The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 27, 1897, Image 1

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e l)c Uallco
'i.,,Vvi .if "U'lilviil On fit'
i 1 1 : i m i iiivii ivi k u a
Extreme Gravity.
Full ItiTctljrntin .'ibii-
rKt-.Cnltillo Says Tliere 1 No
Crtsl.-Safi;sta' Attitude.
ev Yor.K, May 26. A dispatch to
the Herald troin .uaarm says:
Extreme tension continues between
the political parties. Last night's Her
aldo, defending Senor Sagasta acninst
the insinuations of the conservatives,
frankly exposed the deplorable military
situation in Cuba.
The Heraldo says that the whole dis
trict of Caraagnay is in the power of the
reoeis; tnai iucic i uui
column to operate over a district of 32,
000 square miles, and that in the whole
of the eastern region in Cuba Spanish
troops have never yet set foot. It calls
the alleged pacification of Cuba a corn
ed v.
The same paper further insinuates that
messages purporting iu im huuj ccuui
Dapuy de Lome protesting against the
speeches ot Senor Sacasta, the leader of
the Spanish dissident conservatives, be
cause of the effect produced in the
United States, were wiitten by conser
vatives in Madrid.
Premier Conovas' words in the cortes
regarding the supreme necessities of the
fatherland, -were:
"I shall govern the country as it has
been governed before, and as I myself
governed it before now, without the aid
of minorities."
Both liberate and Sylivaste have
Mr. Calhoun's attitude in regard to
the Ruiz investigation is causing un
easiness and resentment here. Senor
Pidal, on behalf of the majority, begged
Senor Sagasta to return with his mi
nority to parliament. Senor Sagasta,
while thanking Senor Pidal, refused ab
solutely. The ministerial organ, La Epoca, says
that the present situation in Spain is the
mot d'tBcult she has been in for at least
fifty years.
Liberal Leader Sulci, to Oj.ij.iu8e the Sale
of Cuba.
Madeid, May 26. It is understood
that Senor Sagasta, the liberal leader,
win sjon publish an important political
statement in which he will announce his
unaerable opposition to the sale of
Cuba and his unyielding support of the
maintenance of the integrity of Spanish
Premier Castillo denies the existence
ota cabinet crisis, and says tie lb re
E'j.yud to remain in office in spite of the
abstention of the opposition from taking
part in the sessions of the cortes.
The budget committee has reported
favorat ly on the projected loan with the
Airoaden quicksilver mines as security,
and also on the financial measures pro
posed to meet es-peneesin wars.
An Xlv.we.d IJy the TVliii.
Sew Youk, May 26. A dispatch to
ttie Herald from Paris says:
The Temps, in n leading article on the
United States senate resolution accord
ir.g belligerent rights to the Cuban in
turgents, said :
"Thie resolution would doubtless not
he sufficient to determine the attitude
cf the American government. The
house of representatives is more con
servative in regard to foreign policy
than the upper chamber. However,
Buy Garland
"Happy Thought"
Salve rrmp
The 1:1ml that cures SKIN' Troubles,
of M. DONNJSLL, the Druggist.
60c per Jar.
11 ' III' I L I Ml I II I llill
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its crent leavening strength and
hcnlthfulncss. Assures the food jniusi nlura
and nil forms, of adulteration common to the
cheap brands.
Koyai. Powder Co. Xew Yor.K.
