YOU NEED A NEW HAT. The Latest Thing in LAWN MOWERS The Pastime. "The Delft J ? This is to We have Straw Hats Handsome Hats. You can have one for 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 or $1.25. Displayed in Furnishing Goods Window. . ALGOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Ghronieie. WEDNESDAY, - MAY 2G, 1S97 : WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. r.umliiui Observation and Local Event ! of Lrnser Magnitude. j Lot A bunch of keys. Finder will please leave at this office. m26-2t The J. B. & M. Co. offer a fine violin for 3. See window display. Housekeeping or lodging rooms to rent. Apply at this office. rn24-lv The first brick of the new Catholic church was put in place yesterday. Lost A tan, silk-lined cape. The finder will be rewarded by leaving it at this office. m24-2t Tomorrow morning A. M. Williams & Co. will put on sale their special $5 and 7 i0 suits. special offer of violins tor 5 at the Jaobson Book & Music Co.'s. See window display. Tomorrow morning, $7.50 men's Euits for .5, $10 suits for $7.50. at A. M. Will iams & Co.'s. The trial of the case of Moody against Richards is still occupying the attention of the court and five jurore. A. M. Williams & Co. are making a very appropriate offer in their boys de partment this week. See ad. The Elks are talking of having an ex cursion to Hood River Saturday night, but the arrangements have not yet been completed. Carlos Spaulding, father of Carlos H. paulding, prosecuting attorney for Klickitat county, died Monday and was buried at Goldendale this morning. How about that 4th of July celebra tion? If we are going to have it, now is the tune to arrange for it before all our neighboring towns have made up their minds to celebrate. The trial of Frank Castile, which was to have begun at Goldendale this morn ing, was postponed until tomorrow, on account of the death of the father of the prosecuting attorney. The Salem Statesman ot yesterday says; "Eva McCullough, aged 39, an inmate of the asylum, died there Sun day, and that the body would be shipped here yesterday for interment." Kerr & Buckley shipped seventeen carloads of sheep to the Montana range this morning. These will be followed hy many others, and it is probable not lees than 60,000 will be disposed of in this manner. A grand ball will be given at the Bald win opera house Friday evening, May 28th, (the closing of the dancing school) hy Prof. F. G. Swanton. Admlesion 50 cents. Ladies free. This evening is the last for instructions. m26 3t Roy, the 11-year-old son of E. C. Stef fen, of Baker City, while out hunting on Saturday, accidentally discharged hie gun, the contents entering the right arm and nearly severing that member. He a topped to rest and placed his arm over You need it now. Don't spoil your appearance by a seedy top piece. Look like prosperity if you would have folks think you are prosperous. be a uUUi!S. PEASE the muzzle. The arm wa9 amputated at the shoulder. j The Wasco warehouse has received to j date 4000 sacks of wool, averaging 350"' pounds to the sack, or 1,400,000 pounds. But little, if auv, wool has changed , hands vet, and it can hardly be said j that a price has been fixed. 1 I The ladies of the Christian church will ! ; serve ice cream and cake or strawberries I ! i .,oo. 1 and cake in the store building near the I n inHnffi,. nn Washington street. I , . . , , . t.! i; nn i from o to 10 this evening. Price lo cts. ii r.i-a ,,,, Come one, come all and take vour i , . i choice. Mrs. Nettie M. Booth today received , warrant o. 108, from the Head Camp, T . , .. ,.imon f ., Pacific Jurisdiction, Woodmen of the ,.r T i ,,! fMii nt ' World. It being payment in full of the i amount due to her on account of the in- eurance of her husband, the late Lutimer , Booth, in that order. . The annual camp meeting, under the j auspices of the Oregon Mate Camp-1 meeting Association oi tue.u. tunrtu, , will be held on the Canby camp ground, j beginning June 18th, and continuing nntilJune 28th. Bishop Cranston w" be in attendance a part of the time. j Quite a number of the conductors at present visiting the coast, came up on fUfr last nmht and re mained here until the regular overland , train at 1:30 this morning. They took in the town in the early evening, and ! later were the guests of the Commercial Club. Blanche Sutherland, who was shot by Caleb Daniels Saturday night in a house of ill-fame at Rosslan'd, is in a fair way to recovery. Two of the tLree bullets , were found, and the other one, which undoudtedly would