CTIjc dalles m&P Chromck, VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 1. mr NO 121 THE INDIAN TROUBLES Lame Deer Agency Indians on the Warpath. SETTLERS MOVING THEIR FAMILIES An Kxctirlou Steamer Kuns Aground mill Catches KlreCool Headed I'aii-i'iiBers 1'reveut a 1'anlr. Desvek, May 151. A special to the Republican from Helena says : Cheyenne Indians have none on the warpath and are said to have killed a dozen men including five United States soldiers. The Indians have no reserva tion, but make the Lame Deer agency tLeir headquarters. A man named Hoover, a sheepherder, was recently shot by Indians, because he caught several of them killing sheep. The settlers armed themselves to pro- i tect their property. Two companies ofj colored cavalry from Fort Custer were ordered to the agency on Wednesday. On Saturday a courier arrived from the 1 agency with the information that George1 Walters, postmaster, and Lou Anderson, a stockman, bad been shot and killed, i and also that the Indians shot into the) cavalry and killed five men. and that they had sixty Hrmed cowboys sur rounded. Cavalry from Fort Keogh and company E infantry, left Saturday for the scene. The settlers have moved their families from near the reservation to Miles City. Ranchman and stockmen at the Chey enne agency demand the Indians who killed Hoover. The names ot the In dians are known, and they are protected by fifty bucks. Orders have been given the ordnance officer at Fort Keogh to have 10,000 rounds of ammunition ready for issue today. It i9 supposed more troops are to go to the agency. Deputy Sheriffs Smith and Winters were ordered off the reservation by the military agent, Captain Slouch, who did not want arrests of Indian murderers made at that time lest it cause more trouble. The deputies returned to Miles City and have gone back with Sheriff Gibbs, with warrant for the arreEt of Agent Stouch for interfering with officers in the discharge of their duty and war rants for the Indian murderers. ltnuclimeu Are Alarmed. t Helena, Mont., May 31. The excite ment continues at Cheyenne reservation and settlements in that vicinity. Ranch men in the Upiier Rosebud have all de serted their homes. Six companies of soldiers from Forts Keogh and Custer are en route to the agency, as is also the sheriff of Custer county, with a large number of deputies. The sheriff has a warrant for the arrest of Indian Agent Stouch, charged with interfering with officers in the discharge of their duties, and also for three Indian murderers. The sheriff will probably arrive at the reser vation with hie deputies tomorrow and endeavor to arrest the murderers of the sheepherder. Many are of the opinion that the seriousness of the situation is : exaggerated. MOKE OUTltAGKS UV SI'ANIAKDS. Au Italian Xoblemau lncoiuiuuulcado at Cubauos. Havana, May 31. Among the for eigners here is the nephew of a Roman cardinal and the son of an Italian general j oi note, lie was a lieutenant on his j miner's staff and after his departure 1 from Abyssinia he visited the Holy Land, went thence to Barcelona and em barked for Cuba. His name is Victor Buy Garland "Happj Thought" Salve The kind that cures SKIN Troubles, of M. Z. DONNELL, the Druggiet. 50c per Jar. NO POISON ABOUT IT. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for its great leavening strength mid hejiltlifnlness. Assures the food ogninst nlum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Royai. Hakim; Powder Co. New YortK. Emmanuel Dierezza, Count of Gaudo Polion, a native of Turin. He holds two decorations from his monarch, the Order of the Crown and State and the Order of the Holy Sepulchre. Count Dierezza was arrested by the Spanish authorities while he was endea voring, they say, to reach the rebel lines, and Weyler has kept him incommuudi cado in one of the filthiest cells of Ca banas. He is charged with having come to Cuba as a rebel from the rebel junta in Paris. At San Antonio de los Banos six poor countrymen, after having been in town two davs without food, asked permission from the military commander to go a mile outside the fort for vegetables. Permission was granted, but half an hour later the local guerilla force was sent out "to operate against the enemy." The guerillas met the six pacificos and killed them. Their bodies were brought to town and cut to pieces. In one of the streets the bodies were put on a table with this inscription : "Cuba pig meat for sale; American pigs expected soon.' meat of I The Dispensary Law. Charleston, S. C, May 31 , Judge ! Simonton in the United State? circuit court today filed a decision in the case of Vandercook county against South Caro lina restraining the state from prevent ing the sale of liquors brought into the state. This decision if sustained on the appeal, it is claimed, will have the effect , to render nugatory the state dispensary j law. The decision is based on the inter state commerce law, the court holding that the right of importation compre hends