vH1 1 WW8S2ZJ!X Chronicle. VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1897 NO 113 PEACE IS PROBABLE Negotiations Rapidly Ap proaching' Completion. AX AKMISTIC IS AGREED UPON' Tlir Oiiliim Oliestlon AvhI:piis .11 mill In terest. It llolnc; Now Trim MTe lied to tllll llll'ldf, Athkns, May 'JO. An armistice be tween the Turkish and Gieel: troops in Thessaly, to extend seventeen days, was forniiilly concluded today. Constantixoit,!:, May 20. 0 p. 111. An armistice was formally concluded to day for seven days between the Turk ish mid Greek troops on the frontier ol Enirus. No Armistice la Kpli-us. Hkui.i.v, Muy 20. A telegram received from Constantinople this afternoon eays the effort of the Turkish commander in EpnuH to treat with the Greeks for an armistice resulted in a failure, owing to the Greeks having ignored the flu of truce and having attempted yesterday, with two battalions of troops to make a fresh incursion into Turkish territory The Greeks, it is further stated, alr-o shelled tho Turkish position. In conclusion, the Constantinople di patch says tho Tuikish uovernmont dis claims all responsibility lor wnat mav follow. Negotiation) for l'enee. CoNSTA.vriNori.K, May 20. Althougl; it is not definitely decided, it is thought peace negotiations will be conducted be tween Turkey and Greece direct uud afterward, following the precedent of the treaty of San Stefano, the treaty will be admitted to a European conference probably to be held at Paris. COMPANION 1'Olt JlOltll HAY ISLAND and early in the dnv the th irn,mri. gave indications of brcmkiin: the record for the fir&t nineteen days of May. It rose- all the morning at nn alarming rate until noontime, when it reached SS de grees. Then it stopped, and nil chances of a new record w ere gone. But j it came very dose to making a new ' mark, for only twice in twenty-six years 1 have there been hotter dnvs in Mnv prior to the 19th. i POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for its prie.it 1" nvcntnc strength mid lieiilthrultic."-." As-iiro the fMl nirnltist ilium unci nil forms of mlultentrtoii common to tho e.'icnp iiriiims. Hoyai, 1!aki.N(. l'ownnr. Co. Nkw York, It Suddenly Sprang Into Existence Lust Evening. San Luis Obispo, Calif., Mav 20. About 7:I!0 last evening residents of the country adjacent to iHoro Day were etartled by a report like the rumble of thunder, and ended with a louder blast. A few days ago u similar report was heard, and a mud geyser appeared in the small arm of Moro hay, just opposite the townsito of El Moro, as reported at the time. This geyser has formed a small island, which for a week past lias been the wonder of tho people in the county, and has been visited by ninny Following the renort yesterday a sec oml geyser sprung into existence, about 200 yards distant from the first and a little farther inland. This last geyser is an exact counterpart of the one formed last Friday night. It is only a short distance from shore, and tho people who gathered last evening could plainly see the small island of mud and sand which li"d formed. Like the eruption of last Friday, tho surface of tho second island bears evidence of having a small-sized crater, from which large quantities of black mud aro slowly arising. lllHlorlt! Camion Stolen. Wkst Point, N. Y., May 20. The quartermaster at West Point has just made tho startling discovery that five of the gnus captured in battle from the Mexicans by General Scott's army have Wen stolon. Tho cannon have lain for nearly halt a century ou the bluff over looking the Hudson, wliero the trophies f our wars with England, Mexico and the South are ranged. The history of each piece is engraved on its surface. How tlioy were stolen is not known. Argeemoiit la Readied. Washington, May 20. Sbnators Mor gan and Hale, representing the two sides of the Cuban question, have reach ed an agreement for a vote on the res olution Saturday, if the consent of those who wish to speak on the subject can be secured. Keller Itlll 1'ansed' Washington, May 20. The house unanimously passed" the Cuban relief resolution, appropriating $50,000 for food ad supplies. Hut Iny ut Han Frunclico. San Fkanoisoo, May 20. Hie wea ther was excessively hot here yesterday Tlti: DAY IN J) K I All.. Interest In Oulmn yni.Nti,,n Foen. d on j the Ilouxe. j Washington, May 20.