I' ' -SfAwvfJi'.', , The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Tit IS DAI.l.KS, oi;i:iiii.v Ail vortUlnjj ltnte. One Inch or less In Dally Over two Inches ami under four tm-lios. . Over four Inches and nmlor twulTS inches. Over t eh o Inches DAILY AND WBKKt.Y. One Inch or loss, per Inch Overnno inch unit under four inches Over (our inche.- and under twelve inches Over twelve inches Per inch . 1 00 M .?2 .K) J CO 1 M 1 00 1 K I ! S O N A I , y 1 K X T I O X T)r. Lunnetben:, who hits been in Crook county fur some time, will nnivo homo tonight. Air. W. Kerr en mo in from firass Vul ley yoiuniay, accompanied by Mrs. K. G. Niiwniun and her little son, Allien. Mis? Florence Lewis, who has been teaehintr in the public school at Ante lope for the past year, has returned to her home in this city. Miss Carrie Hutler, who for more than three months has been conlineil to her beil, was able to sit up yesterday, and it hoped will improve rapidly from now on Mrs. C. C. VanOrsdale, "rand siuar dian of the Pacific Circle, was in the city last nij;ht, leavins; for her home in Pendleton this morninir at 1 :20. She will be back .June SUM, at which time Mr. Falkenben;, oflicial counsel of the the Woodmen, will also be here. .maki:ii:i. At the retdence of Mis. Smith, in this city, Wednesday, May l!)th. Sher man F,, Smith to Miss Grace K. Me Keller, F.lder G. H. Harnett performing the ceremony. At the Umatilla House parlors, Wednesday eveiiint:, Mav 19th, Francis M. Warner to Miss Lvdiii 15. Otey, both of Nausene, Justice Filloon performing the ceremony. The jzroom is a brinlit and thrifty vomit: farmer and the bride one of Wasco county's prettiest :irls. Tin: Cnnoxici.n's paternal blessing; trees with them, and with it the hope that life may neyer look less rosy to them than it did today as they started for their future home. Four i'miiou Cliai aeti-r In Fiction. Charles Dana Gibson has made a great hit with h'is Dickens illustrations in The Ladies' Home Journal. In the Juno number we have a rare opportun ity of seeing what a great illustrator can do in one picture with four famous characters in fiction. Mr. Gibson pre sents Mr. and Mrs. Mieawber, David Copperfield and Traddles. The long, quaint curls of Mrs. Mieawber, and the characteristic of her gloved hands as she "lays the case" before David Copper- field, have been admirably caught by. the artist. Mr. Mieawber, self-poised and satisfied, wears a calm judicial ex pression as lie balances his glass in his hand. How's This! We ofTer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any cae of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hail's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Ciienky & Co. Props., Toledo, U. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last lf years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & 'I max, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Waldiug, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole sale Dmggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. I'ricc Too. per bottle. hold by Druggists. Tesiirnouiali" free. l-o-O The Shakers have made a discovery wh'uh if destined to accomplish much good. Kealizing that three-fourths ol all oi our sufferings arise from stomach trouble , tha: the country is literally iillu I wii.h people who cannot cat and dj oat foo I, without subsequently suffer UiK puii and distre.