The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Tit u )),vi,i,i:s, OKKUON A.H err Mile Kiite. J'er inch. Onoti.oh or less in Dally .$L M Over two inches and under four inches-. ... 1 00 uvcr lour inches and under twelve inches. . To Over twelve inches eo . DAILY AND WUUKI.Y. One inch or less, per inch $2 no Over one inuh mul under four inches 00 Over lour inches and under twelve inches . 1 ,V) Over twelve inches 1 00 THE GRAVE ROBBED. lteinains nt v. s. i.iuid stiiicn tlio Cemetery. Prom Lust liiiilit'a Telegram says: "Tiie hotly of William S. Ladd, the Portland millionaire, who died in this city 111 January, lS!);i, has been taki'ti from itri resting place in Kiverview ceme tery, and is now in the hands of un known ghouls, who are doubtless hold ing it for the polo purpose of securing a reward for its lestoration. "Iliu discovery was made this morn ing by an employe of the cemetery asso ciation. In making his usual rounds lie discoveied that thegiaveof the deceased niillionaiie had been disturbed, and in dications pointed to the fact that per hnps the body had been exhumed. lie at once leported the matter to the sex ton, who notified the sons of the de ceased. "No time was lost in making an ex amination of the grave. The suspicions Of the man who made the discovery were realized, tor upon opening the grave and examining the casket, the body was found to havo been taken. "'fbua fur no clue has been obtained as to the identity of the grave-robbers, and the only motive that can be as igned for the deed is the hope of ob taining money for the return of the corpse. As in all probability, however, no reward will be oflered, the energetic ghouls may have only their labor for their pains. "There lias been placed over the grave iv icuifjui.irv monument, consisting of the usual board with the initials w" S. L. thereon, as the marble monument ordeied by the family has not yet been completed. SUMMONS. TX Till': rtltOt'IT V.OVXU of the State of Ore 1 pun for Wasco Count) Alfred Crebblii, l'lalutltl, vs. Enroll 1. Cnrtu right, a widow: ,1. 1'. CaitwrlKht, a single man; Adelhi Dodsre mid 1.. o. Dodiie, her huslHiid: I va Taylor mid Joseph 'Invlor, her husband- Addle llildires and .Jerome Utilises, her husband: ('Initio Him. -on, 11 widower; hthel Hunt. 1: widow Klvi Vos bum ami He ry Voslmrp. her husband Canno .linisou. 11 nnarritd; .mini Simpson, unmar ilcd: mid Vera Simpson, unmarried, sole heirs at law of Theodore Cartwrlsht, deceased: .I111 vl Conklln Mortirairo Trust Companv. a cor- iinimiou, iioiiinii . I'otiUIln n d Joseph C, Villetts, receivers, and Noith Amciican Triit Comiiaiiy, 11 corporation, defendants. To Charles Simpson, Kthel Hunt, Klva Vosbiuv, Ileiiiv osbnni, Helmut It. Conkliu Joseph C. Wlllotts, Jmvis Conklin .Mottuaeo Tmst Com jiany, a corporation, and North American trust Company, a coipoiation, defendants In the mine of the State of Orccon. von and each of you arc hcrebv lrqiilted to appear and it. slier the amended complaint Hied against vou in the iihovo ei. titled cans bv the first (lav of the tctm of the nbov. court fo'loHiii) the expiration of the time prescribed in the ol der of said court for the pub tuition of this sum mons viz: Six weens." publication pinninsoii the 10th day oi Apill, 1S')7. the Hrst day of said icrm of said cmitt icine the tilth tbiv of May istiT and if