The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 27, 1897, Image 4

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    The Dalles Daily Chronic!
Ail vcrtllnc l!Btr.
One inch or !e?s in IhUly
Over two Inches anil under four inches
Orer four ittch ud under twelve Inches
Over twelve lnehe.- . ....
One inch or less, per Inch
Over one inch and under (our inches
Over loor inches and under twelve inches
Over twelve lnche .
Pit- i'hcA.
1 JO
1 CO
It leulted In Ilcntinsr th HcimI Instead
of Cooling.
Necessity is the uiotlu-r of invention,
and ninoiijr those hioh thl hot weath
er ha oniled into existence chapeaux a
place are perhaps the must injrnious
and cxtrnordinnry. This new article
is neither more nor lc?s than a top hat
fitted with an inner apartment for the
leeeptlon of a fair-sized lump of iee.
whieli freshens the layer of air about
the 'head, and is yet so thoroughly
waterproof that you may wear it for j
hours after tne is thawed without '
lightest discomfort. !
. i io
1 CO experiencing: the
Continued from third page
grabbed a tree and saved himself and
wife before the main body of water ar
rived. I:i aa instant both
An individual who. wise in his cenera- ,
tion. was provided with one of these .
head-refreshers took his- sent outside a ;
cafe on one of the l-'UilevanK the other
(afternoon, shortly n'ter the dinner
1 hour. The seats on th? sidewalk were I
c fi!r,r nil ?:;l,-i niifl In vris nimnt Tn
would have e-irf. a (hidtreon. when th? waiter -
been swept to destruction. ; ied a free table ard invited him to!
The houses of Itobert Campbell, Dill ( it. After he had freely indulged 1
Bros., Thornton Powell, James Thorn-1 iv. Locks of Munich brer, ii cccunvd to
ton, Mike Thornton, William Hopwood, ' b ni that no. was the lime tn renew ,
ua PitKfr,t wuLnnK William Klnr. ' the ioc in hi hit, "o sooner thourht I
ence, E. Jones, W. V. Smith, Frank
The homes of a:
tiallv destroved
many more were par-
then dime. He jourpd oct the water i
Aimer and the school house in the Hop-. 0 Jw abou. whereapon j
vrooti uilrici uureueiuuiisueu ;w;u sweji. j. , rrptacod hi;; fcat on ;hc zromn anl
away, leaving no sign of habitation, i LUn?a out to the v aiter. who usually
takes a trcod deal of esU!ij?;:t that busy
hour of the day. Meanwhile another
isulividual. whose cuvioskv was woved
! by the strange spwtacle of water issu-
.1. V. (iw. thp Mitnhrfl a? irom a si,k htii- Murrepf.tkrosl.v
is in the citv." j t0k bc headgear in his bncti. inspect-:
. , ,,. , led It. and put it back, but not. as it
Dr. A. P. stowell of nncouver, ash. t csanecti i:, exactly the same pltye. J
came np on the Sesalator last ntght. then. venf KT to? h2T;. OR ;uc
Mrs. J S. Sehenek and Mrs. .Sheldon crrotind at the mcirwnt. for the heat was f
j.eessire. and the bn!k of the vi-itors
j had indulged :n abundant dini::ir. and
Lonecau. the cattle buver. i were ea"er to be refreshed. When at
tne Spokane tlyer
were passeafrs for Portland this morn-
Mr. J. C.
arrived on tne Spokane tlyer tms . iast the ice carue. the gror.tleinaa tor
mormns. ! whoia it was intended was buy con-'
Miss Bertha Bnrckhardt, who has j vers"np with a friend w ho had ju-:
bf en visitine Mrs. Liebe for the past ' arrived, so he took the i.c in his hand,
two wtekf. returned to Portland today, j n without loofciaff uudcr thf .
; t mporari'iy placed it. as he thoncrht. it.
i rbe watertirbt recaptccle of his paten
At t lie re-idence of G. W. Fligi:, at j topper, sntendingr to nrranse it proper-Ender-by,
Tuesday, May 25th, John j later oa.
