I YOU NEED I A NEW HAT. h The Latest Thing in LAWN MOWERS The Pastime. "The Delft" You need it now. Don't spoil vow appearance bv a seeilv lop piece. .ook like prosperity if yon would have folks think vou are prosperous. This is to be a STRAW HAT SEASON. We have Straw Hats Handsome Hats. You can have one for 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 or $1.25 Displayed in Furnishing Goods Window. PEASE & MAYS .3t DS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. Enameled Ware. . Mixed Blue and White out side and White inside. "The Delft," is the latest ware out in cooking utensils. Prices are about, the same as granite ware, and a great deal cheaper than the aluminum ware, and prettier than either of them. Call and see the goods at MAIER& BENTON'S 107 Second Street. 1 i The PAST1MK cuts the gnus within lU of nn Inch of u tire, fence or wall. The old style will not cut within .I.'. Inchest. The 1STIMK dtlvo wheels arc Inside the line of cutting knives, nnd therefore lvver go oyer unnunvn gnns. Anybody can sharpen thu IST1MK with n eonunnn llle. It you try to sharpen the old otyle you ruin U. The PASTIME is cheaper ixt douhlo the coat of the old style mower, for the reason that during thu life of a mower, the cost of sharpening alone equals the cost of mower. Call and see the PASTIME at the store of MAYS & CROWE, jj We Carry afummeof Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Lime and Cement, Farm Machinery, Bain Wagoiis, Champion Mowers and Reapers, Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron, Barb Wire, Etc. . , i ! Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY, it will not again reach that morning. The action ariees over some and that wtieat transaction, the principal dis-. stage. pute, as we gather from listening to the Mr. H. M. Roberts has at his home in MAY o, 1S97 , testimony for a few moments, being as the eastern part of Hamsunr. snvs ih j to the quality and grade of the wheat. Review, a tree which lie believes to be a WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Both trains from the East this morn-, genuine Ohio buckeye. The (lowers Kauri om Observation ana Local Events i i"g were late, No. 1 coming from Hunt- j hang in a spiral cluster in cone shape Itlrtluiny Greeting. Baby Carriages of Ut-MKer Magnitude One victim before the city recorder this morning, a "lady", fine $10. License to marry was issued yesterday to John H. Noyes and Anna Bohan. Housekeeping or lodging rooms to rent. Apply at this office. ru24-lw Decoration day next Monday, me morial services Sunday at M. E. church. Sermon bv Rev. J. H. Wood. ington and due at 1 :20, arriving at 7:30, . nnt- are 8t beautiful in color, shading and No. 3 from Spokane being an hour ,r0ln delicate cream to pink and deep behind time. The trouble with No. 1 ! canary. The tree is about fifteen feet was on tne Union Pacific, there being high, with dark green foliage. The nothing to cause delay on the line of the lower branches are kept well trimmed, O. R. & N. I fiS 'ta foliage is poisonous to stock. Several voting men have recently, and during the very warm weather, taken a blanket apiece and passed the night in the academy grounds. A night or so ago several Dalles hoodlums visited the grounds and indulged in considerable .ITST ARRIVED AT Till. 'loud" conversation and profanity, j j Joe Teal of Portland caught a trout in I 1 Meacham creek recently which he not ' ; only says was thirty-one inches long and ' weighed 7 pounds, but he certifies to i the truth of the statement in writing. Lost A tan, silk-lined cape. The This ought to convince the most skep finder will be rewarded by leaving it at ! tical that it is just as easy to lie one way this nflicp. m24-2t ! as another. In the United States court at Portland j The big placer claims owned bv the , ZZ, Ti ""V181; yesterday the case of I. H. Tafle, charged I Grant Mining Companv of Salt 'Lake " e b an 1" t r " T " , , ,, , , . , , t0 Ue blamed lor the bad conduct of with embracery, was called. Tafle en-! City, situated on the north fork of the otuerB tered a plea of not guilty. jJohn Dav and consisting of about 2000 , ,, The Good Intent Society will meet acres, all covered by water rights and L" with Mrs. Hah-lit Wednesday afternoon, (ditches, have been started up for the TV.1""" . " li"iA"b wie'" Yesterday being the third birthday of j Aileen Kelley, several of her small . friends were invited to her home to share i with her the good things of the occasion. The guests came at 4 o'clock and were cordially received by their charming little hostess. An hour was happily spent with games