WflbL PAPER! You Get The Dalles Daily Chronicle, disappearance by saying that it was consumed it) a vat 1y acids, and that two of the rings worn by the woman were found in the vat. This may tEs I WAItlt PAPER! ! Just Received the Co, Wie only Kepublican Jkiih, Xetctpapei n Wasco Vonntu. YOU be the correct theory, but the disap-1 poaranee of a body in a sausage fac-j tory is too suggestive for the peace ' Of Dealers, Agents, Jobbm and Middlemen by bVvS red from the manufacturer. " a EASTERN OFFICE MO to 134 Tanpk Court, X. Y. Citu. E. h'ATZ. .Igeut. 0f ono's stomach THAT CluliliiiiK Kate, Chronicle and Orejioiiian. . . Chronicle ami Examiner. . . Chronicle and Tribune Chronicle and X. Y. Woihl. WEDNESDAY. 'Jo 2 i'o 1 To1 . 2 00: EfOXOMfZE "While congres: lcvemic question, it might bo well for it to exairine into the feasibility of i educing expenses instead of in crcasintr revenues. A penny saved is a penny earned, and there is no doubt but that there are plenty of opportunities for applying the prun- Thc Antelope Herald, noting the ' death of a Pete Harris, sheep herder. ' from camping too steadily at the mouth of a demijohn full of alcohol, 1 says: "Dr. Tilkington was sent for, ' MAY 19, 1S07 : but Harris had expired before be got1 . there." The account is wither sug-j gestively indefinite, leaving one in doubt whether the doctor was ex-' is debating the i pected to save Harris' life in his capacity of a physician, or by taking' a share of the disease. I LLe 3 HAWI 5000 NnTHlNG m 3 U 11m Von will llnrl o:in coupon Inside each two o;;::cu las and t wo conp-itis insluc each four ouucu baguf Blucl:n ell's Duiiium. Buy u Ijuy or tills celebrated tobacco end icad tho coupon which gives n list of valuable m-st-cuts ami Rolls of Wall Vapor, host pattern?. Tho beautiful colors. New Invoice Tho most TA According to the Oiegonian. the senate committee took up, or were to take up, the Corbctt case y ester-; day. Mr. Corbctt expects n favora-, nig knife to the expense account, j ble report, but he is the only person Jt costs this people seven dollars a I who does. head to be governed by the United States, nearly two dollars each to be "iivenied hv the t:ito. t'ntiv dollars a , m niir-r tri hr "nvnvnnil hv fhr poimtv. ! 1 J ' Is n and an average of four dollars a I LOCAL DISEASE head more for school and ro:icl tli.-1 iaSSsr11 trict government: or in round mini- For your Protection c ! we positively ttato that this bers about Si 7 each for carrvina on rcnu-i-y doc not contain I mrruiry or any otlier .ujar- our syttcm of government, and this, t ln:?- too, not counting interest on our HV'S Cl'SSH! BSllH mnlv-n thf i I-5 ' l:nov;!eiL'ed to bo the most thortni carp for ...I.. II LUUUUi U14 111 l.l ...... -...J J..-.V. i.i. enoli th-iii Si 7 It rtiu-illcs. Hopen ami r'eanses tho nastl paisaccs, L.ii-ii UMii v i ' J i ,-. ,: cmi iniiamr.vition. heals th eorc. pro- i. ' is the mcmbrano from cohb, restores the si'ii" -t fernilsracll. l'rice.Wc. a: DrnffKistscrby v;m'. Zi'u'i BKOTUEJtS. 50 Warrsu Street. Hew 'i crk. I GENUINE - Ti rTfiiiii i of Faints and Oils. Any folor or brand supplied. Wholesale. awHKKirKX:SCEZi&i local debts, which would rate nearer $20 is entirely too much. JJesides this, j the rate is steadily increasing. It! coits us more per capita to inn the j , Ul II tliIJ L. it III! V,MWV,W'V' JVLJIC than it did with half that number, while the reverse of that proposition should be true. v MINI lllines and CicraM tv umnumni cam twuirtuirtiiwiitn' THE CELEBRATED -nwssasss ANHEUSER-BUSCH and T-TT HAT rs -rrsTTTrP'TZS on -draught liUi -3lU.m.j and in uottlos. i Snipes-Kinorsly Drug Co, FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. l'ltASS.UT A OKSKUAI. BANKING liUSINKS I 1 ..IL P.,a Itt inniiOll l t'1 1 1 It 1 ll f 1 ? Tl tllli Eastern States. Sit;ht KM'!inr.:r" iiT Telegraphic Tr.ti'isfers sold m. Now Yurk. Chieau'o, .St. J.ouis, San Frnucisno, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and vuriong pointe in Oregon and Washington. Collections uavile at all points) on fav onible terms. Ankeuser-Biisch Malt Nutrine bevorage, iineci-naled as a tonic. a non-alcoholic "ST The situation in Greece has changed materially since yesterday, and all owing to lussias action. The sultan is now disposed to accept me diation and to modify the demands lie has made for indemnity. It seems from the results that (iermnny has been bricking Turkey in her de mands: but when, through Russia's action, IJulgarin began mobilizing her troops. Germany took fright, rind iO advised the sultan to accept the mediatkn of the powers. Russia's action meant war. and the balance of the powers didn't want any, for it might mean a loss of more money than the combined debts of Turkey and G recce amount to. It may safelv be said Oh) I'.