The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 25, 1897, Image 4

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    The Dalles Dally Chronicle.
- Mr,
AilvertUini; llute.
J'tr inch.
One Inch nr le?s In Dally $1 W
Over two indie ami under four luehc? 1 to
Over four luetic- ami under twolv? Iuche T"
Over twelve Inches. ... . -"0
One Inch or less, per lucli i- ft)
Over one Inch aud under four inches. ... 2 W
Over four luchc ami under twelve luche- . 1 ft
Over twelve Inches
1 00
Circuit Court.
The foliowiiiL' uroeeedim:? were had in
the circuit court yesterday : i
A vliornpnl.-!! v .1 O Mnrnhi' rnn. !
John Hrookiioiiie v .T M Mclntire,
settled and dismissed.
A L Sproule vs The Dalles Xuiionnl
Bunk, continued.
Z F Moody v. V D Richards, t issue.
William Brune vs F W L Skibbe,
l.i.vv Find- the millet Iimlilc Illl
Skull, Hut l.uitM Ills Hair
Willinm Levy, of Claire, Wis., :
who recently had an X ray exnmlnn-
, tlon of his skull made by Prof. Fred S. i
.Tones at the physical laboratory of the j
Minnesota State university hud an ex-,
ierience in consequence not general
ly supposed to accompany that process.
Levy was shot in the head nbout ten
! years ntro by an escaping1 bank detutilt
' r. The bullet has been somewhere in
his head ever since, and in July he made
! up his mind to have it located. Accord- J
, ir.jrly he came up and sat from eiirht
o'clock in the mornintr till toji at nipht
j for a Roentgen ray picture of his head.
! The bullet had passed into his skull
j just above the left ear. croini: towardthe ,
j back of the head. ;
' After takinc a couple of negative5-!
thev finally found about where the hub '
i let was located. The doctors wrapped
his head up in wires which were defi
nitely loenttd. A picture was taken
throucrh the skull from the front toward
the back of the head, the tube from
which the rays radii" t"d beinp- for thi ;
purpose placed inside his mouth. Th- !
picture thus secured showed the bullet 1
very distinctly to be lyinrr at the i
junction of two of the wires which i
"-' fneips vs Ju.'in ianz, settled ana , crossed risrht under the occipital bone
dismissed. It indicated also that the bullet had
Jones and Kribs, judgment in voca
tion. G E Barnett vs Geo T Thompson, de
murrer overruled : riven until Wednes
day to answer.
Oregon Wholesale Nursery Co vs F H
Wattj settled and dismissed.
The Burnside Fishing Co vs The fler-
utruck the back of the skull and turned
forward aprain. for the point of the bul
let, beincr further from the plate
-howed dimmer on the negative. These
exposure had 'taken up nearly the
whole day. but the; patient felt no bad
effects at the time. lie had been
warned that the experiment micrtit
rause him the loss of his hair, but that
flow fibout Your
job piifjijvrq?
We have the facilities fordoing all kinds
of Job IVmtinjj, from a visiting card to a
catalogue, and we are. after all the work
can do. Ve not only desire '.o keep busy
but would prefer to be rushed. , Come
and compare our prices with that of any
one, and compare quality of work. Let. us
have vour next order.
rick Canniii:: Co, default and judgment. ' did not deter him from takinpr the risk. '
The Singer Mis: Co vs T J Driver,'
sheriff, motion to strike out part of com-1
plaint, demurrer to remainder; demurr
er overruled, motion sustained: to an
swer Wednesday.
Gihons & Marden vs C M Cov.-n, passed.
Bayard & Watkins, administrators, vs
The Standard Oil Co, petition for re
moval to t" S court.
Oregon Wholesale Nursery Co vs Will-
iam Tillett, demurrer overruled ; to
answer Friday.
In the equity all the assign )
ment matters were passed except that
of Wit Tai Vomitr Qnoac, in which an
order was made approving the report.
Other cases were all passed except as J
follows : I
Alma Howe vs Samuel T Howe, re-'
port of reieree filed. I
J G Fowler et al vs S W Mason, de- j
iault anil decree.
Hattie Cecil vs Frank Cecil, dismissed,
-defendant having very thoughtfully died.
