The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 24, 1897, Image 4

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Ad vortllnc Hate.
Per inch.
Otic or le. in Dully (1 50 j
Over two 1 ache ami muter (our Inches. 1 W j
Over four Inches ami muter twelve Inches 75 i
Over twelve inches 60 j
One Inch or less, per inch
Over one Inch ami muter four inches. . .
Over four Inches ami muter twelve tneho
Over twelve inches .
I iiKe it; tots of peonm i-tmu' t'liu sat on
j In the course of tim the driver ttp
otiKOtX ' peantl, all in irt :.'. wirh n short jacket,
i n liijr hat and tin-- !iiot;s whip. lie
can (I a htitje uat.-f Inttle. from which
all the people hatl n drink, holdirrr it in
j the air. and allowing- n stream t; pour
down their throats. Hut this n-ipiired
too murli experieiue u;r ) to ven
ture when his turn eaine. The team
was now brought out. oifjht mules, all
jin.'rl'iip hells. Tlio?e at the pole alone
wereeontrolled with reins hy a man who
sat somewhere underneath, and not by
the driver at all. A vast army of men
ilwavs hannr nhout stables sue-
1 ;
1 CO i who
eecdsd in ijutthitr the heads
Court Docket, May Term.
Circuit court convened at 10 o'clock
this morn inu , present Hon. V. 1.. Drad
ehaw jud'c, A. A. .layne prosecuting at
torney, A. M. Kelsav clerk and T. J.
Driver sheriff.
B. K. Tucker. Chris Dethman. .1. B.
McGill, l.ufayette Davis. John Cates,
Warron Miller and V. H. H. Dufur were
selected as rand jurors.
The court appointed B. S. Huntins:
ton, A. S. Bennett and V. II. Wilson as
n committee to draft resolutions on the!
death of Hon. L. L. MeArthur, formerly j
judge of this district. j
v. tyjtti k i.t.c ;fiu. 1 1 leu ill in.lllll IUI
the rrand jury and J. 15. Crossen and J.
Jackson court hailifis.
A Shereckan vs J C Murphy.
John Brookhouse vs J M Mclntire.
A L Sproule vs The Dalles National
Z F Moody vs W D Kiehards.
Win Brune vs F W L Skihbe.
C W Phelps vs J M Filioon, J P, et al. t l'ro'-vl1 was covered with a ma
C W Phelps vs John Lena. In h'!S v-hiriwiml of stifling- i
Jens and Kribs vs J A Simms.
G E Barrett vs Geo T Thompson.
OrcL-on Wholesale Nurserv Co vs F H
The Burnside Fishing Co vs The Fler
rick Cannery Co.
The Singer Mfg Co vs T J Driver,
Gibons & Marden vs G McCown.
Bayard cc Watkins, administrators vs
The Standard Oil Co.
Oregon Wholesale Nursery Co vs Wm
Wolf, Zwicker Iron Works vs I II
L S D.tvis vs H H Hidde'.l, et al.
I F Baines vs T M Denton.
Assignment Eastern Oregon Co-operative
Association, Patrons of Husbandry.
Assignment F Vogt.
Assignment J F Boot.
Assignment H E and J W Moore.
Assignment II E Williams.
-Assignment WaTai Young Quong Co.
Mays & Crowe vs John Wood, et al.
F D Green vs J L Story.
truest Morgan vs Nettie Morgan.
Alma L Howe vs Samuel T Howe.
W L Wiiealdon vs L E Ferguson.
James B Gaffvs Henry A Hackett.
J G Fowler et al vs S W Mason et ux.
Hattie Cecil vs Frank Cecil.
L and F Chrisman vs F H Sharp
et nx.
Alfred Cubbin vs Sarah P Curtwright
et al.
James Like vs W A and L S .Millet.
L B Lovelace vs C A Lovelace.
W S Gribbie vs Hattie Gribble.
John Brown vs G W Beno et al.
C Clary, receiver vs Z F Moody et al.
Amaretta Heppner vs I. H Heppner.
of the
sqcnliiipr. l:iel:ug-. mtckintr mass some
what in the same direction; a horse was
attached to the head a very tall hoive
decorated with real jack-boots and
then followed a ery nna'l boy with
t very hip jockey o.ip. a
whip and a rvd ami white shirt. There
wn.i a tremendous nrreingr. a very
Babel. Two men seized the small boy,
j threw him across the hiirli brass-mount-'
ed saddle, and ho dived into the jack
boot, lie and the comluetnr in (;ray
, shrieked like fiends and cracked thcii
whips like mad; th" men who had hohl
! of the mules let gn: there was a pltinsr
inc. a crash, a jtallop. that ouprht to
have pulled the whole machine to pieces.