-njilc 01-1 p ii-i'o who requiremedicine to j regulate tue bowels ami Kulneys will find tho tine remedy in Klectrio Bitters. This medicine does not stimulate and contains no whisky nor otlier intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and alternative. It acts mildly on the stomach and oowel.B, adding strength and pvit) tone to the organs, thereby aiding Nature in the nerr'ormanee of the functions. Klectric Bitters is an excellent appetizer ami .iiuV digestion. Old people find it just exact ly what they nned. Price 50 cents and $1 00 per bottle at Blnkeley & Hough ton's Drug Store. o STUBLING & WILLI AM f. NEW SPRING GOODS :NEW SPRING GOODS I i JUST ARRIVED JUST ARRIVED far Mf r i b j OLK UKM.Klt IN TH1-. l!AI,l.l OF IT Die Ma 1 1 an is Soinetlmifr to KopiMid On. Jlr, James Jones, of the druy firm of Jones A Son, Cowvlen, 111., in speakinjj of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that last winter his wife was attacked with Lalirippe, and her case irrotv so serious that physicians at Cowden and Pana could do nothing for her. It seemed to develop into Hasty Consumption. Ilav- inir Dr. King's -ew Discovery m store, A Perfect Protection from Water ai .! Dampness. Preseivea the liody by Ex I'ludiuL' the Air. U possesses every merit claimed for the most expensive vaults, viz: absolute security and durability, tlms niakin a permunent and imperishable resting place for the dead. This vault is made of six pieces of mar ble which can be firmly fastened to pethei with cement, thus ninkinir them air and water tight. c. F. STEPHENS.!11 Kinds CBmef8r' Work u There is a tkic in the affairs of men which, taken at its Jlooa leads on to fortune." Tho poet unciuestionablv had reference to the Mr. Comini has on hand a Iariio sup ply ot lirst-cliiss Marble, to boused in .Monuments, etc. Prices lower than in Portland. iml selling lots of it, he took a bottle that the war is over, i inine, and to the surprise oi all she be ttm in,: nf hmi.ii nl,, nr. n.m.n. sran to "et better from the first dose, and w.. .v,....-wi. .illill. I lljlljiil- a-- - , to be settled " ! 'Kl'1- t'0l!:en dollar bottles cnied her sound i ' j and well. Dr. King's New Discovery; . ' ior Lonsumption, uougiis anu uoius is or rather Pans, has set an, 211aranteedt0(5otll.s good work Try example that this country might it. Free trial bottles at Biakelev A well follow. The ex-l'rincess Chim-1 "o"g''ton'a Drug -Store. ) ay, who achieved notoriety bv T,,! ,test i''"tiy rm- iiiiouinati.m. olnniurr with n twitflint. tfiforl rrunJ. i l'-om tht' I-'airiiav'wi (N. V.j Keglster. 1 o CJ I' v J and abandoning her children, were ;i Closing Out Sale of Furniture ani Carpets l6 at C RANDALL & BURGET'S, Who aro selling these goods out at t?foatlv-reduced rat MICHKLPiAGH BUIOK. - - (JNIOxN F,T. Jtr. .lames Kowianu ot tins village, . flint fi.r , .i-i.ti , ... ft .... ..a tii ...iff. billed to appear in the music halls at , ims ,,een a gnff;ier" fr()r; ;,ieuimUism; ( Paris, but met with such a frost that ! a few nights ago he was in such pain , their engagement was canceled. We j that she was neaily crazy . She sent I have as a people gotten to that sta"e -Mr- Iioiand for the doctor, but he had ' ' c 1 r.i ii . t n..i i . were notoriety is sullicient to attract 1 'L,m U1, " V JJ l"" 1,1111 , , . i instead of coing for the doctor he went erowth, whether that notoriety was . (I, etnrn ..,, auru.i n im,,i it His wife did not approve of Mr. Row land's purchase at first, but neverthe less applied the Uabn thoroughly and in an hour's time was able to go to sleep. .She now applies it whenever she feels an ache or a pain and finds that it alwava gives relief. He says that no medicine which she had used ever did her as much New York Weekly Tribune gained in the prize ring, the divorce courts, or without the aid of them. Paris has indeed set as a good example. There has been one benefit at least .arising from the legislative hold. up last winter, and that is that good. The 2") and 50 cent sizes for sale tho amount spent by tho state for j ''.v Uhikiey& Hougjiton. -KOK- Farmers and Villagers, KOI! Fathers and Mothers, i-oit Sons and Daughters, ton AI! the Family. ORTHERN PACIRC RY. U N s Pullman Elegent Tourist TO Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car hT. I'AIM. MINNKAI'Or.I mil.lJTH I'AJKiO (HAM) I'OH UKOOK'iTO.V WINNII'KO IIUI.HXA ait ItUTTK Nobetti- ' heel made than ft; Acme ales Built; in our own factory fa skilled workmen, tr ;-'-thbi iiiiiiciiiii uiuiumriu. '.i.i'v ,1 machinery. Wo Iwvc no c-if.ts Sold direct from f;u- t'-. rider, fully warranUd. !,' anywhere for ex.uninatior? WHITE FOR Acmo Cycle Co., E!i;!