Sljc OaIIco Sfe Chronicle. VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 20 1891 NO 112 SPAIN OBJECTS NOT Welcome to Aid Our Coun try men in Cuba. MINISTER I)E LOME GRATIFIED III! l'rimr of Siuiln's IllRh SianilliiK Willi tint Administration. Washington, May lit. In (in author ized interview, the bpanish minister, Deputy do Lomo, broke his diplomatic silence, and said : "1 am going at once to call on the president and express my gratitude for his splendid action and the kindly con e'uleration shown in the wording of his message. Notwithstanding the activity of the papers that are hostile and un just, our cause has again triumphed. We are stronger today with President JIcKinley and Secretary Sherman than we ever were with the Cleveland ad ministration. "Spain lias no objections whatever to the United States helping her own citi zens now resident in Cuba and alleged to he in distress. The way that the charity is distributed ih entirely the af fair of the United States and not that of Spain. "This govern uient expressly states that only lYniorieaiiB are to be relieved, therefore no authority is asked to feed the subjects of Spain. If Americans have sullered through 'exegencies ot war, it is their misfortune to be in Cuba at this particular time. Spain does not care if the United States maintains her citizens in luxury, bo long as she dis tributes her bounty through the con sular agents and only in the towns." WAUSUII'S I'OIl CUBA I.IHIIK. I'our of Them to Itugln Service When llulllgoreiicy j KrcoRulzeri. Chicago, May 19. A special to the Times-Herald from New York sayB: Behind the movement for the passage of the Cuban resolution is a solemn pledge made by the Cuban junta to its supporters in congress that four effective men-of-war flying the Cuban flag are only awaiting this recognition to take to the seas. These vessels, it is de clared, will bo obtained in England, and it is asserted that arrangements have al ready been perfected by which they will be manned, thoroughly equipped and be ready to sail the very day the bellig erency of the Cubans is recognized. Sri'l'I.TKH FOR THE CUBANS. Mitve Anna and Ammunition Were Shipped uant Thursday. Wii,minhto.v, N. C, May 19. Four tons ol anna and ammunition, and a cargo of dynamite wore in all probabil ity disembarked last night on the coast of Cuba, by the a team tug Alexander Jones and the pilot John D. Long. Under the cover of darkness, and with lights out, the Jones, Thursday night, at riyiroau wharf, took on a cargo con- j sisting of two carloads of rifles, car- j tiidges, machetes, provisions and medi-1 fines. The pilot-boat Long, Friday, toun on a cargo of dynamite and was I convoyed to tea, where it joined the Jones for Cuba. j can only he described as indecisive. The , battle mired from eatly morninc until long after dark. When the last dropping shots were passing over the field, the ad-j vantage did not appear to rest with i either side. The Greeks maintained their positions, having acquitted themselves so well as to have earned the hearty praises of the Turks. They resisted with stubborn en durance the attacks of the Ottomnns through the livelong day, and still held their entrenchments at nighttall. The Turks made a supreme effort late this evening but it was met with the utmost bravery upon the part of the Greeks, and failed.. The Turkish losses were heavv. The left division of the Turks was engaged from 9 o'clock in the morninc, and ap pears to have suceeded in forcing hack tne ureefc right wing. Domokos, May 18. 6 a. m. Head quarters of the Turkish Army. (Delay ed in trasmission.) In the night the Greeks abandoned all their positions. Two and a half divisions of the Turks are now pursuing the enemy. mm llli r POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for it.