The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Tlie only liepublican Daibj Xe.wpapet Wasco Countn. JiASTKKX Court, X. OFFICE to m Temple Y. Citv. K. fCATZ. Agent. CluhliliifC ltuli'i. Chronicle run! Orcponiaii. . . Chronicle ami Examiner. . . Chronicle and Tribune .... Chronicle and X. Y. World. J 115 1 o . 2 00 . i TUKSDAY, MAY IS. 1S07 Tin- SWEIlfAX ROAD. funds to send M r. Steele to Wash ington in order that he might have the Cascade forest reserve thrown oi)cn to the (locks of Eastern Oregon. It would seein from this that Jlr. Sioolo possesses considerable versa-! tility. The conditions that have arisen over the war between Greece and Turkey show two things very clearly. One is that Turkey is not. the niori- bund body politic that others have , thought it. but that it is able and , readv to light if necessary. The other is that the powers of Kuropo are moved to fear of liev, and by their own action have shown their inability to dictate tonus to Turkey. The Siberian railroad is bein mult very rapidly, and m lS'JS "j'L'e sultan snai s his Aimers at them ' 4....:... ...hi I..-. i. v i i .i -i i L im. i ...i i iiams mil ur mil lu uiv -iviiiiu mui. LUOy SiaiUI It I1KU a 101 Ol SUI1UIM tln-nce by boat the transfer will bo , children. made across lake Daikal to connec tion with the South Uti.-sian section of the railroad to Vlailivostoek. The time from London to the Pacific ocean by this route will bo eighteen days. 15y July 1, 100-1, it is ex- The action of the powers in deal ing with Turkey is cowardly in the extreme. That SOO.00O.O0O debt is what holds Kurope solid and makes the powers stand idly by while the 'Pill-. ctvnnnc ni'ni't'tlnnrr linfm-n litm pected the road wi'l bo completed , . ' . .. ...II ipv .iinnhl wmifi over to tins coun try and learn something of the west- BrfWlk tobaccos i "Juf-t mIJ MAH"' fOT god a DurhP-m." ffiM A) I yWrrri''7W knows tlicrc is none itwt Va "fytask BULL DURHAM J -'(Aftx 1"oi i ii ao crxii tr-r -mico f',, V&5v Kulac'u -Durum. Jam . CMK v 'M(M h-ved toi rncr-1 rcr.d the Wsm ' . MM ' mRW? t.;ci '.hoi... V. Wholesa le. and that the run will be made with out change of cars from the North Sea to the .Japan Sea. "When the road is settled the trip will be made from London to Japan in nine days, and the trip around the world can be made in lesa than thirty days. This will probably revoluticni.e travel, and while heavy freights will con tinue to seek the cheap water trans portation, made possible b' the Suez canal, the passenger tradic will seek the quicker routes. The-most important thing in con neclio'ft with the completion of this road is' the vast wheat fields which it will bring into competition with those of the United States. It will be a ;good many years before the full effect of this competition will be felt; but the time is not far distant, perhaps twenty' or thirty years away only, when Siberia will be able to furnish bread for the world. An area larger than half the United States is suitable for wheal growing, and not much of anything else. ern mode of collecting debts. The proper thing to do would be to fore-! close the mortgage and take the property. ! mines and Ciqars COIIUETT TALKS. And stili Mr. Corbett remains in "Washington vainly hoping that the senate will seat him. Yesterday's Oregonian contains an aiticle clipped from the llrooklyn Kagle, in which Mr. Corbett's position is plainly shown. The article in question con tains one statement that it were better perhaps for Mr. Corbett's con tention if it had not been made, and the peculiarity of the matter is that Mr. Corbett makes it himself. Speak ing of Senator Mitchell he says: In the senate he had made speeches in favor of free silver, and, when questioned as to Ins position by the gold men. he told them that he .stood by the principles laid down in the St. Louis platform. The men then compared