The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 28, 1897, Image 4

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IT Dalles Dafly Chronicle, biciclks axd ru)K$.
Atlx ertUinc Catro.
iSffoct of tho Whool on tbo Demand
for Literature.
One or iess in I)nil
Over two inche. iitnl iimier four inch
Over four Inehe nod under twelve Inciter
Over twelve Inche . ...
One inch or les, ier Inch
Over one inch mid under (our Inches
Over lour inches uud muter twelve untie?
Over twelve inches
vt infix
$1 Jt
1 CO
tiew 1'ork Hiwkucllcr fsty Their UuhIiivm
Hua Het'ti rserlou-ly Aflfpetiul
by the Illeyele Kl-ilemie.
Among the many trades that
the havoc that has
Look about you! See. for
yourself Who suffer most
from sleeplessness, nervousness,
nervous dyspepsia, neuralgia,
despondency, general weak
ness? "Who are on the edge
of nervous prostration all the
time? Those who are thin,
Opium, chloral, bromides,
headache powders, only make
matters worse. Iron and bit
ters arc only stimulants. To
be cured, and cured for good,
you need a fat-making food.
a strong nerve
i ou want
blood ; and
Ccd-Iiver Oil with Hypophos
phitcs is all this. It feeds the
tissues, makes rich blood, and
strengthens the nerves.
Book about it free for the asking.
For sale by all druggists at 50c acd
S-TT & BOWSE, .V-York.
l-Eiiso.VAi, ncxniiN
Alias Ertie H-irrnju if H.vr Creek,
who has been attending -eh o. thp past
winter in Eugene, 'eturned on mst
night's train.
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Ainswortb let '
yesterday morning tor his home in Kan-,
sa-. Mr. Ainstvorih's health does not i
improve, and though barelv able to;
stand the trip, he was annious to get '
home. .
i tilain of
l co wrought among them by the craze fot j
bicvclinc is that of the bookseller, ;
who says that, at present nt least. er .
pie would rather wliwl than read..
The Publishers' Weekly treats of the '
matter editorally in rather a despairing j
vein, though it sees some light far ,
ahead, and meanwhile advises the weep- ,
ing Ixiokseller to add bicycles to his !
stock. It says: j
' Do bicycles hurt boohs?' was the
nuir .:ou question recently put by1
the ?"ew York Times to a number of :
bnokollorp in Xew York city, and the '
vt .glu of opinion seemed" to be in the
afamativp. Not only the book trade. !
lut at! other trades that have liven in
torviev. i d on the subject elnim to suffer
fron- the bicycling epidemic. Though '
much of this wailinc is. perhaps, ex-.
agsr- rated, it is not altogether based on '
imagination. It does not. for instance,
sr.m unreasonable to assume, when
confronted with the report that nearly
SS.m-O.'nio are invested in the manufac
ture of bicycles in and near New Yor
c alone, and that nearly 200.000 ter
sdiis in the same locality are already
addicted to "wheeling, that the wheel' .
drvs -.fleet retail trades in general.,
and noticeably the bcok trade, which
tl-'tK'jids ujon sedentary rather than
perambulntory habits.
"Hov ver. there seems to be oine
hope left. One of the booksellers in
terviewed, himself an enthusiastic
wheelman, is of the opinion that the
fesent effect of bicycling on the book
trade must be only temporary. His
theory is that the increase of wheeling
means at the same time an increase of
vigor and good health among the peo
ple. Once the first and present phase
of uheel'tig is over, this renewed viror
will exhibit itself in a practical manner,
as the people once more rturr. to tln-ir
libraries and books in better health and
better prepared to enjoy them. Like
all fads, bicycling will reach a climax
and then the reaction will et in. How
flow bout Your
to a
AYe have the facilities for cloincr
of Job lVtntinr, from a visitincr card
catalogue, and we are after all the work
can do. "VYe not only desire 'o keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. Come in
and compare our prices with that of any
one. and compare quality of work. Let us
have your next order.
