The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 22, 1897, Image 4

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    Tk tln11M ft.jl,, lk:1 ! lw home, North Yakima, thta morning,
Toe Dalles Daily Chronicle, going bV 0f Portland.
the I'eudleton
AiHortUltn; ltali-.
One li.cli or less In Dully
Over two inches and imiler (our Inches
Over four Incite anil under twelve Incite:
Over twelve Inches . M ,
One Inch or les, per Inch
Over one Inch nml under four incite.
Over four incite.- and under twelve Incite.-
Over twelve inches . . 1 (-' !
...:.,. .v-' Mr. K. Y. Jmlil, of
1 ! scouring mills, arrived this iitoriiinp, nnd
in company with Mr. J. V. Kussell,
'. went down" on the Keuulator to White
Per inch. , Sidnton, where a team was wnitimr for
?! fi0 p tltein. they intend puttint: in two or
1 m three days fishing at Trout Lake.
M AltltlKI).
-m At tlte Oban- House this afternoon,
. v ' May 22il, by Justice Filloon, John Henry
" ' Matthews and Mrs. Coven.
The I'ottrtli Held in tin- County Mrt at
Hood Ittver Tlittrilay.
The fourth animal convention of the
Wasco county Christian ICitdeavor Union
met in regular session Thursday and
Friday in the Valley Christian church,
and proved to be the most interesting
and profitable session yet held. Over
fifty delegates were present from vaiious
parts of the county, many of whom ar
rived in Hood Uiver on Thursday morn
ing's boat from The Dalles and vicinity,
from whence they were conveyed to the
place of convention, three miles distant
from town.
The session opened at 10 :o0, with K.
H. Merrell, president, in the chair, and
after a short song service Bev. J. L.
Hershner, of Hood Uiver Congregational
church, delivered the address of wel
come, which was responded to by the
undersigned in behalf of the visiting
delegates. After an anthem by one of
, Hood River's choirs, and the appoint
ment of various committees by the pres
ident, "all hands" participated in a
bounteous luncheon, consisting of about
everything that is good in thu way of
eatable that that beautiful valley is ca
pable of producing.
In the afternoon the time was occu
pied first by a devotional service, led by
Curtis Egbert of The Dalles, followed by
the president's annual address, the re
ports of the secretary and treasurer, and
Ehort addresses on committee work, H.
C. Bateham of Hood Uiver having in
charge the lookout eornmitttfe confer
ence; A. G. Hoering, The Dalles, that
ot the prayer nieetiiiL' committee ; F. A.
Ernst, The Dalles, the social commit
tee, and Mrs. Wilson, The Dalles, the
missionary committee. The latter was
especially interesting, the speaker giv
ing a most interesting account of Hawaii,
its natives and their characteristics.
The afternoon session closed with an
other anthem by the choir, very credita
bly rendered.
In the evening the convention listened
to a most eloquent and instructive ad
dress on the life of Christ by Rev. J. A.
Wickham of Portland.
On Friday morning at 0:30 there was
a sunrise prayer meeting, led by Mr.
McCoy of Hood River valley. The ses
sion resumed at 9 :lo, and after a short
devotional service, the business matters
of the convention were discussed and
considered. The report of the nominat
ing committee brought forth the follow
ing nominations of officers for the ensu
ing y-ar: For president, Misa Alice
Cleaver, Hood River; first vice-pres.,
W. T. Hibbard, Hood River; second
vice-pres., .las. Powell, Dufur; secre
tary, F. A. Ernst, The Dalles; treasurer,
Salina Phirman, The Dalles; Junior
supt., Mrs. Hershner, Hood River.
These were all elected by acclamation.
Other business of minor importance waa
attended to.
At 10:80, being the Junior hour, Mrs.
W. D. Palmer of Portland took charge
and conducted n service, assisted by
about tttirty Junior Endeavorers, which
would fairly discount similar gatheiin
Diet of a lloitnn Frenchman While Con
lined In a 1'rUon tit Cuba.