2Coyes to Mi;s Anna Bohan, both of, ' jjut th conversation was lore and
Wasco county. G. W. Flipg, justice of i ,, tpre5ttes. . and 3,;- ll0t bovr rD.l
me peace, peri iriuim; ilie ceremony
flow fboat Your
JOB pilSfJIsQ?
We' have the facilities fordoing all kind?
of .lob Printing, from a visiting card to a
catalogue, and we are after all the work we
can do. "We not only desire 'o keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. C'onie in
and compare our prices with that of any
one., and compare quality of work. Let us
have your next order.
t?roi7ile publisfyir o.
Notice is hereby given that bl
thoritv of ordinance No. 292, which
passed the Common Council o Dalles
Citv April 10th, 1S07. entitled, "An or.
! dinance to provide for the ale of t-ei tain
lots belonelng to Pnlles Citv," I will. 01.
Saturdav. the loth dav of May, lS9i,
ell at linbllc auction, to the highest
! bidder, all the follow Ins lots and part?
of lots in Gates addition to Dulles City ,
Wasco county. Oregon, to-wit ;
hots 9 and 10 jointly, in b ock 14 j 0 s
7, S. fl and 10, join iy in o.ock . .
9. and 1U, toiniiv in ... U U UC U fl SU m nPntS Hntiu.
111 uvio
known us butte; lots 10, 11 and
lnt 0 in block 154 : lots
0, 0, 7. S, 9, 10 and 11, in block ..o q,,.
1. 1 4. S. 9. 10. U and 12, in block opOitane
1.11. ; 4. h. i. 1. . v. in, i "
00 ;
12, in
-. 1... 1 .1 J . S Hir,nnnM.i:.
10, It and 12, 111 block 1-; lots 1. -, ,
'4, 5 9, 10 anil U. in diocki.i; ichs 1. , q. -pj.-i
' 3. 7, 10, 11 and 12, in bio.- 41, and lots . Dl. rttUl
; 1, 2. S. 4, 5, 6. in block 4b.
The reasonable value 01 sa -mr,
!lethan which thev ull nOv o sold,
1 has been fixed -i-l determineu 1 v the
i Common Council of Dalles City as ml
s lows, to-wit : ,
. Lot P and 10, in block 14. 10; lots
I 7, S. 9 and 10, jointly in block lo, $200;
i lots 7, S, 9 and 10, jointly in block 21.
'$200; lot 10. in block 27, ?22f; lot 11, in
; block 27, $225; lot 12. in block 27. $:W0;
; lot 9, in block 154, flOO; lots 2. 3, 4, 5, S,
j 9, 10 and 11, in block SS, each respect-
velv SICK): lots b anil (. in shock ao,
! each respectively $12.') : lots 2, 3, 4, S, 9, E. M
i 10 and 11, in block 06, each respectively j
. ilflO: !nt 12. in block 38. $125; lots 3, 4,
"5,5,9. 10 and 11, In block 37. each re-,
'spectivelv $100; lots G, 7 and 12. m l Under the
j block 37, each respectively -125 ; ' it0 effect to
Kansas City
Low Rates lo all Eastern Cfe
OCKA.N STEAM EltS Leave PotUtt.
Kvorv flvf Hay, fr
W, H . HrULKl-RT, Gen. Psy
MilliL I'rcsWent nud Mans cr
-I)f. I tf :
A A'uIumIiIh l'recrlptiou.
janitor .viorrison 01 ortnmcton, ma., f
"Sun,' writes: "'You have a valuable
prescription in Electric Bitters, and 1
cn cheeriuliy recommend it for Consti
pation and Sick Headache, and as a gen
eral system tonic it has no equal." Mrs.
Annie stehle, 2025 Cot'.ace Grove Ave.,
Chicago, was all run down, could not eat
nor diiTest food, had a backache which
never left her and felt tired and weary,
bnt sis bottles of Electric Bitters re
stored her health and renewed strength.
Prices 50 ceuts and f 1.00. Get a Bottle
at Blakelev and Housrhton's Drm: More.