-,ait, hi, r Ss Regulator Line Navigation Co.' Jt-M. I "1 aiaiHiat . RepklortMcf FREIGHT AND PASSENUER LINE The Dulles, I Inod Iltvcr, Cascade Iicks anil Pt iinm iiniiy, except hiinaay, GOOD SERVICE, LOWEST RATES. ( DOWN THE Mil Are you going II so, savu money mul enjoy a beautiful tripca tho (;oInmbiii. The wo-t-hound train arrimit The D.illcs in ftinplo time for passenceistotatt tho stenmcr, iirrivhit; in l'urtlund in time forth! outKohiK fcontliuni and Northern trains; Ei't hound iinsMiiiKers iirriviii;,'inThoDnlesiatiM to titko tho Kast-bound train. Kor further Infoiniatiou npjily to J. N. IIAKNKY, Agent, Oak .Street Dock, l'ortlaud, Orcson, Or W. C, A 1. LA WAY,, The Dalles, useless iCllOOli commissions, siit'lo normal j iiv Y ii iir liriilu. i and other utterly frivolous I row . ,! 11,11 .ac" efa,rrei ' ' , . ; sirovs -?l.oO wort Ii of ram aiimiully. i mi win ciosb oi mu i-rusiuenuiu uampaifiii nih ikiisua' recoynizea the tilings, has lieoomc a matter of pub-1 WnUeleo's Smurrel and Goplier Ksterm- filC!t.tllllL .tlus American people aro now anxious to givo their atlention to homo and lie notoriety. About the only hoard ; jr. .(0,' is tho most effective and cconom of commissioneis that and are really useful i biibine?s interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far U'Sh space and prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the costs hut little ' poifeon known. Price reduced to 0 ; Ji,llt for the priiicIploB for which TIIK TUIUUNK has labored from its iuee ntion U the horticul- a" t '' Uonnoll, , to the present dav. and won its ureateat victories. '"".puon Every pos.lhlo effort will ho put forth, and money freely spent, to make TI WEEKLY TKIIIUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, inlerestii Catli in Your (,'liucki.. All county warrants registered prior to Dec. 1, 1892, will bo paid at my oflieo. Interest ceases after 31ay 7, IS07. C. L. l'mi.ui'.s, Countv Treasurer. tural hoaid. The fish commission has also done some -uood work. Out side of these tho other hoards should go hy tho hoard, and the public bot tle should be kept away from the i i . . . i normal scuuois. . - aMaa,..,,. j I'lll' S.'llt). . Adolph L. J.uetgert, n well-known ' Yeri'B 6hcel 1000 aUt) tounil and - . r,. . f in prime condition. I'rico .l,7o. Ad sausage manufacturer ot Chicago, .I.aI. Dwis, has been arrested, charged with mur- j w.,.,i,f sherars lir'i.iue, Oregon. uering his wife m tlio basement of j his sausage factory about, ten days j ago. -As (he police aic unable to find the body, they account for its THE instructive, enterlahiim: and indisnensablo to each member of the family. We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. fW Write your name and address on a postal card, sond it to Geo. W, Best, 'tribune Ofllco, New York City, ai;J a sample copy of Tho New York Weekly Tribune- will bo mailed to von. Through Tickets OIllOACO 1 T VASIIlK(iT)X i''in. M3W YOllK ItUSVON AND AI.I. l'OINTH KAST uiiiI HOIJTkl HlpgKg;Job Printing at This Office. W. C. ALLA WAY. At? ent, The Dalles, Oregon OH A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., iM, MorrlHin cor. Third. I'orthin.t Oieon This Ih Your Opport unity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, a Kenorous sample will bo mailed of tho most popular Catarrh and Hay Fover Curo (lUy'H Creain liahn) suflloient to demon utrato tho great merits of tho remedy. i:ly imoTiiEits, CO Wiureu St., New York City. Itov. John Iteid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Kly's Cream Halm to mo. I can emphasizo lus statement, "It is a posi live euro for catarrh if used as directed." Key. Francis W. l'oolo, Fastor CcutralFre Church, Heleua, Mout. Kly's Croam Halm is tho acknowledged curo for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drui;, Price, CO cents. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. DR. GUWS JMl'KOVKD LIVER PHXS "" - naif.. a mid 1-ini.ii'. ono rii,.'"Mii;W lioalth. Thou- rill-' oui'Ply ht KJ'bWiiW lCjos.mui clear llo( ' oUon l. J ,,?moce loav" l-beyiK-lthor uriiNi nor tlckeii. i' f "solJeif will iniil -inJ irr. or fit I,;j'rfflicl(.lptoft Tfie columfiia Pi PACKERS OF - PORKandBEEf MANUKACTOKKKHOK Fine Lard and Sausages. Gurers of B"L HAMS BACON DRIED BEEF, ETC.