The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 21, 1897, Image 4

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7t .
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Tin: dai. i. i:s,
Aclvi'i tMtig; linto. i
Prriiich ,
One Inch or less in Dully . ..JIM,
Over two Inches and under four Inches .. 1 00 !
Over four Inches and under twelw Inches . T. j
Over twelve inches
One Inch or lws, per Inch
Over one inch anil traitor four Indie-. . .
Over four Inches ami under twelve Inoho
Over twelve Inches ...
m '
f- ft'
2 oo!
1 50 I
ri;i;sn na i. j i kst i o n
John End is in from Winnie to
Dr. Adams came in from Tyjjli
Jlr. Alex. .Mel.eod
cam in fiotn
Kinusley last nijiht.
Mr. Asa Stocsdill is in tin; city
lyah, and called at this otTiee.
"ilr. David Garrison ie very danger
ously ill of pneumonia sit his home in
this city.
K. H. Thornlon, dean of the law do
part munt of the state university, is in
the city on legal business.
Jliiv Hester Ilu?!;, who has been
teaching school at Tyh valley for about
live weeks, has resigned her position for
the purpose of joiuint: her brother at
Stanford univeraitv.
At Unfit;, Thursday, Hay 20th, to the
wife- of A. H. Craft, a son."
All vortl-ed l.utteiL
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postofliee at The, Dalles un
called for May 22, 1S97. Persons call
ing for the same will give tlate on which
they were advertised :
Ander-on, Lewis
Hrowti, Mrs T A
Bowen, Henry
Campoell. John A
Crane, fiessie
Davis, E
Frauiz-!, Will
Miller, Mary
Kelson, ?iiiniiie
Nelson, Inurid
Nelson, Ernest
O.ieii. .)
Itubisin, Bertha
Sece, Mrs Alhe M
Walter, O L
'Wilson, Hattie
Brown, C 1)
Bull, Irene
Blair, Geo
Davis. E D
Fuller, August
Hurst, G A
Montgomery, Prude
Nelson, Sigrid
Newsom, E D
Obrest, Chas L
Uoberts, Allen
Stevens, Loron
Walker, S C
Wiseman, Minnie
Walker, Lucy
J. A. Cuossex, P. M.
L 1 VING TCxT T"as i . C'onJL:.i
of tl.e American
There are two undesirable
Ihing-s thsit belong in th--physical side
Df our initial), rind one in very largely
Jependesit. upon the oilier it not the
autgrowth of it. Thc.-e are the dis
ease called neurasthenia, better under
stood if we call it tired-out-uerves, and
the other the serious defects of .sion
which we all rccopnrze indeed the oc
eilNts (and they are not responsible
Cor it) are fast transforming1 us into a
spectacled nation.
The rush and bustle of this American
Tife ici too much for us. We live too fast,
jat. sleep, siud die too fast. Our civili
zation wakes lis lie fast. We are -i
quick-fort une-ir.ciking jK'ople. Wall
street liass-hown us how fortunes win be
made iu a daj and lost in si day. To ac
quire the cue and avoid the other has
made many men of 40 assume the ap
pearance of men of 60. il is safe to pay
that "Wall street, mill the peculiar kind
of fever generated in .similar localities
affords one of the most serious menaces
to the people of this country and 1' do
not except sochil vices and the evils ol
And yol. every college gymnasium in
the country, every Vnuug Men Chris
tian "'atiou, is it work iuruMiriu".
and tustli:?'- it meinbei-s, and the result
of these measurement a and tests will
return, to us much of value. From
them wo. -hall learn what wo have ol
physical value in certnin classes of out
pr 'Von. True, they conn from se
lect d lasses and do not by any mean'
over t'w1 whole ground, and yet they
aro most Important, to the student of
anlliro'ioloy. Our police records, too.
arc beaming1 of more value in that
Horn tbom wo Irtu'n more of Uv
I.IivsIeaJ inake-up of the criminal das
In many of our large cities, pursuant
(o a plan adopted in France and Bel-
(r'um owl other continental countries,
exn-t. rnea.suminent. as well cis photo-yra-
lia of all criminals aro made.