and tovs, when the j hungry little folks thoroughly enjoyed ' the luncheon, so daintily served. I.ittlu ' Aileen was the recipient of sevoral pretty , gifts. She seemed to feel thu dignity i of approaching years, as she t-erioutly assured every one that she was "five.' I , . Jt . . At six o'clock the skepy, hut happy Complete Lme of FISHING TACKLE, little people saiu good night, with ninny ! wishes that every day in the life of their hostess might he as bright and joyous as thu one just passed. Those I Ijfacobson Book & Music Co. Where will also he found the largest and ino.st com plete line of IManos, and other Musical Instruments in Eastern Oregon. The boys who have been sleeping on the .,,,,. .... linstB, n,!ril, . New Vofft Block. dine, Gilbert and "haby" Kelley, Dorothy and Prudence Hayley, Jessie A full attendance is requested, as im portant business is to be transacted. Governor Lord yesterday appointed Hon. George C. Blakeley a member of the state board of pharmacy. The ap pointment is for live years, and the se lection as good a one as could have been made. One thousand sheep were taken over to the Washington 6ide thiB morning, and another thousand will go over .to morrow. They belong to the Crofton brothers and will be taken to the Mt. Adams ranges. season's run, and under mott favorable ' conditions. i Hamilton, the man who had his back hurt by being caught by a brakebeam about two weeks ago, is at the county poorhouse, and will probablv be a charge upon charity the balance of his days, as his body and limbs are paralyzed below the injury, with no hope of any im provement. Collls P. Huntington, the Southern Pacific magnate, passed through on a special yesterday, presumably going down to Ogden. He did not stop here to the pastures on the Great Northern These pastures are undoubtedly the very finest, and as they are only two days' run from market, they furnish a con venient and cheap feeding ground, and permit the arrival of sheep in the mar kets in the best of condition. It is prob able that all or nearly all the sheep des tined for the Eastern markets this fall will be fattened on these new pastures. It will relieve the Cascade pastures and give more room for stock sheep. Memorial Juy. In compliance with national and de partment general orders, J. V. Nee inith Poet No. 32, G. A. R., will observe the day so dear to all soldiers, Memorial day. The Post will assemble at their hall on Sunday, May ?,0, 1807, at 7:30 p.m., and proceed to thu M. R. church, where be delivered Notions, Base Uull Goods, Hammocks, Hooks and Stationery at Mud rook Prices. The Dalles, Oregon. Hostetler, Edna Peaseand Aileen Kshel man. TIih CrHilmttliic CIllKX. The graduating class from the High School for this year is uomposed of the following Emma Ronney, Georgia Uonney, Klva Creighton, Kthel Oeming, Maie ICItou, Frances Fouls, Harriet Marden, Karl Sanders, Victocschinidt, Reulah Sterl ing, Arthur Alibiing, Daton Taylor. Retta Taylor; Notice. Jackson Kngine Co.. No. 1, will hold n drill on Friday evening, May 28th, at 7: 30 o'clock. All members are request ed to bo present. Ry older of F. W. I.. 8k i ii iik, Secy. I'KltKONAJ. .11 K NT KIN. Mrs. C. L. Schmidt and Miss l-Mith came up from Portland Saturday night. Mrs. Eliza MeFarlarid left on this morning's train lor Portland, whom she will make her home with her ton, E, IS. McFarland. II and George een student at regon at Kngene rued home last havet OIAJ ear, ret u Owlnc. t thP i.Bvt. .,.BtrPflm wind I long, consequently no property has been the ferry boat was obliged to lav upan,m-ssed; and yet there is not anything hour or so this afternoon. Tne'crossing ! lW enough to tempt the old man in could be made all right, hut there was this neighborhood, unless he took the danger of losing the apron at the land- county. ing on the Washington side. ' Mr. Renton Killin has been appointed The man whn wnn Oi nrlfio.fered bv : a special commissioner ot the depart- an English paper for the best definition j ment of agriculture to visit Alaska and I the memorial sermon will be del ,.i . .. . i (I, ,i oi.rinnliitrnl mcmimuo ' hv the nastor. Rl'V. .1. If. Wood. ui money put u tnus: An aiucio i - . . . - --- --. , w inln. which mav be used as a universal pass- 01 that country, ivu.in m a mwyer mm i ''i.'