1 ?ip VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY. MVY 22. 1897 NO ti t l)c Dalles HiK Cliromck THE WAR. IN URUGUAY Battle Between state Troops and Insurgents. TRIED TO KILL THE PRESIDENT l-rt ii Hoy Shoot at Ilini, ami Then lie 1 Sent n lioinli From I.n 1'llltH. NkwYouk, May 21. The Herald's correspondent in Montevido telegraphs that fierce fighting has been going on for four days near the Brazilian frontier. The fighting is still in progress, and both sides have sustained heavy losses. Lamas, one of the rebel leaders, lias continued at the head of his forces for the four days, in spite of the fact that he has been seriously wounded. The forces in action on both sides have had practically no rest since the begin of the engagement. Another attempt lias been made to assassinate President Borda, of Uruguay. Tim first, nttemnt was made bv a bov. who tried to shoot the president ; the j i . r i i. ... i last ii) means oi a uumw, iiiou io sent to the president from La Plata, Argentina, and which he received re cently. The bomb was in a box, arranged eo that it would explode when opened. Fortunately, suspicion was aroused, and was turned over to the police and de stroyed. The Herald's correspondent in Rio de Janeiro says Brazil is taking steps to strengthen her navy. The president will ask congress to immediately appro priate money for the purchase of ono ironclad, two cruisers and eight torpedo boats. A treaty has been signed by Brazil and Peru to replace the boundary land marks. Reports have reached Rio de Janeiro that the government troops have again met defeat at the hands of the fanatics near Canudo. It is reported that Juan Branilas, one of the leaders of the fa natics, is dead. It is stated that the van guard of the government troops haB been destroyed. A bill has been offered in the chamber of deputies ottering an award of 500 centos for some method of protecting citizens of Brazil from yellow fever. It MIDDY FIGHT WITH BANDITS. ! STILL OWES HIS RENT. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated (or Its prrent leavening strength nud lienlthfulness. Assures the food Hgninst nlum nnd nil forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Royal IIakini; Powdkii Co. Xnw Yokk. about forty-five miles west of here near Golcontla. A miner named William Meagher was working in a shaft about seventy-five feet deep. He had put in a stick of giant powder, fired the fuse and gave the signal to hoist. His jumping into the bucket caused it to swing, and Meagher was thrown out and fell, striking on his head. The men on top were afraid to go to his rescue. In a few seconds the explosion oc curred. The men descended and found Meagher lying about' three feet from where the blast went off. His skull was badly fractured, but he was not seriou? ly hurt by the explosion, although the Bhatt is only 0x11 feet. The injured man was brought to ttie surface, and re gained consciousness in three hours. He is well known in Nevada nnd Colorado. Anil Dim llnniuii'liui l.iimllailv !n tenilN to Collect. A suit will shortly bo befruo against a wealthy Xew YorKor and :i member of many leading' clubs in this city fort ho recovery of n balance of three months' rent that, ho is alleged to owe for the tenancy of n house in 15udnoi4, Par ticulars of Ihe claim wore received re cently nt the Auslro-Hunjrnrian con Milalc and the case was subsequently transferred to the cure of the attorneys for the consulate, savs the New York Tribune. The complainant is Mmc. 11. Sehmitt Ordody, a prominent. bnsine.. woman in the lluiifrnrinn capital. llo,r proper ty includes a villa situated in a fash ionable part of Hint city, hast sunt-' mer, on ttie occasion of the Austro-llun-gwrian exposition, she arsorts that she rented her villa to the defendant for the months of .luly, August and Septem ber for l,'.i(K) florins, and of this amount GOO florins is still due. This sum she lias instructed the consulate to re cover by Jepral process. Some merriment was caused in the consulate by the fact that a remittance of CO cents was inclosed by Mmc. Or dody in her letter, presumably as a re tainer. If