The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 24, 1897, Image 1

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l)c Dalles
Sells in Now York for 00
Cents an Ounce.
Greece Will Neither Vay Indemnity,
Nor Ari-iw to Anv Change
of tint Frontier.
Ccw Yoiik, Mny 22 The Journal
this morning says :
Silver bullion has juat sold at 00 cents
per ounce, the lowest point it litis ever
touched, except for a short period in
1594, when it sold ut 5S cents per ounce.
The steady decline in silver Is attrib
uted toeonditionsjabroad. Paris has been
fairly flooded with South American dol
lars which have been sold on this side
as low us two francs 22 centimes for the
dollar. The price of silver in the Indian
basciars has fallen to 76 rupees, the low
est price on record. The exchange be
tween London and Shanghai has also
fallen to almost the lowest, and even at
the low rate, China does not absorb a
large quantity of silver.
Dating from the declaration by Japan
of its intention to abandon the use of
silver as its standard coinage and go up
on a gold basis, the price of . the while
metal has been steadilv declining.
Purpose lf to Make Kngllfth the Lun
g ii uso f the American Church.
Cnic.Uio, May 22. Information was
obtained today that Home has just
transmitted to the Catholic church in
the United States the most magnificent
ruling of recent years bearing on eccle
siastical matters in America. The de
cision, which has reference to parishes
made up of foreigners, is literally as fol
lows :
"Children born in America of foreign
born parents, whose native tongue is not
the English, are not obliged, when of
age, to become members ol the parish
to which their parents belong; but they
have the right to join a parish in which
the language of the country that is,
English is used. Catholics not born in
America, but knowing the English lan
guage, have the right to become mem
bers of the parish in which English is
in use, and they cannot be compelled to
submit themselves to the jurisdiction of
the rector of a church built for people
who continue to speak the lauguage of a
foreign country."
The evident purpose of Eouie is to
make Enclish the language of the Amer
ican church, and Uiub to encourage the
development of a spirit of moro perfect
union among the members of the Cath
olic faith. Parishes in which a foreign
language is used aro tolerated as tempo
rary institutions, which will disappear
as soon as the conditions making their
erection expedient will have passed
away. The present ruling is perfectly
consistent with the enlightened policy
arinntml .in.) fn .i k.. r vtit
Shjh Greece Will Not J'uy.
Paws, May 22. Advices today from
Athens say the Greek minister of foreign
affairs, M. Skouloudis, in conversation
with, several foreign envoys declared
Greece will not pay any indemnity to
Turkey nor agree to the, rectification of
the frontier.
i'ntteriittt It (idles Attacked.
Oakland, Calif., May 22. An address
made before the Epworth League here
William H. Waste, who is a past
President and an active worker, has
drawn widespread attention and occa
sioned general comment. Waste treat-
Buy Garland
"Happj Thought"
Rn1ve- T-ir
The kind that cures SKIN Troublee,
of M. 'A. DONNELL, tho Druggist.
60c per Jar.
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its great leavening strength mid
henlthfulncss. Assures the food ngiilnst nlum
nnd nil forms of ndulteracion common to the
cheap brands.
Roy A!. Bakikk Powder Co. New Yokk.
ed of the "Relation of the Epworth
League to the Associated Charities,"
and in his address among other things
offered the suggestion that fraternal
bodies failed to yield the assistance to
others that was rightfully expected by
the deserving, who had occasion to turn
to them for aid.
A Vnluulilfl Proscription.
Editor Morrison of Worthington, Ind.,
"Sun," writes: "You have a valuable
j prescription in Electric Bitters, and I
can cheerfully recommend it for Consti
pation and Sick Headache, and as a gen
eral system tonic it has no equal." Mrs.
Annie Stehle, 2025 Cottage Grove Ave.,
Chicago, was all run down, could not eat
nor digest food, had a backache which
never left her and felt tired and weary,
but six bottles of Electric Hitters re
stored her health and renewed strength.
Prices 50 cents and $1.00. Get a Bottle
at Blakeley and Houghton's Drug Store.
A Cruiser ou Hand.
London, May 22. A dispatch from
Vienna says the Austrian cruiser Kron
Prinzessin Stefanie has been ordered
from Salonica to Phalorea, near the
Piraeus tport of Athens), to remain at the
disposal of the royal family of Greece, if
required to convey them from that coun
try. Dr. King's New llicovery for Cosuin
tlon. This iB the best medicine in the world
for all forms of Coughs, Colds and Con
sumption. Every bottle is gauranteed.
