9 Close Your Eyes 4 mm ri 1 1 I 3 .! i '1 if i mm 1 9 rani See Our Furnishing Goods Window The Dalles Daily Ghfonieie. TUESDAY". MAY 18, 1897 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. UuiKloin OlmorvutioiiH unci Local Events of LHser Muenitlliln. Garden hose for cents u foot at Mays & Crowe's. aHO-tf At 1 o'clock the river was half way between the f)8 and IW-foot mark, a rise of .4 since 7 o'clock. Wanted A girl to do general house work in a Bmall family. Must be a good cook. Apply at this office. ml7-tf Hood Iiiver wants berry pickers, and in another week, with - warm weather, the demand will be largely increused. The berries are many, the pickers few. A gold wtch-charm, with A. 0. U. W. emblems and initials J. A. M., has been lost. Finder please leave at this office. mlo- tf Lost Between Umatilla House and Mays & Crowe's, a link cull button. By leaving same at the Umatilla House, the Under will leceive a reward of $5. Cameron & Simonson have just opened a neat ice cream und candy stand next door to the Elite. Their icecream is delicious, good enough for a Dalles girl, and therefore for anyone. Revival meeting began in the big tent near the Methodist church, last night, and will continue for about ten days. Revs. Frank Spaulding and J. R. War ner will atsist in conducting the meet- The river this morning had passed the 3S mark, touching 88.1 at 7 o'clock, a rise of 1.5 since yesterday morning. This shows a slight decrease in the rise as compared with Sunday and Monday, when tho rise was 4 feet in forty-eight houre. Three unfortunate dogs me in tho pound today, deprived of their liberty because they couldn't and their owners wouldn't dig up the price of a certificate of good character. Their time is short, unless the licenso fee is paid. The Albany Democrat says that it is probnble that company F will move for Hood River, June 2flth. No excuses will Ijo accepted but illness and death,. and the encampment will be run on the strictest military discipline ever ob-I eorved in Oregon. Mr. B. H. Langley, of tho Great Northern, is again in the city. The proposition of that road, made through him, is being accepted by many of our sheepmen, and several thousand sheep will be taken to tho now pastures as toon as shearing is over. Marshal Lauer arrested a young fellow this morning who was making himself numerous on the hill, and who seems t te juat n little off hie mental balance. He was going irotn house to house seek ing a woman, but who she was or what er name was, he did not know. Asa Gilbert lost a wagon load of oats, my ond flour, and a pair of horses, while I o quality and the world is full of cheap thine?. Hut with your eye? wide open, the real good things are few and far between. When we' buy our goods Ay look sharp for quality and workmanship. If they are right, we see about the price; it not, ten cent? on the dollar won't tempt "uj? to buy, for wo have a reputation at stake. IT you buy anything of us it's richt: no matter how little you pay for it it's right. NEGLIGEE and FANCY BOSOM SHXKTS, ilade in every way which FAD as well as" FASH ION demands. They are cool,com- Sfm forlablc and dressy. I $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75. ALL GOODS MARKED IN I PLAIN FIGURES. attempting to ford Salmon creek last Wednesday, fifty miles southeast of Eu gene on the military, road. The wacon was overturned, and the horses were swept off their feet and drowned. A Chinainan, whose face looked like he had been in a head end-collision with a meteor, showed up at the cjn' record er's office and entered comnlaint agains., one of his countrymen, charging that he struck him with his fist. If the state ment is true, his assailant would be a good match for FitsimmonB, for the poor devil looked as though a brick house had fallen on him. Hon. John H. Mitchell, who is at present in Washington, writes friends here that the congressional delegation from this state are doing all in their powor to get the reservation open to pasturage; a work in which Mr. Mit chell is giving them the aid of his powerful influence and tireleE6 energy. Had he been returned aB Benator to add his strength in an official capacity to the delegation, the reservation would have been opened long ago. Dentil of l'te Hurrlfl. Last Monday evening Pete Rupert (better known us Pete Hnrris) passed over the river of Jordan via the alcoholic route. That is, ho died as a result of having drank an over dose of pure alco hol at Cross Hollows. The liquor had been brought up from The Dalles by Jim Walker, and Poor Peter camped by the mouth of the demijohn too long. Dr. Pilkington was hastily called to his assistance, but Harris had expired be the doctor reached there. His body was brought to town on Tuesday morning and buried in the Antelope