The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 29, 1897, Image 1

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    Sl)c Dalles
NO 120
t i m
Garcia s orces aiiiuusji two
Culiim I'ruc Them Hud Kill Many
Other-Nun! Hrotliers Capture
a Sjianisli Fort.
Maceo was killed.
No Mediation Offered.
Madiuu, May 2S A semi-official de
nial is given today of the published state
ment that Piesident McKinley made
overtures to Spain on the snject of Cuba.
It is reiterated that it is impossible for
the Spanish government to accept me
diation on a question which "concerns
Spain alone."
'ew Yor.K, May 2S. A special to the
World from Havana says :
General Garcia ambushed two detach- j
African War Cloud lit Growing Darker
London. May 2S. The report circu
lated some time ago that in view of the!
unsettled conditions prevailing in South'
Africa the government yM decided to i
transport an army corps of 80,000 men
to that locality, is now confirmed by the !
activity displayed at the quarters cf the i
army service corps in London, Alder-!
Absolutely Pure.
In nd-
aututeraricm common to the
New Yor.K.
ehnt U'nnln-inK c,.i:.t . n I Celebrated for it creat lenvenlnc stroncth nnd
ment of Spaniards near Vintesras' ' , ' , ' halthliiliiw Azures the food HCit,?t alum
" n . f. , , muuiu, jurragn ami uevonport.
Puerto Principe province. After a tight L,!f- . n L. .
lasting an 01 one uuj ne auuchcu wiein
confused thev fi.ed ! . -uaFui pur-
The members of the artuv
and nil forms of
fighting men, the i nJ., i.'.v-.v., Pun-n .
I expedition win include S000 horses, 2o00
while thev were so confused thev
at pach other. One detachment finallv
. . , ,-,.-,.' iue memoers oi tne armv reserve in i
became panic-smcKen ana nea. arc.a , Xata, have bfcen notified tQ hold them- Mar,,uU KWo Sa-V 'Mo1' Nut
fed on the other defeated it, inflating a I seve? Jn readjnesg The Transvaal it u Contemplated,
lossof 100. He then pursued the retreat-, repQrted) hag instructed hs fie,d New Yokk, May 28.-The World says :
inc force, and, catching up with them ; to thoroushlv trol tbe Natal bordergl Marquis Ito, who has just arrived in
ten miles from the coast, killed or j d "i18lantlv anv suspicions I cit-v en rou,e for London and the
wounded 64 more bpamsh. ! n,n..taf ' , queen'a jubilee, polttelv refused to be
flin VnnP7 lirnflipro fftPATitlv nanfllroil
a Spanish fort near Palacios, Pinar del
Kio. and after occupying it three days
burned it. taking away a large supply of
ammunition and provisions.
There was also a guerilla fight at Minns
and M. reilpe, Havana province, the
Cubans under Martinez and
movement. 1 cJut'en
A circular has been distributed at the ; "viewed, " the plea that he was too
Cape and the Free State fiom the Trans-' fat.,gl,ed alter 1,is lonp i" bl Mar'
van, calling upon all AfriUandt;rs for qis Kido who speaks English fluently,
n , j answered for him Eome questions con-
; cerninc me policy oi japan.
"The rumors of Japan's desire to an-
A Series of Tragedies.
Hermosillo, Mexico, May 28. The
Carillo I went fiestn at Prietas, in Sonora, closed
compelling thr; government troops to re
tire in both instances The Spanish loss
is not known, but more than 200 wound
ed soldiers have been brought in at
nicht so as to avoid observation. The
Spaniards say that Carillo is wounded,
but the report is not believed.
Saturdav night, leaving a remarkable
aftermath of tragedies.
One man, who had lost all his money
at the gambling table, committed suicide
by blowing out his brains, taking a
I crowded restaurant at meal time for the
J scene of his departure. Another cut his
! throat in the chief drinking saloon. Two
i ... .... i
others, who bad considerable money,
nex Hawaii," he said, "are mere idle
gossip. We sent a man-of-war there to
protect the interests of our countrymen.
That is all. After our experience in
Formosa we do not want to annex Ha
waii, nor anything else at present."
Marquis Kido said the Japanese have
the most amicable feeling towards
Americans and hoped pleasant relations
would always continne.
"I want to correct one mistake that is
S 1 I
this week.
Preaiv your Boy for the- closinj: School KxtM'cises.
Fit him out with anew suit and select. .1 UST THK
STVLIO of suit you want from our very comilete stock.
fnflJ.Fi: mYTM
l usuccensful Attack bj- Biiaulards Upon
an Innurgeut Hopital.