It will cure and not disappoint. It has
no equal for Whooping Cough, Asthma,
Hay Fever, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La
Grippe, Cold in the Head and Consump
tion. It is safe for all ages, pleasant to
take, and, above all, a sure cure. It ie
always well to take Dr. King's New Life
Pills in connection with Dr. King's New
Discovery, as they regulate and tone the
stomach and bowels. We guarantee per
fect satisfaction or return money. Free
trial bottles at Blakeley & Houghton's
Drug Store. Regular size 60 cents and
$1.00. . J
Too Late for the War.
Atiiuns, May 22. The arrival of vol
unteers from America yesterday excited
curiosity, but no enthusiasm. They will
join the' army of Crown Prince Constan
tiue. The losses of tho Greeks in Ghourka
nnps weie 800 killed and wounded. All
I the irregulars have been disbanded.
The Westfield (Ind.) News prints the
following in regard to an old resident of
that place: "Frank MoAvoy, for many
years in the employ of the L., N. A. &
C. Ry. here, says: 'I have used Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy for ten years or longer am
never without it in my family. I take
pleasure in recommending it.' " It is a
specific for all bowel disorders. For
eale by Blakeley & Houghton.
If you like the Japan tea
taste, buy Schilling's Best
Japan; it is as fine as the
dollar Japan of the market,
and honest not colored.
Fresh-roasted not stale.
If you don't like it, your
grocer pays you back your
50 cents
A 5v:lilllinc & Company
Tack Vae the Man.
Tacom.v, May 22. The .fend robber,
who was killed yesterday while holding
up the Steilacoom car, was undobtedly
Jack Case, an Oregon despeiado.
Case and Tom Poole were arrested in
that state for holding up a Southern Pn
cfic passenger train at Cow Creek can
yon, below Koseburg, in July, 1S95.
They were tried and convicted, but the
verdict was set aside, pending which
Case came to the Sound. He was re
leased on his recognizance, to appear at
the next November term of court in
Al James, who claims to have known
Case well, says he saw him in Portland
last December, and has since seen him
on the Sound. The fact that the rob
ber's hat bears the stamp of a Roseburjr,
Or., firm, tends to confirm the belief
that the robber hailed from that section.
Turks' ltreach of the Armistice.
Athens, May 22. A telegram from
the crown prince confirms the news of
the reported advance of the Turks after
the arrangement of the armistice, and
the occupation and fortifying of strategic
points half an hour distant from Lamai,
giving a great advantage to the Turks in
the event of a renewal of hostilities.
These facts have been communicated to
the ministers of the powers, and the
government has protested against this
forward movement of the Turks.
The Neutral Zone.
ATHENSj May 22. The officers appoint
ed to fix the neutral zone on the frontier
have completed their work. It is an
nounced that both armies are to fall
back and leave a neutral zone S00 meters
in width. All of tho passes are included
in this zone, except Phourka, which the
Turks hold;
Twelve Hundred Are SuITerlng.
Washington, May 22. A telegram
was received at the state departement
from Consul-General Lee saying the
number of Americans in need of relief in
Cuba may reach 1200. The consul at
Matanzas reports 250 there, and the con
sul at Sagua 450.
First African Graduate.
Lewision, Me., May 22. The Cobb
divinity school has just graduated the
first native African in the history of the
school. Louis Pennock Clinton, a native-born
African, has been made a min
ister of tho Free Baptist church. He is
nereditarv chief of the Baf sa tribe.
Jee Secure Another Jiolease.
Washington, May 22. United States
Consul Lee cabled the state department
from Havana that the Spanish officials
there have released Ferdinand Goviu, an
American, who has been under arrest,
and that he will leave the island.
The Kll'ert in Spain.
Madrid, May 22. Newspaper heie
consider the adoption by the United
States senate of Morgan's belligerency
resolution will tend to strengthen
Premier Castillo, checking the proposed
liberal attack on the ministry.
l!ur,!iiiiH. '
"Eternal vigilance,'" shouted the ora
tor, "is the price of liberty!"
The women uleutuw exchanged
"That is the same price as last year,"
they remarked, nd shrugged
There wwciw barguiiihtto le hnd.nnd
they lost interest in the jiroeeodlnjrs.
Odds nml Ends.
AlniiiMl tlx- Mime.
Nonie--ls your husband as shy now .
,if, he was bofoiv you married him?
La in a- -Mniost, for then he. used t. ,
hold his bix'.'i- h v ,'t'li fear, anl he does
II jn&t the same now when he comes,
home late from the club. PitLsburjfii
Daily News.
Hoh'h TlllMi
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Chunky & Co. Props., Toledo, O.
Wo the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi
ness transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
West & Truax, Wholesale DrugKistB,
Toledo, Ohio.
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole
sale nrutiv'islH, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Price
75c. per bottle, Sold by Druggists,
Testimonials free. 1-5-9
Large assortment of good $6.00, $6.50 and
$7.50 Suits; Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
Special $8.50, $9.75 and $10 Oregon Suits; 1
The best of wearers, in new and nobby patterns.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday J i D
a. ml Williams & co.
