, Our repnlar if 0.50 Suit l.encths for ir repnlar 0.50 Suit Leneths for irregular 7.00 Suit Lengths for ir repnlar 8.50 Suit Lengths for ir rpunlnr JO.00 Suit T.eriL'f.hR fnr Our Our Our regular 10.50 Suit Lengths lor we ' - See A. GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronieie. SATURDAY, - MAY 22, 1897 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Kumlom OIHrvntiniiH nntt lineal Kvcnts of Lesser Magnitude. There will be a special meeting of the Elks tonight. Social dance Saturday evening at the Baldwin opera house. 21-2t The Episcopal Sunday school will meet tomorrow murni at 10 o'clock. License to marry was issued today to John Henry Matthews and Mrs. T. Coven. Doctor Lannerburg arrived home from i Crook county Thursday night, and is ready to attend to all persons needing glasses. Claude Gatch of Salem is now grand master of the Oregon Odd tellows, bav in K been elected at the recent meeting of the grand lodge. The trial of Frank Castile for the mur der of Beck at Cleveland, will begin at Goldendale next Wedneeday. Hunting ton & Wilson will defend him. Lutheran services at the courthouse tomorrow as follows: Morning service at 11; Sunday school at 12:03. There will be no evening service. Five disconsolate and masterless dog gies were enclosed in sucks this morn insr, and then ruthlessly dumped into a barrel full of water, and held under neath until their bark slipped. There arc others. The ladies of the Christian church will serve ice cream and cake, and strawberries and cake next ednesday evening in the Bunnell building next to the land oflice. The small sum of 15 cants will purchase either combination, and the proceede go for church work. Mr. Frank Davenport, the Hood lliver niill-man, is in the city. He has the j contract for building the big irrigating ( flume nnd ditch on the west side of Hood lliver valley, and is one of the principal stockholder. He tells us the ditch will be completed about the middle of July. It will cost $20,000 and furnish -iwu inenes or water. At the Conerreimtional church, corner of Court nnd Filth streets, Sunday services ae usual: At 11 a. in. and 8 P. m. worship, und a sermon by Kev. H. H. Wykoff of Berkeley. Sunday school immediately after the morning service, Meeting of the Young People's Society ol Christian Endeavor at 7 p.m. All persons not worshipping elaewheie are cordially invited. There was almost an accident in the yard this morning near the, depot. Mr. Oangor-was driving acroiB the track with his Binglo-Btandard coloed horse and little cart, just as theSpokane flyer pulled out. The horeeJlnstead of Btick iR to the middle of thi road like a good I'opulist, made up lis mind that it would be a good tBing to fiiBe, and bo turned and started 1o the railroad track YOU SHOULD WATCH YOUR "Ps Qs" Competition may ho " the life of trade," but unless fairly and fully met, it is often the death of the trader! Con sequently our is kept, right- up to the times able to meet all competition and to supply all demands. FOR THE BALANCE OF THIS $4.S15 I irini, Snitino-c hv Hio vnnl M wn lmi.rt lw 5.00 1 ollllingh 0 U10 anl (JUO lenglllfe o.50 in piece) reduced from 7")C. and SI .00 T os 1 ' .... s'.2o to 00 an'd 75o FREE FREE FREE Between the hours of 2 and 5 p. m. on Saturday next will present to each lady making a purchase in our ry Goods Department, ONE CHILD'S PARASOL. Display in Dry Goods Window. PEASE ahead of the train, which had to stop to keep froui'scattering the foolish animal's remains at the front door of the Herrick cannery. Several years ago this same animal did the same trick at the railroad crossing on the road to Klindt's, and I that time made a successful fusion, as Mr. Gangor, the horse and cart were all piled in the ditch. The cart was de-1 molished, but the horse and master , were unhurt. A dispatch to Local Weather Observer' Brooks, received at 9 o'clock this morn ing, says: "The Snake in last twenty-J four hours rose .4 at Weisernnd fell .2 at j Lewiston. The Columbia at Umatilla rose .7 and at Wenatchee .8. The river will rise here .8 a day until Monday noon, when it will rise slowly for forty eight hours. Warmer weather will pre vail on headwaters of Columbia, begin ning Sunday." Tli W lite I'm. Mr. Pagne's report yesterday shows a i rapid rise in the riveis above, up to Fri day morning. At Northport the Colum bia rose 2.1!, at Wenatchee .9, at Lewis ton .7 and at Weieer .i). The report further says: The rivers all have a less rise this morning, except at Northport, where the effects of the warm weather of Wednesday are already shown. The cool weather occurred twenty-four hours before it was expected, hence the rise by Wednesday next will not be as much as was looked for. The river here at 7 o'clock was a"t 415, a rise of .8 since yesterday morning. From the above data it is probable