I, The Dalles Daily Chronicle, The only Republican J'aily Sewpapet Watco Countu. EASTERS OFFICE S3v to 34 Temple Court, S. Y. Citt. E. KATZ. Agent. ciuiibinj: i:tc. Chronicle and Oregonian . . . ?2 25 Chronicle nnti Examiner 2 25 Chronicle and Tribune 1 "3 Chronicle and X. Y. World 2 00 THURSDAY. - - - MAY 27, 1S97 TWO fOSTEili'T CAtEs. The The crop prospect as a whole retro graded, but more particularly in Cali fornia, where drought and hot winds have caused a reduction in expected yield of at least 25 per cent, as com pared with last year, foreign crop' prospects are much poorer, especially in France, where the estimated yield ts Tii.OOOjOOO bushels smaller than last year, and conservative grain dealers .predict large importations during the coming crop vcar. Values have been firmly held. and. while no material advance has occurred, the market has gained in strength, and receives better suppoat than during the previous week. ft trial ot Micar Jvina Have- meyer. m Washington. D. C. is a ' The tariff debate ha begun, but fine illustration of the working of no one can tell when it will end. our judiciary system. Ilavemeyer The silver men have seemingly united was arrested for contempt in refus-, upon a plan of action, which is cal lus to answer questions put to him ciliated to hinder the passage of the "by the senate committee coneernirg bill, it being neither more nor less the sugar trust. This alleged con- than au indorsement of the Lubin . tempt was committed in 1S9-J three j idea, of giving a bounty on exported years ago. and is now only brought j agricultural products. The amend, to trial. Why has this delay oe- incut proposed by Senator Cannon of curred? There is but one answer I'tah is to nav a bountv of 10 cents 'throuah the wealth and consequent per bushel on wheat, 50 cents jer 'pull' of the defendant." Yet after ' barrel on wheat Hour. 5 cents a three years the pioceedings are only .bushel on corn. 1 cent per pound on a farce, and it can be read between , cotton. 2 cents on hops, and 2 cents the lines that Havenieyer is to be ( on tobacco. They do not expect' discharged. The judge has refused this amendment to pass, but will use to admit the senate journals in evi- it to delay and defeat the Dingley deuce, and the original stenographic bill, and for that purpose only. . have been "lost.' So that 6! I I 1 I: s ill m 55E23E33S lUdBAJuIjSSSttS! Sfit This is the very best Smoking Tobacco made. 'p WflWi PAPER! Wflhlt PflPEHI Just Received You Get and MiddlemenS red trom the raarafaiLi 4V BEaekwelPs Genuine LfLL DURHAM ' i v. i! Hn 1 cuo ecapen Icjlctc crxh " ounce rxi? and two conpom Inside each 4 oune teg. g . u is. r coy pan acilw how toswt your share of ti'a,vj3 la prwents. j i 5000 Koll? of Wall raper. The best patterns. The most1 beautiful colors. New Invoice of Paints and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. Wholesale. report BUSINESS LOCALS. between the unfortunate losing" of the court notes and the ruling of the ; bra3ka corn for 3ae a the WnsC0 judge there is absolutely no evidence warehouse. Best feed on earth. ndt-tf mat can ue producer! acainst hi; l-.nzush anil rieimau cement, verv majesty of the sugar ring. "We have a verv distinct recollee CXlines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER Soipes-Wy Drug Co, FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. I rr.A.NSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINE3 es. 1 Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. j ; Sicht Exchange and Telegraphic ! Transfers sold on New York. Chicago, ' St. Lonis, San Francisco, Portland Ore . con, Seattle Wash,, and various points . in Oregon and Washington. 1 Collections made at a'.l points on fav- t i.i i No bstter whsd mads flaaflj. Acme ojcycle bum in our own factory fc skilled workmen, using trite material and the. mo:t i'nrrcy, i machinery. We havs no cm Sold direct from fctorv hi rider. fully vrarramsd. Saihst" anywhere for examination ' VRI7E for Acme Cycle Co., Elkhart, l-d Regulator Lino Tie Dalles, ftrtM ail m Navigation Co." ltt?