The Dalles Daily Chronicle, The only Republican Daily Xeicspapo Watco Countu. EASTERN OFFICE 230 to OS4 Temple Court, X. Y. Citu. E. KATX. Agent. Cllllilillic Kate. Chronicle and Oreponian . . Chronicle and Examiner Chronicle and Tribune . . . Chronicle and X. Y. World . TUESDAY FISHY OFFICIALS spiraey to rob the government, to say that Kppinger was appointed at the urgent request of Senator Mitch- j ell. Tin's may or may not be true, but oven if correct it noes not neccs-' sarily prove that Scimtor Mitchell ' was in the plot. We have a distinct recollection that many years ago the editor of the Oregonian was appoint ed collector of customs at Portland through the efforts of Senator Mitch- but that was not the reason of - ' the subsequent intimate friendship. JUNE 1. lSOi ; TJie Oregonian has done many things , since thai time that Senator Mitchell neither suggested nor indorsed. BLACKWELL'S flSiv " SEE? $2 25 2 '2b 1 To 2 00 ell Portland detectives, United States officials, policemen, and ex convicts I seem to be promiscuously mixed and mingled in the recent sensation j Governor Jlud.l of California hav ing refused to interfere in the Dur- , rant case, it is not probable he will do so in that of Woider. who was sprung concerning the robbing of the one of UC Sacramenl0 stri!ori nn(1 Portland postoihec, winch it is al leged was to have taken place. Through the vigilance of Tom Mack the scheme was uncovered, then Thrall I who was convicted of murder, in having caused the death of several people by cutting down a trestle and , I ditching a train. His execution is' the special postal inspector.' , t . . . ., ,: 1 1 1 in! Fni' nmn tmiA tin.: itiiMiili ntwl .1 :j,.iv biuii iimc liiuiuut .ill., detective and modern Mierloek ... , ,. ,, , ..... , , n unieii nimscii nas so uuic nupu ui ; Ton will find ant coupon 4 Inside each two ounce bug, i-trL ci- ' 'IVj unit twu uuiipuns Untitle cndi i sSE '''lUV'l I four ounce bag of liluik- ' 1 - Ay '4j J J ' u' 1 1 - wcll'a Durliniu. Iluy n linj; ' ' 'V-, 1 lt-J. of this celrbrulril Inlmcco Sgifi J M w?dku t? null renrt the coupon wlilili i?LjC-- Zr cub anil liow to f-et theiu. 1 " j1 j I jWAIlIt PAPER! ! WALL PAPERI Just Eeceived 5000 ' Kolls of Wall Taper. The best, patterns. The niopt i beautiful colors. New Invoice I I of Paints and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. You Get the Profits fA S-e,rS' A$ents Jobbers and Middlemen by buying rect from the mamfactiirer. iSoipes-'i'ndy Drug Co. Wholesale. Holmes took a hand. The result was that Eppinger, the registry clerk, was arrested. What for nobody seems to know, lllaek doesn't know, neither does Thrall, nor Grady nor Murplry. Gautier. an ex-convict. executive clemency that last week he attempted to commit suicide. The Texas legislature has passed a joint resolution expressing its scnti-; ments on the lynching Question. JWALtT MQUOftS, CUines and Cigars. told them so: that is he told them probably had the ultimate fate of that Eppinger had taken Holsapplc j some of its lribmbers in view when it and a half-dozen other people into a j unanimously asserted that in its au scheme by which they were to find i oUil opinion, lynching are highly someone whom they could hire to objectionable." stand Eppinger up and rob him ;THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER on draught and in oottles. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ritANSACT A GE.VEKAL BANKING HUSINES Lettere of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight EMihnnL'p nn1 Telecraphiei TrniiBfers sou m. New i urk. Uhieauo, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore- UUII, Of.lttlU 11311., im .iu.uuc j.w.m.o in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all pointB on fav orable terms. Nn hpffpr wl-ionl n.n.