the 45-foot mark will be reached here by Wednesday, which will be about the limit for this year. WlittHt I'l-ospeoth. The crop reports this week show a de cidedly poor condition of wheat in In diana, Illinois,. Missouri and Wisconsin, the percentage of the usual yield being estimated for those states in the order named at 01, 37, G5 and 54. The foreign reports show average wheat prospects in Kuesia, Germany, Hungary, Spain, Aus tria, Italv and Sweden. The viceroy- cables to Loudon that India will have nn wheat for export this year. In f or.np it ip Htimated the crop will fall eagt 20,000,000 bushels below the uvorage Wanted. a situation by a man acquainted with j tlie general merchandise business in all . j jtH branches buying, selling, keeping 8t0l!i. in order, attending to books, etc. j nn(j capable of managing business entire, j I or WOuld accept a situation in any de-. j partment or would take charge of store j in tne citv or out of town. As regards salary, would accept any terms to be employed or would make trial without compensation, and will give the best of references. AddresB postoffice box 211. Klk, Attention. A special session of Cascade Lodge will be held this (Saturday) evening at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of initiation. Bv order of the exalted ruler. G. W. Piiku's, Secrotary. ? DEPHRTlTlEHT k WEEK. 1 per yard. & MAYS 9 THE SHERIFF GOT HIM. Which SlicnvH Tluit There Are Mmiy Wuyx or Oiling Thini;. Boggs, the man who hired a team at Rufus a week or so ueo from Bate Clark and sold it, and who afterwards per suaded the. widow Newsome to gather her family around her and skip with him, is ornamenting the interior of the Wasco county juil this morning, with a fair chance of soon having larger and more permanent quarters in the peni tentiary. When he left here on the boat, a tele gram was sent to the officers at Port land, but in some manner he eluded them, and while they weie watching the Southern Pacific trains, Boggs, the widow and familv took the Northern Pa cific for Seattle, and from that port the boat for the haven of Victoria. Sheriff Driver traced him up and de termined to have him, so early this week he went to Victoria. There before an august justice of the peace he told of Boggs sinning, and was promptly in formed that hoise stealing was not an extraditable offense. Driver knew thin, but was out with a net to see what kind of fish he could catch. To a gentle in sinuation that the mw might be bent a little, the Britisher returned a chilling frost, with the assertion that "the law was never bent in her majesty's do minions." Then Tom took another tack and sent parties to Boggs to hire him to go over to Port Townsend to assist in bringing over sheep. Boggs hadn't lost nnv flhMn nn flip TrmrnH Kftituc cliln nf the line. However, after much manipu-1 lation our sheriff in some manner per suaded him to go on the boat and de tained him until it pulled out. At any rate, whatever the process was, he ar rived here this morning in charge of the sheriff and will have his trial next week. The widow Newsome and her four children were left in Victoria. For her j it was a sad ending of a brevet honey moon, sweet spell that was too beautiful to last, and that has probably ended for- ever. I.uht Day itt School. J Last Friday, the 14th inst., witnesstd j the closing of the Antelope public schools for the present term and a large number of the parents and other pat-1 rons of the school were present to hear the exercises rendered by the pupils. . Everyone of the pupils performed his j or her part in a very creditable manner, i and the program was an interesting and ! instructive one in every particular. The brass band boys were also out in full force, and rendered several of their beet ' selections. Remarks were also made by Rev. Leech, and the writer, both of whom 1 called attention to the fact that Miss i Lewis was deserving of great credit for ! the able manner in which she had con ducted the school under so many ad verse circumstances. Miss Lewis also thanked the parents and pupils for the kind treatment they have given her, and on Monday morning following she de parted for her home in The Dalles, to Si'The Delft 5 J Enameled Ware. Mixed Blue and White out side and White inside. "The. Delft" is the latest ware out in cooking utensils. Trices are about -the same as granite ware, and a great deal cheaper than the aluminum ware, and prettier than either of them. Call and see the goods at MAI ER& BENTON'S 1G7 Second Street. which place she carries the best wishes of her pupils and ttieir parents. An telope Herald. Thirty Tuns of Strnwhcrrlu. Thursday night Hood River shipped about 500 crates of Strawberries, last night over tiOO and tonight 'th'e ship ment will reach the 1,000 mark, and yet the season.is only begun. Next week shipments