Notice is hereby given that by nil
thoritv of ordinance No. 292, which
pnaieii the Common Council o Dalles
Citv April 10th, ISO", entitled, "An or
dinance to provide for the nle of cot tain
1 lots belonging to Dalles Citv. I will, on
snturdav. the loth dny of Mny. l&9r,
ell nt pub.ic auction, to the Inchest
' bidder, all the follow Inp lots ami part?
of lots in Gates addition to Dalles Uty,
1 Wnsco county. Oregon, to-wit .
Lot P f-nd 10 jointly, in block H ; ots
7. S. 9 nnd 10, jointly in block 15; lots
7. S. 9. and 10. jointly in block 21.
known as butte; lots 10, 11 and 12, in
mock 27: lot 9 in block IU; lots 2, ...
o, 0. 7. S. 9, 10 and 11, in block -o-lot
2, :i 4. S, 9. 10, 11 and 12, in block
, tr.. int.: -: 4. n. (i. 7. S. 9. 10, 11 and
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
i2.' in block 37; lots l. 2, 3, 4. 3. 6. s, Minneapolis Omu
9, 10. 11 and 12. in block 42; Jots 1, 2, 3, VWt&
St. Paul Kansas Citv
4, o 9, 10 nnu H. in iiiock t -, i. -,
3, 7. 10. 11 and 12. in bloc 11, and lots
! I, 2. 3. 4, ."), 6, in block 4b , , .
! The reasonable value of sa ws, jor
Mess than which they will no. sold,
hns been fixed :.r.d determine t v the
i Common Council of Dalles City nt fd-
Low Rates to all Eastern Citis
i lows, to-wit :
' l.otir 9 and 10. in l.locl
14, lo0;
n I in ;..;, ?, lil.w.l; ITi.
i, o, v unit jv, juiiii... -",
- C ,....! Ifl mint It- in block 21
S200: lot 10. in block 27, ?22o; lot 11. in
block 27, $22.-i ; lot 12, in block 27, $300;
! lot 9, in block 34. ?100; lots 2, 3, 4, o, S,
! 9, 10 and 11, in block 3o. each respect
ively $100; lots C and 7. in block 35.
i eacli repectivelv $12o : lots 2, 3, 4, S. 9,
j 10 and 11. in block 30, each respectively
.$100; lot 12, in block 3(i. $125; lots 3, 4,
Jo. J, 9. 10 and 11, in block 37, each re
1 spectivelv $100; lots 0, 7 and 12. in
block 37. each re.-pertively $125;
j lots 2. 3. 10 and 11, in block
'41, eich reFpectively $100: lus 1,
7 and 12, in block 41. ench respectively
',$125; lots 3. 4. 5, S. 9, 10 and 11, in
lilm.L- J" , r.-iicctiveiv ,100: lot .
jiw. - - j . t .ivi iu v. i I
G and 12, in block 42, each respectively r p,.ific
.$125; lots 2. 3,4, 5,9, 10 and 11, in Ln 01 at,nc
block 43, each respectively $100; lot 1. . parts 1 :20 a. m.
l.vrv TltP Hays fr
W, H. IIUllUll'KT, Gen. Pus. K
E. M'NEII.I. I'reslclciitnud Mnna a
Tlif New Tlmp Curd.
L'nder the new time card, winch
into ellect tomorrow, trams will mmu
fo'l ws :
Xo. 4, to Spokane and Great Northern
arrives at G p. in., leaves at 6:05 p.m.
2'o. 2, to Pendleton, llaker Citv tvfi
arrives 1 :15 a. m.,df.
4 and o, in
$100; lots 1
resnectivelv i.s-
ioultural Implements.
No. 3, from Spokane and Great NortL-
ern, arrives S:30, departs S:35 a. m.
No. 1, from Caker City nnd Union Pi
cifie. arrives 1 :20, departs 1 :25 a. in.
