is: 7j ifflt The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The only'.Ilepnhlican Ihtibj Xempapet Wasco County. EASTEllX OFFICE SJu to Court, X. Y. Citu. E. KATX. Aijent Mnvirravc ami tlio circle of lumps that had to be kept burning, and he puts the climax to the realistic and horrid scene by making an immense fnnt nill'nnPP OVfr lil'tWPPn tllO HJDt till V. w . V. lamps. That foot wasn't an inch by 34 Temple u,c ,iie of the Chicago tootsies the artist has placed under that female WEDN5DAY MAY 'Jti, 1S0T ' figure on the front page of the Home Journal. They look as thotiph they , belonged to the Goddess of Liberty on liledsoe island. A suecesful French writer under : takes to show his countrymen the harm that has come to them through i international exhibitions. He gives i the foremcst place amoni; these ills to American progress, lie alleges, and doubtlcs believes, that Ameri cans have attended previous exhibi tions merely to learn, and that they did learn. Then they went home and applied their information. Even the comprehensive branch of indus try and trade, embracing what are ; known as articles de Paris, has been Vnx ' trenched upon. Americans, he says. ' are producing in the same lieut. anil their imports from France have j greatly fallen off. In addition to. these considerations he has artistic i objections to the arrangements for the exhibition of lfjou. and he combines his griefs in deprecation of that project. PASSrXG THE TARIFF. Democratic senators in caucus have decided to offer no opposition to immediate consideration b the senate ot the tariff bill, and have is sued a statement in which they "ice- osnize that the business interests J of the country require as speedy a j disposition of the question as is con- sistent with an intelligent considera- j tion of the measure." I It is a wise conclusion. I'ncer j tainty as to pending tariff legislation obstructs business and interferes with industry. The pending tariff ques tion is responsible in part for the present gold drain to Europe. ions to evade the provisions of the new tariff, importers are lushing for eign merchandise into the country. A recent treasury statement shows that imnorts of merchandise for Apul reached the unparallcd total of j 101.005.131. Although exports were $0,000,000 larger than dining the same month last year, the net re suit is an excess of imports over ex ports of $23..j70,431, a? against an excess of exports in April last year of 5l2.500.0fi0. The conviction that tariff agitation hurts business and industry is shared by all parties. The Republican na tional platform of 1SK0 recognized' this truth when it declared that the countr' wanted a speedy, business like. American solution of the tariff, and then it wanted rest. The De mocracy admits that it dare not ac-1 cept the responsibility for filibuster- i ing or tedious opposition 10 tne JJingley bill. I cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. It is apparent that the Republican j F. J. Chkney it Co. Props., Toledo, U. partv will be permitted to write its. We the undersigned, have known F. policies into legislation with shht f; Chf"e-V for,th; ,a,St ir' . heve hun nerfectlv honorable in all uusi obstruetion and little delay. j transactions and financially able to seems willing to face the responsibil- j carrv out . obligations made by their ity, and the opposition in congress is ; firm. just as willing to sivp it free rein. ' West & Truax, Wholesale Drupaists, This is what the country wants. The; To'e.d'0hi;. , . .... . . , aiding, Kmnaii & Marvin, Whole- Republican party has promised " caie Druggists. Toledo, Ohio, line of legislation which, it guaran- j Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal-. tees, will restore prosperit'. In four j ly, acting directly upon the blood and years the soundness or the unsound- ' mucous surfaces of the system. Price i.jc. per oouie. soiu ay uzvmifa. CATARRH LOCAl'dISEASE KpffS!!! and is DC result 01 corns ana sudden climatic changes. For your Protection we i .iiitively state that tli's ren.tJy does not contain imp arv os any other ioj ilrus. Ely's Cream Balm i a' ktiowled-ed to be the most thorn:h care far Xi-;il taurrh.Co.d in Head and Hay Fever of all remedies. It open ano cieanies the nasal paiiazei, a. rti vain and intlammatioii. heals the sores, pro t -s tfie membrane from co.uj, restores the eet-i i,f 'ate and smell. liire Drai"jiiUorbym.'