-i,. i Acme Bicycle Built in our own factory by skilled workmen, usinjr tliet best material and the most improved machinery. We have no agents Sold direct from fac.cryoth rider, fully warranted. MrneI anywhere for examination ' VRITC FOR Our Interest? Ofe Acmn Cycle Co., Elkhart, Ind. Regulator Lino The Dalles, Portlanfl ai Astoria Navigation Co.' up when the whole job lot was to divide the plunder. Eppinger made a mis take. He ouirht to have advertised, and let the job to the lowest bidder. Then the ollicers displayed such re markable judgment in making the arrest. Instead of waiting for the crime to be attempted, they arrested Eppinger on suspicion that he was contemplating a crime. As a matter of fact the whole thing smells fishy, and most decided ly -dead tihy" at that. There ii no jury on earth that would convict Ep pinger of thinking about committing a crime, or llolsapple of being a paity to his thoughts, on the testi mony of such a man as Gautier. In the light uf the Taffe arrest , this one seems to emphasize the fact ' that the ollicers are hungry for fce;. President McKinley should wield 1 hi as. I c.,1. i.. v.,r check.. Anheuser-Btiscli Malt Nutrine, Allcountv warrants registered prior i beVOrage, TineqTialed aS a- tOllic. to Dec. 1, 150:2, will be paid at my i otliee. Interest ceases after May 7, 1S97. C. I.. Phillips,' ! Countv Treasurer. a non-alcoholic! STUBLING & WiLLIAML NEW SPRING GOODS NEW SPRING GOODS JUST ARRIVED JUST ARRIVED I. COMINI, SOLE DEA1.EU IN THE DALLES 01' T 1 1 m rule Burial Vaults Kti to i i FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE HKTWKE.V A Perieet Protection from Water nml1 IVuiinnuM Pri'uiTVi") flip Jtnilv hv l-'v- Tlie nHllus, IIooil Hlvi-r, CiiH'iulo Locks audPofr iMi ipiiLStf. J r.!Lrt.s Uie uoo o , u , Cxwit sumlay. eluding the Air. j : rr rr c r rj 1 r r- i nuicer n A -rrn il '. zrtrcvjc l-.CI , IIK I II I II Hill IMI the most expensive vaults, viz: absolute security and durability, thus ninkinu a permanent and imperishable resting place for the dead. This vault is made of six pieces of mar ble which can lie firmly fastened to- i gether with cement, thus making them ' air and water tight. Are you going ( DOWN TEE VALLE1 on to ( EASTERN OREGON ? ET.Y'S cr.E.Ur KAT.M ! a voaitlvocure. App!j" into the r.o-trus. I' . qui k.v absorUM. 50 eentsV Druici'ts or bv nnl- ; tampies 1 c hy mai!. ELV DKOTllEES. SO V-'arren St.. New York Cay. C. F. STEPHENS.!611 Kinds Ceme,ery Work Till: EXlJ REACHED. Yellow washing powder will make "There is a tide hijhe affairs of men which, taken at its flooa your elotlies the same color. Avoid this by white. J Mr. Comiiii has on hand alarL'esup i ply ot lirst-cla3 Marble, to be used in I Monuments, elc. Prices lower than in i Portland. , U si, save monoy nml enjoy n tautlful Iripcci the Columbia. The wc-MjoiuhI tmln anivesit 1 The l)nlle in inutile time for piiiciizerstotite I the hteiimer, iirriviun in l'ortlaml in time for tie mitKninc i-outhern nml Nurtheru trotm; H't bound pHsuiiKuts nriivlnj; In The Ia(lts in titne 1 tn tnke the Etist-hmiml train. ! For further information apply to J. N. HAHNEY, AKent, oak Street Duck, l'ortlaml. orcson. using Soap Foam. It's pure aL'-iim We Mavs. sell Hoe Cake soap. Pnae A-a:-2m A. 1). (SfUIvKV. Attorney auo Gonusellor at Law AP.LI.Nl.TON. (IKEGO.N. Prnetiee? in th suite uml Ktileral rourf. of , OrtKO-' ami Washlnstun. jitn Uimu "The Delft" The Dnrrant ease bid: fair to at. last come to an end. Governor; 15ndd, after examining into the mat ter, has concluded not to interfere. ! and the sentence of the conr'y will he carried out at Kolsom prison Friday. 