The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 18, 1897, Image 1

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    eijc Utolles ion l)ioni(k
NO 110
Congress Asked to Help the
Destitute Americans.
Si'imtit A'otcs tlio Money, Itut lownr
House IlefiisdH Unices the Morgiui
KOHOlUtlllll Is With It.
New Youk, May 17. The Herald's
special from Madrid sayH :
No doubt remains that the work of
pacification in the Phillippine islands is
at a standstill. The gravity of the situ
ation there has been fully revealed by a
correspondent in Manila, who gives
many incidents with dateB to Bhow that
the insurgents bands are still active.
He says :
"There are more than 25,000 insur
gents in arms between those in Sonthern
Cavitoand thoBe scattered throughout
ine umer uruviuuco. iucj mo gvwug
ready to start another irregular war by
which policy the expect to be able to re
eiet for a very long time. If it begins to
rain before the rebellion has been com
pletely extinguished, the war will be
come a chronic difficulty and expen
sive." mi l . : ..:
me government in trying m rmso n
loan of $25,000,000 for the expenses of
the war in the Phillippinea. Madrid
and Barcelona bankers are willing to
lend the money on the following con
ditions : The issue must be made at 8J
per cent, the bonds to bear 6 per cent
interest and have the guarantee of the
Spanish treasury besides that of the
Phillippine customs. Ab the govern
ment has no authorization from the
cortes to pledge the Spanish revenues,
the operation had been indefinitely
Ilecoimiiuiidatioiis for the llnllef o(
AiiiurlcaiiR in Culm.
Washington, May 17. President Mc
Kinley today sunt to congress a message
recommending that an appropriation of
$50,000 be at once made, for the relief of
destitute Americans in Cuba, and the
removal to American soil of such as wish
to come but are without means to make
the juiuney.
In accordance with the president's rec
ommendation, tho senate passed without
a division, n resolution appropriating
$50,000 for the purpose specified in the
In the house a similar resolution was
presented, inn Bailey of Texas objected
to its consideration without an amend
ment embodying Senator Morgan's reso
lution to recognizo the belligerency of
thi insurgents. The resolution was
therefore sidetracked.
The cabinet also considered the Cuban
matter today at a special meeting, and
indorsed the recommendations of Presi
dent MtKinley regarding relief meas
ures. The president's message to congress
was as follows:
"To the Senate and House of Keproseu
tativo of the United States
"Oilicial information from our consuls
in Cuba establishes the fact that a large
number of American citizens in the isl
and are in a state of destitution, sutler
i'lg for want of food and medicines.
'This applies particularly to the rural
districts in the central and eastern parts
f the island. The agricultural classes
have been forced from their farms into
the nearest towns, where they are with
out work or money. Local authorities
the several towns, however kindly
disposed, are unable to relievo the needs
f thoir own people and are altogether
powerless to help our citizens.
"The latest report fiom Consul-General
Lee estimates that from 600 to 800
Americans are without means of sup
port. I have assured him provisions
will be made to relieve them. To that
e"d, I recommend that congress make
an appropriation of not less than $50,000
to be immediately available for use
wnder direction of the secretary of atate.
Is desirable that part of the sum
which may be appropriated by congress
hould, in the discretion of yie secretary
of Btate, also be used for the transporta
tion of American citizens, who, desiring
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for Its groat lravcnlns strength nud
'leulthfulncss. Assures the food iignlnst nluiu
nnd nil forms of adulteration common to the
cheap brands.
Kovai. Baking Powokr Co. New York.
to return to the United States are with
out means to do so.
"William McKinlky,
"Executive Mansion, May 17, '97."
A It attic In Uruguay.
New Yoke, May 17. A special to the
Herald from Montevideo says that
official reports announce that General
Villiers' forces had an engagement with
the insurgents, commanded by the rebel
leaders LamaB and Saravia. and defeat
ed them with heavy lose. The battle
lasted eight hours. The insurgents
made a desperate resistance, but were
compelled to retreat in disorder to the
Brazilian frontier.
