The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 26, 1897, Image 4

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    Tbt Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Ad rrtMtis ttntp.
Due inch or tf? In Daily
Over two inchw and tinder four tucho
Over four iuchc and under twelrs lucho
Over twelve incho
One inch or less, per iueh ...
Over fiue inch nnd under fmir Inches
Over four incite and under twelve incho
Over twelve Inches . . ..
1 CO
Thought Hi- Could Tell Old MaltW from
Slurried Women. '
Ht- ti still younir iiicutrh to know
evorytliintr, anil while they waited fot
a ear he was trivintr her his opinim? on
various subject.-. As for her. slv was
so interested that she didn't knov htr
feet were cold and fonrot that the wind
wa blowine her liair out of curl.
"Yes," he was saying-, "you may talk
rir- fittt tilitoii ItAll t t'Mtl ImI ! ! 1 1 1 ft t
y, : maid-, but 1 ean tell an old inn id from ;
' a married woman by a jrlanee. How do J
1 10 I manage it ? Oh. It's easy enough. 1
t co , ean jttt tell her by her look.-, and I nm
! never mistaken."
I "Yon were always so clever." she
murmured. ".Vow, I am sure 1 ivwei
Mis; Lillian ?ueil arrived on this
morning'; train, t.d will visit in the
city ior a week or two.
Miss Charlotte Itolertsr. who has been
teaching school at Ritzv'ille, Wash., ar
rived Lome this mornim:."
Mr. P. M. French returned home last
i is: lit. accnuipanied by bis datiiittr,
Mis Beie, who nns been attending
Stanford I'niversitv. in California.
Iotructioii 11 y Graliopier.
Chas. Chapman, of McKay creek, to
dny informed the East O.-econian that .
the trrasshoppers are eating the crops
in Ids neighborhood. He says they have
eaten 30-aere field of alfalfa for Perry
Hcr.ser and destroyed crops for others.
Upon Stewart creek the damage is quite
as serious. Mr. Chapman says also that
the eras shoppers are not so large as '
those he saw iu Kansas, but are very
small and cannot yet fly. The amount
of dnnittse done will be considerable,
thinks Mr. Chapman, and a large
amount of hay will not be cut, on ac
count of the alkka heinc eaten by the
nests. La Grande Chronicle.
could doit. To be sure, a married n cm- '
an ti-ually put- on a bonnet sooner
than an old maid doe.-, but then some
old maid.- affect bonnets, and I have
eeu n srranclmother in a .-ailor hat. so '
that i.-n't a sure test."
"Oh. it isn't a matter of headgear
with me. I assure you." he replied, in ,
a patronizing tone. "Here. I'll let you ;
see me do it. Look at the two women .
yonder, now. That tall one i- an old .
maid beyond a doubt. In the aggrer-sive j
curve of her elbow and the sour droop J
of her mouth. 1 know, as well as if I '
had been acquainted with her for years,
that she pretends she has remained s
single from choice and that she hates ,
all mankind." j
"Dear me. how awfully clever you ;
are." he gurgled. "I declare you real-.'
ly alarm me. Why, it's quite like Shei-j
lock Holmes-." j
"Oil. no. you flatter me. It's really
cynic simple. Observe the woman who !
is talking to her the stout, motherly-,
looking one. It does not require much
perspicuity to know that she i a happy
wife. Xotiee her helpless air and her
general appearance of coutentmen."
"Positively, you are so deep that 1
am actually afarid of you."
"Oh. not at all. Now, come a Iit'ie
eloser. so we can hear their conversa
tion, and you will ee that I am rich."
"Oh. but I am sure that you are right
without that."
Nevertheless, they moved on to a po
sition immediately behind the pair. The
tall, aircressive-looking woman was
jiow flbout Your
"We have the facilities for doing all kind?
of .Job Printing, from a visiting card 10 a
catalogue, and we are after all the work
ean do. "We not only desire .0 keep Imsv
but would prefer to be rushed. Come
and compare our prices with that of any
one, and compare quality of v;ork. Let us
have vour next order.
ropiqle pubiisfyir ?o.