the Spanish government should never
lose signt of two essential points. The
first is that in spite of fundamental di
vergencies between the contending in
terests and rivalries at Washington,
there exists in the United States a for
midable, daily-increasing incurrent of
opinion that is likely to drag the great
republic into line of its aspirations, its
traditions and its manifest destinies
that is to say, toward intervention. The
second is that it depends upon the Span
ish parties and their attitude to neutral
ize the advantage of these divisions in
America or oppose to them Spain mor
ally one, indivisible, and consequently
Plow l'rogresB Made in Taking Testi
mony. Washington, May 26. The trial of
Henry 0. Havemeyer, president of the
American Sugar Refining Company, in
dicted for refusing to answer questions
propounded by the sugar investigating
committee June, 1S94, was resumed this
morning. I
District Attorney Davis referred in his
evidence to an extract from the senate j
journal showing the recreancy of Have
meyer, to which the defense objected,
unless other journals showing the whole
actiou of the senate upon the case ehould
be admitted. Judge Bradley agreed to
admit all relevant extracts from the sen
ate journals. Accordingly extracts
showing the three reports of the commit
tee to the senate and detailing the facts
of Havemever's contumacy were admit
ted. Johnson objected to the admission
of the printed report of the committee
! as evidence. A long legal debate lol
l lowed.
! The government strenuously insisted
I that it was admissible as the official sen
! ate report. Davis said he was driven to
1 the necessity of oflering this document
I as evidence because the original steno
! graphic notes of Havemever's testimony
i had been lost. The defense offered to ad
j mit the whole printed record, but oh
'jected to the extract relating to Have
I meyer's testimony.
j The court said if the contention of the
' government was correct then the whole
! record was evidence and much time of
, the court had been wasted. The court
i sustained the objection.
I At 3 o'clock, the government rested its
I case, after Attorney Johnson, for the de
I fense had made a motion that the jury
1 be instructed to find the defendent not
I guilty- .. ,
I At 3 o'clock, court was adjourned.
District Attorney Davis will speak to
j morrow in auswer to Mr. Johnson's
i motion. -
Yellow washing powder will make
i your clothes the same color. Avoid
ithis bv using Soap Foam. It's pure
I white.' 2-3ul
This is an "Age of Soap." Why use
any but the very best. Best soap means
Hoe Cake. Sold by Pease & Mays. a2-3m
Schilling's Best tea is the
tea for you; and this is the
Get of your grocer a pack
age of it. He pays you
your money back if you
don't like it. We pay him.
A Schilling Company
San rrncuco
I TnriiT Kill ltlvuU rultnii Kiolutlon In
Popular lnteret.
Washington, Y. C, May 2(1 Pub
lic interest in the discussion of the
tariff bill promises to exceed that on the
Cuban resolutions. The galleries of the
senate chamber were crowded from the
outset today. The parliamentary status
of the bill, according to the calendar,
was that of "unfinished business," which
gave the bill the right of way at 2 o'clock,
although it was understood it would be
taken up earlier, if the morning business
was disposed of before that hour.
The approaching Victorian jubilee
served as the theme for an eloquent in
vocation by the Rev. Mr. Milbum.
"The services rendered by Queen Vic
toria have enshrined her in the hearts
and reverence of true-hearted men and
women the world round," said he.
"May her last days be her best and
happiest. Guide the councils of that
realm and our own beloved country that,
hand in hand, they may t.ead the path
of conservative progress to the goal ol
Christian civilization.
The final conference report on the In
dian arjpropriation bill was reported, but
not acted upon. It provides for the
opening ot the Uncompaghre Indian res
ervation in Utah, reserving to the Unit
ed States the asphalt and gilsonite
Allison, of Iowa, secured the passage
of a joint resolution, appropriating
$225,000 for the deficiency iu the gov
ment printing office.
The senate adopted the Chandler reso
lution authorizing the sending of sup
plies to the famine sufferers of India by
any suitable ship instead of confining
them to an American ship. The confer
ence report ou the Indian appropriation
bill wa9 agreed to. The the formal read
ing of the tariff bill was begun and the
consideration, paragraph by paragraph,
started. The first fight occured over
the finance committee raising the duty
on boracic acid from 4 to 5 cente a
The Hest Iteiuecly for KlieuiiiatlMn.
From the Kairhaven (X. Y.) Register.
Mr. James Rowland of this village,
state that for twenty-five years his wife
has been a sufferer from rheumatism.