Sixty-two days. Three, meals n day.
icons for every meal.
That way the record of Pierre Jlioh
ilieu's imprisonment Uy the Spanish au-
I ihorities tit Santiago de Cuba.
If Pierre was. n native Iiostonese. he
' .vould porbably have liked nothing bet
;or, but he was born in France, and is a
I .nan of tlie sen withal, and that pro
i :racted period of subsistence upon
oeans has left rancor in his heart and
' itter demoralization in hi interior
, -eonomy.
j Pierre, .had tiiken out naturalization
j papers in Boston previous to risking his
tiie. nnerty ami digestive machinery in
Spanish territory. He hoped fondly,
but vainly, that this ceremony would
render him bean-proof. In his travels
ibout the world lie had heard of the
I vast use the Spaniards made of beans.
He is now "standing oft' and on'' about
the corridors of the United States dis
trict court in Boston, waiting for the
nithorities to look up his "citizen pa
pers." and with them as a basis to file
i $20,000 claim against the government
of the dons for the destruction of his
intestinal equipment.
Pierre's complete name is Pierre Gus
tave I.ayniet Kiclielieu. In February of
IS!).") he found himself in Port an Prince,
flayti. One day lie started out in a
iittle boat called the Yankee Doodle,
mil, with a companion named August
Bolton, went fishing along the coast
for turtles.
A storm drove them out of their reck
oning, and on a dark night they went
ashore upon the coast of Cuba. No
sooner had they set foot on the soil
than a lot of vigilant fenors thrust them
into prison as insurgent sympathizers.
ITiere they remained 02 tin vs.
Now. Spain feeds her army and navy
principally upon beam, and the Span
ish captors reasoned that what was
rood enough for the warrior.-- of Castile
was certainly good enough for rebel sus
pects. So beans they got, and nothing
more. The weary weeksof confinement
ind bean diet were punctuated witli
cheering announcement from time to
time, that, they might exjwet to be shot
within a day ot two. "Well," says Rich
elieu, "they didn't do that, but it' about
the only thing they didn't do. We had
nothing to eat but beans."
Whether it was really the beans or the
fear of death that did it. within a few
days both tlie men were so ill they could
scarcely stand. They managed at. last
to gain the notice of the American con
sul and wore released. There was no ,
evidence against them. They came back
to New York, victim.1- of beans and An- ,
dalusinn perversity, and demanded that
the I'n i ted States government obtain re
dress for them. - 1
Bolton's status as a citizen was all
right, and the American minister at i
Madrid has been ordered to present his
claim for bean damage. But poor Pierre
was in no such luck. His papers the
first set taken at Portland, Ore., in 1S72.
and the second tit Boston, in lr were 1
all made out in the name of Gustav
Lay met. His .statements about them
have, nil been verified. Hi' tale is un
questionably true, but he &aj.- the pa
pers, which he had with him when Ire
was seized in Cuba, were taken from
him and kept by the Spaniard'.
Not. having them in his posse.-sion,
and the fact that he took them out in
a false name, have sadly blo.'ked his
claim to damages for the 1st ml treat-
flow Ibout Your
JOB piIfsfyjsfCi?
Ye have the facilities fordoing all kinds
of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a
catalogue, and we arc after all the work we
can do. "We not only desire ';o keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. Come in
and compare our prices with that of any
oiiCj and compare quality of work,
have your next order.
Lot us
t?roii;Ie publist?ii? o.