1 t horohe eiren that by an-
Ithorii of ordinance So. 292, trhlch
-,ved the Common Council o Dalles
' fcitv April 10th, IS97, entitled, An or
jditmnce to provide for the -ale of certain
! lots belomrlng to Dalles Citv, ' 1 will, on
Saturday, the 15th dav of May. 1S9i ,
sell at public unction, to the highest
'bidder, all the follow inc lots ami parts
of lots in Gates addition to Dalles Lity,
1 Wasco county. Oregon, to-vrit :
! Lots 9 and 10 jointly, in block U ; ots
7, S. 9 and 10, jointly in block lo; lots
S, P, and 10, jointly in block 21.
known as butte; lots 10. 11 and 12, m
i ,.tnv- "7; Int P in block o4; lots 2, .,, 4,
5 0 7. S, P. 10 and 11. in block :o
I lots 12, ; . 4. S, P. 10, 11 and 12, in bloc-k
ail; lots.- 3, 4. o, fi, . . . v.
. i2, in block 37; lots l. 2. 4. o. o. s, Minneapolis
; 9, 10. 11 and 12. in block 42 ; lots 1. 2, .-, -
3, 7i 10. 11 and 12. in Woe !ots ' OT" iLUi
'ots, for
Choice of Transcontinental Rohb
Kansas City
Low Rates to ai! Eastern Cfe
Krerv five Uay fr
tor itiit ccin;:s can on O. K jt c a,.
Uiilles, or uddrt-hs
W, H. IU-ULBCKT, Gen. Pj.Ar
E. M'NKIKL rrcdldcut auj Mnna cr
Tim Sum- T1iiu Card.
Under the new time card, wbich gr
into effect tomorrow, trains will moveu
follows :
Xo. 4, to Spokane and Great Northers
The Mount Lebanon Shakers have re-'
cent!y p-rfected an ingenious cure ior ,
dyspepsia. Their Digestive Cordial con-,
sists of a food already digested and a '
digester of foods happily combined. 1
The importance of this invention will
proportion oi the community are victims th? tenh annS,crsarv of mv weddinir.
of some lorm o: stomach troubles. '. tholIrh u hardlv seems possible. J r. ;i
anouianuso: pate, tnin people nave iittle , ro. Marv Ellen,
inclination to eat, and what they do eat
cause; them pain and distress. and that i.- savintr a exeat deal!
The Digestive Cordial of the Shakers i Then the stout motherly-lookictr per
corrects any stomach deransement at sn responded and there was vii -crar
once. Tt "makes thin! ..tnmn ! in her tones. "Well, when I find man
- r i : :
Every one will be greatly interested lo
read the little book which ha? been
placed in the hand: oi druggists for free
Laxol is the best medicine for chil-
I have the best and
i the kindest husband in the whole v. orld
Drapers Manufactured and Repaired.
Pitts Threshers, Powers and Extras.
Pitts Harrows and Cultivators.
Celebrated Piano Header.
dren. Dcctors recommend it in place of cleared his throat violently and a-.'ced
'Castor Oil. the girl if she didn't want another cam-
j pairrn uutton. i nieasro i iuies-a-.i.uu.
as .-en.-ible a my Maltese eat. as coin
fortin"- as a cup of tea and as eter?a:ii
inir as mv political club I mav fol'ow
y oxxttiih,.. Lubricating Oils, Etc.
w nite sewing maenme ana juxtras.
i 1 . 3. 4. o. ti. in block 40.
i ri... r,iinnlili' vnbie of SU
ilH. Illi.vii'-i.. , ,
I lesc than wbich they will no. " soiu,
i has been tlxfd i.i.d determine., i v the
i Common Council of Dalles City as lol
I lows, to-wit : ,
i Lot-P and 10. in block 14, bi0; lots
j 7, S. 9 and 10, jointlv ii. block 15, ?200;
lot 7, S, Pand 10, jointly in block 21.
i200; lot 10, in bk.ek 27, ?22o; lot 11, in
i.lnnt- "7 s-'l'i: lot 12. in block 27, iJiOO;
lot P, in block 34, ,-100; lots 2, 3, 4, 5, S, , T
IP, 10 and 11, in block eacli lesjiect
lively 100; lots 6 and 7. in block So,
eacli respectively $12."); lots 2, 3, 4, S, l
i 10 and 11, in block 3G, each respectively
; $100; lot 12. in block 30, .'?12o; lots 3, 4,
15, S, P. 10 and 11, in block 37, each re
spective! v flOO: lots. t, ana vs. in
block 37, each respectively $12o;
lots 2, 3, 10 and 11, in block
41, Cieh respectively $100: lxts 1,
T n nd 12. in block 41. each respectively
125: lots 3. 4, o, S. P, 10 anil 11, :n arrives at 0 p. m leaves at 6:05 p. B.
block 42, each respectively $100; lot e , $Ut o, to Pendleton, Baker Citv ad
j 5125: lots 2. 3,4, 5, P, 10 and 11, in U,, 0"l i'XLlLu lirmes 1 'lo
block 43, each respectively $100; lot 1 , , parts 1 :-0 a. m.