-e, and that many are Htarvii g, n9ting to mere skeletons, bfcuu-e their food does them no good, lhny have devoted much study and thought to the (subject, and the result is tht di-cm-nry of their Digestive Cordial. A llllle book can be obtained y ur iliiiigist that will point out the nv of relief at once. An investigation will cot nothing, and will uisult in much good. Laxol is the bust medicine for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor Oil. SUMMONS. rX TIM? CllUTIT C'ontTof the State of Oie JL pon for Wnseo County. AHied Crchbln, l'liilntlll, vs. Enroll P. t'artwrlitht. a widow . .1 1'. Cntlu-rlKlit, a single limn; Adelln Podge and 1.. o. limine, Her liustiiii'i : lva layior ana .insepii layior, lier husband. Addle 11iida.es mid Jerome llildires. lier huband Chailcs flniwn. a widower hthol Hunt, a widow: Vos-! liuri; and lie ry VoslnirK, her husband, t'armo i ..Inipsnn, u unani.d: .lima Hlmpson, unmiit- I rled: mid Vera iMmpson, linniarrled, sole helis . at law of Theodoie Cnrtwtljrht, deceased: Jar- vN ConUlIu Mori tragi1 Trut Company, a cor- ! iic-iallou, woiand it. cotiKlin a' il Jo-epn C. U'illett.-, lecelvers, nnd North American Trut company, a coriioration, defendants, To Charles Simpson, Kthcl Hunt, Klvu Vosbuiv, llemv Vosburtr, Kolnnd H. Coukltn Joseph C. Wllletts, Jarvis conklln Mortiraiie Ttust i oni jinny, a corporation, and Noith American 'I rust Company, a eoiporalion, defendants In the i aine of the State of Oiesoii. you and each of jou are liercbv minlied to appear and a s er the nmended rompialiit lllcd acalnst you in the above e.. titled eaiis by the Ilist day of the term of the nbow entlt.eil court fo'lowhiR the cNpiratlon ot the time piescilbwl in the Ol der of Mild court for the pub ieatlon of this sum mons viz. six weeks' publication thereof.be Kiiinineou the mth dav oi Aptll, 1S0T, the llrst day of said tenn of -aid ccairt being the Jlth day of May is;;. and If you fall so to appeal and answer phillitill's said amended complaint, the platuttll' will apply to the Court (oi the relief i raved for In hi said amended complaint, to wit Kor a judsnieitt iiRalnst the defendant Saiah 1'. ( nrtwiiuht for ihe sum of JglT'i.OO, with interest thereon at the rate of einlit per cent per annum fnan the Ilr-t day of Januarv, ls;i, computed scml-aiumally. less a credit of $ l.")(l.7,"i on account ot Intea-st, and for the further sum of fJ-WJio at torney's fees, and for the furilier sum of fO'J.o", taxes iiald for the veils lMl.i, ls'.ll nnd 1S(.i."i, wltli Interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per aniiuni f rom the 'JTlli day of January, IS'jT, and for his costs and disbursement-, of this suit. I-or tlie usual decree of foreclosure of the limit gaee set forth and disci ibed In plaiutills amen dul eomiilatnt. and for the sale of the mor saed inemi'i's therein described, as follows to-wlt: '1 he southeast quarter of the southwest quar ter, and the nor Invest quarter of section No. eighteen, To" r ship one noith. Utilise fifteen east, W. M , containing .Mil and U-10J acies. That the proceeds of said sale may be applied to the payment of the amount due to the plain till' as prine p.il. inteie t, taxes, attorney's fee and costs and oi-bursements and the expenses oft esale; that said def ndants ami encli and all of t hem, nail all peisons claiming by, through or under them, or any of them, subsequent to the execution of s.ild mortgage, be lorever b.iried and foieclosed ol all right, title and interest in in d to said mortgaged premises and the whole thereof; that the plaintllt' have execution against the defendant Saiali 1'. Cartwright for any deficiency which may lemain after the im plication of the proceed- of the sale of said premises applicable to the payment of said judg ment; that the plnintlU'or any Of the pai'ies to said suit may bteome purchaser.