eljc Hades Chronicle. VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 28.flt8' NO 111) AVtlfclbK lb Mhh j -v. -t .1 10 I OiUT uruereu a cr- diet of Not Guilty. riotF' CASE XOT AFFECTED lf Jrurici.j - KipliUii HI Allfjceil Contumacy Tomorrow. mi UAI WHISKY GKTS INTO ALASKA HlRltty I Washington", yiay 27. Iuterest in . t . v ri . he trial ol rienry u. navemeyer, presi- ent of the American Sugar Refining r . T . . r . . I be pending motion ot the defense to , - nstruct the jury to bring in a verdict of ; case that at nt ookg ke .m nt hat if the court should order acquittal ten. re.fintU. hnnt,J ihl-' in!lt" I MnnRslpr Find Hip I HU H TriilKr Tacoma, May 27. Now come? frciu Alaska tint liquor of doubtful quality is being smuggled into that territory in large quantities. The shipment of liquor , there i$ unlawful, except vrhere special j permits are granted, hut many saloons receive iresti consignments by every steamer, though liquor is never entered on the steamer"? manifest. The latest ruse for getting quantities of whisky Into the interior is to take it through Alaska in bond for Hritish terri tory beyond. Being prohibited there, a bond is given Britifh customs olllceis to I take it out in a specified time. Means ' are found for taking it across the line Celebi-nted forli prect lraveninc s-trei.sth nuil into Alaska at some point not watched henlthfulnt Azures the food eniut alum u. r POWDER Absolutely Pure. and nil forms of ndulterariou cneap Drana Koyai. Hakim, Powdf.k Co. New Yor.K. ..1.1 n n. .V.i.vt nlnpn ! tie CISC WUUIU uuiuc lu an rtuiujJi iu:c, nrf the indictments acainst John E. canrofnrr nf tlif snirfir rpfinini. oaipany, and Edwards and Schriever i ....... I. A When the court opened, District At- ana soon alter received an anonymous letter warning them that the new milk would cause sickness in the family. To Take up N. Y. C. K. II. Uoutls. New Yohk, May 27. At the meeting ornev Davis entered upon his replv to ; of the New York Central stockholders at motion of the defense to order an Albany, 710,692 shares the largest vote nrwipd vesterdav. Davis took ud the UUU.UiW at ol..ner cent to take ud the sis propositions upon wnicn me aeiense ( uuuu uu uuibuuiumg. iur. jepew based the motion and met thorn seria- j cast the vote which represented these tim, although not in order laid down by ; shares, or $71 ,069,200 worth of the stock the defense. i of the road. This vote showed that the jonnson repneu at some leagiu to me "u passcu im wc icgisiaiuie s nut) arguments of Davis, after which court announced a recess till 1 o'clock, during which interval he was to take the mo tion of defendant's counsel under advisement. Upon re-convening the court sustained the motion of the attorney lor the de fense. The jury, in accordance with the instructions of the court returned a ver dict oi not cuuty. District Attorney Davis said the ver dict would not afl'ect the case of John E. Searls. secretarv of the Sugar Refining , necessary, as more than two-thirds of jdent Auyell lias left for Washington the stock of the road voted for the issue The Best Kerned' for Kheumatlfim. ! From the Fairhaven (X. Y.) Register. Mr. James Rowland of this village, I state that for twentv-five years his wife has been a sufferer from rheumatism. A few nights ago she was in Euch pain that she was nearly crazy. She sent Mr. Rowland for the doctor, but he had read of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and instead of eoing for the doctor he went to the store and secured a bottle ot it. Row- . , . ,. His wife did not approve of Mr. with tomorrow. Davis Eaid Searles di-1 , .... his case was in no way parallel with that of Havemever. Haveinever euid: "The verdict is i satisfactory to me and to every decent man in the communitv." norttrtha. rectly refused to answer questions, and . no ,rj n,pi, .u. i.i ,. . 