While thir. is done largely as u means of
Identifying later, still it is giving to us
aertuin physical cliauictoristies which
aim .'iJmost be. called constants of the
criminal class. I'rof. K. Hitchcock', Jr.,
if. D in Chautauquan.
Uiiu'h Till!
We ofr-r One Hundred Dollars Heward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
curt-d by Hull's Catarrh Cure,
F. J. Chunky & Co. I'rops., Toledo, U.
We the underfeined, have known F,
J. Cheney for the last lf years, and be
lieve nim perfectly honorable, in all busi-iii-ss
transactions and linancially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
West & 'I max, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, Ohio.
Waldiug, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole
eitlu Di tigyiste, Toledo, Ohio.
H al I 'd Catarrh Cure iu taken internal
ly, acting directly upon the blood ami
jiiiii inih Hiirfuces of the system. Price
7fie,. tier bottle. Sold by Druggists.
Terftiiiioiiiala free. 1.5.0
tjoavy Quiib to Bo Pluntod on Long
Islimil Hand.
Utlicr Points Tlmt Will 1U GlilMillccI
with Lurfjo Cinnoii To Ho l'ri.
imri'il for I'oi!llilo Interna
tlnniil Differences.
Aethc pionarations are nov oeing
i m:i(ti liv tin? rciivosontiit Ives of the war
! department iu lioston for the defense of
Huston. J he a)propriation for this
work, which was passed by the lasteon
gresA, is now available, and work has
begun is fortifying the different har
bors, throughout the country. Boston
will receive a portion of this uppiopria
I ion, and Lieut. Col. Manslield. who is
in charge of this (HsU'iet, has received
oidernt l'ri.tii Use depaitment at Wash
ington to provide emplacements lor
time ten -inch rilles and two live-inch
rapid-iiiv guns. The fact that thes-v were to be placed in the harhoi
u.u learned from the war department
the otlu r lnovning, and tlie expense of
them i ti come out of the new appro
priation of $11,000,000.
These guns are to be placed on what is
commonly known as Long Island Head,
situated on the eastern end of Long
Island. The department has appointed
Lieut. Meriweather L. Walker to assist j
Lieut. Col. Mansfield in placing the guns j
in positio:i. and to aid generally in ear- '
rying out the plans as far as the fort:fy- ,
imj of the harbor is concerned. For '
some time it has beeu contemplated to I
put guns t-n Long Island Head. During
the early part of this year work was a)- ,
rendy b"gun in making the preliminary !
nrrangvnunrs for its and tbeexcavatmg j
has almost been completed. There is i
no doubt but that the department in
tends to push the v. ork as rapidly as I
possible, now that the necessary appro
priation is available. j
Tlie carriage for the first ten-inch
gun is being built at the Waterfown
arsenal, and will be ready in the near
future for .shipment to Long Island.
j Lieut. Col. Mansfield has advertised for
piopasals for cement, sand and stme
I for the battery at that place, ar.d they
i will be opened at his oi'.iee in th post
oriiee building at noon on Augu-i l i.
j From present indications the work will
I be completed on or about December 1.
! It is stated that there is the t-ame ae-
' tivity displayed in other cities as well as
I in Boston; and at tin. present time all ;
j the government stations whcie guns
! and carriage can be man Ufa-, t tired arc
j in lull operation. A large numbet of ,
i contract.! have al-o been made with pri-
vato lirms in different parts of the
I country for the manufacture of both ,
j guns and carriages. There i . no doubt
in the minds of the oiiiciais that the I
slight controversies that the United
n the matter ot strengtnening the du-
fercnt liarbor.i for defense, and it is as
signed as one reason why there is .o
much haste in fortifying them with
modern guns.
