of the growers anticipated, but it pleaded guilty and was today sentenced j is 9uitu certain that the crop will not be to nav a fine of $50. Owini: to the fact I as ,arKe ns expected, nor the balance of that several small children were de- j the berries of standard quality, though pendent on him for support, who would 1 onl3' those up to the standard will be suffer if he were imprisoned, the court ! dipped. The very late berries have not suspended the sentence during defend- j been injured. ant'E good behavior. A new and handsome line of rugs is , displayed by Pease & Mays in their dry goods window, at prices which put them within the reach of all. Axtninater ruga from S3 cents to $3 and Smyrna l J.1 T. . J- 1 T.fS Tl.nnn ,.,ww) , ' , ,, ... f ... ,. 8 :2o, departs 8:30 o. 2, east-bound, are trom W. T. Smith & Son, the leading . , .' . ' ,.. ' :.. 7Ti(u,l C,(oo uwmco x . u., uepuns i ; .o. i, The New Time Curd. The 0. J. & N. has made another change 111 its time table, which goes into effect tonight. It is us follows: Xo. I, west-bound, arrives 3:55 a. m. and de parts at 4; No. 3, west-bound, arrive house iu the United States. The store of John Sylvester of Pilot Rock was burglarized Sunday morning about 2 o'clock, five $20 pieces, one $10 One gentleman who had indulged too . piece, $100 in silver, and $20 in dimes tents, was before the city recorder this ' one for $9.90, one for $11.93 and two for nrnmr. nttinvftliannar aanli u'uro tnL'On Tho ripnmp nf five voung fellows were arrested ves- i rest and conviction of the guilty parties. tfcrflrtV nl,nH,.rl r.1.:..n 40ft nit'nV ! T 1 . 1 I- 1 T will have their examination before Re- forco Mjss Mavbel Mack has been en-1 uuer r-neips, upon the completion 01 1 Kageij for tie 0frjce an j Xt q. E. Corson he Kinney examination. i for their grocery department. Twenty- The river this morning is at the 40.9 one people are now required to conduct soark. Reports from ud the river indi- their immense' business. An idea of the ill f (1 D ,. .t . 1 ..i !j. ...fll 1 fnH !.. ... I .. l...o;.w.?n l, ho ne or two dftvs. The high water mark when we state.that they employed only five people in 1892. Hamilton, the man whose back was broken by being caught under a car brake in front of .the Umatilla House a east-bound, arrives 5:55 evening, de parts at G. All trains except No. 4 stop at Umatilla House. Train No. 1 now runs via Walla Walla. A special rate of $3 for round trip tickete to Portland, with two days' limit, has been made, going into effect today. These tickets are also good going I Saturday and returning Monday. I The company has also made the very ! low rate of $5 first-class and $2.50 sec 1 oud-class from Portland to San Fran cisco, winch rate includes berth and meals. jl-2--d.iw The lu)leit I'nlilU; Hi lioolK. The following is the report for. the quarter (5 wks) ending Filday.May 28th : will TEACH KKS. --. w.,v. ul lnu unit) Jim eicnuii;. The case of the State against Castile. Old . .... .. J . - A. 4 " tcil IU LUU jury iuet Ullll. , CUUI1U Ul ictrva ntjU uiru ;wcwiuii; WUi,Jfcr uuian uour, vney ruiurueu uj cuuiny jiwr iiu, um ucui rc fended biin. setting up self-defense, 'doctor attending him eaya it fa prob William Kinney and two others were able that inturnlng over a splinter 01 5ubJi u 1tmto.1l 'eated yesterday, charged with rob-! bane penetrated the marrow, resulting ML. T. Klntoui Eatl JIM J'rlmar.ij. Miss Nun Cooler Mm. Koclie Academy 1'ari: MUs I'tilriuun 1 Mib.liuldwlii Mlb8 J- II 11 11 ) liin.. t- Thfi two were d s- in instant ueawi. , .m m o o l,o.., .... "7- . . 1 1. . s r... vooiK-T. uru, out Kinnev was heiu aim his , uecoration uay was uueurvru nwo m .Mihsuuu. reliminarv ovRininntlnn won held th usual manner. Most of the bus: 'is afternoon before Recorder Phelps, 1 ness tiouse9 were closed during the ha n 1 r 1 ... - i8u ueing aisehanred. The ladies of the Catholic church will MUU iaa 1 . iu iih innn nmia rniniirriuv 1 .Mht chtebe Union iHrici Anntx. MUsSnell total btrtet. lllgb Echuol afternoon, and many took part in the j mLb Mlobeii ceremonies at the graveyard. iMeisninde Dalles band furnished music for the oc- Tou ..aoinn. Memorial services were held'. , - - - Sunday evening in the wetnouiei; dumber ot days ot school, 20; oil a " 5e 31 CI 611 per Wednesday, afternoon and evening. church, Rev. J. H. Wood preaching an cent of attendance, 96. Average number Proceeds and arjrironriato sermon. 