Kmc'- ew licovery for Ccxump-
This is the bst medicine in the world
lor all forms of Cougnh, Colds and Con
sumption. Every bottle is ganranteed.
It will cure and not disappoint. It has
no equt! for Whooping Conch, Asthma, ! r.:
Hy Fevtir, Pn-umonia, Bronchitis, La 1 1
D.- acruptly as it di' hi.:' icr cr uni'.irf
s en nejii!crt. A npiebbor of th" po-s.'S-
st of thr i.-atcEt hat. karinrr pa:(! thr
waiter. Icisur-.-ir donretl hi own silk
1 .adsrear. ro?i- up. i-trrtched ninelf
end then exclaimed hurriedly to a
friend: "Tiea?: it is lci!!snr hot this
c-. eainp. The pers-irni:on is cor.rnc
oil my hmd iu torrent-:" "Ah. yes:
".'."a eaourb to make a man melt v. her"
he stands and leave nousjh' bur a ?ac
r.ui:t pool to mark the place h" oecu
::cd," replied the friend. "Do you
know what it is. niou am:?" said the
other, in a sepulchral tor.e. as iu- s
iv resumed his seat. "1 am seriously iil
That accursed fever that I contracted
:n Greece is on me arain. and I iee!
as if Good heavens, look at that'?"
he exclaimed, as little streamlets of
icy cold water flowed rapidly over his
eyes, noae and chin jm to his white
pique waistcoat. His companion looked
in sheer amazement r.t the horror
stricken face of his friend, which v. a
prle as a sheet. Then he said: "We
(1 better drive ut or.c. Vba'"
Agricultural Implements
Drapers Manufactured and Repaired.
Pitts' Threshers, Powers and Extras.
Pitts' Harrows and Cultivators.
Celebrated Piano Header.
lo!1-: Lubricating Oils, Etc.
White Sewing Machine and Extras.
W " 3 10 and 11. in Dloci:
Ul, eeeh respectively $100; 1-ts 1,
7 and 12. in bloct 41. each respectively
$125: lot; 3. 4, 0, S, 9, 10 and 11. in
! block 42, each respectively $100; lot f ,
1 6 and 12, in block 42,' each respectively
IS125: lots 2. 3.4. 5.9, 10 and 11, in
. 1 block 43, each respectively $100; lot 1,
in block 43, $125; lots 2. 3, 4 and 5, in
biock 40. each respectively $100; lots 1
.and ti, in block 40, each respectively
' E:ich of these lots will be sold upon ! ciSe, arrives 1
the lot respectively, and none of them
' will be sold for a less sum than the value
thereof, as above stated.
One-fourth of the price bid on any of
said lots shall be paid in cash at the
time of sale, and the remainder in three
equal payments on or before, one, two
and three years from the date of said
sale, with interest on such deterred pay
ments at the rate of 10 per cent per
annum, payable annually; provided
( that the payment may be made in full
at any time at the option of the pur
' chaser.
j The said sale will begin on the lath
1 day of May, 1S97, at" the hour of 2
j o'clock p. in. of said day. and will con
! tinue from time to time until all of saiii
! Iota s, all he sold.
nj.i,rt Inic 1"tl. rlnr nf A nril 1507
Kecorder of Dalles City.
The 'New Time Card.
new time card, which z&
tomorrow, trains will nioveu
fo'lnvs :
Xo. 4, to Spokane and Great Korihas
arrives at 6 p. m., leaves at G:0op.E.
Xo. 2, to Pendleton, Baker City uj
Union Pacific, arrives 1:15 a. ta.,di.
parts 1 :20 a. m.
'o. 3, from Spokane and Great Xorfr
ern, arrives S:30, departs S:35 a. e.
No. 1, from Caker City and Union Pi-
:20, departs 1 :25 a. m.
Nos. 23 and 24, inovine en-tofTr.
Dalles, will carry passengers. So. 3
arrives at G:30 p. in., departs 12:45
p. in.
Passenger" for Ilepnner will take ta::
leaving here 0:05 p. m.
Fur ule.
