Vt : 5 if' The Dalles Daily Chronicle, The only Republican Daily Xetrtpnpei Muju'o County. JSASTKRX OFFICE Court, X. Y. Citv. TUESDAY. .1 LOVIXG US'CI.E, Some six months the fact that Kussell Sajc. who is, said to be hard-hearted, had done a j very generous thine. People who 1 know anything of Sage were dis- j posed to look upon him as cold, tin-, sympathetic, and. after the bomb, episode when he grabbed his clerk ', and held him between himself and ever think of recognizing the bellig erency of the Cubans. He declines , this action would hold this country j up lo the ridicule of the Kuropcan powers. The gold-laced coward and murderer seems to think that his vord will be taken by Europeans, and docs not lealize that the whole world understands and despises him. There isn't a person who can read, 'an.l who has i cad any of Weyler's ' dispatches, who would believe him igo we noted ; under oath. He is a disgrace even to Spain, and that country and its barbarisms is a disgrace lo the world. -230 to 34 Temple E. KATZ. Agent. The highest claim for other tobaccos i:5 ' Jv.st as good as rurham Every old smoker knows there is r.onc just as good r.s MAY 2o, 1S97 The contention between the Ilnwk shaws and Sherlock Holmeses of Portland, Oregon City and other points as to who, which or what of the outfit is entitled to the honor and Biackweii'i BULL DURHAM SmoliiMFoba elorv of discovering the bodv of the the f -vnlndinr? bomb, a? somewhat i : ir i 'v- t:. ...,i lato U'm. Ladd, runs high. The seliiMi. 1 bis sentiment seemed toi ' c , tit- f :.. papers are full of the word v dispute, have some foundation for Us exist- ,1 ' 1 ' and the battle waxes hotter and still You rll find cud coupon iusida cacn tve e cc '"g.nau mc cot? pons jr.r-cto crx:i lour cunco hagot EiackVCi vDarhain. Ray a batr cf thin cele brated tobacco and read the coupon inch gives a list of valuable presents and low to cz tiicm ence. for after using the clerk's body for a shield for himself, and causing that same body to be bruised, torn and wounded by the buisting bomb. Sage refused to pay the doctor bill or to acknowledge in any manner the debt he owed his clerk. The clerk sued him, and Sage spent 7000 in attorney's fees to beat the suit, which he did. In view of this it was not deemed possible that the flinty Russell had a tender spot in his heart for any one. ins suows now cruelty one can uei misjudged. Sage had an onlyj hi other, who some years ago died, ; leaving an onh son. The son mar- ried, and though industrious, misfor-' tune overtook him. and he was about to lose the little house that sheltered him and his. lie required .")0 to , tide him over his troubles and save his property. In his dire distress his thoughts turned to his hundred mill-. ionairc uncle. lie applied to him for the loan. The big tears came in Russell's generally dusty eyes, as he thought of the long-ago when his only brother, the father of the young man who now apf ealed'to him, bad played with him in the green fields: had shared with him the pleasures and the sorrows of childhood ; had ' slept coddled up to him in the cold winter nights: had been blessed by the same mother, and whaled by the same dad. and sometimes when he should have been threshed instead. His heart was touched and he loaned his nephew the money, b'.ju. taking a chattel t mortgage on everything he had on earth to secure the of the same in six months. j more hot. The unimpassioned and disinterested outsider, who is not in I tluenced by hope of reward, is dis ! posed to give the entire credit to ! Montgomeiy, who so chcei fully oon i fussed the whole business. 11 EC WALL PAPERI ! WALL PAPER! Just Received 5000 Rolls of Wall Taper. The' best patterns. The most; beautiful colors. New Invoice I of Paints and Oils. Any ' color or brand supplied. Vou Get the Profit, red from the manufacturer Wholesale. CUines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED .A ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER j Snipes-Kmeisly Drug Co. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rilAN'SACT A GENEKAL BANKING I1USINES I 'l"in.i:i: was jrreat consternation on I the t:i'e of the Oriental last evening.' ivr.itc the critic- "when Ah Sintr. the leadintr -actor, lost hi-, cue." Iio.itun j Courier. j I Wmi.K Mr-. Stent, of llranford. va- , 1 in a New Haven lawyer's otiice havinir j i divorce paper.