Away wen; the diligrnee. .shaving
houses, sendin:'- peotile living-, cleaving
the streets. J thought it would be
'plendid. despite the crowd into which
he was now wedged immovably. In a
few hundred yards, however, the paving-
came to an end. and before the
mules wore oti it they were lost in a
cloud of dust. In a second the nearest
pair could scarcely be seen. The whole
diligence was enveloped in a thick,
ihoking- cloud of dust, and in live niiii
i utes every face in the perspiring. wilt-
everything" comiiletelv hidden irom
them, they traveled for an hour or more
across the plain. Then a third man
tooted a horn as they swayed and jolted
through the streets of a village, and
there was a sudden stoppage. The peo
ple scraped the cake of mud niT their
faces; they could not stretch where
they were, for there was not room;
they literally could not move. But now
J thought they could get down at
least for a moment. Not a bit of it.
Right alongside the diligence was an
other kicking, squealing team to take
the place of the panting, doue-up mules.
The small boy was thrown from one
horse to another, and the diligence was
off again. There wa not even time to
pass the water bottle. !
And tins went on the whole nreiuug
ifternoon. Toward evening- they got ,
into higher ground. There was less
dust. Bold, rugged mountain were
before them. The huge, lumbering
machine was slowly pulled up long. ;
-tee) inclines, dropping- into hol"S and
pitching over stone. But the dust was
much less, especially when the pace
was slow. Suddenly night fell, and
with it came a cold blast from the
mountains:; it was n change from mid
summer to midwinter. Dripping with
perspiration. J 's cloth'pg seemed al
most to free" upo'i him; and the
whole crowd shivered rstul groined a
one man. Lir:tn were 1'ghted. liu rl"
only showed that the dust had rhie' -
ened again. .T tried to cat. but ' r
broad was buttered with dust, ai 0 Mr
chicken bg wn-- s-ilt?d with i; 1
thy went, n roe'v-'r". ere-jp.i"? loa ' r
discomfort. Rr.i'i'cnlv a lnrm v.m
flow fibout Your
job pFWriffG?
Ve have the facilities fordoing all kind
of Job I'rintinjj, from a visiting card to a
catalogue, and we are after all the work we
can do. We not onlv desire ';o keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. Come
and compare our prices with
one, and compare quality of work,
have vour next order.
that of any
Lot us
i?l?ror;i(;le publisfyip $o.
-ni:.i.i;i!s i.v-
Agricultural Implements.
Drapers Manufactured and Repaired.
Pitts' Threshers, Powers and Extras.
Pitts' Harrows and Cultivators.
Celebrated Piano Header.
Lubricating Oils, Etc.
White Sewing Machine and Extras.
Not as Pioasant a Mode of Travel
as Supp Bed.
swung ju?t in frpft. n;d lliTe wtv-'
veils nrd howl-; the thu'', "topped
tang'ed mass. Fcm." crrblne. rrl:tt"red.
and four eivll punrtl i torcnr'd. Th"
larr.bered hm rt ence. sitting r-n e- e--body's
lap. Tb'-v rt1 for nr ' i't - '
thfn go ofr. Whet'i -r they w-"e r!
to iroteet the pas':ngers fretti M
Spani-'h brigar.d. or onlv to g t !",
.7 never knew. On nrd on v f' t'-
lili" through tb? loner. terMli,
aebiuir nightmare. Kliabetb II. Pen
nell, in Century.
Soap Foam
'.om pounds.
excels all other washing
Notice in hereby -iveii Unit by virtue ( nn ;
exvfittlJii unit the order of t!ilui.5uil out of the! IN THK elltCt'lT COl'UTof the .State uf (tre
Circuit Court of the .itiu- l orenn for Wdtuo i .L sun or tlio l.'oiinty of a-.c-o.
County , on the M dny of JIareh. 1VJT, u.ou u u. 4. jiaA, I'luintitt',
ilfcree unit jufJiriiH-nt iiii!e. leudered uml en-; ' vs.
toicil thritofoie ttiereiii In u suit wlieielu i,itt Iiunn. sncueer V. Diimi. (it. If.
