f.tta. ,. I 1 Co o- urn 1 S7 " ! t K8 . . M - - '. 'Ml . ft; The Dalles Daily Chronicle, The only Republican Daily Xetcspapet Wasco Countv. EASTERN OFFICE 2 SO to 234 Temple Court, N. Y. Citu. E. KATZ, Agent. CluliliitlK liuten. Clironiclo and Orejjonian. . . . Chronicle and Examiner. . Chronicle and Tribune Chronicle and N. V. World 2 00 2 L'o 2 25 1 75 started a slock boatd for llic purpose of floating wild-cats, but as always happens to villages that undertake to maintain stock boards, the latter went defunct. A stock board never j helped a mine, but it has broken many a miner. The very fact that ihc board was established shows the style of men who are booming the district, and furnishes abundant rea son for business people keeping their money out of liossland. THURSDAY. MAY 20, 1S!)7 A LIVE SENATOR. Uscar Wilde completed his tcim of two yeais' imprisonment yester day and was given his freedom. lie says he will locate in I'aris, engage in literary pursuits, and will write over his own name. The world lias had an abundant suflicicnuy of his kind of writing, and if he has to de pend on the pen, he will wish ho weie in it again. Germany skonld not feel proud of her course in backing Turkey. It was about the meanest thing that great country was ever guilty of. Senator Mason of Illinois pays but little attention to senatorial usages, and refuses to remain in the senate for two or three years keeping his chair warm and his mouth shut. He is a Cuban sympathizer, and he wants the senate and the world to know it. Yesterday he spoke in favor of the Morgan resolution, and told the senate some truths about itself that must have made some of the venerable relics shiver m their cerements. He insisted that the sympathy and aid of France alone made it possible for this country to obtain its freedom from England, and that the United States would yet furnish a Lafayette for Cuba. In closing his speech he said: When you get at the deep under tone of the conscience of the Chris tian people of this country, they say let us have freedom in Cuba. Then let the Snani'ird "O In ok- tr liw nwn KHY'S CRHA3I KAMI Is a iosHlvocuro. ilu ii u Dja luini ao oatk CO Ills own App,y int0 the nostrils. It Is quickly nbsorbed. 60 janu, aim ice us nave no Slaves Oil cents at Drupelets or by mail ;Bainpic3ii) uymaii. mil- tvinfmnnt. Vrm ,.nn f..,ll tint ELY BHOTIIEltS. Cfi Warren St., New York City. 1 MWMmms- roue! ii A ii i rv nil I j li is lee J1L very best 1201 Smoking B' Tobacco reiFs Genuine mmm 1 ULL DURHAM Yon will find ono coupon Insldo onch 2 ounce bag ami tvo coupons lnsldo cncli 4 ounce boe. l!uy r. bug, tv.;d tbo coupon and see bow to c-t your .sharo of J2.5O.OO0 In presents. WALL PAPERI WALL PAPERI Just Received 5000 Kolls of Wall Vapor, best patterns. Tho beautiful colors. New Invoice Tho nioft of Paints and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. Jot Snipes-Kmersly Drug Co. Wholesale. CClines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED int ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER on draught and in oottles. Ohl I'eople. Old people who requireinc(Hcinc to regulate t lie bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Electric Bittr.-. This medicine does not stimulate and contains no whisky nor other intoxicant, hut acts us a tonic and alternative. It acta mildly on the stomach and oowels, adding strength and pivin tone to the orpins, thereby aiding Nature in the Derformauc! of the functions. Electric Hitters is an excellent rnipetizer and aids digestion. Old people find it just exact ly what they need. Price Q cents ami $100 per bottle- at JJlakeley & Hough ton's Dru" Store. o jiiiio as long as you like. Von may define jingoes as long as you plc.c. Patrick Ileniy was a jingoist. ac oonling to the definition of the gen tlemen who are trying to keep down the insurgents in Cuba. Every man who had rather light than buy. peace at the dishonor of his wife or his child has been called a jingo from the days of early republics until now. I am for the liberty, for the inde pendence of Cuba on a better and broader ground. I piopose better environments, noi for trade or com merce; not for the extension of ter ritory and that is the distinction between the ordinary English law maker and ourselves. .11.. Tl ? T .. . . , 1 -i r nr. i-resiiieni, exclaimed jiason, j Soinetiint;,- t ixnmiii on 1.1 ! r ii . i . i . t v .. i.... n.,u n.i.u a iii uiu .ir, Jamea Jones, oi tne drit' lirm ot world; if every gun was melted into Jones & Son, Cowden, 111., in 