Lots A, B, K and L, block 30; A B,
block 72; A, B, C, D, E and F, block 82.
and A, B, C, D and E, block 25. Apply
to Wm. i:HACKEi.roi:n.
fnr Uciiintriii'tliiR
Water and
Gripw, Cold In the Head and Consump-' 'ver nave you been vatm? for iir.i."r
tiuu." Iti, ;aie for all nces, pleasant t0 ; Xt mushrooms. I hope? But f. take
take, and. above all, a sure cure. It is -vour hat an' .' !l;r .
, , . . V. t-- . '. Hit- moment the ha va recioi.'.: r.
aiwayi we.i 10 ;ase ut. rvmg e jsevv .Llie j ,.
Pill; iu connection with Dr. Kind's New
Discovery, a? they regulate and tone the
siomuuh and btwels. We guarantee per
fect sutifncti'm or return money. Free
trinl buttles at Blakelev & Houghton's
Drnu store. Kcniar size 50 cent; and
U oo " o.
I Si P r p
:-.':7e chunk of bimsb iee dropp. c. :
the wineglass on the table, i no i-.r: T
on to the ground, where it -n.a-h- .
v. ith a loud crash that amntd h a
tentiou of the public. ".Milli- t : .
uerress!" cried tbe white esf" i: ' -tidoal;
'what ir.auva:s drole h::- l
tr-in to nln.v his Dractical ok-- c
' m ? What the th's?" he cu) -
, ue-i. lool.infr at the patent h-adov- -lup:
an:! tben,Ea fit of paioi.
; th unorTendingr ctov n hi
hi'.mid knee. "Xoio d'unt- pip--." t-hou -i
-1 the owner of tbe c-haptuu a place.
l ow dare you treat n:y property in
l:it ur:ceremoijiou fnbion? I v :'..
.ea.'U you inenners:" and with tk:: h'
- . -.1 upon a hat that u near th- of
: i It, end reduced it to a shapeless
; t i; . uyia'.v. man Dieu! tliatY, my
. ciicrty." exclaimed a third individual.
..."ii;jr bl face pro vok inply up beside ,
..i.- of tbe other. "What ripht have
;. monsieur "llo ii- a madman, '
i . carries ices and soups in his hat
. ifj pockttK." exclaimed another.
Then he should be sent to Charenton."
remarked a byinander. o. Francois; '
. f.j'ut'.nir," v.h;-pered one man to his
f -."iiti. the hero of the hat. It was with
... r-nj,, tiflflrtult y that t: free fibt was
i o:ded. but the pcntlemen duly ex-,
:.t-nsred card, and. hating nearly lost
their headb. v. ent hTe hatlese one
' oled to Led.- London Telegraph
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Eoute
or THE
Southern Pacific Camp'y.
Tm'.its leuve ntid nre Uuc to amvc at Pott'ial
' press, Snlem, Kose- .
' 1 nun;, Athlnnd, sm- '
,, J rumcnto, Ogden.Sau i
I New urleaiis and I
I Li t
j:20 A. M.
T ? Indimi Service. Warm .-priiip Asene;
v . nr , jiii) i.
--EALED I'ilOl'USAI.eiidor.-Ml- F'roKitb
f i-Water anrt ;cer system ' and oldree(l 'o
the utider-fned ut Warm sjiritio, t'rook
t lut'ty, Ores.m, will i; rtcoived nt this nsney I
utit.l i flielL ji. m. of Mv T., lsUT. for furnUh- I
Itie the ueevtry mm -rial- ami labor required
it the fontrttrtion und comiilition of u witter
ui.a ewer ftt:in. (iticlutllnt; jilumtiitiK) for the ;
l 'iuuiir fL-inwi ilium to uv ere'ieil Oil tilth ro
eve. iu :rirt utrordimee with ltis und eel
'uti m-, which inny ho exutninwi ut the ofliee
of the "Morninc oreconiHii.' I'ortlutid, Or.,
Iiij: ' into.MCLr..-' The Diilles Or., mid it thi
Did ier will state cleurlv In their bids the
ier mt. cf time reiuired to complete tlie work.
