The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 29, 1897, Image 3

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    X A.t ------
After the Cream
Has been skimmed oiT, we have no
further use for the milk. It is so
Our attention has been called to the advertisements of a Dalles firm, other
than our Agents, otlcring Haker Barb Wire.
Pease & Mays have been our Exclusive Agents
At The Hallos for manv voars for the sale of our Baker 1 'or feet Barb Wire.
Genuine Baker Wire Can be Bought Only of Them.
This Wire is manufactured under our patents; tho name is copyrighted,
and our attorney is now preparing to bring suits against, the manufacturer
of this spurious Wire, and we desire to give notice that all,
In Our SHOE Department.
After the line has been nearly all sold out, we have no use
for the remaining pairs. We have several broken lines, and J
to clean them up we have placed them on sale at j
One-third Less than Regular Prices. sellers and purchasers alike,' are liable.
We wish to call your attention to our
$1.50, $2.00 AND $3.00
Gents' and Ladies' Shoes displayed in
our window. Better values for the money
have never been offered.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
MAY 29. 1S97
i: a n do in Observations and Local Events
of l.e-i-er Mucnitmle.
program. At 10:20 an adjournment was
taken to the reeidence of Mr. and Mrs.
Hcgh Glenn, where refreshments were
served and a pleasant evening spent,
the separation not taking place until
but no more are
the season is over
wanted. Glacier.
In 1801 W. J. Jeffers, then in General
John A. McCle.-nard's corps, received a
telegram that his wife wa9 dying in Chi
cago. He obtained a furlough and
The M. E. Church District Conference reached home in lime td be at his wife's
Oranges JJO cents and bananas 25 cents
per dozen at Pease & Mays.
The grand jury finished its labors last
night and was discharged.
The trial of Jake Andrews occupied
the attention of the circuit court today.
Housekeeping or lodging rooms to
rent. Apply at this office. in24-lw
Circuit court will adjourn tonight
until Tuesday morning, Monday being
a legai holiday.
The river continues to fall steadily,
though slowly. It is down to about the
41-foot mark today.
There will be union memorial services
in the Methodist church tomorrow night.
Sermon by Rev. J. II . Wood.
Rev. P. P. Underwood will preach in
the Christian church tomorrow morning
at 11 o'clock. No evening service.
There will be a German-Lutheran ser
vice at the brick 6chool house on Court
Etreet tomorrow morning at 9:45.
During the present term of court, the
Lutheran services will be held at the
brick Echool house on Court street.
The man brought up from Hood River
night before last was discharged last
night, no indictment being found against
At the request of an old Grand Army
friend, we re-print an editorial on Me
morial Sunday, that appeared in this
paper two veare ugo.
Monday being Decoration Day, in or
der to give the Cjikoxicle force an op
portunity to properly observe the tame,
no paper will be issued on that day.
and District Epworth League Conven
tion will be held in The Dalles June 1, 2,
3, 4, 5 and C, at the M. E. church. From
Eeventy-five to 100 delegates are expected
to be present, and a glorious time is joy
fully anticipated. Everyone is cordially
invited to be present and enjoy these
delightful exercises.
Hood River strawberry shipments
Cheap, undesirable articles' of no merit are never imitated.
The great superiority of our wire has caused other wire to bo stamped Baker.
You buy Bakor Wire, not. on account, of the name, but becauso of tho su
perior excellence of the wire which has been tested to your entire satisfaction.
Then Purchase Your Wire of PEASE & MAYS,
Our Accredited Agents at The Dalles,
For no other firm there has or can secure Baker Perfect Barb Wire.
205-Oregonian Mdg., Portland, Or. H. J. McMANUS, Manager.
(iriiiul .fury Urport.
bedside as she passed away. Having to i
return to his regiment, he left his little
daughter, aged but a few weeks, with
her grandmother, who adopted her. she
taking her mother's maiden name of
Comstock. From that time Mr. Jed'ers
never saw his daughter until he met her
at the boat landing last night, she com
ing across the continent at his request to
began May 11th with a crate and a half W8U me ltu" fc"e ever 6een
and increased steadily, amounting to Attention, o. n. o.