James Like vs W A anil L S Miller,
default aud decree.
W S Gribble vs Hattie Grihble, de
fault to be tried in open court.
C Clary, receiver, vs The Dalles Na
tional ank, dismissed without judgment.
A verv surorur current, about 100.000
volts. had been passed through the
tube in makinrr the exposures.
The next day Mr. Levy began to no
tice n peculiar effect on his skin
wherever it had been exposed to the
rays, and the hair on the right side of
his head, which had been near the wire,
began to fall out. In a few days the
rightsideof his head was jxjrfecTiyhalri,
his right ear had swollen to twice its
natural size and presented the same
appearance as if very badly frozen.
Sores were visible on his head, his
mouth and throa't were blistered sotha
he could not. eat. solid food for thres
weeks, and his lips were swollen,
cracked and bleeding. In fact. Unions-
exposure to the X rays, while giv
ing him no pain at the time, seemed to
have produced very similar effects to
, a very severe burn.
j Mr. Levy has recovered from the of-feet.5-
of his burns, but he still has haii
, a bald head. Tie is a plucky man. about
30 years of age. and intends to have the
investigation carried furthtir and the
; bullet removed. lie has already writ
i ten to Prof. .Tones asking for anothei
! sitting. It. is necessary now to have a
! negative showing jusi how far belov
the surface the bullet is located before
! -v-.:.. I iinmhv id von that bv nu
thorily of ordinance No. t02 which J
pncd the Common Council of Dalles
; Citv April 10th, 1S97, entitled, 'An or-,
dinance to provide for the -ale of curtain .
'lots belonging to Dalles City," I will, on
"Saturday, the loth day of May, ISO,
'soil at public auction, to thu highest
I bidder, all the following lots mid parts ,
of lots in Gates addition to Dalles Lit. ,
; Wasco county. Oregon, to-wit: ,
Lots 9 and 10 jointly, in block H ; ots
7, S. '.'and 10, jointly in block lo; lots
7, S, 9. and 10, jointly in block 21,
I known as bnttc; lots 10, 11 and U, in ,
! nlni-k "7: lot 9 in block 114; lots 2, ... 4,
5, ti, 7. S, U. 10 and 11, in block Jo :
lot- 2. :;. 4, S, 0. 10, 11 and 112, in block
':!;" lots o, 4. 5, V,, 7. S, .). 10, 11 ami
I-.', in block 55 7 ; lots 1. I!, 4, o. 0. 8,
9, 10. 11 and 12, in block 42; lots I, 2, .,
i4. o 0. 10 and 11, in iuock-io; lots i . Q T3Qi
13, 7, 10, 11 and 12, in bio." 41, and lots ; DU
1, 2. 3, 4, 5. 0. in block 4b.
The reasonatue value oi sa -.ia, u.
j less than which they will no. e sold,
I ha been fixed t.r.d determine. I y the
.Common Council of Dalles City as fol-
Choice of TranscontinBiitaieojiK
Kansas City
Low Rates to all Eastern Citis:
' Inu's fr-,.llll !
! Lots 9 and 10, in block 14. $lf0; lots
!- i.n !!...!..... i,, .' ir i"nn?
hits 7, 8, 9 and 10, jointly in block 21. gN FRANCISCO CAT
!$2U0; lot 10, in block 27, $22; lot 11, in ! '
i!,,0f-f;..J0t,mn!,'l1Sl f 4fs;( For full .icui.s can ,l0.n &Co,At.,
ot 9. in block :4, 100; lots -, rf, o, , , Th ..n,,s. ... B(Ili.. ai-0- ah
i 9, 10 ami 11, in ihocr ..., eai:u irrei- ,
lively .100; lot 0 and 7. in block "", '
I eacli respectively $12.") ; lots 2, "., 4, S, 9, ;
! 10 and 11. in block :iu, eacn respectively
I $100: lot 12, in block 'M, $125; lots ",, 4,
! 6. S, 9, 10 and 11, in block 37. each re- The far.l.