In the last six months, it is stated on
excellent authority, the Watertowa ar
ienal has shipped about ."0 gun-car-ria;"
s to various harbors in the United
Stairs. Among these are the six or
eight that were placed in position at
Fort Warren in Uoston harbor a I'm
weeks ago. Others were sent, to ;?an
Francisco, New York, Rhode Island and
othei , laces. There i other evidence
that the department is do.irous of h.'.
ing the harbors fortified as soon .ispo1 -ble,
cs;.i i-ially those of New York .mil
t!r.-lon. Previous to the beginriii' of
the i"ical year on July 1, the - tr d -uvtment
naMJied Lieut. Col. ?!:" n -b
to i i-:n t!; the work at Fort ;,itluop
so ;,.:; thr place is now in iei-ll. t i-oi.-dlti.Mi
and leady for service at ai'. tin"-.
Tl..' gu::s to 1k put on Lor.:- I i.ii I
He; d :'.' of the di-sappciiri!!,"' 1 nl 'in,
ar.d v. illcor.t the ."ovcr'ir:,-::t i I ui:t -7 .
()''( i-a eh 'i'iirri' a pos.,!!;ilit thai all
the gnus. will i.ot le. erected at that
point, but distriiiuted at cm or is a
other places.- -V;f,!oi! Ti ::i, script.
.StoultlioIilur' .Mi'iilin;;.
Notice is hereby given that a muling
of the stockholders of Tho Dalles Chron
icle Publishing Company will be held at
the county court rooms on Tuehday, the
L'oth day "of May, A. D., lS'J7,at 2
o'clock p. in., for the purpose of adopt
ing suplimentary articles of incorpora
tion, increasing the capital stock of said
company and transacting such other
business as may come before said meet
ing. Hy order of the Hoard of Directors.
The 'Dalles, Oregon, April 'J, 1897.
A. Mac Am istiju,
li, G. Davkni'okt,
I.oiiunelO a Viftuo,
Why should lofiuaciou.i 1,'irla bo belios''
Pray answer mo thlsi rl'hlle,
I nialtn a kucss, it 1b I cause
Their tonBues hm y. i.i tlie tniddlo.
X. Y. Tribune
Executor's Sale. i
I'urhuuiit to an older of tho County Court of j
tho Jitato of Orcxon for the Watco County, inadu i
uud tmerul on the &i day of May, lt'J7, in the I
mutter of tliu estate of James Mclialiaii, deceased, .
diiectitu; mo to sell tho real property bcloiiBhiK
to tho estate of bald deceased, I will, on Salitr-j
day. tliu 5th day of June. lb'JT. ut the hour of 2
o clock p, in., nt tho eoiirihouso door in Panes 1
i.ii)i wiv'kuhi Bi-ii ub jmiijuu imiu, in inu joKiiesi, coin i iioiiMi in ijanes iiiy, )asco laaiuiy, liro
bidder, all of tho followliiK described real prop-1 koii, has been appointed by said court as tho
erty beloiiBlnif to said otate, to-wit: I ho , tlmo and pluco for lieaririK mid llnal account,
Southwest ipiurter of KeclJnn Klitht. Township Datisl this'iJtli day of March, ls'J7.
Ono Bouth, Kiuiko Kourteurt Kut W. M.,coit. ,U)A .S'lOliSDIiJ,.
tnliilni; ICO acres moro or loss. I Admlnlstritor of tho estate of Mary M. (ior-
ruS-l H. K. lilHONH, Ji.xecutor. don, deccascl. upra-il
jiow bout Your
Wo have tho facilities fordoing all kind.
ol' Job 1'i intiiiu', from a vi.sitinu card lo a
catalogue, and we are after all the work we
can do. "We not only desire ,-,o keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. Come in
and compare our prices with that of any
one, and compare cpiality ol' work. Let us
have your next order.
C. W,
Drapers Manufactured and Repaired.
Pitts" Threshers, Powers and Extras.
Pitts' Harrows and Cultivators.
Celebrated Piano Header.
oils, Etc.
I White Sewmiar Machine and Extras.
Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has
no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE &
MAYS, The Dallas, Oregon.
Notice Final Selllement.
