aljc Dalles wBg Chronicle. vol. x THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2G 1897 NO 117 NOTE TO- THE PORTE1 Towers Finally Agreed Upon Conditions of Peace. GERMANY HELD OUT UNTIL TODAY Hit Ohktiiinte Attitude C.uvo I'l-arn That l'nacn MlRlit ;.oiic Delayed. ni-e llu Vienna, May 25. The Neue Freie ( Presse publishes a Dispatch from Con- j slantinople today Eaying Germany has j finalh approved the conditions of pence, ami the identical note of the powers on the subject was presented to the Turkish government today. Germany Han Obstinate. Constantinople May '-'5. The col- lective note of the auibassabors of the i letint. nut .,,.-ni.o nn (ho anhipt't nt Turkish dp- i ,,uv.. - j mands unon -Greece has not yet been i presented, owing to the German ambas sador at Constantinople, Baron Saurma von Jeltsch, having been forbidden to sign it until Greece consents to pence terms. It is further understood that Germany declares she will withdraw altogether from mediating should the other powers consider the previous consent of Greece unnecessary. Germany's action is re garded as highly prejudicial to the. pros pect of a speedy conclusion of peace, as it leads Turkey to believe the powers are disunited and encourages opposition. nrviMiTKii nv miKAs. .Spanish military Traiu Itlovru Up Willie Kit litiute to Soiigo. Havana, May 25. It is reported from Santiago de Cuba that a Spanish mili tary train from El Cristo to Songo was attacked by 000 insurgents. The train wap carrying troops to reinforce the gar rison at Songo. At the first shot of the insurgents the train stopped, and Lieu-1 . tenant Lafluente, who was in command of the Spanish troops, ordered hie men to fire on their assailants, but at that moment several dynamite bombs which had been previously placed on the track by the Cubans, exploded, killing Lieu tenant Lafluente and twelve Spanish privates and wounded thirty-two others. The locomotive and one car were de stroyed by the explosion. The Spaniards surrendered, and the j Cubans, alter plundering the train and securing a large supply of provisions and j munitions of war, burned the remaining cars. Sixty Spanish soldiers and twenty other persons, employes of the railroad and officers of the Spanish government, were made prisoners. Two hours later they were set free by order of General Calixto Garcia. The Spanish military commander of fcongo was afraid to go the aid of the troops, but waited till they were re leaded and the insurgents were far away. Then he sallied forth, and near the town killed two countrymen, one nf them anoncombatant and the other a Cuban of his own forces. He then re- turned to town, reporting a victory over ' the insureiito TiMKI) TO CIIK.VT THE (iAtLOH'S,, Tra.mvrecker Worden Attempt, iu .mn at Kucraiuentu. j Sacuamunto, Cal., Mav 25,-Salter D. Worden, under sentence of death for tliewreckofatrainatTwo-Mile trestle ' Our ni. o .!.,. ,...1 ; .1.,. death Ol Eni.inf.r nJurL- ,.,,,) fnnr Tlnite.l ! States soldiers. ftmnti ,nini,l in th!0f tonuemned cell at Foleom last night. Ke broke the chimney of a lamp in ids Buy Garland "Happj Thought" Ra1ve- ,ir-r- The kind that curei, SKIX Troubles, of M. 'A. DOXNELL, the Druggiet. SOc per Jar. NO TOISON ABOUT IT. pom POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for lt. lpm-eiilnr sfrrm-Hi uri henlthfulucss, AtMires the foot! ncnlntt nlum , , and nil forms of adulteration common to the ! cheap brands KOVAI. II A KINO CO. N'KW YOP.K. cell and used a fragment of broken glass j to cut an artery in his left wrist. ! Whan tnnnrl tha n-icf ..