The only Republican Daily Netctpapet irfco Counlv. TUn ful1n . At,,...!.!. ' nlunkinij on cacli othoi's heels to our The Dalles Daily Chromela. :i8hte",me.u. - - -f Through the corridors o( the oapi- . tol at Washington stalks the gloomy and iinc(iialed. legged Corbctt, hope . . . '-i"L -J......... ... . lessly hopeful, waiting the action of EASTERN OFFICE 2.10 to 234 Temple' the committee; waiting the gather Court, N. Y. Citu. E. KATX, Aaent. j jng uusii of those ten Democratic bear him bay-wreathed : senators to ciiiiiiiinp: icaifi. Chronicle and Orcgonian. . . Chronicle and Examiner Chronicle and Tribune . . Chronicle and X. V, World. . .FRIDAY, MAY '21, 1SA7 WHICH IS HAl.AAM? , and triumphant to thai vacant chair. 2 25 . ... Itn i'linttrr nnnnslrmnllv. jiihI. n llmt 1 7j 1 Ilait puts it, "playfully mumbles his 2 00 ! chestnuts," but Tony is not that way. 1 1 1 is level gaze, like that of j Sphinx, sweeps the vast desert of our iirm.mmrmatirin. stnnv.ivrrl. imnnr. ! ! turbablc, remorseless. The Portland Dispatch says the , With Corbctt on deck and Tony Mitchell push held up the legislature: j at the helm, "the dead steered by that finding Mitchell could not be j the dumb. Iloat upward with the elected, It held up the legislature j tide." and tried to throw the blame on Itournc and his Populist allies. It adds: "The Uenson house having thirty-one members, could have gone into the Davis house and captured the organization at any time, but they did not want it." The editor of the Dispatch knows, a every Ore gonian knows, that the Uenson house was not organized until after the Davis houie had been in session sev eral davs. That the legislators who I went into the Henson house were first in the Davis house, and enly left it j when Davis, their speaker, refused to. make any effort to bring in the bourne crowd or the other stay-outs. They might have captured the Davis house; in fact did capture While congress is monkeying with the tariff bill, the speculators of the country are getting their work in. Within a week foreign wools have been received in Is'ew York amount ing to 2 1,000,000 pounds; in Phila delphia 8,000,000, and Uoston Gfj, 000,000; or in all nearly 100,000,000 pounds. The government will get but little benefit from the tariff on wool for a year or two. ATARRH MHEST with a blsr S2. IJItickwolVfl Genuine BultH rs Durham is In n claws bv Itself. You will itiul or.o the HS oou pon lnsido ciicli two ounce bag, and t'.vo call- k I pons inside each four ounce bat, of Biackweii's V B Gesiuisii Durham m Wm SmokSng Tobacco j Bnynbafcoi'tliiscelebrntedtobncconnilrend thocoupon I I wblCbglvea&nstoCvaluubloprcscutscndbowtogettbcniv .Wholesale n WALL PAPER! Wflltb PAPER! Just Eeceived 5000 TllO most liolls of Wall Vapor, bcsl patterns. Tho beautiful colors. New Invoice of Paints and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. You Get the Pr rect from the maiiufaff1' JVIAliT liIQUOS Ulines and Cigars. local'sdisease anil is tho result of colds and sudden climatic changes, voiir Vrnfi'i'tlnil it, but i wt lKi-'ithciv state that tlii I 1.. .1a. nt r.nfoin they caught a Tartar, and CUllld do ! mercury or any other injur- notinng. lucre wen: twenty one members who would not come in Ely's Cream Balm i THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER on draught and in Dottles. Anheuser-Btisch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic "bevorage, unequaled as a tonic. when they joined forces with Davis, and that gentleman