- made out. Mr. Stent was - . . . . . i i (lyinr of injuries sunereu in a i.nnv-m. ; acciilent. j A viifso man in .lackonville, Flu.. 1 i- in irreut danirer from havinir sval- ' loud hi- windpipe, n of s.iver ami leverage, uneciualed as a tonic. i- lodtred -nnieu here in the tune- lead- o inir to the lunir-. - - - ----- on draught and In Dottles. Anheuser-Busch Malt Nntrine, a non-alcoholic STUBLING & WILLIAM ELY'S CUEAM BAT.3I U a positive ruro. Apply into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 60 cents at DraicistE or bv mail ; samples lie. by mail. ELY BKOTIIEIiS. 66 Warren St., New York City. ' The Hf-.t Itemed' fur Klluuiiuit Ulu. From th- hairliaven N' Y KegMer. Mr. James Rowland of this viilatre, ; state that for twenty-five years his wife j has heen a sufferer from rheumatism. J A few nights a'O she was in such pain ' that she was nearly crazy. She sent j Mr. Rowland for the doctor, but he had read of Chamberlain's Rain Balm and instead of going for the doctor he went to the store and secured a bottle 01 it. ' payment ' His wife did not approve of Mr. Row-' ' land's purchase at first, but neverthe-; Only a few davs ao that mortgage ' lesa aPIHed the Balm thoroughly and in . , , , t T 1 an hour's time was able to go to sleep. ache or a pain and finds that it always i tiives relief. He says that no medicine . which she had used ever did her as much Kood. The 2." and r0 cent si7.es for sale bv Blakelev .v Housrhton. NEW SPRING GOODS NEW SPRING GOODS JUST ARRIVED JUST ARRIVED No better wheel mads than the Acme Bicycle Built in our own factory fo skilled workmen, usin thebeit material and the most improved machinery. Wo huvu no a?crf Sold direct from factory to th" rider, fully warranted. Simsc anywhere for examination.' WRITE FOR Letters of Credit issued nvailable in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. Chicaco, St. Louis, San Francitco, Portland Ore con, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. L. COMINI, SOLE DEALER IN" THE DAU.K.S OF T Our Interesting Offer Acmo Cycle Co.. Elkhart 'id. Regulator Lino Tie Dalles, Portlanfl aii Astoria Navigation Co.' Mai Die Burial vaults C. F. STEPHENS, A Perfect Protection from Water i"'d Dampness. Preserves the Hody by Kx cludlng the Air. It possesses every merit claimed for the most expensive vaults, viz: absolute security and durability, thus making a permanent and imperishable resting place for the dead. This vault is made of six pieces of mar ble which can be firmly fastened to gether with cement, thus making them air and water tight. j sirs. Regulator Dalles ( FREIGHT I ! u There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flooa i Portland. leads on to fortune." The poet unauestlonablv had reference to the All Kinds Cemetery Work Mr. Comini has on hand a large sup ply ot first-class Marble, to be used in Monuments, etc. Prices lower than in (j1o&id Oh Sale of Furniture became due money to pay it, but the good little wife took in washing and worked like a Trojan to assist in raisii.'g the money. As it came time for the m-inent the entire btim was not raised, and the little women worried about it so that her mind evidently became unbalanced and she attempted commit suicide. Fortunately her life was saved, and last week the f0, together with the interest due there on, was forwarded to the kind-hearted old uncle in New York. at CRANDALl & BURGET'S, Who are selling those goods out at great! v-reduced rat MICHF.LBACH BP.ICK. - . UNICi ST. N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. AND PASSENUER LINE Tlie Dalles, Hood Illver, CiiH'adeLncksandPor, lund Uiiily, except Sunday. GOOD SERVICE. LOWEST RATES. ( DOWN THE Till Are you going U so, mivo money mid enjoy a beautiful tripes the Volumliia. The we.-t-bound train anirait The Dulles in simple time for passeneerstottlt the steiimer, nrrivlns in Portland in timefeto outKoini; Southern and Northern tmlni; to hound imsseiiKors arriving in The Dulles in cm to take the Kust-houud train. For further information apply to J. X. IIAUNKV, Agent. Oak street Dock. Portland, Oregon, Or W. r. AM.AWAY, Gcn.i?l. ThcIalles.UBS The Mount Lebanon Shakers have re- cently perfected an ineenious cure for dyspepsia. Their Digestive Cordial con i sists of a food already digested and a ' digester of foods happily combined. I The importance of this invention will ' be appreciated when we realize what a ' proportion of the community are victims of some form of stomach troubles. ; Thousands of pale, thin people have little And vet some folks object to