9 Our regular $ fl.50 Suit Loimths Our regular 7.00 Suit Lengths Our regular 8.o0 Suit Lengths Our regular 10.00 Suit Lengths Our regular 10.50 Suit Lengths A Ll GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. lie Dalies Daily Glmmieie. FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1897 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Itiimlum ObsorvutmiiH unci l.ncnl Kvonts of i.t-hHor .MiiiinlUnlu. Social dance Saturday evening at the Baldwin opera house. 2l-L't Customers' shoes polished free of charge at A. M. Williams & Co.'s shoe department. The river at 1 o'clock was not quite up tu the 40.S mark, a rise of about one inch in six hours. The ferryboat seems to he doing more business these days than any other firm, person or corporation. The ladies took possession of the bowling alley this morning, excluding tiie gentlemen therefrom, and so having things all their own way. The remains of llev. Father Joseph Northman, who died hi Portland a few days ago, wore taken to St. Louis for in terment, passing through here on this morning's train. A warranty against our customers wearing a ripped shoe any shoe bought of 113 that may happen to rip will be re sewed free. Visit our shoe department. A. M. Williams & Co. The sale of city lots will take place to morrow at 2 o'clock on the grounds. If you want a home, now is the time to purchase, as there will never he another opportunity to get lots as cheap. The O. R. & N. has a largo forco of men at work on exposed parts of the road between hero and Arlington, and is protecting its grades-from washing by covering their sides with heavy rocks. The Astorian says the ealmon run is improving a little, but is yet light, fishermen, however, expect a good run. Here the catch is still very light, it being only biiflicient to supply the local de mand. County Judge Mays was today en gaged in hearing n petition to sell real property in the matter of the estate of Frank Ireland, deceased. W. II. Wilson appears for petitioner and II. II. Kid dell for the objectors. The special agent and attorney for the government, who are examining into the matter of the excluding of the Yak ima Indianfrom their fishing grounds, went out to Winnno place this morning to take a look at the fishing grounds. The Rutledge church was dedicated Sunday, Rev. Frank Spaulding preached ii splendid discourse in the morning. The dobt was removed, the presiding "lder's compensation more than satis fied, and $100 raised towards the Spauld ing fund. Obsorver. Wool la coming in quite rapidly, but when one reads of tho importations at New York mid Boston, the amount wo are receiving seems trifling. When tho entire clip of say 6,000,000 is in the ware houses hero, it looks like a largo amount, YOU SHOULD WATCH YOUR "Ps Qs" Competition may bp " the life of trade," but unless fairly anil fully met, it is often the death of the trader! Con sequently our DRESS is kept right Up to the times able to meet all competition and to supply all demands. FOR THE BALANCE OF THIS for $4,95 1 l?;,, e, ,::,,, i ii i .-, , ,t for . . . . 5.00 1 1110 OUltlllfTS by the yard (tVO lengths for fi.50 in nieee roclncoi frnm 7'V iml 1 f)fl for 7.25 W lUlUCCU IIOIU OC ami . 1 .UU tor s.25 to 00 and 75(' per yard. FREE FREE FREE Between the hours of 2 and 5 p. m. on Saturday next we will present to each lady making a purchase in our Dry Goods Department, ONE CHILD'S PARASOL. See Display in Dry Goods Window. PEASE yet it is only one-sixteenth part of what j was received tit the points named from , foreign countries last week. ' Hood River has commenced shipping , roport from the ,veather bureau, made strawbeiries, about 800 crates going East 1 Thursdav morning, is as follows: last night. By Sunday they will be j The temporary fall in the Clftirwator shipped in carload lots 600 crates and ( has passed, and it is again rising rapid- the railroad permitting, bv the end of !' The rise in the Columbia above next week the shipment's will reach I ,VS"l,lfi ttp,,d' "m! f.01' Uu'. m'xt u,ruu 1-nrw onnn . i days tho Snake will ripe rapullv. loOO to 2000 crates a day. ; T()tj Columbia above The Julius will A dispatch from Observer Pague to p!d ripe for the i.extoiir days. tl . . ilhe rise at eiser, Idaho, in tweutv- Mr. S. L. Brooks this morning, says:ifour ll0urs aiding Thursday morning, "The rise at Umatilla is .!!, at l.ewiston j was .2 ; at Lewiston .1. The Columbia .7, at North port on the upper Columbia;111 Northport 2. and the Wenalchee 1. L'.l!." The river here will rise slowly j According to this we are to have a until Saturday noon, and then rapidly, j considerable rice hero yet; but how The rise indicated in the dispatch should ' "ch it is impossible to state. We can equal 1.4 here. I stand a rise of four feet yet without in- Fish were running a little better in ' were running a the lower river Monday, says the As torian, and both cannerymeu and fisher men say that the season is much more