von f.ii: so to ..m.'i answer l.liilntltl s said amended comphilnt, the plaintlll will apply to the Court for the relief pyi)ed for in hi- said amended complaint, to- l'or a .iitdement against the defendant Sarah V. ( artwtK'ht for ihe sum r f JidT.Vno, with Interest thereon at the rate of eiirht per cent per annum from the fix -1 day of .lanuarv, lsnn, compuled semi-annually, less 11 credit of .Mod. 7." on ncconnt ot inteiest. and for the further sum of 5i',iuiii nt. tomey s ices, and for tho furrher sum of $wi.57, taxes pild fur the years IS?.!, s.ij and is;)."), with interest iheremi at the rate of cicht percent per annum flora the '.! day of .lanuaiv, IM17. mid for Ills costs mul disbursements of tills suit. I-or the usual decree 01 foreclosure of theirioit iimre set fotth mid di scribed in plaintilV's amen did eoiiiplaint. and for the sale of the mor paged premises therein described, as follows, to-wit 1 '1 he southeast quarter 01 the southwest quar ter, and the northwest quarter of sj.ctiou No I eighteen, To 1. ship one not th, Kanpellf teen east, i "Mi ciintainint,' l-.'i". and o-KM acres. That the proceeds of said sale mav be applied ' i" 1 m- 11H.-11 1 in me auiuuniuue to tne plain tut as piine pjl, intere t. taxes, attorney's, fees and costs and disbursements and the expenses 01 t esale: that said def ndnnts and eaen and all of them. ami all persons claimiiiK bv, throiijth or under them, or any of them. Mibs'cnuent to the execution of said luoitsrtigv.beiorcvei baried and foieclosed ot all light, title and interest In 1 ai d tosmd mottpiged premises end the whole Ithereol: that the plain tilt' have execmlou I airuinst the defendant Sarah i', Cattwrisht for 1 any deficiency which may remain after the ap plication of (lie proceed of the sale ,f s.iid premises applicable to the payment of said judg ment: that the plaintill'or any of the parus to said suit may bicome purchasers at said sale, anil that the purchaser be let into the full pos session of shIiI premises upon production of the sherill's eel tilieate of sale, anil that the plalnilil j have such other and further reiki as uin b.' cqmiHDie aim just. flow fbout Your JOB pljVrjiJNfCi? all icinds? card (o a Wo Iiavo Uie faeilitius for doing of. Jub Priiitiiij; from a visitinir catalofjuo, and wo aru after all the work can do. Wo not only desire ';o keep but would prefer to be rushed. ( and compare our prices with that one, and compare quality of work, have vour next order. wo IIISV ome jn of any Let u,'j nlocl 5, II, (7ror;ile piiblisfir; ?o, C. W. PHELPS & CO I'lClJNON'A L .11 KNTIDK Dr. Uelle Iiinehart left this mornim"' for Portland on a professional visit. Airs. .Martha Giaves of Ellensburg is in the city today visiting her mother, Airs. S. Sheffield. Mr. P. J. McGowan of Astoria, who has been heie for several davs, left for Iionie this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Kobt. Mnvs, Jr., came 1 n flt.l A nll...... . .... .1 ". . , ... iiuui umciuiiv; vcsiciuiiv 10 VlSIt tor it few weeisfi with relatives here. Dr. Tda Skelton, who has been visitiii" Dr. Helle Hint-hart, left last night for La Grantie, where she will begin practicing. JSMK.V. of F. fl. Roue, a dmiu'hier. t'his siiram ns Is served upon ymi by imi.iiiii KR Itll flalsS tion thereof for six weeks u, 1 1(Rru:.iis 1, n..,,N MgH K I H! 1 & K icr.R beginning A).ril loth. ls;i:, hv (. .Jer 01 II., n. i S Pt S tJ I J tj H w 0 V V. I.. Uradshaw, judge 01 the 7th ;udi In) dis- VI la fa, B Ci Vt a,R 1 tiict of the .stateof Oregon, liii ile 111 ehainbci- at Ijdlles tit) , Uiegon. tin- lOrn da) of Amil, w- w. 11. Wlb.sON. Jt!i 10-iI Attorney for I'iainMfV. ryral -i)i:.M.i:i i- it M l!l K! V l fj fflBWOff IWii! SUMMONS. 