The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 20, 1897, Image 3

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Our regular $ 0.50 Suit Lengths for $4,95 1 Vinn S!,,;4.;,, u. i t 1 ,1
Our regular 7.00 Suit Lengths for 5.00 1 1110 UltinffS "V the yard (l WO lengths
Our regular 8.50 Suit Longths for 0.50 in mece" reduced fvmn 7 fie mil 1 00
Our regular 10.00 Suit Lengths for 7.25 iixiutxu nom OK antl.l.UU
Our regular 10.50 Suit Lengths lor S.25 to GO and 75c per yard.
I -ill1 ., '1 V f
The Dalles Daily Ghronieie.
MAY '20, 1897
fC:tiii1oiii Olisorvutloim ami Local Kvontft
of I.i-Hsur MitKuittiili:.
There has been a strong west wind all
day, with much cooler weather than
Wool is coining in quite plentifully,
and Klickitat continues to send in con
siderable wheat.
The annual meeting of the V. C. T.
lT. will lie held in the Congregational
church tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Judge Morrow of California has been
nominated by the president for the
position of U. S. circuit judge for the
Ninth district.
Tomorrow evening Cedar Circle will
give an entertainment at Fraternity
hall to Woodmen and their wives. A
special business meeting will be held
previous to the entertainment.
Fred D. Hill, at the Moody bowling
alley, broke the record at noon today,
with a score of '18, and was rewarded
with a bin iron dollar. There is another
just liko it waiting for the man who
beats 48.
Mr. Frank Carney of Astoria, who was
here last Sunday, is responsible for the
statement made in an Astoria paper that
"Col. Sinnott i$ the rankest Populist in
Kastern Oregon." Wonder what kind
of a story the Col. filled him with.
The street sprinkler was not in evi
dence today, which is probably the rea
son why the west wind went on a frolic
and tried all day to seo how much dust
it could kick up. Just how much it
raised, we are unable to say, but there
was plenty.
The river at 1 o'clock was at the 40.7
mark, a rise of .1 in six hours. The fact
is that whilo the Range shows this, it is
Probable the river is falling a tritle, or is
at least at a standstill, as the strong up
stream wind would cause at least that
much of a rise.
The jury that tried Russel in Coos
eonnty lust week disagreed, eight being
In favor of declaring him insane and
four for murder in the second degree.
Russell was tried for killing his son-in-law.
The old man climbed on a bed,
pushed his gun through a partition wall,
iid deliberately fired at his son-in-law,
who was seated on a chair in an adja
cent room.
Last Thursday evening, while Blaine
Menley, George Schott and Mauley
Dawning were riding from Condon, iu
Gilliam county, toward Ferry canyon,
and when just outside of Condon,
Mealey's horse ran into a wire fence and
was almost Instantly killed. His throat
was cut and tho hide torn ofi' his breast,
'f he young man was thrown over the
fence, but was practically unhurt.
This afternoon about 1 the 0-year-old
daughter of N. W. Hoyle, while
Playing near the East Hill primary
Competition may bo ' the life of
trade," but unless fairly and fully met,
it is often the death of the trader! Con
sequently our
' is kept right up to the times able to
Tc dcffW 111001 a competition and to supplv all
iTS pT CJS demands. 1
Between the hours of 2 and 5 p. m. on Saturday next
we will present to each lady making a purchase in our
Dry Goods Department,
See Display in Dry Goods Window.
school, was caught by a gust of wind
and blown from the top of some high
rocks oti winch she had climbed. She
waB quite seriously hurt, her spine be
ing injured, but tho full extent of the
injuries cannot yet be learned.
j A stranger hired a carriage at Niagara
j Falls to take' him over into Canada, and
I while crossing tho bridge jumped from
the whicle and threw himself into the
angry waters below. The horror stricken
driver gazed downward upon the mad
torrent, Ins breast torn with emotion,
and then turned and said to his horses
that ho would be double-blanked if the
next man he hauled out there wouldn't
have to pay in advance.
Two old Indian women, one blind and
j the other decrepit, burned to death Inst
I week on Williamson rivor. in Klamath
i county. One was burned to a crisp in
l the wigwam and the other ran and
! jumped into the river. She was found
j on the bank naked and nearly dead, and
i died two hours after. The fire is
j thought to have been started by some
j incendiary, and Agent Erwin and the
j Indian police are making a thorough in
' yostigation.