The government regards the victory ao
decisive, and believes that the revolt has
receiyed its death blow.
The Shakers have made a discovery
which is destined to accomplish much
good. Bealizing that three-fourths ot
all of our Bufferings arise from stomach
troubles, that the country is literally
filled with people who cannot eat and
digest food, without subsequently suffer
ing pain and distress, and that many
are starving, wasting to mere skeletons,
because their food does them no good,
they have devoted much Btudy and
thought to the subject, and the result is
thiB discovery of their Digestive Cordial.
A little book can be obtained from
ycur druggist that will point out the
way of relief at once. An investigation
will cost nothing and will result in
much good.
Laxol is tho best medicine for chil
dren. Doctors recommend it in place of
Castor Oil.
Killed While ISiuj ulloi,'.
London, May 17. II. 13. Chamber
lain, of Denver, Colo., was killed while
bicycling near Strains yesterday.
Chamberlain was formerly president of
the Chamberlain Investment Company,
Denver, and connected with several New
York insuiauco companies.
tlow'H Title!
We oiler One Hundred Dollars Iieward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Chknbv & Co. Props., Toledo, O.
Wo the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last lo years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi
ness transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, Ohio.
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, acting directly upon the blood und
mucous surfaces of the system. Price
73c. per bottle. Sold by Druggists.
Testimonials free. 1-0-9
Yellow washing powder will make
your clothes the same color. Avoid
this by using Soap Foam. It's pure
white. n2-3m
The reason for fresh
roasting tea every day is: it
makes it good.
That's why Schilling s
Best is daintier and more
charming than any 'other tea
at anything like the price.
In packages at grocers .
A Schilling & Company
Mil I l.V-v-
Tin.- I'm to Afjnin A.ltiMl to Gimit .nH
t rmlstleo.
CoNvrA.vmori.t-. May 10. (Delayed
in transmission.) Representatives of tho
powers yesteiday drew up a note which
will be presented to the Turkish govern
ment as soon as one of tho ambassadors
receives the necessary instructions from
his government. This note does not
deal with peace condition', but merely
repeats the request for an armistice and
declares the powers will not permit
Greece to be crushed.
Although it is assumed in some quar
ters that the porte, in accordance with
Eastern usages, has demanded more
in order to obtain less, it is pointed out
that it the Turkish government desired
to bargain it would not have formulated
its condition officially.
The powers have agreed to protest
against the cession of Thessaly to Tui k
ey and the abolition of capitulations.
The lSest Itemed)- for Rheumatism.
From the Fairhaven (N. Y.) Register.
Mr. James Rowland of this village,
state that for twenty-five years his wife
has been a sufferer from -rheumatism.
A few nights ago she was in such pain
that she was nearly crazy. She sent
Mr. Rowland for the doctor, but he had
read of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and
instead of going for the doctor be went
to the store and secured a bottle ot it.
His wife did not approve of Mr. Row
land's purchase at first, but neverthe
less applied the Balm thoroughly and in
an hour's time was able to go to sleep.
She now applies it whenever she feels an
ache or a pain and finds that it always
gives relief. He says that no medicine
which she had used ever did her as much
good. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale
by Blakeley & Houghton.
No narnralns.
"Eternal vigilance," shouted the ora
tor, "is the price of liberty!"
The women electors exchanged
"That is the same price as last year,"
they lemarked, and shrugged their
There were no barguinst to be Wad.and
they lost interest in the proceedings.
Odds and Ends.
A I mo at the Same.
Xonie Is your husband ns shy now
ar. he war. before you married him?
Laura- Almost, for then he used to
hold his; breach v. 't'li fear, ain-l he does
it just the same now when he comes
home late from the club. Pittsburgh
Daily -News.
How Slu- lti;iiiiiii;il It.