Unectivelv 100: lots 0, 7 and 12. in i Under the nt-w time card, which p
; block H7, each respectively $12o ; : ;llt0 effect tomorrow, trains will mote.,
lints 2. a. 10 and 11. in block ... uhit.u
1 41, et-ch respectively $100; lots 1,
7 mid 12. in block 41. each respectively
l-"Vt "nll..j
Kvorv Five Iiay fur
W, II. 1IUKI.BUKT. Gen. P.
E. M'NKII.L President nud Mana
follows :
No. 4; to Spokane and Great Xorthtrt
arrives at 6 p. m., leaves at 6:05 p.a,
No. 2, to Pendleton, Baker City and
Union Pacific, arrives 1:15 a.
parts 1 :20 a. m.
No. I!, from Spokane and Great Xortt
ern, arrives 8:110, departs 8:35 a. a.
No. 1, from Baker City and Union Pi-
Agricultural - Implements.
Drapers Manufactured and Repaired.
Pitts' Threshers, Powers and Extras.
Pitts' Harrows and Cultivators.
Celebrated Piano Header.
Lubricating Oils, Etc.
"White Sewing Machine and Extras.
if 125; lots o, 4, o, S, 9, W anil ll.iti
block 42, each respectively $100; lot h ,
: G and 12. in block 42. each respectively
!fl2o; lots 2. :i,4, 5,9, 10 and 11, in
' block 43, each respectively $100; lot 1,
I in block 43. $125; lots 2. II, 4 and 5, in
; block 40, each respectively $100; lots 1
(and fi, in block 40, each respectively!
!' Each of these lots wiil he sold upon citic, arrives 1 :20, departs 1 :25 a. m.
the lot respectively, and none of them Nos. 23 and 24, moving past of The
; will be sold for a less sum than the value Dalles, will carrv passengers. Xo 23
lctourtli thfprt bid on any of" P- ' Mparts 12
said lots shall be paid in cash at the 1 P-m.
time of sale, and the remainder in three 1 PassengerH for Heppner will take traia
equal payments on or before, one, two Ieuvinc here 0:05 p.m.
, and three years from the date of said '
, sale, wilh interest on sncn deferred pay- '
Intents at the rate of 10 per cent per o-mitl
annum, payable annually; provided EAST and SOUTH Via
; that the pavment mav be made in full
j at any time at th" option of the pur- The OliaSta JX0Ut8
i chaser.
The said sale will be'in on the 15th or the
I dav of Mav, 1S97, at the hour of 2: . .
iS!ffslS-,;M Pacific Compy.
I lot shall be sold.
Dated this 13th day of April, 1897.
Gtl.IIKIlT V. I'HKI.l'.s,
Kecorder of Dalles Citv.
in Bonn vs G V Ileuo et al, default. th. doctors decide whether the opero
u iteno appomteu guardian au . non can Ik- safely performed. St. Paul
I'nr .Sule.
Lots A, B, K and L, block 30; A B,
block 72; A, B, C, I), E and F, block 82.
and A, B, C, D and E, block 25. Apply
to V.m. Shackui.koiii).
Tin- Itf ply of (jruccr.
Athkns, May 24. The Greek govern
ment, as a replv to the notification by
Eilliem, commander of the Turk
ish army in Thessaiy, that he is empow
ered to negotiate terms of peace with
Greece dirtct, has informed the minister.-
of the powers here that, as Greece
lias already confided her interests to the
powers, there is no reason why she
shouhl negotiate directly with Turkev.
Sttikkt dren-e.-- ur lienriettu, cash
mere, caniel'i. hair and .-oft cloth uiv
made up with moire, which is, at the
moment, an extremely fa.ihionable fab
ric. i'reiirieiit Kxtfiul Clomi-nuj.
Washi.nutox, .May 24. Tim president
has remitted the i-eutenco of dismissal
mjH:ed by tiie court-martial on Captain
Eomuyn, Fifth infantry, who, after a
sensational trial, was convicted recently
of a?sau!t on Lieutenant O'Brien at Fort
Mcl'hereun, Ga. As Captain Ilomeyn
retires y operation of the law .June 1,
the president believt-s the ends of justice
will hi secrr-d by a severe reprimand.