11. U'ree' .'.ImliH Itliistoil l,y a ll.uigl:i. Judie D.tvidson recently employed Willis Tripp to trim the trees around his residence, and among them was tho balm on which the two Vinsons were banged August 15, 1S05, save the Ellens burg Capital. It developed the fact tiint th tre is in a thriving e-mdition, with theexcoption of tho two limbs that held the ropes, and they ni,t dead as Ciejar. Jt will be remembered that father and son were suspended from two of the Jower limbs, each about an inch and a quarter in diameter, and nearly exactly opposite, one on the east and one on the west side of tho tree, so close together j that the faces of Ihe dead men almost touened alter the worh.was done. Now, tho life is out (if those two limbs, while the tost of tne tree is growing like its companions. II oh 'h This! We ofr.-r One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh Unit, cannot bo cured by HallS Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chunky & Co. Props., Toledo, (J. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the la&t Jo years, and be lieve him perfectly honoiable in all busi ness transactions and hmneially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & 'I max, Wholesale Druggists Toledo, Ohio. Walding, Kinniui & .Marvin, Whole sa'u Oiug.'ists, Toledo, Ohio. H.ih'ri Cutarrh Cure ifj taken internal ly. acting directly upon the blood ami intieoiih sin faces of the 75c, per hot lie. Hold Testimonial free. THE CIHCtUT CorRTof tb.esti.tco! Or" ;o:i for the County of a- o. A. 0j?ood, Plaintiff. vs. Ida Dunn, Spencer W . Dunn. Oc . If. J;mii Iiarviy V. Dunn anu Mary Dunn and N. WheaMon, as 1 dministrator of the e-tate 01 Win. H. Dunn, dtceasel. Dctendant-. To Ida Dunn. Spencer V. Dunn, Ceo. II. Dunn. Harvey W. Dunn and .Mary Dunn anil N. Whealdon, as ailmini-trator of the tstate of Win. II. Dunn, deceased, Defendants: In the niune of tne State of Oregon, You are hereby required to appear and answer the coin plaint filed against yon in the above entitled suit within ten days froii- the date of the ser vice of this summons upon vou, if served within tnis county; or if server! within anv oilier county of this state, then within twenty days from tho date of the scnieeof this summons upon you: or if btived us on vou bv publication, then 011 or before the tl .st d of the . et rcilar term of said court: and If vou fail so to answei, for want thereof tlieplamtiir will take Juilaim-iit apiinst you. the said Ida Dunn, for the sum nf Hal in 1'. S. sold coin, and interest theieou. in like coin, from Marcn :n, Mx;, at the rate of eight per cent ier annum, and for the furtlie, sum of in like coin, and interest, in like coin a' the rate of eight per cent per .,1111111:, from I-'ebniiiry 1, lsya: and tor the lurther sum of Httoili" 's fees: aixli'orhls costs and di--bnrsemeiits herein: and for a iudmuent and le ciee auniust all of said defendants that ail th roat propeity rtescribu in lli'j eomplniiit, to wit all of lot (,, and the