this was actually the purpose which Mine. Ordody desired the money tp be devoted to it would be pmbably tlie smallest retaining- fee over offered to a lawyer in this country. The law yer who will take proceedings ajrainst the American explained recently, how ever, that, Mine. Ordody intended the money to cover preliminary stamp foe-'. In Hungary a petition to the courts is obliged to have ntlixed a revenue stump of the value of about 00 cents. The de fendant is at present abroad and is sup. posed to be, traveling in Russia. CAN ENGLAND BE INVADED? How Two Mineinvnui-H llattled for Their Lives. Sr. Louis, May 21. Edward Callahan, owner of the Barranca silver mine in Mexico yielding 1000 tons of .fJ0-o.-e a day and a millionaire, is here en route to Xew York to bo treated for the in juries he received in a fight with bandits. It was widely repotted at the time that he had been killed. On April 20, Mr. Callahan and his partner, James Kuline, were held up near Ameca, Mexico, by Mexican bandit?, while on their way to their mine with the weekly payroll. After i receiving 17 knife wonnds, Callahan fell ! across the wagon seat, weak from the loss of blood. Lying there helpless, he witnessed a terrible sight. "The team had traveled perhaps 100 yards alter wo were attacked," said Mr. Callahan. "About 20 feet back, lying in the road, I saw Jim. Ho was on his face, but I could see that ho was not dead, though the blood was pouring from a wound in las side and dyeing the dust about him. "As I lay there helpjeaa, I saw his baud steal up toward his gun, and a sudden hope sprang up within me. Nut the Mexicans, too, had seen the move, and It cost him his life. With a yell, one of the fellows sprang upon him and wrenched his gun from his belt. 1 bad raised my head to see, and, pointing tbe sixshooter, he fired every chamber at me, but without effect, though I dropped down again. Raising his dirk, he plnng ed it into poor Jim's body repeatedly, "early every blow, as an examination ailerwnrd showed, going through him." Relieving that Callahan was mortally ?ate' U' hndt8 le't him to his Strange Accident in a Conner Mine. B.vm.u Mountain, New May 21. A peculiar accident occurred Wednesday evening at the Adelaide copper mine, Something to Depend On. Mr, James Jones, of the drug firm of Jones & Son, Cowden, III., in speaking of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that last winter his wife was attacked with LaGrippe, and her case grew so terious that physicians at Cowden and Pana could do nothing for her. It seemed to develop into HaBty Consumption. Hav ing Dr. King's New Discovery in store, and selling lotB of it, he took a bottle home, and to the surprise of all she be gan to get better from the first dose, and half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound and well. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to do this good work. Try it. Free trial bottles at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. ,.5) CKETK WILL ACCiU'T IT. Autonomous Government Satisfactory to Insurgent.. Oanoia, Crete, May 21. The Cretan insurgents have received instructions from Athens to accept an autonomous form of government on conditon that the Turkish troops be previously with drawn. The insurgents appear to approve this plan. Old I'eonle. Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Electric Bitters. This medicine does not stimulate and contains no whisky nor other intoxicant, but acts as u tonic and alternative. It acts mildly on the stomach and Dowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding Nature in the nerformance of the functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find it just exact ly what they need. Price 50 cents and $1.00 per bottle ut Blakeley & Hough ton's Drug Store. Tho Westfield (Ind.i News prints the following in regard to an old resident of that place: "Frank McAvoy, for many years in the employ of the L., N. A. & C. Ry. herepsaya: 'I have used Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Ilemedy for ten years or longer am never without it in my family. I take pleasure in r commending it.' " It is a specific for all bowel disorders. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. The INiMNililllty of Forelirn Force l.uiHlliiK' on the Little Ixle. Is there any danger of England beirg invuded by a foreign toe? This que tion was recently put to Gen. Wolsele , says a London letter. His reply was as follows: "Not so long ago we were within .measurable distance of a war with France. Such a war, believe me, would not be only naval. A country which has such a colossal army as France would certainly wish to use it. Invasion, at tempted or accomplished, would have to be one of the military contingencies to be considered by us. Of course wo rely upon our fleet for preventing a de scent. "The navy is our 'first lino,' but thcr are some who think 1 do not say that I am one of thorn that our navy is not . immeasurably superior to the French that wo can always count upor. meeting it strength for .strength at the critical moment in tho home seas. "Command of the. channel might l? obtained by stratagem or after conllici and a very short time a couple of da, s would suffice to effect u very secure lodgment on our shores. To, no; in vasion is not impossible. Yon Molt la thought that, although he said it woul I be easier to get into England than out it again. 1 dare say we should give a good necount. of ourselves to invaders--, but the shock, the temporary paralys' nnd collapse would bo very terrible, oven if we triumphed in the end. Hut let us hope that invasion is very far olV indeed." tiuvu tint Servant Ah ny. A parrot in a certain family was usually kept in the dluing-room with the family, but during the winter wa; removed to tho kitchen for greater warmth. When the winter was past it again made its appearance among tho family, whom it amused with tin uow remarks it had picked up in tlif kitchen. On one occasion, when the bell lind boon rung for something, tin parrot was hoard remarking from his cage: "Let 'cm ringnfjain!" Give the Boys puritan a Chance. Just because he's a boy, do not suppose ho eaves nothing for nice looking and good-fitting nothing. Buy him something ho likes and it will last him twice, as long; he will take better care of it ; he will be a better bov. We have made special effort this season to have Iho correct furnish ings for the. little men, from Head wear to Footwear. Styles to please the purse as well as the eye. ... . .i'i'-" V" ,M . . . We call special attention to our lino of Hoys' Eton and Reefer Suits; they are very nobby and can be had from $1.85 up. Just because they are for Hoys, we haven't overlook the points that help to make a shoe desirable. Our Shoe Department represents tho most ad vanced styles in Hoy's footwear. Latest Colorings. Latest Lasts. Oxbloods and popular Tana in the new 10c Coin and narrow square Vale Tocb. MAKE Most ITp-to-Date Styles in Boys' Blouses and Waists. Cool and Dressy. Fancy Figures Per cale; white irronild, nowoHt di'sluns; ruf lled and frilled ; similar to cut, f0c. Plain Tan Liuonettes; same style, fril led front; collar and oull'd trimmed with rulllo of name material. We claim (IiIh Waist unapproachable at price fiDe. And a dozn other slvles at o0c, Too, tl.OO and Jl.liO. While fitting out the hoys, don't forget tho girls. Wo have just received a shipment of White Kid Sandals tho most correct thing for gradu ates' wear. A. US. WILLIAMS CO. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. HON. W. J. BRYAN'S BOOK 18 TugeM a Week. 150 Taper a Vnr It stands first among '"weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety und reliability of con tents. It is practically n daily at the low price o a weekly ; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and faimesB of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reporte, all the latest fashiond for women and a long series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, Coiiuii Doyle, .leroiuw K. .Ii-rome, SIuiiIh)- Wuyiiiun, fllitry K. Wilkin Anthony Hum', I'.ri-t Hurt.