The river this morning showed a rise
of 1.1 in 24 hours, though the strong
up-stream wind was probably respon
sible for at least .2, so the actual rise
would be .0. Mr. Pague's report yes
terday was alarming, and we believe un
reliable. This morning, according to
reports received by the O. R. the
Clearwater was falling, the Snake at
Lewlston was going down slowly, and at
Umatilla the Columbia fell .2. This
means a fall here of about .3 tonight,
followed by periiaps a further fall for a
day or two, at least. The indications
are that the Snake has done its worst
and that it will go down slowly as the
Columbia rises. Mr. Pague reports
warm weather in the country around
the headwaters of tho Columbia, but
without the flood of the Snake there can
be no damaging stage of the river here.
For halo or Trade.
: A desirable ranch of 1C0 acres, within
tour miles of Dalles City, with one span
mares, harness, wagons, plows and other
i property. Fine fruit land and abun
idauce of water. Will trade for Dalles
, City property. Inquire of
' A. S. Mac Alljstek,
i Real Eetato and Insurance Agent,
i CiiHo.vici.K office, The Dalles, Or.
This ia an "Age of Soap." Why use
any but tho very best. Beat soap means
Hoe Cake. Sold by Pease &. Maya. a2-3m
Schilling's Best extracts
have no end of flavor in
Schillings Best
baking powder
flavoring extracts
and spices
are pure and money-back.
Tor sale ly
V. E. Kahler
The I'ropcrty Ni-nr Canyon rity
'I n ii l'n.
G. R. Fugit, of Canyon Ci'y, who is a
j delegate to the grand lodge of Odd Fel
jlows from Hobah lodge, Xo- 22, repot ts
, that everything in that mining section
! is looking more promising than ever be
fore, so much that everybody is going
crazy. Everybody is wanting to mine
and as consequence tho country is taken
j up. The gentleman is employed on
Walter Brown's placeis near Canyon
City and is thoroughly posted on what
is going on in the country adjacent there
! to.
' Mr. Fugit report that there is very
profitable digiriug being done in some
i places near Mr. Brown's property. He
1 reports that the men on an adjoining
, claim picked up .$884 recently in a few
I days, just by looking over the dirt as
' they shoveled it, and that lie, himself,
only a few days before leaving, found a
! nugget worth $100-
Speaking of machines for saving gold
I Mr. Fugit related that J. A. Whitman,
: who has been mining in that country
i for thirty years, had said to him that if
j they ever invented a machine that
I would save the fine' gold thero would bo
! more gold taken out of that country
than ever before.
The Tower Itcliintl the Tin one.
Mrs. C. M. Donuell, president of the
Press and Literature department of tho
county W. C. T. U., at the recent con
vention at Hood River gave the follow
ing tribute to the Press as a part of her
report :
"Perhaps no other agency so ttuly de
serves to be called 'the power behind
the throne' as tho Press. History tells
us that the world has always had some
thing that exercised a controlling influ
ence over the people. There have been
magicians, medicine men, soothsayers,
astrologers and priests. The 'mind
motor' of tho Nineteenth century is the
Press. Every person reads the papers,
and 'As a man readeth eo is he.' The
Press is the 'mighty means on which
the arm of progress leans.' The printed
page has such fusing qualities that it
blends the minds of men and women to
a common purpose, who otherwise re
maining alone would have been without
inspiration and without incentive to
"The influence of the Press has cen
tered the eyes of the nations and of our
beat statesmen latterly to consider the
crowning work of civilization, arbitra
tion. It has brought our nation to con
aider the gallant fight our next-door
neighbors, the Cubans, are making for
their liberty. It has brought to the
notice of the world tho heroic efforts of
the Greeks to drive tho lordly Turk out.
It has brought us all into sympathy
with the suffering Armenians, and with
the starving hordes of India. It has
probably done more to teach patriotism
and to protect the stara and stripes than
any other agency. It playB an import
ant part in making temperance senti
ment. A large part of the work is being
"The Delft"
Mixed Blue and While out
side and White inside.
"The Delft" is the latest
ware out in cooking utensils.
Prices are about the same as
granite ware, and a great deal
cheaper than the aluminum
ware, and prettier than either
of them. Call and see the
goods at
107 Second Street.
carried on by moans of circulars and by
the power of tho press.
"Undoubtedly this mind motor is one
of the 'leaves of healing.' "
I.i'Hiil rrot'rt-rihif; Aculnxt S li i ti e n
Will lie Siiii nil( il.
Washington, May IS. Following tho
recommendation of Commissioner Her
mann, of the general land office, the attorney-general
has instructed the United
States district attorney for Oregon to
suspend tor the present the legal pro
ceedings pending in that district grow
ing out of the sheep pasturing within
the limits of the Cascade range forest
reset ve.