-Interest in the ' Cuban question was focused upon the house today. The house galleries were hlleJ. On the republican side more i il. t u .i . man nan tne chairs were occupied, many members having returned to the city in response to messages from the chairman of the caucus. Simpsonjot Kansas demanded the read-' ing of the full journal, after it had been , read in the usual skeletonized form. Under the rules, the speaker was com- , pelled to grant the request. Then Simpson made a point thftt it was stated by the journal that certain bills were re- ici iuu iu committees, wnereas no com mittees had been appointed. Simpson was silenced by the previous question uoiiii, uciuuuueu nnu HiiHiaineu uy tne ; in a most, meritorious manner. A largo Republicans. proportion of the men who bear it are The decks having been cleared, D.ilzell. I 1IU' inll the reason is simple. . . . . . . 1 ..... ironi tne committee on rules, reported a rtd TO THE NAME BILL. He Proad Every Hoy Hearing It Should I ol the Title. ! There is something' cordial and frank i obout. the name of Hill, says the Chicago ! Record. It is a .strong- and sterling old i name, which goes on multiplying itself rule for the consideration of the senate Cuban relief resolution, providing for a vote, after a two hours' debate. Bailey thereupon endeavored to secure recogni tion to present the views of the minority committee. The speaker recognized Dalzell to demand the previous question. There was a sharp skiriuian between Reed and Dalzell on one side and Bailey on the other, in the course of which Bailey remarked that he knew the Re publicans did not intend to give the minority any opportunity to be heard, but advised them to carry out their pro gramme with Borne degree of decency, whereupon he was applauded by the galleries. Simpson shouted: "Don't ask for decency from that side." The proposition Bailey was attempt ing to present was a substitute for the consideration of Morgan's resolution for the recognition of the belligerency of the insurgents, which is now before tho senate, after the appropriation for relief had been disposed ot. At the close of the Cuban debate, on a !.., i. f i, i... r .,.,... nv..,i a motion to recommit with instructions j to report both resolutions together, i This being declared out ot order, an i appeal was taken, followed by a motion to table the appeal on which a roll- call was had. The Republicans voted solidly for tabling and the motion carried. Starred Herself to Death, Boston, May 20. Miss Fannie Itich- ardson, the famous wealthy old maid miser hermit, starved herself to death in her impenetrable castle here yesterday, while from .foO.OOO to .$100,000 lay theie hoarded. She was 70 years of age. For half a century no human foot save her own had crossed her threshold, and she had not stepped outdoors iu all that t me. she lived in a miseraoio tene mont-house in the very busiest of the city. She owned the house, kept it looking as if vacant all the time, all the blinds being closed and the doors locked. Give the Boys a Chance. .lust because lie's a boy. do not suppose be cares nothinu for nice- PURITAN tc4- l i 1X4. r ! Most, of the "Williams" arc named for some other Williams. It is notassumed Vliat il, is possible for any mother to .lioo.se that, rough old cognomen for her pretty baby unless sir.' does it, to honor some particular person. Other' things being equal, she would call liim Clifford or Adalbert or Iteglnald. But he remembers I'neJo Bill l'nrnsworth, who was me iiest and iairest man in White Oak iircciuct when she was a girl, and so she calls the child for him Or the father recalls to mind a good, hearty and joyous character of earlier days some friendly