The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Tin: i,t,i.i:s, oim:uon AlvirtlliiT Ktlte. I'n inch. One or ies. in Dally ?1 f0 Over two Inches mitl under four inches. . .. 1 III Over four lnelio and under twelve inches.. . 7" Over twelve inches 00 DAILY AO WKHKt.Y. One inch or less, icr inch f2W Over one lni-li nnd under four inches !! 00 Over four Inches and under twelve inches. . 1 W) Over twelve inches 1 00 riiitrtONAL. .UlLNTION Mr. llenrv 1nJehotr of Drano is in the city. Hon. II. V. Scott, on in Savannah, (ieorjjia, .May 10th, was taking ;i much llCCdUll VdC.UlUII. Dr. Doane went to Portland this tnorn iiiK to ut tend tint iniiotiiii: of the grand lodjre of Odd Fellows. V. H. Holmes, Salem' solid attor ney, was in tin- city yesterday, leaving for home this morning. Mrs. T. V. Spark, who hns been vis iting here for the past two days, re turned on tins' morning's train to 1'urt land. Miss Mamie YVenner, who has been visitimj with her unele. Mr. T. J. Seti fert, for '.he past. year, left last night for her home near New York City. Emit Klindt anil Henry IJoyen, dele pa tea to the grand lodu'e of Odd Fellows which meets in Portland tomorrow, were passengers on this morning'ti train. Mr. and Mrs. I,. D. Ainsworth re turned Saturday night from the Hawa iian Inlands, where they have been living for some time on account of Mr. Ainsworth'tj health. MAKKIKI). At the Umatilla House, Mondav, Mav 17, 1S97, by Elder G. H. Barnett. Mr. tieortre W. Hildebrand nnd Miss Re becca S. Chamberlain, both of Sherman county. BUSINESS LOCALS. Nebraska corn for eale at the Wasco warehouse. Best feed on earth. ni9-tf English and Belgian cement, very best imported brands, for eale by Wasco Warehouse Co. m"y5-lui This is an "Age of Soap." Why use any hut the very beat. Beat 6oap means Hoe Cake. Sold by Pease & Maya. a2-3m Something to Depend On. Mr, James Jones, of the drug firm of Jones & Son, Cowden, III., in speaking of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that il&st winter bis wife waa attacked with LaGrippe, and her case grew so serious that physicians at Cowden and Pana could do nothing for her. It seemed to develop into Hasty Consumption. Hav ing Dr. King's New Discovery in store, .and selling lots of it, he took a bottle home, and to the surprise of all she be ;gan to get better from the first dose, and half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound and well. Dr. King's New Discovery ior consumption, uougna ana uolus is guaranteed to do this good work. Try it. Wee trial bottles at Biakelev & Houditor. a Drugstore. ma l'coiiiu. Old people who require 'medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find tho true remedy in Electric Hitters This medicine does not stimulate nnd contains no whisky nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and alternative. It acta mildly on the stomach and uowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organ f, thereby uidiiiK Nature in the erf..rmaree of the functions. Electric Bitters ia an excellent appetizer and aids digestion, Old people find It just exact ly what they need. Price 50 cents nnd $1 00 per bottle at Blakeley & Hauab ton'". Drug Bfcore. !i Earth Ttoxt for Korta. Military engineers are practically pureed that no material for fortifica tions Is superior to earth. When clay Is r.ot obtainable, as on the seashore, f;and is collected in bajrs and these are laid In regular heaps along- the llr. of the propose; fcrKfleatisa. The oalL'j from the enemy's cannon sink without doimr do mage, and 3hel!f explode harmless ly. -Philadelphia Press. Urlt'f I'Malm of Mfo. What anient friend v-re you nnd Gray! You wore- each other' collar. Ilut you losi him v,-)tc n, on-.