the right of sale. The Mount Lebanon Shakers have re cently perfected an ingenious cure for dyspepsia. Their Digestive Cordial con sists of a food already digested and a digester of foods happily combined. The importance of this invention will be appreciated when we realize what a proportion of the community are victims of some form of stomach troubles. Thousands of pale, thin people have little inclination to eat, and what they do eat causes them pain and distress. The Digestive Cordial of the Shakers corrects any etomach derangement at once. It makes thin people plump. Every one will be greatly interested to read the little book which has been placed in the hands ot druggists for free distribution, Laxol is the best medicine for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor Oil. Train w recker Will Jiang. San Fiiancisco, May 31. From re- marks made by Governor Budd on the conclusion of the hearing of the appeal i made on behalf of vvoraen yesierut , ; t a concluded that the man eonvicieu of wrecking the train near Sacramento j during the big railroad strike will be . hanged. His attorneys asked until to-j ,lv to nresent several' documents. The onvimnr'B decision will be made public I this aiternooo. t fjuckten'o Arinca Halve. 'Die best salve in the world for bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, ( cute, j fevei i sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruption, and posi. T sguar n 1- to JvTpJrtoct -tf.be. j "l8f d-i. 1 lively curns piles, or no pay requireo tion. or money refuuaed Price '2b cent ner kx. For sale oy BlaUeley and Houghton, drnygists. This is an "Age of Soap." Why use anv but the very best. Best soap means Hoe Cake. Sold by Pease A Mays, a2-3ui NAKKOW KSOAI'E. The Paul Koch Aground in Loup Inland Sound. New Yokk, May 151. With fully 3000 pleasure seekers on board the three docked excursion steamboat Paul Koch drove on a shoal near Pentield light house, in Long Island sound, last even ing. The vessel struck with a shock that pitched many passengers off their feet. The galley in the cookroom was overturned and the boat had hardly come to a standstill before a lire was blazing briskly in that compartment. The cookroom i on the port side near the wheelhouse. Directly above it is a larger room in which several games of cards had been going on before the vessel struck. The players saw the smoke curl from the deck beneath them, and one or two of the otcunants of the room made a rush for the doorway. One man with presence of mind blocked their exit ' and pointed out the disastrous result that might follow an alarm. The men went below and found the cooks trying to extinguish the blaze, and the captain and officers were having their i attention occupied by the other trouble into which the steamboat had found her wav, and did not know of the more threatening danger. Captain Lynch knew of it a few mo ments later, when a passenger who had his familv on board, made his way into the pilot-house and told him of the fire The blaze could not be reached from the cookroom, and the passenger urged that the crew be called to fire quarters Captain Lynch got some of his men to work with axes and had them cut a hole through the deck CTerhead. The hose was then brought, the steam pumps eet going and in a little while the lire was drowned out. But there was another peril that kept them uneasy. The vessel had struck two miles from shore, and only a short dis tance from the lightship which marks the dangerous Penfield reef. There was a second bump and shock and the sound of grating sand as the ves I sel ground her keel into the shoal and came to a standstill with oow shoved up am ptern depressed and seas racing along i her sides and splashing over her guards ! The tide had commenced to run flood, and shortly after 7 o clock in the even ing theeti ines, which h?d been set hard astern, succeeded in clearing the vessel 0f ti,e reef, The hull was intact and the vessel was headed for sne arriveii t n ;so. this citv where ' MoN Till! I We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward ' for anv case of Catarrh that cannot be j cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Ciienev & Co. Props., Toledo, (J. I We the undersigned, have known F. ) J. Cheney for the last 15 vears, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Walding, Kinnati & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood anil mucous surfaces of the syttem. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by Druggists. Testimonials free. !