Nos. 23 and 24, moving fast of Tin
Dalles, will carry passengers. No. 23
arrives at 0:30 p. in., departs 12:15
p. m.
Passengers for Hepnner will take tnis
Drapers Manufactured and Repaired.
AiltertlAHcl Letter-
Following is th li-Jt of letters remain
ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un
called for May 29, 1S97. Persons call
ing for the same will give date on which
'thev were advertised : i
tFisber, J D
Jones, Chas ,5
Leist, P. C
Pratt, B F
Pres, A
Redden, LUlie
Ridall, Mrs Anja
Smith, Win R
Smiiev, Th i- 2
Staple's, C E
Sopping. Geo P
Wood, Harrv
Wilde, Johu W
.Tames, Jessie
Kilpatrick, Frank
Maniey. A B
Pressen. Mrs A
Ralpbson, R
Rotherv, B M
Smith. D C "
Sims, J A
Sheav.incv, J W
.Sailerwbite, Mrs E
Wiison, Jas D
Whitehead. Fred G
Waller. Alwir F
Waliis, W A
J. A. CkossE.v, P.
that climax ha. been reached TDic-' TVitiopVinnci TDrvTTrnnr- n 11 A Pvno
it would be rash to .ay: but the indica- u bo -U"L OOJ"L 0 W CJ. O O.XJ.U. iJA UX
tions are iliat it is not vet in sirrht. The .
manufacturers of bicycler hatv not yet PlttS XiarrOWS and CUitiVatOrS.
touched bottom. .o far a prices are
concerned, and until they do. there will
still be millions to past, through the
craze which for tht- time being- is de
moralizing the equilibrium of trade.
"Wc note in this connection the pro
posal of a bookseller that the lok trade
add bicycles and their concomitants to
its stock. Dry troods stores, the department-
stores penerally. says our friend,
besides a numlier of miscellaneous
Celebrated Piano Header.
Lubricating Oils, Etc.
White Sewing Machine and Extras.
! in block 43. $125; lots 2
, block 4ti, each respectively
I and G, in block 40, each
! Each of these lots will be sold upon
j the lot respectively, and none of them
will be sold for a less sum than the value
' thereof, as above stated.
One-fourth of the price bid on any of
said lots shall be paid in cash at the
time of sale, and the remainder in three
equal pavments on or before, one, two Jenving here 0 :05 p
ami tnree years irom me uuic ui ruiu
.sale, wilh interest on sucn deferred pav
' ments at the rate of 10 per cent per
annnin. payable annually; provided
1 that the payment may be made in full
at any time at the option of the pin-
The said sale will begin on the 15th
day of May, 1S97, at "the hour of 2
o'clock p. m. of said day, and wili con
tinue from time to time until all of said
lots shall be sold.
Dated this 13th day of April, 1S97.
Gii.iiEur W. Piiei,i.
Recorder of Dalles Citv.
Lutter I'rniii Mr. I'arri.
We received this morning the follow
ing letter from Mr. James Ferris, wiio
recently went from this place to Yakima.
Mr. Ferris is S4 years old, and his letter
shows that he is still a keen observer,
and that his mind is still vigorous. The
letter is dated at Yakima City, May
2fJih, and is as follows :
Deae Fk;kxd. : I writ- a few lines to
let ton fctmw I am in Yakima City nt
John Farri;'. I am well as when I ieit
Th? lJuiius. Was eigat diys coming
from The Dalles, camped out seven
ntehte, and -jot to Joun'e the eitrhth day.
stood tlie trip wli and am enjoying my
self well with John-!? children. He is
nway shfarim; sheep, leaving the etcand
day niter I got here. He hnr quiiea crew
uud have all the shearing they can do.
Times are dull here and money icarce.
Ther- is nothing of importance hre.
Irfist November the river was very high.