notes and found that someone was bound to get left, and so they agreed to not take the oath of olllce, and thus they prevented the election of Mitchell. Hero is a tiank statement made by Mr. Corbett as to the cause of the hold-up. His supporters '-agreed not to tako the oath of ollice anil thus they picvcntcd the election of Mitchell." That is the truth and the whole truth of the matter, but how Corbett unbosomed himself of it is a conundrum. .1. Thorburn Koss, Wallace McCamant, Tony Noltnor, and his other managers, should muzzle him. I T ii. . I f MM rg, to THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER on draught and In uottles. EliY'S CKEAM BAUI Is n posltivecure. Apply into the no6trils. It is quickly absorbed. CO cents at Drazeists or by mail ; samples 10c. by mail. ELY BK0TIIE11S. 50 Warren St.. New York City. Stoekholilers' 3ietlnfr. Notice is hereby ivon that a meeting of the stockholders of The l)alle3 Chron icle Publishing Company will be held at the county court rooms on Tuesday, the 25th day' of May, A. I)., 1S97," at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of adopt ing suplinientary articles of incorpora tion, increasing the capital stock oi said company and transacting such other business as may come before said meet iiiu. By order of the Board of Directors. The Dalles, Oregon, April 9, 1897. A. S. Mac Am istkii, President. I!. G.'out, .Secretary. 1'nr Siile. Yearling sheep (1000 head,) sound and in prime condition. Price .$1.75. Ad dress, J. M. Davis, w-inltf Sherars Bridge, Oregon. Anheuser-Busch Malt, Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS NEW SPRING GOODS NEW SPRING GOODS JUST ARRIVED JUST ARRIVED C. F. STEPHENS. "The Delft' "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its jlooa leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture anl Carpe at CRANDALl & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods 'out at greatly-reduced rat MICHELBACH BP.IOK. - - UNIOIv KT. s New York Weekly Tribune Enameled Ware. iMi.ed Hluo and White out side and White inside. Tho Delft" is the latest, wave out in cooking utensils. Prices are about the same as Tho lisj)!itohes nnnoimce the start- granite ware, and a great deal cheaper than the aluminum ware, and prettier than oithor of them, ('all and see the goods at ling fact that V. G. Steele of Port, land, head and front of tho organi zation known as Miizanins, is in New Vorlc City making arrangements for his society to climb some mountain or other this summer. It really looks as though ho had gone a long ways from tho scene of action to get ready, and it may bo that ho wants to get a running start at Uanier. If! we rcmornbor rightly, it was only a month or two ago that Mr. .Steele was interviewing our sheepmen, or our sheepmen were interviewing each other, for the purpose of raising FOU- Farmers and Villagers, I'Olt Fathers and Mothers, FOlt Sons and Daughters, koj: All the Family. MAIER& BENTON'S 107 Second Street. SURE CURE for PILES JtctilOK HQ(1 BlinJ. tiltedluB at WuiriMIni PlUa hl.l.i UK. Utvtclttitirutll. UJi. UOftAMkO, Vkll., With theuloaoof tho Presidential Campaign THE TWBUNE rccoBnlzea the fact that tho American people are now anxious to give their attention to homo and busineHS interests. To meet this condition, politics will hnvo far less space and prominence, until another Stato or National occasion demands a renewal of the iik'htfor tho principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from Us inception to tho present dav, and won ito trreatest victories. Every poseiblo effort will bo put forth, and monoy freely spent, to make THE WEEIvlY TKII5UNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaiuiuu and indispensable to each member of the family. We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. MW Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, Tribune