I iUM ,. f .! Of. I
?,'o.-t c i " rr
ph c-jiu - .. :::: .': :
Oi !:. ; i... i"
e..- ..... .: ' -
eri .all". '
Onv r.. 1
ec:: '.zr; ;.r r .
tl:::t it- i' t .. : .
fnt lure cf c
phor is innini; j :.
c;i!itd c::t b-.r .
fit- -Title :-'.::v
c.i'Jy j :.!.-. :
; umi imvJnfr a
; in i".!r..":ir.
in China, on'.
T-on or c
I i . vprv !.:;:i.aL T
I nit in'iiT cf ' li'ii
laud in ;rp;..' '.on :
is .ald thut .vr ; I...-
for (.'iiiKtrui'tliiR Water unci
St-nrr Syt-m.
nprlngs Akwic,
Train- leave and are dm; to arrive at Porti
IjiirR, Abhlaml, Snc-
resb, Siilom, Host-
1 .M J '!1IULI1 ' u ' v
tr i.:
J he
1 IV.
, t
I i. .
. t...
Anculcs.El l'dsn
I I.'ew Orleuns and 1 1
lEut J
M lltosubun; and wy tta-
' ( Via Wdodhtira fori
i,,,,,.. I Mt.Aiicel, Sllverton, ,
uauj . ... . c - nmwiis-1 eicm!
vllle,airliiglield and Sunlifi
l,J."tro i .... a
Salem and wuy stations lO.u.J.S
ICorvulUh mid v.-ayl itfJitS
statioiih I
jMcMiimvlllu and if 8.-l)P.X
(wuy htutlous .
l:C0 1'. M.
7-M A. M.
I. 31.
from other !;:,ee:v-i r t .-s. In I' i
n very nroir.aiic . ,r i :.
frota the r.oturaldeposU of ri: :
( trmif:.s vl u epecies o" tree IniUf w.auv u
that I .da. -id nnd Sumatra. liornt o earn
! phor is rare and wry costly Youth's
Wrc.a nf ilio Celtic Hot.
.N'o fort o? the world has mioh u rec
, ord for wreofcs ns the Taltic hn. In
some yeam one wrselt a day occurred.
The reutM number ot' wrecks record
led was !25 i one yecr and the lertst
15-t. About half of these v;cls are
1 total wrcehu und t.U tlie ww are lost.
', It mi'!-l be exphJaed. however, tiliut
' n any of iue t: which - u'l tin- L'al
'. tl" k--v.". ura old mid worn, huvin failed
Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has
no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE &
MAYS. The Dallas, Oregon.
1" S. Iiiiliiin Service, Warm
. ... Jluy 7. 1!7.
SEALED l'KOl'OaALS. endorsed 'I'rimi.'.Hl,
for Water and tower system ' nnd nddresed 'o I
the inider-inntd at Warm springs, Crook I
l otuity, uregun, lll lie received ut this Hceney I
until 1 o clok p. m. of May 7, lff!)7, lor furnish- I
lug the ueee5a.-y materials ami labor required j
ii the eoii'.tructlon und comnletion of h wntnr
mid .sewer y.tIn. (IncludliiK pluinbiiiK) for the i
uoariunK scnooi pmni ti. no ereeted on this re
serve, in strict iieeordwice v.ltli plans and st ed
ucations, which may be examined at theolllee
ot the 'iloniniir lireiioiiiaii. I'on hum. fir .
"I Hi: ( huoniclk,' The Dalles Or., aud ut this'
llldders will state ckarly in their bids the I dentul and Oriental anil rucllic mull l.w!
lensth of time required to complete the work. I lines for JAI'AN and CHINA. Sailing (UW
The riKht i-reserved to reject any und all bids, hi pllc-iitioii. . ,r.
or auy part oi uny bid, if deeiued for the best In- Kates und tickets to En-tern l""""
term of tha service. rope. AlsoJAl'AX. CHINA. 11O.N0UU i-l
me iii.ieii.ioii oi uiuueis i uivHea 10 the- act i A l n.HAl.IA, can be obtinntii lru'u.