.n. - LY BKOTHEIiS. So Warren strrtt. IJew Yori I Hou. Tlili'. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward ! for anv ease of Catarrh that cannot be Testimonials free. 1-n-ft Knr salt- or Traiie. A desirable ranch of ItiO acres, within tour miles of Elalles City, with one span ness of these nolicies can be made plain to the countrj. The Republi can part' has declared that the ; troubie lies with the tariff, and that i when it has revised the taritt. the , mares, harness, wagons, plows and other country will be prosperous on the : property. Fine fruit land and abun simile sold standard. The countrv 1 ddtice of water. Will trade for Dalies , ... , i Citv nropertv. Inquire of wants prosperity, and it wants the j - ' Mvcui-TrK test proposed by the Republicans. ' Real Ketate and Insurance Agent, and, as conceded by the Democratic! Cuno.sici.K otnee, The Dalies, Or. senatorial caucus, the sooner the test , can be applied, consistent with de-; cent regard for the lights of open discussion on the ilooi of congress, the better will it be. 60MI-: FEET. The Ladies Home Journal is usual ly artistic, but its June number com bines poetry with art on its cover. The female figure arnnincutin the cover page is poetical only in that it has such metrical feet. The falling drapery fortunately conceals targei portion of those pedestals, but ' X"ent. linemen's Annua .aire. The best saive in tne world for cute, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and al! skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to ive perfect satisfac tion, or money refuiuieu. Price -'5 cents per tax. For sale dv Blakeley and Houuhton, drti'jL'ists. nine Vniir GrHiii. Few realize that each squirrel de s.roys $1.30 worth of grain annually. Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Kxterm ir .tor is the most effective anil eeonom- the ! ieai nohon known. Price reduced to 30 For sale by M. '.. Donnell, 41 Li nothing BUT THE GENUINE You will tlntJ one coupon inside each two ounce bac ntidtwocGupotis inside cucli four ounce bagcfBlaakwcH's Durham. Buy n bntr of this colobrnted tobacco aad read the coupon which gives ti list of valuable presents and how to get them. IWAItlt PAPER! WAItii PAPEHI Just Received You Get the Profits Of rienWc hrtixnr t.ut and Middlemen by btiyin?di. jcct jitjui tut iiirtiiiunciur 4CRWEICS 5000 Rolls of "Wall Taper, best pattern?. Tlu boautitul colors. New Invoice The most of Paint? and Oils. Any t-olor or brand supplied. Wholesale. dlines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED 1 ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER, and in Dottles. Ar.hetiser-B-D.scli Malt Nutrine. a non-alcoholic: beverage, unequaled as a tonic. ' STUBLING & WiLLIAM ISuipes-Kincrsly Dn Co. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. r-KANSAC'T A GESEKAI. BASKING I5U31NES Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight EM-haiiL"" an.' Telecraphie . Transfers sold on New York. Chieaso. i St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore con, Seattle Wash,, and various points , in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. ia. comiNi SOLE DEA1.EP. IN' THE I)AU.h OK No better v heel maJc thanth; Acme Bicycle Built in our own tuctory by skilled workmen, u; the best material and themo.t imp' oved machinery. We have r.o'aticr,!t i Sold direct from factory to V ! rider, fully warrankii. Slr.uf anywhere lor ex.imu.aticn. WRITE FOR Our Interesting Offer Acme Cycle Co.. Elkhart Ins. Regulator Line The Dalles, Portlani anS Astoria Navigation Co.' NEW SPRING GOODS NEW SPRING GOODS JUST ARRIVED JUST ARRIVED c. F. STEPHENS. Marble Burial Vaults 9 ' , ! stis. Regulator Dalles City A Perfect Protection from Water and Dampness. Preserves the Botlv by Ex cluding the Air. It possesses every merit claimed for j the most expensive vaults, viz: unsoiute security and durability, thus uiftking a permanent and imperishable resting place for the dead. This vault is made of sis pieces of mar ble winch can be firmly fastened to gethet with cement, thus making them air and water tteht. FREIGHT AND PASSENUER LINE The Dalles, Hood lilvcr, Ca.-cadclieksandta. ltmd dully, uxi'ciit runday. GOOD SERVICE, LOWEST RATES Are you going ( DOWN THE YALLE1 OR TO ( EASTERN OPffl! ' ' Tkerc is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its JIoou leads on to fortune." The poet unauestionablv had reference to the cv, ni n i n n. '1....