- jriert lonvcnhiK s-treiiRth ami lieiiltlifuliiCf-i Asim" the foo.i iijjninst nlum and nil forms of mltilterntion common to the cheap brands. Koyai. liAKisci rownnr. Co. New York. Last Ketreat In ilrU8. London, May 19. The correspondent of the Daily News at Putras describing the last retreat in Epirns with special reference to the experience of the Bot caris column at Prevesa, says: One commander committed the mis take of informing his wear, hungry and rain-soaked troops that they must re treat. There was a narrow escape from a panic, lhe men retreated with fair order to the shore, with the exception of 200, who had apparently not been warn- ea, ana were therefore either Kineu or , taken prisoners. At the shore, however, a genuine panic ensued. The Turks were still quiet, hut the Greeks finding no boats, fell into despair and finally started to wade across the arm of the Hea dividing them from Greek tsrritory. It was a twj and a half hour job, the men floundering breast high in the water. When dawn broke the Turke discovered whBt had happen ed, began to shell the groups of waders, whose position became most distress ing. Many of 'them were drowned, some fallinsrjwouuded or stumbling out of their depth. The condition of the force when it finally reached a place of safety was in the last degree lamentable. The total loss of the Epirus army dur ing the day's fighting was 00 killed, 1000 wounded or missing, many of the latter of whom must be accounted for. Iiosses 15 y Flood. St. Louis, May 19. A special to the Republic from ftew Orleans says: It is thought there will be no further damage done by the overflow. The losses in Louisiana are estimated at sfl,- 750,000; in Mississippi, $3,500,000; and in Arkansas, at .$4,250,000, or a total of $14,500,000; not as serious a loss as in many previous years of overflow, when the river was not nearly as high as it is now, & SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. Last year the fanners of this coun try exported .111,72 cattle, for which they received $''0,003,70(3. It is a surprising- fact that the bakers of America last year sent abroad 14,00,314 pounds of bread and biscuit, for which they received $034 .AGO. Only 9,437 bushels of rye wore sent abroad last year, for which we received 55,340. The' fact that rye is a leading product in Germany. France, the Scan dinavian countries and Kussia accounts for the small export. .T. E. Gore, writing on "The Size of the Solar System." says that "enormous ly lurjre as the solar system absolute!-, lis, compared with tin size ol our own earth, it is, comnured with the size ol the visible universe, merely as a drop in the ocean." An acute musical ear will detect sc slight a difference in tone between twe notes as the one-sixty-fourth of a semi tone. This means that in the lloctacS: that the human ear compasses there would be at. least some 8,000 or O.UOt consciously different notes. Mulhall estimates that the total production of- gold and silver since 1402 has been 1,401,600,000; of this enor mous amount, 439,000,000 have gone to India and China, never to return; r5!!, 000,000 have been consumed in the man ufactures and arts, and only 103,000, 000 have been minted or used as cur rency. Important improvements in Roent gen photography are announced from Herlin. The most interest ing is a simple method of photographing the stomach and intestines. It is only necessary for the patient to drink some harmless so lution of mineral salt, Much as lime water, which is as inpeuet ruble as bone to X rays, and excellent results are ob Give the Bovs a Chance. .lust because lie's a buy, do not suppose be cares nothing for nice looking and good-Hltinjj Clothing. Puv bim something be like? and it will last bim twice as long; be will take better care of it; be will be a better bow Webave made special cllbrt this season to have tbo correct furnish ings for tbe little men, from Head wear to Footwear. Styles to please tbe purse as well as tbo eye. PURITAN h fi!. I U ' !