refused to entei tain any motion of any kind except to adjourn. The editor of the Dis patch knotvs this as-well as any bod', besides, let us see what Corbctt says, for the two do not agree. We do not pretend to say which is Balaam and which the ass, though Corbctt seems to talk the most. 15ut be that as it may, Mr. Corbett, in a recent interview at "Washington City, s cak ing of Mitchell, said: in the senate he had made speeches in favor of free -ilvcr.' and. when questioned as to his position by the I N acknowledged to lie the most thornch cure for 1 N:i-'il Catr.'rli, Cold in Head and Hay Fever of all remedies. U open ami cleanses the naal passages, I alh.ys pain ami inilammation. heaU the sores, pro tects the membrane lroui cold?, restores the tcn-os I ut ta.'teandemell. 1'riceflUe. ntlW-'KUtsorbymriil. , 1:IA" UKOTUEKS. 0(3 Warren Street. New York, STUBLING & WILLIAM NEW SPRING GOODS oit r.Mipic. ! Old people who require.'medicine to I NEW SPRING GOODS regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Electric Hitters. ! Tina medicine does not stimulate and i contains no whisky nor other intoxicant, j but acts as a tonic and alternative. Itj acts mildly on the stomach and Dowels, adding strength and "ivinw tone to the organs, thereby aiding Nature in the uerfonnanee of the functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids I digestion. Old people lind it just exact- "old men, he told them that he stood w'iiU they need. Price 50 cents and by the principles laid down in the I $! 03 per bottle at JJIakeley & Iloiuih St. Louis platform. The men then j t0I1's 1)ru Stoie- "' compared notes and tounu that some one was bound to get left, and so they agreed to not take the oath of ollice. and thus they prevented the election of Mitchell. Which tells -the truth, Robinson Crusoe or his man Friday: The former owned tbo goals, had them in his own corral, and by h'minine ought to know. JUST ARRIVED JUST ARRIVED Soipes-(inersly Drug Co, FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. riUNSACT A OKNKU.VL HANKING HUBIMIS No better Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sifrlit Kxchnnsro and Telegraphic Transfers sold n; New Voile. Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections tyade at all points on fav orable terms. vteel mads than tit Acme Bicycle Built in our own factory bv skilled workmen, usinp thabes1 material and the mo t lnwoved machinery. Wo havs r.o omn. Sold direct from factory to th rider, fully warramd. kmyl anywhere for cxamiutSor wniTi: kor Our Interesting Offer Acme Cyule Co., Elkhart, Ind. TLbm SOLK Dl.'AI.Kli IN TIIK DAM.K3 OK Marble Bnrial Vaults Regulator Line The Dalles, PortlanJ aii Astoria Navigation Co.' s9 SS3Sa sti s. Regulator i Dalles City FREIGHT llio l)al!i;, Hnoil Itlvor.CiiscndoUicksanilPort Innil dully, except Sunday. LOWEST RATES, A Perfect Protection from Water :n,l Dampness. Preserves the JJody hy Kx eludin the Air. It possesses e.verv meiit claimed for ! GOOD SERVICE, the most expensive vaults, viz: absolute security and durability, thus making a permanent and imperishable resting place for the dead. , Tliis vault is made of six pieces of mar ble winch can be firmly fastened to fjether with cement, thus making them air and water ti;ht. AND PASSENUER LINE iu:twi:e.v Are you going ( DOWN THE YAM (EAST c, F. STEPHEN b, THE Oil Ed ON S I'll l NX. Tony Noltncr, in the Portland Dispatch, says that Fasten) Oregon is to have a splendid grain crop. lonv knows, because he