have proved fatal j had not her corset steel deflected it, will , probably be taken out tonight. It is in ( the left side below the breast, and in the opiuion of Dr. Bowes, ie not likely to j ,. .. I prove uaugiriuuc. - . . , ,iw,.,nifi the postofflce, when a stranger rather The river th is wornijR IhJ dio ped I down to the 41.9 mark and falling slowly a 1 day I W, iix-foot-fonr height with a sort of river points "how that th.w il to I.wonder.IWl.lB.OT,d.Ul.Uiere t.x,)res. considerable of a fall and tha the .high-, k,Md BQrt est water of the season has a read . t0 itedus. The weather bureau est e da k - is attention, morning said that there will be , but a(ter looklnf, ul tlim awlllIo, hb warmer weather the last o the week around and took a look at hie and if this does no cause , . i(roundand 1 will be none," which we think is tor- ( rt;ct. 'doctor bore the examination good i A report was brought to Grant's Pass numored)yf waltlng to tee what tho out , Sunday evening of a shooting affray n icome wou,j hut finally tiring of the ! Siskiyou county, Cal., near the Oregon ; 8tranKera gcrutiny, he remarked: I line, 'in which Eugene Kern and an un- Wel, do you know me?" "You think ' known man were shot by S. Payne, J dou, b(Jt yQU bet your ,n(J j llo n wag , nlghtwatchman of the Gilmore and Boar , hj . "You're Dutch McCoy." ' i. . t. tun men uiiuvi -ri - tried to rob the mine, as they turned the water out of the flume and then be gan tearing the riffles out with a crow bar. Pavne fired three shots, after which be'heard then groaning, but did not go near them to see how badly they were injured, it being after dark. At. last accounts the wounded men had not been discovered. The grand j"1"? UD t0 n00D today ,iad returned four true bills. One against mine, u append , & MAYS Lewis Boggs for larceny of a horse, to which he pleaded guilty. Another for stealing a harness and buggy, to which he pleaded not guilty. The third charged A. Clemens with larceny from o dwelling, he being the man arrested last spring in Charles Haight's house, near tbe fair ground. The fourth was against Jack frews, the Indian storekeeper. for showing indecent P.ctures. The matter of the State against lay or . li'evlnE wl'0 was charged with stealing a W inchester rifle, was examined into, .. , , ' and the defendant was discharged, "not , a true bill ' being returned, An impromptu itutii. lesterdav evening when the boat . - came in and tied up to the wharf boat, 1 .. ' h?re ti,e df lar t0ards seeing her sue cessfullv landed. - Among these was Iimothv hdmonson, wfao wag gtamJing on the wllIirf watch. , ,je cjJJ The wharf boat lies by the roadwayf a short antl brow, Kalg. pjanJ. connectlnB tht. two As thu llfgtt, ,ator g round ,nt0 ,ace after hav. Ing mBde her iww line fast, the pile lo tne wi,BriU0,lt was fastened broke short off, letting the wharfboat swing out from the dock. Just at this time Edtuunson had started aboard the wharf boat, and as he reached the middle of the gang-plank, one end of it slipped, tilting it in such a manner that he lost his balance and took u magnificent header into the raging Columbia. He had but just time to make a stroke or two aud null himself out of the way when the gang-plank came down, barely missing him. Had it struck him, this item would have been in the form of an obituary, but fortunately no damage was done, ji Knew nim. Yesterday afternoon Dr. I.annerbun: wae standint; on the sidewalk in front of "Tights? Heavens, no!" shrieked the countess at the manager, who was considering her application for a place on the stage. "I am a lady. A lady of title." "I know," said the manager, in a cold professional tone, "that Lady Godiva didn't wear 'em, but times have changed." Subscribe for Tiik Ohko.vici.k, KM. Enameled W are. Mixed Blue and White out side and White inside. "The Delft" is the latest ware out in cooking utensils. Prices are about the same as granite ware, and a great deal cheaper than the aluminum ware, and prettier than either of them. Call and see the goods at MAIER& BENTON'S! 107 Second Street. TEN STRIKES IN LINE. .Mr. Voiimiiiiii llreakx World lU-eoid Hi ItowlliiK. Yesterday's Oregonian says: "A. B. Croasman, who is one of the best cocked-hat players in the city, bowled the phenomenal score of 8li on the Multnomah alleys yesterday. As IK) is the highest possible score, it was nec essary for Mr. Croasnian lo make ten strikes in succession to bowl this score, which is the Pacilic Northwest record, and has probably never been equaled on regulation alleys in the world. Charles