e!)c OallcG HH Chronicle. vol. x THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, M A A' 25. 1897 NO 110 THE CUBAN BUTCHER He Is Excited by the Morgan .Resolution. WILL SEARCH AMERICAN VESSELS The rrcwliU'iit SI Rim the Kill Ajipro liriatliiff W50.000 fir Kelief of Americans In Cuba. New Yoi:k, May 24. A di6patch to the Jonrnnl from Clefuegos, Cuba, says: In an interview with Captain-General Weyler, upon his arrival here from I'lacetas, in reference to Senator Mor gan's resolution, the general eaid: "I am not surprised with the action thus far taken, nor shall I be if the house concurs in the senate resolution and sends it to the president. Your jingoes are in the saddle, and evidently bent upon forcing the country iuto some foreign complications in order to detract attention from the fast-approaching in ternal crisis. "The few scattering bands of Cuban dynamiters, railrond wreckers, horse and cattle thieves, plantation burners and highwaymen now in the field here, who hold no port and possess no seat of civil government, have no right to expect recognition. Such distinction at Presi dent McKinley's hands, issued in the face of my own proclamation officially declaring the greater part of the island to be already pacified, would hold the Washington executive up to the ridicule of European powers, and prompt a healthy outburst of sympathy for the Spanish cause, especially from neighbor ing Old-World governments, also pos sessing colonies in the West Indies.. In brief, recognition mav aid the Cuban junta in placing a few bonds in the , United States, but it will at the same time assure the successful issue of our proposed new Spanish loan in Paris, London and Vienna, and enable us to carry on the war with renewed vigor. "Personally, I shall be glad. If recog nition comes, our position then will be more clearly defined. It will work a virtual abrogation of our special treatv with the United States, place Yankees residing in Cuba in an identical position before the courts with other foreign resi dents, and I shall be troubled less by the constant complaints and often ridiculous demands from American consuls. It would also relieve the Spanish govern-, went of all responsibility for the de struction of foreign property not actually within the line of Spanish defenses, and further simplify matters by assuring us the right to board and search American vessels whenever suspected." r.- . . . . . . i w.i,.,u.uK, mo iHijmuH-Beueim ca- j VeIopnent : long-distance toll lino con pressed delight at the propositon to have , necti0118 by the connection ot the various consuls here furnish free transportation j independent telephone exchanges of the iu nu Americans wlo desire to go to tne ; tinted States, but said he considered the plan to distribute to resident Americans as an indirect and unjustified attempt to interfere in local alLurs. Al'l'JtOVKD UV THE JVKESIDENT. . j Kexututioii to iteiiuve Americaii in i t'uiia Hiiciiiuva u J Washington, May 24. The resolu-1 tion appropriating .$50,000 for tne relief of American citizens in Cuba reached the White House at half past 12 o'clock j today aftt.r bein Slgned by both ,10UBe9 i while they were in open session. The, Drain-em .,.,.,...: : i. atelv. H win r . ih. state department respecting the adoption of measures of relief in addition to those taken last week, when C&nsul-Ueneral Lee was authorized to draw upon the state department for $10,000 for pro- Buy Garland "Happj Thought" Salve- w The kind that cures SKIN Troubles, of M. J5, DONNELL, the Druggist. 50c per Jar. NO rOISON ABOUT IT. POWDER Absolutely Pure. C elebrntcd for its creat lwcnim; MreiiRth nud hcalthfulncss. Assures the food iipilust nlum nnd nil forms of adulteration common to the I uiichji uriiuus. Koyai, 1Saki.no Powder Co. New Youk. , I ! cureuient of immediate supplies. KepubllcaiiH In Caucus Washington-, May 24. Immediately after the adjournment of the seriate to day, the Reoublican senators went into caucus. Allison said the caucus was call ed on the request of several senators, and some of those who signed the call stated they wanted to know something about the plan ot procedure for consid eration of the tariff bill. Aldrich, who reported the bill, took the floor, but had not proceeded far when some one asked him for an ex planation of the sugar schedule. Aldrich went into quite an elaborate explanation of the schedule, presenting the figures of the Dresent law. the fiini!cv hill and the genate amendmeut. He said the senate amendments wers less advantageous sugar refineries than the Dingley bill the present law. To ltecogutze the Culians. Washington, May 24. Representa- five McMillin,of Tennessee, today intro- duced in the house a resolution provid ing for consideration of the resolutions recognizing the belligerency of Cuban insurgents from day to day until they are disposed of. The resolution was re ferred to the committee on rules, but it is not likely the committee will consider it. A majority of