1c took two bridges a.vay and one man
drowned herd to save several others. ;
I am trying to net the paper that has the '
matter "in. if I can find it, I wili send
it to vou. I uot several papers from vou
; stores amoncr the latter are mentioned jr .-."J' pCO N J ) S'J'R V FT
! even several drug stores in New York
! city already do a thriving business in
I bicycles. If the bookseller is for the
moment denied the privilege of furnish-
inc- his tellows witn 'lamps to their
, feet.' why. he claims, should he not
i keep lamps for their 'wheels.' and so
; bind them to the habit of buying1 r.' a
j bookstore? The Prophet Nahum. Thou
sands of years nao. lamented 'that rht'
' city is full of the noise of the wheels
j And the world still moves; Why, then
should 1ooksellers moje and Ik- unhap
; py? Let them take Launce't advice, and
; help to 'set the world on wheels.' At
this fin de siecle 'everyThinp doer '.
' 'Caps and bells' will be 'called in bv
the inexorable decrees of fashion, bu'
of the making of many books there v. '.li
le nj end nor of the sellinc' of them
either." Literarv Hi crust.
For hulc.
Lots A, B, K and L, block 30; A P.,
block 72; A, B, C, D, E and F, block 82.
and A, B, C, D and E, block 2o. Apply
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Triiin.- leave nnd lire duo to nrhve at 1'flrtUal
for CntihtrurtliiK
Sevrrr $ Mrni.
WatiT iiikI I
-IiriiiKS Agencr,
r; Ituliim Service. Warm
. Or , May 7. 1M7.
SEALED I'HOl'OSALS, endorsed 'I'rojab I
for Water and sewer svMem and nddrosed k
the m.der.lsiied at Warm jriiiK, ('ruck ,
( unity, Oreson, will be received at this hkuiicv I
until x o'cluek ji. m. of Jlay -r,, l;c, (or furiibh'-
Inc tho mcei-B.-y miiteriaU and labor required !
ii tlie construction and completion of a vater j
mm ! hisio, miciutniip luiiinuiii.' lor the
boarding m'IhkjI jihuit to be eteetcd on this re
eve, in strict accordance with plans and mwI-In'iition-.
whleh mny be examined at the olhee
of the 'Moriiintr DiecoiiiKli." Portland. lr..
' Tiri: f ltnoMcu:," The Dalle Or., and at thin
Akciicj I
ilidtiers will state clearly in thel
j press, cHleni, lhtee-' .
I burc, Abhland, Sac-II
. I raineuiu. uueu.sau ,
"M 1 FraiiciM.-o, Mojnve, ((,....
I AnReles.El l'sn, i j -'"u
I New urleaus audi
! t Knt J I
k-i i m 'Ito-eburg and way Ma
.M A.M. t,0,s b p.K
' Viu WoiKlburn lor)
ii.,iu : Mt.AiiBel, silvertnn, ;
.!,-!. !;, West ado, llrowus- MCtpl
SnS.I. vlllcsprlligtield aud Sucdafi
unda5. UVitr;m' j
f.oo i m aalem and way stations '10.15A.X
-' " ' (Corvallis and wnyi i:3M
...50 a. ji.. .llUoll! . (
i, iMcMinnvIIle audi 1 63)F.X
' -" way stations t
Dally. tDaiiy, except Sunday.
Attached to all Through Traips.
with ft
thv j dental and Oriental mid 1'aCilu- mail 't"
lines for JAl'A.S and 1 1II.. -aning -
Attelltilill, W. II. V.
Members of the W. K. C. are requested
to meet at Fraternity h!l Sunday even
iir.' at 7:30 o'clock, for thu jiurpoe if
marching: with the G. A. P. to the M. K.
church, where memorial services wli be
held. .Mary Lko.nakh,
Itatet f.nd ticket? to KnMern iio'nM mm
rope. AlsoJAI'AN. fHINA. H'JMlULl &
Tit A LI A, can be obtained from
J. 11. KIKKLAND.TlcietApnt-
Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has
no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE &
MAYS. The Dallas, Oregon.