New Yokk, May 2S. A special to tbe
Woild from Key West says:
A Cuban hospital near Matrua, Ha
vana province, was attacked by Spanish j
guerillas. The insurgents were inform- J
ed of their approach, and, as some of the j
wounded could not be moved, those able '
to get about fortified the building, which
is of stone, as well as they could.
When the guerillas demanded the Eur-
render oi the place the inmates replied
with a volley, killing five Spaniards.
The soldiers then eet fire to the wooden
portion of the building, but tbe stone
part remained intact, and the besieged
made such a valiant fight that tbe enemy
finally retreated.
Sixteen guerillas raided a camp of pa
cificos in Mantanaz province and carried
off seven women. One day one of the
women managed to secure some kind of
poison, which was put in the food kettles
of the band, and every guerilla died in
Colonel fiodrieguez and 230 Cubans
attacked Casiquas, near Jarucoa last
Tuesday, drove off the garrison and loot
ed the place.
Colouel Gordon's Kecord.
were waylaid on their way home, shot , quite general. Marquis Ito is not being
dead and robbed. A similar tragedy oc- j sent to England a special representative
curred near the reservoir at La Colorado at the queen's jubilee, but a member of
mill, and another robbery and murder the suit of Prince Arasugawa, a member
was committed near the cyanide tanks , 0f the imperial family, who will fill that
below the mill. Three lovers fought . position lor the government on that oc
and two of them were killed. All the casion. We will sail Saturday and join
vietiruE were Paisnos.
tbe prince in Paris."
BucKlen'o Arnica salye.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruiseE, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hande, chilblains
corns, and all skin eruptions, 2nd posi
tively cures piieH, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale Dy Blakeley and
Houghton, druceists.
For bale or Trade.
A desirable ranch of 1G0 acres, within
tour miles of Dalles City, with one span
mares, hurness, wagons, plows and other
property. Fine fruit land and abun
dance of 'water. Will trade for Dalles
City property. Inquire of
A. S. Mac Ali.imeii, ,
Real Estate and Insurance Agent.
Cm:oNici.E office, The Dalles, Or.
for those who find it.
Xew Yniii- "UnvOt! Tht. Hprnlil nnb.
Hshes details concerning Colonel Charles
S. Gordon, an American reported to
have been killed in Cuba while with the
insurgents in the vicinity of Cienfuegos.
Says the Herald :
Colonel Charles Gordon disembarked
in Cuba last June, and was soon pro
moted to the rank of major. Hia re
markable shooting at the fight of Vista
Herraosa in the province of Havana
astonished both the Spanish and the
Cubans. He crossed the trocha and
pined Maceo. Maceo promoter!, him for
bravery in tbe field, and thought so much
of him that he was selected as one of the
lew to cross the trocha in hie company.
Gordon was wounded tbe same time that
Buy Garland
' Happy Thought"
Salve - - tm
The kind that cures SKIN Troubles,
of M. Z. DONNELL, the Druggiet.
50c per Jar.
What is the missing word in the following
sentence :
Schillings Best tea is not only pure but it
is because it is fresh-roasted.
Get a package of Schillings Best tea at your grocers ; take out the Yelloiv
Ticket; send it with your guess to Schilling's Best Tea, San Francisco, by
August 31st.
One guess allowed for every yellow ticket. If your guess reaches us before
July 1 st, you are entitled to two guesses for each ticket.
If only one person finds the word he gets $1000. If several find it, the
$1000 will be divided equally among them. j
Every one sending a yellow ticket will get a set of cardboard creeping
babie at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one en
velope will receive a charming 1898 calendar, no advertisement on it
Suits from 75c up.
With evory $1.)0, $1.25, $1.50 or $1.75 Suit, bought of us this work wo givo
FUKK a Hoy's very noat light or dark waist. Value with us, 25e.
With evory $2.00 to $3.75 Suit FREE, a Hoy's Waist or Blouse; choice of
eight different styles; latest ell eels. Our specialty at 50c and 75c.
With every $4.00, $-1.50 or $5.00 Suit, choice of our best numbers in Hoys'
AVaists. Values from $1.00 to $1.20.
Waists now on display in our
Suit Department.
new yobk world Wasco Warehouse Company
1H I'aecf) u Week. 1,1(1 I'iiiurt a War
It stands first among '"weekly" papers
in size, frequency of publication and
freshness, varietj and reliability of con
tents. Jt is practically a daily ut the low
price o a weekly; mid its vast list of
subscribers, extending to every statu and
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for tbe accuracy and
fairness of its news columns.