Notice is hereby given that by au
thority of ordinance No. 292, which
passed the Common Council of Dallea
bitv April 10th, 1897, entitled, 'An or
dinnnce to provide for the -nlo of certain
lots belonging to Dulles City," I will, on
Saturday, the loth dav of May. lb7,
sell at public unction, to the ugliest
bidder, all the following lota and parts
of lots in Gates addition to Dalles City,
Wasco county, v-reuu, ,
, . n i in :..i.,iv iii tilnok 14 : lots 1
?: 8s, Tld itpmw In u block 2i ! choice of Transcontinental R
fennwn ne butte: lots 10, 1 1 and 12, in tiu&iiiai n
in,a- '.T- lnt 9 In block :14: lots 2, .1. -1, -ma
5, I'.', 7. 8, 9, 10 and 11, In block M;
lots 2, .". 4. S, 9. JO, 11 ami 1-, block
lie,; lots a, 4, o, ti, v. i, w. . .' " .
12, in block :',7; lots i. 2. :i, 4. o, t. 8, i Minneapolis
9, 10, 11 and 12, in block 42 ; lots I, 2, ... j - - T .
4.5 9, iiiockho; hub i . . q. Do-,,!
I!, Ti lO, H and 12, in bloc 41, and lots j Ot- - JxailSaS City
The reasonable value of sa kits, for
iliev will no. c sold,
has been lixtd i.isd" determine. I y the
Common Council of Dalles City as fol
lows, to-wit: .
nts lllll 111. Ill It OCK 11, lo
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities
Leave l,..,.. .
, ... .. ""a
evilly five Jtnyg fur
Vor full UutnIIs call on O. K t Co
Tl. . t..lln.. ...1.1- .
j. ini iaiii'si in, miiiiuaa
-Dl.'AI.KKs 1N-
S. 9 and 10, jointly in block lo, $200;
cT k n and 10. mintlv in block 21,
$.200; 'lot 11). in block 27, $22o; lot 11, in
i.ln..L- ''7 A-'Vi: lnt 12. iii block 27. .'!00 ;
lot 9, in block 111, $100; lots 2, 3, 4, o, 8,
9, 10 and 11, in block :!o, each respect-
. ' . . 1 . . .. , - . l.i t. pip:
ively .$1U0; lots t ami i, in oiuct; .x, ;
each renpectivelv .12."; lots 2, IJ, 4, S, 9, j
10 and II, in block :t(i. each respectively I
$100; lot 12, in block 'M, $125; lots !!, 4, .
o, S, 9, 10 and 11, in block li", each re-
snectivelv $11)0; lots t, ami i-, in
block o, each respectively $125;
lots 2, !5, 10 and 11, in block
41, e;icli rtspeciiveiy .iuu; mis j , ,
7 and 12, in block 41, each respectively No. 4, to Spokane anil Great Northtrn
$125; lots I!, 4, 5,8,9, 10 and 11, in ' arrives nt G p. m., leaves at6:0op.n.
block 42, each respectively $100; lot h , Xo. 2, to Pendleton, linker Citv ind'
Hand 12, in block 42, each respective y VnalCw nrrivm 1 -is 7
25; lots2. :;,4, 5,9, 10 and 11, in i u,,lon uat" linma K1 M-
II. HtUtLIHJKT. flPi, p...
K. M'NKII.1. rrcsldentniid Mima
The New TIiiih Cattl.
Under the new time caul, winch joes
into effect tomorrow, trains willuioveu
t . .
ioi tow b :
100 : lots 1
Agricultural Implements.
j Drapers Manufactured and Repaired.
! Pitts' Threshers, Powers and Extras,
j Pitts' Harrows and Cultivators.
I Celebrated Piano Header.
Lubricating Oils, Etc.
White Sewing Machine and Extras.
hlnelc 4.'!. each resnectivelv
in block 43, $125; lots 2. :
block 40, each respectively
and C, in block 40, each
Each of these lots will be sold upon
the lot respectively, ami none of them
will be sold for a le3ssum than the value i Dalles,
tliereot, as nuove stated.
One-fourth of the price bid on any of
said lots shall bo paid in cash at thu
time of sale, and the remainder in three
equal payments on or before, one, two
and three years from the date of said
sale, with interest on such deferred pay
ments at the rate of 10 per cent per
annum, payable annually; provided
that the payment may lie made in full
at any time at the option of the pur
chaser. The said sale will begin on tin- 15th
iinn- lnt l.i parts 1 :20 a. m.