$ fc s'. rft r- q ) mm- I M ka.r iw j. j . . . . i l i?. "vvY I h ' itvii' T MAKE We call special attention to our lino of Hoys' lOlon and Reefer Suits: tbey are very nobby and can be bad from ftl.So up. Just because they are for Hoys, wu haven't overlook the points that help to make rt shoo desirable. Our Shoo Department represents the most ad vanced styles in Hoy's footwear. Latest Colorings. Latest Lasts. Oxbloods and popular Tans in the new 10c Coin and narrow square f Yale Toes. iii i iiiii 1 1 mii npuiiin in tammni Most Up-to-Date Styles in Boys' Blouses and Waists. Cool and Dressy. Fancy Figures Fur rale; white ground, newest designs; ruf fled and frilled ; similar to cut, 00c. Plain Tan Liuouettes; same style, fril led front; collar and cull's trimmed with rulllo of name material. Wo claim this Waist uuappro'ichahle at price -ode. Anil a dozen other stvles nt i0e, 7oc, $1.00 and $1,120. m Wbile fitting out tbe boys, don't forgot tbo girls. Vo have just received a shipment of White Kid Sandals the most correct thing for gradu ates' wear. A. M. WILLIAMS t CO. FEMININE ELECTRICITY. W II ITU FI, AG IS HOISTK1). ('iJtl anil TurktHli AiniUot Arc KuntiiiK III! TIlUll- Al'lUR. Aim-.s-i-, May 19. A dispatch from Irtiniu, dated 10 o'clock this morning, states that the whito flag has been hoist fcd between the armies of Turkey and Oreeco and Frinco Constantino has been ordered to suspend hostilities, with a view to concluding an armistice. A panic prevails at Lamiu, owing to the report that criminals will be released rom j.iil. The arrival of troops during the night increased the general feeling of terror. Tho army of the crown prince has re formed on Othry mountain, and will be reinforced by General Smolonski's bri t'ado and (hu uoops dispatched to the front from AtheiiM yebterday. J'lrtit l)y u t JliiiiirikiiH. Domokos, May 17.Headquarters of the Turkish Army. ( Delayed in trans inissioii.) The great battle fought well to the niKht is ended. Tho combat Piuve Your Grain. Few realize that each squirrel de stroys .$1.50 worth of gram annually. Wakolee'8 Squirrel and Gopher Exterm ir. jlov is the most effective and econom ical poison known. Price reduced to UO cents. For sale by M. Z, Donnell, Agent. i'lro at .loi-ney City. Ni:v Youiv, May 19. A fire which started at 1 :110 this morning at Newark avenue and First street, Jersey City, burned all through tho night. Sixty families have been rendered homeless. Tho damage to teneinent-houHos is esti mated at $100,001). No fatalities are re ported. Cash In Viiur Clieol'. All county warrants registered prior to Dec. I, 1892, will bo paid at my oflice. Interest ceases after May 7, 1897. 0. L. Pmi.ui'S, Countv Treasurer. . If you are-using Japan tea of any other sort than Schil ling's Best, you are losing half your money. Your grocer returns your money in full if you don't like it. The Untlatterini- Term "Neiratlve" Im Still Much Uftml. I'rom the beginning it, had been noticed that there were two kinds of electric force, but. these were named, with reckless lit.coui'U-sy, positive ami negative, as though the second had been inferior, inactive, merely receptive. nd yet there were suggestions of th true relations of these two forces that should not hae been overlooked. It 1' recorded that six years after the Si. Petersburg professor', fatal experi ment (about 17M), liobe-rt Syimwr. "when pulling oil' his stocking! in th evening', remarked thfit they gave a crackling noise and emitted rparks." lly varied e.!erimeiit.s he discovered i that the electricity wins moat powerful j when a silk and. worsted stocking ha. 1 1 boeai worn in the same lefr, or, if th 1 stockings were both of silk, then mor i divert in ir retiultH were obtained when i j they were of different Twi whito bill; stockings or two block onr. , gave, no e.leetriwil indications. When a black aud white stocking were with i drawn from the same leg, anil then sep arated, they were so much inflated that j each Allowed the entire shape of the leg and at a distance of 18 inches the, lushed to meet eash other. ! Seiximte.. by force they would again ! become inflated, and be as ready ti rush together as before. When thl. cx peiriment was performed with twt iilack stockings in one hand and twe white in the other, the repulsion o! those of the- same color their jealous and the attraction of those of differ ent colors would 'throw them into agi tation and make them catch each at that of its opposite, color nt greater distance." Plainly this eighteenth century student had to do with mascu line ti'nd fi minim electricity aud yet the unflattering term "negative' as ipplled to the feminine, has persisted even to our day. Harper's Weekly. Decorutloni aud Order. 