1 ,, , ... i less applied the Balm thoroughly and in j an hour's time was able to go to sleep. I She now applies it whenever she feels an ache or a pain and finds that it always gives relief. He says that no medicine which she had used ever did her as much Foraker Poollug lilll. Washington, May 27. The senate committee on interstate commerce practically agreed todav upon the final good. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for bv Blakeley & Houghton. gale Fatal Case of I.ocKjmv. Saciumento, May 27. Willie Ham in, amendments to the Foraker pooliug bill, 12 vears old, died early this morning which there will be an effort to have re fiorted at nest meeting of the committee to be held one week from todav. Votes taken on the amendments today from the effects of lockjaw. One day last week the boy fell from a tree at East Park, where he was searching for birds' nests, and broke both arms. One leave little doubt the committee's of the arms was eo badly shattered that recommendation will be favorable to the : it was thought amputation would be measure when rejorted. The bill has I necessary, but the boy was attacked by teen perfected and would have been re- J lockjaw last night and died this morn- jwieu touay out tor tue opposition o: i ing senator Chandler, who is antagonistic to the pooliug bill. He made a speech tefore the committee denouncing the railroad pools as trusts. The Mount Lebanon Shakers have re- I ceutly perfected an ingenious cure for dyspepsia. Their Digestive Cordial con sists of a food already digested and a ! digester of foods happily combined. San Fuancisco, May 27.-In less than i The importance of this Invention will one hour after thev had finished dinner be appreciated wtien we realize wnai a at their summer home in San Rafael i proportion of the community are victims Sunday evenini: seven members of the ' of eoine form of stomach troubles, household of .V. K. Mnsten, the financial Thousands of pale, thin people have little agent of the Southern Pacific Company, 1 inclination to eat, and what they do eat were taken violently ill. Svmptoms of causes them paiu and distress, poisoning developed rapidlv'. A physic ! The Digestive Cordial of the Shakers an was summoned, and under bis treat corrects any stomach derangement at ment those. nfHiotprl i. .rwrnlnn , once. Ji mates ujiu kv I'oUon lu tile .11111;. It is asserted that in this way 1200 gal lons of high-proof spirits were distrib uted among Yukon mining camps last season. By diluting, the quantity was increased to 2400 gallons, which sold for $25 per gallon, netting a profit to the smugglers of $43,000. Similar though smaller shipments are being marie this year. .Medals for I'ullman, Chicago, May 27. George M. Pull man has received from Archduke Raner two magnificent medals and a richly wrought diploma, a testimonial of honor and merit in founding and building the most perfect town in the world. This distinction came as u result of an ex hibit in the international hygienic and pharmaceutical exposition in Prague. Ansell die to Washington. ANN -riKKOIt, 3I1CU.. JlaV . ITCSI- in obedience to a telegram from the state departmenut. The summons was en tirely unexpected, and its nature un known. It is rumored Dr. Angell will be ordered to depart for Turkey sooner than he expected, probably within a few days. BUYING LAND. . of one child, were soon relieved A. Masten, son of N. K. Masten, telieves that the milk used was poisen fcd, and the authorities of Marin county are at work investigating the facte in a Buy Garland "Happj Thought" The kind that cures &KIN Troubles, of M. DONNEliL, the Drugget. 