1 .lune 11th. at which time Theodore Durrani will be hanged. ' Jt is more than two years since the crime for which he is to die was committed, and every delay, every device that human ingenuity could conceive has been used in his be- half. Concerning his guilt there isj not much doubt nor many doubters, i and in .San Fiancisco there are prob ably none, lint one thing is as cer tain as that the heavens are blue, and that is that Theodore Durrani never had n fair trial, or such a trial as he had a right to demand as an American citizen. True, he had twelve persons, the number required liy law, but the public sentiment ran so high that those jurors were not fiec to bring in such a verdict as : they siuv fit. Had any other veidict1 ld Blue ami White Ollt lieen reached the jurois themselves side and White inside. leads on to fortune." The poet unauestionablv had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALl & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rat MICHEUJACH BRICK. - . ONIUS ST. ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. Or W. ( ALI..WVAV. Cien..Ut., The l).ill.0r"a H New York Weekly Tribune s Pullman Elegent Tourist DOORS, i WINDOWS, i 1 SHINGLES, Sleeping Cars FIRE BRICK, Dining Cars Sleeping Car Enameled Ware. 1 V rWi. -hVU- Farmers and Villagers, KOIt Fathers and Mothers, koi: Sons and Daughters, KOI! All the Family. . TO HT. VAVL MINNEAl'OLI IULIJTII FA icon !ICANI 1'lllt UKOUKSTON WINNH'KG IIKI.KXA Uli IIUTTK Through Tiekefcs CIMUAtiO T I WAHHINOTON . ,imAI:i,lllIA I 'KW VOUK IIOSTON AND All, OINTH EAST anil HOUTU FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. DR. GUHH'S IMi'HOVED LIVER PILLS n.i i know it. Yo have prominence, untii another Iil'Ih (or the princi I to the present dav. nno won Itt urea teat victories. 'mi.. nm" ;r. iw, i0 , , , , pniininenee, iiiiui iiiiouier owiui or xauonni oecamon Meinnnu a renewal of the J lie IJQlll lfc lilt! laiOst liL'hlfnr tliH nriiwinlps or u-hlcli THK T1MHTTVK Inl.l frn , ! i 1 . ; " -' w h,M k u aiJV.CftJblUil I A .11 A rooTemeut o natf. .MUHlp. One I'll l, " 'SJZAI it tlie uowen '".' " m ImWW With the eloe of the Presidential Campain THE TRIBUNE recognizes the , v fact that the American people are now anxious to give their atlention to home and i business interests. lo meet this condition, nolitica will have fur Inns snnf ntwi i For liiformntlon. timo , v. ' ' i V 111 LMltU. J hOfil lilllH SUPIHj 1..7. VihlD W. C. ALLAWAY. AKent, , BWSSSS never had much doubt WJ1,-o out in eookintf ntnnsilfi. ; ' ""ve' -oh- "".on , SfiBfiffljaifc nut tnai uiirraiit killed U alio ho J.:i- . i 'l-V v'o V t vi i ' ' ri,U "0,"ey ., 7 H,,,nt' 10 innk0 J t,K I A' UHAHLTON. Asst. G. P. A., mom; but the question u, has it ; s are ,J0"1 mo same iVwVe. mueV ever been proved conclusively m-anite ware, and a L'real dual ' onoiiL'h to iustifv h in our, though lmd we t-'ottp01' llmn tli0 uluminuin 1 We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib been on ho jury we should have,Waro, and prettier than either ' une one year for only $1.75. utMni wining to semi nun to the peni tentiary, but not to take his life, for : of them. Tall and see tlie nfter nil, some of the links in the fjoodn at chain of testimony are very weak. Write VOlir name and address on u noRtnl cnrrl. nam! ti. tn di.n V TtftB Tribune Oliice, New York City, ai?d a Biunple coiy of The New York Weekly Trio , une will be mailed to you. The Oregonian could not resist the. opportunity in commenting on Kp. pinger's arrest, charged with con-1 MAIER& BENTON'S 1(57 Second Street. MoirUon Cor. Third. Portland Oreon j . Job Printing at This Offiee. Thin Is Tour Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, licuuiiiua biiuijiiu win uo luauea of tho 1 moot popular Caturrh and Hay Fever Curo I (Ely's Crenin Balm) suflioiont to demon-! troto tho great merits of tho remedy. ELY imOTHEHS, oo vmrou bt., Now York City. Itev. John Held, Jr., of Orenl Falls. Mout., recommended Ely's Cream Balm to inc. I cau emphasize hw statement, "Itisupnui- wuiu in muirrii ii uHdii ivs direct od." Jtev. Francis W. Boole, Pastor Central Pn Church, Iluleua, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledRed cure for catarrh and coutaina no mercury nor any injurious driif. Price, 50 contu. 'ret. me Columbia mtn PACKERS OF p PORKand BEEF MANOKACTOBEIIBUI' Pine Lard and Sauiap Cuiersof BR HAMS & BACON DRIED BEEF, ETC.