, in bluck 43, $125; lot? 2. 3, 4 and 5, in No. 3, from Spokane and Great Xortl
; block 4ti. each respectively $100; lots 1 arrives S:30, departs S:35 a d
;anri (, in block 40, each respectively ; Nq frojj Bafeer Cty an(
Each of these lots will be sold upon ' cific, arrives 1 :20, departs 1:25a.m.
' the lot respectively, and none of them. Nos. 23 and 24, moving east of Th
will be sold for a less sum than the value Dalles, will carrv passenger". Xo
"SotfoUlpSe bid on any of,--es at 0:30 p. m., departs 12
said lots shall be paid in cash at the .
time of sale, and the remainder in three ; Passengers for Ileppner will take traia
equal payments on or before, one, two ' leaving here i:03 p.m.
, and three years from the date of said
, sale, with interest on such deferred pav-'
ments at the rate of 10 per cent per
I annum, payable annually; provided j EAST and SOUTH Via
Khat the Davinent maybe made iu full'
eh t"v time iU thf" optioa of the f,ur' ! The Shasta Route
The said sale will beem on the loth ,
day of May, 1SP7, at" the hour of 2,
o'clock p. m. of raid day, and will con-;
tintie from time to time until all of said j
lot snail be sold. ,
Dated this 13th day ot April, 1S97.
Gimiekt W. Phkm-.
Recorder of Dalles Citv.
not till then
And the very
voune man:
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
I Trains leave and nre due to arrive at Portia!
r.r ".ale.
A Juror Hail An opinlnu.
San- Fp.AS-ri,ro. Mav Thf. latest ! Tlir e-voall i white becaue the
efi'ort to induce Governor Budd to irrant i
bl'mil v K that feed its substance are
t l.. cil1 tlirt til., Ait nit :tflrmt thp
a reprieve to Theodore Durrant comes in 1 j . ...
Lots A, B, K and L, block 30; A B,
j block 72; A, IJ, C, D, E and F, block 82.
j and A, B, C, D and E, block 25. Apply
; tO W.M. S'HACECI.r'OllU.
the announcement that John E. Pnrdy, :
a bookkeeper, has furnished proof that
Juror Samuel E. Duttou had expressed
the opinion that Durrant was gnilty, and
shon'.d bans. Accordinj: to Purdy's
statement, Datton espres ei tl eojinion
in coversation in a saloon. Dutton
says he has no recollection of tiie inci
Aa inspection of the record in the Dur- '
rant oase shows that Dntton wa- accept
abi to both side?, tbou-.'h he had at.
impression not ainonntim: to an opinion
concerr.ins DnrrantV cuilt or Innocence.
The prosecntion was ii.ciined to cha'.
lune Datton, tint the chiet counsel in
stiled on his retention, saving he knew
hiu to tie an honest man.
In Cun
Ir. KlnS iv I)lui-rj for Comuni -tlun.
This is the best medicine in the world
for all forms of Coutrns. Colds and Con
sumption. Every Untie is .'anranteed.
It wiil cure and not disappoint. It has
no eqa.i! for Whoopins Cou'.'h, A-thinu,
Hity .Fever, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La
Grippe, Cold iu the Head and Consump
tion. It ie eafe for ail ayes, pleasant to
take, Riid, above a sure cure. It is
itlwuys we.l to take Dr. Kinir'e New Life
Pills in connection iih Dr. Kiny's New
Dbcovory, as they reyuUte and tone the
stomach and bowul. We guarantee per
lect satisfaction or return money. Free
trinl bottles at Hlakeiey & Houghton's
D'QL' store. Kf,uinr size 50 cents and
?1.00 'tt;
"I:. evil lon I took delitrht'" vat by
Johu Newton. He called it his hpirit
ual autobiography "
h van
R t.
til FlUd
l'rojni!4lb feir Cont riK tlnc Water anil
Se--er j ti'i.
" iniian service. Warm .-firings Asencv,
L . (lr . Mhj-7. MC. I'liOl'OaAU, endor-td. " f'r.iiioial.s
i ptesi, Sulcin, Koae
! bnrK, Ashluiid, ?ac
v rmat-iito, Ogdeu.San!
o.ou i. j.. j.-rrtncisw Mojare, f(,j.MA y.