Bill of other times a righteous inau and a good citizen, and he recommends the name of Wit ham for the little chap, so aa to bring back the memory of that other Bill. Or there are Bills in the family of Bills known, to fame And now comes the key to it all These various Bills were ull named for other Bills, and the other Bills must have. been esteemed good citizens and worthv, else no rxvrent, would bestow the name upon that which is next to his heart, his man-child. Whenever you ' find a mar. named William, and you will find many of them, you will please re member he was so called because there was a respectable and upright William back of and beyond him, and that other William, was named lor a further Wil liam of goodly tort. It does not pay to belittle the com- i mon, plain name ot jsiu. jvery maie bearing that name represents some per son, presumably worthy, and if he him , -elf disgrace and discredit the name then his punishment wiX be that no Bills will be called in his honor. MOURNING GARB RENTED. JLunilu Ik lluHurtml. Lamia, May 11). Night. ( Delayed in transmission. 1 This town is deserted, Novel l.uslness limit Up ly an JJnterprla liiU Denier ju Old Clothes. Persons who are forced to undergo a sudden change of clothing because of the death of relatives, and who ! haven'! the ready money to buy out right an entire outfit of black for brief use, have found a welcome assistance iu their embarrassment in a man who-ie business is obscure, comparatively, und of recent origin, but who has an active section trade- and ' ouice ui wns iiiuii jm.1 u lum-ii-ui aspect, nueu us it is witu neaps oi somber garments, but its proprietor is anything but grave. He was, until lately, a dealer in old clothes, and wa dismayed at the amount of competi tion. Everybody .seemed to him to be dealing in that commodity 7 . r-P looking ami gooil-titting Clotbinji. Huv bim 8011101111111; be likes and it, will last bim twice as long; be will lake belter care of it: bo will be a better boy. We bare made special oll'ort (bis season to bavo tbe correct furnisb ings tor tbe little men, from Head wear to Footwear. Stylos to please tbe purse as well as tbe eye. 1 tgM J rt-rT'- "L" '1 - Wo call special attention to our lino of Hoys' 10 ton and Keel or Suits; tboy tire very nobby and can be bad from $1.85 up. Just because they are for Boys, we haven't overlook the points that help to make a shoe desirable. Our Shoe Department represents the most ad vanced styles in Hoy's footwear. MAKE Most Up-to-Date Styles in Boys' Blouses and Waists. Cool and Dressy. Fancy Figures Per cale; white uronnd, newest deslkinc j ruf lled and frilled ; timilar to cut, oOc. Plain Tan l.inoneltes; siuno style, (ril led front; collar und ciilld trimmed with rnlllo of same material. Wo claim this Waist unappio'ichablo at price 50c. And a do,"ii other Hi vies at oOc, 7oc, $1.00 ainUl.20. Latest Colorings. Latest Lasts. Oxbloods and popular TaiiB iu tho new 10c Coin and narrow square Vale Toes. Wbil e fitting out the oys, don't (bnrot tbe irirls. Wo bavo just received a shipment of White Kid Sandals the most correct thing for ates' wear. 1 r 1 In. A. IKE. WIZaZalAIKES CO. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. HON. W. J. BRYAN'S BOOK. 18 races a Week. JCO ruier 11 Year It Ptande first among '"weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication and freshness, variet and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among Its special features ate a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a long series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, fjoiuin Doyle, .leroiiMi IC. Jerome, Stanley WeyniHii, .Mary K. Wllklnx Anthony Mime, Itret finite, Hruiider Maltlieu , ICte, Wo ofl'er this unequaled newspaper and Tho Dalles Twice-a Week Chronicle to gether one year for The regular price of the two papers is $3.00. THE FIRST BATTLE TI1K KIHST HA'I'II.K In iiii luterelii(r ntory of lliu ureal ixtlltleiil ntniCKl" ot Jh'.M, lot mnnt Important events nud tin: limn) Issues Involveil; 11 IokIchI ireatlsu on lll-iiietalllinii an littered by eminent exiHiiieiilH, liHilnillnn tint part taken by lion. V. J. llryaii III the nllver iiKltatlou prior to the Deinncriitlo National Conventlini. anil dlir. Iiii; the eaiiiimlun; tho bust exanipleii u his won-il-rfnl ointory, the mont iioleV(.itliy lneldutilK ut liN famoiiH tour, 11 eurelut review ot thu polltleul Itnatlon, a iIIk:iishoii of the eleetlou reluriiN anil the tlKlilfleaiK'e thereof, nlld thu filinru poshlblllllea nf lil-mctiil ltlit ax a 11011110-11 Is.ine. STYLES AND PRICES: Hichly and durably bound in English Cloth, plain edges; portrait of the au thor forming the design on cover; autograph pref.icu; magnificent pre sentation plate in t-ilver, gold and blue; containing (i00 pages ami i2 full-page illustrations In half-Morocco, marble edge in full-Morocco, gilt edge i 75 75 with tho.exception of the prefect, news- .. , ,)orro.v,.d .. mournhl,r QuUt from paper correspondents, telegraph opera-, him one day, jiayiufr a small sum for tin tors and a few others. I loan. This transaction suggested to j the dealer the idea of hiring out mourn- ing dress us u business. He tried it, I und soon found his peculiar trade well i patronized. j He began to read death notices in l the newspapers, nnd to send his agents I to visit those-whom he considered were not in extra good eirciiinstauci'. Seven Cutli iu Your Check. All county warrants registered prior to Dec. 1, 1892, will bo paid at my office. Interest ceases alter .May , 1897. O. L. Phillips, County Treasurer. agenta now act for hiju, being paid :n pnminis.KiniiH. Kaeli linsi n remilnr !r. If VOU are Using Japan tea j cult of streets marked out for his can- of any other sort than Schil ling's Best, you are losing half your money. Your grocer returns your money in full if you don't like it. A Schilling: & Company San Fraucitco 657 Huve Your Grain, Few realize that each squirrel de stroys $1.50 worth of grain annually. Wakelee's Squirrel aud Gopher Kxterm ir. ior is the most effective and econom ical poison known. Price reduced to 30 cents. For sale by M. 'A, Donnell, Agent. Subscribe for Thk Chuoniclk. n in M. J. WOODCOCK. Asont, Wnmlc, Or. Wasco Warehouse Company LDDD POISON k 8PECIALTY23 tlury llhoon l'UJSON permanentlV cured In 15 tot.', dajra. You can bo treated at bouiotoroaiiiOprlcu under naniOKu.'iruu ty. if youirefcr tocoinoberu wewllleon. tract to iinvrallrnadfiire.nmlliritnltillti nn cocbanre. If wo (all to euro. If you bare taken mer cury, iodidu potash, and Mill have aehea and palDB, Mucous l'utclien In mouth, horoThroat, l'iuiplcri. Cupper i.'olorud Hpots, Uleem oa any part of tho body, llulror KyelirowN fulilnir out, it il this Secondary Jif.OOJ i'OlhON we if uttranU'o to cure. Wo solicit tbo most o tut I uuto canes and cimllcuKu the world fur a aHfi wecunnotcore. This dUeato boa alware allied the uklll of tho mont .iiltii.ii t .i, vi. ciauj. S500,00O caiiital behind our uncoudU tionai ffuarantr. auui I.PPI 901 iruaranty. lippllcatlun. Ac Mtuonic Absoliiio l,roof Kant enli.l nn ddrcBB COOK IIKHEUY VOZ mmpio, VWVAJUO, " In Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. ! Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Tm" VSSo Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOH FlOlir 1 '''H ''',llr ,H nanufactured expreenly for family ' nee: every Back in ifiiuranteed to kIvu uatiufaction. We cell our (iooda lower than any Iioiiho Iu the trade, and if you don't think ho call and get our prices and be convinced, Highest Pi'ices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. for Salo. Yearling elieep (1000 head,) sound and iu prime condition. Price $1.7u. Ad dre&e, J. M. Da vim, w-mltf Sherara liride, Onyi m. g A. I). OUllbKV, " Attorney and Counsellor at Law AIU.INCrTON. OHEGON. Praetlcci In tbe State uud Federal Courts of Oregon und Wiibhlngton, Jim U3-3mo BLAKELEY& HOUGHTON 175 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon Country and Mail Onlcru will receive prompt attention.