Notice Is liereb) jilven tlmt tlie unrlerMgiuil,
i nshJKiiec of tbeestatitof H. Iv. Wllllnni-, mi in
1 i-olvent ilcbtor, liu 11 led his limit uecoiuic mill
. rvpoit ill Mild iisimniient with the clerk of the
' t'ln nit Court of ilic fctiitec.f Ou''ii for Wasco
' County , nail tlmt tliu same will lo called iii
, lieniiiiK bu'l'oio the Jmlire of said Court on the
I lust day of the next iiKiilur term of Mild circuit
Couit, to-wP: On Mondiiy, tl'ii 'Jltli day of May,
lb'J7. or If the miuic cannot he heaid by naid
! Court at said tl'ae, as soon thereafter as the
, same can bo heard by said Court,
i Dated thh Kill da of Ainil, lt'J7.
i A. S. AUc ALI.ISTr.Ii,
Alsiicc of the estate of It. I:. W illlains. all
insolvent debtor. nl"-5t-il
Administrator's Final Account
Notice is hereby Klven Hint tho tnidcrbisncd,
arlinliiiatiator of tho estate of J. 1). (iilllin, de
ceased, has Illcd his final account, and that
Monday, Hie M day of .May, 1WJ7, at llio hour of
II) o'clock a. in., lias bteu appointed as the Unit'
for healing objections thereto and the settle
incut thcieof. All heiis, creditors or other per
ilous interested iu said estate are hcichy notlllcd
to Ille their oblcctioux to said Una) account, it
any thuy have, on or befoiu tlie day appointed
for the licarini; thcieof.
DmIIcs Cltv. Orevon. .March 23. 1SU7.
I 1.W.O-. I, tl l. I I 1 I I I I. 1.' I . ( lll.lllllL..ll.k.
lll.f-IV II ... 11 (IWlUllllBIl I1IIM ,
Notice of Final Seillemeul.
Notlco is hercliy kIvou that the undersigned
administrator of tho estate of Mary.M, Cordon,
deceased, has tiled tils llnal report and account
in said cstiilo, and that Tuesday, the 1 tl day ot
.iiay, io-j(, ai mo nour oi o ciock p in. ot siail
day at tuo County court room, in tho county
pFflJNf Jiff Q?
publisfyir Qo
& CO,
r.V T11K CIHCIHT CDCKTof the Htate of Ore
i. on for tho County of Wateo.
U. A. OskooiI, I'lalntilf,
Ida Dunn, S)fiicer W. Dunn. iec. II. Dnnu
Iliuviy W. Dunn and Muiy Dunn and N.
Wheablon, as idininl'trator of tho estate of
Wm. II. Dunn, du'eascd, DeteiulaiiK
To Ida ininii, Spoucor W. Dunn, (ieo. II. Dunn,
llarvoy W. Dunn and Mary Dnnu and N.
Whcaldoi), as nilniiiil-tiator of thoistatoof
Wm. II. Dunn, deceased, Defendants:
In the immo of tno Statoof Oregon, You aro
hcichy re(iiliisl to appear and answer the com
plaint illcd astalnst you in tho above entitled
suit within ten days from thodato of tho ser
vice of this niminoiisupon you, If served within
this county; or if served within any other
county of this state, then within twenty days
from tho date of tho service of this tummons
upon you; or If served in on you by publication,
then on or before the Hist day of tho . o.t reauhir
term of said court; and if you fall so to answer,
for want thereof thoplMlntlirwill take JuilKineni
ior want tncrooi tnopiHintlirwill taUujudgmei
against you, the said Ida Dunn, for tho sum i
f 11)1 in f. S. gold coin, uud Interest thereon, I
llko coin, from March o, ib'M, at the rate i
ehrht nor cent per milium; and for tho further
sum ui in uuo coin, una nileiest, III llko
coin, at tho ratu of eight per cent per annum
from l ebruary 1, IfeUii; and for the further sum
of ?MJ nttoni'-y's fees; aad for his costs uud dis
bursements herein: unit for n Judgment and de
cree against all of Mild defendants that all tho
real property described Iu tho complaint, to-wtf
all of lot 0, uud tho east half of lot 3 of block :u
of Huiuhsou's HUH!' Addition to Dalles city.
t.. ....... i... ...,i i .i... . ...
wii-kuiii wu rum, unit mu irueeeus inureoi UO Hp-
pllcd upon said Judgment; uud that each uud
till of said defendants bo forever barred and fcro
elosol of all right, title aud Interest in ur to
said premises and lauds.