Office, New York City, and a sample copy of Tho New York Weekly Trib une will bo mailed to von. Job Printing at This Office. Wfllili PAPER! WALIt PAPER! Just Received 5000 Uolls of Wall Taper. The best patterns. The most beautiful colors. New Invoice of Paints and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. Suipes-Kinersly Drou Co, FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. niAKSAt'T A OKXKKAI. IIANKIKC llUSINKS Letters of Credit issued available in tho Eastern States. Sinht Exclmncp and Telecraphu: Transfers sold nu N"i- Vrk. Chioatio, St. Louis, San Fiancitcu, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections mailt! at all points on fav orable terms. " Im, gomini oi 1 If I soi.k di:ai.i:u in Tin-: iai.i.i:s ok T ilimiMn Kinno Inn Ito J1U UUJltll HUULO A Perfect Protection from Water "d Dampness. I'rescrves the Body by Ex cluding the Air. It possesses every merit claimed for the most expensive vaults, viz: absolute security and durability, thus making a permanent and imperishable resting place for the dead. This vault is made of six pieces of mar ble which can be firmly fastened to gether with cement, thus making them air and water tight. All Kinds Cemetery Work Mr. Coinini has on hand a largo sup ply ot first-class Marble, to be used in Monuments, etc. Prices lower than in Portland. NORTHERN PACIFIC RY. H Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining- Cars Sleeping Car fT. 1'Alll. .IIINNKAl'OLI DUI.UTII TO O KAN II I'll K UKOOKSTO.V WINKIIKO HKI.KNA an IJUTTK Through Tickets UIIIUACO 10 WAH1I1NCTO.V I'liu.Aiua.riiiA NKW 'OKK KOHXON A Nil AI.I, l'OI.NTH KAST ami SOUTH I'nr InfnrrntitfnM ihuid..f.Il. i ii,.. cnl iii or writo lo ' ",n,,n""" Wr. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, Oil A. 1). OJIARLTON. Asst. G, P. A., .uuhimjii uur. iiuni. I'oruiinii Oregon Tills Is Tour Opportunity. On receipt of ten conte, cash or Htanips, & L'enfilollR Killlinln will l.n ...c.iln.l f ci . ... ...ilvt4 W lJ most popular Caturrh and Hay Fovur Cure (EIy'8 Cream Uahu) uuflloient to demou Btrato tho great merits of tho remedy. ELY HKOT1IEH8, M Warren St., Now York City. Itov. John Held, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Elv'a Cream Halm to rue. I can emphasize las statement, "It inn posi live cure for catarrh if uned rh ilireoted." ltev. Francis W. Poolo, Pastor Control Pre. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely'H Cream Balm is tho acknowledged euro for caturrh and coutainu no mercury nor any iujurious druy. Price, CO cento. You Get the Profits Ac Of Dealers. Anfe i-m and Middiemett V &yir? recfc from the manufacturer. ir,v HMC' r-,'-w No wetter -..heel made than ft. me Bicycle Built in our own factory by skilled wovl:nien,iri'(,heb4 material and theruo-" hi: Ved machinery. Waim n . Sold direct from f o " rider, fully warrar.;. l anywhere for e.v i,vim..w ' OisrlrsterestsrafjGt Acmo Cycle Co., clkhwl, Regulator Line The Dalles, Portland ail Astoria Navigation Co.' stis. Regulator (6 DallesCity FREIGHT AND PASSENCiER LINE IIKTWEEN The Dalle.", Hood lllvcr, L'nscadoIjocksanilPd litnd dully, except Sunday. GOOD SERVICE, LOWEST RATES. ( I0WN THE YAH Are you going OR TO If so, save money nnd enjoy a beautiful trlpm the Columbia. The wett-bnund train arrivtiit The Dalles in ample time for passengers to UU tlio hteamcr, nrrlviiiK i" rortlnndintimefoito outKolnj,' Houttiern and Northern train!; East bouiul iuitciiKerH arriving in The Dales In tee to take the Kast-bound train. For further information apply to J. N. IIARNEV, Agent, Oak .Street Dock, l'ortlaud, Oregon, Or V. C. AIJ.AWAY, Gen.ift, The JJalles. Oresoa. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. hi. GrXiiEnsrH. DR. GUMS UIHIiOVED LIVER iKe Columbia Pactt PACKERS OF - PORKandBEfci" MANOKACTOHKKttOK Pine Lard and Sa8 n l -k- RRlND HAMS BA0DH . ntJPC KTOl