.iikii--aiiroveu .imusi i, iaa, entitled:
" l. net telatiiij; to the limitation of the hours
i.f dail; service of laborers und mechanics em
ployed upon I he nubile works of the t'nlted
amies ami in me uniriet ol Columbia: " also lo
ua aei oi Lougre-s approve.l Allllst la, 1S!H,
enHtitd "An act for the protection of per.-ons I
uniiaiiiiiK niuieiiais auu lauor lot Hie eoilstrilC-
tt"i! of public works."
Daily. fDaity, except Suiauy.
Attaclied to idl Throash Trains.
rlv. r-mimo-Hnn lit S'n!) FmllCbCO -lti- Ofit
, can lieobtBinen irura
J, 11. KIHKI.AN1). Ticket xxrJ.
ThrmiBh Ticket Olhce.Ul Third street. -
tlimim'h tickets to all joints in the
.States, Canada and Earojie coil beobUlM-
lowest rates from .. ,,.,,
J. 11. KIl'.KLAND, TicWApsl
All above train-, arrive at and
Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irving -
Each bid must be accompanied by a certified
flier- or draft up'm somf L'nittd Slates Deoosl-
I'llkSellKer Depot, loot oi juuei--
Administrator's Filial Account
! 1 N THE Cir.CL'IT COI'KTof the State of )tv ' ,. . . ,
. L on for the County of Uh-co. Notice is hereby clvcn thut the undersigned
i IS. A. Otaoort. I'laintill. ndmlni.Urator of the estate of J. n.
j u. ... ujrfoou. miuiiii. , cwn.ul, has llkd his llnal .icrouut. Hail that
Ida Dunn. Spacer W.' Dnun. (ie.. H. Dunn ?'f !e.: ?';,;;1J.:,.!I ,,,p Aw.r, f"
lliirv. V. Dunn and Jlarv Dmin nnd N J v , "' ,n;' "" '",J" '.'I'liomUd us the t me
WhW. Mlmlnl" trator of tne Vtnte of n.til'S, ""rJJJir. n.rJr uUle
Wm. H. imnn. ,Ul Defendant. SVJStl in'l.dd'eVui'.'nrtiV
To Id Dui.ii, npencer . Dunii. Geo. II. Dunn, : to file their oblectlons io mid tliml account, I
, Harvey . Dunn and Mary Dunn and .V any they have, on or tefore the duy apiHduted
Wlunldon, as cdiiiini-trator of the stale of for the hearing thereof
Wni II Dunn, deceased, Defend nits , Dnlle cjty, Oregon. .March i", Ji-j;.
In the name of tne State of Oregon, Vou are , wrr-lt li E. A. UKiri lN. Admin!tiator.
! hertby required to appear und uusiv.T Un-com-
plaint tllnl fi(,'u;n.u oti In the above entitled
Milt tvliMn ten das from the date of the er- Vi;,ltt nf i';n r"ii.,..,
.iuiii.. ui i iiiui ociuuunii.
. All or i)tlilriK.
The driver of the stufje, which was
rol!inr down th mountain ns ftiBt ub
six mules on the f'nllop could huoji
ahead of it, may have noticed that I wus
n little i-ervous. for ufter n hit hesooth-
ingly said: ' to J,a'i3 tne board of trude Hurvey and
4Vrt licit In .riirvflvnf rn 11 r r ors ni!Mi tt i thereforo sold to the Swede. nnd Nor-
. , 1 1 i . t W(?!anvi inr tln T!-ilti( -i tfwln Phi vice of thli sumiaousuion you, If seiveI within I
hard, gtranper. Ue shan't come to the , wcRiana lor un, j.anic ht.i tmde. Chi- ,n, county: or if served within any other:
(lancer p int tur half nu hour Vit. Mou .i1". roamyoi wus mate, men wtiniii iw.-nty days
"Then it's ahead?" I queried
"lea, three miles nhend
say fur your In'tiefit that
won't do uny jiartiekler pood
'Hut J don t wint to hlide
"And you won't. If anythin' goes it'll ; LandloidTht- I think sir rlnr c,Bnt '."'I tu".t lf : ''' for the further
i... i .i K,.ii ...'.' sir, tliat that sum of ?.w,li. like coin, und interest, In like
"- " ...... sieii: e.uciiy h.'iri tut- Dill. Detroit
lirxdle altogcthiT, and an the drop is fr,.t. refis.
