The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 19, 1897, Image 3

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Our regular $ 0.50 Suit U-nctbs for $4,95 1 ir;no 3n;tiff; l.vtlir vovrl hvn lnno-Hic
Our regular 7.(10 Suit Lengths for 5.00 C OUIUDO Oy 1 lie aul O lOUgtllS
our regular 8.50 Snit Unstha for 0.50 in piece) reduced from 75c and 51.00
Our regular 10.00 hint Lengt lis for 7 25 , '
Our regular 10.50 Suit Lengths tor 8..'5 to (50 and 75e per yard.
The Dalies Baity Ghroniel'
MAY 10, 1S07
UitiMtmii tHisisrvutKins ami l.ncal
of Mnjiiiitiuln.
Mascot "loves ut A. M. Williams & Co.
Circuit court commences next Mon
day. Portland is to liavo a bi?
celebration i
July 4th.
For juvenile wearing apparel A
Williams & Co. 'a
Wool and wheat are both arriving
from Klickitat county quite plentifully.
Marriage licenso waa issued yesterday
to S. E. Smith and Miss G. B. Mc
Kellen. License to marry was issued this after-1
noon to Francis M. Warner and Mias j
Lydia B. Otey.
A dispatch from Observer l'ague to
day, says: "River will rise slowly,
much warmer next two di'VB, more
rapid rise from Friday.
Tho river at 1 o'clock was at the 311.7
mark, a rise of only .2 since 7 o'clock
this morning, or about half the rise in j
the same time yesterday.
Lost Between Umatilla House and
Mays & Crowe's, u link cud' button. By
leaving same at the Umatilla House,
the tinder will receive a reward of .fo.
The ladies of the Catholic church met
yesterday and perfected arrangements
for holding a fair early in September.
The proceeds will be for the benefit of
tho church now building.
Yesterday evening when the Spokane
flyer came in three gentlemen shook
hands who were ex-governors. They
were Hons. D. I. Thompson, W. Mc-
PrtHttr.ll 1 tl I? "1 1.. .1.-. fl.fif fl.'rt
. ' " ' . '
Having neon governor of Idaho. j
... .. . '
A. L. .nobler, tho now vice-president,
and general manager of the O. R. & N.,
is on his way to the East to assume his
duties. He is snoken of very highly by
railroad men, but if he makes as good a ,
showing for the road as Major McNeil he '
will have to be a hustler. :
The 'progressive firm of A. M. Will-
jams & Co. have added another special
feature to their modern department
store by securing the services of a first- j
class cobbler, who will re-sow any shoe
sold by them that may rip. In tho same
Apartment customer' shoes will be
polished free.
In one of tho ainnll New York towns,
where the jesidents swap farm products
for groceries, a boy was sent to thei
store by his mother, and this is what an ;
astonished n.,ti,ir hi him av to ,
the storekeeper: "Mister, nia says
you're to please glvo mo an egg's worth
of mustard. Tho hen is on."
Hon. F. P. Mays tells us that in con
voreation with District Attorney Mur
phy recently, that gentleman told him
he had received instruction to take no
further action concerning the prosecu-
5 s
Competition maybe " tlio life of
trade," but unless fairly and fully met,
it is often the death of the trader! Con
sequently our
is kept right up to the times able to
meet all competition and to supply all
Ps p Qs"
Between the hours of 2 and 5 p. m. on Saturday next
we will present to each lady making a purchase in our
.Dry Goods Department,
.See Display in Dry Goods "Window.
tion of tresspasers ou the forest reserve,
t pending orders from the interior de- ,
I parlment concerning the matter. ;
Ensign Ley h, of the Salvation Army, J
will bo here tonight and tomorrow night T1e Umatilla Ilonfro boasts of a email
with bis transo-kintograph. This won-, family of cats which make their homo
derftil machine will reproduce Glad- j n the big basement. Among these are
stone's last upeeoh in pailiament, selec- ' several regular pete, and among the hit
tions from tlie U. S. marine band, and i tor a big white one that is the paiticular
several other selections. An admission favorite of Steward Wilson,
of 10 cents will bo charged at the door. r'iu risiS waters here interfered con
Children live cents. ' siderably with the homo arrangements
i f .1... f..i: ... i
i The Oregonian says :
T Tsr wppk thp
I . . f I .1. . ..,.)
I pet, iawn, wuiun was uuuiv jirustmieu iui
tlie city by i. Wilson of The Dalles,
and which was such a pet that she was
kept staked out where the children
nnnl1 ,ilnv riMi lipr was nnt hi thp ilppr
corral fo"r a change, and to give her ,
more freedom. During tlie night she i
was attacked by the other dor, and eo
seriously injured that she died next day
Dr. Ilolliater
was called to Dufur this ,
morning in consultation with Dr.