-na Ki.r41. , , , ,. ' . . hacked, many smaller veins being sever- . . . ed. but the wound did nnt nnriPtrnte deep enough to sever the arteries. Worden declared he had given up all hope that the governor would interfere i in his behalf and that he did not want to undergo the disgrpce of dying on the gallows. In his cell were found several letters to friends and relations, bidding them good-bye. It is not customary to put a death watch on a condemned man until a few days before the date of his execution, consequently Worden had no one to interfere with his plans. The governor now has the Worden cse under consid eration, but if he does not interfere Wordeu will be hanged on June 4. The ISest Itvtuedy fur Itlieuniatlsin. From the Fairhaven (X. Y.) Register. I Mr. .Tames Rowland of this village, ! state that for twenty-five years his wife has been a sufferer from rheumatism. ' A few nights ago she was in such pain that she was nearly crazy. She sent J Mr. Rowland for the doctor, but he had L . . tnefniirl nf rri n frr thu Hntrr nn wont I to the store and secured a bottle ot it. I His wife did not approve of Mr. Row-1 ! land's purchase at first, but neverthe-! 1 less applied the Balm thoroughly and in au hour's time was able to go to sleep. 1 She now applies it whenever she feels an ache or a pain and finds that it always gives relief. He says that no medicine ' which she had used ever did her as much ! good. The 23 and 50 ceut sizes for sale hv Blakelev & Houghton. JlAVKMhVJSi: ON Tlil A L. j Government Open. ItH Citse Against the Sugar King. trial of H. 0. Havemeyer, president of the American Sugar Refining Company, for refusing to answer the question of the senate sugar investigating committee in the spring of 1S9-1, began in the ciiminal i court thiB morning. i Elverton R. Chapman, the first of the I five contumacious witm-sses, is now j serving thirty days' sentence in the dis trict jail. John E. Searles, secretary of i r r n 1 .. 1 1 Hit: bUUui tiuaif nifu j- u . . . - -r- t ...'II i Joun s. lu.nver, newspaper ma.., ... be tried, probably in the order named. There was a large crowd in attendance , tiiis morning to witness the unusual , I Spectacle 01 a juhuuiwuc u w.u.. i. .t i.ii : trial Among them were Senators Uray, J.ouge, Udgy and Davis and Congressman i Richardson. Judge Bradley presided. District Attorney Davis conducted tho , '8e 0,1 l)e,aU of tUa u,,lt?d hta, ' defendant was represented by a brilliant ; arrflv oi counsel, .imu.cj WilSOIl, of tills City John C. Johnson, Philadelphia, and John H. Partons, of New York. " Do you drink tea ?" Yes." "What sort?" Don't know." Try Schilling's Best; if you don't like it you grocer will pay you back your money in full. There are five flavors, and every sort is fresh-roasted. A Sclilllintf & Company San Francisco S8t Twenty Years-... For more than twenty years we have been telling- how Scott's Emulsion overcomes the excessive waste of the system, puts on flesh, nourishes and builds up the body, making- it the remedy for all wasting- di seases of adults and children, but it isn't possible for us to tell the story in a mere stick ful of newspaper type. We have had prepared for us by a physician a little book, telling; in easy words how and why Scott's Emulsion benefits, and a postal card request will be enough to have it sent to you free. To-day would be a good time to send for it. SCOTT & BOWNE, New York. FOKI!IlIKN cr.lll!.M). .Many Americans Debarred from Travel InR in KUKola. Washington, May 25. Senator Per kins will today, if opportunity is afford ed, offer his resolution of inquiry which will bring out reasons why Russia will not permit many American citizens to travel in the czar's realm. The case of Adolph Kutner, which brought out the fact that others than