Dr. Ktnj
l.oivrj' fur
ieilKtl. of time reouirod to eoiiinl..i thi- mirt
Tne riyht is re-erveil to reject any and all bids.
ir uv p.i-t u'. any bid. If deemed for the best In
ter' , of tl. service.
Totat;ei..i(in ol bidders is invited to the act
f C .Ingres', approved .unjust l, j, entitled:
' i act relating to tlie limitation uf the hours
' (Iji sersiceof laborers and mechanics em
i, red upon Hie public- works of the t'nited
-t ills and of the District of ('olumliin '
the act of ongres approved Auuut is, lsy,
ei.'iti'-U ' An act for thu pMtettl.m of persons I
f ,1.1'inii)! materials and labor for the construe- !
twi A public works."
cEKTini:n chucks
tact: bid t; accompanist bv a certltied
iliti-t or draft upon some fnited .ta"te Deuisi- '
, ti.ry or sul-.ent National Hunk In the viciniti of '
, the of the bidder, payable to' the r.,,..,. fnr ry-uvrrio dnilv. except Sun4iy.'
order oi t he -ommls oner of Indian Allairs. for ' -.!o'" , . ?? r, 5 & i- 13. :6 B.
. , ----.-.'""..." o- .owl 1 1 m ,. m .hi Siimrriur unuy. -v- ...s
li.o iHHui, men cnecK or dratt will be forfeited . ' .. " .: . n.d l:a',
...,... ....... 4 i. .... . i-iiri ni ii ill .Tiii.iiiif a .iai u "
to i. iiu.-u .-nuts iu ease any bidder or bid
. ders receiving an award shall fall to T,rr.rm,ti- ,,:3,J ""I ' :" '
I "Oltt tl. II i. .11 W4.ti IU , .1 1 ' ... f
Tliif is tlw liHat tnlifim. in iJio wnrl.1 T N THK IKCt'IT ( Ol'HT of the iitute uf On.
lor an iorni& oi Uoujiis. Lolrts anu uon
"umptioii. Every liottle is snuranteed.
It will euro and not disappoint. It haE
no etiuf.l for Whoopinc Contra, Asthma,
i fltiiSitief FofnT'c 1'inol cr.niinl
nuilimMlllllUI 0 l II1U1 nuuillll 'eewiviiiK an awaru snuit law to prompt
..ciuiv u eoii.iaeL wi.n min .ii,oi..,.,
i Notice hereby eiv,.,, tht th,. U-fJu. rt,1."'?r t the blddtr.
Km. for the County of V. ueo. ..dmini.trator. of ihctate of J. li.' lirtmSVdi" ' fll -herk wi 1 " ,,,el' 01 " W!rU'
TH.. rtttrtt. itiMkr V.r rinnn f:r If T.m..., IU IJ I'ltHli II. III.. Ull iHi'll HtltWltfllxl lit, th.- llm.i .n- m'st
Hnrv.y W. Dunn mm .Marv Dunn and N. i heifliij: objections theiet.. and the settle-
U h..l.i.,.. .riinlnl.imii., ..f ten. ttu ..f ' meut tli -leo.'. All heirs, creditor or oth.-r i.r. , - - -
...". i,- -.v.. . u cmii; niu ilVltlll llllllllrll '
Through Ticket OUid., 131 Third s'fg
through tickets to all .uit in h.e,,-Kf2
StHtes, Canada and hurope can be obuino-'
lowest rates from ., , . ,
All above trains arrive at and dejrt iros
Ciraud Central Station, Fifth nnd Irving
Passenger Det, foot of jecronJtn.-
L'. S. Indian Aceut.
Iave for Sheridan, week days. stP-1
Arrive at I'ortluiid, l:w a. m
Wia. II. Innin, dtc-'.THwJ, Iiefeiidunt-.
for which I thank jmi very kindly, hut Gripne, Cold In the Head and Consump
i.,... .i,,. .......... ,.r..... 'ri.,... .......