Tue ri-'tit if re.-erviMi to reject unv mid nil bids,
' il . Jiurt of any hid. If deemed fur the beat in
''i .t thi -.'rvict.
4 1. e Btiea. ion of bidders is invited to the-net
Jt.cre.-.- approved Attcust 1, li!K, untitled:
4 :00 1. M.
:30 A. M.
(1:15 1. M.
ltosebtirR 8nd way ita-
l otis .. .
1 f ViK Wiiodburu for
. lilt.
Ancel. iilverlott,
West coin, lirowns- ,
', viMe.sprtugiield and sa
1. Mitrou ,
:alem mid way statious 'I0.UA.S
(Corviillis and wayi tCirK
stations i c-ou
jMcMililivlIle audi (SiPa
(Way stations i -
Daily. tDuiiy, eseept sunday
Attaclied to all Througa Trains.
Direct connection ut .''mi Krancisco itltt 0
ilentul und nriontul und I'acttic id.iIi xfZ for JAl'A.N und CHINA, salhn; rc
hi plication.
Itutex ntnl tickets to EaMtrn fi
roue. Also JAPAN. tltl.NA. a"-'"1"-'
'.ALIA, can be obtained ,'".,
J. D. KIKKLAM'- Ticket AP
ThrotiKh Ticket Olhet.lSI Third trt.
aaU,?S,-,u:,-' 1?' 1 I Catnida'uttd obuW
WfcJnV i 'Hi KIKKLAND. TicietA
A II ft lflM.- for !lw. .Ai..l... .... J , frJS1
Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has
no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE &
MAYS. The Dallas, Oregon.
t ai'! lelutiiiL- to the limitatiou of the h.nir
(1....;. service of litliorurs und ineehutiles em-
id uwin the pttblie works of the L'nited
'. .te-, una ot tue utstrivt ol l olumbiu
aft ( Concress
! lit. til ''An net for
i':-i.i.-lanc lUKteiluls and labor for the constrne--t.:
i'f jiublic works.."
CKRtlPIKtl ciierK'.
Each bid mint be ueeomimiiled bv a certified
' t.wii or draft upon some I'nited .-tu'tes Deii.
r r..iteiii .Midoiiiii imiiK in me vieintl ol
aii nuove iriinm unnv --,' ,tvife.
Grnnd Cmttrul Station. I-if th and Irvmr w
lui a
Attention. tV. It. C
Members of the V. K. C. are r quested
to meet at Fraternity hall Sunday even
iiife at 7:30 o'clock, for .the purpose of
inarching with the i. A. II. to the M. E.
church, where memoria! services wll be
held. .Mary Lko.naiid,
i President.
Administrator's Notice.
N TUE 'KfllT f:o KT of the jlaio of or
got. for the ( otiuly of W us.-o.
D. A. Osgood, riunitit!.
Ida Dunti. V.'. Dunn. (iee. II. Dunn
Hny W. Dunn ana Mry Duim urn! X.
Whenlduu. a srtminUtrator of the jatMtof,
Wm. II Dunn, riecvaxti, Defsudmil. )
T- Id Du-.ti, iM!u":r W. Dunt:. (ieo. II. Dunn.
Hurvey W. Dunn und Mary Dunn and N .
Whi-aldot, hi adinltii trail, r of the iSUte of '
Wm II. Dune. dsw.iil, Defendant-' 1
In the name ( tne -tule o( unr,'on. You are;
hereoj teo.uireit t" appear and auer the eon- j
pUlnt tiled kgaiiut yu in tbe above entitled ,
autt within ten du Irom tbe date of the er-,
vieeol Uiik suinirioiisupun you. if servwi within j
tni eottuty: or if .erven ulthin any other!
county of this .-ute. then w ithin tw.-nty days !
irom tneoute oi me serteeot mis summons
Administrator's Final Account
Notice is hereby suen that the under, iancd.