- at said sale, and that the purchaser be let into the full po--se-slon of suit! prcml-e- upon production of the sherill -ceitilieate of sale, and that the plaintiff have such other and furtcer reliet as may be equitable and just. This summ ns is served upon you by imbllcn Hon thereof for six weeks in 1 in: Dalles l iiuox iclk besi lining April luth, is7, by o-der of Hon. W.J.. Ilradshiiw, judge of the 7th judliial dis trict of the Mate of uresoti. nmde in chamber at Dalles City, Oregon, the 10th day of April, ls'JT. V. If. NClI-.-ON. apiin-ii Attorney for l'liilntlll. ou; bout Your job PRiTifKi? VJv have the facilities fordoing nil of .Job Printing, from a visiting can kind? i to a W(? llUFV, in catalogue, and we are after all the woi can do. We not only desire ;o keep but would nrefer to be rushed. Come a. and compare our prices witli that of any one, and compare q utility of work. Let us have your next order. NOTICE- -SALE OF CITY LOTS. bv X k i ... I ct li itPII bv irlven t hut 1)V itu 11)ULU in ..v . ... ,, .,,,, of onlltuuice i, -y-i the Common Council of Dalles 1 1 1 tietl . AH or' thority 1 OflklCiPll !..... . ...il mil. 1S07. on IX ,; .;;ovide.ortl.e-ale;,f certait. lota beloiMi.K U) I alles ' Satuidav, the Jll dav of May, KS!)r , k"i at public unction, to the unheal I bidder, all the lollowlm: lots hihI partn , I . ..M.'i,, ;,.to nddit on to Dalle? City, HI iun in 4 .. Wasco county. Oieiton, to-wit. Lots-1) and 10 jointly, in ' nek -J, lots 7, 8. '.land 10, jointly in block lo; lo h 7 S. !), and 10, joint! v m ''lock -t, known as butte; huh i . 11 ,"'- , i in,.u- f7: lot !) in block ;n ioih s 0 1 inn il. in miic.K EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Ro Southern Trains leave ami me uiie to nrr1(! a, j., of Tin: Pacific Comp'y 0. Iota 1.2, block A'.; Into 1. i in bloc -1 1 , and lots in block -10. ic.isoiiable value of fin 'otf, or tlnill W I ( I t ll'V Will 1KU MOMl, C. W. PHELPS & CO. Agricuitura -ui:.M.i:iis in- Implements. nt . , o, ll. l, ii "' J-i i.inck ::7: Ioih 1. j, :i, 4, r. d. , n" in 1 1 mid I1' in block -1' .1. A !1. 10 and 1 1 in :!. 7. Hi. 11 aril I. il, I, o. b' I'Ih. ii'i?onab e value ot fin no has been llxeil i.r.u neiei iniiiei. ' Coiiiinon Council of Dalles City as fol- ''TotH!! and 10, in block H, ifloO; lotH 7, S, 0 and 10, jointly in block If"), $200; lots 7, S. !) and 10, jointly in block Jl, f'OO; 'ot 10, in block 27, !f22o ; lot 11 in block 27, !f22o; lot 12, in block 2r, ..0(); lot 0, in block :U $100; lots 2,1!, !, 0, S !), 10 and 11, in block :'', each icspect ively $100; lots 0 and 7. in block ..o, each lcspcctivclv $'2o; lots 2, !, S, 51, 10 and 11, in block I'.li, cich respectively .I00; lot. 12, in block I'.li, 1125; lots Ii, -1, o, 8, 5), 10 ami 11, in block I17, each i ppectivelv $100; lots (i, 7 and 12, ui block .'!7, each respectively $JLo; lots 2, li, 10 and 11. m b'ook 11, imcIi nspectivelv $100; lots 1, 7 and 12, in block 41, each respectively $12o ; lots ::. 4. 5, S, 0, 10 and 11, in block -12, each respectively $100; lot f , ((and 12, in block 42, each respectively SI 23: lots 2. :, 4, o, I), 1U ami n, in bind: 4'.'.. each tesnectivelv $100 in block A'.). 125: lots 2, .'