'spooking a plowshare; if every bayonet was j 0f Dr. Kind's New Discovery, sas that buried; if every ship we ever had ast wjntcr his wife was attacked with was sunk in the middle of the iea, LUirippe, and her case rev so serious there is' no nation in the world. ; that physicians at Cowden and Pana much -less Spain, that would ever COuld do nothing for her. It seemed to dare strike our colors on Americai. develop into Hasty Consumption. Hav-ini &oil." (Applause in the galleries.) : i,,-. nr. Kind's Sp.w ii:--,nvp,v in cf,w 1 ,1 Jlason stood b his oiiginal prop- j and selling lots of it, he took u bottle U osition that without Lafayette's aid, ! "o'"-', nml to the surprise of all she be-1 "Washington's government was not ! t0 "ot better fl0m tlie mat (iose a'1'1 1 worth a '.finntinontnl dnn.n " vi.nt i half (iow" llo,lar b,jUIea r1 1'er sound ! , , . and well. Dr. Kind's New Discoverv we should do was to give Cuba what for Consumption, Cou-hs and Colds i's J.afayette gave Washington. I guaranteed to do this irood work. Try :5r ' it. Free trial bottles at liiakeley ti Uefore many days some steps will' Houtihton's Dru Store. "5) be taken looking towards the build-: . nig oi a ranroact to tlie ues Uliutes Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS NEW SPRING GOODS NEW SPRING GOODS JUST ARRIVED JUST ARRIVED FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ntANSACT A OUN'KHAIj HANKING IlUSINKS Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchanui: and Telegraphic Transfers sold on iS'ew York. Chicauo, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore lon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Im. coihini, son-: dkai.kk in Tin: dai.i.ks or ii n i it Marble Burial l aiilts A Perfect Protection from Water and Dampness. Preserves the J5ody by Ex cluding the Air. It possesses every merit claimed for the most expensive vaults, viz: absolute security and durability, thus making a permanent and imperishable resting place-for the dead. This vault is made of six pieces of mar ble which can be (irmly fastened to gether with cement, thus making them air and water tight. C. F. STEPHENS. u There is a tide in the afairs oj men which, taken at its jlooo leads on to fortune." The poet unauestionablv had reference to the losing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALl & BURGET'S, Who are seliinK those goods out at greatlv-reduced rat MTCHKLBACH BRICK. - - UNIUN ST. All Kinds Cemetery Work Mr. Comini lias on hand a lartre sup ply ot first-class Marble, to bo used in .Monuments, etc. Prices lower than in Portland. and possibly From tin- Kairliuvcn (N. Y KuslMcr. eventually up that j Mr. James Kowland of this village. stream and into Crook county. Of i state that for twenty-tive years his wife the necessity of such a road there I nas ,,een a eulfeier from rheumatism.! can be no doubt if The Dalles is to ,ew "ltms nK " was euc J)!,,n ... that she was nearlv crazv. Sh" sent maintain its position as a shipping Mr. Rowland for the docto'r, but he had and supply town. Some of our oiti-1 read of Chamberlain's Pain Halm and zens are taking a deep interest in the ; instead of uoing for the doctor he went matter, and arrangements are being 1 10 1,10 Ptoro an(, secured a bottle ot it. made for viewiii" out a ronln nnd ! Uia wil'e "ot 'W'Provo of .Mr. Itow- , ,. . , , land's purchase at first, but neverthe- having a survey made. W.th a toad , 1(JSS ap()lie(1 Ul0 a,m thorou,,llly iUHl , to the Des Chutes the portage ques- an hour's timo was able to xo to sleep, tion would be solved, and boats on I Shi now appliea it whenever she feels an the upper Columbia would soon fol-' acll or n 'min 1,1,(1 mi'is thiU il nlwayn ! low. .lust give this matter your at-, J"8""; - eW eJicIno ; , .. . which she had used ever did her as much I te.it.on and bo prepared to do your! B00(li The 2 and SO cent sizes for glo I New York Weekly Tribune ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. n u H s Pullman Elegent Touirist FOJ!' Farmers and Villagers, von Fathers and Mothers, roit Sons and Daughters, FOU All the Family. TO Sleeping Oars Dining Cars Sleeping Car ti'V. I'Alll. MlNNKAl'OLI DUMJT1I KAIini) (illANI) I'Olt CKOOKSTON I1KI.KXA an IHITTU You Get the Profit a M-f.rs' Aents Jobbers and Middlemen by buying! rect from the manufacturer No better wheel made than the Acme Bicycle Built in our own factory by skilled workmen, using- the best material and the most improved machinery. Wo have no aqenk Sold direct from factory to th rider, fully