The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 27, 1897, Image 3

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    Trade is Coming Our Way.
Do you want to know the reason why ?
We Buy for Spot Cash.
We Buy Cheap.
And the money saved in buying is money in your pocket.
Special Sale of Shirt Waists,
Regular 75c Shirt Waists (50 2
$1.00 Shirt Waists 75 V
1.25 " " 90
.tin iii
1.75 " " I 30
2.00 " " I 45
2.50 " " ' 1 05
3.00 " " 2 25
These Prices for SATURDAY ONLY.
The Dalies Daily Chronicle.
MAY 27, 1S97
Knmlom Obf rratwns aud Local Events
of l,rrr MapiiiliKte.
Lost A bunch of keys. Finder will x
pkase leave at this office. m2S-2t
Housekeeping or lodging rooms to
rent. Apply at this office. ui24-lw
The mandate of the supreme court t
was received yesterday, dismissing the 1
appeals in the case of the State against j
LJ. Martin.
The work of excavating for the new j
schouihodse has begun. The building ;
Win be located near the northwest cor-j
ner of the academy grounds. i
The suit of Moody against Richards, ,
wtiich has been on trial for three days, '
was concluded last night, the jury find
ing a verdict in favor of defendant.
A grand ball will be given at the Bald
win optra house Friday evening, May
-v.h, the closing of the dancing school;
by I'rof. F. G. Swanton. Admission 50
fsnts. Ladies free. m26 3t
The case of the State against Clemens,
charged with larceny from a dwelling,
in stealing from Charley Haight's '
house, is on trial today. Mr. Fred Wil- j
sou appears for the defense.
The river is falling very slowly, being
at the 41.7 mark this morning. The re- j
ports from up the river indicate a fall for
several days, followed by a rise, but it is j
safe to say the highest point has been
A flock of about 1000 sheep was carried t
over into Klickitat county this morning, j
bound for the Ml. Adams ranges. Thei
Washington quarantine law had been j
complied with, they having been quar-:
antined for sixty days. !
F Porter was taken before City Re- j
corder Phelps this morning charged with i
stealing a pair of scales from Charley
Hank's saloon. Instead of examining
into the matter, Recorder Phelps turned
it over to the grand jury.
The wharf boat recently brought here
was the property of the etate of Oregon,
it having been used in connection with
the portage road at the Cascade?, but it
is eo no longer. It was ollered for pale
recently, and the bid of the I). I'. & X.
Co. being the highest, the boat in now
that company's property.
Travel across the Cascades is begin
ning much earlier this season than last,
"ays the Prineville Roview. Already'
parties with pack teams have crossed
by the McKenzie route, and though they
encountered considerable snow, it wae
hard. It is thought that regular travel
will begin iii a week's time.
Howard Harvey, while riding a wild
bucking horse near Douglas Belts' ranch,
heyoud Pilot Rock, in Umatilla county,
last Sunday evening, was thrown and re
ceived very serious Injuries. Harvey
(ell on his head and an examination by
the physicians showed concussion of the
brain. Young Harvey is but 18 years
I old and is a son of Mrs. Scott, who lives
. a few miles beyond Belts' ranch,
! The case of the State against J. W.
. Jeffreys, charged with assault and bat
tery, was called before Justice Filloon
'yesterday and the hearing postponed
until Saturday. J. W. Koontz is the
complaining witness, the assault and
' battery being alleged to have been com
mitted upon Mr. Koontz' son.
i Ycstetday afternoon an Indian named
Dan Butler was ariested for cruelty to
animals. He had a miserable, poor,
broken-down cayuse, atilicted with ring
bone, spavin, scratches, and nearly
every other disease that has, or had, the
temerity to tackle an Indian horse. The
Indian tried to lead, then to drive the
animal, and as neither of these plans
was successful, he got on the poor beast's
back, where he could hammer it at his
ease, which he proceeded to do until he
was arrested. lie was fined flO this
morning for his fun.
At Mays &. Crowe's store last night
the new lamps Eaid to have been in
vented by Mr. Parrott of Goldendale,
were given a trial. We say new lamps,
since the burners have globes and look
like lamps, but the material used is gas,
generated from gasoline. The fixtures
were rather crude, being put up to test
the system, yet the lights were certainly
very bright and beautiful, and should
they prove to be cheap, they will solve
the problem of lighting small towns,
and perhaps prove a formidable rival to
the electric plants. Up to date, how
ever, they have not been tested suffi
ciently to base an opinion as to their
merits on.
Hie Trim Close.
Exercises at the different schools will
begin at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.
There will be no admission fee, and all
interested are invifed to attend. Fol-
l lowing are the programs to be rendered :
) ACADEm I'ABK school.
I Teachers Msses T. Rintout, L. Rin
t toul, M. Fliun, S. Phirman and Mrs.
I Baldwin.
"A Young Heo"
"A Fisbiu? l"arty"
"A Dairy iuUie Meadow,"
"The Old Stigi; Door" . .
Memorial Hxercii-cs
"Kitten aid Babies" .
"A Comprint"
Mother Giosc Medley
"The Modern Schoolteacher".