cemetery. Special deputy coroner Clias. Wallace, and a jury consisting of W. D. Jones, M. E. Miller, E. J. Gliean, P. A. Kirch heiner and W. E. Kemp, held an in queBt over the body, and the verdict was in accordance with the above facts, no one being criminally responsible for the death, and that deceased had not drank the stuff with suicidal intent. Pete was a sheep herder, 35 years of age, of German descent, and without , relatives in this country. He left an es-! tate consisting of a silver watch. An- j telope Herald. i Do you want your windows cleaned, j carpets taken up, beaten ond re laid, or j janitor worK oi any khiu uuuo uj . i llrst-class man? If so, telephone Henry i Johnson at Parkins' barber shop. , 'Phone 119. ftlO-tf , The morchant who tells you he has something else as good as Hoe Cake soap ; !.. nml infill tCt ktifet) QVY11V frOIU. UL'-oll) I tO f v w v - " " The short cut to success with Schilling's Best tea coffee baking powder flavoring extract! oda ana spices is to money-back them. For sale by V. E. Kahler Summer Underwear. Wo are often ni; I li beat values in Halbiicguit Under wear over shown. Reliability lias p. value. It saves time, energy and money. Your con fidence in the above yoiuls will nut be misplaced at 50c, $1.00. $1.50, $2.00 per suit. PEASE & MAYS FIREMEN'S TOURNAMENT. executive Commit ten .Meets mid A r rnhKeft for the Contest. The executive committee of the Vol unteer Firemen's Association lias 'met and arranged the races for the coining tournament, which takes place here in September. Those attending the meet ing were Geo. F. Sears, Portland, presi dent; R. B. Sinnott, The Dalles, secre tary; F. S. Conroy, Astoria; W. II. Bloss, Vancouver ; and C. Eliska, Port land. Many letters were received from both Eastern Oregon and Willamette valley points asking that their depart ments be admitted to membership in the association. The rules were changed, but not materially. The hub-and-hub race was reduced from S00 to GOO feet, and the championship race from GOO to 400 feet. The other races arranged for are as follows : Wettest, run GOO feet to hydrant and lay 300 feet of hose, and getting water through pipe, first urize, $100; second prize, $50. Hub-and-hub race, hose contests to run GOO feet from line to line, two or more companies to enter; first prize, $75 ; second prize, .25. Dry test, run GOO feet to hydrant, at tach and lay 300 feet of hose; first prize, $100; second prize, $50. Association championship race, run 400 feet to hydrant, lay 350 feet of hose, getting wator through pipe, take out second fcection from pipe, take section from cart and get water; first prize, $100, and championship silver cup val ued at $100; second prize, $50. Aztec Mut-iiM'i Jit nt Coluinliuu. An Aztec manuscript, the fifth found, and the only one remaining in America, was unearthed in digging for water works at Fairfield, la., last September, and is now in the museum of the Ohio Btato university at Columbus. The name of the workman who found it, J. T. Griffith, should be remembered, for not one laborer in thousands would have known that he had found anything but a lot of wood and birch bark. Mr. Griffith's pick broke open a case of wood, coated with pitch, within which was contained a roll of hieroglyphics. He carefully saved it ; it came to the at tention of Miss Emma Clarke, who de scribed the find to Professor Mooiehead, curator of the remarkable archeological collection of the Ohio university, and in that collection it now reposes. The case was of hickorv, charred on the inside and pitched on the outside, and was evidently faeiiioned by a stone ax. The bark is extremely thin, and the inscrip tion In red pigment, fresh and distinct. There is no sort of doubt that this is an Aztec manuscript, for it is of the same description in every respect with the others which now He in European mu seums, unread, because no one has yet been able to decipher the Aztec hiero glyphics. How an Aztec manuscript came to be deposited in Iowa, where the civilization of that people never pene trated, is an unanswerable question, but in some of the wars of the Ar.tece it STAPLE HOSIERY. Wo are favorably known as distributers of superior value in 1-1 osier y. Those who have looked to us for such, need not be told that our direct con nections with the best mak ers, and our large handlings, are a guarantee always of the best sorts at proper prices. UAOT P. I APir Clliinititoivl nnt to r ivo j J 'lj.'it i , fBlU. or crouk per pair 10c CLOUDED COTTON 1-IOSE per pair 1'2-Jjc LTSLE TJ-1UEAD per pair IGRc 1 c may have been carried there. Tho find is framed under air-tight glass. Aiireeliited. The husband, father, mother and brother of Mrs. Jennie Ruseell-Rufeno take this manner of exprassing their love and gratitude to