Bust half of 1. it ", o; blur." M. of Ilumiisou's Ululf Addition to Dalles i itv, Drepon. be sold, and the pioceeds tlicieof be aii idled uiHjn said judsunnt: iiml that each 1.0, t all of said defendant.) tie forever barren and i : elosol of all light, title and in or ',, Buid premiiies and lands. This (iiuiiuiotis is served upon vou. the mo, I Harvey V. Dunn and Marv Dum'i, b oid-r 01 Hon. V. I., llradsiian , judge ot said court, da ( ! ', April y, 1W7. HUSIIXGTOX A. Wilcox, Ht'tlO-ii Attorntv l'ii f'lainlj!!. Drapers Manufactured and Repaired. Pitts' Tiiresliers, Powers and Extras. Pitts' Harrows and Cultivators. Celebrated Piano Header. Lubricating" Oils, Etc. White Sewing Machine and Extras. I NOTICE-SALE OF CITY LOTS. 1 Notice is hereby given that by tin thority of ordinance No. 202, which 'passed the Common Council of Dalles Citv April 10th, 181)7, entitled, "An or 1 din'unce to provide for the -ale of certain 1 lots belonging to Dalles City," I will, on , Saturday, the 15th day of May, 18!), leell at public auction, to tho highest bidder, all Ihe following IoIh and parte ! of lots in Gates addition to Dalles City, 1 Wasco county. Oregon, to-wit: i Lots 1) and 10 jointly, in block" 11 ; otH 7, 8. iliiud 10, jointly in block 15; lota 8, !), and 10, jointly 111 mooi: j 1 , tnown as uutio; ioih iw. n mm 27; lot i) in block ."i; ioih ., 'i, r. S, !), 10 and 11, iu block ;io; lota 2. ; . -I. 8, !). 10, 11 uiiil l'J, in oioei: 80; loin .'!, -I. 5, (i, 7. S, 0, 10, 1 1 ami 12, in block I!7; lots 1. 2, .'3, !, 5. (i. 8, U, 10, 11 and 12, iu block -12; lots 1.2, I, 5 0, 10 and 11, in block !."; 1"N 1.2, ;;, 7, 10. 11 and J2, tn Dior -n, aim 101s 1 y. :i. 1. 5. 0. in block -lo. The reasonable value of aa . 'ota, for le? than which thoy will no. , f sold, lias been (ixc d i.nd " di'terniinci. 1 tlie Common Council of Dalle.- City as fol lows, to-wit: Lois 0 and 10, iu block 11, if'IoO; lota 7, 8, 0 and 10, jointly in block 15, if200; lots 7, 8, 0 and 10, jointly iu block 21, .1200 ; lot 10, in block .27, $225; lot 11, in block 27, 22."5; lot 12. in block 27, ,.';00; lol J, in block 111, $100; lots 2, 8, I, 5, 8, !), 10 and 11, in block I'.o, each respect ively $100; lote (5 and 7. in block cadi respectively $125; lots 2, .'I, !, 8, 0, 10 and 11 , in block o, each respectively $100; lot 12, iu block IKi, $l2fi; lots !!, -I, 5, S, 9, 10 and U, in block ;!7. each te fpectivelv $100; lots (J, 7 and 12, in block .'17, each respectively $125; lots 2, , 10 ami 11, in block 11, well ir.spHctively .$100; lots 1, 7 mid 12, in block -II, each reupectivcly $125; lote :, 4, 5,8,0, 10 and 11, in 12, each icepectively $100; lot p , j 12, in block 42, each respectively lots 2, o, 4, 5, 0, 10 and 11, iu 111, each ii-spectively $100; loll, in block 411. $125; lots 2, 15, 4 and 5, in I block 40, each lespecti rely $100; lots 1 land 0, in block 40, each respectively I $125. I Kaeh of these lots will be ?old upon the lot respectively, and none of them I will be toiil for a loan sum than the value ' thereof, as above stated. One-fourth of the price bid on any of said lot.s shall bo paid in cash at time of sale, and the remainder in equal payments on or befoie, oik;, two arid niree years tioni the unto of sii(J I sale, with interest on Much deferred pay- ! ments at the rate of 10 pur cent per: annum, payable aunuallv; nrovided ! that the payment may lie made in full at, any time at the option of the purchaser. The said sale will begin on nay of May, 1807, at the lion o'clock p. m. of caid day, and urine 110m tinu' 10 time until nil ot s-an lots snail, be sold. Dated this Kith day of April, 1807. lilUlKIlT W. PlIKM'S, Recorder of Dalles Citv. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Rout. OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave anil ate iiuc to nivc at f I.RAVK il:M t1 OVKHUNI) KX.7 MnK, Aslilaini, S Nef"h :! A. 41. ;,"""' mirt way ,iJ. otlliil I Aiutr, 10 A. Jt. Dally except fVIa wondlinrn fori 4: I -Mt.Anircl. Biii,n.ii.. ll:iri 1'. M. (Stations Mn.Mlnnvllli. (way stations and 1 3.25P Jr Dally. ID.Uly, except Sunday, DINIKti (JAILS ON o(ii)EK li0uiE I'tlM.MAN 11UITKT ai.Klii'ElN AXD .SK(;ONM)-(JI,AS.S SI.KKWN'O C.M Attai'lud to alrrUronsU Trains. Diicrt cnuiieetloii at s'an I'rnnriwn m dciitat ami ()iiBnt.i! and A.clm ,nnn T,llh0t' lines forJAI'.vS ami II mLT aipllcatlnn. KUlinir dv Ca liati-.s .inil tickets to Kastcin itf,ii, , lope. Also Japan, chin ; n n-nV,-??' AI'SiTllAUA.can U: obtaim.l ftf,mU U 3J KIKKI..NjJ,TIckctAgeat block (i and $125; block .1. 11, Through Ticket Ollux, l.Ji Thint str.i ,,1 thmush tickets to all 'pol itV tK r All above lis'S-Vj1 lian.l central Htatlon, Kim, inui Irving "t'5 YAMini.I. DIVISION, I'atsenKor Depot, font of Jeaer&on street. mull t:C0 p.m. ,u Katlinlny onlj ArrV;.n.. "I., 1111111.30,1 (mid i'DiUiiml at 7:10 and a (:0o and 7:5." p. in. I.cavo Arrive at '.'.r n!lelI''"- weu (l,ivs. sU;30m, I'ortlinid, u:;;i) ,i. 1,1 V.ti Leave for A Iltf.I K on Momlav, Wtdncsiinni Ki ay at 0:1(1 11. m. Arrive v I'ortl K dnv, Thursday and Sntimln: at '.05ji.ui. ilt' the P,u,,!,'.1il-y ,,r,1,,-"!,,fi,r 's;vi:,, Il,i""Cft 8 KJtB iii un. ,2: , l)t 1 . l0t a :SOi , ,. ,11(J s three ilveat I'ortlaud ats:;, , 1 M a. la. pJ 1 1, !. two ! ,,: '"i ''"'i " !' in. 11. KOKItl.K!'., iltn.aiier. K0GEES, l'ass.Ajt mm 1 mTm ti.cifith m $a Bf our of ' ml m KAST SK('OM) STIJIOKT Tin-: DAJJJOS, Oil. J'or Hale, i.ois a, n, iv ami 1., mock ;ju; A u, 1 u block 72; A, 1!, 0, I), F. and K, block 82, and A, 15, C, 13 and H, block 25. Apply 'O W.M. .SlIACKIH.rOlll). I-uivnruav. L. . I Iff ill Jr (ilVlCS THE ii)iii-;ils f(,r CniwtriK-Un; Sower Sj'Mtcin Witlnr and fflSWIS -VI A- fl THE WORLD T SMI'"li"n.-e,,v;!r- V,'"'IU hpriasi Asency, . V'(iU'1' 1'1'l,1'"iAI.S,eiidoi'si.d: ' Proposals I .,' v; c,-";i iein ami iciiiressed the iiiideiirni(l at Win 111 .-inJnus Cronk mnty, (JrcKon, will he received at tliis aK. ncv until 1 o clock p. 111. df May l'7, 1S!)7, for fiiniish' J. thi neeessiry mat.ilals and labor rtiinired in tin iMiislinetlon and coinpletion of a wafer a 11 s. uer sitttfiri. ( i 1 icl mli utr plnniblnK) for the 1 'i.iidiin; seliool jilant In be enftid on DiIh ic--ery , in Mi tot neeordaiiec with plauH and s eel I'l'iiii rn.