Hay Fever, Pneumonia, Bronchitis I.a To Ida Dunn, Spencer w. Dunn, Ge. M. Dunn,
rtarvej- . iiunii nnu mrj luiiin nnu ' for -he heaiili" theteof
thov canie to the wroii" ofhee. Thev
turne to Xortii Ykim& and my address
is Vakinta City, Wabh. Tlie office- are
about f'Hir miles apart. Yakima City in
wiieru I am. I send ynu where John is
nnd you can see what a crowd he ha.
We have ood weather now. Straw
berries are uettinj; joud. I know noth
inn to interest yon. Honinc to hear
from you soon, direct Yakima City,
AVneh. Youre truly,
Jame- Fai:i:is.
tion. Jt i; safe for all nue;, jileasant to
take, and, above all, a sure cure. It is
to file their obieotious lo said lirml niV-oiint. i
any they bme. on or .beloie the day apiiointtd
WlUl;M.. U HU 11111)1 IIHIOT OI Ulf -auic OI ! u i. -
m. ii Hum.., decease, Defend.nU : ' X Oltirm.Vdm!
in the mime oi tne state oi ujegon. ou are
hettfby reiUii! to appear and answer the com
J. h. r-CIltM:,
U-ave for AIRI.IE on Monday, Wrf.nw
Frl ,nv nl fl-JO m m. Arrive Bt IWIMf'
I dnv, Thursday nnd aatutdnj atU'iwI'-
! Hiindny trains for OSW Ko fc'V$ . .U
I and I'-i lo, 1 : IS. 3:3, 5:i ' & 05 -S l0
h-At.L rive at Portland at s:bO, H:ee a.
M. Beam..
Las bier.
First National Bank.
0.10, G:.', 7:55 p. in.
Asst. o.r.ii'4"-
nlwavs well to take Dr. Kin'a New Life '1l!n,,L'"1 " i the above entitled
, . . . , T " suit within ten days from the date of the sr-. .
Pills in connection with Dr. King s ew vice of tbittiumnoiiFupoii you. if served within
nio..eore . n tlioe rf-...,l.U. nnrl m. Hifi ! .co,'ul;:. or. A' 'V1. "M""! .'
... i oumy oi inis niaie. men wiiniu iiveiiiv nave vn i ....... , . . "ii ui uiici;6.
We "uarnntH- per- ; date or the service ?t this .jam nons (Si7K KryT liS Collections made and proeeede promptly
Notice of Final Sttllemeul.
A Valuable Prescription.
Editor Morrison of Worthiwrton, Ind.,
"Sun," writes: "You have a valuable
prescription in Electric BitterF, nnd I
cm cheerfully recommend it for Connti
pation and sick Headache, and as a gen
eral syctein tonic it has no equal." Mis.
Annie Stehle, 2025 Cottne Grove Ave.,
Chicno, Km all run down, could not eat
nor dk'est food, had a backache which
nevur left her nnd felt tired and weary,
but fix bottlee of Electric Bitters re
stored her health and renewed strength.
Prices r0 CHiitw arid $1 00. Get a Bottl
at Blakelev uud Houghtou'e Drue More.
stomach and bowels.
feet satisfaction or return money. Free
trial bottles at Blakelev it Houghton's
; Dnij: store. Regular size L0 cents uud
$1.0U. 0;
Administrator's Notice.
Notlei is hereby gien thut the undersigned
lias U-eli imrHiinted administrator of the estate
of Mlus W. Davis, late of Couuty. and
now deceased. AH -erons having elaiuis
agailliit sail e.late or against tne estate of
tor um and Davis of Wapmltla, Oieou, of
which said lirm said dK-en,e(l was a partner,
will present ti.e same, duly vejitktl, to me hi
'I he Dulles, Oieaon or to my attorneys, Duf ur a
.Menefe, of Dulles City, Wasco County. Oregon,
within six mouths from the date hcroof.
Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this :'M dav of
ilay. 1:97.