.aminiMtrut'ir of theelatr of J. ii
ceontd. has tHtii his tmai nerouiit. and that
.Moudaj, the .d d.ty ot May, J.'.iT, Ht the hour of
10 o elo. a. m.. ha tvn npi)l' t-d n the time
tor r.eiiriujr objeelions thereto and the rettie
ment tbviuf. All hfli, creditor or other i-ei-.
iuu interested in iatd eaiate are hurebv notilieii
to il their obiectintis to taid final uceoutit. I
any tbey have, on or tefoie the day atitiointed
for the hearing thereof.
Dalle City, orec..u. Match !-.C.
mc.T It ii E. A. Ultlt-KIN. Adiiiiiiiiltator.
the re.-idenee of the bidder, made i,i.v..hi.. ia'u,. !
..filer of the ( ommis.i..ner of It.iliun Allui-s. lur ' -..m"".'0 10
at le,t MVE l'KK CENT, of the amount of the ! .. ti.l'i:
pi..-ai, which eiieek or draft will be forfeittil j ";f
f.i fftf. f nlr.1 u, ... ....... ...... i.t.i.1..- .... I I ort..ittu
d-r receivinir an awmd shull fall to promptly , b ' 1,1
e.wuii' a eonirnei uitn itowl and sulliMent
sureties, otherwfje to u- returned to the bidder.
Ulds aceompiitiied b cash iu lieu of u curti
tuKl ehef'K uill nut be constdered.
lor iinj additional information, npplv to
tnv.-mvr r. s. Indian Aueut.
I'assenser-Deit, foot of Jeflersomttw
Iiive for OSWEGO, dai.e.tcert''
li:15, 1.1... o r1- T U
.....I ii.da .. ... .... te.ittr.iii o:..:. .
at 7:iu iitin ' .
I Ive lor Sheridmi. wee!.
1 Arrive ut I'ortlutid, :: . u
re Mnu 1
days, H:3?-B
... .. . VatnniX!&
iAavo lor A 1 1.l.l t. on .wihuu;. ta
Arrive m '
. Vr 'a... .,, II' 1A ft rn
I duv, f hursd'ay and Saturday
1 jp.m.
J. e.
It. M
Ilr. all.
, euunay irums 10. uo '. , Vmn. tc
' and l'.':lo, l:l5,3:C0,6:i'. '"nU -ftl-Ii
i rive ut I'oftlaud iiti:3U, ! w -
Noiiee of Final Settlement.
Noiiee i liereby jjlven that the undersigned
upon you: or ii terved upon you by publication. "J. '"iri h iil J 1 1 M; l'f"n"n-
th'en on o. tforf the tDst day of the . cxt recular .1,, it i,','1' h?.1
term of sahl court: und if you fail so to answer, 1 VlUv . hi ih. hoiir r.f l il" '' ,L,h P
for ivant the,e.f tho,.Uintii! ill i.tse jt.dsmeni h1"?' lV"1 -o SC," S 2
eiwht ir rent r annum: mtd for the lurth-.-r "BSirt t J . "-Vn
sum of 1.1U. in lite f.iln..inrt ltu..i.-,f In lit,.' " -' a March, I fit,.
or vuni mcieoi me pidiniii: win utsu judgment h,.: ... .k,. ,nnrt mun Y;.7 .
u-Mlnst you. the sahi Iqa Dunn, for the sum of ' ' Vtm,.- it L1 citv u .'..'J. rvC.0lMU5
lui in V. K gold coin, and tiitet thereon, in r r h , w-n a l?nt N'.v ,.ft l '
Ike foip from Miirr'h ni l-.jet ut th.- mi., nf . K 11 . y1' apl"uite(i p said court n the
,.M.t?1':, "I .;!?'''... 1 '"A J"!?.0' lime and plate lor hearine said tinal nrronnt
... ..... - , . .... ' : . "... AI A S i (i,lJI 1.1..
ii- me i ue o. eiyiii i!r eeui wniainm . Ailmlnl-tMtni- nf tho ..i.,io Ai J... t .
lor the further um 1 V, , "
irom February 1. 1-y.': und for the further um
of i5-o nttnrn" s fv."- urd for his coMs und (lis-
bnr-ements herein und torn''
free against all of said defendant that nil the
leal proi-.Tly described ii the complaint, to-vvtt 1
all of lot i, und the khhi hulf of lot or olu;k ;f.' '
of Humasou's Jllutl Addition to Dalles City,
, .,..1.1 .....1 ... . ... .
xicvuii, ik ju:u, nun me prucevui inereoi ie ate
plied Uliolt said llldginent and that each mid
all of said defendants be forever tarred und fere-
Uitetest ih or to
premises uttd anda.