the leaders will de cide for themselves when it is proper to act on the resolution A Telephone War to lie Inaugurated. Chicago, May 24. The Times-Herald says : Steps looking to the formation of a nnwerfiil alliance in onooeition to the neH TuleDhone ComDanv are to be taken in Chicago this week. Here are the .f-- , main things contemplated : A national exchange of the 10,000 operating telephone exchangee of the United States independent of the Bell company for mutal protection and de- country; the establishment ot an inue I pendent long-distance service, connect inn the great commercial centers in tho field now occupied exclusively by the Bell comnanv ; the completion in the ' near future of an opposition telephone exchange in tne city oi Chicago, ior which purpose a company composed of capitalists with experience in large en- terprises has already been organized; co - operation for resisting any action the Bell company may take in courts in reference to the Berliner decision. J11(1.. T n, . ... . . St LotriH, May 24,-The capital stock f the Bell Telephone Company of Mis souri is to be increased from $400,000 to $2,000,000, five times the present figure. A special meeting of stockholders of the company 'has been called for this pur pose. The meeting will be held in this city July 1. Soap Foam compounds. excels all other washing o2-3m Well worth doing- get a package of Schilling's Beit tea of your grocer and try it. If you don't like it, he will return your money back in full. 4 Schilling & Company San Frnci:o 600 I COJIJIEST Ul'OX TKTITAN INCIDENT J Madrid Ilrrnldn UrRe the lnko ti I l!plRti. M:w okk, May 24. A Herald dis patch from Madrid says: The Heraldo in Madrid devotes an editorial to the Tetuan incident, strongly urging the duke to resign. Each party blames the other for the attitude of the United States since the heated personal discussion which caused the assault. El Imparcial in an editorial this morn ing criticises the government severely, saying that its policy lias always been one oi lnaecision and simulated optim ism, and it fears the Duke of Tetuan's act has brought the party conflict to an acute stake. El Imparcial also con demns the government for allowing Americans in Havana to openly interfere with Spanish concerns. The Madrid nress crenerallv disnlnvs great anxiety about President McKin ley's attitude. El Liberal makes no original comment, and only quotes the opinion of the for eign press relative to the American atti tude. The Carlists are anxiously await ing the outcome of the incident. Dr. King's New Discovery for Cosunip tiun. This is the best medicine in the world for all forms of Coughs, Colds and Con sumption. Every bottle is gauranteed. It will cure and not disappoint. It has no equal for Whoopinc Cough, Asthma, Hay Fever, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Cold In the Head and Consump tion. It is safe for all ages, pleasant to take, and, above all, a sure cure. It is always well to take Dr. King's New Life Pills in connection with Dr. King's New Discovery, as they regulate and tone the stomach and bowels. We guarantee per fect satisfaction or return money. Free trial bottles at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. Regular size 50 cents and 1.00. (6; Verdict For iMrs. Hinckley. Washington, May 24. In the su preme court today the case of Blythe vs. Hinckley, involving the estate of the late millionaire Blythe, of California, was dismissed for want of jurisdiction. The effect is to leave the property in the possession of Mrs. Hinckley, daughter of the millionaire. A Valuable l'rehcrlptlon. Editor Morrison of Worthington, Ind., "Sun," writes: "You have a valuable prescription in Electric Bitters, and I twn cheerfully recommend it for Conhti pation and Sick Headache, and as a gen eral system tonic it has no equal." Mrs. Annie Stehle, 2025 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, was all run down, could not eat nor digest food, had a backache which never left her and felt tired and weary, hut six bottles of Electric Bitters to ptnred her health and renewed strength. Prices 50 cents and $1.00. Get a Bottl at Blakuhry and Houghton's Drug tore. (6) !ui'iant Ik lloeful. San Fisancisco, May 24. Robert N. Lynch, private secretary of Pastor Gib son, returned yesterday fiom Louisville, Kv. He will act as confidential adviser for the clergyman. Durrani is as hope ful as ever of securing a commutation. Tho relatives of Blanche Lamont have expressed their sympathy with the pas tor of Emmanuel church. ..The Westfield (Ind.) News prints the following in regard to an old resident of that place: "Frank McAvoy, for many years in the employ of the L., N. A. &, C. Ry. here, savs: 'I have used Cham-1 berlam s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for ten years or longer am never without it in my family. I takei pleasure in recommending it.' " It is a I specific for all bowel disorders. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. flow's Tlil! We offer One Hundred DolIarH Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co, Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last In years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggist, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the syetem. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by Druggists, Testimonials free. 15 0 A. M. WILLIAMS & GO'S Thursday, Friday Saturday - Suit Specials Large assortment of good $6.00, $6.50 and $7.5oSuits; Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Special $8.50, $9.75 and $10 Oregon Suits; The best of wearers, in new and nobby tmttcrns. Thursday, Friday SEE WINDOW OUR DIS PL A.Y. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. IK I'aireo h Week. lftU I'HperN a Year It ttands first among '"weekly" papera 111 Hi.e, tre(uency oi publication mid freshness, varietv and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly ; and its vast liPt of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign conn triep, will vouch for the accuracv and fairness of itP news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among Its special features are n fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, nil the latest fashioiid for women and a long series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, Vimaii Doyle, .leioiue K. .leroma, Stanley Weyiiian, Mary K. U'tlltlim Anthony lloiie, llret llarte, ISrander Multlietvx, Ktc. Wo ofler tli i h unequiiled newspajierand The Dalles Twico-a- Week Clironiclo to gether one year for $2.00. Tho regular price of the two papers is $3,00. LDDD POISON A SPECIALTY'S; tlary ItMiOU 1'OISON pormancntly cured In ID toW dayn. Vou can bo treated c UUU1U1UI BUIUU mitiur h.'irilfl L'llll II. ty. If youurcfcrtocoiualieru wuwlllin. tract to liar rallrnui1fariitnilluitiilliiii EOCburne. If wo fall to euro. Ifvon linvotMkmi ti,r. SiuCou"8V-tciK t iwpw; ,t;oiiier i.oioreu MpolH, Uleerw oo . maj (uriui mu twujr, jiutr or iyeoi owh ruillnir out. it IB till Hteondary lll.OOl) 1'OISOt wh iruaritntei) to cure. IVoMilipittim mnt ,i..l. note ciiea nmt cnaiieiiuo tho world fur Milled tu ttklll tit tho most ewineut iiyl- 1 -,.. wuvu,viu uuiuu lVIJIUU uur uucouui. tlonal irnarantr. AMoluto proof lent scaled on fcppllcation. Addrmu COOK IlKHEUV !( Assignee's Notice Fiual Settlement Notice U licreby kIvcii that tho iindculgnt'ij, ubhlisncu of tliu estate of K. K. Willlttwu, uu In solvent debtor, Iiiih Hied Ills tltiul uccoiuu and report In Mild iistlniiient with tliu Clerk of tliu Cirutlt Court of iho Htatuof OrcKOii for Wumio County, unit that tho namo will Ikj culled up for hearing before tliu Judyu of Mild Court on the llrfct day of the next reKiilar term of said Circuit ;ourt, to win On Mouduy, the'.'ltn day of May. lbi7. or if the kuuiu caunot bo heard by itafd Court at wild time, an toon theteafter aa tbu bume cau be heard by nald Court. Uattd thU lUth day of April, 1'J7. A. b. MAOAM.I8TKK, Affcixuce of the estutu of It, K, W'llllmnii, an liibolveut debtor. ul7Stli D Wt&M. mm WM F ,11. I P1IMCET0N SACK and Saturday A. IKE. WIIaMAIKES CO. HON. W. J. BRYAN'S BOOK. THE FIRST BATTLE STYLES AND PRICES: Richly and durably bound In Kii;liuh Cloth, pliiin cdtiitrt; portrait of the au thor forming tho (Iffilfii on covt'i", iml(ii;iiiili prvlHco; inituiiillcunt pro pcntutinn platu in silver, aold and blue; containing Ml) uuh and ii2 ftill-piiU'o illiiitriitiniia In half-Morocco, iiiurhlu cdyu In full-Morocco, t'ilt cd(t' Wasco Warehouse Company i Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds, i Headquarters for Feed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. TToq r rm Qnfow -fin-r T3hq vi GVi ntiTD and nil klntlti Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOTl Flnnr Thin Floor -w . use: every We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think no call and get our prices and he convinced Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. BLAKELEY & 175 Second Street. .V .ARTISTS MATBHIALiS.- Country and Mull Orders will receive prompt attention, x Thursday, Friday Saturday Suit Specials $5.00 $7-50 TJIIJ KIUHT HAITI. H. ) mi InturrtitliiK utorr of lilt! KIl'Ht I ol 1 1 U'll I lllKll III IhUll, llH most 1 111 port ii 11 1 uveiitH mill tliu iiiiiny UMiiuh Inviilvetl; 11 IhkIcmI Irciil I to on lll-mutiilltitm im iitlcrnl liy I'liilnciit uxiMiiiiMiti, InvlililliiK tliu port taken by Hon. V. J, ilrvan In tliu hIIvlt uKltutlon prior to the DciiiiKTiitli! Niitlimii! Convention, nnil itur lin; the oiiiiiimIu'Ii, the U'fit cuiii1h,i of MU won-il-iliil oratory, tliu immt noteworthy Inildi'iitH of IiIk fuinoiiH lour, a careful itivlnw ot tliu Hilltlrul kltuiitloii, a iIUciibbIiiii of tliu elvi'tloii returui unit tliu IkmIIIuiiicu thureof, anil tliu fiiiuro liiihiilbllltli'it of Ill-iiietiillUin in, it iioUtluil Ikdiiu. l 75 2 25 2 75 M. J. WOODCOCK. ABont, Wamlc, Or. of MILL f-EED i manufactured expremly for family suck is guaranteed to give satisfaction. HOUGHTON The Dalles, Oregon