plump tWJ feet you won't nev no use fur
arnica or stlckin' halve arterwards." I
Chicago Tribune. j Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby jiive-1 that thu undersigned
-r or .v.Uent Nation,. Hank in Ihevlclultj of ' .c-d,ri!
th.; resiilem e of the bidder, made payable to the , Unvo for OSWECiO. daily, excciit Sm
on ero: theCimvnissioiierof Indian Alluirs, for , 7:20 a. ra.; 1:15, 1.13, 5 j, f 'I'J,. ,:
, i .. I , vT , " iac a u oniu oi the 1 (und 11:: p. m. on ftauitany ',, '. i-jj,
,, which check or draft will be forfeited I'ouluud at 7:10and u.m.: aval3-M
to the l iiited atatrs la case any bidder or bid I G.35 and 7:55 p. la.
. ust.i levelviiiK an award shull fall to promptly - . ,., B
i..eri:to a contract uith Kood mid suili-ent I U'avo for Sheridan, week days,
surLiie,otlierui-e to x relumed to thebiddtr ! Arrive at I'ortlaud, U:S0 a. in
illds ai-comp.uiitd by cash in lieu of u ccrtl-' j i.tji!
Ikd check will not be considered. I i.ave for A I ULI E on .Monday. VtV,ntr t
! l or any additional Inforirmlion, apply to Fri.iav at 9: 10 a. m. Arrive m FottLin"!,
J A M E a I.. COWAN, dav, thursday nnd Saturday at i.fop.m.
, mv- m. I . S. Indian Anent. - ,s-ti.s
Sunday trains for OSWEGO
. nm,1L,.,S j.,5 a.wfi..-,r i;iiiidftP-S,.j,
J. s. S.HK.NK. a. 3i. iirall. r'w "L':"-11""'1 !!.' WM ro' '
, cashier, i '" e. P. KOGEia
. rr i -w . j . t --..' '
; i-iPsc National Bank. :
iriciJALLta - - - OREGON
A Uwneral lianking BusineHB tranactu
Dopoaita received, subject to Sight j
uraxt or uuecK.
Asst. O.F.AF-.W
rrn,n I rij. mil. nr rnn ,ftfv nr iinu t immiinu m mini.i.. j tk f'n r.n. AHn . ..I.. .
1 ....... .......n ....miiiijthuipi in me esiuie ox .iary i uonion. .uintuuiin uiuuu aim Droceoufi tirom nllv i
.Just tho Tlilnir. .in you; or ll tcrveii tuon oti ny publication, 1 deceased, has tiled his liual renort ,md ,.cr.r,,V; -,lf
. and I innv ro. c , i i ii i . , ' ,1C" "nor iwioro theinst da of the. ext reau nr in said eitiite, ami that Tuesdav the ith iC i """'" ui collection.
i . . ,. 1 . . fntron--See here, landlord, look at term of said court, and if you fall so to answer, I May. iw, ..t the r'ou "of mo?,, 1 Telegraphic Exchance Bold on ,
i, ...,(,... "" this Kir oin tinlr vnnr wniti.r hr, lor want increol ineplnllHIIl 1 I lake lllUirment I rtv at the Ci.imiv nuin Tn..m i..-.i... ...... ..: iir trV Con V.n.,: j ti..
1 hrontrht me. lust when I wanted a steak 'l'. ?! ? 1" oX- ' ind "Uw "'
,,r ... i,, , ' V i" luvnim, ui i huh, u.i ueen ii p mjiih(.u uy tail court a- the
Oil. in f li. unrst.wnv. like colli, from .larch M. lsM. nr tin. rnn. nf , H.. ,mrl fAi ..i.i . ...... , nriiifi--.r...
coin, a' tno rate of eislic ir cent nt uiinum
from February 1. lw and lor the further sum
Parmer Yen, he's bee
. .1.. ..i :.... ..
luuic mi.-.- u. ..u .i n ........ . ; .- (, h :(;,
German inule.s tliat umui to pull a Deer Dulles city, Oregon. Ma
ivoffOB. ko he can't under..tnnd a word j "i- -n
of it. Ainer. -an Planter.
of !o ii!lfirll"V's fe.: find for hi. .ml .11..
bntsemeiits herein; and for a JiidKmentand de.
creu against all of said defendants that all tho j
real protcrty described in thecompialut, to-wit-all
of lot s aud the ens! hnlf of lot ." oi blixik ;i
of Uuinnson n llluil' Adilltlon to Dalles city,
wieou, uv .10111, ami inu prwevfis tnereoi no up
piled uprai said iiiilK'tavnt: and that each mid
all of -aid defendants be forever burred und fcrc
rlosel of all rlitlit, title aud in or lo
said premises and lands.