SoniHtlitiiK lo Iiciid On. Mr, James Jones, of tiie d rug firm of Jones it Son, Cowden, 111., in speaking of Dr. Kiiui's New Discovery, savs that last -. inter his wife was attacked with LiiGrippe, and her case grew so serious that physicians at Cowden and Puna ! could do notliin,' for her. It seemed to he i develop into Hasty Consumption. Ilav- J , ins: Dr. King's New Discovery in store, 1 and sellini: lots of it, he took a bottle ' home, and to the surprise of all phe be-1 an to get better from the first dose, and i half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound ' and well. Dr. King'? New Discovery for Consumption. Cous!h. ami Colds is guaranteed to do this stood work. Try trial buttles at Ih'akeley A u There is a tide in tiie affairs of wen which, taken at its flooa leads on to fortune." The poet unciuostionablv had reference to the Closing But Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALl & BURGET'S, Who are selling these soods out at i?reativ-reclucod rat MICIIIiT.BACH BP.TCK. - - UN1UN ST. fill Kinds Cemetery Work Mr. Coiniui lias on hand a larsro sup ply ot iirst-class Marble, to housed in -Monuments, etc. Prices iower than in Portland. PRTHERN PACiFIC RY. If mj, save money and enjoy a bcautlfnl tripra thu Colninblii. Ttin wu-t-lxmixl train irrirait 'I'he iJallys in ample tlmo for jmysensers totils tins steamer, arriving in I'ortland in time lor tie outKoiiiK Southern anil Koitltom trains; Ei Lounil imtH'iiKeih arilvlliK in Tin- Dales i:i time to tal;i! tlic Kiist-bouml train. Kor furtlier inloiniatimi njiply to J. N. HAllNKV. A Kent, Oak street Dock. I'oitlainl, Oregon, been throuli iCasteni Oregon, though not, if minor is correct, for the pur pose of examining the crop prospects. JL shows, though, that Tony is oh- scrviii'' and that ho is able to toll 11.15 lUsl it, I. ...i, t ... i iuiit;fj iuii k j;i iiu oiuiu New York Week Tribune W r -ion- Farmers and Villagers, i'oi: Fathers and Mothers, KOIt Sons and Daughters, I'OII All the Family. 'I liu ISest Heiiii ily for Klietiinatl'.iii From the Kuirhavwi (N. Y.) Kcslstcr. Mr. James IJowland of this village,1 1 state that for twenty-five years his wife 'Ol "u '3 l IV" ' lino l.nnt. I .!. i:... i ....-3 "vn ci.iiciv;. iitllil I IJvunl.ltlCIJl. what he sees ami knows if he wants ( a few nights ago she was in such pain to. that she was neatly crazy. She sent Why then does ho so stubbornly , -Mr- Rowland for the doctor, but he bad refuse to enlighten his readers eon- ' re,ul of UI"Jrlaiii'a Pain Palm and .,.,,;., ,1,:,,,,. (i . , i'ttiil of uoiut; for the doctor he went coming thing, thoy aro anx.ous to to tIl(J storo iU1(1 HmrC(1 !t boLUu ot , .iu..,.,m. vi uiieu no is wen m- liis wife did not approve of .Mr. How formoii. They would like to know i land's ptircha.-e at llrst, but neverthe all about those ten Democratic sena-! le9S "Pplied the Halm thoroughly and in tors whom the magical silvery tones ; iin ,,0,,r's tin, w,w abl t0 10 eloeP ,.f ..,,,. , . ... (, 1 "she now applies it whenuver she feels an of I ony s wooed into the Cor- achc or n aml thlU Jt alwftyB bctt told. 