4 and o, m ' iSo. .1, from bpokane and Great Xnril.
ern, arrives 8:i0, departs 8:35 a. a,
No. 1, from Huker City anil Union P.
cilic, arrives 1 :20, departs 1 :25 a. m.
Noa. 2.') and 24, moving east of The
will carry passengers. Ko. 23
arrives t 0:!iO p. in., departs 12:45
p. m.
Passengers tor Heppner will take train
leaving herel:05 p. in.
day of .May, 1897, at the hour of 2
o'clock p. in. of said day, and will con
tinue from time to time until all of said
lots shall be sold.
Dated this l.'kh day of April, 1897.
GlUllSllT W. PlIUI.I'S.
ltecortler of Dalles City.
p-" Iliettt. Hut mi IlV( m itii1'rttnn fitwl
of fcenior endeavorers with which the i1(),)t, lllilt tl)(, .)jole ,1Ul(i,ji;. iK)llt tlu.
writer lias had experience. papers will be straightened out very
Another repast was spread in the soon, nnd Unit then lie will et money
Krove near the church at 12 o'clock, and enough from Spain to live on "plum
Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has
no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE &
MAYS, The Dalles, Oregon.
it is needless to say that ample justice
was done thereto.
The last hour or two of the conven
tion was devoted to sundry matters of
business, the appointment of a commit
tee to look into the work of organization
of now societies in the counties, and the
dosing consecration service, led bv Miss
r!lH-iVf.p nlllti liutiifnl
presaive r-ervice.
The Dalles delegates returned on the
Keuulator last evening, and cm all tes
tily to the generous hospitality and ex
ceeding kindness of the good people of
the city and vicinity of Hood River, who I
seemingly spared no pains to see that
we were all royally welcomed and en
tertained during our short visit among
them. G. K. S. "
Mr. Hay Logan arrived home from
Eugene lust night.
.Mr. X. H. Brooks, thu Goldendale at
torney, is in the city.
Mis-es Kdie and Vesta Iiolton left this
morning for Goldendale, where they will
visit friends.
The family of Mr. Clias. Stone left for
Featilo today, whero they will nihke
their home. Mr. Stone will join them
X. Y.
for the remainder of his days.-Journal.
.tlnralizliiK hy .lap.tiicii! Youth.
An English teacher in a Japanese
school discovered, by frivinp out sub
jects for composition, that pupils had
been trained to find a moral in every
thing animate and inanimate. .Mr.
liearn, in his "Glimpses of rnlVimiiiar
Japan," pives a few of tin
m jrnl evoked from the nathe stu
dents by subjects for rmglish composi
tion. One boy thus NTOtc on "Mos
quitoes:" "On summer uighta we hear
the sound of faint voices, and little
things come and sting- our l.odies vry
vioiently. We call them lnt in Kng
lisb 'mosquitoes.' I think the suing is
iiheful for us, because if we itegin to
slcp, the kn shall came and ating- us,
uttering' a small voii": then we shall be
bri.iged baek to atmly by the stiiiff."
To uiiother iiipll v.iih assigned the bo
tan (JapuueM' wony) fora composition,
and he wrote: 'Tlie botnn is large and
beatitlliil to sec; but It has a disagiee- I ryil inoiK-riy le.-c-rlbcd in tltofoinp!
t.lilr M'litii ul.nnl.l ...1 ,iU ... "II of lot 0, 1111(1 the eHSt linlf of lot;
nlilc smell. litis should make us ie-,of nmMjnh jmur Adilition to
memlMM' that what is only outwardly
beautiful in human society should not
attract, us. To be attracted by beauty
only tuny lend us into fearful nnd fatal
misfortune." Chicago I liter Ocean.