- lucklesa day, You lent him $i. d ''hko Tribune hnvit Vhii r Groin. Vow realize that, each squirrel do fliroys $1.50 worth of tram annually. WiiUeliv's Squirrel and Gopher Externi ir ior i- tl.e most effective and econom ical poison kiiown. Price n-duced to ."0 cent1-. Fur sale by M. '.. Donnoll, AL'ent. Itlary UlAtUU I'lMSON rinnnr.n,i. Icu red In 16 to 80 dnyo. Vo ti ca n bit treated at hoino foreatuo prico uuUer eamo truarau ty . 1 f you urof ur to comn hero wh i 1 1 nnn. traCtt.OItnVrsllrn.'wlfnmnnit ItnlftlMMo Looe mmn Bocbarsro, I f jvo fall to euro. If you liavo taken uier cury. Iodide iiotash, nnd atill Jiavo aelics and pslns. Mucous l'alclms in rnoutli, Noro Throat, l'lmiiloij, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on njr part pt tho body, Hair or KyolirowH falllnir oat. It la this becoudury JtLoon lOlSON wu cuaranteo to euro. Wo solicit ttio most obitU ualc canea and clwlleuiro tho world lor a TPsnV?fl!lJrrJJ 'i,nls "oo has altrsra iutUled tli skill of tho most euiiuvnt iihyl Clauj. VaOO,UOO capital beulnd our uucondt tlonalffutranty. Abgolutu proof gent nealed on application. Addreu (JIIUR ItKMKOV COm LACKICI) LUXCJilY. i A Nowsprtpar Man'o Trying Ex- porionco iu Chicago. Ileitis Until. c id OI)(:ii:i lie Liven for !51x on IJTO-How llo IIKl'il II. Ur.jjiloyr.iiMit Jlini- Six months ago a nowswper man came to Chicago to fretwork on one of the bifr papers here, hike many another man from the. country he thought that the fact that he was head and shoulders above the other nevspatfer men in hhi little town waa proof that he was able to stand the keen competition in Chi cago. l!ut he found that the places were tilled, and that thoro were. at. least ."it) per cent, more neff.i than holes. He v:n determined not to back h) his lii.tlc town, ko he remained in Chicago in the hope that he would g-et a place. Meanwhile he had no money what ever and had to practice the closest oconomv. lie wrote five or six columns of copy each week and tried to Hell tli l pries to the Sunday pa peril. Now and ihcn he sold something:, but his income during' the six months was not more than .',."0, his total eaniintrs for that period, in fact, being only 870. Never theless he managed to live without bor rowing any monev. for he had no friends in Chicago from whom heeoud borrow, he was too proud to write home fir money. Instead he wrote home lowing tales of the progress which he was making and told of the advantages of newspaper work in a big city and its consequent, rewards. Few people would believe that. a. man could live in Chicago for six months on $T0. hut he did it. Of course he did not dine at a fashionable restaurant. He ate his meals on Clark street at. sonio sacrifice of his pride, but without the knowledge of any of his acquaintances. No one would know where he ate, for none of the men whom he saw during the day would go to such a place. His meals usually cost him live cents each, and they were good meals, in quantity, if not in quality. You can buy a luxurious brcakfast.on Clark street for five cents. It will con sist, of three eggs, bread, butter and coffee, and anyone inclined to doubt the statement can go and try the meals. The places are easily found. There are always big signs outside of them con taining names of the articles of food and the prices. For five cents