1 belonging and average daily attendance ... v mi iue ucucuv ui n"' , -.-i ... , - - church. i m h mnonlk'ht excursion about 5 below normal because of The Endeavor Society of the Christian about the Hth of the month, given by cbrch will hold its semi-annual busl-'the membera of the fire department, sick- in the dietrict. John Gavin, Principal. Cirnil'iHtlni; Kfrclf, The graduating exercises of the High School class of '97 took place at the Vogt Saturday night. The big hall was comfortably filled with friends of the graduate?, and the occasion was a very pleasant one. The program was inter spersed with music furnished by pupils of the school, moct of them not of the graduating class, and it was very fine, due largely to Prof, l.aiulerb' training. Thu subjects taken by the graduate." were all well handled, showing consci entious study of each. After Dr. Doane, chairman of thu hoard of directors, had congratulated the class and delivered to e.ich tho well earned diploma, 11 reception was held on the stage, where tho many friends show ered congratulations and good wishes on the happy young people. l'hey were also the lecipients of many beautiful flowers. Homer Angel), in behalf of the Alum ni, welcomed the class thereto, and made a very feeling address in doing so. The motto of the class is, "Now the foothills; later the mountains," and the class roll, which contained 13 mem hers, is as follows : Kmma K. Bonney, Georgia L. Bonney, Elva May Creighton, Ethel 1J. Deminfe, Maio Eleanor Elton, Frances H. Fouts, Harriet A. Maiden, Carelton Earl Sanders, Victor E. G. Schmidt, Beulah Beatrice Sterling, Arthur C. Stubliug, Orson Daton Taylor, Retta Olive Taylor. The Latest Thing in LAWN MOWERS. The Pastime. The PASTIME cuts the grass within Mil of an Inch 'of 11 tree, fence or wall. The old stylo will not cut within 3j. iiicheH. Tho PASTIME drive wheels are iiiHidu tho line of cuttiiiu' lames and therefore never go oyer iiumowu gras. Anybody can sharpen the PASTIME with 11 common file. II you try to sharpen tho old style you ruin it. Tho PASTIME is clieiiper at double the cost of th! old stylo mower, for (lie reas-on that durliiL' tint lifu of a mower, tho cost of sharpening nlono equals the cost of iimwer. Call and see the PASTIME at the store cf MAYS & CROWE. J NOT NOW. llu Has 11 fclcnilcr, liliie-cyiil boy, Vet M-'iueely reached Hlxteen: Iliswlcluwod mother's liojuMind jitldc; Of brave anil Kllnilt ink'), A Jaunty soldier cup was pieced Upon liin fjlrlluh brow; liut whether It whk blue or firay It doe not matter now. Close to her brea.it that mother held Her boy lu fierce embrace. Her UthM-h hungered ' his lip: Her team bedewed Ills nee. Yet jleldlnt; him at duty's cull i-he prayed as mothers pray, And gave her all It matterx not Whether lor blue or gray. On Hhlloh'a dread and bloody field He lay iii'iont,' tho Main, The ruby of his youthful Hps Dyed 11 more crimson fiUiu, The blue eyes were forever closed, And cold tho waxen biowi lint if he fell for blue or ray t It doiH not matter now. Jiiht where he lien tlieuuiy riot know. Vet on tome grave lunlead Of hln, feho lays a mowy wicath for all the "Unknown dend," And on bis grave some kindly hand Will place a wreath today, Nor beck to know If the dead below Hod worn the blue or Kray. J, Baby Carriages JUST ARRIVED AT THE Jacobson Book & Music Co. Whoro will also ho found tho largest and most com plete lino of Pianos, and other Musical Instruments in Eastern Oregon. Complete Line of FISHING TACKLE, Notions, Raso Rail Goods, I lammockfj, Rooky and Stationery at Hodroclc Prices. New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. . -. The Weatfield (Ind.) News prints the following in regard to un old resident of that place: "Frank McAvoy, for many years in the employ of the lu, X. A. k G. Ry. here, says; 'I have used Cham berlain'e Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for ten years or longer am never without it in my family. I take pleasure in recommending it.' " It is a specific for all bowel disorders. For sale by Iilakeley & Houghton. i-GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. gucccthor to ChrUman & (,'oison, FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old stand, I would be pleased to see all my former patrons. Fio delivery to any purl of town, Lumber, Building Material and Boxes TradedrHay, Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c. rowe & CO.. The Dalles Or