This stimmniis is served upon you. the said
doit, deCea.M.J
First National Bank.
A tjeiierm iiatikiiiif Bueinese irnncucu-d
Depoeite rfceived, Hubject to night
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
r t . v i.viif;i;viuil.
Mjrht and Teletrraphic Exchange sold
.New ork, San Francisco and Port
D. P Tiiomphok. J:,-o. S. Scuknck.
Ld. M. V. 1I.MAMS, Gko. A. Likbk.
H. M. IiKAI.1..
5:10, 0:8fi, 7:55 p. tn.
i MunoL-cr.
Asst u.f.
! Dalles, Mora and 1
Crrtcrr.A IIgmeoics are oU throueli-m: i.k
world I'nce, i iTicvr., M , muf, .' . I.e.
Sole 1'iopj., notion, 1'. K A. "All atjul la,
l!ind, cthj, ccuIjj, auj Ualr," fti.e
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been aprsointed tidministrntor of the estate
of .Silas W. Davis, late of Musco ( ounty. olid
now deceased. All persons having claims
rr " r .n',r ;.' iV"",., c f .mi right, utie ami
which said tiim said deceased wus u i,.irtn..r
will present tl.e sumc. duly vcriiled, to me ut
The Diillti, Oregon or to toy attorneys, Dufur A
Meticfee, of Dullen City, Wasco County. OrtTfoti,
within six mouths from the dale hereof.
Dated at Dulles City, Oregon, this ?.'d day of
May, 1:97.
AdmlnUlrutor of the estate of sllus W. DaU,
decettxd, m'.iat'l
t'BiiB ui i.niniiiun, urezou, oi said uremic mil! IhiiiI,.
Harvey W. Dunn and Mary Diitin, by order of
Hon. W. I. lirudshaiv, ;udge of said coiirt, duitd
April I, lj'y7.
ni'tlO-li Attortiov for J'Jaintill.
Subscribe for The Cmto.vioi.K.
Executor's Sale. j
I'UMuant to nn order of the County Court of .
the state of Oregon for the Wasco couuty, made '
und etilered on tltc M day of May, l;y7, in the
mutter oi tue estate ouainf.-s .MCUunan, deceased,
dliecting me to sell tho real propurtr belonging
to the estate of sufd deceased, I will, oti batur
day, the 5th day of June, 1S7. at the hour of 2 i
o'clK'k p. m., at tho courthouse door in Dalles '
City, Olegou, sell ut public sale.lto the highest I
bidder, ull of tho following described real tiron-1
erty belonging to said estate, to-wlt: The j
tkmthwtut riuarler of dentlou Eight. Township
One houtli, Kiitigc fourteen East W. M., con
mining 160 nereii more or less.
ui5- It. r. GlUONfi. Executor. 1
Harry Liebe,
Watchmaker 4 Jeweler
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
Through by daylight vie GwnVilW.
und cross Hollows.
C. M. WUITKLAW. A..tlr -
Stages leave The M,tSi&$l
nt 7 u. tn.. also from Antelot ' cotin
Monday. Wednesday nd Wt jlittW'K
made nt Anteloi tat I 'r W",t
jKiluu beyond. Close c , iinecti om
Dalles with ruilwuy, trains rTria in
.. '"".iv'ir'PK.uVat ip-8"-
uuye, j uureonjs n .
Dulles to Deschutes
do Moro. ..
do Grass Vulley
do Kent...
do Cross Hollows.
Antelope lo Cmss Hollow
do Kent. . -
do GrussValley
do Motos
do Descfcuccs
do Dalle