he bought his dinner, which consisted of any kind of meat, potatoes, bread and coffee. A similar bill of fare at the same expense formed his suppor. Sometimes he would pay ten cents for his dinner and then he would get two more vegetables and some pie for dessert. Thus his meals cost lo cents a day, or $1.05 a week. He slept in a ten-cent lodging house in the same room with a half doen other men. The beds were small, but he al ways slept soundly, and none of the inmates know him. They were not in quisitive and were too much bothered by their own troubles to care to ask his. Seventy cents a week was the cost of his lodgings. This was a total of !51.7." for a week's board and lodging. HL other fixed expenses were for tobacco, newspapers and writing paper. lie smoked a pipe, the tobacco costing ten cents a week. He had to buy a couple of ncwsjKipcrs each day, which mean' 2 cents a week, although sometimes hi- would look at those in tho reading rooms of the libraries. His copy paper cost him only ten. cents a week, leaving a margin of 30 cents. Tho only drawback about sleeping in a ten-cent lodging house was tlmtthert wa.s IlO pla"C afforded, in which to w rile, but he used to go to the pubPc or X". -berry library nnd do his the.i , where there are ample facilities. Mi: of his time wan spent in travel .-;' around on, tho streets looking for good .'Sunday irtoriea. ouch was, tho life he lal lor six months. A few weeks ugo hp was given :i place as a ppae-j writer on the city . 1 . .. ... din mn l. MU11. U III? 111111a iPIU iT.pi U. I'.tCil, iLnd he is able to live more luxuriously. Hut the reporter is now will nr; to be lieve, us he knows by practical e'peri ence, that n man who can make two or three dollars a week need not starve in a bir city. Chicago Tiines-TIerald. Ilclliln;;- Out HI Mother. "This won't do," exclaimed Mrs Box, excitedly, "there's II! at the table.' "Never mind, maw," shouted little Johnnie, "I kin eat fur two, that makes it M." Tit-Bits. A ituimrr. "Violet Kay? What a pretty name!" bald the unpopular suitor. "Yes," replied Miss liny, "too pretty to change." Piek-Mc-Up. IliiKcr In Ciuutil::. The people, of Canrdn eat more butter and cheese per capita than those of any other country. Th- annual consujni)- tioi: in thelTnh.r : ?, per inhabitant. h f:) ijoiind, a: d in the 1'niled King' iloin iu pounds per capita. Philadel phia Press. For ni) or Truilo. A desirablo ranch of 100 acres, within tour milea of Dalles City, with one span mares, harness, wagons, plows and other property. Fine fruit land and abun dance of water. Will trade or Dalles City property. Inquire of A. S. M.u Am.istkii, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Ciuto.vici.K oflico, The Dalles, Or. flow fiboat Your JOB We have tho fnoililies for doing till kind of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a catalogue, and wo are after all the work we can do. Wo not only desire ';o keep busy, but would prefer to be rushed. Come, in and compare our prices with that of any one, and compare quality of work, have vour next order. ?l?ror;i;le C. W. PHELPS & CO. -DEAI.EHS IX- Agricultural Drapers Manufactured and Repaired. Pitts' Threshers, Powers and Extras. Pitts' Harrows and Celebrated Piano Header. Lubricating Oils, Etc. White Sewing Machine and Extras. EAST SECOND STREET, A b I V U Mr V 1. il !l Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has no aivperior. Best Dip for the Wool, bold by PE&-5E & MAYS. Tho Dallas, Oregon. !