satisfactory than it was last year. Ef forts will be made to restock the river i this fall, and M. J. Kinney says that packers do not want any more coast salmon tnia year, but want to keep up the Columbia chinook grade, Mrs. A. J. Bennett, of Brownsville, was in Albany Monday, seeking infor mation as to the whereabouts of her son, P. L. Bennett, who disappeared June 20, 1895, and has not since been seen or heard of. He was 40 years of age, and had been engaged at carpenter work at Shelbnrn. He left on that date on the Oregon Central and Eastern train to go un into the mountains. He left his va lise at Shelburn, but never came back i nttar it Hfl line 111) fftlllllv. hilt llllS Ul sister residing in Eastern "Oregon, and j another in Washington state, neither of whom havo heard of him. Yesterday afternoon about 4 :U0 a man named Rawson mot with an accident on tho riyer that might havo caused his death. He was in a sailboat just above the D. P. & A. N. whaif, whon his sail caught, and a sudden gust of wind strik ing it his boat upset, throwing him out. IIo climbed on it and wont floating down the swift current. Some Indians went to his assistance in a small boat, catching him iust at the end of the in cline. His boat was pulled ashore, and , outside of the wetting and the scare, no , damage was done. An Orchid Iluiitei-M A,lvimire. ' I Tho recent exploits of cannibals in i some of the Pacific island recall thn curious storv of a Mr. Hainelin who went orchid' hunting In Madagascar some three or four years since. Ho had j secured the services of a guide from one , of the native villages, but tho latter had the misfortune to bo killed and eaten by j n linn. Somehow or other the chlet ot the village got the notion into iiia head that Hamelin had eaten the guide him- self, and then blamed it on a lion. Ham- j elin protested, but the chief gave him i the alternative of marrying the guiuo a widow or be burned alive. Hamelin chose tho widow, hut managed to have incorporated in tho contract an article which gave hini a virtual monopoly on all the orchids In tho country. 600DS DEPHRTfUEfiT II WEEK & MAYS 3 'MlH KlvOI'M. The river this morning is 40.7, a rise of .1 in the nast twentv-frmr hours. Tim ruiiruuu irauic; out imn win put the river at the danger line. Wo do not think it will go much above that, if any, though phenomenally hot weather might give it a spurt above that. The Snake has been up to 10 feet, I lell again to below 14, aud is now up to I about 18. Its flood is largely spent, and in a few days it must show a steady and I rapid fall. This will counterbalance tho j Columbia's rise, and prevent extra high water. However, according to Mr. Pague'8 estimates, putting tho stage at 26 feet in Portland, it will approach the 50-foot mark here. Wo believe that he has over-estimated the rise considerably. l'rof. T. M. Uutch'H itcinoviil. There will be many people in Oregon interested in the fact of the removal of Professor T. M. Gatch, who occupied a chair in,the state university of Wash- J"?'011: b' tliu Populist authorities. There is said to be no doubt at all that his removal was duo to his views on the money question. He taught in the class room political economy, and, as every one knows, when ho has views on any subject, he expresses them freely, and must have done so on the money ques tion, in a way that was very unsatis- I tactory to the Populist governor. Prof. ' Gatch has many friends all over Oregon, j who wore his students when he was j president of tho Willamette university, ! and also a professor in the state univer sity, and, later, m a college at The Professor ("iateh has taught on thig uo(iat fm. fn,h. f(jm. years. Another j teacher, well known in Oregon, and from Salem, who was alho sacrificed . . . , when the other sweeping changes were i"'le, is Miss Ellen Chamberlain, who taught for a number of years in the Willamette university. She wm every wwte esteemed most competent. sheep ami Cattle. The attentive observer of tho brisk livestock movements in Oregon the past two or mrec years huh ueon inclined to fear that the supply of sheep and cattle would soon be running low, and that a stop must be expected to tho large rove nuea of our fari-era from this source But early indications point to a more extensive shipment thih spring than ever. The usual announcements of trainloada to be made up at Pendleton, The Dalles, Ileppnor, La Grande, Baker City, ore coming out earlior than usual, Ji'The Delft' Enameled Ware. Mixed Blue and White out side and White inside. "The Delft" is the latest ware out in cooking utensils. Prices are about the same as granite ware, and a groat deal cheaper than the aluminum ware, and prettier than either of them. Call and see the goods at MAIER&BENTON'S 107 Second Street. and the general anticipation is of un usually large, sales all over the state. Much the same condition is reported from Southern Oregon and Willamette valley point?, and buyers are even