125 crates on the 18th and 1500 on the j
25th. Last night three carloads were J Hdqks.'Iij Hattalio.vInkaxtjiy.O.N.Gw
shipped, besides those going for small j The D.u.i.k.s, Or., May 28, 1S97. f
orders in the express car. Next week i OkdehJ
will probably see the shipments touch ' 0,
their high-water mark. This means j The field, staff, non-commissioned
over $4000 a day income. ' etau" l,nd 'be officers and members of
Stadelman's Summer Gardens, at the Company will assemble at the armory
west en J of Ninth street, will be opened 1 of Co' ,G' Da,,e8, at 7 W 'c,m'k
tomorrow. A new bow ini? al ev is one ..b..v. ,u, uu .juiiuhj , ..iay
of the attractions. Lemonade, ice
cream, cider, soda water, berries and
fruit will be for sale on the grounds.
Music by Dalles Concert Band. No
children allowed unaccompanied by
parents. Ward & Robinson's wagon
ette will convey possengers to or from
the grounds ; fare 5 cents.
At the meeting of stockholders of the
Improvement Co. last Saturday, a reso
lution authorizing the directors to bond
the ditch for $0,000 was unanimously
adopted by a vote of those present. Four
hundred and eighty-three shares were
30, 1897, for the purpose of attending
divine service. The staff and non-commissioned
staff will report to Lieut.-Col.
PatterHon at these headquarters.
II. Lieut. J. S. Booth is hereby ile-
j tailed for the purpose of decorating the
graves of deceased members of the Ore
gon National Guard, that may be buried
in the cemeteries at The Dalles. Capt.
A. L. Keese of Co. G will detail and
place a sufficient nu:nber of men at the
disposition of Lieut. Booth to enable
him to attend to property decorating the
graves of such deceased members of the
O. N. G. Lieut. Bootn. with the aid
,ul uUU ,and ageistance 0f the detail of Co. G,
enable the company to pay its debts and wJH e(J tQ Rnd Rce uUftbe flt
make all necessary preparations to sup- decoratIo)8 on Ue of ,
pjy water to customers, ine emeu win
be completed in two or three weeks. It
will be owned by the people of the val
ley and will be worth $40,000 the d3y the
work is completed. Glacier.
In the Circuit Court for the State of
Oregon for Wasco County.
In the matter of the final report of the
grand jury.
We, the grand jury in the above en- j
titled court for said term, respectfully j
submit the following as and for our final j
report :
We have been in session five days, '
ami have returned into court six true '
bills and four not true bills, and have '
examined several other matters which j
we have not deemed of sufficient im-i
portance to report. '
We have oxamined the county build-:
ings, including the county jail and poor
farm, and find them all in good condi-1
tion and well cared for. i
We have examined the clerk's, sheriff's
treasurer's and other county offices, !
with tho books, records and papers
therein, and all are properly and cor- i
redly kept, in so far as we are able to 1
judge. '
We find the county poor all well pro
vided for at the county farm, and we
commend the county court for its man
agement of said county farm.
We have no special recommendations
to make as to the affairs of tho county,
and we believe that they are properly
and economically managed.
Wherefore, having finished our labors
for this term, we respectfully submit
this, our final report, and ask that we
may be discharged,
Dated this 28th day of May, 18117.
W. H. H. DuFiTit. Foreman.
The Latest Thing in LAWN MOWERS.
The Pastime.
Tho PAST1MK cuts the grass within I -10 of an inch of n true,
fence or wall. The old style will not cut within iiicheH.
Tho PASTIM13 drive wheels are inside tho lino of cutting knives,
and therefore never go oyer tin mown grass.
Anybody can sharpen the PASTlMH with u common file. It you
try to sharpen tho old style you ruin It. Tho PASTIMK is cheaper at
double the cost of ttie old style mower, for the reason that during the
lift) of a mower, tho cost of sharpening alone equals tho cost of mower.
Call and see the PASTIME at the store of
Baby Carriages
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
A lleailtlful Wlmlow.
ber of the Oregon National Guard, de
ceased, that may be interred in any ol
the cemeteries at The Dalles.
III. Until further notice, nil mem
bers of the staff and non-commissioned
wie members oi tne nose team are Forrest S. Fisher of The Dalies is in gtaff and the officers of Co. G, will re-
talking of giving a moonlight excursion ti,e cjty on a visit to hie cousins, the ! port at tne6e headquarters on Thursday
in the near future, for the purpose of Misses Creighton, and to several friends. ! njKt 0f each week at 8 o'clock p. in.,
raising funds necessary to preparing jre jE at home in Oregon on a vacation, 'sharp, for special dntv. By order of
their racing cart, and to cover training being a student at the Leland Stanford, Lieut.-Col. Patterson.
II. II. liiDDiai.,
Held I'll ami llolddxl.