('! D ij Notice l.s liureby ulvcli Hint tuo iindei tinned, nsviKuee of tliu uitato of It. i;. Wlllluuu, mi In bolvcut ilcljlor, liim llli'il his ilunl iiccoiint mill reiHiit In wild assili(iiiiiciit ut)i tlio Uloik of tliu Clrtuit I'ouitof tliu Statu i f Dii'Kun for Wnnjn County, Mini tlmt tlio nunc will lio ojiIIciI ii for licHtlujf Imimio tliu Juiliio oi snld Court on tho flit Iny of tliu next rvKiilnr utim of wild Circuit IVuit, to wif: On Monday; t1 v L'ltli d.iy of May, lhUV. or if the mi'iu ciiunot lie hemd by bald (.'omt at i.ld tlrni', us i-ooii lliercafter ;ih tt,o Mime can In." Ill-aid by Mild Com l, llatul tlil.- ICtli day of A.rll, 1SU7. A. S. MCAl.l.ISTKl!, AlkllillPO or 1110 OfctlltU Cf It. I., HllMlllS. 1111 limolvoiit ui-btor. nI7-5t-ll tf in iuist rat or's Final Account Notice is Jiereby given Unit tlio lindurslKiiod, adniiliUtiator of tlioe.xtuto of .1. 1). ceatid, lias ti Ki I Ills Ilunl mroiint, and lliuc Monday, tlui:;il day of May, 1M)7, at 1I10 hour of 10 o'clock 11. in., lias bien appointed as the time for lieailni; objections thereto unit tho Kettle went tlieicof. All heirs, eridltors or other per kiiis Interested Iu wild estato urn herein- notllied to illo their obleetloiiH Io Mild Until uecouiit, it any tlioy Jiave, on or Lefoio tho day appointed for tlio hearlnir thereof. Dulles City, Ok'koii, March 25, 18!)7. iiie:'7-ltll K. A. (UlIrTlN, Adinliiistiiitor. Notice of Final Seillemeiil. Notlco Is hereby ulve'i that tlio unilerslL'iieil administrator of tlioostnto of MaryM, Gordon, Ueeeiised, lias lllcd Ills limil report am! account in wild ektuto, and Unit Tuesday, the 1 tit day of May, lh'J7. at tlio hour of '1 o'clock u in. of xnlil day at tliu County court room. i,i the av i-uiiii. jiuimu in jJauca wily, IHIM'O 1,011111)', uro- Kim, 1ms been appointed by said court iih 1I10 timound plueo for iiearini; said llnal account. Dateil this Mtli day of March, 18U7. , , AHA HTOIiSIUI.b. Adiiiliilntrator of tlio estate of Mary M. Uor don, deceutuJ, upr3-ll pFjljW 0 Lot us publisfyir; $o. Implements. Cultivators. THE DALLES, OR. U dli w v ttm mm She inn s Wale. TN Till: CHtCL'lT CUUUT of the Stale of Ulc- I !;on fo: County. r. li. (ircune. rialiillir, J. b, Story, l.ucietia Stoiy and Hallos City, l)ftn. I liy viituoof an o.vecntlun and older of Knlelit-1 sueil on; of tin- ciieult Court of Hie stittoofl Uieiiou for the County of Wai-eo, to mo directed and dated, the ildtli day of Mnicb, lh'J7, iijion 111 jtidgiiu-iit and decree for tlio foieelohiiro 01 certain i.mi If iirou, rendered and enteiccl in said : couitou the ia day nf Mauli, ls'j;, Iu the above ' eniltled caui-e, In favor of (he plalntHV and ! iiKiilust tiiodefend.intf, J. I.. Storv and l.iieretin ! juuijii.eiii iieuioit.iii iik- mm of f.isi.t; 1, with Int-iest theieon nt Hie into of elht per cent per annum from tlio'jjdday of Maieh, 1.VJ7, and the fintlier sum of f7.'i attorney's foe, mid the fuilher sum of fil.'i) costs and dlsbimu ments 01 suit: nnd further In favor of tho de fendant Dalies' ity and anulust tho defeuduntK J. 1.. Sjt"iy and l.ucietia Story, as Judgment debtoin in tho bum of J.', and the further mm ot?.) costs of unit, and further tho costs of and on saidwtitof execution; mid comniiiud initmo to iimko sale of tho real piopeity em braced In said decree of foreclosure and order of sulo and herciiuifter described. I linen ilnlv levied on ami will, on thoiUl day of May, lh'.)7, ' at tlio hour of U o'clock In the afternoon, at tlio I coiiuiy couriuouso uoor 111 which 1 liy, yasco County, Oroon, sell nt public