Jospph I'oiiiiell. ttio American Artlit, Win
Ouo of ;i .llixr'd Company on tlia
IliiK" I.utJiliorinj; Ciiucli An
i:iKnt-.llu!,- Tun. V.J'nn f l,n..!ll'p ,ln
nuuuj ui onuiiiiis uaiUi
In company with uSpuui&n 'Vummer
cial," and for an iitsiguilieant sum, -Mr.
l't-nnell hired the three eau in the
coupe; that is, the sw ats under the larg-e
hootl nt the top of the diligence, which
are supposed to be tne best. The com
mercial' hurried hi in to the oflice ai,
hour or sio before the dilig-ence started.
There it was in an ok-h plaza iu the
blistering diinli;,'ht, nnd though no
horses were about, the iusidi-- was al
ready lUK'tl with people. The commer
cial insisted upon climbing up at ouce,
anil Kujn;eated that he and J should
each take a comer and unread thein-
Slllvi(i Dili 111! nilliili IK tlw.V rimilil
t...i.i i i i . , I tli)iii!tiijf, or In uny wuo iiiiiirtiiinli.K. or o
settled, they isnt liown, but it was only ,,,!, thorUf !,huii ! ncceM irv to s.ui,f the
to jumi) un with a veil: the dllif-ence uniounta due upon ald writ, to-wlf The mm term of mid court: nnd If you full o to miawcr,
l.n.i I.....,, it..,iV. . ;,ri ,, ""'I'V c ' of, together with Interest thereon ut the for wmit thert-of the pldintlil will tiikojudmiieiit
"n -in iiiwi jiiiij,-, .iite of ten per cent per iiiinum since the sin t iijiimm you, uie
uiiii llie seat WHS IiKe It reil-liot atove. 1 reoiuarv, ib-- mm me iiiniiti um oi
I.. ... i I $l5coit! In bald suit. lovmiier with Hccnilni,' In
-Moi e jieople began to come, nnd more ! t.-rust ami osmmuci ' -av
D.itKl at the Duller Or., this 3th day of
.March, Is'J".
T. J.,
mclii-ll Sherltt'of Wittco County, Or
Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has
no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE &
MAYS. The Dallas, Oregon.
Administrator's Final Account.
! Notice is hereby given that by an
.,...!... ,.f nl tiimee No. lil)-, which
nued the Common Council o Dalles
; faitv April 10th, 1807, untitled, 'An or
I to provide for the -ale of certain
' lot" belonging to Dalles Citv I will, on -
Saturday, the loth, day of May. ISO .
ell at public auction, to the ilghest
1 bidder, all the following "il1 lX 1
of lot? in Gates nddition to Dalle? City,
i Wasco cntinty, Oregon, to-wit: 1
Lots 9 and 10 jointly, in u ock , u
7, 8. Oand 10, jointly in Ijlock lo ; lo s
;7 8, 11, nnd 10, jointly in block 21.
known as untie; ioia iu, 1 1
ulouk 7; lot 0 in block iJ4; lots 2, .1. 4,
i 7 u n in nnd 11. in block .to:
'iot 2, V. 'l. S, 0. 10, Hand 12, in block '
''M- iolb 4. 5, 0, 7. S, 0. 10, U and
: 12, in block 157; lots 1. 2. ., !, o. G. b, ,
' J, 10. 11 and 12, in block 42; lots 1. o,
1 4 5 fl. 10 and 11. in block 43; lots 1. 2,
j it 7, 10, 11 and 12, in bloc 41, and lots
1 1, 2. :i, 4, o, l), in block 4b.
! The reasonable value of sa . hits, for
! less than which they will inn ( sold,
i,.,u ii..on tix-t'il detiirminei. 1 y the
Common Council of Dallus City as fol-1
lows, to-wit: . , L I
Lots !) and 10, in block 14, ln0; lots ,
7, S, 0 and 10, jointly ia block 15, $200; .
lots 7, S, !) and 10, jointly in block 21, i
200; lot 10, in block 27, $220; lot 11, in
block 27, $225; lot 12. iu block 27, ifliOO; j
lot 0, in block .'il, $100; lots 2, a, 4, 5, 8,
9, 10 and 11, in block Ilo. each respect- .
ivelv $100; lots G and 7. in block 00. '
each respectively $125; lots 2, .1, 4, is, 9,
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
v : a
St. Paul
10 and 11, in block 8G, each respectively 1
$100; lot. 12, in block HO, $125; lots IS, 4, ,
Kansas City
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities
OCEAN STKA.11KKH l(eTe .ottu.