!, 4 mid block -10. each respectively $100 and 0, in block 4(5, each respectively $125. Each of thepo lots will be sold upon the lot respectively, ami none of them will be sold for a less sum than the value thereof, as above stated. One-fourth of the price bid on any of said lots shall be paid in canli at the time of sale, and the remainder in three i.ka vi:, I S.'M P. M. 8:nn A. M. Pally except Suiulay-. "1:00 I". M. 7 ISO A. M. 11:1."' I". M 'Dally. OVUKI.AXl) KXo Jiress, Kalem, t0ve. I nil ri;, AMilanil, Sue-1 raiuento, Ot;ilon,Snii raiieiseo, JlojWeJ l.osAnKeles,KliMs New iirlriiiw .....i I I Hint... ' ""u I Insulin ric liiiit' ' liiiiis ..... j f Via tn- Wnoillinni fn-V West Keln, llrnwnsIL vll e.s.priiigik.m. iinl f I Xiitrmi '-10 A.M. liscept outlets. si"i'.u,u ".V.(1 'ny .stitttouVno ni ilnrvallis ami ,:lJi-M (statlcnis Me.Mlnnv!li,. way stations way i " ml t S'.-uji, 1 8:25P.M (Daily, except Sunday. DINING OA It8 'IN OOIIKN K0UTE, I'U I.I.MAN llURTIiT Sl.KKl'ERs AND riKCONP-Ol.AS.S SI.UEPIxq f4R3 Attaclied to all Through Trains, Dlieot cnnnectlnn at i-au KinncUcn ivlth eutal anil Oriental anil I'nclllc i , Hues for JAPAN ami CHINA. a inieaiiDU. nines nun tiri:eiN to i:atern .:llllhir ri.. " .r it.nv.- nun tu i.vin in l.ll-icri 110 nit nrH V. tope. ANo JAPAN, CHINA, HOXrjLuif 7 Al'.STKAl.lA.ean be olitalneil from 1 ni J. II. ICritKUNl), Ticket Agent. TliroiiKli Tlelcet Olllee, 1.11 Third street, where tlirouuli tickets to all points in the i tI .Stales, ('lunula anil Eiiroim lowesi raies iroiu can be obtainca at SUMMONS. 7N TIIK CIP.CUIT CuritTof thehtateof Ore J. gon for tlie County of Was' o. 15. A. OsbowI, I'laintiil', vs. Ma Dunn, Spencer W. Dunn. tie'. H. Dunn Harvey W. Dunn ana Mary Dunn ami N. WlieaMon, as flministrator of the estate 01 Win. II. Dunn, ileceasetl, Del'entlants. To Ida Dunn, Spencer W. Dunn, Cieo. II. Dunn, Harvey W. Dunn ami Mary Dunn ami N. Wliealdon, as adinini-tiator of the istate of Win. II. Dunn, deceased, Defendants. In the name of the Statu of Oregon, You are hereby requited to appear and answer the com plaint Hied against you in the above entitled suit within ten days from the date of the ser vice of this tuminoiiaupou you, if served within this comity: or if served within any other county of this State, then within twenty days from thodate of the service of this summons upon you; or if served uion you by publication, then on or before the iiist duj of the 1 ext regular term of said court; and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintlll' will take judgment against you. the said Ida Dunn, for the sum of H'Jl in C. H. gold coin, and interest thereon, in like coin, from March Mi, ls'.U, at the rate of eight per cent peranuum: and for the further sum ot .f;;uo, In like coin, and interest, in like coin a' the rate of eight jer cent per annum from rebiuary 1, 1S!; and tor the further sum of s0 attorii'-y's fees; ai:dforliis coits and dis bursements herein ; and for 11 judgment and de eiee agdiust all of said defendants that nil the leal property described in the complaint, to-wit allot lot li, and the eist half of lot") of block "1 of llumiison's JHuil Addition to Dalles City, Oregon, be so'd. and the proceeds thereof be ap plied upon salt! judgment, unci that each and all of s.ild defendants be forever barred and fcie closel of all righr, title and interest in or 10 said premises and lands. Tills summons it served upon you, Ihe said Harvey W. Dunn and Mniy Dunn, by order of Hon. V. 1., Dradshaw, judge of said court, da'ul April 'J, lh'JT. ll'JNTINOTON' t WILSON, anrlo-ii Attorney for Plaint!!)'