I New Orleans and '
; lEit.
:l(.ns . 'i ti r.s
fViii Woodbcrn Ior'
! : ! "est Solo. Ilrowi.v!
s' !. ville,siirlugla-ldaiid
j-r-i i ! Snleu, end v,:y Hatinns 'W-uA-S
i'v ICorvnllis, and wayi 6:J)?K.
j.Mc.Mliliv;;ie aiiui i
I way stations I .
a:Sl) A. M. J".?. b '
a :
jf r ' 5
Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has
no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE &
MAYS. The Dalles, Oregon.
(irtVutcrund sewer :iem " mid addressed to '
the uiidur-imieil nt Wiirm Mrin;r', CrwiU
j .1 tt . irugon, will Ue ttceived nt till.- neaey I
unii. i ritics i. :n. i .iay i-y,, ior iiirninu
'uc tLe i,cPCi-ry tiiut-'riaN nnd lubor reijutred
. ",r Foitttruetiui) and comtiletion of a water
a .d hwer stsm. (inelndiiiB ilmnliinc; for the j
I a'iii.? MhiMil plant to be ejetnl on this re-j
t. in vtriet uei.'ordanee with pluii. and hi eel- j
-u ! 'lis. hteh may lw examined ut the otlice I
if th' Miirniiic urfpoiiian." Portland. Or.,
Kfc Ii I., mcle. ' The Dulles Or., and nt thiM
J...i ie-- vu! state clearly in their bidi- the '
it's'- - tune required to complete the work. i
T t i reserved to re.eet miiv iiik! ull bids.
' i ..t .f any bid, if deemed for the beat in-1
r,e'( i i,, - ervlfe.
j .t , 1 fii ion of bidder
f -h atinrovud .
' V aft 'elatinL' to tho
1... -erviw o! lal.-ers and mechanic em- Throui-h Tlel-et Olhrt. 1M Third street, t
'.-vl uiMn the public worfet. of the fnitwl Shroih tlrkuts to all tH-in'. in the Eu'-w
- and of the nktriet f Columbia: u..,o to t I ?"e?.atI Uu "..J vuroiV tan be obtii1
..t .u tonuts approved AiiKU-t 1:1, 1S!I, wlt' ,,,, sfrom
ei.'.-...?l -Ah net for the protection of jui ! io"tf tatoS j j, KIUKI AXI. Ticket Apnt
in !"f i!uwlft t8b0r '"' tht WMI"n'c' ; Alt above traits nrrive at
ti .n -f public )' s-.tiD clIE(.Ki 1 Grand (Jcutrnl StaUoiFifth and Irrins
Lueh ui'l imist ue aceomiiUici by n certified j wstltlLl DI!?IJN".
i.eek or draft np..i, some United Mate Dei- ...,PnCor fjeVt fw.t of JenaonllA
torv .r .. vent limil: u th.. vl,,it ..t : ' ""OURer Wvjwl, i
; Jmc3 iiiiu iiu.uit ... .
tfar AftsitAnVi
.iiHUt 1. 1K, untitled: t i;tptr
ie Iimitatiou 1 the hours ! J'
'Daily. fDaiiy, except suiiday
Attxehed to all Through Traisi.
Hirect (.otiiifction nt .-an Fnmci-co with .Hi
dental nnd Oriental and I'nc.lie real. sw
Hue for JAI'A.N and CHi.N A. sallies w
ai plication. r,y..
Kates f.litl tlOKUts to r.aMeru .,l;" irTr
AlkoJAfAN. CHINA. ll'J""
(tiuuea iniin
KLAXH. Ticket ips-
Final Account
. - A,r l!
.... icnc . c in.- uiuuer, hiiiii'- poyuoie to 1110 iMVO t... nsWFflO dui eXCCP'. 3uu;
on tr of t:.e . ..a nussp.ner of Indian Allnlf.. for If ln ?? 15 l I", $ J. t 8: f c,.
at leant HVE 'KK KST. of the Hinoum of the , Vi unl oulr" A .
pi..kid, wh.'-i. onerfc or draft will be forfeited L", '..d JJ' 7-io nd fc ai " ni. uud 1:, 1&
t.. tne I uitwi Mat in eii-e m-v .irl.i.l ' ' .r. "1"!'".. '1U ""'J "'
j T S THE CIRCCIT fOfl'.Tof the State of Ore
i J Ron tor the County of us';.,.
j B. A. O
Notice if hereby snot, that the undersigned,
i administrator of the estate of J. 1j.