Dietrick, the occasion being an injury
received bv Mr. S. Johnston of that
' 1- .. f1. T l.:l 1 . : , r 1
i piace. ouumiuy wuia uuiMiii; auuut .1
j water wheel, Mr. Johnston's toot was
caught between the wheel and one of the (
posts on which it runs, and was badly j
crushed. An incision had to be made j
in the bottom of tlie foot, to get the
broken land dislocated bones in place.
The injury is a very painful one, and it
will bo months before it is entirely , transcribe, and then the attraction of
healed. gravitation began to work, and with one
Tho suit of the United States, Thomas , convulsive wiggle, the descending Wil
Sampson and White Swan against j son struck the water head on and disap
Wmans Bros., it being in the nature of ; peared from view. Mr. Brooke, who
a suit by the United States in behali of , was examining tho gauge in the river a
the Yakima Indians, is in its prelimin-; short distance above, was almost para
arv Btages, tho testimony being taken , lyzed with astonishment when he noted
todav before Special Examiner S. C. ' that tho river had risen .3 in as many
Hinton of North Yakima, with Fred seconds, and was just preparing to strike
Miller stenographer. F. C. Robertson, out for the bluff when Wilson came to
assistant United States district attorney, the surface spouting water like a young
of Spokane, appears for plaintiff, nnd F. , whale. Wilson had a long apron on,
P. Mavs and Huntington & Wilson for which got tangled around his legs, but
defendants. The Indians claim that
winnnq Km. have fenced un the fishing i
,1V trrv. '
niuuiiuoijiii"""'," ......... ........ .
rr sniti r Trade.
A deairable ranch of 100 acres, within 1
n,,r .nna nf n.ill Oitv. with one suan
, reB harn0B8 wagons,' plows and other ,
'""Vy. Fine fruit laud and abun-'
dftUCe of water. Will trade for Dalles
City property. Inquire of
A. S. M.'.o A luster,
Real Ectr.te and Insurance Ageut.
Ciino.sicu: offlce, Thealles, Or.
7tTZZtcZn , wuv
' "A SjJJ; " J
any ba the mj best
MniiiMivit. riijiu uv icu!tciv.njc( - "...
; . - Jn the olco wJl0(,ul(ollff0in ,25t . day of May A. D, at 2
j reports from the upper river whether o'clock p. m., for the purj.oEO of adopt
It is hard to tell the facts I there will be a rise or fall at lower river BupHmcntary artic es o incorpora-
Urtf 0W c Rft
about beliwtHgs pest
tiakin? powder
flavoring eiracis
and spices
each has
its own
All money-back, though.
Tor sale liy
W. E. Knhler
.Stuwiiril Wilson of the Umatilla llmme
Snv) H1k i't.
iciiu,rautiiii; wium iu hvvk ipirti
1 ters ou beams and sills, where they nre
cramped lor room.
Yesterday Wilson heard one of the
family crying most mournfully, and
fearing his pet might be hi danger he
1'roeeeded toexamiue into the matter
went on the lower back porch and lean
ing over the railing tried to see whete
the complaining cat was. He couldn't
. see, although ho could hear her, bo he
leaned mat a liLtlo further over, but in
vain. Then lie let out another link in
his system and stretched his neck to its
utmost limit. He thought he could
. . .. ...
eaten a glimpse oi tier, tun was not sure,
80 j10 uncoupled another inch, which
wag just half an inch too much.
slowly his heels started skyward, while
frantic hands grabbed vainly after
some saving hold. His agonized face
trM n nlnrir nf mpnfnl nr.tTvWv inn vit'irl
ani heartrending for
us to attempt to
he swam around the corner of tlie build-
ing and made a successful landing at the
foot of Union street.
A(j jlu CU11)Q dipping up the incline
wjtj, tj)0 jj, wiIto apron clinging to
ilim, j,0 looked like a short-haired mer -
maid. The cat escaped.
Kiv.r .n,,.
. r. r t, morn. waB ,,Q - a
- r- ,
rise oi i. -i in ttie past twenty-tour nours.
Iteports from up-river points indicate a
steady lise for two or three days, though (
not so rapid as heretofore. According i
to Observer Pague'a report Monday the i
river was to fall here tonight, while his
report Tuesday says it will rise. It is '
points. Paguo ia tho only fellow who
. i .. .i
to know anything as to what they indi
cate. Indications are thut the river
will go to at least the 45-foot murk, and
possibly nearly to the 50, The former
mark will interfere with the running of
traine, and any point above it will stop
Whatever stage the river may reach,
w j
"The Delft"
Mixed Blue and White oul -
side and White inside.
"The Delft," is the latest
ware out in cooking utensils.!