Mrs. Graves, who has been visiting
her mother hero for several days, loft for
Soup Foam
excels all other washing
u2 Iliii
Subscribe for Tm: Ciiiionici.k.
i n Tin: ciitcm' contTof the smte ot ok
.1 so" for the (.'nimty of Wa'.o.
I). A. OskochI, I'liiltttlll.
Kin Ditiiii, nienvr V. piiiin. (j'C(,II. Dunn
Jbirviy V. Dunn nun Miiry Ditiiii mul X.
W'lic.ililuit, as i ilmlnl-trator of the cnutool
Win. II. Dunn, iltft'iisnl, Defendant'.
T" Mu Diitm, spviicer W. Dunn. (ito. II. Dunn,
llimcy W. Dunn mirl Mary iniun m:rt N.
Wlinilclon, as iidiiiliit tiator of tin-itatt of
Win. II Dunn, ileeciiM.d, Dcfeinliints
III the nimie of tlte Stuto of Otexon. Vnn tire
hi'ifhy reiiniiitl to npiieiir mul unnuer the eoiii
Ijlnlnt lllnl KaInst ypi In the above entitled
sitiMWlhiu ten ilnjK from thoihitu of thi'i-yr-vlceof
tlil-tiuiniiioiisut'ou you, if r-ervwl within
this county: or If .ervtii within any other
(ountyof this btate. then within tuvnty days,
front the (late of the hervlec of tilth Munitions
upon ji,n. or if tcrviil iiiou you hy inihlicatlou,
then on or before the liist daj of Hie i o.xt ri-suhtr
U-nn of said court; anil If you fall M) to answer,
for want (hereof thoplalntliriilll tnku Judmenl
HKitlmt you, the mid Ma Dunn, for thu mm of
f rJl lit f. H. koIiI coin, and interest thereon, in
llko fnln. from Mainh !'Jt. Ina't. nt tlti. int., nf
ItlKht x;r cent per annum- and for thu further ;
ti in ot f.iv, in like coin, and, In like
coin, a' ine raio oi eijtiii ler cent vr uiiuuin
from I'ebruary 1, 1W; and tor the further sum
of foil attoiii' j 'a fees; urd for hl costs and ills
hnrseiueuts herein; mid fora luditiitent and tin.
five usiaitist all of mill defendants that all the
tlte complaint, to-wit
i oi niocic ;;.
Dalles Cltv.
wieh-un, ou mimi, nun mi- inoeeiiis wiereoi no up
plied upon said Judgment and that each nnd
alt of said defendaiits bo forever barred and fcio-do-el
of all rlKlu, title and Interest lit or in
tald iiremUe.s and lauds,
This Mimutoiis Is served ilium you, (he Mild
Harvey W, Dunn and ilary Dunn, by order of
lion. W. I., iiradshaw, Jinlne of said court, dated
Apiily, iyj7.
iil'tI0-ll Attorney for I'lalntllf.
Subscribe for Tiik Cukonici.k.
Administrator's Final Account
Notice is hereby lven that thu undersigned,
admlitlstiator of the estah: of J. 1). (illllln.du
eensid, has tiled his lltial aeeouiit, and Unit
.Monday, the :'d day of May, 1M)7, at the hour of
10 o clock a. in., has bien appointtd as the lime
for beasiiiK objeellons thetoto and the settle
ment theieof. All holts, creditors or other wr
eons interesteil in said estate are herein- notlliul
to llle their objections lo said Dual account,!1
any tboy have, on or befoie the day appointed
for tlie hearing thereof.
Dulles City, Orcyoii, March .'.', 1K)7.
inc-T-tt II K. A. lilllH-JN. Adinlnisttnlor,
Notice of Final Stltlcmeiil.