This summons Is served upon yon, the said
Harvey W. Dunn and Mary Dunn, by order of
Hon. w. 1.. llradshaw, judge of said court, ilaicil
aprlO II Attoruov for i'lalntll)'.
We sell Hoo Cako eoap, Peaso &
Mays, a3-2m
Notice in hereby given that by nil
thority of oidinancu No. liOJ,, which
E the Common Cound o. Dalles
faitv April 10th, 1807, entitled, 'An or
dinaueo to provide for the ale of certain
ots belonging to Dalles City, ' I will, on
Siuu.dav, the ir.tblav of May, 1Mb ,
,. . ii ,,.!., iii the hi1' heat
sen ai puiMiu uiiv.i'"'M -' -
bidder, all the following loin and parts
nf Mi- in fl.ites addition to Dalles City,
Wasco county, Oregon, to-wit :
l.nis !) mil 10 jointly, in block M; ots
7, S. Oand 10, jointly in block lo; lota
- o ii ....,1 in iniiit v in block 21,
i ' ...,. Ii.ib 1(1. 1 and 111, in
Kiumii c ' " i ,: , ' , , i, i '
nlock 127; lot !) in block .11 1 h ;
'fi. i. 7. S, !), 10 aud 11, in bloclj o;
lloVa, H 1.8. ' 1". Hand 12, in block I
JIG; lots- !. , (i, i. J, v. i "
12, in block 117 ; loth 1. , 4, . b. H,
9, 10. 11 and IU, in block 112; loti 1,2, ..,
4, o .), 10 and 11. in block :'.; lots 1.
Ij, 7', 10. 11 and 1'-', in bloc -II, and lots
I,--', :!, I, r, 0. in blnek-ld.
The leasonalile value of sa 'otn, for
les than which they will no, . sold,
has been bxtd ni.d deteniiinei, t v the
Common Council of Dalles City as fol
lows, to-wit :
Lots 0 and 10, in block M, ifloO; lots
7, S, U and 10, jointly in block 15. if'JOO;
lot? 7, S, 0 and 10, jointly iu block 21.
4200; lot 10, in block 27, iSfi; lot 11, in
block 27, $225; lot 12. in block 27, .fliOO;
lot 0, in block III, if 100; lots 2, IJ, A, o, 8,
!), 10 aud 11, in block "'), cacti respect
ively iflOO; lots (' and 7. in block IN),
each respectivelv $12o; lots 2, II, -I, S, ,
10 and 11, in block :!(, each respectively
100; lot 12, in block 'M, $125; lots !!, -I,
5, S, D, 10 and 11, iu block :i7, each re
snectivelv 100; lota 0, 7 and 12, in
block .".7, each respectively $l2o;
lots 2, Ii. 10 and 11, in bloc:
H, ei'cb rrspectively $100; lotp 1,
7 and 12, in block -H, eacli respectively .
itV'o; lots I!, 4, 5,8,0, 10 and 11, in
block 42, each je.-pectivuly $100; lot. p ,
Oand 12, in block 42, each respectively ;
$125; lots 2, 11,4, 5,0, 10 and 11, in
block 4li, each respectively $100; lot 1,
in block 4:!, $125; lots 2, I), 4 and 5, in
l,ln.L-Ji! i. nidi Ti'tmceti vl v A100: lots 1 !
and 0, ill block 4(1, eacli respectively
Kui-li nf flipso lots will be sold unon
the lot respectively, and none of them
will be sold for a less sum than the value I
thereof, as above stated. j
One-fourth of the price bid on any of
said lots shall be paid in cash at the
time of sale, and the remainder in three
equal payments on or before, one, two
and throe years from the date of said I
sale, with interest on such deferred pay- i
incuts at the rate of 10 per cent per
annum, payable annually; provided
i run me payment may nu liuiiit: in inn
at any time at the option of the pur
chaser. The said sale will begin on thr- 15th
day of May, 1S!)7, at the hour of 2
o'clock p. in. of caid day, and will con
tinue from time to time until all of said
lots snail be sold.