-, wliluh may be examined at the ofllce mi- .wuMiiiiK cieKoiiiiin, - I'tirtiuvid un, 1 jiku.mcu;, ineJJalles Or, Vceiic J id a r Spokane Miniieo.polis St. Paul Denver Omak Kansas City or., ami at this 1 will state clem lv in 11. Sll in time reiiiiiicil to i-iininlni,. in,. I crk'iit is reserM'd to reject any and all biilb. ( r .lie putt of unv bid, if deemed for the best in er tn' l.i 'n'ivlee. I ll' .tten'Ion of blddeis is invited to the net f ( onijress ap,roved A 111411st I, Jvjj, entitled: ' n aet rela ini; to the limitation of the hunr..! , "'"'i s"mcnof laboreis and nieehaiiiesi ein W".ved upon llio pnblie works of the United Males and 01 the Distnet of Columbia;" also to the ot t oiiRiess approve l Auiit 1:1, Ih!H. eiMitled- 'An act for li e i.i,.i..,.hm.. n( '. . .' fMi of the I SuPPlie to United States and British Governments. It has I 'ijiV"1 1,,ljl,r f,Jl ,lll no s innnnr Kfist. m-n o xri 01,1 -rvr.i a ............. ."'""wikh j. -. uuw 41 uwi. kjum uy X'riiiioiii 65 MAYS, The Dalles, Oregon. Sale. Low Rates to all Eastern Citiss OOIIAN Court of the state of ureRoti ior Wrtseo Nolle e.secnti circuit (oiliity.on rhc .1(1 dav of Maieli. Isi'iT. 1111 decree and judKinnit 1 i?.de. undeied and en tered theretofore theiuii in a suit vh"rein (cow A. l.iebe was plaintill and i.:e llaxter and l.iio liaxtor, as administratrix of tlm es tate of Hush M. Jiaxter. dieeased, weie (iefend antb. I did duly levy upon and will sell at the trout door of the county courthouse in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oienon. on Saturday, the :;d day of .uuil, K17, at J o'clock in the after noon of said day, at public miction to the high est bidder lor cath in hand, tho fnHuviiiKdc sciibed real estate, described iu said execution and order of sale, and described as follows to nil Assignee's Koike h'lial Sellbtiit. Notice Is hereby slvoii that the uiidcislKUcd, assignee of tho estate of it. li. Williams, an in solvent debtor, has filed his final account and report in said assiKiimeiit with tho Clerk of the ( in Hit Court of the state of Orecou for Wasco l lie N"s of Nh, and NM of NW. and S'.:of I ( ""'"y. ""'I that the same will bo called up for NJa, sec Tp .1 .- 1! I;';, W. M in Wasco ,,t'"lri!"'' tho J,l,lt:o of f"'1'1 -'""rt oil the Ci unty, OreKon, toyethir with the tenements, I r!-t V;,.y ot 'c ucxt re(,Mihir term of said Circuit lieridllaments and iippuitenai,eei tliereunto I'A' i"' t01"f"Vi! " M,Jlul"'. tt'CJltli day of May, belotiBiiiij.or in anvwlse unocrinlnln,.. .,r .,. P''," " "c same cannot much theieof n.sshall beneeess nv to si HsiV tin. ; 1 "iwuu lime, as soon uinoiints due upon said wilt, to-wit: Tiiimnni of ? tw:i.lii, together with interest thereon at tho ate of, ten per cent per ionium since tho bth day of I cbruary, 1S'J7. and the further sum of f 10 costs in suid suit, together with iiccrulnir in terest ami exieiisc 01 sale Dated at The Dalle- Or, this Mil du of .'I llll-il, jn1', bo heard by said thereafter as the same can be heard bv said iVmn Dated this lutil daj of April, 1p'J7. , . , A. 8. .M.icAIJ.lSTKIt, Assiirneo of the estate of it. i:, Willliims. an insolvent debtor. nlT-jt-ii met 1 rl'V T. J 1U j:a iiico 1 . ..t. . 01 A dm it list ra tor's Final Account system. Price by JJriurtriPts. l-5-i Executor's Sale. I'urkUarit to 101 oider of the Count'. Court Uiu riUU'uf Oiotfiiu for tiie W and Cijuii(, iini.i,' u (1 11 eiod 011 tho iid day of itay, js,'C, in the nuittorof thucsl.iteof Jauie, McOah.m, deceasid oi'i ctirnt 1110 to sell the real proper! beloiin,e t ' olite of huld liecuiiH'd, I uill, on !.i. (. 