The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The only Republican Daily Xeirspapei IVatco Countv. E ASTERS OFFICE 830 to ?3J Temple Court, S. Y. Citu. E. EAT'.. Agent. Clultliluc l!ate Chronicle and Oregonian Chronicle and Examiner Chronicie and Tribune Chronicle and . Y. World ot that inhospitable region. "We have no liking for corpotations. ami always regret their gobbling of everything there is in sight. At the same time, as long as they do corral everything, ami as it seems ccitnini that Alaska is to be scooped in by them, there is rood locic in the Ore- gonian's position. If they a're bound 2 '2b to have the country, make them pay something for iL BLACKWELLS I WANT KTTn,t. SEE? 1 To 2 00, SATURDAY. - MAY 29, 1S97 MEMORIAL SVSl'AY. A judge of the supreme court in Massachusetts has decided that thcos opby is not enough of a rclicion to justify the exemption from taxation of property used for theosophical purposes. This raises various deli- city, village and rate and doubtful issues. "When the It is the prelude church is nominally divorced from tJite. who shall decide what is and what is not: Method- Tomorrow memorial services will lie held in everv hamlet in the land. to Decoration Dav. The old bovs in the blue will assemble at their posts and . relicion march to church to listen acain to ists micht sav that Unitarians were services held in tender remembiance ' not a religious body. And if engag of the noble dead. The unknown ing in public worship is a test, who dead on Southern battle fields, whose j shall define what worship is: Prov- stiffened corpses found hurried and idence Journal. r MUBuc Ton will And ont cunpon r-j? ' i '( Isuide rach. two ouuee bap, ii Y' Ton will find one coupon Inaide racli two ouuee and two coupons iunlilc each four ounce bag of Black well's Durhuiu. Buy a bug of this crlrnratrtl tobacco nntl rcml the coupon which gives a tlst of vnlmililr irr ents an it how to ct tlirin. WALL PAPER? WALL PAPER! Just Received 5000 Kolls of Wall Taper. The best patterns. The most beautiful colors. New Invoice of Paints and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. You Get a tSSiV' AS,nt5 Jobber, and Middlemen bv hmS red from the manufacture. Wholesale. i em states. As earthquakes are not common m that section, we are- forced to believe that it was a mis-' unceremonious burial, each vear' j awaken in the hearts of their survi Tiie 'patches ate that an earth, vors yet tenderer recollections. Be- i l"nko was feU yesterday in the east- j neath the magnolia and the cypres: cut down in the flower of youth, the i nride of manv a Northern household ! sleeps, his crave unknown to those i take antl tuo t,ouble uaj caused by whose hearts broke when he returned 'Wallace McCamanfs speech on Co.-; not unto them. be",s appointment falling out .of its i They fell where duty called, the ; P?eon ho old man and the vounc: he who lett! both wife and little ones, the music CClines and Cigars. Siiipes-Kmersly DrugCo. FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. ! ' rilA.N'SACT A GENEKAL BANKING BUSINEs Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. THE CELEBRATED. No better wheel madcthanflv Acme Bicycle Bum m our own factory br skilled workmen, usiusj th material and the most nr.provei machinery. We havo no cqttfc Sold direct from factory to rider, fully warranted. ShiptC anywhere for examinatio- " write Fan "' Acme Cycle Co., Elkhart. Ird. Regulator Line Had the Turks and (-ireeks kept at, it. it is possible that Weyler might : ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER on draught and in Dottles. i Sight Exrhai:?t- at:l Telegraphic 1 Transfers sold or. New York. Chicaeo, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore-j Icon, Seattle Wash,, and various points! , in Oregon and ashington. Collections made at all points on fav- i orable terms. Tie Dalles. Portal aii in Navigation Co.' of whose voices shall find