will probably amount to thirty tons a day. Just think of the number of spoonfjfull of deliciouenesf that would make; How many a young fellow those red berries will tempt, to blow, in his money just to see his best girl drop theui clown inside of her corset, while sbo smiles languishly at him, and thinks with every swallow what a sucker he is. Well. Hood River people will cot fGO.OOO out of it, one-half of which will be paid by the aforesaid nuckerH, but Hoed River doesn!t cate. The fel low gets the worth ofhis money watch ing the girl, nqjcountint! the berries he eats, which are clear profit, and she has her share free, which is all profit to her. First Woiiiuti In tliu (.'iiiiip. Mike Flahertey returned yesterday from the North Fork of Salmon river. While ho was at (Jraigtown, which id seven miles back of the railroad, the first lady made her appearance in camp. .She is Mrs. Augusta Jieaton, and the boys jrave her a great reception. An over green arch was erected over the bridge across the river and she was presented with a big wooden key und the freedom of the city on her arrival. In the even ing a banquet was given by Mr. Uingold in his new hotel, and Mr. Craig, the father of the town, delivered the address of welcome. Hossland Miner. BUSINESS LOCALS. Nebraska corn for sail) at the Wiiwo warehouse. Jiest feed on earth. jnU-tf English and JJelgian cement, very best imported brands, for sale by Wasco Warehouse Co. myC-liu Wanted A girl to do general house work In a small family. Must be a good cook. Apply at this oflice, ml7'tf A gold watch-charm, with A. O. U. W. emblems nnd initials J.'A. M., has been lost. Finder please leave at this office. inlo tf The merchant who tells you he has something else as good as Hoe Cake soap is a good man to keep away from, u'2 liin for ftuln or Truilu. A desirable ranch of 100 acres, within I lour miles of Dalles City, with one span mares, harness, wagons, plows mid other property. Fine fruit laud and abun dance of water. Will trade for Dalles City property. Inquire of A, H, Mac Au.miKii, Heal Kctate and Insurance Agent. Chkonicm! office, The Dalles, Or. Yellow washing powder will mako your clothes the same color. Avoid this by using Soap Foam. It's pure white. oii 8m This is an "Age of Soap." Why use any but the very best. Best soap means floe Cake. Hold by Pease & Mays. a'Jt'Hm The Latest Thing in LAWN MOWERS The Pastime. The PASTIME cuts the grass within 1-HV of an inch of a tree, fence or wall. The old style will not cut within 3. ituiitv. The PASTIME tlrivo wheels are inolde the line of rutting knives, and therefore ntver go over unmown gras?. Anybody ran sharpen the PASTIME with a common tile. II you try to sharpen the old style you ruin it. The PASTIME is cheaper at double the cost of the old style mower, for the reason that during the life of a mower, the cv?t of sharpening alone equal the cost of mower. L Call and see the PASTIME at the store of MAYS & CROWE. We Carry Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Lime and Cement, Farm Machinery, Bain Wagons, Champion Mowers and Reapers, Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron, Barb Wire, Etc. JOS. Phone 25. Baby Carriages JUST AKItlVEl) AT 'I'M 10 Jacobson Book & Music Co. Where will also he found the largest ami most com plete line of Pianos, ami other Musical Instruments in Eastern Oregon. Complete Line of FISHING TACKLE, Notions, Base Hall Goods, Hammocks, Hooks and Stationery at Hud rock Prices. New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. Again in business at (tut old stand. I would be pleased to see all my former patrons. Prvu delivery to any part of town. M. Z. DONNELL, P$ESCflPTIOrl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Oj)p. A. M. Williams it Go., Lumber, Building Material and Boxes TradediorHay, Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c. rowe & CO., VatU in Voiir Check. All county warrants registered prior to Dec. 1, 1802, will he paid at my office, Interest ceases after May 7, 1897. O. L. i'liii.i.ii'H, Couiitv Treasurer. l or HMle. Yearling sheep (1000 head,) sound and in prime condition. Price $1.75, Ad dress, J. M. Davis, w-mlif Sherars Bridge, Oregon, We sell Hoe Cake eoap, Pease A Mays. aU-2m a full line of T. PETERS & CO (HiiLochMir to C'lirlHiimii t CnrMJii, FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Til 10 PALMOS, OK. The Dalles Or Miv Vnur ttrulu. Few realize that each squirrel do slroys 41 .50 worth of grain annually. Wakelee'a Squirrel and fiopher Kxterm ir. uor 1b the most effective and eeqnom ical poison kuown. Price reduced to 30 cunts. For Bale by M, Dounell, Agent. Do von want your windows cleaned, carpets taken up, beaten and re laid, or janitor work of any kind done by a llrst-class man? If bo, telephone Henry Johnson at Parkins' barber shop, Phone 111). nl0-tf