Prices are about, the same as I
granite ware, and a great deal j
cheaper than the aluminum J
ware, and prettier than either j
of them. Call and see the I
goods at j
107 Second Street.
I it h not probable that the Hood will last '
any length of time, as t lie snow on the
Snake is going rapidly, and that "tream
must soon fall. ;
Ilarrj' l.niilnl' Slcujm mi :i nli Wli'l,
lie IMiluM NVi-il UK CImUh-.
Last night our genial young friend
llarrv Lonsdale, went down to the tlsh
wheel in winch he lias an interest, it ,
being the new wheel built this spring j
about a mile and a half below town, j
with the intention of remaining over '
night and getting tho "sensation." Tlie j
cabin is built on top of tlie pieis, and as i
die mighty current surges by, the whole j
framework trembles with its force. It
is not an ideal place for a night's lodg-1
ing, but Harry was after the sensation, j
and ho got it.
About 2 o'clock this morning a big log
came down and struck the gins with a
crash. There is a difference of opinion
as to what Harry said, but in just three
Beconds he had leaped off the cribs onto
tlie rocks, and was on his way to The
Dalles, dressed in the consciousness tiiai
lie was doing the correct thing, and not
much of anything else. Mr. Stone was
not much behind him, and by calling
persuaded him to stop. "Where are
you going," said Stone. "I'm going
home," was the reply. "But you havn't
your clothes," continued Stone. "I
have otiier clothes at home ; I don't like
that suit, anyway." i:ame the response
from the darkness. However, Stone
went back and got theolothes, and when
he got dressed Harry went, llko a
little man, and assisted in repairing
He is not looking for any more sensa
tions, and is content to bleep in his
little bed, farther from tho Columbia's
mighty rush than life on a flfeh wheel
Nebraska corn for sale at the Waeco
'warehouse. Uest feed on earth. mO-tft
J English and IJelgian cement, very
i ue8t imported braudE, for salo by Wafcco
! WuHs"e Co. myi-lm
i Wanted A girl to do general house-
! f"mlly' M,lst ,K,oU j
.cook. Apply at this othce. ml7-tf
A f' , wjtl, A. O. V.
j 11 , viiMiiuin hum itinwia4itftn
; neen jost. rinuer pieaso leave ui mis
mlo tf
SliMSlilioliluri,' Mrftlnc.
Notice is hereby given that a niLitiug
of tho stock holders of Tho Dalles Chron
icle Publishing Company will be held at
.1... ,. .. II...
i ' " ,
company uud transacting sucli other
business as may come before said meet
ing. JJy order of tho IJoard of Directors.
Tho Dalles, Oregon, April U, 1897.
A. S. Mac Ali ihTWt,
P. G. D.WLWI'OltT,
Subscribe for Tin: Ciiiioxicj.k.
; W
1 Just Received.
A stock of Pure Aluminum Ware Cook
ing Utensils.
No enamel to flake off. Solid metal. 3STo
plating to wear off.
Absolutely pure. No verdigris, or salts
of tin.
Wonderfully light and beautiful, and
very durable.
Foods cooked in it do not scorch.
Drop in ami see it. Wo will be pleased to show it to you, even If
vou don't buv.
We Carry aiummeof
Builders and Heavy Hardware,
Lime and Cement,
Farm Machinery;
Bain Wagons, Champion Mowers
and Reapers,
Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron,
Barb Wire, Etc.
Phone 25.
Baby Carriages
.11 ST AHU1VKD AT Til 10
JJacobson Book & Music Co.
Whore will also be. found
ploto lim; of rianos.and
in Kaslorn ( )roi:on.
Complete Line of FISHING TACKLE,
Notions, P.aso Hall ( Jootls, Hammocks, Books ami
Stationery at Hod rock
New Vogt Block,
ISiHTi-fbor to CliriMiimi A Curium.
Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to
see all my former patrons. FWe delivery to any part of town,
Opp. A. M. Williams A Co.
Lumber, Building' Material and Boxes
Traded lor TTnv Cvnir "Rnnrm T.nvH Arc
Kuciilcn'D Ariitvn nalvi.
'Die beat salve in the world for cuts,
bruiees, sores, ulcers, suit rheum, level
eores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and ull skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures pileB, or no pay required
It ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 centi
per Imjx. For sale by Plakeley und
Houghton, druggists.
Tho merchant who telle you he lias
something elee as good as Hoe CaUe soap
ie a good manto keep away from. a'J 3m
tho largest ami most ooni-
othor Musical Instrunionts
The Dalles, . Oregon.
The Dalles. Or
Do vou want vour windows donned,
carpets taken up, beaten and re laid, or
janitor work of any kind done by a
flrst-olusa man? If so, telephone Henry
Johnson at Parkins' barber shop,
'Phone Hi). alO-tf
Yellow washing powder will make
your clothes tlie same color. Avoid
this by using Soap Foam, It's pure
Soap Foam
excels all other washing
Subscribe or Thu Uiiuonicmc.