10 i'h day of June, IMC. at the lnau ol ' "l"(. p. 111., at tiie couilhousi) door in li,it.. U, , "lijfou, nil at public bale, to the h Wiest binder, all of the foliimini; dweribed real pron city belo Ki U to haid ijUlc, to-wit: he HiuUiiU'st .'i K-'i of fcccllon lilstljt.Towrublii Olio kuvlh, l.aio'e i oilllecli JCast W. JJ cull- I taiulMj; ItUtH'i' ' nioicor U s. I 'nki Jt. I ilJiovs, Jixecutnr. a Kaeh bid must be aeeoini.anied by n certified cheek or. haft upon some u'nlted .states De, s ory or solvent Rational m Ihe vleiiiltV . f lie lesidenee of the bid.ier, made payable to l) (: J ' b'r '!f J i"?j!vr f lndl iiuiiliu f r m '.V, ,1 ,i.i i,.i 1 ..'" thoHiiiouiiiof the i sureties, otherwise to bo relumed I tl , ' id Ur llhls iieeompunied bj cash in lieu of , cer ti lled check will ) bo considered, tor any additional Information, npplv to JAMKS 1., COWAN inv7-iavi7 it. ,' ,iV, , . ..... LOOP POISON 1 tzfn:zttM.iixsjmaa 1 '7Yir!'uary.Hcc. lttn ti oucl.arvnrrr..r. l'Ol:jON pirtannentlv . 011 can botre.iimi nf o pin 1; unifcr K'lii rau- EU'Mt oi-l'iyrYoucanijotroiito' at horaufortci' .oiaii under trim, ...: IK'.li y"" "r V'1' l,jr."":oliBro wowiuooa ir f r,yru'"' 'dfareaud hotel blils.anu ".ry'V.",ll,ln I'Otiish, -imi rtiil have iiehea aiiil 1 Irnplort, Coiipc-r Color.'.i fjpot.-j, LicVW on out. it I tliH foecoiiilury UI.OOU I'lJis.VO woruuranU'O to ore. j Nollcicthoriinn o bstU uafo casus unit flmlle i.tro tl 01 "rl.l iV,r n llf,, I .t 7..I ""V " ' 'IIUIIU. IIIINIlllI 'xUd;e(yuIvlTra ;ru,:'(5', ,',,iir,."" Notice i- hereby given that tho undersigned, administrator of tho estate of ,1, D. ( ceasi u.iias niul his final iiccoimr, anil Iliac , ' 'o""" ' 01 .nay, iwi, iu 1110 nour of 10 11 clock a. m., Iiiik btcn appoliittd as thu lime for healing objeclions lheieto ami Shu settle ment thcieof. All heirs, creilllom orother per sons interested In said estate aio hcrebv notified tohlothilr obiectioiis to said liual account, ii any they have, 011 or bcfoio tlio day appointed for the hciuiii!; thereof. Dalles ( Uy, Oregon, March a, IB117. niJMtil i- A. (iltll'l'JN. Adininlttiator, Sheriffs Sale. IN TIIIC CI If CI' IT COt'HT of the b tale of Ore- son for asco County. 1". D. Oicene. l'lainlifi; vs. J. I.. Story, l.ucretla a'toiy and Dalles City, Dft. liy vii tlio of an execution and order of sale is sued out of the CiiciiO I',,,,, t ... .1,.. 1 c..',.L ' Oregon fortho County of Wasco, to me ,fl ""ivtl and dated .the :10th day of .March, 1W7 1001 judmnent and decree for tho fflw (.' J. S. Sciiknk, certain inortf aces, rendeie.l and entered in sa President. coin 1 01 uie 'sio uay ot Mine 1, Is;)?, in the ahovo cat tied cause, in' favor of 'the ', , ti ' ,01 awainst thodefeiidants, J, I., story ami 1. ","( , l.'!,.7,.1niJ,Ul,i"W"t 1ebtor,lii the sum of aia. 0, with iut-rcst thereon at tho into of ciilht er cent per aniiuiu from tho 'd day of March, 18'J7 and the fuither sum of m attorney Wi'i , i tho further sum of :il.:o costs and disburse J. I-. Stoiy Hiid l.ueietla sr orvV i.'.SV.V.V. " ! CollectioilH Ullldo nn.i nrn, he further ... . reunited on day of col ection. M.,, Cashier, First National Bank. THE DALLES - - OREGON A General flanking UusinoHS trai.BacYeVl Ueposits received, subject to Siirht Notice of Final Stllbiwil, llonaltruarauty, bppiicaiujn. '407 Aluon Wo yi aye. fcell Hoe Ciko toaji, -Peafco A a:i-2m Notice is hereby jriven that the undersiifiiid administrator of the estate of Maiy M. (lordoii, deceased, has filed his final ieort and account 11 s nd estate, and that Tiiesdav. ihe lib lv 01 IS.J7, at ihe hour of L' u'r-lnnb 1. n. 1.1 Jui.i da at Ihe ( unity court looiu. i:, rho cnnnii' hmiscji. Dulles ( Uy, Wioco County, Ore ias been inmoliitcil I , , , , . . . A-'A S,'ioi,sl)l,I 1 Adinlnisirib,, u Ihv ti't" of Maiv M.Oor debtoisin the sum of JdKi.ll. and' th ' ,!i VATl hf ."