;ood. riaintitl, n,t" "Uul "f'Unt. and tbuj
I vs Jiuimu, me .ai uy oi any, i'.i7, ut tiie dour of
i Ida n.uun, Spencer V. hunn. tier. il. Dunn ! 10 u't-'lock a. m.. hu kou upMnud a, the time
I Hnrvty V. Dunn nnd Mary Dunn nnd N. i0T heyln? ob;iiu therot., und Iheretlle
i WbeuWon, u fdmlnturanr of the etteof r munt theieof. All holt-, ( ronton, or oihr per-
' .. f r. i -i I .nil. ill..hutwl I., lulrl nu...... . . L. ..... L . . . . .1
'I -rs rei.eiinuaii award shall fall to promptly.
i .'UW. a eontruct uh koh5 and suflinent .
uf(.ut. oilier i-e to Ms returned to tho birldir
cud 7:55 p, in.
Leave for Sheridan, week dny., ittaP-s
liid.s mii.i.m h r.ukh i. i .... . . Attiveui rortinuu, y. ...
hcti -n- it win no: ne consiiierea.
For uny additional information.
luv.-nn.T f. fi. ludiun Aseut.
, uniilv to
Vm. II. Dunn, iliceB-fd, Defendmitt,
j To Ilia Inii.n, Sponsor W. Dunn, Can. II. Dunn,
Harvey W. Dunn and .Mary liuun and N'.
! Wbcalrinn. n eomlnl-tralor of the utate ot
; "m. H Dunn, deeeaoed. Defendants'
Administrators Sale of Heal Estate.
Not lex? i horeby civen that under and by vir '
tue of an order of the County court of the state
of Oick-on ur Wa'-oo County, tnade on the lst
day of ilav. ):U7. iu the mutter of thee.iiute of
rmiik ireiHun. ueceaea, l win, on Thursday, the
CrriTr... IlKiir:Ti. rc .old tli- . i
woriil l'rice, i i Tit Li. , :'k , f oa i , . . !.
SIJI.V EST il. I'OTTE:. I'.il .AM' I lit I ' ..If.
uctu fiofM., Ilontun, '' .- v. M. dk.n; ;..
Diod,, Bcalp, I!...:," Jr.-e
Administrator's Notice.
In the mime of tne State of Oreon, You are
haieby required to apjear and uiimvit the uom '
plaint riled against you iu the above entitled j
unit within ten day, from the date of thr ser-;
vice of ;hltsnninioi.5Uioii you, if served within
tni eouuty: or if .erve.l within uny other!
county of till ntate, then within tv. lity auya j
for want
to file their objection? to aid Una! iiccount. I
any ttey have, on or before the day nprniinted
for the hearing tnercof.
Dalles city, Oreyon. March C", 1WT.
racn-ltli K. A. UKIrKlK. Admiui.tttator.
J. s-
Notice of Final Stlllemenf.
First National Bank. ; J
A uoiierui riuitKlnij iiusintiSE truntaotvd
uepositfi received, Biibject to Sight
urutt or uneok.
. ... ...-.lirisi
U r.c for AIIJIJK on Monday. VS'itt
Fri-:ny at 9: 10 a.m. Arrive ut Vf"'1
du v, Thursday nnd Saturdoy ot a
. e.tlm
- - - , Sumlnr train for OsWE'-Olw"
, and l:ln,l:IS,:S0,:25 ,' "" to Pi:J?,
II, M ISeai l i rlvo nt I'ortlana at s:a). 1" w a. n
Cashier. ' o:' '
li. KOKHLElt,
f j- K0GE
vou ,1 il 'Served uSS Tvou b wSK uiiniiil.iMtor of th'etnte of Mary M. ( otti m, made and protcedfi promptly
un2r' w&V v,,remJt.! 0,1 d?? 'iollection.