- ..i n. uiosiim uut 01 ruruiiure ami u II so, save nioiiuy and enjoy iieautlfttl tnpa the fiilmiibiii. The wet-l)u:iJ train simoj. The Dnlle.H In nniiilc lime for jmjenierstota the hteumer, nrrivinc in i'ortlmid in tineforia milKoiiiK Snuthern and Nnrthera tralm; ttf- Mr. Connni has on hand a larce sup- i to tube the Knst-bnuud tniln. pivot lirst-cla"? Marble, to be u?ed in j For further inlormntlon .:vily to All Kinds Cemetery Work! Monuments, elc. Portland. Prices lower than in i J N JIAKNKY, Asent unU .-trtet Dock. I'oitlaad, Oregon, 1. ' N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. Or W ( . AM. WAY. Oen Af-. at CRANDALl & BURGET'S, Who are selling? those goods out al greatlv-reduced MICHELBACH BP. ICE. - - DNIOxN ST. at New York Weekly Tribune KOK Farmers and Villagers, FOU Fathers and Mothers, ron Sons and Daughters, rou All the Family. n s Pullman Elegent Tourist TO DOORS, WINDOWS, ! SHINGLES, Sleeping Cars FIRE BRICK FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding- Dining Cars Sleeping Car MT. I'AUl, MINNEAl'OLI DL'I.UTII FAltGd (iUAXI) FOIL CKUOKSTON HKLKNA mi lU.'TTK still there is enough exposed to show that the model was horn in Chicago, i The Dosin" of the lirnre is nlienome- ! -vour .. .ii this by iiauy iin'raeeuu, me pusuiun re- elothes tne same color. usine minding one of the would-be-scnn-tor, Corhett, for the left leg is a With the dose of the Presidential Campaign TUE TPJBUNE recognizes the Yellow washing powder will make , f.Ml inat tj. American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and void ! business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less enace and oap Foam. ItV pure prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the o o light for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception j to the present day. and won its ureateat victories. This is an "Age of Soap." Why use ' Kvurv ri0S,ihH efFort w,, be piU forthi nnd ,nonoy freeiy s,)0nt( t0 mnke THE any but the very best. Lest soap means WEEKlA' TKIBUXE pre-eminently a National Family NewHpaper, interestinc. Through Tiekets CHICAGO T WASHINGTON j I'HlLADKLl'lllA 'EV VOHK IIOSTON AND AM. I'OINTH KA8T Hinl SOUTH white. dact'! and the right a pterodactyl, j Hoe Cake. Sold by Pease & Mays. aL'-Sm instructive, entertaining and indisjie'neable to each member of the family. -I ! 1.. .1.- I ' I ijciiil; sevei.u uiuuea me lunger, . while the waist lino runs diagonally j F,oa,n ex,:els ftU oU,ur wfBJ,,nB ... . . ,. , eompounds, a2-Jm around the slouch' figure from the i articulation of the left hip to that of ; the liehi shoulder. Had as the bal-' O. For Information, time curd)., miij.kaiiil tickBU, W. 0. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalk-.s, Orei;on OK- A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 'JM. Morrihon Cor. Thlnl. I'ortlund Orwon This Is Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents. cuhIj or atamnB. a generous uamplo will be mailed of the DR. GunfS IMI'i:0Vl .iih Thnn ti h sum'lr brumes make U reeuhr Tliy cur W'apiJ" We furnish -The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib-1 Zl7Z A. 1). ('.IUI.KV, Attorney aufl Conusellor at Law JAHUNuTOS. OICEGO.V. une one year for only $1.75. mice of the figure i?, the feet are .so i cxcruciatiii'dv and infernally ugly : that it U only by an effort that the 1 0;;c- u,,1 'r' gaze may be diverted from them to( .1.., ....... r.t uie iuii.iii.-u ui ... 'ftiipr mipr mo mi rc T So .i A Utrn..r,n ' - .T,w. mmmwmim Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Heat, Tribune Ollice, New York City, and a sample cony of The New York Weekly Trib une will be mailed to you. JJulwer .Straiitje .(tutor I A'l Hhu. UUvliaf r fr4ttiBr PIm. ui.i .1 DR. BO-6AN-KO'S PILE REMEDV. "Wf Job Printing at This Offiee. (Ely's Cream Balm) tmniciont to demon. Btrato tho great merits of tho remedy. ELY IJR0THER8, CC WatTeu St., Now York City. Itev. John Rcid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mout., recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I cn emphasise hm statement, "It is a poU tive euro for caturrli if used ns directed." Itev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pre. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drmj. Price, CO cents. me Columbia Pactum PACKERS OF - PORK and bc' MANDFACTOKliBUl" m m h m m m 1'nrarc m w- DRIED BEEF, ET'