-t imported brands, for sale Jy Wasco I arehon'" Co. ruvo-lin Sever The merchant who tel;s vou lie has tion of another contempt case that something else as good as Hoe Cane soap occurred in Chicago about the same is a good mar. 1 keep away from. a2-3ui time that Havemeyer was snapping Po vou want vour windows cieaned, his Dnirers at the senate committee, carpers taken us, Iteaten and re laid, or It was that of Eucene V. Dehs. fnkor work ,of Tan-V kSlnd. aowJoy a , , , ,., . . farst-ciass :nan? If so, teiei.nons henrv 2sow we have no particular liking for Johnaon ?l p,rki!J.. barbe. slw Debs, but we do have the utmost 'Phoneliu. alO-t: veneration for justice, and ihe prin- ,,, ciple that all men are equal before the law. Debs was the leader of a lot of working men. lie was guilty of ronlempt. and he was promptly tried without any lesral quibbling, and as promptly sent to jail. "Why : Ilecause he did not have grea wealth, and consequently did nut have the poll. It is one of tho;e cases in which it is plainly shown that there is 1 1 least two interpretations of the law in this country: one in favor of the rich, another invariable aeainst the poor. Since civi'ization began this has been, in a measure, true, but never to such an extent as at pres ent, and it is one of the rocks upon which the good ship of state is sooner or later to wreck. "With ivower to cause legislation in class and pull to influence the courts Anheuser-Busch. Malt Nntrine. a non-alcoholic "beverage, uneqnaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WiLLIAMb j Im. comiisii, SOLE DEALER IN THE HALI.ES OF Marble Burial Vaults istK. Regulator 6 Dallesti i i FREIGHT AND PASSENGER Uti UETWKEN NEW NEW L' EMI lit s LtxS.V vi SPRING GOODS SPRING GOODS JUST ARRIVED JUST ARRIVED Tlie Dalles Hood River, Cascade Locks ts! fa lnnd dully, eicejt sundsy. A Perfect Protection from Water and Dampness. Preserves the Body by Ex cluding the Air. I It i.oee every m,rit claimed for j GOOD SERVICE. LOWEST RATES j the most expensive vaults, viz: absolute ' security ana nnraumty, inus maKiiiK b f permanent and imperishable resting I place ior the dead. This vault is made of six pieces of mar-; Are you going ble w hich can be firmly fastened to petiiei with cement, thus making them 1 air and water ticht. i DOWN THE YAM OR TO f EASTERN my a Mil i: ! n V. A JL l xl Jm X T H so. nve money nnd enjny u besutilaltrjis thf Coluinbiu. The we-Mxmnd :rsis i.-nta The Dulles i ELY'S Cr.EAr BAI.3I U a poltlvpcure. Appy is:o the nojiriii. I" ia qufciyaiworbeJ. w cecu at DTnirziils c: bv ksl ; sanjp.es 1 ."c. bv mail. ELT BROTHERS. 3fi Wansc Sr., New Vo:i City. "Tht re is a tide m the affairs of men which, taken at its flood Portland leads on to fortune." The poet unauestlonablv had reference to the outKolns: southern and Sorthcru tula, I t L .1 n,.ln In Th. lhUMf.rV .Mr. t omini nas on nand a IarL'6 up- to take the Enst-bouud tra'n. jiy ol first. Cia?s Marble, to Ihj used in j For further infonnutioucipjJy to .M'onumeLts, etc. Prices iowerthan in! j. ii.iti-r. i, .a gen i, Oiik street Dock, l'ortbnd. Oiejor ilr.w'. Tln: We offer One Hundred Dollars Ueward for any cae of Catarrh lhat cannot be cured by Ilail s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney ti: Co. Props., Toledo, U. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 1 j ears, and he- favor of their 'eve nun perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to fpirrv our re riilif-.Ttinne Tii.rK. liv rV:ir in the interpretation of the laws, the Qrtll agresssivtMiess of a certain class he- West & Trnax, Wiiolerale Dru-ists, comes daily more bold, arid it: con- Toledo, Ohio. tempt for the masses creator. W aiding, Xinnan & Marvin, Whole- ti.:- , .-i.i sale Drnirgists, Toledo. Ohio, lhis will continue until the neo- ... . n , , . , ' ; Had s Catarrn Cure is taken .nternal- pie get tired unto sickno.,s of it. BCtlDp direc,,y upon the jjood 3nd vhen there will be an uprising that mucous surfaces of the system. PriLv will make certain judces wish thev "5c. ner bottle. Sold by Dru'.'i-':. bad never been born, "and that will Testimonials . I strip the Havemeyers and the Rocke fellers, the Co'.lis P. Huntington; and the Spreckels of lives and mill ions. History shows that wealthy class es become arrogant, and unmindful Oosiii Out Sale of Furniture ant. at CRANDALl & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rat MJCTLELBACH BP.ICK. - . CNIO-S ST. ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. or W. c AIXAWAY, G.iR. The Win. 03 New York Weekly Tribune J n s ; PTillman 'Elegent i ' Toiurist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car. l'r r-ale cir Trade. A desirable ranch of. 1C0 acres, within lour miles of Dalles City, with one span mares, names', waeons, plows and other property. Fine fruit land and abun dance of water. Will trade for Dalies of the rights of the toilers. The City property. classes are numerically ns 1 to lbOO, 1 Inquire of A. . Mac ALU.vn;r., I..l L-I T I and the result of a conflict between Chronicle office, The Dalles, Or. them can be easilv foreseen. And yet in the'fnce of history the , Your Gru,n' rew realize mat eacn gquirrei ue- Farmers and Villagers, yon Fathers and Mothers, KOR Sons and Daughters, -koi; All the Family. TO ST. hai:i Ml.VNEAroU VA JtGO GltAND KOK CItOOKSTON IVIXXIl'EG HELENA an UUTTE DOORS, WINDOWS, ! SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding clas-es v.-ill not take warning of the danger that lies around Ihein. Their ships float easily upon the placid waters of the sea, upborne by the tide of humanity; but there is going to be a vast wreckage when that sea is swept by a storm. Corrupt legis lators'and dishonest judges, both the creation of the Haveineyer class, will stir up the storm. stroys $1.50 worth of trrain annually Watelee's Squirrel and Gopher Ex term ir.tor is the most effective and econom icai poison cents. Fo Ajrent. fact business interests. To meet thi prominence, until another State or HL'ht for the principles for which Ti to the present dav. and won its trreateat victories With the close of the Presidential Campaign THE TKIBUSE recognizes th ;t that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to liome am laitlCU Inll.ralC 'Pj , nrm.l!. i n ii nnlil!... ....11 t ' f tuimuiuu, injimt: win jmve iar less space anu 'cej r National occasion demands a renewal of the HE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception , I Through Tickets ! CHICAGO 10 ( WASHINGTON , l'HIL.YDEI.FHIA ' SEW YOltK BOSTON AM) ALL : l'OINTS EAST uiul SOUTH dr. eoKrt known. Price reduced to SO . SX?rry. R2!?J Wf. ?&rt wM b.e Pul, fortl': and money freely srcnt, to mafce THE , A . CHARLTON. Asst. G, P. A., r sale bv M. Z. Donnell EEKLi TRLBLL pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting 1 Morrison Cor. Thlni. I'ortlund On instructive, entertainiiiK and indisiensable to each member of the familv. j- .? l "J lirae catds' B"d ticket, , A, Stt W. C. ALLAWAY. Aj?ent, aJt,SSSS I Soap Foam join pounds. excels all other washing a.-lim Oregon ThU j Tour Opportunity. j On receipt of ten cents, cosh or stamps, ! WEEKLY MARKET LETTER. g A. I. U I'll LEV. Attorney and Coiscllar at Law ;aKUNuTO.N. OREGON. lXHCtlc-v In the rttate ur.J Y&Utat f'onrts Orcgo- aud VianhiriKtun. ;aii S3Ino jWe furnish -The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib- S"r2kwL hjS -: K 1 t r- i f VAv'tt f'.r.-nm llnl.r. oT.:. ... . .1 une one year for only $1.75. (Ely'e Cream Baltn) Baffici&ut to demon.' irate ttio great inenta of the remedy. ELY BROTHERS, 00 Maireu bt., New York Citj. . Writ jour name and address on a postal card, end it to Geo. V. Beet. ' Ttor .lahnMM nn? n i of lbK SnWSS City' acd a 8ampIe f The w Yorh Week,)-Trii ; -w ' cfri ( une w ue maiitu 10 ou. ; Q e,nl)ljaHlz0 Uji 8taten,eIlt( ult jg R pogi. The past week lias added mate rially to the previously strong posi- ' gy'pg CURE -OB PILrft tion of wheat values, viewed om . JQb PHntina &t ThlS OfflGft the position of supplies nnd demand. Vi'"?:";. a x J.lvil.ZV4 Civ X liiiO vlllv Utc cure for catarrh if used as directed." t ev. rrancm w. i'oole, Pwitor Central Vm. Church, Helena, Mont j Ely's Cream Balm is tiie acknowledge cure for catarrh aud contains no mercury nor any iujuriauB dnif. Price, 50 cents. The coiumoia utifr PACKERS OF - PORKand BEtr MANOFACTUKKKHU' Pine Lard and S11 CurersofB DRIED BEEF,