Kvorv 1'lvo Dnys f,)r
W, H. HUULnUllT, Oen. P3,s.a
ji .r.n;i, i-resiuL'iii nuu .Mima er
Tlie Now Time Curd.
Under the new time card, which ?
s. fi n. 111 nnd 11. in block Iu. each re-
spectivelv $100; lots'G, 7 and 12, in
block T.7, each respectively 1 into effect tomorrow, trains will moww
lots -, .., iu .... . u, . """"j follows:
41, e?ch respectively $100; lots 1, 1 v . . c ,
7 and 12, in block 41 , each respectively , o- to Spokane and Great Northern
$125; lots IS, 4, 5,8,9, 10 and 11 , in ' arrives at fi p. m., leaves at GiOop.m.
block 42, each respectively $100; lot p , 1 Xo. 2, to Pendleton, Baker Citv mi
"""" .V , - n n i Union raeific arrives 1 :15
hlnek 4!!. each resnectivelv $100; lot I, Irt8 1 :20 a. m.
in block 43. 125: lots 2, li, 4 and
a. ra.,d.
o, in
block 4li. each resuecti -ely 100; lots 1
and 0, in block 40, each respectively
Each of these lots will be sold upon
the lot respectively, and none of them
will be sold for a less sum than the value
thereof, as above stated.
! n , 1 -t .1 !.:.)
1 une-iourin 01 me jiticl- uiu uu un u. ,
1 said lots shall be paid in cash at the
; time of sale, and the remainder in three j
' equal payments on or before, one, two .
1 and three years from the date of said
1 sale, with interest on such deferred pav- 1
I ments at the rate of 10 per cent per ,
(annum, payable annually; provided1
j tlmt the payment may be made in full j
at any tune at the option ol tne pur
chaser. I
The said sale will begin on the 15th ,
day of .May, 1S97, at the hour of 2
o'clock p. 111. of said day, and will con
tinue from time to time until all of said
lots shall be sold.
Dated this Kith day of April, 1S97.
Gn.iiKitr W. PiieM'.s,
Recorder of Dalles Citv.
No. Il, from Spokane and Great North
ern, arrives 8:1)0, departs 8:3-5 a. ni.
! No. 1, from Baker City ami Union Pa
! cific, arrives 1 :20, departs 1 :25 a. 111.
I Nog. 23 and 24, moving east of The
1 Dalles, will carry passengers. No. 23
1 arrives at fi:30 p. m., departs 12:15
I p. tu.
j Passengers for Heppner will take train
leaving Here t:u. p. m.
Fur hale.
Lots A, 13, K and L, block 30; A R,
block 72; A, 15, C, D, E and F, block S2.
and A, 11, C, D and E, block 25. Apply
to Wm. SiiAi-KKi.roci).
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Train K'.ive anil are dun to arrive at PortlMl
tircss. Sitlom. Koe. 1
S:S0 A. M.
M:CO I'.
7:.T0 A.
H:ir. P. M.
burc, Aahliuul, Snc-
rmnento, Oileii.tenti !
Kr.uioli.eo, Mojave, jj.
New urkuns and I !
I. Kant J
Ito-elmrg mul wuy tu-;
linns . . (,t-tt r.M
fVIii Wooilburn tori
I Mt.Aimcl, Sllvcrtou,
I Helo, Hrowns- except
1 ville,Sirtiillcldimd Sunfoji
(.Natron .. )
Snlum aiitl way stiitlnn'UO.l;A.S
(CurvnUif) and way j 6:SVX
lotntiniis. i .,.,,
McMlnnrJUe and S:i)f.M
(way stations i
Dally. tDauy, excejit .Sunrt.iy.
Ovorsft- A. Mete was iilaintlll ami l.uzk- llnxler,
ami l.Uzie Hotter u.- nlministratrlx of ttiu es
tatuof Iluh M. Ka.-cttir.deceateil, weru (Jef-.-iid-
(Ultb, I ilid duly luvy Hmjii anil will hell at the,
frontdoor of tlie county courthouse In Dalle
L'ttv, U'a.-eo County, Oitvon. on antnrd.iy, the.