-, Itrundci- .llulthfiv, Kto. We offer this unequaled new spaper and Tho Dalles Twicc-a-Week Chronicle to getlier ono year for $2.00. The regular price of the two papers is 3.00. THE FIRST BATTLE T1IK nilHT IIA'ITI.K in nil lutetintlnit iitory of I In' ureal imlltlciil HtniKitlii il lhW, IIh tiioitt Important uvi'titM uiul tliu nin"v Ibsiu-n Involve!; ii 1ikIch1 liciitlt-e on HI-iiiciiiIIImii n uttered by eminent uxixineiitH, InolmlliiK the urt takon by lieu. W. J, llryuii In tlio Hllvvr iinlmtlmi prior to the Ik'iiini'rntli.- National Convention, ami ilur I oi; tin- t'aliimlKli; tlm liwt oxiiinpli-K of IiIh won il?rlul oratory, tliu inotit notowottliy Inclilonln of IiIh fiimoiiu tour, it careful review of tliu illtlcul tltniitlnii, it (lUoiihhlon of tliu election ri'tiirint uiul tliu IkiiIik.'iiiil'o tliureof, ami tliu fntiiro l.orMMIItU-x of 111-iiietiilllMii in, a iMtlltluil timuti. STYLES AND PRICES: Itichly and durably bound in KukIIbIi Cloth, plain odes; portrait of the au thor forming the design on cover; autograph preface; iiiiiKiiillcent pro seututiu.n plale In silver, Kohl and blue; contaluliitf 000 paus and 112 full-piife illufetratioiiM tt 75 In halt-Morocco, marble odjro. . . '-25 In full-Morocco, ttilt edge 2 75 M. J. WOODCOCK, Apont, Wamio, Or. More comfort and pleas ure from tea try Schil ling's Best No risk if you don't like it, the grocer returns your monev in full. - - - A Sclillliac & Company San Francuco 5M Kept itt n DlHdiiu-f. Miss Ohlcnj,'o f had Mr. Dyer at my feet last nlfrht. Miss GoUiaiu He couldn't have been very near you.- Town Topics. How's TliU! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any caEe of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve hiui perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially uble to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Waldinv, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole sale UriiKiiitUe, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by Druggists. Testimonials free. 1-5-9 B LOOP POISON tlary iil.OOM 1'OIBON permanently cured In 16 toS5 days. You can bo treated at homo f oreiimo prlco under same Kuaruit ty . If you nrof ur to coiue ticro no will con. tract to nay railroad farcand hotel ulllsjiriil rjocbaree, If we full to cure. 1 f you have taken mer cury, Iodide iiotai.li, and still bavo uches and pains, Mucousl'tUt'licfi in mouth, Horn Throat, k'lruplei), Copper C'olorud NpolM, Ulcer on any part of tho body, Jlulror Kytihrow lallluu out, It Is tblt KecouUary JlLoOO I'OISON ve araarantco to cure. Wo solicit tho most obiitl Date cases und cliuIleiiKe the world for m Sase wtt cannot cure, 'i'lils dlrease has always afllea the skill of tho most euilneut pliysl clu ui- 11500,000 capital behind our uncoadW tional (raanmtT. Absolute proof sent sealed oq itppllcatton. Address COOK ItKMKUY CO Wi Masonic Tempi CfUCAUO, IJUU Assignee's Notice Final Settlement, Notice Is her. by kIvoii that the undersigned, ufeMk'nt-u of tho ontuto of K. K. Williams, uu In boUt-nt debtor, huu filed bis final uccoiint mid report In will usslKiimeiit with the Clerk of tho Cln ult (Joint of tho Hliitoof OreKon for Wusco County, mid that tho cami) will bo culled up for hcurinif bffio tho Judge of tuld Court on the first day of tho next regular term of Mild Circuit Court, lo-wll: Oil Monday, tlie Ultli duyol May. Ihy7. or If tho fcuino chiiiioI bo heard by suld Court ut wild tl'no, us oon tbereafter x the sumo can bo heard by suld Court. llutcd this Itith day of April, 1M)7. A. B. MCAU.ISTKIi, Assignee of the cstuto of It, '.. Williams, an iiisolvent uebtor, u!7-St-lI Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. ! Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. I Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, and all klnclu of MILL KEKD ; Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour. Thin Flour ih manufactured cxjiretmly for ftimlly iihu ; eerv Hitck in uuurauteed to tfivo uatibfautlon. Wo cell our uoodo lower than any lioiifo In the trade, and if you don't think bo call anil net our pricee and be convinced, Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON 175 Second Street. The Dalles, Oregon .'.-ABTISTS MATBEIAXiS.-tS Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention, A 4