50c per Jar. NO POISON ABOUT IT. It Require Tact to Buy Timber Land Id the Mountains. It requires time and tact to buy moun tain laud. The following is a typical experience as related to a Star reporter by a timber land buyer: 'I was riding along Tug river, in Ken tucky, when 1 saw u tract of land upon which I concluded it would pay to erect a small sawmill. I hunted up the owner, finding him seated on a log fishing. "'Do vou owii this land?' " 'Sh, stranger fust bite I've lied,' he answered, in a stage whisper. In about a minute he caught a fish, and 1 repeat ed my question. ' 'Got any baccer'." he asked. I gave him a chew, and in a fw minutes he .said: 'Which land?' " 'That along the road for & mile back.' " 'Vans.' ' "'How much have you?' " 'Whar yo' frum?' " 'Chicago. How much land havt you?' " 'Five thousand acres.' " 'What do you ask for it ?' ' "Waal, it's worth $20 an acre, but fer cash I'll swap fer $10 an acre. Kain't talK about it now. Ilev ter ketch fish fer supper.' "I tut on the log beside him for three hours, neither of us saying a word, un til he rose and started for home, while 1 mounted my horse und followed. "That night I got f-o far as to see his deed for the land and get a description. " 'It may be a leetle short,' he- mi id, 'an' I reckon I'd take $40,000 fer it with out surveyin'." "Xo inducement would move him from that figure, ho I went on to the next tract, which I did not want, the timber being too thin. " 'How much does Phillips want for his land?' I asked. " 'Thousan' dollars.' " 'How much is there of it?' " 'Thousan' riercss.' " 'Can you buy it forme?' " 'I reckon.' "Two weeks later J received a deed paid $1,000, and when surveyed the tract measured 9S0 acres." Washing ton Star. iJuclclan'tt Ariutu oalro. ipl i . . i .. : .. ! .1 , ....... There is no end ol navor bmlBij8t flore8i uiC(.rgj eait rheUII fevei eoree, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all ekin eruption", and posi. lively euros piles, or no pay required It 1b guaranteed to give perfect satiefac- nincr of flavor in average i per or, fOT Nai n. uiakeieyand tea, make it how you will. jHoo.uton.d any but the very best. Pest soap means F.cprv ntiH will becreatlv interested to read 'the .little book which has been placed in the hands ot druggists for free distribution. Laxol is the best medicine for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor Oil. PURITAN B0yS' PURITAN Waists Yi ' I"- -3 c ' ? - W .'ft . InBiioui i .i'vil lSifa' MAKE FREE this week. Prepare your Boy for (lie closing School Kxereises. Fit him out with anew suit and soleet. .JUST TH10 STY f 111 of suit you want, from our very complete stock. I: ! i i I if ' ' ! 1 ' : a' MAKE in Schilling's Bestir made right. There is not even begin- At grocers' in packages. (X Schilling Sc Company Hoe Cake. Sold by Pease & Mays. aL'-U m Suits from 75c up. OUR SPECIAL OFFER. With every 1.00, $1.25, 1.50 or $1.75 Suit bought of us this week we give FlUSI'j a Boy's very neat light or dark waist. Value with us, 25c. With every $2.00 to $3.75 Suit FRKE, a Boy's Waist or Mouse; choice of eight different styles; latest effects. Our specialty at 50c and 75c. With every $4.00, $-1.50 or $5.00 Suit, choice of our best numbers in Bovs' Waists. Values from $1.00 to $1.20. Waists now on display in our Suit Department. A. IKE. WILLIAMS CO. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. 