Notice is hereby Kive-i that the undeisiKiicd
administrator of the estate of Mary M. (iordon,
deeea-ed, has illed his Una! report and account
in snlil estate, am! that Tuesday, the Ith day of
.May, Ih' tlioliourof J o'clock ti. m. of said
dayattbo County court loom, in tho county
court housu in Dalles City, Wasco County, Ore
KOti, has been appointed hy said court as tho
iiniu ami piece lor neaiiui,' sum liual account.
Dated this tijtli day of March. 1SU7.
...... ... AflA TOIiKI)IIJ.,
Atlminlslrator of thu estate of .Mary M. (lor.
don. decease 1. iipr;MI
Executor's Sale.
Pursuant to an order of the County Court of
the Htato of Uremia or tho Wasco County, niado
ami tillered on thual day of May, Jb'JT, In tho
matter of thu estato of James Mctianaii, deceased,
dlteclliiBiiio to sell tho real proiurty beloiiBlng
to the estate of said deceased, I will, on Salur
day, the.'ith day of June, IM)7, at tho hour of 'J
o'clock p. in,, at tho courlliousodoor in Dalles
City, Ukkoii, sell nt public tale.'.to the highest
bidder, all of tho following ileretlbed real prop
erty beloiiKltih' to saltl estate, to-wit: The
Kntitluvest (piarU'rof fjcetloii KlKlit, Townshtii
Oiiu tioutli, Itano Fourteen Eiut W. J!.,cou
talultiK 1C0 neres more or less.
iiiO-l It. K (illlONK. Mxeciitor.
For Nnle.
Lots A, 1$, K and L, block 30; A B,
block 72; A, 1), C, D, E and F, block 82,
and A, B, C, 1) and E, block 23. Apply
rroioiil.s for CoiiNtruetliif; Watftr ami
Sower System.
L .S. Indliin Service, Warm HpriiiRs Aitenoy,
). Or.. May 7. 181)7.
.SKAIiKD 1'UOl'OflAI.S, endorsed- "I'roposnls
for Water and .Sewer uystcnt" and addressed to
the undcrsiuued at Warm Hprlttfts, Crook
County, Oregon, will be recelvetl at this iiBeucy
until l o'clock p. m. of May '.'7, 1SU7, for furnish
ins the necessary materials and labor required
in the construction and completion of a water
and sewer system, (incliidiiu; pltunbliiK) for the
ooaruuiK scnooi piaui to lie erected on this re
serve, in strict accordance with plans and si ed
ucations, which may be examined at thoolllce
of the "Morniut; OtCKOiiian," Portland, dr.,
"Tun Cui:o.nicu," The Dalles Or., and at this
Wilder will state clearly In their bids the
leiiKth of time required to complete the work.
TlieriKht is reserved to reject any and all bids,
or any patt of any bid, if deemed for the best In
terest of tlti service.
mention .ion of bidders is invited to the net
of Congress aiiproved AiiKtist 1, entitled:
"An act lebttliiK to the limitation of the hours
of daily service of laborers and mechanics em
ployed uiioii the public works of the I tilted
.States and of tho District of Columbia:" also to
the act of Congress approve.l August l.'l, 1mm,
entitled "An act for the protection of persons
fitrnlsliitiK niatcilals and labor for the construc
tion of nubile works."
ci:nriKii:i) chucks,
Knoh bid must be accompanied liv a ccrtllled
chick or draft upon some L'nlted states Deposl
tory or solvent National Hank in the vicinity of
the residence of the bidder, made payable to tho
on er of the Commls-ioner of Indian Allitlis, for
at least HVK I'KU CKNT. of the amount of the
pioposiil, which check or draft will he forfeited
to the Lulled status in easo any bidder or bid
tiers receiving an itwmd shall fall to promptly
execute a contract with good and sitllhient
surules, otherwise to bo relumed to tho bidder.
Ilids accompanied bj cash in lieu of u certi
fied check will not bo considered.
For any additional information, applv to
jam lis i cowan,
"v"'n'-'7 1J. S. Indian Agent.
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Eoute
of tiik
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portlui
S:.V) I'. M.