Dated this loth day of April, 1807.
Gu.iirjrr W. Pnni.i'M,
Recorder of Dalles City.
1'iir hnlu.
Lots A, B, K and L, block 30; A B,
block 72; A, B, C, D, E and F, block 82,
and A, K, C, 1) and E, block 25. Apply
tO W.M. tillAOKlU.FOKD.
l'roposalrt for UoiiNtriiotini; Watm- anil
STver SyHtciii.
US. Indian Service, Warm Springs Ageno,-,
. Or.. May 7, lb!7.
SKAI.KD 1'llOl'O.SAUS, endorsed "Proposal
for Water and Sewer System ' and addressed lo
the undersigned at Warm Springs, Crook
County, Oregon, will be recotved'at this agency
until l o'clock p. m. nf May '.'7, 1(!I7, for furnish
ing the necessary materials and labor required
iu the construction and completion of a water
and sower syst-'tn. (including plumbing) for the
boarding school plant to bo erected on this re
serve, In strict accordance with plans and si ed
ucations, which may lo examined at thoollieo
of tho "Morning Oregonian," Portland, dr.,
"I'm:," The Dalles Or., and at this
Haiders will stale clearly iu their bids the
length of time required to complete the work.
Trie right is reseived to icject any and all bids,
or any putt of any bin, If deemed for the best In-
teie-toi tlie service.
I The atlenilon of bidders is Invited to tliu net
of Congress approved August 1, 11).', entitled;
"An act relating to the limitation of thuliums
of daily service of laborers and mechanics em
ployed upon tho public works of the I'nited
Stales and of tho Dlslrlot of Columbia;" also to
tho net of Congress amirove.l AiilmisI l:i. isni
entitled- "An act for tho protection of persons
fuiiiishlnw materials and labor for tho construc
tion of public works."
ci:itriFii;i) adieus,
Kneh bid must bo accompanied bv a ccrtilied
check or dratt upon somo United Slides Depo-d-tory
or solvent .National Hank iu Hie viclnltv of
the residence of tho bidder, made payable to'tha
on er of tho Commissioner of Indian Alliihs, for
at least I- IV K l'ICIt OK NT. of tho amount of the
proposal, which cheek or draft will be forfeited
to tho united States Iu caso anv bidder or bid
deis receiving an awaid shall fall to promptly
execute a contract with good and siillhient
suiclies, otherwise to bo returned to llio bidder.
lllds accompanied b cash tu lieu of a certi
lied check will vol bo considered.
l-'or any additional information, upplv to
mv7-iiiv'J7 U.S. Indian Agent.
J. K. PClIKNlt,
II. M, HK.W.L,
First National Bank.
A tjencral Banking liusmeaa iraiiaitctecl
Depoaite received, aubject to Sicht
Draft or Check.
CoUectiona madu and proceeda promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sifrltt and Telegraphic Exchange Bold on
New York, San Francisco au ,oi-t-land.
I). P. Thompson. Jno. S. Sciiisjck.
En. M. Wiluakh, Gko. A. Likbe.
H. M. Bicai.i..
Harry Liebe,
Watchmaker T Jeweler
All work promptly attended to,
uud WHrruuted,
The Shasta Route
-OK Tllli
Southern Pacific Cotnp'y,
Trains leave mm are due to arrive at ,
. . , ""nitud.
m.-avk. I -
- imn
press, Salem, Im-e-1
In, tr. A . . I r, .
!. I
8:o0 1'. M.
I ...ra HI, Uglllll,SllH
'ranelseo, Moave,
r... ......
'iik:ios,i. 1'Htn,
Uosoburg and mu-'J.
linns ' .
8:."XI A. M,
fy,1'1. WocKlbur'a fori,
''IJIO P.j
Da lb
except .Sunday:.