A few nights ago she was in such pain
that Bhe waB nearly crazy. She sent
Mr. Rowland for the doctor, but he had
read of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and
instead of going for the doctor he went
to the store and secured a bottle ot it.
His wife did not approve of Mr. Row
land's purchase at first, .but neverthe
less applied the Balm thoroughly and in
an hour's time was able to go to sleep.
She now ppplies it whenever she feels an
ache or a pain and finds that it always
gives relief. He says that no medicine
which she had uped ever did her as much
rood. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale
bv Blakeley & Houghton.
J'lrci at (iruiit'x J'hhx.
Ghant's Pass, Or., May 20. Fire
early this morning resulted in the total
lose of the Odd Fellow's hall, Terrell &
Son's furniture store; Jewell & Dodge's
warehouse and agricultural implements,
and W. J. Roger's bicycle and 6iindiieH
store. The loss is partially covered by
The Mount Lebanon Shakers have re
cently perfected an ingenious cine for
dyspepsia. Their Digestive Cordial con
sists of a food already digested and a
digester of foods happily combined.
The importance of this invention will
be appreciated when we realize what a
proportion of the community are victims
(of some form of stomach troubles.
Thousands of pale, thin people have little
i inclination to eat, and what they do eat
causes them pain and distress.
The Digestive Cordial of the Shakers
I corrects anv stomach derangement at
once. It makes thin people plump.
Kvrv one will be greatly interested lu
read the little book which has been
placed in the bauds of druggists for free
distribution. .
Laxol is the best medicine for chil
dren. Doctors recommend it in place of
Castor Oil.
UucKluu'u AriiiCM naive.
The best Halve in trie world for cut,
bruises, Bores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
i corns, and all akin eruptions, and poal
tively cun-8 piien, or no pay required
! It is guaranteed to give perect oatiefac-
tion, or money rt funded. Price 26 centt
per box. For ' ale by Blakeley and
Houghton, druggiste.
puritan Boys'
I p
s4 & .if i
Vroparo your Boy for
Fit him out with anew
STYLE of suit you want
Suits from 75c up.
With ovorv $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 or $1.75 Suit bought of us this week' we give
VKEK a Hoy's very neat light or dark waist. Value with us, 25c.
With every $2.00 to $3.75 Suit FREE, a .Boy's Waist or Blouse; choice or
eight diflbrent styles; latest efl'ects. Our specialty at 50c and 75c.
With every $4.00, 4.50 or $5.00 Suit, choice of our best numbers in Hoys'
Waists. Values from $1.00 to $1.20.
Waists now on display in our
feir.t Department.
18 I'iibc tt Week. I till luimr Ycitr
It stands first anions "weekly" papers
in size, frequency of publication and
freshness, variety nnd reliability of con
tents. It is practically a daily at the. low
price o a weekly; and its vast list of
subscriber?, extendim: to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for the accuracy and
fairness of its news columns.
It is splendidly illustrated, and anions
Its special fcaturcH are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashions for women and i; lone;
series of stories by the greatest living
American and Enplish authors,
;uiin Diiylo, .luroniK K. .lemma,
Hlunl.-y Woyiimii, .Mm-y K. Wilkin
Antluiiiy IIimmi, llrot ilarli-, MiiUIhiwm. KIc.
We offer this uneqnaled newspapcrand
The Dalles Twlee-n Week Chronicle to
tether one year for 2.00. The regular
price of the two papers is $3.00.
tlary Jll.iiOli I-oj.SON permanently
cured In 16 to.".', dnya. You can t)0 (rented at
homo for eauio price under iiaiuo(,-u.'iiiiii-ty.