. Notice of Slierilf's Mt Drapers Manufactured and Repaired. Pitts' Threshers, Powers and Extras. Pitts' Harrows and Cultivators. Celebrated Piano Header. Lubricating Oils, Etc. White Sewing Machine and Extras. EAST SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, OR. c15CAB,TICKSohLICE THE WORLD RENOWNED equal payments on or before, one, J. II. KIltlCI.ANl). TMh i,i I All above trains arrive at anil ilcpart 1 ! Grand Central Station, Fifth ami ItvingttneU I YAMHII.l. DIVISION. I P.itsenger Depot, foot ot Jeilerson street. ; lot 1, - J,;,0" for 9.?XXK?.'- lLl,lJS'' cept Sundar, ' . . . :"0 a. 111.; U;lf), l:l., o;i), 0:43, jpoj n j. nil o, ill ( Mini ll:;;o p. 111. on Hatmdav only). Arrive it ; lots 1 ! Portland at 7:10 and S;."0 11,111.; and 1:30. lis .... ... 11'. niul 7'f.r. ti in ' 1 Leave for Khcrldan. week davs, U:Mp n Arrive, at Portland, U::X) 11. m Leave for Alltl.IIC on Monday, Wednesday and KU 'iiv at ll M0 a. 111. Arrive tit Portland, W dav, Thursday and Saturday at 3:03 p.m. Sunday trains for OSWKCO leave at 8:10 a. m and PJilA, l:lo, :i:!H), iv, ('.IjnndS ajp.m. At rive at Portland at S-.M, 10:00 a. m,; 1:30,1b mil tliree veure I mm tlie date of said sale, wild interest 011 Hiicb deferred jmy nienta at tlie rale of 10 per cent per annum, payable annually; provided that the payment may be made in full at any time at the option of the pur chaser. The said sale will bein on the 15th day of May, ISO", nt the hour of 2 o'clock p. 111. of said day, and will con tinue from time to time until nil of Kiiid lots shall be sold. Dated thia lltth day of April, 1807. GlI.llKKT W. l'lIKI.l'.S. Recorder of Dalles City. Fur Mali!. Lots A, 15, K and L, block 30; ATI, block 72; 'A, P., G, D, E and F, block 82. and A, 15, G, D and E, block 2d. Apply to W.M. SlIAUKKI.l'Oltl). two fiiin, 0:n.", 7:r" p. in. It. KOKIII.int, .Milliliter. K. Ass!, (i. P. RO0ER3, l .t Pass, Alt Proposals fur Constructing Sower SyNtoiu. Water unit WORLD RENOWNED Notice Is liereby ulven that by viltue of an o.xeculim and tlie older of Mile issued out of the , I'ili'iiil l oiirt of the .-tutc 01 ureKoii for V)iseo county, on the ;kl daj of Muich, lsiC, upon a j deeiee mid Judaiii"nt 1 i'.d', undeied ind en- 1 teied thuretiifore therein in a suit whelein (jeor.-e A. Liebe was jilalntill and l.;ie llaMer and Lizzie llaxter u iidiainislintiix of Ihues tnto of lluali M. llaxter, deeeasi d, ier- Itlend. ! ants, I did duly levy upon and will sill at the lioiitdoor of the county courthouse in Dalles I citj.Wiisco county, Oietfon, 011 Saturday, the 1 .Id day of April, ls'JT, at J o'clock in tlie after-! 1 0011 of Haid day, at publii' auction to the 'liitrh-e-t bidder ior imsii In IihiuJ, the folliAllnBde iei ibed real estate, desci I bed in mill execution I mid outer of vale, and deseiiued as follows to wit: 'Ihe Mi of N V.i-i amlNUof NWk' and of N!j,, eec s. Tp :i h It l.i K. W. M in Wu'sco (''iinty. Oregon, toKethir with the tenements, llMfi il 1 1 u 1,11 tk itlul i. T . t,l t r lultti 1 . 1't 1 )u,rm ,1 1 from ! beloimiiiB, or in unyui.si; uppertainlla.', or so j mil' li thereof u shall be iieceoo 11. to satlsty Ihe niiK'iiiiU due upon miiiI uiit.toult' liie sur.i oi Iki'.i.I 1, together with intcii'M thereon at the ati' nl ten per cilit pel aiiiiiiiu since the Mil I d 01 I ibi u, :i j , is'i; . nnd tin- iiirlhei sum of .! 1 (.,( in mi -int. loycrhct mill .tccn.iliK ill ten st unit expi-n.-et 01 ,ilc D.ilt.l ) 'Hi.' ) M 11 r ii. JSC. Supplied to United (States and British Governments. It has no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE & MAYS, The Dallo&, Oregon. Assignee's Notice Huul Selllcment. Notice h liercb Kiven that the uiidersiniicd, ussijfin'c of tin- estate of it. V.. William. 