Eress, Salem, Hose-1
urg, Abhland, Site-1
j j riimeiiio, UKueu, emi ,
l'raitciseo, Mojavc, (
l.os Angeie.s.f.i mso. i
New urleans and '
I I East J
.pi. "ii m Ito.-eburg and way sto-
- llfl.IV
i;U. M.
1:0 P.X
t l:l."i !'. .M
i f Via Woodbiirn forl
I .ilt.Angei, hiiverton,
i West Seio. llniwns- eiccpt
vllle.Sprlnglleldand ' Scndifi.
I Natron .. ... J
Salem and way statlims"10.1)A.a
(Corvnllls and way) () 6:J0F.M.
stations . ',.
iMoMlnnv'lle and II 8:i)P.M
i (way stations . -
J. S, Huhkhk,
pfst National Bank.
A tienoral Banking Buainesa transacted
Doposite received, embiect to Sieht
Draft or Check.
Collections mado and procceda promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
ew York, San Francisco an,! port
' 1,;;r'!,,M,'8()N' Jno Schknck.
fcl. M. WILLIAK3, GKO. A. LlKHK.
H. M. Bnai.i.,
Harry Liebe,
Watchmaker t Jeweler
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted,
Dally. fDaily, except Sunilay.
Attached to all Tin niigii Trains.
. . - ... Bii with OeH-
Kireui coiiiieuiiou it i run ri - -.,
dental and Oriental and I'nellie liiiill ""J"'";
lines lorJATAiN niui ciit.a. Finn's
ai plication. , .v.-
Kates mid tickets to Ditern fffA
Al'sTKAI.IA. call be olitiillico tna i .
J. II. KtltlCI.AND, Ticket Ageal.
Through Ticket Olhc', !.".! Third street, b
through tickets to nil points itt the WW
Htales, Canada and Europe can be oMb
lowest rales from
J. II. 1U It KhAN D, Ticket Agent
All above trains arrive at nil' dePJ" w
(irand Central Station, EIHh and Irvms (a
Passenger Depot, foot of Juderwn itrcei
Leave for OSWECioTdnlly, except SunM
7:'J0 ... n..; 1J:I5. 1:15, Ci'A ;-, 8'W;e it
(mid nun p. m. on siatufday on! . A' '..ft
I'orlland at 7:HMud 8:S0 a m.. and ' "
(i;3.-j and 7:D."i p. lit.
Leave for Sheridan, week days. st4:30p.B
Arrive at Portland, 0::) it. m
Leave for Alltl.IE .nTMonday,
Krltay nt l: 10 n. m. Arrive at mtuna,
tlav, Thursday and SaturilS' atS.Ojp. a.
Sunday trains for oTwMO ffMLi,
rlvont Portland at 8:3), 10:00 u. m.,
5:10, 0:3."i, 7:0.) p. in. -ro5
It KOEHLEU, , K. .' I A
.M.itumer. Asst"-1
Mora and I
BATKW or fa n
Dalles to Deschutes
tin Morn... ..
do (Irass Valley.
do Kent. ......
do Cross HoIIowh,
Alltelnpo to Cross Hollows
do Kent.
do (Irass Valley
do More
do Denounces
do Dulled , '
Through by daylight via (irnss Valley.'
nrnlPrVIAU'. AllllllP,
Stages leave Tl.o Dulles from "'J. efrr
at 7 a. in., also from A 'V.-VV.iaV ' ConnU
.Mimuay, vniiuesuny "' Vll e. J tue".Jh(
mado at Antclopo for ' '?',V', . mii'It'
nohits hovontl. Close Ci JUicOtloM u
I....,". ...itu ..Til rn IIS IttlU
iiiiiiun iviiii iiiitivi.joi ...iii iu"
- ' 1. TUB - p
SluKcs from Auieippo rein j.a)r,.
uy, Tliurwliiyn bih! Hitturda)s at
' " . B VI IlK. II US
.... jj