Al day of Anrll, 1VJ7, at Jo clock it. the alter
1 0011 of mli .lay, ut luihlic auction to the Ihijlli-
est Iddder for culi iu haml, tho followiiiKile- , real ettate, ile.criHi! in taid e..flitloit '
ami order of tale, and described as follow to
The NW of nml N1; of NWL. and of
i N. Sec . T(. h l: l.f i., W. Jl., in Wuk-o
l.'i.unty, Oregon, twethtr tilth tho tenements
ThU I herulllamgiits and atiiji!rlfiiai.ct thi-rvuuto
, I below.'!!!?, or in uny win
ner. II. Dunn
Uiirttv v. Dunn and Marv Dunn and N.
U'healdou, fdniiiiittrator of tho citato ot
Win. II. Dunn, 1kceaM.1l, Defendant.
To Ida Dunn, Hpcnr-or W. Dunn, fieo. II. Dunn,
Harvey V. Dunn and Mary Dunn and N.
Whealdon. us udinini-tiator of the istate of
Wm. II. Dunn, defeated, Deend.iuts.
In the name of tne state of OrtKon, You are
hereby requited t ainear and answer the com
plaint tlltd nnulnst you In the above, entitled
Milt within ten du.i from the date of the ser
vice of till summons upon you, If vjrvt'tl within
this comity: or if served within any other
county of this htate, then within twuity days
irom uiouiiieoi me -erviceoi mis summons
upon 011 : or If served 111 on you by publication,
then on or before the fDst da of the . c.Nt regular
l'roposaK for (Jonut rurt ins Water mill
Sewer System.
TT S. Indian Service, Warm Spring Arwicv,
I. . Or.. May 7, Irt)7.
HEALED I'itOI'OnAUS.eiiilor.-ed. "I'rnnoils
for Water and hewer nystem ' and addieed 10
tlie uiiderjiKiied at Warm springs Crook
County, OrcKon, will be received at this a'euey
until 1 o cloek p. m. of May i'T, IS'JT, for furnish
iiiK tlie nece..'iry materials anil labor required
iu the construction mid completion of 11 water
and sewer system, (includiiu; plumbing) for tlie
boarding school plant to be erented on this re
serve, in strict accordance with plans and m ed
ucations, which may bo examined at theolllce
of the "Mornluj; OreKonian," Portland. Or.,
'Tiik CmioNtcu:," The Dalles Or., ami at thin
ilidilers will state clearly in their bids the 1
leiiKlh of time required to complete tho work.
Ti.e ritfht is re-erved to reject any and al! bids,
oriui part of any bid, if deemed for the best in
terest of tu -ervlce.
'Ilieatlen ion of bidders is invited to the act I
"i 1 oiiKress iipproveii AiiRiist 1, jy', entitled:
"An act relating to the limitation of the hours
of dally -ervico of laborers and mechanics em
ployed upon the public works of the Cnlted
niaies ami 01 ino District ot Columbia: ' a. so to 1
iiicaci 01 i.orifjrc.vs approve.l Augiiit 1:, ls!'l,
entitlfil "An act for tlie protection of jiersoiis I
iii.iii-iiiiuK . ui.iei. ix.-t .uu. .auor lor .lie coiliirilC
tioi. of public works."
CKirm-iKn ciiiki k-
Each bid must be accompanied hy a certified 1
check or draft upon some L'nitcd Htates D.po.l-
, hi, hi '"iiuh .oiuuiiui iiaiiN 111 me viciuitt ol ;
,.!(. .... til... . rtl .1... l.t. !.!.. ...I . 1 . . . '
I nit- .i -iii-iitA: i niu uimiur, mane payaole
I older 01 tne Commissioner of Indian All'.i
, at least HVK I'Elt CENT, of the amount 1
proposal, which cluck or draft will be forfeited 1
1 11 me l mien siaits in cae any hlilder or bid
ller.s ref'elvlnr-nn ntfiiiil ulintl r.. f I ,-. .1..
1 -------- n ,,,,, ,f 1 . i.nrtn n
.eNeriite a contract ttlth ood and Mini-lent 1 Uave for Sherman, week days, at l.r-D
1 .11 rf f ll f it hitrtvl ... tu I p..ti. .....1 ... i i. i.i i . r . ... ... ... .. ...