auction, to tho hliiliost bidder, for cash iu hand, all tlioriiilit. Illlu and inteiest which the said J. h. Stoiy ami I.ucretla htorv. or cither of them, had 011 the 1st day of Jiiuuaty, IhK'J, tho ditto of thoinoilKanoof iiaiiiiiu lorccioseu Herein, or which such lie leiidaiits. or any of the defendants herein, have since ucoiiiml or now have. Iu nod to tho foi- lowing described real property, sltuato and beius in tho County of Wuh-o, Statu of Oregon, to-wit: IMh numbered eleven (11) anil twelve (1'Ji iu block twenty CM) ot (iales Addition to Dalles City, Wasco County, Oickoii, or so much tliereof us will sallnly said above mentioned and lie scrlbwl JudKiiients, attorney's fees and costs, Hald property will bo bold subject to coullriua tion by Mild Circuit Court and to redemption, us by law provided. Dated at Tliu Dalles, Oregon, tills .'list day of March, 18'J7. T. J. DlUVKlt, apr21l ShefllVot Wuico county, Orticou. i Oi NOTICE-SALE OF CITY LOTS. ia !iirubv liV('tl tlmt by un wind! ! . , , Common Council f Pullea M !t.. -.f t Hll'l tH'( INC). Jl'-t is,.:. ...-it urn. i sot i.niitli'd. "Au or- (liniinco to provltli- lor tlio uln of rert.un lot" helongiu!,' to Dulles Citv," I will, on Sulimlav, the lfllli ilnv ot .May. ISO. , i ... . ..l,ii no. In tilt! lit! Wil fcl'll ill IIIII.MH' T , , ImkliT, nil llu; I'ollowiiit: lota iiml jmrtP i.,i.'i r:.,i,a n.l.liiion to Dalle? City, til lJIQ 111 W'l" " . Wasco I'uuniy. OniKOii, to-wit: Lots !) am 10 oiiitiy, in oiocii i, , 7, S. h ami 10, jointly iu block 18; lotn r c ii .mil li). iointlv ill block Jl, known as; loin 10, 11 anil 1, in nlock 27; lot !) in block ill ; lote J, .. :l. o. 0. 7, S, 0, 10 ami 11. in ,d,; lots 2, 1. 8, !1. 10, 11 anil 12, in block KG; Iota , -I, , , 7. 8, 0. 10, 11 ami !' in block H7; lots 1. 2, , 4, fi, (. 8, J, 10. 11 and 12. in block -12: lots t. -', .., 5 i), 10 ami 11. in block -IP.; loH 1.2, 7i 10, II atni 12, in bio.- -Jl, and lots 1, 2. :i, 4, .1, li, 111 niucK -io. Tin. ti'iisonaUi' vabio of sa bits, for ll'H-i I Mill W nc 1 h tbcv will no, c sold, lu'ip been iixed i.i.d' dctcrminci. Coinmon Council uf Dalles City ! V till' as fob lows, to-wit : ,..,,. Uotn ami 10. in block 14. tfloO; lots 7, K, 'J ami 10, jointly i.i block 1, 200; lots 7, 8,0 and 10, jointly in block 21. .1200; lot 10, in block 27, $225; lot 11. in block 27, 220; lot. 12. in block 2, fS00; lot !), in block III, if 1 00: lots 2, li, 4, f, 8, !), 10 ami 11, in block "', u-adi re..oet ivclv :?100; lot" 0 ami 7. in block 00, cacli ii'H'ctivclv $12"; lot- 2,11,4,8, !), 10 and 11, in block ltd, cacb rcspectividy $100; lot, 12, in block Hli, $12o; lotH li, 4, 5, 8, 0, 10 ami 11, in block cacb re Hpectivelv $100; lotB 0, 7 ami 12, 111 block H7. cacb rcapectivoly !f.l2o; lots 2, 10 nnd 11, in block 41, encb ri-8)ectivuly $100; lots 1, 7 and 12, in block 41, eneb respectively $125; lotH :i, 4, 0,8,0, 10 and 11, in block 42, piicIi reapec.tively $100; lot h , fmnd 12, in block 42, each respectively $12o; lots 2, ;!, 4, 0, 0, 10 and ,11, in block 43, each respectively $100; lot 1, in block 43, $125; lots 2, 4 nnd 5, in block 40, each respectively $100; lots 1 and 0, in block 40, each respectively $125. Each of tbeeo lots will be sold upon the lot respectively, nnd none of them will be sold for a less sum than the value thereof, as above stated. One-fourth of the price bid on any of said lotH shall be paid in cash at the time of eale. aud the remainder in three equal payments on or before, one, two and three years from the