of cid eourt. and if you fall no to answer. lV..h.?,?.,uAe:,""?.."T.UCT,,.M . tllt; ' " Jsijjht und Televrnin h c Erchanyf, soM nn
tnercof theplaintlil uill tuWeiudKment ZVLrXrHX?.! "'" "..- " vJ'-r" New York. Frflnf.i,.n a.n- u, ,
.t you. the ,ald Ida Dunn, for tho bum of . :.'..."... "TV.'"' iu county , , -- -
r.K.Koltl coin, and lnte.-et thereon, in ' V. i .' : ' .T. r-.1 "'"vv county, On-
like coin, from March V. lean, at the rate of ! ft' ' "d " ? Kn ..i.V'A',1. ?Urt u
elKht tr cent jrnnnum: and for the further 11 ' Z,aJ d.,J i lK Sll'''col'u'
sum of I3.j. in like coin, and lnt:.-t. In lit., l"Ml 1,1,8 -J'" "-v 01 ila" )'
.iln n lh. rii, fif i.lhr i-.r ..r ,n .... AI .V S 1 U'lnl'il.l,
from February 1. Ms!- ..nd or the fu'ri her m !!V"!s,ilSor 01 tnc e"u M. Gor-
of ;o attnrii'y ' feus, and for hl eost.s nnd dl-1
burnetnentx herein, and for a judftment mid do '
Live iiKiinst nil of raid delendauts that nil the'
npra-il t
D. P. TflOMl'HON.
J ED. M. VtLLlAJ3,
J.N'O. S. Sfllt.VCK.
Ueo. A. Lilian.
Tlirouirh by daylight via
nnd Croas Hollow.
real proi.erly ducribed In the comulaint. to-wlt
ah of lot I., and the enat half of lot o! block ;r.' 1
2l'h day o: June, hr7, ut the hour of o clock
follow inir described real eta(e beloni,'lnB to said , ,7 Vnl'1 vf 1 r, w, 1 S of i i r,, 2 O'eson. b so d. and the proceeds hereof Im; up-
toiate. ti-wit The aouthwwt quarter of tr.e- " ' U" V "SJ ' I?" Ch '..i.n. 1' uw.n said judKinent and that each und
Nnrthca.1 quarter of Section l Township 1 n,?,dnst dd o.late or'l all of said defendants be forever barred und fcrc-
North HariKe 11, W. M. ill Wasco County W" . J v.u..V.V....U'e,.ln.,.t ( "".' ' inlerest in or lo
Oregon. un-suu, u sain premises ana muds
Said nremi.e will bo sold in one unreel urd ' ' " " . " 'fr ,. r.4 .. u J,u "a'r; .This . ..iif. rlilrri .uuh nr th ,lmi t,l t. ...,h ",u l"e suuic. uui icrmeu, to me III
ittaj."in Tot Tibeue'rt va?
."' '' V"? - with n Ax mon hW om hiTdatc' 'J S,f "uU'
Va lie."- ,v O :i'on TJ?" V "- i ',Htwl f O'l0- Of
Executor's Sale.
summons Is nerved unon vou. the s(rl
llHtvey W. Dunn und Marv ljunn. bv order of
Hon. W. 1 liradshttw, Judge of said court, dated
Admliiistrntor o: the estate ol I-'ruuk Ireland,
dece isetl. m'-'ii-fit-l
May. Ij'7.
11. V. I.AUGMUN, ;
Adnilnlsttatur of the estute of silas W. Davis,1
deceased. m'.'C-St-i
April 0, lsUT.
Attorney for I'lalntiiV.
suhicrihe ior The Chuo.vici.k.
i'ursuunt to an order of the t.'ountv Court
the titutc of Orcson for the Wasco County, mudo 1
and eutereil on the 2d duy of May, 16K7, in tho I
mutter of thoestntunf James McGahaii, deceased, (
unc'iiiic inc m atu nie iei properly belonging
to the estate of said deceased, I will, on hulur
duy, the fith day of June, l6'J7, ut the hour of '
o'clock p. m.,nt tho courthouse door in Dalles
City, Oregon, sell at public sule.Uo the hlk'liwt
bidder, all of the following dcscrlU-d real prop
erty belonging to said estate, to-wit: 'Hie
Houthwest quarter of Heotlim tight. Township
iMw ooutli, liniige Fourteen East W. M., con
taining lit) acres more or lets.
mM It f OlllONS. Kxecutor.
Harry Liebe,
inin:liu A f.LKNi Tiie
Stage te-vcTheWaljM J tW
nt 7 ii. in., ulso from AntelH'e 8.'-oan(cii
Monduy, Wednesday and tt Ida jjucte:!
; mude at Antelope for 1'rlneiJ lie .tlK
wdnts U-yond. Close unecuow
balles with rallwuyti, trains ,w ft
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
r,C reaeu
davs. Thursdavs and bututda
j Dulles to Deschutes
j do Moro. ,
do Grass Valley-
do hcut .
do Croso Hollow
Antelope to Crua Hollow
do Kent. ....
do Gruss Valley
do Moro
do DcacUuecs.
do Dalles
: i