no echo in j ,,ave p:u,ified lne iiianci of Cuba hvU his ears forevermore : the vigorous giandstre. whose pulses beat with youthful force, and who forgot the weight of years at duty's call: the youth, beardless, but brave, his mother's kiss vet fresh upon his hps all. side by side, here found a resting place. Over them the flowers of Southern plants their petals fling: soft zephyrs kiss the grass that waves above their graves, and from the whispering trees at night the mocking bird his varied notes pours forth. There sleep our dead. Yet there to morrow, where but a few short years ago the rattle of musketry and bourn of cannon told of deadly stiife. the peaceful church bell will call tu pra3-er. and those with whom they' fought will shirt for them a tear. Thrice blessed, peaceful Sabbath , day. foretaste of time yet to come, when on the other shore, no longer ' uniformed in blue or giay: no, longer moved ro discord and to strife, but robed in spotless draperies ; of white, hand clasped in hand, to gether they shall tread, with joyous feet, the elorious fields of Paradise, i such was not to be. With th1 cessa tion of hostilities in (ireeee, the war ' in Cuba broke forth with spasmodic ; fervor in the newspapers. Anheuser-Btisch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, uneqnaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WiLLIAMi, i Im. GOMiNI, SOLE DEALER IN THE DAl.l.ES OF Marl Burial Vaults v sever NEW SPRING GOODS NEW SPRING GOODS JUST ARRIVED JUST ARRIVED ! A Perfect Protection from Water mid I Dampness. Preserves the Body by Ex l cludins the Air. ' It possesses every merit claimed for j the most es pensive vaults, viz: absolute j security and durability, thus makinu a permanent and imperishable resting place for the dead. This vault is made of six pieces of mar ! ble which can be firmly fastened to i pethei with cement, thus making them air and water ticht. Jsikl Regnlator & DalhsOlF l - FREIGHT AND PASSENGER UK I1KTWEEK Tlie Dallo, Hood Hirer, CnMifldeLncksiadhfr, lima amir, ciwiit sunday. GOOD SERVICE. LOWEST RATES. Are you going DOWN urn OK T9 ( EASTERN Oil! ELY'S Cr.EAttf BAM if a ioitivpcnre. App!y into the nostril. I . qni x v ab-nri,ed. 0 cents a: Drnrzists or br ma.. ; samj. .e by mail. ELY BROTUEItS. 3fi Warren S. ew Yo:J: City. C. F. STEPHENS. All Kinds Cemetery Work Yellow u ashing powder wii! make your clothes the same color. Avoid this by using Soap Foam. It's pure white. ai?-3m "Ticrc is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its fioou i leads on to fortune." Mr. Comini has on hand a lame sup ply ot first-class Marble, to be used in Monuments, etc. Prices lower than in rortiand. We se! Ma vs. Hoe Case soap. Pease C A it. CntLKV. Attorn aim Counsellor at Law ; ARLINGTON. OUEGOX. Practice iu th" state ami FeJeral :"nurtsnf Oregon uud Wunhincson. jhu a-3mo M Benton Killin will leave I'ortland for Alaska June Sth. to examine into the conditions of crop; up that wav. Benton it a combination of lines of j beauty and graceful curves, lie is ; ; TA1 Tv If 5 ; egg-shaped as a grand total, and yet j JL O G JLx Gil I an aggregation of curved surfaces. His head is a globe: his neck a line of demarcation, a sort of hiatus or jxjuucai wnnKie; uts auciomen is a fac-sitnile of the kettles the cood housewives in Xew Amsterdam used . i'OO years ago; the calves of his legs' are two elongated watermelons: his: hands egg plants. There is really . "T7 1 j nothing square about him, nothing j JlL II 3.111 61 CQ angular. This is what fits him for examining into the radish beds on TU the Muir glacier and the strawberry. VV cLFC "- patches of the I'pper Yukon. Ilisj shape makes certain the fact that he j will not climb Mt. Kiias, nor wend 1 and W hite OUt- his way about through the trackless j side and White inside. grain lields that ornament the tundra, i Benton got this job as a reward for 1 J)elft" i ins sei vices political, but really he : Ware out in cookinjr utensils. I has been paid too much. The amount of information he will gather The poet unauestionablv had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALl & BURGET'S, Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rat MICHELBACH BRICK. - - UNIO-S PT. ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. II so. shvc nioiu'v mid enjoy a UnutL'alcjs the Coltimbln. Tlie we-t-boaud train arnr The Dalies in amiile time for isKncKS8li' tlie Meiuncr, nrrivinp Iu Portland in tinefea: outgoiui; Southern uud. Xorthcrn twins; lis bound jiiiiifeiiKfrs nrrivlu? in The DaflesUEa to tuKe tlie tut-oouiiQ irum. For furtlier iiiiormutiou njiply to J. S. HARNEY, Agent, Ouk Street Dock. Portland, Orcjon. f)r Y. C. LLAWAy.GW.Ar- The Dalles, WII New York Weekly Tribune J ! j Pullman lElegent Tourist rot: Farmers and Villagers, ron Fathers and Mothers, ron Sons and Daughters, ron All the Family. TO DOORS, WINDOWS, i SHINGLES, i Sleeping Cars FIRE BRICK, !fire clay, j 'LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and ! Picture Moulding- i ZEE. O-XjEIHSTN. Dining Cars Sleeping Car bT. 1'Al'L .MINNKAI'OLI IL'Ll'TH VAHGO GUANO fOH CKUOKSTOX WINNII'EG HELENA an 15UTTE With tlie close of the Presidential Campaign THE TI faut thai the American people are now anxious to yive thei husinets interests. To meet this condition, politics will ' Through Tiekets CHI CA G O T WASHINGTON I'HILAHKLI'HIA , NEW VOKK BOSTOX A NO ALL, l'OINTS EAST and HODTI1 For information, time cards, raept and tlckt-u, i AmoUnint i? The' at sitka and .Juneau at the govern- granite ware, and a 'reat deal uient expense will not endanger the i TKIBUN'E recoL-nizes the their attention to home and V 1 1 1 have far lct-K oisnn nnrl !,.,,' prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the 'cal 011 orwri,ew' ... ijiii jur nie iiriijcipiesiur iiicn ini uuoi nas iatxreci trom ite inception ! W. C. ALLAN AY 1 i nn 1 V . ' . . r 1 . ..r.DDlt.1.. ..(r. -t ... fr.-t I. 1 . ' . . Prices are about the Same as I frhK,-. IKlLLff pre-eminently & Rational family J.ewepajer, interesting, j aw. Mojrloa Cor. Third. Portland Orecon ' , mii ui-uic, cuivi lain hi j; anu iiiuiciicucauic iu euuu memuer oi trie lamilv. . ' Thl 18 Tour Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or h tamps, a generous Minnie will be mailed of tli & DR. JJJWIOVO LIVER . One r"KJ,'lZmil uk. it rular TlieJ cof". "'"tTThui Udllw, Oregon I ifimZt wVo.VlVW.L ..r mJ'.'ySS'1 ViMIU. Dli. afc-sSHX-" steamer on its way down, as he will Reaper tlian the aluminum ' We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib- not bring more than a few samples of this ear's crops, ware, and prettier than either of them. Call and ee the The Oreyouian thinks the govern-; . Of i c tnent Sshotild adopt some plan leasing the Alaskan mines, forests and fisheries to wealthy corporations, taking the ground that they alone can prolltalily develop the industries MAIER& BENTON'S K57 Second Street. une one year for only $1.75. , . W rit your name and address on a postal card, Bend it to Geo. N. Beet Tribune Oflice, New York City, ar-J a sample copv of The New York Weekly Trib une will be mdiled to vou. Job Pointing at This Office. most jiopular Cutarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely'e Cream Balm) sufficient to demon strate the great merits of the remedy. ELY BROTHERS, GG N'uiTeu St., New York City. Kev. John Reid, Jr., of Great Fulls, Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I ku jupuukiu wis statement, "it is a posi. tive cure for catarrh if used as directed." Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Frea. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is the ckuowhdged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury uor any iujurioue drug. Price, 50 cents. The Columbia mm PACKERS OT f PORKand BEfcf MANUFACTOKKKBOJ' Fine Lard and San, Pnrrc nf -Ar lit" TT AMR & BAV" DBIKD BEEF, EW-