warranted, &hipCl anywhere for examination ' WRITE FOR Our Interesting Ofo Acme Cyclo Cc, Elkhart, hd, Regulator Line The Dalles, Portlani aii Astoria Navigation Co.' stis. Regulator ( Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENUER LINE lU'.TWEGN Tlie Dulles, Hood Ulver, CneailoI)Cks and Pert liiml dally, except Sunday.. GOOD SERVICE, LOWEST RATES, ( DOWN THE Ml Aro you going If fn, .save moiiey'.iud enjoy a licautllultripon the Columbia. Tlie wu-t-boiind truln arrlvent The Dalles In ample time for jiasi-cnpers totate the steamer, arrlvlns; in I'ottlnnd in titaeforthe outpoint; Southern and Northern twins; W hound pas'-cnKei.s arrlviuj,' in The DaIea lu time to take tho Kast-honnd train, Kor further ini'urmation tipidy to J. N. HAUNKV, A Bent, oak Htieet Dock. Portland, Orcson, Or V. (' Ahl-AW.VY, Gon.Agt., Tho Dalle, urofon, slime wlien tliu uiattor inatetializcs. hy Mlaktley & IIoukIuoii. .StoelclKililtti'h' Meeting. The relatives of Win. Lartd will id . . . do well to oiler a liberal reward for I Notice is Jiereby given that a inetting tlie conviction of the ghouls who of tl)0 stockholders of Tlio Dalies Chron stole the hodv nf thn ilfn.n.fl mill. ic!u ''"'jlishitii,' Company will bo held at ionaire but it is to bo hoped that,,, SMl ,,,, n 1fi07 3 f uiuy win nemior oner nor ,'jivo one o'clock p. in., for tho puriioso of udont- cent in the shape of tribute to llio , in supliinuntary articles of incorpora fiends themselves. The paying of ' lion Iroaaiii? the capital stock of said blackmail to these wretches would lc0,,,,m,,y ai"' tr'ulBauti" etj1' other , . .i business as may comu before said meet' soon give an impetus to Ihe grave. !llL,. ,,v nril(Jr flf , ,., . nf n. Tho Dalles, Oregon, April , 1897. A. iS. .Mac Ai.i jstkii, President. K. ti. DAVr.M'OltT, secretary. ! With the close of the Presidential Cum paten THE TiilUUNK rccopiizea tha I fact that tho American people aro now anxious to jrivo their attention to homo and 1 biiiiiiess interests. To meet this condition, politics will havo far less epaco and prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the tight for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to tho present dav. and won its greatest victories. Every possible effort will bo put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE WEEKLY Tiai5UNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interestini;, instructive, entertaining and indisnein-ablo to each member of tho family. Through Tickets UIIIUAUO T uw.himncjton ; i'iiii,aih:muia SKW YOltlC ISOMTON AND A 1. 1. 1MHNTS KAHT ami SOUTH robbing industry, and no corpse i would bo safe. Some of the Kosslaud mines are We furnish ;'The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. ,n , iWP" your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. IJest, Tribune Oflice, Now York City, an J a sample copv of Tho New York Weekly Trib une will bo mailed to van. undoubtedly good ; but that mining i history is repeating iUelf is just "s, SURE CURP dI!b.I true. It is having a boom, and it I ilSZ, IrJl.t. T . t .' l! , . 1. rr'i aoa will have its reaction. Kossland I K'TO 7? iUOD PPlTltma clt ThlS OfflGft. ' UIVLLI11.LIU.L I. iiIl'. iciik 1 1.1. ik u,.ti v ' m cui'wrTte?"' ti"luc"r,ls- ana tickets, W. C. ALLAWAY. AkoiH, 0I T,IU b-'lles, OreRon A. D. CHAULTON. Asst. G. P. A., .'luinson uor. Tlilrd. l'orthmd Oreoii Tlila Is Your Opiiortunity. On receipt of ten ccnte. cash or sinning. a Konorous eainplo will bo nmlletl of tho roost popular Catarrh and Hay Fover Curo (hly'H Orenm Jialin) sufflcient to dciuou. strato tho great merits of tho remedy. ELY imOTHEKB, CO Warren Hi., New iork City. Itov. John Iteid, Jr.. of Great Falls, Mont., recommended llh-'a Cream Halm to mo. I can emphrtsizo lim statement, "It is a posi Uvo curo for catarrh if used as directed." Itov. FranciH W. Poolo, Pastor CeutralPres. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely'a Crenm Halm is tho acknowledged euro fo catarrh and contains ito mercury nor any jnjuruue drug. Price, CO cents. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass afid Picture Moulding. dr. gunh's JMl'ltOVED LJVEB PILLS nnol,lll.f'SSI'W A movement of I bo bowf U eacli i 'V JilicMM it .111111 1'iivi.ir pak it rt-Kii ar They cur ""?.',.nol't1 iiye.n.lclB.uthoOoniiliiil'Ml"Jii& Tbeynitlior pin..) nor nckoii. ' f '"golitrff rill m.i Haini. irf , or f I. l".'''r,T2?l.5nhli.I 4:u. 1 mmw The Golumm: PACKERS OF e PORKandBEEF MAmiFACTUUKKHW Pine Lard and Curersof -f BRHP HAMS BACON DR1KD liKfiF, KT0. '4 f