Last night about J 0:30 George Laud-
A.'M. Williams & Co. have one of the ;
prettiest and most appropriate window
decorations we have ever seen. It rep
resents a lot In tho cemetery with a
monument, inscribed, ".Sacred to the
memory of those who sacrificed their
lives for tho preservation of the Union."
Under this are tho words "Bluoand
Grey," ami clasped hands. One side ol i Jg-vy "YoSt Block
the big window is draped in blue, the
other in grey, and the pictuies of Lin
coln, Grant, Lee and Stonewall Jackson
are shown. Two stacks of arms, with
canteens, etc., are shown, and the bot
tom of the window is covered with
fresh, green sod, which, with the flowers
und plants, gives tho whole a very
realistic effect. It has attracted much
attention this afternoon.
Flownr for llecoritlliii;.
Where will also ho found tho largost and most com
plete line of Pianos, and other Musical Instruments
in Eastern Oregon.
Complete Line of FISHING TACKLE,
Notions, liaso Rail Goods, Hammocks, Books and
.Stationery at Mod rook Prices.
The Dalles, Oregon.
expenses. Jr., university at Palo Alto, California, i
Tlinrclor. n. ijiKcic mo.ln cc-tral . iP cisiior la a nntpd foot-ball xAavtir. I
skin grafts in the unfortunate Brown having held the poeition of left half- j
boy, who was so badly scalded a month back in the Stanford team during the 1
or more ago. The skin was furnished past year. Phil Metschan, Jr., wno was
by a brother of the boy and the grafts ; a roommate of Mr. Fisher at Stanford
are all growing nicely
The band of gypsies, or rath
cans, that are tramping dow
'ey, were in Drain at Jast accounts. c,..i-1,,11i,t.MMmiit linrini them, who is described as a larva man next Monday inornlnir between
miAnuvn v . . - - - - - -
threw his arm , Hours ol lu anil i. rer order
neck und car-! M.wiy
. rniinn u'Iimm crncuinir flu. nllpv nn f'm.rl Al' iiersmiH ilnftlnru' to assist In III r-
, for a while, speaks enthueiastical y ot Times-Mountalneer office, nishim, flowers for decorating our heroes
er Mexi- the alter gentleman s process ' , WM nttacke1 by two m(J who htoppefi , graves or. Memorial Day, are invited to
n the Val- on tne gnuiroa. -ca.e.u owi.uj.u. qJ o (md Uwji ()fh,rUm t0 Fraterntv ,)a on
... i3irwucii -"'- - 1
itiere are about sixty of them, and those thj wpfck m BUd nuU)ber8 tbat tlie man by Landman, tl
wuo nave seen thera say that they are , Jjarkfct for tnelr jaborwas over-etocked, around that gentleman's
H6 tOUtrll a 1-ibInr Irtt act ovor fitmolr I . . ii I I.l 1.1... i1.n
as touirh
and a good many haye been unable to ried him into the alley. There the other
The exercises at the public schools
yesterday were well attended, and were
all very creditable. The younir folks
have studied hard, and are entitled tolhera as heretofore. A
the long vacation which awaits them,
and which The Chuokicle hopes they
will thoroughly enjoy.
The Winquatt literary society bad a
social meeting laet night, there being no
Thev came by train fellow went through Landman's pockets,
ois (ouacco
find employment
and boat, afoot and by wagons from i getting 5.C5 and taking
Fastern Oreaon and Washington. The pocket knife and other things he had in
Indians are not bere in such num
M.miv S. Mvkiih,
better class of
people have come this year than ever
before. About low men, women anu
children are now engaged in picking and
packing strawberries. Those here now
can probably find employment before
Came to my place about a year ugo
last April, a red steer. !f years old past ;
little white In right flank; marked two
underblts in right ear; brand is almost
his pockets. While the one was going
through bis pockets, the other was chok
ini: him so that by the time he was
robbed he was in a state of Insensibility. I indiscernible, but looks something like
ti, nfflor l,av a wM,h tl.ev ! A 0w'.,er. ca ive same by paying
" . ,. . ' eiiarges anu advertising.
wuritiUK uii, auu iiupe iu eouit uuvc ine
highwaymen behind the bars.
Wn.i.iAiin Tavi.oii.
j2 lmw l.r Mile creek, Dnfiir P, O.
IHupct'Mkor to ClirlNiiiuu X Corson.
Again in business at the old stand, I would be pleased to
nil my former patrons, Fru delivery to any part of town.
Lumber, Building Material and Boxes
TradediorHay. Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c.
The Dalles, Or