.ci;ns Iiavluc claims .wiliist Kild estate uie U, ! 'eny " V En .n4M. r imi. tt K
herel.v rwiuired (o mesi al the .nine. i,ri..rli- V ' .V'" " "Mu. Dllllll, l) order Of
lilatc for IieafliiL-sulil liniil ,ic, Aiii,t UIKEOTOKS
iaieu tuis .itn day ot latcu, 107. D P Tnnwiiim T. c o
ACA fcloiiHDIH C" t ? JNO. fe. &OHKNCB,
Admlulstrjtor of the estate of Mary M. Gor-' ' l' " "-'-'AMS, Geo. A. Likbs.
don.dwatel. rj;. ; H. M. Bkaix.
Executor's Sale.
Ko l'ptlc:l. , .otlee Is hereby clven that the County ourt
Poet (to farmer) See what a beaut i of the Mate of Oregon fur Wu.u C' unty, by an
nrosnoet it. unfolded in vonder bll- . orrtur 'la'i the al duy of Apill, ls!(7. duly up
prospect is uiiio i ui in joncitr on . ie (jUIMBnc,j udinluistrator of the
y lleldib, and hark! the voice of the ,eiutj of Andrew V. Anderson, dn-ea.ed. All
. hereby reUlred to j-resent the ame, pro-.-rlv o Yv ",Vru ha w in lie of s al, i ,r
ill ousmiik' that Perilled, to the linderslKiied at French & Co. '.'nr Si. ' 1,V,r""!'"tt" J(K.-"f 'dd court, da'td
It's one of them j ;;;k -1 ;, 1 ' ; -f 'JJTf 0 ' " w,h" ''"" " ' iiuntinoton wilson,
ny vj, wjc,
j. c,
Attornuv for J'lulntlif.
fjubscribu for Tub Ciiiionici.k.
I'lirsuant to an order of tho cmintr Cnurt n
the citato of Orexna for the Wasco County, made
aud entered on the Ml day of May, lfcli7, in the
matter of thuedtutn of .lames Mctiahuu, deceased,
illtectliiK me to null the real proixjrty belonKliig
to the estate nf said deceased, I will, nu .Satur
day, the ,rth duy of June, WJ7. ut the liuurnf'.
u'rlock p. ni at the cmutliniue door in Dalles
City, Oregon, tell at public saleto the hli.'hest
bidder, all ot the followluK docilbed teal prop
erty belonclnt; to said entitle, to-wit: Tliu
Koutliwest quarter of ficntiou Klslit. Townnhlp
One boutli, ICniiKO I'ourteon East V. M , cou
tainliiB ICO ucres more or lc-s.
ui-l It. F OlliONij, Executor.
Harry Liebe,
r Jeweler
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted,
Dalles, Hon and I
STAGE LINE. by daylliiht via Crass V-1W KS'
and Cross Hollows.
Stages leave H'tio Dalle? from Umatl'Wl ,
at 7 a. m., also from Antelope l ;.".nnKii
Monday. Wednesday . nd r fW Cliche!
nindo at Antelope for MZ's utA
taints beyond. Close c . '''S0.
bulles with railway, trains ',(LTaIW Ta
HIhkw from Antelope reach
diiyn, 'fhursduyi. and tiaturdui a,i.
iutm or FAIiE. ng
Dalle to Desehlltei. 2
I,. U.irn. "
do Oruss Valley
do Kent.
do Cross Hollows.
Allteloe to Cross Hollown
do Kent.
do (Iniss Vulloy
do Mora. -. -
do Desohuees-
do Dullen , .....