all of the many dear friends whose earneet devotion in every possible way did so much during tho sickness and departure of our dear Jen nie, to aid and comfort us in our distress and at last for covering her over with such beautiful flowers. Our prayer will ever be that you all may be long shielded from such great sorrow as is ours, and that your loving ministrations may teach us all the fullest meaning of those beau tiful words, "Love One Another." The Family, Who llltl the Head Iteloiii; to? While a church is not the moEt re markable place in tho world to find mysteries in, there is rather an unusual one in tho Church of the iloly Trinity, London. The mystery in this church is in the form of a human head preset ved in a glass cafec, which has rested under the pulpit for nobody knows how many years. The Kev. Samuel Kinne, one of the ministers in charge issued a mono graph to prove that the head was that of the Duke of Suffolk, lather of Lady Jane Grey, who was beheaded in 1554, or shortly after his daughter had met with the same fate. It is believed, how ever, that the real identity of the head will never be known beyond question. For Sheepmen. Messrs. Huntington & Wilson re ceived a letter from Congressman Ellis this morning from which we quote the following : I now feel well satisfied that tho law will be so changed und the order so mod ified that there will be no difficulty about the sheepmen using the present Cascade reserve for the purpose of pas turage. Secretary Bliss is very desirous that this shah be done. An order has been prepared having this in view and the attorney-general has been requested to begin no further prosecutions against alleged trespassers. I am fully satisfied that tho stockmen will be permitted to use the reservation under tho most liberal rules und regulations. When .lohn Wetley Wan In A liter leu. Few people know that John Wesley was ever in America. Few know that i it was he, and not Robert Raikcs, who established the first Sunday school In tho world. Jt was John Wesley who preached the first MethodtJt sermon de livered in the United States. In The , Ladies' Home Journal for June Rev. W. I J. Scott will tell in the "Great Personal Events" series tho story of "When John Wesley Preached in Georgia," which is said to be one of the nioBt interesting narratives in this most successful series, Ckh lu Vuur Check. All county warrants registered prior to Dec. 1, 1892, will bo paid at my office, Interest ceases after Mayjj 7, 1897. C. L. FiiifcMMi, County Treasurer. .Subscribe for The Cuhokiclk, j 1 w Just Received. A stock of Pure Aluminum Ware Cook ing Utensils. No enamel to flake off. Solid metal. No plating to wear off. Absolutely pure. No verdigris, or salts of tin. Wonderfully light and beautiful, and very durable. Foods cookod in it do not scorch. Drop i" and set' it. Wo will bo pleau'd to show it to yon, even if you don't buv. MAYS & CROWE. We Carrv Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Lime and Cement, Farm Machinery, Bain Wagons, Champion Mowers and Reapers, Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron, Barb Wire, Etc. JOS. Phono 25. Baby Carriages JUST AKUIV10D AT Til 10 Jacobson Book & Music Co. "Where will also ho found the largest and most com plete lino of Pianos, and other Musical Instruments in Eastern Oregon. Complete Line of FISHING TACKLE, Notions, Base Jtall Goods, Hammocks, 13ooks and Stationery at Bedrock Prices. New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. Kurcch.-tor to Chrlmmiii it CorMin. FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Attain in husiucHH at the old stand. I would bo pleased to see all my former patrons. Ffco delivery to any part of town. 7VL Z. DONNELL, PHESClPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams it Co., Lumber, Building Material and Boxes TradediorHay, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Sec. rowe & CO.. The VVeatfleld find.) News prints the following in regard to an old resident of that place; "Frank McAvoy, for many years in the employ of the L., N, A. & C. Ity. hero, says: 'I have used Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for ten years or longer am never without it in my family. I take pleasure in recommending it.' " It is a specific for all bowel disorders. For sale by ttlakeley & Houghton. We sell Hoe Cuke soap, Pease & Mays. 3-2m a full tine of T. PETERS & CO TIIIC DALLES, OR. The Dalles Or HuoKlu'u atiucm Halve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevw sores, tetter, chapped bauds, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion . or money refunded, Price 25 oeatf per box. For sale by Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. Soap Foam excels all other washing compounds. a2-3ui Subscribe for Tux Ohuoniolk.