Itertha Kobint-on
...Glen CiifchitiK
. .. I.ela Kelsaj
. ICutie liarroll
. Nine Girls
.Norma Dietzel
Lyndon Garretson
. l'rimary Class,
. . Stella llrown
"Johnnyls Soliloquy '. .. illle Pease
Soug Zell Gibons and Ethel lluuik
"DaUy'rfFuItli" ....
"Little (fliristel"
'TbcGijluof Giving"....
"Tiro Little Rogues"
"Praying for Shoes"
May Festival . .
. . ..Kinmii Ilelat
. ..Ixito Kel.-ay
Zell Gibons
Walter lluntiiiKton
.Khther Deck
. . Ninety-four Glrln
Teachers Misses Roweand K Cooper.
Welcome Sonir ..Fcliool
Kec Child und Mother . Clintorf Brudshuw
Allic Miller
James Kiiierly
Krmu Dawson
. Allie Groat
Nine Girls
.Seven Itoyh
Kec Vacation .
Duett The Little Dustman
.Trudle Itowland and
Kec-The llrave Little Maid
Rec How Did They Know
Runi? of thft Nations
j Rrc The Little Aspirant! .
song un me ioveiy .May. .
Rec-The Het Way to StwrnlfRestlmf Time..
.... ..... .Annie Reynolds
Rec The Fox and the Squipel. James Kinertly
Kec-Kitty I . . Alice Kurtz
Summersault Chorus CLust of Hoys ami Girls
Kec Put)'' Uftsou. . .Guy Jones
Kec Moth r Earth'e New t)refs.Culnnthe Ready
Song Oh Merrily at UreaK of Day . School
Rec Driving Home the 'lows liert Reynolds
lu Loving Jteuiembraiice.
We, the members of J. W. Neemith
Woman's Relief Corps, Xo. 17, desire to
express our sympathy to the bereaved,
and our loss of a member, in the passing
beyond of Jennie Russell-Rufeno.
Reared and nuitured in the principles
of our order, she was ever interested and
ready at any time to aid in carrying on
the work. And now, on the approach of
our memorial services, we are saddened
at the thought of her absence from us :
but as she eo beautifully said two years
aao, while gathered around the monu
ment, "Cover them over with beautiful
flowers," we take it as a privilege to
visit her rebting place and call back to
memory her worde, so full of tenderness
and emotion.
Rest in peace, dear Jennie, and me
morial day will always find our willing
hands ever ready to cover the dear spot
"with beautiful flowers."
Blaschk G. Patteksok,
Bellk Bkkgek,
GeiauK Vereln.
Rec The Washing
Solo Flowers, 1'lowerx
Rec-The Little Roy's Trouble
Chorus We'll lie Gay
Hoop Drill . .
Song Bird On the Tree
Rec A Game of Tag
Kec-Uttlo Mischief
luisa Briggs'
Anna Reynolds
Ray llarj:r
..Eight Girls
.sixteen Hoys and Girls
.Gladys Strain
. Nova Dawson
"The Delft"
Mixed lilue ami Whito out
siilo and Whito insula.
"The Del IV is (ho latest
ware ont in cooking ntonsils.
Prices are about the same as
granite ware, and a groat deal
cheaper than the aluminum
ware, and prettier than either
of them. Call and see the
goods at
1G7 Second Street. I
The Latest Thing in LAWN MOWERS
The Pastime.
The PAST1MK cuts tho grass within t-10 of an inch of it tree,
fence or wall. The old stylo will not cut within inches.
The PAST1MK drive wheels nro iiiHido the lino of cutting knive?,
and thou'foro never go over untuown graxs.
Anybody can sharpen the l'ASTIMK with n common tile. It you
try to slmrnen the old style you rum it. The PASTIMK if cheaper at
double the cost of the old style mowor, for tho reason that during tho
life of a mower, the cost of sharpening alone equals tho cost of mower.
Call and see the PASTIME at the store of
We Carry afuiiimeof
Builders' and Heavy Hardware,
Lime and Cement,
Farm Machinery,
Bain Wagons, Champion Mowers
and Reapers,
Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron,
Barb Wire, Etc.
Phone 25.
EalsySong ... KlveUlrln
Reo The Little Torment . . .Hugo lloyle
Rec Christopher and Klo. .iyoyd Harm
Dialogue A Slight MiMUidcKtaiiUlrig .
. . .liOtiUe Hecht and llerbyft renuiugtou
Rainbow Drill. . .Twentywo Little iloyx
Rec-The LUfCnlld A'dllh t'iclghtoii
Song . . Nora l!aree
Dialogue Almost a Runaway . .
.. . Dolliu Davis ami Clyde lloyle
When Father Carves the Duck . .
Harry 1 Ikiiiii'MHi
Gladys Wcod
. .
Song Away to the Hills
Rec Tho Speckled Hen
-ov 6 Daath and llurhil of cork Robin
Song I ome Away.
Folo-I Once Had a Sweet Little Doll, Dears
. . . Trudle Rowland
Teachers Mietes Cheese,
Address . .
Mukic A Bong of fcprlng
Rec Getting an Early btart
Rw; Back toGriggtb)"
Vocal Holo
Rec They Say . ....