The commissioner of the land ollice
has submitted to tho secretary of tho
interior an elaborate statement showing
tiie facts regarding the Cascade forest
reserve in Oregon, reciting its history
from its inception to the present, and
the legislation iu congress as to all forest
reserves. In this statement tho com
missioner recommends that tins former
order of the department forbidding pas
turing on the leterve be revoked en
tirely, or so modified as to permit pas
tilling under regulations to be prescribed
by the department.
A Itirtliday Suiprlsi-.
Yesterday being the birthday of Mis.
J. 15. Condon, and that of Mrs. K. L.
Brooks following iu a day or so, the
ladies of the Aid Society gave them a
genuine surprise iu the afternoon at the
home of tho latter. A bout foyiy ladies
met at the home of Mrs. J. M. Patter
son, and then proceeded trMra. Con
don's, where a most enjoyable afternoon
was spent. Among other lungs a short
program was tendered, Mrs. Wilton, in
a manner peculiar to iXrself, and un
excelled, gave an address of congratula
tion to the two houyfraries, to which
Mrs. Brooks responded in a happy way,
Mrs. E, (). McCoy tiien sang it pretty
solo, Mrs. Briggs guyo a recitation, and
.Mrs. W. O. Curtis read a letter by
Lydia Maria Child. Refreshments were
served later in the ifternoou.
Those present be
iile Mrs. Condon and
Sirs. J'rook were
Mesdaines Wilson,
R Thompson, .1 M
Uonnell, .Myure, A
Patterson, W Coiidon, S 1 M Kris,
jj T I'eteiP, Dean
i Gibons, R Gibons
'son, V Shaukelfo
F Van Nordon, R F
K O .McCoy, C Cor
d, A J Tolinio, G 1
Morgan, A M Kifleay, JJ Glenn, C 11
I Cushion:, T JJnth:
F Menefeo. V G
! Curtis, W If W'ils
m, Gray, K O J'ease,
' F Bailey, O I) Mntw, Myra Robeits, !
!and Mrs X V Wallace and Mrs R .Mays,
.lr, of Antelope. I i
j Nebraska corn for sale at tho Wasco
warehouse. JJest feed on earth, in'J-tf
I Enulish and JJolyian cement, very
i best imported brands, for sale by Wasco
i Warehouse Co. myS-Jm
Wanted A ulrl to do general house
work iu a small family. Must bo u t;ood
cook. Apply at this office. nU7-tf
' 4 1.1 ..I !.t. k r IT
,v goiu wairu-cuariii, who a. ia u.
W. emblems and initials J.A.'M., has
been lost, Finder please leave at this
office, m lo tf
Just Received.
A stock of Pure Aluminum Ware Cook
ing Utensils.
No enamel to flake off. Solid metal. No
plating to wear off.
Absolutely pure. No verdigris, or salts
of tin.
Wonderfully light and beautiful, and
very durable.
Foods cooked in it do not scorch.
Drop in nnd seo it. We will be pleased to show it to you, oven if
vou don't buv.
We Carry ?
Builders' and Heavy Hardware,
Lime and Cement,
Farm Machinery,
Bain Wagons, Champion Mowers
and Reapers,
Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron,
Barb Wire, Etc.
Phone 25.
Baby Carriages
.11' ST A KM V HI) AT Ti l K
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
Wlioro will also ho found llio largust and most com
plete lino of IManos, and other Musical Instruments
in Eastern ( h'egon.
Complete Line of FISHING TACKLE,
Notions, Haso Hall floods, 1 lainmodv.s, Hooks and
Stationery at Hud rook Prices.
New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
Again in business at tho old Ktai'd. I would bn pleased to
Hue all my forinui patrons. FK-o dolivory to any part of town.
Opp. A. M. Williams & Co.,
Lumber, Building Material and Boxes
TradedjurHay, Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c.
rowe & CO..
UuoKittii'o Arutuu nulv..
The host salvo in the world for ciiiu,
bruiees, sorea, ulcers, salt rheum, fovei
sores, totter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posl
I tively cures piiea, or no pay required
it is guaranteed to K'Ve perfect satlsfac
tion, or money refunded, Price 25 cents
per box. For sale Dy RlaUeloy and
Houghton, druKtrfste.
Tho merchant who tells you ho lias
something else as good as Hoe Cake soap
ia a good man to keop a way from, aL'-JJm
a full line of
Kiim'M(r to Ulirlmiian it Con-on.
The Dalles, Or
Do you want vour windows cleaned,
carpets taken up, beaten iiiul ru laid, or
janitor work of any kind done by a
first-class man? If so, telephone Henry
Johnson at Parkins' barber shop.
J'honelU). ailMf
Yellow washing powder will make
your clothes the same color, Aroid
this by using Soap Foam. It's pure
whito, a2-3m
Hoap Foam excels all other washing
compounds a'J-ain
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