18 rage u Week. 15U l'UltLTH u War Wasco Warehouse Company It stands first among 'weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication and freshness, varietj and reliability of con-' tents. It is practically n daily at the low price o a weekly; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairnefcs of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and unions itH special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market report, all the latest fashions for women and a long series of stories by the- greatest living American and English authurH, Coiioii Doyle, .lemuie K. Itiruin, Htanlry Wuyiiini, JWury K. WJIJOii Aiitlinny IIoi, ISrait llirln, llrandur Miittliew, Kti:. We offer this unequaled newspaper anil The Dalles Twice-a Week Chronicln to ' gether one year for $2.00. The regular price of the two papers is $3.00. D u for Seed Grain of ail kinds, for Feed Grain of ail kinds, for Rolled Grain, ail kinds, for Bran, Shorts, ;?t??LkS, for "Byers' Best" Pendle- TIiIh Flour is manufactured expressly for family use: every sack id uuaiaiiteed to give Hatlsfaction. Wo sell our coods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think ho call and gel our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters ton Flour. HON. W. J. BRYAN'S BOOK. LODD POISON A 8PECIALT Y22?&& . llary Jif.OOU J OISON pexmuneritly 1 curodlnlfiloSdaxH. Vuucjn bo treated ai , homo f orearuo j;Icu undur name Kuurui : ty. If rouiiri ftr locmuoliero wo wlllmrv trutttODDVrnllronilfiirnfiiKllinlr.U.llli .ir,. ' DocLarpe, If wq lull tu cuio. I f you hniu taken nif.r I cury, iodide iiotaxh, mid Kill liavo ui.liea and palm, Mucous ruli'ljfittlnrwjutli, Horn Tlirout, I l'lini)lc. Coiiiilt i.'olorcil Nlllltl. Ulpru (in , tmj vail, vi ino uuuy, jiuiror r.yt iiriiwit iuiiiiik out, It Id tlili Kucoudury liLuou I'OJHON THE FIRST BATTLE Till'. 1'IIIHT llA'ITi.K In nil InUirontliiK fctory nf 1 tit k ri" l Hylii'iil ktrilKXIu tif l!Wi, lu mint I lit I r tu ii t fvi;iili nuil tliu iiiiiny Usium liivovil; ii IokI-'h1 llt'iillkiHiu lll lui'iiilIfiiM itn ti (torts by fiiiliii'iit uxniiiuiiIn, iiiL'luilliiK the purt Uki'ti hy Hull. V. J. myall in tliu silver ukIIiiIIoii prior to tliti llt'iiKU'riithi National C' Hiv iMillon. nuil ilur I in,' tliu cnniuiluii; tliu I c t fxiiiniil.'aol Mh won iltrdil orutory. tliu inont iintuwcitliy Incl.k'iilM of lit. (iiiikiUh tour, ii i-ii rcf ii I mvkuv of tliu political iltiiiitloii, a illMjiixkluii ul tliu uliti'tloii ruturiiK nuil lliu HkuIIIciiiic-u tliuttfif, unit tliu liuuiu pilljltll.'ll III lll-lllululllalll Un 11 IKllltlfll llf, we Knaranteo to euro. Wo eollclt tiie inoat oltl liate cuneii und clmlleuL-o tliu world far ta we cannot cure. 'fM dlieajwi hen alwarf tilled the Bklll of tiicj wont nruluuut iiliynl. cutiu. wovuiwv capital txiiiina our uucond tlooal foaraotr. A 00 1 ut jiroofn en t oealbd on kppllcatvon. Addrt.i COOK ItKMKDV VOZ IUI Mjuoi&j Teuiiilw, CUICAUU, UJU Assignee's Notice Final Settlement, Notice 1 hereby irlven tliut the uudcrfclKliuil, nbtlKiii'O of IhucntuUiof H. K. WillJunik, uii I11 bolvcnt (K'htor, linn lied lilt final account and report In t-uld uli(iniiL'iit with thu Clerk of lliu C'ln uit Court of U10 Klutu of Oregon for Wbk;o County, mid that the fcurauwlll he called up for hcurliij; hi'foru thu Judpc of uid Court on the tlifct day of thu next ngiilar term of mild Circuit Court, to On Monday, the 'Jltli day of Muy, 1W7. or If the tame cannot U: heard by fcuhi Court utmld time, us mmiii thereafter an the tame run ias heard by kald Couri. Uuitd iuu ioiii uar 01 April, ikvj. A. S. MiC AI.I.IHTKK, Afklirneo of the etate of it. I'.. Wllllami. au llikolvent debtor. u!7-5t-ll STYLES AND PRICES: liichly anil durably bound in I'iikHhIi Cloth, plain cd(f'uu; portrait of thu au thor forming thu ileeigu on cover; autorajih prudicc; iniiiilllcoiit pm fcntation plato in hilvcr, fold ami bluu; containing (100 paua and if-' fulbptifo illuetrationH , in half '.Morocco, inarblHcdgu , In full-Morocco, gilt cdo il 75 2 75 M. J. WOODCOCK, Agent, Wamlc, Or. BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON 175 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt atteutlon. san riniii.u