date of said sale, with interest on such deferred pay ments nt the rate of 10 per cent per annum, payable annually; provided that the payment may he made in full at any time at the option of the pur chaser. The said sale will begin on the 15tb day of May," 1897, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. ni. of said day, and will con tinue from time to time until all of said lots shall be sold. Dated this 13th day of April, 1897. GlI.llKUT W. PlIKM'H, Recorder of Dalles City. For Hale. Lots A, B, K and L, block 30; A B, block 72; A, B, C, D, E and F, block 82, and A, li, C, D and E, block 25. Apply to W.M. SlIAOKKI.KOItl). rriiiisals fur CoiiNtructhii; Water ami Sower System. US. Indian Service, Warm Sjirings Asencr, . Or . May 7. 1HU7. SKAI.UD 1'UOl'OrfAI.S, endorsed. 1'ropo-nls for Water and Sewer system" and addtesn'd 10 the underi),'iied at Warm hjiiiiiKS, Crook County, Oregon, will be received al this iiK'eney until 1 o'clock p. 111. of May v!7, 1'J7, for funiMi- in;,' incnee"s'.iry mill 'inns aim l.ilior icquircd I 1 i'ii- v distinction and completion of a water a id - wcr system, (ineludinu plumbln;;) for the boardlii" school plant to be eiei lcd on Uii.sie ' r,i, iu strict .iccoiil.inee v. lib iilaiisand sieci allin, vvlneli may be ev.nnlueil at theoillcu 1 1 Ha "MoiiiIiik oreKonbiii," l'orllaud. or., "till. ( iliiu.Nicu:," The Dalles Or., and at tills Hid' 1 1- Mill slato clearly In their bills the 1 '."l.n.f time ieiiiiii'd to complete the work. i unlit is resist veil to 1 eject any und all bids, 1 .1. to' 1 of any rM, If doemed ior tue best in- r r ni tic service. ..f.iticu Inn of bidders is invited to the act ' ''oi'V'ii-ss approved Auuust I, WM, eniltled: u .,1 1 ictutliur to the limitation of tin-limn 1 d iil mm vice of luboreis and liieehanlcs eni ' '' I upon iho public v.otks of llie I'nlted - ni- iii-d of tlieDisiilct of Colunbia:" miu in t irt ni Cciuiiress appiovi-1 AllUt ly, lS'.ll, I ntliccl. "An act for iho protection nf liersons lillhMiiim matotials and labor foi the eoiistiuc- II 11 -i public woiks." cimmiKii i.jiicfKs. I itr-b bid must bo aceompaninl hv it certified rlieek in draft upon some United H tales Depusl toi i-r solvent Nalional Hank in the ieinlt of the of the bidder, Hindi- payable to'tho on ei 01 the Commis-ioncr of Indian Ailiiiis, lor at least H IV 1-, I'KJt CU.ST. of the amount of tic pioposal, which check or draft will be forleitcd to tlio United htat sin case anv bidder or bid ders ii-eeiviuK an nwaid shall fall to piomplly exieuto 11 contract with good mid suHi'-loiit miieties. othenviso to 1,0 leiuinul to the blddir. Illdii iiccompiiiiled bj uaUi In lieu ul a ceiil llcd check will ?io bu cousulercd. l'or uny uddltloual Information, anplv to . , JAM US 1.. COWAN, my7-mVJ7 u. S. Indian Aaetit. J. S. nCIIICIK, II. M. IIK.M.J,, rresiiient. Cashier, First national Bank. THE DALLES. . .. . - OREGON A laoii.jM'.l IJaakint' Blisnieas lt:iii!; liojioaits received, oubject to Siuht Druft or Check. h OollectioiiH inndo and proccedH promptly remitted on day of collection. Si'lit ami Telegraphic BxeliaiiKo sold on 'Mtw York, Sun Francisco unJ ort !uud. DIKKCTOHS i l 'r,;,Ml'ri0- Jno. B. Huhknuk. Ki. M. VVibbiAy.s, ko. A. H. M. Bkai.i, Harry Liebe, PHAOTIOAL Jeweler Watchmake All work promptly uttea4el to, and wairuutod. 174 VOGT BLOCK. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route op tiik Southern 1 . Tralnn leave and me uuo t ,tlVo t --. ""ouu. I.liAVK. ovi:ur.ANi) Kx.ii hurt'. Asliiftmi c.;. lose-I r,. JUJ. I "O Hrancisco, .M(.jaVt. I.os AiiroIl'S.KI l'asn ' ilOA.J la..f!r,u,H "ua ! 