&) Cincinnati Wat Shaken. Cincinnati, May 31. Shortly after 1 o'clock an earthquake shock was felt here. The occupants of high buildings were alarmed. At Coney Island, Ches ter Park, the zoological gardens and else where there was consternation among the holiday crowds. A lagoon on the Kentucky side was so rough the life- gavjng t.revv went l0 the relief of those QUt -n eectr,. pleaeure boats Do you want vour windows cleaned, carpets taken up, beaten and re laid, or janitor wonc oi any Kinu uunu uy first-class man? If so, telephone Henry Johnson t Parkins' barber shop Phone 110. Plinni1 al0-tf Soap Foam compounds. excels alt other washing n2-3m Par limit) or Trade. A desirable ranch of 160 acres, within tour miles of Dalles City, with one span -res, harness, wagon, plows and other property. Hne fruit land and abun- prope dance of water. Will trade for Dalles City property. Inquire of A. S.'Mao Aluhtku, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, Ciihoniclc office, The Dalles, Or. This Season's Newest Summer Shirts. Made of Fine Percales, Fine Imported Madras, or French Silk Warp Flannels Made Soft Body, with White Linen Neck and Wristbands, or White Linen Band at neck only, with Cull's same as body, to ho worn with White Linen Collars. You should wear this Shirt. It is the correct thing. Prices from $1.25 to $2.25. OUR SPECIALTY. Cheviot Soft Shirt, same style as above, only 75c. A. OT. WILLIAMS t CO. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. 18 ruse a Week. 150 PajmrM a Your It stands first among "weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety ami reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly; and its vast list of subscribers, extendinir to every statu and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, anil among Its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a long series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, Coiiun Doyle, .luronm K. .lorum, Stultify Wcjintui, Mary K. WUMli Anthony Hope, Hrut Hurt)', liriiiuler MhUImmvh, Ktc. We ofler this unequaled newspaper and The Dalles Twice-a Week Chronicle to. gether one year for sfii.OO. The regular price of the two papers is $3.00. LOOP POISON A SPECIALTY&W ! tlarylI.Om 1'UISON permanently cured In 15 toZA day. You can bo treated at homo foraumo prlco under aarauKUiirnu I I V. t i lit itrfif t linn. tract to par railroad rareand hotel bllli.aud I cocbarve, If we full to cure. 1 f ion Lavu taken luer ury, louiue notusn, and mill bare ache anil ilns, Mucoul rutchtM In mouth, Horn Throat, iuinle. Connor Colored HmitN. Ulrxra nn nr part of the body, Ilulr or Kyebrnnra falUnr out, It U till HocouUury ItLOOIt 1'OIHoA na to caaea and cliulleiiee the world for caaowe cannot cure, a'lila dlxeaaa boaaltrara MttMl tbn ak 111 of the moat eiuinnut phyl clam. sao.VOO capital bc-blnd our uncondl. we Kuanuiiw vi cure, we aoncii tuo moat uiaii uonal guaranty. ADauiute proora aent aeald on IBrfSa&li" Uonal guaranty. Abtulute proofa aent oeald U Assignee's Notice Final Settlement. Notice In hvrtbr ulveu that the undtrklirnwl, asfciunce of tlieettatoof K. K. William, ail In fcolvent debtor, liua tiled bit final account anil report In mid assignment with the Clerk of t ho I'.in nit fniut of tho Statu of Oreuntl for Wukco County, ami that the name will be called up for nearing ueroie loe juuge oi sum uuuo 1111 uic lirst day of the next rennlar term of aald Circuit Court, lo wll: On Monday, the Jlth day of May. 1897. or If tbc aume cannot bu heard by aald Court at aald time, aa toon thereafter aa tun mint cup bu beard by aald Court. uuiea inn loin uay oi April, ikii. A. 8. Mac AI.I.IBTKK, Alirne of the eatate of K. K. Wllllataa. au liikolrent debtor. al7itii B Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, s? mill" Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- qvi FlOUl '"''8 '''0,,r IH manufactured expressly for family UUAJ' A AwlA UH(jJ ,.v,.ryBUC ia uiiaraiitoed to give satisfaction. Wo sell our eoods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think bo call and get our prices und bu convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. HON. W. J. BRYAN'S BOOK. THE FIRST BATTLE STYLES AND PRICES: Kichly and durably bound in KiikUhIi Cloth, plain wines; nortrait of tliu au thor forming tho dusiKti on cover; ttiitoraph pruftcu; mutfiilficuut prtf funtiitlon plati) in Hilver, yold and blue; comtilnlnt' 000 pages anil 3'J full-paifo HluHtrations , 75 In half-Morocco, inurhlHcdgo , , , ..... 'J '25 In full-Morocco, filt t'dfu 2 75 ' M. J. WOODCOCK, Agent, Wamlc, Or. BLAKELEY& HOUGHTON 175 Second Street. Country ud Mail Orders will receive & Nattiest Manhattan and Monarch brands. Light Effects, Fancy Small Checks and Stripes, and Newest Colorings. Till: KIHHT IIA'ITI.K Is an lnteretlliK atory of lliu Kreut political utrilKKto ( 1K1, lt miwt Important uventM mid tliu many Utile Involved; a IokIl'mI Irealltuoii 111 niutiillUm iui litlentl by emlui'iit uxiMMiculH, IiiuIuiIIhk tliu part taken by lion. W. J, 111 van In tliu kllvvr ukIiuiIoii prior ut tliu Democrat)!! Nutlnnal Convention, anil dur liiK tlio t'limpitltMi, tliu beht c.ntiiipK'Kol liU won derful oratory tliu most notewcrttiy Incidents of Ills famoiu tour, a careful ruvluw of tliu polltlcul tltinitloii, a dikcnssloii of tliu election return anil tliu klKUliiciiucu tlietcof, and tliu future loklMlltk'K of lll-metallUiii a a polltltul lne. The Dalles, Oregon prompt attention.