1:1)0 1'. M.
"::) A. M.
11:15 I'. M.
i V,.' '""ei, onvcriou,
! West Spin. tir......' 1
Mvlllo.Hpr.ngno.ilaiui s
i",-'" ",V." w,1's"lonVior,i m
jlnrrnlll, and way) f'
Dally. tuiy,o;;ccpt Sunday. "
Attached to all Tliiougli Traim,
li.-Uesiiiid tickets to Kastem points nndVn
Al-STItALIA.eaii bcobtalm'd from 1 Mi
' KIKKLAX1), Ticket Agcct
Through Ticket Oliico,l::t Third street, rtei
thrimgh tickets to all points i the Eis'ern
States, t.anadaaud Kuropo can bo obtained ".i
loweit rates from "
). 11. KIltk'LANl), Ticket Aimt
All above trains arrive nt and ilenurt irom
(iiand Central Station, Kifth and Irving streets.
Passenger Depot, foot of Jetierson street
U-iive for OSWKfiO, ilally, except Sunday tt
7:'J0 a. in.; li.':in, 1:15, 6:a, fi:t5, S.05 n.'n
(and ll:nu p. in. on Saturdav only). Arrive it
I'ortland at 7:10 and S'A) a, in.; nnd 1:30, l is
(i:.T) and 7; 55 p. in. ' '
U-ave for Sherfdiin, week days, stt:30p a
Arrive at Portland, u::X) a. m
Leave fur AIltLIK on Monday, WcdnekdaTimil
I'rimy at !):) u. m. Arrive at Portland, W
dav, Tliursday and Saturday at 3:03 p. m.
Sunday trains for OSWKliO leave nt
and VJ! 15, 1 : 15, ;i::M, fuar, r 15 and s 05 p. m, Ar
rive at Portland at ::, Hl:lX) a. n.j l:30,t:b
5:tP, il:."i, 7:.y ji. m.
Manager. Asit. U. V. it 1'ass.Ajt
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
Spokane Denver
Minneapolis Omaha
St. Paul Kansas City
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities
Kvnrv Klvo Juys or
l''or full details call on O. B & Co. s Asent
Th. Dalles, or address
W, II. HUUL15UUT, fien. Pm.W
Portland. Orcpa
E. M'N KILL President aud ilunn cr
Tim Ntiw TIiiib Card.
Under the new time card, which go
into effect tomorrow, trains will wove"
No. 4, to Spokane and Great Northern
arrives at G p. in., leaves at 6:05 p. o
No. 2, to I'endleton, linker City"a
Union Pacific, arrives 1:15 a. ro.,
parts 1 :20 a. m. .
No. !!, from Spokane ami Great W
em, arrives 8:30, departs 8;3o a.
No. 1, from IMUer City and U'"on Y
cilic, arrives 1 :'J0, departs 1 :2o a. m.
Nos. '-'11. and 24, moving
Dallen, will carry passengers.
arrives at 0:30 p. in., ''P"'8 1"
' ' Passengers for Heppner wllltnW trftin
leaving here 0:03 p. ni.
Dalles, Moro and A
Through by d.iylll.t via QW'M&
mid Cross Hollows.
WOIIU1.A8 AI-I-KN, '.,fc
Stages leave ;fl.c Ijnllcj from g
nt 7 a? m,. also from Autcl'M ' Couueftf
MmifiHt-. WiHliiesdav mid rrlua' ,V(,.helIW
n iidci at Antelope for V&bv&W
,w.i.,tu i.. iwi ci oso ci.iiuecuo"5 .
Ihil'lcH with railways, trains wjrZfa Xt
Blages from Antelope i reach "um,.0.
days. 'IhursdnyH mid UntunM)" '
.. .wm OF K.UlK
il 09
ntelope ;
Dalles to Deschutes
do Moro... .
do Orass Valley-
do Kent.
do Cross Hollow)'
Autolono to (Jross IIoIIohs
do Kent. ..
do (Irasb Vulley.
do More .
do Dosohuees '
do Dalles
4 90
' "it)