It is splendidly illustrated, and iiinonn
its special features are a line humor
page, exhaustive market ruports, all thu
latest fashions for women and a lon
series of .stories by the greatest living
American and English authors,
Co n u n Doyle, .leromo K. lroui,
Stanley Weyiiiuii, Alary K. Wllklnx
Anthony lloie, itrot llurte,
Itllimler .Dultliiiwe, ICIr.
We offer this iinequaled newspaperand
The Dalles Twice-a Week Chronicle to
gether one year for .fL',00, The regular
price of the two papers is $3.00.
tlnrj JU.OOO l'UISON punnancnllf
curt-din 16 toUcinys. Youcanbutrcntciltik
If youbrufcrtocouiohura wuwlllcon.
tract to nay rallroailfurunnil hotel blllinmi
cocbsrpe.lf we full to cure. Jf you have taken lut.v
cury, Iodide iiotuhli, and mill tiavo adieu and
piles, Mucou Vutcliex In mouth, Horo Tlirout,
1 iuijilc. Copper Colored Mpotii, Iflcom on
any part of tliobody, Ilitir orKytibruwH fulllnK
out, It la tlila Secondary lil.OOO 1MIJSON
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, s? WL'uISed
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOTl Tlni'lT' TIiIhFIoht ih manufactured expressly for family
use: every sack is Kiiiunnteecl to glvo sntiafuutiou.
We sell our goods lower than any house In the trade, and if you don't think so
call mill get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
Till; KIltHT HAITI, K U lilt Illiurt'MlllK utory
I of thu xri'iit iolltIeul htruuxlu ( lh, Itn inovt
I liiiirtiuit events mill thu ninny iMiieh Involved;
u IokIchI Iii'iiIIm) iiii III iiietnllKin u.i nlk'tcd by
eminent uxixmentM, lneluclltiK tint part takoii ly
lion. W, J. Ilryiin In UioMtvur iiHltatlon prior to
the Duinncriitlu Nutliiiuil C'imvontlon, anil ilur
Intr tlio cniiimln; tliu exainplea oi liU won-
ix(ul orntory tliu iniiHt notewt.itliy InelOeoU if
lilt lainoiu four, n careful rnvluvv nl tliu jMilltleal
; klluatlfiii, it iIImiiimIuii lit tliu election retnnni
unit tliu tlKiilllciiiK'u tliereot, iind tliu future,
IMikkllillltlcH of Ill-iiictiUIUm u u ikiIUIpjI Uniiu.
In addition to the $iooo offered we will pay $ioo etch to the two ptnoni
who send in the largest number of Schilling's Best yellow ticket before June
Cut this out. You won't vsee it again for
two weeks.
A Schilling & Company
' San Francisco
we srusranu-fl to cure. Wo nojlclttiiomoat ubitl
natu case and ciiuIIciiku tliu world lor a
cu we cannot curt. 'i'liU dlseoso lias alirayi
baffled thklllo(tliomoiitemlneutiiliriti
cluuu H500,0OO capital behind our uricundl.
Uonalroaraotr. AlxolutnuruoruMJntw.'alodna
fcppllcntkm. Addrcti COOK ItKMKUV COm
Assignee's ' Notice Final Settl eraenl. !
Notice Ik hereby kIvcii tliut tliu tinrteiblKnial, J
aitklflicu of llieestutuof K. K. WHlliiliiK, mi ln-1
tolvcnt debtor, liua lllul liU Haul itccotiiii und
rf(ort in tuld liiiinent with the Clerk of thu
(.In nit Court of the Ktnte of Or(-iron for Wun'O
County, und that thu khuiu will Ixj culled up for
hi-tiilng before thu Jinlge of bald Court on the
11 ret duy of thu next regular term of tuld Circuit
Court, to-wilt On Monday, the 'Jltti duy of May,
WJ1. or If the fcume cannot bu l)erd by fcald
Court ut Mild time, an toon tliereufter k tbe
nini cnu be lieurd by mid Court.
tinted tliU ICtli day of April, IK7.
A. if. M4CA1.I.I8TKK,
AlKiicc of the e.tute of It, K. Wtlllaina, an
iiikolvent debtor. a!7-6t-ll
Itlchly anil durably hound in KiikUhIi Cloth , pluln fdt-b; portrait of tliu un
tlior form inn liK' on cover; autograph irelueit; iniiiillicunt rn
(untatioii pliitt) in hllvur, u'old uud blue; uontalnliit,' (500 ni'ua mid ,'12
full-pnKo illiihtratioiiH
In Imll-Morocco, iimrble ediio . . , , . . . ,
In fiill-Morocuo, gilt t'djo. . ,
$1 75
2 25
a 75
M. J. WOODCOCK. Agont, Wamlc, Or.
175 Second Street.
The Dalles, Oregon
Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.