's:L'0 A. M.ti"n(jiburR "lul w,5' 'ta1 f Via Wondlmrn f,,'. ' Ml f J "oodbutn fori, Mt.Alwre .Sllverton, Went Hclo, lirownv I Dally except .Stinilays l:C0 I'. M. 7:r.U A. M. 11:1.) P.M. villcSpriuKiicld uiiil 1 111 flit I t MCCt.t salem and' nay stations MO iu Corva s unit ... , (stntinns "', ' u" jMcMinuvllio anil 1 a.P jwjty stations . ' (Dully, except Sunday. " Dally. DINING CAItS ON" (KIDKN ItOUTE, puli-man nuFrlir si.ukw:ks AND riKCON'D-CLASS HLKKPING Attaeiietl to all Turousli Trains. Dlicct couneution at San 1-iaiicltcn Hith dental ami oiiental and Pacllic moll Xnfi lines for JAPAN ami CHINA, IMl a) plication. " 11 w Itates and tickets to Kastern lmlnts nndrn rope. Also JAPAN. CHINA, ItO.VOLULU .ni ACSTKA1.1A, can bu obtainJd from "0d J. 11. K IKKLAND, Ticket Agent ThroiiHh Ticket Olllcc, i:il Third street, where thiotmh tickets to all points in tho Eastern ht ites Canada and Kuropu can be obtained it lowest rates from w" J. II. KIltlCLANl), Ticket Anat All above trains arrive at and deput from Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irving street, YAMHILL DIVISION. PatseiiRcr Depot, loot of J eilersou street (1:!V iuul,7:55i). 111 lcnvc for Sheridan, week days, 4:30p,n Arrive ut Portland, 0:ao a. m, U'uve for AIP.LIK on .Monday, Wednesday ml Krl-niy at 0:40 a. 111. Arrivo at Portland, Tan dav, Thursday und Saturday at 3:05 p. m. Sunday trains for 03WKG0 leave at 8:40 i.m mid 12! 15, l:4.r,;i:S0, o:'.'.') U:4andg 05p.m. At rive at Portland ntHlSO, 10:00 a. m,; l:,:h 5:10, 0:3.), 7:55 p. m, It. KOKHLKK, E. P. R00EB9, Manager. Asst. U. F. & Vui. Alt 0.R.&H GIVES THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes , VIA Spokane Denver Minneapolis St. Paul Omaha Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities IKJKA:; STILV.UKKS l,eave I'ortlMJ livorv -'lvii Days rr S.AK" FKAWCISCO, CAL. for full details call oil O. It & Co. s A"iat Tlio Dalles, or addles.-'. W, It. lUJKLUrKV, Hen. K. M'NICILL President .rid Main 'J im Miiiv Thiin Card. Uiidor tliu now timo curd, which go" into olli'ct tomorrow, tn.uis will move as follows : No. 4, to Spokuuo uinl Great Norton urrives nt 0 p. m., Icuvch fit 0:05 p. m No. 2, to ronillotou, l'.nlter City"4 Union I'ltcilic. arrives 1:13 a. m., Iiiirtfi 1 :20 a. in. . No. !!, from Spokane ami Great W oi'ii, arrives 8:!J0, ilopurta 8:35 a. No. 1, fiom linker City aw U'011 li' cilio, urrlvo,- 1 :20, departs 1 :25 a. Nob. 2!) and 24, inovinB eiwtw i" Dalles, will carry passenger. at rives at 0:150 p. m., U'P-"ls 1- ' hi'seengerfl for Ucppner wlllUMtnto leavini; here (3:0.") ji. in- STAGE LINE. ThroiiKh by (hiyllant via (iniss Valle)'. ' and Umss Hollows. 11)IM1I.AH AI.LKS- V. At. WI1ITKLAW,'e D.uieH fromyinHii-' ((f nt 7 a? 111,. ulHo from Anteloi'f "linetft' .Monday, Wiilnebday and Mitchell madu atAiiteloiio for I 'rl wv W. UlM iiolntH beyouil. Clow coiinccUouS w iialles with rallwayB, trains ami h o Hlanes (mm Anlelow) rcucli J"0. p. . dayb, IhiirBduyH and Bnturdajs aur nu PA HE. 11 00 11 00 '! vi 11 A It." III Dalles to I)esohiiten do Moro do (iruHs Valley.. do Kent,...-. do Cross Hollows, .. Antelojio to CrobH Hollows . , do Kent, do drum Valley. ... do Moro,.. . do Henohuecs. ...... do Dalles , jS3 1 1 8W ' " I "4 00 Pacific Comp'y Leave for OSwLOp. dally, 7:'JO a. in.; 111:15. 1:4.',, B:2.i, 0:43, 8:05 p. n (and 11:30 p. 111. on Haturdav only), Amreit Portland at 7: 10 unit 8:S0 a ni nmli-w ji; ' -,wvl EAST Mora and A ntelop