.I,! i.;uiim.ii i me Dmiitr. I Arrive in I'oriiauu, a, ...
;s anil tickets to Eastern .H"""4".
Attucliwl to all Through Trains.
Direct connection at S-'iui Francisco with 0i
dental mid Oriental and I'.icitic mail steJ,B,a;?
lines for .1 AI-AN and CHINA. Sailing dates
a plleatiou.
tunes ami I
rone. Al.o.l
t t-crt iiit frnm
IV, 11 . ti 141. V , I.I1II l 1 flJ.ll.lli . .,
J. 1!. KIKICLAND.TieietAseat
ThrmiKh Ticket Oihce7l."l Third strcc t. vrtieK
throim-h tickets to all points 111 tlie tuttrn
St'ites, Canada and hurope can be obUlncu i.
lowest rates from .
.1. I). KIKICLAND, Ticket. tpnt
All abovo trains arrive at and depirt roc'
(ir.uiii Central Station, Fifth and Irving ttreei-.
I'aksetiger Depot, foot of Jeilerton street
)le tu tho I Leave for OSWEGO, dally, except
ir.ilr.s,for-:-.'0 a. in.; 12:15, 1:1.'., f ,t
nt of the t (and U:Vi) p. in. on baliuday only). n
i roruauu ar cuianii ... "-
I C;J3 and 7:5.) p. in.
Notiee Is herebv nlven that the nni!ir,ii.,w.,i I . actonipaiiled h eash Iu lieu of u eerti
administrator of the estate of J. D. ('l . '-'"t0K considered.
eeastd, haa tiled his liual iiecoutit, and that I ' or any additional iuforinatlou, npplv to
Mondav, the :A day of Mav, M, at the hour of I . JAM Eh I. COWAN,
lOu'cloek n. m., has in en uppoiuuil n the time ' ,nv,"-' L. s, Indian Aituut.
for heailiiK objections theieto and the settle- .
inent theieof. All heirs, creditors or other per- i
Jons Interested In said ostatearo hereby notllled J. s. Sciienk. H m ii,. ,
to lite their ohleotlons to said liual account, I. I'leslde it tV'
any thov have, on or before the l,.v ...,i.i.,V..,i i n-siiieui. Cashier.
i. ......I.. .. ...... ..... - ' "i i '
mi tuv uriKiii; ii.ureot.
Und, TO
, m.
Suudnv trains for OriWEOO Iw?' fc.8
id 1-2! 1.'., 1 : l,i, :i:M), i.:-.-:. 0: 15 and Oo p. a.
vo at I'ortland at .VIM, 10:00 a.m.. l."."
rrroiy ai u: a. a. in. nan"
dav, Tliurbilay nnd Saturday at j-w i-.
Dalles City, Oregon, March .'.").
C-.'7-lt U 1.. A. Ul'.lf FIN, :
again, but ntlli tlicp- were no hor&vs.
Pruriently a lavgc fat iiuui. urmeil with
live cliickcnw ami whUt l.uttle. nnd
vrioiii otln-r lit-calcuiile iintl killalik
tJiiiif,'ii, sorauihlcil up ami sat in tho mid
dle of the c-oupu. .1 tells, me that lie
said very fitroti;,' things iu .soveral lan
guugeis, and referred the mutter to the
cominereinl, who had paid with him
tbut tli.-y might have the seat (pilte to
themselves. Hut the (.niniuereial only
anHwered enlmly that they ought to Im;
thnnkful they had the corners. At their
ieot wuh what JooKed lihea footboard;
nt least four people uiiiik and hat on
that. At their btii-I; wus unotiier W ;;d
First National Bank. !
5:10, fi.-i".'), 7:.V.p. ill.
K. I' K0GEE3,
Asst. U.V. A l'f
Notice of Final Selllemeiil.
A (.-renorai IJauking Iluoineaa tranaaeteii I
Depoaite received, aubjeot to Hihl
Draft or Cheek. I
Collection!) matle and proceeds promptly i
minim.-!., uu uuv oi coiieciion
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby slven that the County Court
of tho State of Oregon for Wateo C unty, by an
order dated the;ii day of Aptil, ls!T. duly ap
ixiluttsl the undeisiKiied administrator of the
estate of Andrew V, Andenou, dtctaseil. All
leuoiu huvliiK claims against said estate aie
hereby reipilted to present the same, proi-erly
verllled, to the undersigned at French A Co.'s
hunk Iu Dalles City, Oietfou, wlthlu six months
from tho date hereof.