Rec- -l'aja'. Ix-tter
Ball and
Mltn Chteso
Kva liugley
I.nlu lloyle
Lulu MchohiK
Luella Nelwji)
Dean Juinea
Inntruinental Duet, ittdge Varney, Una Wilson
Rec -The Dying HoldK r
Culesthenic Drill .
Rec Jobnuy'p fiomoiiuy
I'.ec-Little hlacV-Kyed Ribel
Inttrutneutal gfio
Cantata Queen of Good GlfU
Hugh Krazler
. Tell Girls
.Roy Hill
Twelve OlrU
. . . Hael Waud
.Kmlly Crosn'ii
.Korty eight '
The last entertainment oi the season
of the Geeang Verein Harmonic, will
take place Sunday May 30tu. All mem
bers are requested to bs present.
Otto Biuokeld,
" President.
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
Teachere Miss N. Cooper and Mrs,
Rec "TU Home Where Ou
Kec The Nation' Dead
Soug The Flag .
Kec-DottIe' Thought
Ktc Old Uncle Joe
Kec-The Best TribfiU-.
Dialogue-Rtd, WlflW aud
Rec-Johnny' Syflloquy
CrowulDg the My Queen
.... Schwd
r Fiag In
joiiu Hcncrrer
. . .Kugene DavJs
...Huttle Davis
. ..Martha Kartell
John Kent
Blue Sixl'uplU
. . .(Jrover Young
Ilouxex Swi'iit Auny mill 1'ai'iiiH ICulni'il
liy it Cloud Ituikt.
United Slates Conunissiouer Uutler
returned yesterday from u trip to teveral
Washington cities aud infonned ii Tri
bune reporter of a destructive cloud
burst which hnd occurred lust Thursday
of Asotin, Wash. "Tho valley of Asotin
creel:, until Thursday afternoon tho
garden spot of Asotin county, is now a
scene of desolation, ruin and destruc
tion," he save.
Tho following account .is taken from
tho Sentinel of which Mr. Uutler had
come in possession :
While a gentle shower of ruin was fall
ing in Asotin Thursday between 1 and
2 o'clock a destructive cloud burst oc
curred in the mountains at the head of
one of the tributary branches of Asotin
creek, sending a body ol water 15 feet
high down into the valley that swept al
most every movable object before it, de
stroying homes und farms and drowning
At this time it is impostrihlu to esti
mate the loss hut it Hitfc. to say that
$100,000 could not repair the damage.
Five wagon bridges across Asotin
creek wereswept out excepting one span
ol the bridge near tho Asotin park,
The noiso made by the rushing ton cut
was heard fully five minutes before it
reached hero which was about 4 o'clock.
At llrbt it sounded like the low moan of
the wind and gradually increased to the
noise made on a still night by a train of
cars passing over a high trestlo or
bridge, in another instant, a big muddy
wave 10 feet high, carrying trees tim
bers, fencing and trash came rolling
down the stream spreading out over its
hanks. Then came another swell fol
lowed by still another, until the water
was fully 15 feet deep.
So far as lea-ned, no human lives were
lost, but some miraculous escapes are re
corded. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Green were
on the hanks of the stream in their
orchard and Mr. Green hearing the
noise made by the approaching water,
remarked to his wife that that sounded
like a cloud burst. His wife laughed at
tho idea of a cloud burst while the sun
was shining, but in another instant the
huge wave was within sight. Mrs.
Green wae eo scared she could not move,
Her husband made a rush for her and
grabbed her und just then the water
wept them both down, tumbling them
over twice, Mr. Green held his wife
with one hand and with the other
Concluded on fourth juuje,
Baby Carriages
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
Whoru will also ho found tho largest and most com
plete line (if rhinos, and other Musical Instruments
in Eastern ( regon.
Complete Line of FISHING TACKLE,
Notions, Uaso Ball Goods, Hummocks, Books and
StationVry at Bedrock Brices.
New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
Hnccesror to Chrlsniaii & Corson.
Again in business at tlitt old stand. I would be pleased to
f-ee all my former patrons. FrVo delivery to any part of town.
Opp. A. M. Williams tt Co.,
Lumber, Building Material and Boxes
TradediorHay, Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c.
rowe & CO..
TheDallei Or
Jackson Kngino Co,, No. t, will hold a
drill on Friday evening, May 28th, at
7: HO o'clock. All members are request
ed to he present. J)y order of
F, W. L. Skiiidk, Secy.
CmiIi in Vuur l'liecki.
All couutv warrants registered prior
to Dec. 1, 1802, will ho paid at my
ofiice, Interest ceases ufter May 7,
1897. O, U, Piiu.Ml'H,
County Treasurer, j
Tho WesUleld (lud.) News print the
following in regard to an old resident of
that place: "Frank MeAvoy, for many
years in the employ of tho L,, N. A. A
O. lty, hero, says: 'I have used Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea.
Jteuiedy for ten years or longer am
never without it In my fatally. I take
pleasure in recommending it,' " U Is a
specific, for all bowel disorders. For
sale by illakeley A Houghton,
We sell Hon Cake soap, Pease A
Mays. a32m