1111 in solvent debtor, has tiled his dual iiccouiit and icport in mid assignment with the Clerk of tln I'ln nit Coiut of the Rtntci'f (UeMoti foi Wan'o County, and tliat the same v, ill bu called up i-ir hemliiir befoie the Judge of s.ilil Couit 011 the Hist day of the next regular tenn of said Cneiilt Court, lo-wjt: Un Monday, tiie Jlth day of May, 181)7. or if the smuc cannot bo hcild by mild Couit lit said time, ns soon thereafter 11s n.e kiiinu can be hoanl by said Couit. Dated this P,th da) of Aplil, lh'.)7. A. S. Mac AI.LISTi:it, Afsigiiee of the estate of Jl. I'.. ililams. mi liiMih eiit debtoi. alT-'it-ll Sheriff's Sale Or . thl 1th da of )1 .nil I'or Siulo. Yoarliut; sheep (1000 head,) Kiund an.l in prime condition. J'rice $1.75, Ad divsi., ,1, .M. Davis, " in I 'l Sherars Uride, Onnn. Executor's Sale. I'liikiiant to 1111 onler of the county Court of the statu of Oicyon for the Wasco County, 111111I1 il. il 11 eicil 011 the iid day of .May, J v.7, in tin luntlui of the esialu of James Metiiihaii, deceascil, illicullni.' 1110 to sell O10 teal propcitv belonxniH to the e title of said deceased, J ulll.on stnr day, the rah tin) of June, JSU7. at the hour 01 j ()' lock p. iu,,attliu ciairilioiiM) door 111 Dalles City, uitiioii, sell at public sale, to the Jiluheit bl'idur. nil of the following ilesciibed real jirop uty bulin(,'l"K In diiI'1 estate, to-wlt: Ihe fcoiidiucit iiuarti-rof Section Ulu'lit. Townslilji line tjinilli, Jtiuwu Kouileun Kntl W. M , con tiMiioM 1UI noie 111010 or lass. mi It. r. (IIJIO.N'S. JlM'ontor. 1 1 I l)'H i I!, f iik'o 1 "ii .1 . 1 r 1 tiary I!l,,n,l 1'OISON porruaiiently cured In 15 to,i3 days. Von can bu treated at homo f orsj 'uo pne under (.atno kuii ran ti-. 1 f 1-011 Dn fl TtOCOUlOllOrO WUWlllivin. tract to pay railroad fareand hotel blll.i.aud Administrator's Final Account LOOT A noebart'e, 1 1 wo fail t j euro. 1 1' you have taken mcr cury, loiliilo not isli, mm fnll Jiavo uehos una paliis,MiictuHiuiu'H in mouth. Sure Tliroiit. limili 1 Ctipjier Coloicil sjiuj, I.Icom on our iiuiiut mu uuu, jimror J'.vmniiwrt 1:1 1 1 1 1) tr out, It Is this riccorulnry lt.(tl)l I'OlsiojJ wo uuururiU-n to cure. Wo BOlielt the most olistl uato cabcrt und fliiillcm,'n tlio worlil for u castt ivo oiuiriot curt). This dineo lias alivnya baflleil tlio Hldll nt 1 1111 most oiulneni iiliysl CiariJ. W.IOO.OOO capital behind our uiiiouill. llonal lai.nramy. Absolulo iuooIk sent scaled on implication. Address COOK ItlMllJoV CO.. '401 AUmuuIc Toiuplv. VUlVAiiU, ALU Wo Mays. tell lloo Cuko toaj), 1'eaeo A j ii.'l.L'm Notice Is liereby given that the undersigned, 'administrator of theestatu of J. 1). liilllin.de ceasid, lias I II I'd his ileal account, and that Monday, tlie, id day of May, 1W7, at iho hour of lDo'clu'k. a. in., has In en nppoltitul ns tlie time for healing objections tlieietn mid the settle ment theicof. All hells, cuilltors or other per sons Inteiested in said estate me liereby uotiiled to tile their objections to said llnal account, i iiuy they have, mi or befoio tlie day appointed for the licmintr tbeieof Dalles t it), Oregon, Marcli 'Jl, INJ7. lilf.'7-lt II i:. A. (iltirl'IN. AdliiliiisllatOf Notice of Final Stllbieiil. Notice Is lieieby glve-i that the iiuderslgiicd niliiiiiilstnitorof the estate of Mmy M. (ioidou, deceased, has (lied his llnal repoit ami account In said estate, mid (hut 'luesday, the ithihtyof May, IW7, at Iho hour of o clock p m of said tlay at the Cnuity court room, in the county court lioiiso In Halles City, Wasco County, Oie gon, has been appointed by siild court ns the time and plucu for heating said llnal account. Dated this latli day of Miuoli, lv.17. AAA S'lOliriDILI.. Administrator of the estate of Mmy M, lioi don, decease.l, iipill-II r.s Tin: ciuci ir i oi;in 1 lion for Wan:o Comity. 