Dalles City. Oregon. May 19. IS'JT.
J . C. HUM 1 1.1 l.l'.U.
aid lila Dunn, for tho sum of
fi'Jliu I'. S. KOid coin, ami interest thereon, in
like coin, from March !, 1'.U. at the rate of
eight er cent ik.t annum: and for the further !
i sum oi t.iv, iu iiku com, ami interest, in iue
: coin, at the rate of eishc j.-r cent n annum
i from February 1, lsw. and for the further mm
of f-o attorii"y'.s fa-s; and for his costs mid dls
bnrsenieiits herein; and fur a pidnineiit and de
cree aKiiiiut all of aid defendants that all the
real iiiojierty de-crlUed in the complaint, to-wit
all of lot 0, anil the exst half of lot 5 ot block
of HiiiiiHsou n lllllll Addition to Dalles city,
Orenon, be K)!d, and the proceeds thereof be ap
plied iim said Judgment- and that each and
alt of afd defendants be forever b.imd and fqre
closet o! all right,-title and Interest in or lo
said premises anil lamn.
This summons is served upon you, the said
Harvey W. Dunn and Mary Dunn, by order of
Hon. W. L. liriidMuiw, Judge of said court, dauil
April 'J, ls'J7.
aprlO-li Attorney for I'lulutlt!'.
Notlce Is hereby glve-t that the uiiderslgiiul
administrator of thoestato of Maryii. dordoii,
deceased, has (lied his final report ami aeennni
it said astute, .anil that 'luesday, the I I, ten ci,.u "KlZ", -."ucuwuii.
.uuy, iyj,, at tho hour of '.' o'clock i. m of said -T"Kr"i",,,s JiiaKe 801(1 on
dny at the Cr.uiity court room, in the county ' w Vork, Ban Frauuisco anc' port
court houtu In Dalles City, Wasco County, Ore-1 Und
gon.hus been uppolntid by said court ns the' u.
timoaiiii piaeo lor nearuig said limit account. 1 "'"".u 1
Subscribe for The Cuiiokici.k.
Dated this U.5th day of March, ls!i;
Administrator of tho estate of Mary M. Cor
don, deceased. iiprii-il
Executor's Sale.
I'ursiiaiit to un order of tho County Court of
the Statu of Oregon for the Wasco County, made
uml tittered on tho :M day of May, I.sut, in tho
matter of tho estate of James Mctiuhau, deceased,
dlteritlng mo to sell tho real property belonging
to the estate of said deceased, 1 will, on Satur
day, thu 5th day ot June, )b07, ut the hour of '.'
o'clock p. in,, at the courthotiko door in Dalles
City, Oregon, tell ut public bule.lto the highest
bidder, till of tho following described leal prop
erty belonging to said estate, to-wit: Tho
Southwest ipiarter of Section Eight, Township
One South, iliiiigo Fourteen East W. M,, con
taining ICO acres more or less.
in5-l It. F, (i I HONS. Executor.
ClJ. .U. II.MAV3, liKO. A. LlKBE
II. M. Bkai.l.
Harry Liebe,
Alt work promptly attended to,
and warrnuusj,
Dalles, Mora and 1
I Through by daylight via Grass VaUer.Ke!"
nnd Cross Hollows.
V. M. WIUTKLAW. Al.tlPe'
Stages leave Tho Dalles from nmitllj
at 7 a. also from Antelope at i vcectio".
Monday, Wednesday mul f'h Mitcbell
inado at Antelope for ITluev l ie, 3 4tXW
points beyond. Olose t-tniiMt o"' ,iauo
Dallc-M with riillwnys, r',i,is llM Tn-
filoRes from Anlclppo reach llio ' p.
ilityn, Thursdays and Saturdays at
itATKH or r.uiE. iicfl
Dulles to Deschutes ...I
. Ho Moro. .. ' . ...fS
do (Irass Villloy. J?i
do Kent- ........
do Oross Hollnwii.
Antelope to Cross Hollow
do Kent.
do Oram Valley. .
do Mori
do Dcschuecs
do Dulles "
;. 2 w