scour ing the coast counties of Curry, Coos, Benton and Tillamook. Prices are rul ing high, and tho farmer appeals to be getting his own figures for choice young stoik. East Oivgonian. A lilK Ciolil I'roiliii't. The Bonanza mine came near hitting its high gold notch with its last cleanup, only one other exceeding it, when .f2i), 000 for one month's inn was recorded. Monday evening !f 25,000 in bullion was received at the First National bank at Maker City from this great producer and those bringing it say the mine ii looking , better than ever. i New machinery amounting in all to about 50,000 pounds is soon to bo put in I place at the mine. Among the improve- ments is an air compressor. This ma-: j chinery will equip the Honanza second j ' to no initio on Hie Pacific coast and will ! enable the mine to make greater show-1 inge than ever in the output of gold. j La Grande Chronicle. J BUSINESS LOCALS. J Nebraska corn for sale at the Wasco warehouse. Best feed on earth. in()-tf English and Belgian cement, very best imported brands, for sale by Wntco j Warehouse Co. myri-j m Wanted A giil to do general house work in a small family. Must he a good cook. Apply at this othce. inl-tf j A gold watch-charm, with A. O. U. ( W. emblems and initials J. 'A. M., has ) been lost. Finder please leave at this I office. ml 5 tf ! The Shakers have made a discovery j which is destined to accomplish much good. Realizing that three-fourths ol all of our sufferings arise from stomach ! tioubles, that tho country is literally filled with people who cannot eat and t digest food, without subsequently sudor- j i ing pain ami distress, and that many . are starving, wasting to mere skeletons, ! becaiuc their food does them no good, ; they have devoted much study and i thought to the subject, and the result is i this discovery of their Digestive Cordial, j A little hook can ho -obtained from your druggist that will point out the way of relief at once. An investigation will cost nothing aud will result in ' much good. i - ( j Laxol is the best medicine for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place of j Castor Oil. 1 Ktir Nalii or 'J'rudu. j A desirable ranch of 1C0 acres, within 1 lour miles of Dalles City, with one span ! mares, harnes?, wagons, plows and other , property. Fine fruit land anil nbun 1 dance of water. Will trade for Dalles City property. Inquire of A. S. Mac Ai.i istki:, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Ciiiio.s-ici.k office, The Dalles, Or. This is an "Ago of Soap." Why uto any but the very best. Rest soap means Hoe dike. Sold by Peaso & Mays. a'-'-Hm Just Received. A stock of Pure Aluminum Ware Cook ing Utensils. No enamel to flake off. Solid metal. No plating to wear oft'. Absolutely pure. No verdigris, or salts ot tin. Wonderfully light and beautiful, and very durable. Foods cooked in it do not scorch. Drop in and see it. Wo will be pleased to show it to you, oven if you ilon't buv. MAYS & CROWE. We Carry afuinmeof Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Lime and Cement, Farm Machinery, Bain Wagons, Champion Mowers and Reapers, Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron, Barb Wire, Etc. JOS. Phone 25. Baby Carriages Jl:ST AKKIYISI) AT TH 10 Jacobson Book & Music Co. Whore will also ho found tin largest and most com plete line of Pianos, and other Musical Instruments in IOastern Oregon. Complete Line of FISHING TACKLE, Notions, llaso Ball Goods, Mammocks, Hooks and Stationery at. Bedrock Prices. New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. Kini'i'XKor tu C'IiiIhiiiiiii A I'ornon, """" FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in btiEineHH at the old ftirid. I would l. pleaded to Keu all my former pationB. Free delivery to any part of town. 7VI. Z. DONNELL, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. Al. WilMauiH A Co., Lumber, Building Material and ;Boxes TradediorHay, Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c. ROWE &CO.. ItiickJdii'u Arnica Ouu, The best ealvo in tiie world for eute, brun-es, Korea, ulcers, Bait rheum, fovei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, eoniH, and all okin eruption?, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It ia guaranteed to ive perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per Ikx. For sale oy Illaheley and Houghton, driiuuists, Tho merchant who tolls you he has something cite as good as Hoe Cake soap is a good man to hcop away from. aU !lm z l I' (' :: i i i i i o i :: T. PETERS & CO '! III. I V A I I T.1L f1l The Dalles. Or Uo vou want your windows cleaned, carpets taken up, beaten and re laid, or janitor work of any kind done by a first-class man' If so, telephone Henry Johnson at Parkins' barber shop, Phono Hi). nlO-tf Yellow washing powder will make your clothes the same color, Avoid this by using Soap Foam. It's pure white. aS'Sm Soap Foam excels all other washing compounds, a2-.fui Subscribe forTnu (Jiuiokicj.k,