The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The only Republican ailii .Wimkijxm JPfiiCO Comifu. TAUTER OFFICE to Temple Court, y. Y. Vitu. E. KATZ. Agent. Clubbing lliitf. Chronicle ami Oreconian Chronicle and Examiner Chronicle and Triluine Chronicle and N. Y. World the Heppner fever at once, and de parted for that town. In a short time tbe wool buyers will be back and then a price will be made for wool. It look as though each of them was waiting for the others to , make the move, and all are waiting the action of the senate on the tariff bill. FIJI DA V. MAY 'JS. 1S07 IT IV As yoT '-VSTEMPT. Each dav teaches the American n o;i Turkev's indemn it v demands shrink 1 73, with a steadiness which sho.vs that - 00 ( she never expected to get her ori- cinal iigure. I here is a strong prob ability that she will never get any thing in the shape of money out of 1 Greece, and very little iu the way of "We suggested yesterday that Mr. ! territory. She has won some pres llavenieyer. ho was being tried in lice, however, at a very small ex "VYashingtOD for contempt of court, penditnre In either money or blood, wou'ul be cleared, and that because , and even if she should get no other, he had money, and therefore iutlu-' compensation she would have no euce. The dispatches this morning right to complain. announce that this was done. They , niiiminnp. nlsn. tlmt Mr. Ilnvempvor ' ... ' people a fresh lesson on the import- said. -Ine decision is pertectlv satis-'1 1 . . . , . . . factory to me. and to every other j decent man in the district." He may be right, and it may be possible , , , indications of the depletion of tin of Columbia teels as he does about . . ... , . it. The population of "Washington City is composed of pap-suckers, time-servers and miH"-worshiprers. I "Wealth and Pull are the idols before , which these invertebrates grovel, and j the decent men of the country at large cannot be measured by the de- j cent tilings composing the peon pop- J illation of our national capital. , Havcmever snapped bis tinkers at WflLIi PAPER! WALL PAPER! Just Received 5000 You Get the Profits and Middlemen by hijWf red from the minufactuta. iESJT vrlth n bit 33. ninclrvrcU's iiamiino unll Durham 1? in atiss ly .-elf. on will Unci coupon irsltlc cai'l; two ounce Img, and two cou pons inside each lour ouuee t of BSackweSPs Genuine Durham Sntokifig Ysbscco Bnyr.basof this celebrated tobacco nud read the coupon WhlohslvejsallstoJvaluableuresentsaadhowlOEetthem. The , nio?t I Kolls of Wall Taper. be?t patterns. The beautiful color?. New Invoice .if Tnint? and Oils. Any! color or brand supplied. anee of Arbor Dnv and timber cul ture. Down in Texas week before Wholesale last ;ix men were hung from a single boucli. Such incidents are alarming ; ber. Texas furnishes a profitable field for tree culture, and the demand 1 is constantly increasing. Astorian. i CUines and Cigars . SDipes-KWy Drug Co. FRENCH & CO.,; BANKERS. ! ri'.ANSACT A GKKEKAI. RANKING llt'SINES No better wheel mad; than tie Acme Bicycle Built in our own feretory fo skilled workmen, u the material and the most mrcrov&J machinery. We havsnocgaU Sold direct from factory totfc rider, fully warranted. Siirrtil anywhere for examination' WRITE FOR Our Interesting Offer Acme Cycle Co.. Elkhart, U6. BUSINESS LOCALS. THE CELEBRATED t Nebraska corn for sale at the Wasco 1 warehouse. Best feed on earth. ni9-tf English and Belgian cement, very best in. ported brands, for sale by Wasco J Warehouse Co. niy5 lui The merchant who te'is you he has i ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER on draught and in Dottles. i Letter? of Credit issued avnilable in the Eastern State?. , Sight Exchange and Teleqrapbic ' Transfers sold on New York. Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore con, Seattle Wash., and various poiutE 1 in Oregon and Washington. ; Collections made at all points on fav- l orable terms. Regulator Line The Dalles, Portland ail Astoni Navigation Co.' Anhenser-Bnsch Malt Nutrine. a non-alcoholic the court, and the courts sav that ) something else as good as Hoe Case soap ! keverage , uneCITialed as a tonic. ,. , , ,. .' , ' is a L'ooa man to keep awav irom. a2-um ' owing to his wealth, bis social and , . . - , . . STUBLING & WILLIAM financial position and his great po-j Ifcical inlluence. he had a right to ' snap said fingers at said court as j aforesaid. "Well, after all. it is only a ques-, tion oi time until we shall all be on the same level with Havemeyer, for our courts aie rapidly approaching that stage where the people have no confidence in them, ami when they will pay no attention to their com mands. Between a sj'stem of judi cial anarchy and just plain, simple-1 every-day anarchy, the latter is; preferable, because general judicial anarch v simplv :avs there is no law: to punish or control the rich: simple '. anarchy says there is no law for any body. We do not like either, but if choice has to be made, the masses will soon decide in favor of the lat ter. Jf there is no law to punish Have meyer for contempt, there should be no law to punish Debs for contempt ' rrt vmi trnn? rnnr tt-Jnilnvrc rltn?iprl carpets taken up, leaten and re laid, or janitor work of any kind done by a nrst-elass man? If so, telephone Henry Johnson at Parkins' barber shop. 'Piiocellf. a I'M: I. COMIItfl, SOLE DK M.Kit IN THE I) U.l.E- OF Marie Burial Vaults !stR Regulator 4 Ddkll I FREIGHT CATARRH local'disease and is the result ot colds and sudden c -j'.ic changes. For your Protection we ;.-.t.v ) sU'.e that ti. 5 r:n.ejy cct conu.n n:er :ry o: aay other tj-r- Ely's Gream Balm i to he the mo?t thorr:h csie for Nj-..! Catarrt, Co.d .n Head and Hayterer of all renifHiiM. It open an" c.eacies the Da-aS pajiaes, i.Ti pam auu hea.5 tee snr, pro- tae membrane froa. cc d, restores the sen-- o: ixrtear.dsme!:. Ir;t;e '.-K. a: Drnasuts cr br mai.. i.lV UKOTHEKS. J5 Warren itxteu ew York. NEW SPRING GOODS NEW SPRING GOODS JUST ARRIVED JUST ARRIVED A Perfect Protection irom Water and Dampness. Preserves tbe Body by Ex cluding the Air. It possesses every mt-rit elaimed for ; the most expensive vaults, viz; absolute security and durability, thus mnkinc n permanent and imperishable resting place for the dead. This vault is made of six pieces of mar- Are you going ble which can be firmly fastened to- j gethei with cement, thus makini: them ! air and wuter tight. ! AND PASSENGER UM , The Dalit!-, Hood Itiver, Cascade h:nd daily, except Sunday. GOOD SERVICE. LOWEST RATES. DOWN THE YA1 OR TO mm upas! C, F. STEPHENS. How ThU! We off-r Onf Hundred I oliars Reward . for anv case of Catarrh that cannot cured by Ha.l's Catarrh Cur-. F. J. Chekev i Co. Props., Toled We the undersigned, have known F ' T fMiMTittt tnr hf lust l."i vttnrc !ar1 Iim. The invidious distinction ha? caused ! !ieve hin; perfectIy honor'able'in ail bnsi almost a universal -contemt t of ness transactions and financially able to court." and we hazard the opinion : carry out any obligations made by their that if Debs were to be tried tomor- nrm row. now that Uavemever has been T Wf 5 lTrUllx" who'ele Druggists, , , ' Toledo, Ohio. set free, the American people would , Raiding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole not permit him to go to jail. They , ale Druggists, To'.edu. Ohio, would niob the court first. The Hali"s Catarrh Cure is taken internal load has made the public bask sore. 1 '' ttCliD" directly upon the hlood and ...t . .I IP . . mucous surfaces of the svstem. Price anil when once that nubhe starts in , .... , r. ; oc. per bottle, sold bv Drut'2i36. to buck it off, it will be time foi , Testimonials iree. 1 some judnes to hunt tall timber- i r A desirable ranch of 1(50 acres, within tour miles of Dalles City, with one span mares, harness, wagons, plows and other property. Fine fruit land and abun dance of water. Will trade for Dalles City property. Inquire of A. S. Mac Au.!.ti:i., Real Ectate and Insurance Agent. Chbo.vici.k oflice, The Dalles, Or. "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its fioca leads on to fortune" The poet unauestionablv had reference to the I f so, Mive money and enjoy n beautiful tr.ja r Ill I. ' the Columbia. The wet-bound train tmtae Kinds Ceme terv Workij ! outgoing Southern nud Sorthem tniai to , ... , , , , bound imssenpetk nrrivitiR In The Mtei153 Mr. C otiitni has on hand a luree sup- to take the Knst-bouud train, .vol tirst-ciass Marble, to be used in j Kor further information nj.ply to Monuments, eti. Prices iower than in , . . Portland J- N- HAKE . .Acen'. i ortiann. () fc 6t t j, t j.ort;aaa. Owon. I Or W. C. AlXAWAY.Gfain. Themile.UW1 Z Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALl & BURGET'S, Who are selling those goods out at greatlv-reduced rat MIOHEI.BACH BP.IOK. - UNIONS ST. ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. j A..' New York Weekly Tribune s j Pullman 'Elegent ' Tom-ist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car The managers of the Utah Pioneer Jubilee claim that President McKin ley will visit alt Lake during the jubilee, and that he is already plan ning the tiip. We doubt this very much. Like hi predecessor, the president "has a congress on his bunds." There is going to be a V(mr -rui " little jubilee in Washington between ; FeW reslHsStt tlmt each fi,,uirrej ,,e. this and August, and the program gtroys ?1.50 worth of grain annually, has not yet been printed. Besides, . Wnkelee's squirrel and Gopher Esterm the aotion nf Snimtnr rVmnfin nf Tt..h it. Jtor is tiie most effective and econom- tun Farmers and Villagers, JOlt Fathers and Mothers, ron Sons and Daughters, roii All the Family. hT. I'Al'L -MI.VNKAl'OLI lll'Ll'TH t'A i:t;o TO uiiA'D foi: CllOOIiSTON WINXII'KC. HKLE.NA an HIJTTK Through Tiekefcs CHICAGO WASH1NOTO.V ; I'lllLADKLI'IJlA ' yaw VOltK ' BOSTON AND ALL With the close of the Presidential Campaign THE TKIBUNE recoirnizee the . 1,0,NTS KAST south DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT. Window-Glass and Picture Moulding- ZEE. Cx ID IE ZKTIT' DR. GUHITS m tacking that Lubin amendment onto the tariff bill, is not going to make the president feel hilariously friemlh towards L'tah. icai poison known, i'rice reuueeu to M i umi me nuicriciwi jcujji: mc uh .iuu iu kc mcir uiiennon to noine ana cents. For sale bv M. Z. Donnell, business interests. (.ent. prominence, until To meet this condition, politics will have far less snace and L.A0 '''"'0rf!L"t,?ai Hmecardu, mnr-kHtirt ticket!., ; A, niinthcr State or Xatinnnl occiiHinn rltunndc n rpnnun & Congressman Cochran of Missouri white has introduced in the house a resoltt tion for an amendment to the con- compounds. stitution permitting an income tax to be levied, the supreme court of the United States having decided the last income inx law passed by congress unconstitutional. . jjjjj for tjltJ ,,rjncipeg for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from ite inception Yellow washing powder will make to the present (lav. nno won its ureateflt victories, your clothes the same color. Affoid Kverv !)0sfiH)le effort will be put forth, and money freely Bpont, to make THE this by using Soap Foum. It'e ure ; WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National FamilyNew8paper, interesting, ! -OK- D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., Morrihou Cor. Thlrl. I'ortlanU Orec will meil MU.l trr. or I'."' '.., ' M61 1 .Midi r?"$l&i'& W. C. ALLA WAY. A,ent, BKfeiSfejKrSSB j ne iMUt-s, ort-Koi) i i",T' "ii r full r.ii a2-3tn ! instructive, entertaiuiuc and indisnensable to each member of the family, Koan Foam excels all other washiiif ' a2.3m g a. u. crr.LKv, Attoroe? anfi Conusellor at Law :.KLINUT0N, OKEOON. I'mcticcf in the nUtc und Kilemi (iurthii( OiKgo:: und WushifiKton. Jitn zi-Mno 1 We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. i Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, Tribune Office, New York City, acd a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib une will be inuiled to vou. A ffiw days ago the town was mn linl nritr llmrr. ,s li.trrlk' nno in 1 T.M.fM: .5?UR 'E f OR P L E S : I DR. BO-BAN-KO'S PILK REMEDV. . . the citv. Jhev nil secmeu to tret 2 ".'.?. -. . I! Job Printing at This Office. Oreson j This In Tour 0.KJrt unity. , a KeoerouB eample will be wailed of the ' , most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure ' I (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon-! trato the great merits of tho remedy. ELY BROTHERS, CC Wairea Bt., New York City. Iter. John Beid, Jr., of Great Foils, Mont., reoomnieuded Ely's Cream Balm to me. I can emphasize hw statement, "It is a posi tive cure for catarrh if ued as directed." Rev. Francis W, Poole, Pastor Central Pre. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is tbe acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drug. Prict, CO cent. me coiuija WW PORKandBEEr SLUHJFACTOlU!'"'" Pine Lard n& S!" Curerso''",''1I TT AMR & BACO PRIED BEEF, ETC.