ItyoupriirrtaconiohKro wowiilcon
tenet to tiny railroad furc'iind hotel tjllta.ftiul
co charge, 1 1 no (all to euro. I f yen liuvo taken met-.
cury, loiilclo iiotiiKli, nml ttlll liavu Bi.hei and
nilui, M neons t then In mouth, Horn Throat,
I luiplin, C'o(iier Cnliirciii hpotx, Ulcer on
any putt of tlie ixjdy, ilulr or liylrnwn fallliiir
out, U Is tills Kucimclury JII.OOU 1'OlhON
wo iconrunteo to euro. Wo solicit Uia idom ohstl
iiato eaten and vliulleuKu tho world for a
CUM) wecminor. euro. 'i'hU dUoano nan nlwayg
tallied the Htclll of tho iiioHtiiuliif!iitiliyl
cluui. 11500,000 capital tiolilnd our uucoudl.
Uoualiraarantr. AIoliUircirsenteuledOQ
fcppllcatkon. AddrcM COOK HKMKDV CO
01 MJuonki 'Xtuuyle. VUWAUO, ILL,
Assignee's Notice Final Setll ement. j
Koike ik hertby bIvcii tbut tlio iinderkl(iu-il,
BtklffllbU Of tlJO OJltHtU of It. K. Willi ut JIM n III )
feolvcnt dibinr. Iium llltl bl tliml uicount mnl i
report In ali iinixuuivul with tbe Clerk of tlio
Cirfult Com tof tho tituloof oickoii forWakto
Comity, mid tlmt tliu II10 win no cuiilo up ur
liourliiK bi-foio tli Juilito of kald Court on tlie
llrkt day of Hit) nuxt rc-KUlar term of unlit Circuit
Court, lowli! On Monday, tliuyitli day of Muy,
!W7,or If the tamo cannot bo heard by nald
Court ut tulit time, in koou thereafter m tUo
ku'iiu can be beard by kald Court.
Ualeil tbl Kith day of April, JW7.
A. ii. MACAI.MriTKIt,
Akkigneo of the eatate of It. K. WillUini. au
llikolveiit debtor, 8l7-6tll
this weel
tho closing School Kxtu-cises.
suit ami select .) l"ST THK
from our very complete stock.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, S?!?
! Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour.
This Flour
use: every
Wo sell our poods lower than uny house in the trade, and 1( you don't think so
call and et our prices and bu convinced,
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
, iUchlv and durably hound lu Knirllsh Oloth, plain ede; portrait of the au
thor forming the clfnign on cover; autograph preface j inau'iiillceut pre
sentatioti plate lu nllver, gold and blue; containing (100 pKd and a2
full.piiuo illiiBtnitious V, ;,r
In half-Morocco, marble cdyo -
I In fill I -.Morocco, it'll edge
! M. J. WOODCOCK, Agont, Wamlc, Or.
175 Second Street,
Country anil Mail Order will receive prompt attention,
ih manufactured expressly for family
sack is umirantecd to ivo satisfaction.
; Til)'. I'lllST HAITI.K U tin laturcnttiiKKtory
! of Hi ii Krc'it iiotltlciil ktruuulu IMD, Hi iuiiit
1 liiiinirtiint uvciiU mill tliu many Umjcu Involve.!;
' louk'iil ircutlMMHi Ill-mi'liiltUiii un utlonil Uy
einlnent oximiiiiiiIh, liieliiilliix tlio part I.iUen by
Hon. W. J. llrviin in llm ullvcr iixliutloii prlur to
tint HcinofrullK Nntloiuil Cmivitiitloii. mill ilur
. Ititf tlio I'liiupalii; tlio bct oxuiili'Ho( IiIh won
dTfiil nrulory. tliu iiiobt notuwoitliy lueldriiu of
lilt (iiiuoii lour, ii t'litvlul ruvluvv of tliu olltlcul
ltiiutloiii a illHtunnlou of tlio uUii'lbui rctuiim
llllll till) rlkMllli'.'HIICU tllDKHlf, MDll tllU flllUttl
. pOMlbllltleit of Ill-inutiillUm iu u () 1 1 lo it Uniu.
The Dalles, Oregon