-"'K , Camphell, who port to everywhere except Heaven, and owns a farm, but there is no doubt but j Posts G. A. R., to all honorably dis- t0 University as a universal provider for evervthing that he ia qualified for the job that has , charged soldiers, sailors and marines for the past y except happines- ' been given him. The principal crop of who served in the Union army during "bjht. i c.j .i : r.i Alaeka is moss, and Killin is a Mchenousl the late war, the . R. O. laird bat BUSINESS LOCAL? was lllZ l? S ichenoeraphis -that's what he is. , tallon, O. N. G., The Dalles City band BUSINESS LOCALS. was treated to a rainstorm which in ' H ' and all cit..ens to attend memorial ser , Nebraska corn or sale at the Wasco EOtne places amounted nearly to a water- A. J. Cngler, of Lnion county.be- vjceSundBy amJ t0 narticlpate In llie warehouse. Rest feed on earth. inO-tf spout. The rain did a large amount of lieves there is a subterranean river .in- - ceretnonie8 o dt,,oration on MondaVi I ,, .,, aml cemlinl Kood to the country and has made all , der his farm, north of Athena, rhe j ; g97 ' best imported brands, for sale by Wasco the stockmen and ranchers happy. ' reason of this belief is that live pen- j Ku8iDe88 Jl0U6es ar(J m,lle8tli t0 0. . Warehouse Co. myO-liu I'rineville Review. i winkles are daily drawn in the water j 6erye Mon(Jay a U(e ej, h,;ii(Jav an(1 1 The merchant who tells you ho han Yesterday evening Leslie Butler's from a well on hie place. Relieving .that ; tQ tUfjh paceg Qf b(16ine8S 0' that something else as good as Hoe Cake soap horse, which was tied In front of hie , periwinkles do not propagate only n i dav at 12 o'clock noon. IsaKoodmaa-tokeepawayfrom, n2 iJrn 1 . . t- u'Aro la tl.a main filiri. I " ... I iouse, managed to get its bridle on ana ru .UUmHK n.. .. ..... ... ... The Post will assemble at their hall Do yon want your windows cleaned, then to take a spin all by its lonesome, stance lor Mr. Lrajler a theory regarding 0J Monday May 3l8t at . ,30 p ( and carpiftB uk(f , mw an(, f) ,tt,(1( or proceed, under escort ol Company G, 3d battalion, O. N. G. and The Dalles City band, to the G. A. R. cemetery, there to GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. Hucco.sor to ClirlNiiiiiii .t (;rioii. FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in hiisiness at the old stusid. I would be nlenhed to see all my formei patrons. FK'U delivery to any part of town. Z. DONNELL, PlESCHlPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams it Co., TIMO DALI.KS, OR. Lumber, Building Material and Boxes TradeA jor Hav. Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c. ROWE Sl CO.. The Dalles Or taking a trip out across Mill creek. Out 1 the underground stream, says the Athena side of breaking the shafts cf the buggy, j Vreaa. no damage was done ! The river this morning was at the 42.3 Wana Millet-, the little daughter of mark, a fall of .3 since yesterday morn Hon. M. A. Miller, fell out of an up ing. It ie falling above, and by night stairs window at home in Lebanon one I will be considerably below the 42 mark, lay last week. She fell about fourteen j The Snake has passed its flood, and will feet and struck on a board walk, but, fall steadily, while the recent cool wea strange to say, received no injuries, ther will have a tendency to check the aside from a lew bruises. The case of Moody against Richards ip on trial before a jury of four this Columbia. It can now be earely pre mised that the high water mark for 1897 was reached yesterday morning at 42.7, participate in the ceremonies of the day. II. II. Lkabnku, Poet Commander. A gold watch-charm, with A. 0, U. W, emblems and initials J.A. M., has been lost. Finder please leave at this office, m 15 tf Subscribe for Tiijj Chuo.vici.k. janitor work of any kind done by a first-class man? If so, telephone Henry Johnson at Parkins' barber shop, 'Phone 111). alO-tf Have Vnur Oruln. Few realize that each sijuirrel de stroys $1.50 worth nf grain annually. Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Kxterm ir.Jcor is the most effective and econom ical poison known, Price reduced to ISO rants. For sale by M, Z. Donnell, Agent. c'u.ii in Vur i!lik. All couutv warrants registered prior to Dec. 1, 1892, will ho paid at my oflice, Interest ceases after May 7, 1897. 0. I.. Iiui.ui'M, County Treasurer. Yellow washing powder will inako your clothes the same color. Avoid this by using Soap Foam. It's pure white. s2-3m We sell Hoe Cuke soap. Pease A Mays. a3 2m Fur halu or Trmlu. A desirable ranch of 100 acres, wlthlu lour miles of Dalles City, with one spun mares, harness, wagons, plows and other property. Fine fruit land and abun dance of water. Will trade for Dulles City property, Inquire of A. H. M.o Ai.i.ihtkk, Iteal Estate and Insurance Agent. Ciikonioi.k oflice, The Dalles, Or. This is uu "Age of Soap," Why use amy but the very best. Meat soap means Hoo Cuke. Sold by Peuso A Mays, u2-3m