Fuelscher of St. Louis bowled SO in 1803, but the alleys on which his score wits made weie not constructed ac cording to modern regulations, and it was possible to make much higher scores on them. The Pacific Northwest record up to this time, has been 83, made in 1893 by Nelson of Seattle. Mr. Croas man is an unusually fine bowler, and his, scoio was by no means one of the accidents which sometimes occur to in ferior jdayers." Frank Curler Killed. There was a bad accident at the old Waldron ranch about five miles south ol Goldendale on the road to Columbus Monday. Frank Carter and Fred Lester were hauling telephone poles for the new line, with a four-horsu team. Coming down the hill at the Waldron place, with a heavy load on, the brake gave away and the wagon running on to the horses, they ran away. Carter jumped to save himself, but did not clear the wagon, which ran over him, killing him instantly. Lester also jumped, and while he got clear of the wagon, he fell in such a manner that one of bin legs was broken. Tho horses went tearing down the hill, which is hut a short one, and must have missed thu bridge acrors the little creek and plunged into It, as two of them were killed, Attention, IV. It. O. Members of the W. Jt. C. are requested to meet at Fraternity hall Sunday even ing at 7:30 o'clock, for the purpose of marching with the O. A. It. to the M. h. church, where memorial services wll be hdd. maky lkonahk, 1 BUSINESS LOCALS, Nebraska corn for sale at the Wasco i warehouse. Jlest feed on eurth. mii-tf i ! English and Belgian cement, very I best imnorted brunds, for sale by Wasco j ' Warehouse Lo. myo-i m The merchant who tells you he bus something else as good as Hoe Cake soap is a good man -tn keep away from. a'J-'.im Do you want your windows cleaned, carpets taken up, beaten and re laid, or janitor work of any kind done hy a first-class man? If so, telephone Henry Johnson at Parkins' barber shop, Phone liy. al0-tf A gold watch-charm, with A. O, 17, W. emblems and initials J.'.A. AL, has been lost. Finder please leave at this office. inlfi tf The PAST1MK cuts the grass vvltliln 1-10 of nn inch of n tree, fence or wall. The old stylo will not cut within 'Mi Inches. The I'ASTIMK drivtMvhoels are inside the lino of cutting knives', nml therefore m'vor go oyer nuniown grass. Anyltody can sharpen the PAST1MK with a common file. It you try to sharpen tlio olil style you nun it. Tho PAST1MK Is chonpir at doiblu the cost of the old Mylo uinwrr, for tho reason that during tho life uf a mower, tho cost of sharpening alone. equals the cost of mower. Call and see the PASTIME at the store of MAYS & CROWE. We Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Lime and Cement, Farm Machinery, Bain Wagons, Champion Mowers and Reapers, Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron, Barb Wire, Etc. JOS. ! Phone 25. Baby Carriages .11' ST AK1UVKI) AT T1II0 Jacobson Book & Music Co. Whoru will also ho found tho largest and most com plete lino of I'iunos, ami other Musical rnstruments in Eastern Oregon. Complete Line of FISHING TACKLE, Notions, Uaso Bull Goods, Hummocks, Books and Stationer' al lied rock Trices. I New Vogt Block, GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. (Ktim-hhur to ClirlMimn .V: Cordon. ' FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old stand. 1 would be pleased to see all my former patrons, Ffve delivery to any part of town. W. Z. DONNELU PftESCSlPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. Al. Williams A (U)., ! i Lumber, Building i Traded: tor Hav. Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c. ROWE & CO.. Notice. Jackson Kiiglno Co., No. I, will hold a drill on Friday evening, May 28th, at 7:. '10 o'clock, All members arc request ed to be present. Hy order of F. W. L. Skiiiuk, Secy. ChiIi In Vour iiliock. All countv warrants registered prior to Dec, 1, 1802, will he paid at my office, Interest ceases after May 7, 1807, C. L. Phii.i-11'h, County Treasurer. t ( a full line of T. PETERS & CO The Dalles, Oregon. THE DALLES, OH. ' Material and Boxes The Dalles Or Thu Weetlield (Iml.) Nuws prints the following in regard to un old resident of that place: "Frank McAvoy, for many years in the employ of the L., N. A. it C. Hy. here, says: 'I have used Cham berlain's Coliu, Cholera and Diarrhoea liemtdy for ten years or longer am never without it in my family. I Ukt pleasure in recommending It,' " It In a sped lie for all bowel disorders. For sale by lilakeley ft. Houghton. We sell Hoe Cake soap, Pease fc Mays, aH-'Jiu