the inclination to eat, and what tliey do eat inheritance tax. ' Ci?r;es 'l1'11 !wi" unJ. d'st.ress' mmm Tiie Digestive Cordial oi the Shakers ; corrects any stomach derangement at once. It makes thin people plump. ICv)rv one will be L'reatlv inti-ri'stcd i.i ton lias evidently more than a pass-' read 'the little book which has been ing interest in that city. It strikes placed in the hands ot druggists for free us that witli Calfoniia's experience distribution. Laxo! is the best medicine for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor Oil. .i , isutjKien-D vrtiiLU autre. juayurs mat uiey may uu spared any ( closer acquaintaiice with the great New York Weekly Tribune The Astonan congratulates As toria on the fact that C. J'. Iluuting- expenence with that gontleinan, Astorians should be taking a double hitch on their property, and begin to send -FOK Farmers and Villagers, rou Fathers and Mothers, vou Sons and Daughters, KOit All the Family. s Piillman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car bT. I'AUL MINNKArOLI liULUTH FA KG O TO OKAXD KOit UKOOKSTON WINXII'JJO IIKLEXA an lllITTE railroad magnate. Astoria has a free river, is getting a railroad, and is able to take care of itself. The greatest misfortune that could possi bly overtake them is that Coilis P. .Huntington, of Mussel Slough fame, should get his grip on them. Through Tiekcts CHICAGO WA8I1IXGTOX I'UlLADKU'illA SEW VOKK 1JOSTOX AND All, 1'OIXTS KA8T mid SOUTH DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding- ca!" r0lte"o' l"nC C"r1', mnp" tt,ltl tlck'lh ! w. c. ALLAWAY. Agent, I The IJ,dle!, OrtKoa I With the close of the Presidential Campaign TIIE TlilDUXE recognizes the fact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and ' business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and The best Hulvft in th wnrhl for . Prominence, until anoiner atate or iNauonai occasion demands a renewa of the Ihe best salve in tne world for cuts. K,t or the principeH foP wllich THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei ; to the present dav. and won its greatest victories. lone, uiiu,.,.vu ..oiiuo, uiuiuiuiUH. . ... . ..... ,. . . I, T. r, . TT ,T . . . pnrilB mill all ot-in omntinna ,.,1 . jjvui liunmuin cuuri uu ,ui IUUN, iWIU UJUIIO jrUOiy Spent, 10 HiaKC TtlK VyJi A IVJj i Ul , ABSt. (j, 1 A.. corns, and al. akin eruptions and po . WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting! " 3 MorrUon Cor- '"'ird.Vorufnd oVWon tlvoly cures puea, or no pay required i instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the familv. it is guaranteed to give perfect Hatiafac tion, or money reiunued. per box. For sale ty Houuhton, driiL'k'istfi. DR. GUIM JMl'l'-OVEO LIVER TZr. OncIM.iiS.r " . . . .....nuM" . Iieltli. Th- I'il'j'nPI''i'iilblTnSiiflgf ....-i.li.. Tlimcum H"aBf; "'TUi H Ill ,ye,na clear ,n.in'i -;. trill null nifl ltf iSlij,n') mil Here. JJU. lioSANKO MtU. rnul 1 General WeyJer, the brave butcher of women and children, professional liar and all-around scrub, expresses surprise that in the face of his "proc Jamation ollicially declaring the greater part of the island to be al ready pacilied," this country should g A. I). GI'KI.KV, ' Attorney and Conusellor at Law ;aki.ixuton. okeoo.v. J'rnctici'! in the State und Federal Courtis lit Urt-vo'i ami Wiiililngton, jmi s.i-:Unu Price '5 cents t Biakeiey and We fumish .The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib- tine one year for only $1.75. V rite your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Beat. Tribune Oflico, New York City, and a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib une will bo mailed to vou. SURE CURE FOR PILE 42 . . iMWa8S:aob Ptuntina at This Office. UU.UOftA.NkO, VhuZvi: TUIb I Tour Opportunity. 1 On receipt of ten cents, carii or atamps, a generous sample will be mailed of tho most popular Catarrh and Hoy Fever Cure (Elys Cream Balm) Huffloient to demon irate tho groat morits of tho remedy. ELY BROTHERS, CC Wmreu St., New York City. Itov. JolmReid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Ely's Creain Balm to me. I mii emphasize his statement, "It is & posi tive cure for catarrh if used na dirooted." Rov. FronoiH W. Poole, Pastor Central Pre, Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury uor any mjunouB drug. Trice, 60 cente. me Columbia nm PACKERS O-c PORK and BEEr MANUKACTOKEKiJ Ot Pine Lard and Sau66, (hirers of BRAM HAMS & BACON DRIED BEEF, KTC