18 1'neeH u Week. 150 I'liperH u Venr
It stands first among "weekly" papers
in size, frequency of publication and
freshness, variety and reliability of con
tents. It is practically a daily at tho low
price o a weekly ; nnd its vast list of
subscribers, extendinu' to every state and
territory of the Union ami foreign coun
tries, will vouch for the accuracy and
fairness of its news columns.
It is splendidly illustrated, and among
its special features are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market report1, all the
latest fashions for women and a long
series of stories by the greatest living
American and English authors,
Coiihii Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome,
Stanley Weymun, Jllnry K. Willilim
Anthony Hope, lliet lliirte,
Itrunilor ,Mltlnnv, Kt.
We offer this imequaled newspaper and
Tho Dalles Twice-a Week Chionicle to
getlier one year for $2.00. Tho regular
price of the two papers Is $3.00.
, A 5OCrl All TY!!
nn Of Ew!fU! I oiularyorTcr.
tlury Itl.nou l'OJSON permanently
cured In 16 to85 dfi) o. You can lio treated ut
ty. wuwillcon-
tract to pay rullroad farcand liotul billj.and
tocbarsw, If weull to cure. If you nier
cury, Iodide iiotuHli, and mill linvo iu Iics un'l
pains, M ucousVutchc In mouth, .Sore Throat,
jViiuplcii, Copper Colored NpotM, Ulcer on
any part ol the body, Jl :tlr or KyelnowM fulllntf
out. It Is tills (Secondary ItLOOD i'OISCW
wo guarantee to cure. We solicit tlio moet o bill
Date cubes end chulleni;e tho world for
cane wo cunnot mre. Tlili dlteoco lia slwayt
battled the nklll of tho most eminent physi
cian J. HSOO.OOO capital behind our uncondl.
tlonal traaraiitr. Abbolute nrooh sent Bculed on
application. Addreis COOK ItKMUDY C
W mm mm mvmmm VWIWMV, lllll,
Assignee's Notice Final Settlement.
Notice In hereby idven tliut Die uiideiblKiicd,
uhslncu of tlioebtuteof K. K. Wllllainn, uu ill
holvent debtor, bus filed bin flnul uceoiint mid
report In Hulil iiMilKiimeiit with the Clerk of the
Clr ult Com t of tlio Statu of Oregon for Wafco
County, mid that the humu will Ikj culled up for
bearing before Hie Judire of mid Court on the
lira day of tliu next regular teun of nuld Circuit
Court, to-ttl': On ilonday, the'.'Uh day of Muy.
18'7. or If tho uniiu tnimot bu berd by culu
Court ut Hild time, uu toou thereafter iu the
tame can bu heard by vuld Court.
Uutcd this ICth duy of April, 18U7.
A. b. N40AM.ISTKK,
AttlKino nf the cututo of It. i;, YVIllluuu. an
uuolvciit debtor. ul7-St-U
Kichly and durably bound in English Cloth, plain edges; portrait of the au
thor forming tho design on cover; autograph preface; magnificent pre
sentation plate in silver, gold and blue; containing (100 pages and H2
full-page illustrations
In half-Morocco, marble edge
In full-Morocco, gilt edge
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
; Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, TL'lKd
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
foil "R'lOUT' '"''H '''ol,r ,B nianufactnred expressly for family
l,v-'J"1, x v-' nee: every eack in guaranteed to give Ba'tufuction.
We cell our goodu lower than any hoitae In the trade, and if you don't think ho
call and get our prices and bu convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
175 Second Street.
Country und Mull Orders will receive prompt attention.
Friday &
I THK KlltBT IIA'ITI.K 1h an lncretliiK Htory
I of Hie urviU political MruKk'luof Ib'.xi, Ih iniwt
1 Important uveal nml tlio niiiiiy nomt, Involved;
a IohIchI i realise on H I i n f ' .i 11 1 m itn uttered by
eminent oxtxtiienlH, luclinlliiK Him art tuUen by
Hon, V, J. Ilmm In tliutillvir imitation prior to
tlio Hemocratli) National Convention, nml ilur
Ink' ttiu I'liinpnluiii tlio hunt exiiinpU'Mol hlx won
derful oratory, the niituwcrtliy InclilcntM o(
IiIh famoilH lour, ii careful review ol tlio political
Munition, ii iIIxiiimsIoii of tliu election return
I mill tliu Munlllciincu thereof, nml the future
, pOhMbllltlcH of lll nietalllHin in. it polltletl lunuu.
1 75
2 25
2 75
M. J. WOODCOCK. ARont, Wamlc, Or.
The Dalles, Oregon
ban rriKlco