1'. 1). iireei.e. l'iainlli;, of the fclate of Oie- J. L. Stoi j , Lucretin Story and Dallci City, l)(ts. lly vitluoof an esei'iitlon and ordei of sale Is- , sued out of the Ciuult Court of tho Ktnleof Oregon ior the County of Wasco, to nie direeUil and dated the iXltlidnv of -Maicli, IV.17, upon n Ji(linent u. nt decim for Hie foreclosure of ' certain niorlj ages lendeicd and entered in said 1 court on the -JM day of Mmcli, ii;, in the above eiiillled raise, in lavor of t ltc pl.iliitill' and URiiinst the defendants, J. L. Mtory and l.ueretla 1 hloiy.iis jiidginentdebtois.in ihe sum of i.s.l.(.ii, I with iut-iest tlieicon at tlie late of eight per 1 cent per annum fiom iheL";ddny of Maieh, IM17, and llie fiiithersum of S7 mttoinev's fees, and the fuilher sein 01 Ul.711 cots mid disburse-! uieuts ol suit; nail luitiier In favoi of tint ilp. i iendant Dalies ctv mid ngnlnst thodefciidaiitM J. L. Hioiy mid Liifielia .Story, as jiiiluineut debtors in tlie sum of sf.1lil.ll, mid the further sum ol ?," costs, of suit, mid further the costs of and on snldwiltof execution; and command ing inn to iiialio sale of tho rent i,i,,i.,m- biaccd 111 said deeren of foreclosure mid order of sale mid heieliiafler ileseiibcd, I Jiavo duly ' levied 011 and will. 011 the :jl dm- of Mm. isht i at the huur of J o'clock in the nlternoon, at the county couithoiisu door In Dalles City, Wnseo County, Oie,'011, tell at public miction, to tho highest bidder, for r.isli In hand, alt the right, title, mid iuteicst which the. said J. I.. Storv mid Lucretin htory. or either of them, hud on tlm ui- day of Jaiiuaiy, J'isil, Uiuilatiioi tho moitgace of plalnllir foreclosed herein, or which such de lenil.iuts.orany of Ihe defeiidanlh Jieiclu, Imve fIiicu iicoiilriii or now have, in and to tho fm. lowing described real property, sltiiatumiil being I 1), t hi, I ',,! ,1 11. .it WllLi... Ul.llii.lf .1........ ... ...f.. ,t, . 1, v vini , t j ... , , iir, ,j ,1, iu ,14 l UKOII, t'l tVl l . Lots numbered eleven (11) und twelve (Vii in block twenty (-'0) of (iatcs Aditloi to Dalles City, Wnseo County, Oregon, or so much thcrof as will satisfy said above mentioned mid de scribed Judgments, uttmney'H fees mid costs, riaid piojH'rty will bu sold subject to coiilliinii Hon by said Clienlt Court mid to ledeinptlou, as by law provided, Dated at 'llio Dalles, Oregon, this .lint day of US. Indian Service, Waim hpiing.s Agencr, Or.. May 7. 18'J7. HKALKD PitOI'OSALS, Clidor-ed: "Proposals for Water ami Kewer System" and nddiessed 10 tlie undeisigneil at Warm sjprlngs, c'rook County, Oregon, will be received at tills agency until 1 o'clock . in. of May '.'7, 1S'J7, for furnish ing the necessary materials and labor icipiired in the construction and completion of a water and sewer system, (Including plumbing) for the boarding school plant to be elected 011 this re serve, in strict accordance with plans mid si ed ucations, which may bo examined at theoilice of the "Morning Oregonian," Portland. Or., " I'lir. C11110.Nic1.iJ," The Dalles Or., mill at this Agency. JUddcrs will state eh-nrlv In ilmlr 1,1,1 tin. , length of time reunited to complete the woik. i The right Is reserved to tejeet any and all bids, 1 or any pint of any bid, If deemed for the best in Iciest of the service. I The atten ion of bidders Is invited to the act of Congress approved August I, ls'J.', entitled: "An act