!!!! 'rllir tho costs of ; 'Mi.ut V.U1111W a 11 command HKiue to iiiako sale of thu real 110 "r y e -braced In said decrco of foieclosiiie and' ., fer of sale ami hereinafter described, 1 i,vu diilv levied on and will, on tho ;M .1 ty or May. at the hour of -j o'clock iu tl,o iiftiruooii,, t tlio county courthoiiKo door Iu Dalles City 'asco County, Oieiron, sell at nubli.) annii,, ? ' I."... hhjhcst b ddei.for cash in hand, all tl oil"ht lllo mid Interest whieii the wild J ' s! ,r . 7, 1 J.wcietia stoiy, or either of them, had , ,,u" , das of Jaiiuinv. Ihh'J. iho.buc or ti. , ; l.h.fntlfl oicchaui herein, or which sue . de icu.lantb, or uny of the .lefondaiiiK hcidii, imve since iic,,iilrcd or now Imve, in mid to 0 01 -low liKdesoilbed real property, sltiiatoaiid beliiL' 111 the County of Wasco, .tato of ()ie!Z. t.'-wll: v'; vium'ii iii;iiiio uieivefl'Ji In block en ty (JO; of (infos Addition to Dalle" l itV. IISCO Collllfv. Orci'on w,. ,,,,...1. .1....... as will witNIy said above inciitloiied mid de scribed Juduincnts, uttoriiey's fees and (w,tN ,Sld prolyl ty will bo nil." subject to conflnna' lion by hold Circuit Court mul to redemption, as by law provided, ' ' 1 rw 7 "'"'Wi ui won, this 3M day of W Vn,l eh t aimKe HOld on rew ork, San franeisco anJ ort laiul. UIRtCOTOKS V i',1,MTu'M1'H0N' Jf''0' S- 0i!NCK. Kl. M. VlMjlAM3, G.CO. A. LlbllK. . M, BiiAr,!.. Harry Lieibe, I'UAOTIOAL KT12A3I tJKS Leave I'orUanJ ISvorv I'lvo Davs far SAI'T FRANCISCO CAL. I'.ir full detain call on O. 1'. & C. s A?mt Tha U.illos. or address W, II. lIUHI.lUJn'l', oei,. Pass ,W i'ortiuua, 0run K. M'NKIJJ. President au 1 .'laiw M TJ10 Now Thou Card. Under tho now time card, which goei into effect tomorrow, trains will woven follows : No. 4, lo Spolinno and Great Northern arrives at b' p. in., leaven at 0:05 p.B' No. 2, to Pendleton, Raker City and Union Paoiflo. arrives 1:15 u-i' Darts 1 :2() a. in. No. :j, from Spokane and Great Xortk orn, arrivea 8:30, departs 8:35 a. ra' No. 1, from Baker City ami Union Pa ellie, tirri vo3 1 :20, departs 1 :25 a. 111. Noa.-L'3 and "4, niovinfc' east of The Dalles, will carry passengers. X- arrives at (1:30 p. m., departs 12: p. in. I'iissenyorfl for Heppner will take tram leaving here (5:0o p. m. Moro and 1 Btelf STAGE LINE. ,raValler.W Tlirouclr bv davllfiht via ( I and cross llollous, IMIIIOhAN AI1I1KN1 v. m. wurriu.Av. The Hall Alltel"!" Stauus at 7 a. iu leave also limn Tho Dalle? fom Vmf J' fiom Anleloi e at . ,VuteJoeai tioji ilonday. Wednesday and i rlda. -VMi.pll and made nt Alitclopo for J'tlrieviui;. Vatilie pol'its beyond. Close e luiecui. -Dalles with riillways, trains and hoais. Slaves fiom Antclono icach 'i M " "J w, , (lays, 'i'huitday.s and (jatiinhi) llt 1'JU 1 hatch ok nub Dctchutus - iloro (irass Vnllej -. Kent dross llollous Antelopo to (Jrossi llolluw.i no ikiuii (lo (irilt Valley do More. do i)oeiuecs do Dulles ilmch, Ib'Jl a pr.' II Micrlll of iirco County, Dreyou. WatehinakertJewelerl I"' All work promptly iitteadwi to, aud warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. in 3(0 t S J oo 3(0 3S 1(0