'What is the difference," asked a cor respondent, apropos of Li Hung Chang's journey to liurope, "between a yellow jacket, a button, or a peaeoek's feather, jii the one hand, and a thistle, a bath, or a garter, on the other? Why do we lav ish so lnuch ridicule on the importance ittaebcd to the first set of emblems by the Chinese when we ourselves set just as much .store by the second set?" There is much force in these questions, and 1 commend them to the attention of the wags in the press who are always poking fuu at Li Hung Chang's vcllow jacket and peacock's feathers, look ing at the matter impartially, it seems to me that :i yellow jacket, or a glass button, or a peacock' feather is more suitable for decorative purposes than either a bath or a garter 1 do not. say a thistle, because no doubt that is an ob ject highly appropriate to many of those on whom it has been conferred. London Truth. HON. W. J. BRYAN'S BOOK. THE FIRST BATTLE THK KIHBT HATTI.E In tin imoroMhiK tory nt llio ureiit polltleiil .truijk'loof lh'.xi, Hh numt Important ovi-ntM mill tliu nuti'v Ihxik-k Involved; a ImkIchI trcutlMioii HI-im'iMl!Um iin utti-rttl by eminent ukikiiiuiiIn, Iiii'IiiiIIiik tliu P'irt taken by llciii. W. J, III ynii In the cllvi-r iikIiiiiIiiii prior U tliu Ik-miKTiitio NiitUmni CoiivtMilloji. iiihI ilur luif tliu ciiiiipiilini; tho hot e.xiimpK- ol bin won l?rful orntory, tliu iiiohI notuwr.rtliy tiiulitiMitit of Ills f ii t m mi h tour, u ciircful rnvlcw o( tliu jKilitleut ltilntloii, ii illtctcislon ot tliu election return unit tliu .ik'Ullicuice tliereof, mill tliu (utiiru ioihll)lllllc.M ol 111-iiH'tiillUni us it iMiUlluil Ihhuv. ASchlllliiK & Company San l- raneisco 67 Subscribe for Tim Ciihonici.k. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRlCE-fi-WEEK EDITION. I 18 lM;i'i i W'eoli. ISO I'lijiein Ii Vear 1 It t-tiindp iit iiiiiuni: 'weekly" papers in size, frequency of piiblicathin and , freehneuH, variet and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low 1 price o a weekly; und its vast liet of EubecriberB, extendim; to every Etato and territory of the Union anil foreign conn- i tries, will vouch for the accuracy and ! fairness of its news columns. j It is splendidly illustrated, and anions I Its special features are a fine humor J page, exhaustive market leports, all tho i latest fashioiid for women and a long ! fceries of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, Cy'oniiii Doyle, Ixroinx K. Joroine, Hliiiiluy WeyniHii, Mury K. Wllklim Autliony Hop.-, ilarte, limodi r 'Uuitlittw, i:ic, Weofl'er mis nnequaled newspaper mid TIo Dalles Twice-a Week Ciironicle to aether one vear fur $'.'.00. Tho regular price of the iwo papers is $8.00. STYLES AND PRICES: Hichly and durably bound in Knulish Cloth, plain edesj portrait of the au thor forming the det-in on cover; autograph prefiicn; mattuillceut pre Rcnlation plate in silver, i;old aud blue; containing (iQO puges ami 'M full-paiio illu-itrntioiiH .fl In half-Morocco, marble edjjo U in full-Morocco, filt edge Ii M. J. WOODCOCK. ARonr, Wamic, Or. 7fi '.'5 75 Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, Sd Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour. This Flour is manufactured expressly for family ui-e; every sack is uuurnutccd to glvu satisfaction. We tell our goods lower than any lioiibe in tho trade, und if yon don't think so call and uut our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON S. A. I). (ilMtl.KV. jiuuuiu! ami uu A Jtl.I.N'UTON. OUKOON. PruPtii-cs lu th htute und rwluru! C'nmUof Uu-gu:i unil WukliliiH'.on. Jim iU-;iino 175 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon . .'.-ARTISTS MATERIALS.-.. V Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. - ' . i. J. ' .'-4JiJ),.,