relating to the limitation of thehour.i of dally service of laborers and mechanics em ployed upon Die public winks of Ihe I'nited stales and 01 the Dlsttict of Columbia:'' also to Mr net of Congiess approve.! August i.v.H, ' eiiillled: "An act for the pioteclloii of persons iiiiinsiuHK ninicuaisi mm moor 101 tlie consll ac tion of public works," cuniii inn ciiiii Ks. ICaeh bid must be accompanied bv a ccrtllied rlitcl; or draft upon some Unitnl Hta'tes Deposi tory or solvent .National ItanL in 1 lie vleinln of ihe lesidimee of tlie bidder, made payable to' the older ol the Commissioner of indimi All.dis, for atle.isi KIV1-, I'Kll CICST. of the . 1111011111 or the proposal, which clack oriliall will be forlelted to the li'nileil Statts in case nnv bidder or bid iivis iceelviiigaii uwaid shall full to piomiitlv CACcute u eniitiiict wltli good niul sum 'lent unities, otherwise In be leluinid to tlieblddir lllils accompanied b cash in lieu of a eertl liid clink will wit be eonsideicd. K01 any additional liil'oimatloii, apply to JAMIih I.. COWAN, lnv7-inJ7 I', itidlnn Age-it. EM ST! GIVES THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VIA- Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul Denver Omaha Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities OCKAN HTKA.M JJKM Leave Portlwl KviirV Vlvu Days for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Kor full details call on O. K & Co. s Agent Tli.i Dalles, or address W, II. UUKI.llUltT, Gen. PW Portland, Orejw E. M'Ni:il,I. President and Mima er Tlie New Tline Card. Undur tlio new time card, which oei into effect tomorrow, trains will wweM followH: No. to Spokane, nml Great Northtra arrives at 0 p. 111., leaves at 0:05 p."' No. 2, to INmilleUin, Italcer City anil Union Piicillo. uri'ivi'B 1:15 a. iie' I parts 1 :20 a. in. t I No. II, from Spokane ami Great AOrtv ! o .on .1...ifta 8l35 3. niii 11 i t 1 vi'H n w. 11 v. 1 mi - " No. 1. f l-tiiii HaUci' Citv ami ,.;n,. iiiii'iiina 1 )n iloi.arts 1 :'-'o ft v, 1 1 1 w j 111 1 1 iv.1 ) ..s- - - Nob. "IS and L'l, movln I. . .!!.. ...Ill .......... iiiuCIll!'(rS Millies, win 1. ii 1.1 i"""- ,.- n.., departs Union Pi- , m. cast ot The So. 3 .1, H. SCIIK.NK, I'lesldent. 10 II. M. llK.M.li, Caabler, THE DALLES arrives at 0:80 p, ' '"iBaenyom for Ilcppnor willtuke trata loaviiiK lien; 11:03 p. m- OREGON A iioiientl JSanking HiiHinesH traimacu'ii uepoaitB received, eubject to ajj-lit Draft or Check. CollectioiiH riiiulu ami proeeedu promptly romitted on day of collection. Sitfht and Telegraphic, lC::eliaii(fu sold on New York, San Fraiieiuco atu! port !und. DIKKOTORS Jno. S. SUIIKNOK. hi). M. VlUiIAK3, GliO. A. LlJillK. H. M. Hkai.i., Dalles, Moro and Antelope ; STAGE LINE. Harry Liebe, TluouKl. 1)- laylllit via Onis'S ValK')'-' ami dross Hollows, XIip Iia'I"' Aiill''l,e- DOIKll.A.S AI.I.''t i 11 1'l'IMiA ll'i rilaKes leave '1'l.o.Dalles from .y'.'JS.o at 7 11? also fiom AnK'l ',1 'f. ' ' conifi' ilonda.v, Wciluesday "'' ,V, ,w J, I(tcbei in, 1. in nt Anrelone for 1'rlnuv ..daall'1' PflACTlCJAL I I WatchinakeiUewelcr March, INI" npr-'di T. J. DltlVUll, Klierlll ol Wuico County, Oregon. All work promptly ntteadeil to, and wiiriantwl. 174 VOGT BLOCK. 1' ...lull. po :its beyond, cwse ' " ,.,,,1 boats, killes wltli rnllwiiys, trains"'1' fa iliija, illillPiotjp ' 11ATKH OF I'A"11 DallcK lo Deschutes do Moro. do (Irass Valley do Kent... ...... tin Cross Hollinvs. Alltelnpo to tJrnss Hollows . do Kent. .... do (irnss Valley do SI011 do Dcschuees do Dalles.... " i "j25 "' JOO " 2 CO 0 . :'.3l: i war, 7 ' , 4