'I hey would like to know ives relief. He says that no medicine at whoso invitation Tony took that which she had used ever did heras much IriVto Washington when ho slipned K00t1, The L'o and ."50 cent.sizos for sale oft so quietly that no one knew ho was gone. J hey would like to know i The Westiield (Ind.) News prints the the nature of the seal upon his lips! fo"'int: in regard to an old lesldcnt of thatcioso those eloquent portals of ; lb!it ph,(;(!: "Kr,ank 3ItfAvoy, for many f, ,i , .,' , ,. years in the emplov of the L,, X. A. A free Hlyer speech that they lisp of n. Py. heie, says; 'I have used Cham- mo yi.iiii piuqieots in jvistciii uro- herlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea' gon wlien tho leaders of his paper Kemuly for ten years or longer am l tuc nngiiishmg for information that ver without it in my family. 1 takej they know lies hidden deep in the ,,,e"?"ro "inniwi.liiiB it.1 it is a ; &Wr wrlto your name and ad,lres on a postal rani, wnd it to Geo. W. Uet bathos beneath his hat l7 , f 'f??1 ,ilB0,,ler8' For 1 "h 0lco, New Vork City, ar J a sample dopy of The' New York Weekly Trlb.' u.uiiua uLiiciiui nis nat. , sale by Ulakeley A lloiifihtou. i uno will bo mailed to vou. 1 Kor the sake of along-suffering and anxious public, Tcny, remove Unit embargo on free speech and let tho liquid notes of melody come H s Pullman Elegent Tourist TO Sleeping Cars Dining Oars Sleeping Car HT. I'AIII. M I NN'Kd I'OI.l IHII.UTII iK,NI) roit OUOOKSTON IIKI.K.VA an HIITTK Or W. (' AI.I..VWAY, OciuARt., Tin: l)alie., Ursa With the close of the J'residential Campnifrn TIIK TRIIIUNK ecoynizea the fact that tho Aineiican people aro now anxious lo give their attention to homo and business interests. To meet this condition, politic will have far less space and prominence, until another .Statu or National occasion demands a renewal of the liphtfor the principles for which TIIK TRIHJNK haa labored from its inception to tho present dav. and won its greatest victories. t.r.MIe.r?.HS?f!n,?,S,'f?,t w,n b. Pnl fortli, mill money freely spent, to miiko THE KhKUi IltllJUNK pre-eminently u National Fainilv Newsimner. interestiiiL' instructive, eutertainini: and indisnensablo to each member of tho family. I We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. ThPough Tickets CIIICAUO T WAHIIINOTON riUI.ADIiM'lllA MSIV VOHK nosxo.N AND ALL i'oints i:aht anil NOUXH 1TOon,J,Ir0wH,l!J?;1 tiW0 Cl,r,ls' W'Tnuil tickets, cal on or wrlto to W. C ALLAWAY. Auent. The Hallos, Ortijoii A. oit- D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A,, -m, Morilson for. ThlrU. I'ortlimil Oiei Oic-sroii DOORS, "WINDOWtS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, J Window-Glass and ! Picture Moulding. ZEE. A .llilil i'li)Kii DR. GUMS IJU'ltOVED OVER FILLS A mo?ement of I Iio liowfl WAV ,tco lctiif henllh. Them tiillM Bucilr wlit tho wwj", e. pUd It re 'ir 'nioy cure 'TO;thiiiitB"lS jimt mill elenr t)iul'ntiip;l'ri tS',1":?1l'f, !yiiailhi Iim yM nor " . Solil" il. UOSAKKO ULU. I.O., JU"JUI ,t) SURE CURE for PILES T . o'immmmivob Pwntmg at This Office. Tlila Is Voiir Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, a generous sample will bo mailed of tho most popular Catarrh and Hny Fever Curo (Jilys Creittn liahnl snfllnifint in iipmnn. Btrato tho great morita of tho remedy. KLY UltOTIIEllS, CO Wuiren Bt., Now York City. Itov. John Iteiil, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Kly'a Cream Palm to mo. I can eniplmsizo his slalenieut, "It is u posK Uvo euro for catarrh if used us directed." Kov. rancis W. Poolo, Pastor CentrulPren. Church, Ileleua, Mont. . - Urn i pacKiog hi.. euro uor Ely's Cream Palm is tho acknowledged iro for catarrh and contains no mcrcurv any injurious drug. Price, CO cents. Tfie GoiumDi: PACKERS OF PORK and BEEr M ANUKAOTOltKKH OY Fine Lard and Sausages. Curersof BfiANO HAMS BACON DRIED BKKF, Kid