Christians aie debarred the right con tinues to cause comment. For many years Russia has insisted on the right to exercise discrimination in honoring passports. Many protests have been made, but the files of the department show that all have met with the same result. In the preamble to his resolution. Mr. Perkins snows thut the California!! who desired to enter Russia is a man of means and standing, and would have no other object than to travel and to visit friends and early scenes. At the state department knowledge of the case of Kutner was confined to the facts of the protest and the inquiry by the senator. The fact that Russia has insisted on th; right of discretion is ad mitted, and the secretary thinks no change can be made without negotia tions. A Vuluable I'rerurlptlnn. PMiior Morrison of Worthington, Ind., "Sun," writes: "You have a valuable prescription in Klectric Bitter?, and I chet'ifully recommeinl it for Consti patiou and Sick Headache, and as a gen eral system tome it has no equal." Mrs. Annio Stehle, 20i'5 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, wa.- all run down, could not nor digest food, had u backache which no cj iuu nri tuiu icm nivti ii u iui j t never left Her and felt tired unu weary Lir Ikf.ttliifi i-i f nn I'lllur r.t- r "V'r;;,t " ' - "",";;"; ,,ri,.Ha 50 WIlts and ifl.00. Got a Bottle at i;akt.t.y and Houghton's Drug Store, .0, Hei.tiin.l.t in Kur...e N'Kthan IMiro. of WashIni5t0Ilf Ue ,awver who ducted the Mom calm amt hflH n;turiie(, from a vUU t0 Kgad, France and Holland. He was asked about the COII(Ien6U8 of ori,nIon , ,drl8 Hni London concerning tho war Jn Cuba. He said : "In Paris I met many highly educated Spaniards.and they do not see how Spain can retain Cuba. They and others in j Europe think it is only a question of I time when Cuba will go to the United ' States. They do not see any other solu tion of the problem, and they do not seem to grieve over the situation, Another Cut lu Itutei. Sax FiiAflifUo, May 23. In order to meet the reduction recently made by the steamship companies, the Southern Pa cific has made another cut in its rates to Portland. On May 28 and every fifth dav thereafter tho railroad rate from this city to Portland will he: First class, including berth, $15; second class, $10. ' Subscribe for The Ciinos'iOLB. PURITAN Boys' ...8 Y'JVW ' to " i JTI 'A MAKE Prepare your Boy for Fit him out with anew i. . i : -t mh AF V ' 1 .; STYLE of suit you want from our very complete stock. Suits from 75c up. OUR SPECIAL OFFER. With every $1.W0, $1.25, $1.50 or $1.75 Suit bought of us this week we givo FREE a Boy's very neat light or dark waist. Value with us, 25c. With every $2.00 to $3.75 Suit FREE, a Boy's Waist or Blouse; choice of eight diflerent styles; latest ollects. Our specialty at 50c and 75c. With every $4.00, $'1.50 or $5.00 Suit, choice of our best numbers in Bovs' Waists. Values from $1.00 to $1.20. Waists now on display in our Suit Department. VTHE NEW YORK WORLD THRIGE-A-WEEK EDITION. 18 I'uecH u Week. 15C I'mieiH u Veur It stands lirst among "weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication and freshness, variot and reliability of con-1 tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly; and us vast list 01 subscribers, extending to every state ami territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of it h news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among Us special features are a iluu humor page, exhaustive market jcportn, all the latest fashions for women and a long series of stories by thu greatest living American and English authors, ('iii.un Doyle, iluKimti K. Jerome, Stanley Weymaii, .limy J:. WIIKIiim Anthony lloi.e, lirei Unite, Itruinler jI ultlie.w, KCi:, We ofl'er thiH nnequaled newspaperaml Tlio Dalles Twice-a Week Chronicle to gether one year for ifli.OO. Tho regular piieo of the two papers is if3.00. LOOP POISON A 8PECiALTY?;& tlary itl.oou l'oiSON permanently cored In 15 lo2r rtay, Von can no trc.lcil at homo f or tumajirico under naiuuKUiiruu 1 ty. if you prefer tocoiuoliciro wowlilcou. 