11. . Ut'OHUN,
Administrator of the estate of blljs IV. Davis, ,
deceased. m'.v.'.t I
I A (jeneral Banking Buainess truusautea
j Deposits received, eubject to Sight
ure.ii or unecK.
tipoit you or l! ww ui on you .y pnuilcntlpn. ,w.t.a.wi i,s tili T,u 7i,,i .; .Ii : . V"; i rfitnittPil ,,n ,ln,. t r...'i"
ouCrX Steht and TelegrVphic E7n o,d on
ItIIM Vrk' Francisco ar on.
Iiui in r ft. gold coin, and iniereit thetwin. In 1 ."'i"..?"" !l ,,?...( .' t".u", 'and'
like coin, from ilarch 3i. 1:J. at the rate of i 7? S 'tu )'.. 1 .,.,iHAli"""..,",; ' DI RKCTOHS
Dated this ta:b day of March, l'.'J7. ! D. P. ThompHON. Jjo. S. ScuitscK
ji . KJ.i.uriltl., , r-,11. l . II.T.Tjlva 1-.'. 1 T
. . 1 ' " uibUA.
ri. M. Bkaix.
and m
eight i-r cent K:r aniiuni: and for the further
sum of flu, in like coin, and interest, in like
coin, at the rate of eight ter cent .-r niiniim
from February 1, lsw and for the further sum
of ?h uttoni'-y ftes; ard for his costs mid dis
bursements herein: and forn judgment mid de
eiee aguinxt all of said defendants that all the
real projrty described in the complaint, to-wit
all of lot i., aud the emt half of lot 5 o. block
of Ilmnasou s llltiil Addition to Dalles city.
Oregon, be sold, aud the prweed tbereof be ap
plied iion said judgment aud that each and
all of said defendants be forever barred aud fcrc-
lo.e1 of all right, title und interest in or lo
Administrator of the entitle uf M,rv t:r.
dou. deceawji aprt-il '
Siiid tiri-inise& atiil hinds.
nils summons s served uim'hi you. the said
Harvey . Dunn and Mary Dunn, by order of
Hon. . I. Hrudshaw, Judge of said court, duied
April a, Ulf7.
ttprlO-h Attorney for I'laintlir.
SubscriUs for The Chkomcli:.
.Subscribe for Tub Chiio.vici.k.
Executor's Sale.
i'lirsunnt to nn order of the County Court of
the ntate of Oregon for the Wasco County, made
and entered on the 3d day of May, is'JT, iu the
matter of the estate of James McUiiiibii, deceased,
(uiccung me io sen tne rem pro'ieriy ieiouglug i
to the estate of said deceased, I will, ou Hatur- j
day, the 5th day of June, Is'JT. at the hour of'.',
o'clock p. in,, at the courthouse door in Dalles '
(Jlty, urtgon, sell at puniic baie,tto the lilghext
bidder, all of the following described teal prop,
erty belonging to said estate, to-wit: 'I he
sioutliwest nuurter of bcntlon Klght. Township
One houth, Hange Fourteen F.ust W. M-, con
mlnlng ICO acres more or less.
mW I! K OIHONti. Kxeoutor.
Harry Liebe,
rl Jeweler
AH work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
Through by daylight via Griis VlW'
and Cross Hollows.
imiuii .a AI.LEX. The !
! C. M. WUITKLAff, Autelol'"
! Stages leave The Dalit from VrBUlj"tr,
at 7 u. in., also from Anlylow t tfc
! Monday, Wednesday ' di We SlitcbtU '?J
made it Antelope for I'''"" K ded'!
, points beyond. Close c ihiW'
built with railways, train" ""Pf. lo
' Singes from Anli'I?I '?kJt
days, Thursdays anu buiui.
Dallei. to Deschutes .
do Mora... .
do tintss Valley
do Kent ....
do Cross Hollows.
AutelotK.' to Cross Hollutv
do Kent. ....
do tiniss Valley
do Moro.
do Desohuecs.
do Dulles