1 tract to iavrallrn;i( n, cocbarpe.irwofull toe mo. if jrou nave taken mer cury, iodide iinl.iHli, nn'l Mill liaro m hes an4 I riln, Muco'iH I'utclifd In moutli, Hons Throat, rim pie. Copper Coloroil lipots, UIcith on any part or tlio tj')y, Jluir orliyehroiVH fi.lllnir out, It it tlila fjccouclury Itl.OOU 1'OIHON ! tieeurautto toturo. VVonolleittlioiuot ohiU uato cuBca and chulluueo tho ivoria for a 1 cne wocaunotcuro. 'iTiK dleoo lia alwuya j tatlled tho Kfcill ot the most tiuiiiieut iiliyal- unui. uut,vwv uui'iim ueoiim uur unconai. tlonnl iroaraotr. Alitolotejiroofa Bant neulod on Implication. AMrc, COtJK UKMKUV VUm SOI UMoato VwmulM, VUlVAUO, ILL, Assignee's Notice Final Settlement Notice lit lierthv iflven thut tliu undofuncil. UhklKiito of tlio ehluU) of it. K. Wllllmn, uu 111-1 bolveilt debtor, Uu filed l.U liiii.l iiceoniit mid report In hiild iikkiKiimciit with tliu Clerk of Hie Clr alt Conit of the Htuloef Uncoil for Wiikeo ' County, mill the kiudii win imj eHiiei up tor heurliij; hcfiiie the, JiiiIko of feul.l Court on the lirtt day of thu next rexulur term of mild Circuit Coutt, to-tvlli On Monday, tlio'.'ltl. dayof May. Ib'j7. or If tho tunic cannot hu heard hy Kufd Coutt utealil time, as koou tlieteuftvr uu thu tume cm Ihi herd hy auld Courl. Uutfcd this ICth duy of April, lh'J7. A. . MicAI.MSTKIt, AidlKiice of the etnto of it. WIIIIiiiiu. an tUMlrcnt debtor. ul7-St-ll rmmrwpmmm Waists 3 'ft this week. the closing School lOxeroisos. suit and select. .11 :ST THK A. US. WILLIAMS CO. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, arrlnL'uSD Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- -v "FlOUT1 TUfa Flour ih manufactured expressly for family VjKJJL .Jxi.. e(J. evUrv sack la gtmrantecd to givo satisfaction. We sell our goods lower than any bonne in the trade, find if you don't think ho call and get our prices and ho convinced, Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. HON. W. J. BRYAN'S BOOK. THE FIRST BATTLE STYLES AND PRICES: itlchly and durably bound in English Cloth, plain edges; portrait of thu au thor forming the divign on cover; autograph; magnificent pro Hintation pluto in hilvcr, gold anil bluu; containing 1100 pages and ICJ fiill-pago illiidtnttioiiH $1 75 In hnlf.Morocco, inarlih) cilgo 2 25 Iu fiil-Morocco, gilt edge 2 7ft M. J. WOODCOCK, AKont, Wamlc, Or. BLAKELEYS 175 Second Street, .'.-ARTISTS MATERIAIjS.-A Country and Mull Orders will receive PURITAN 1 1 r -mil ! ; 1 Z I p i j 1 h ;v i ' ; 1 ijt i 1P " I I Mwb all 1 I I MAKE 2 Till-: IIItST IIA'I'H.K 1 mi luuretiiiKitory of tho ureal polltlivil ..IriiKKlu of 1M, Itii uiiHtt linporh.nt uvciiIb and tliu ninny tk.uu Involved' it IokIchI ireitthuoii Ill iiluliiUfjlii uu utleied hy cnilnel.t u.xmiIH'IiIh, InullldlllK till) ptt trtkuu hy Unit. V. J. liryiiii Id tliu diver iikIiiiiIiui prior to tint lleiuncrntlo Nntloiui) Coiivoutloil. ttud ilnr 1 11 If tliu I'liliipulitn : (lie bent uxmilph'N of hh) wotl ilufnl oiiitnry thu inont iiottuvcitliy luclilenl.t of (uinoiu tour, it .'.ireful mview of t tit. Mlltk-ut iltuittloii, a ltrciiialoii nf thu elm tlnti iturii4 iiihI thu IkiiIII('.iiiv tliurinf, mid tliu fii'iuu HIlllllltllH Of Ill lllullllllnil it. It Hlllllltll lMHI. HOUGHTON The Dalles, Oregon piompt attention.