"My dear." said .Mrs. Fosdick to her
ten-year-old hinjrhtor, ".von t.hould not
bay ' 'U'el hNrush.' You .should alwajs
sav 'toor.iu-.rusi
"Uui! nva.n.rcn said the little girl, ?f4
brush all my teeth with it,
" X. Y.'iVib-
Tlu Yl'Il.v.
"I don't think 1 ever knew another
husband tr devoted as dinger."
"Presume not all the money's hers."
Chicago Journal.
Withered hy
"Doos that joke go?" asked the hu-,
"It tifced to," fciaid tho editor, "but it is
too feeble, now," I?muklyn Life.
A '"odd Kciisoii.
Smyth What makes you think Hog
gott is a fjooil bookkeeper?
Browne lie iit-veir returned the ones
I loaned him. .V. V. Tribune,
18 1'ueob n Weak.
150 I'hjiui'H a Yvar
It etands first among ''weekly" papers
in size, frequency of publication and
freshness, variety and reliability of con
tents. It is practically a daily ut the low
price o a weekly; and its vast list of
subscribers, exteuding to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for the accuracy and
fairness of its news columns.
It is splendidly illustrated, and among
its special features are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashion for women and a long
series of stories by the greatest living
American and English authors,
Connu Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome,
Stanley Weyuiau, Mary K. Wiiklna
Anthony Hope, llret llarte,
Itruuder Matthew, Etc,
We offer this unequaled newspaper and
The Dalles Twlce-a-Week Chronicle to
gether one year for $2,00, The regular
price of the two papers is $3,00.
7 this space in tomorrow's issue of "' ,
2 The Chronicle. We have some- s 9
7 thing interesting to tell you.
2 "Drop in and get our prices. S
North Iolt Coiiiinnlona.
Some curious details of life In the
polar regions have been obtained from
members of the Nans-en expedition.
They nil dwell on the feeling of -light
which they have experienced in
ence more meeting other human be
ings. So tired did they become on ."ee
in g the same faces nnd hearing the
same voices day after day in the course
of the slow drift northw.rd that in the
end a feeling of irritation w;m pro
duced. At times this Jrritnb'lity became
well-nigh Jnsuppoi table. Finding it al
most impossible t o end lire the f.'flht .m
iHier day, Ifiey would set oil' on long
dalles over the ice. ea.-h man by him
self, It was an a.stoundiir thii-rr, one
man said, to see his commies striding
away over the ice from tkfshlp, each in
a different direction and carefully
.'(Voiding his fellows, Oolden Dayfl,
Would .ecr lit).
The great theatrical manager
f i owned.
"Ever lose your diamonds?"
"'Ever mixed up in a iicwtjpaper scan
dal?" Wo, sir."
"Ever get divorced?"
"Sir, my reputation is above re
proach ! "
"Well, you've got. a nervts to risk me
to star you, with nil those disadvan
tages." Town ToricH.
Good ItciiHon for It.
It was the seventh time she had tried
hi the gown, and she still had fault to
!"id -with it.
"It doesn't seem to me," sins said,
"that it becomes my complexion."
The dressmaker shrugged her shoul
ders. ".Madame forgets," she said, "that she
ha.s not the same complexion she wore
last time she was here." Chicago Post.
JV Hope.
Family Doctor Xothing'more can be
done for you, sir. I lui ve exhausted my
resources, nnd I advise you to make
your w HI.
Pntient-J5ut I have been told thatDr
Blank says he can cure me.
Family Doctor-Hub! I'd just like
to ee him try it. I'd have him ejected
from the society for breach of etiquette.
N. V. Weekly.
' AttornBT and Counsellor at Law
Practice! In the Btate and Federal Court of
Oregon and Waauingtoa. jan 23-3mo
HIchly and durably bound in English Oloth, plain edges; portrait of the au
thor forming I ho design on cover; autograph preface; luagnllloeut pro
perflation pinto in bllver, gold and blue; containing (100 pugus and !i-
full-pago illiistratioiiH if I 75
In half-Morocco, marble edge , 2 25
Ju full-Morocco, gilt edge 2 7ft
M. J. WOODCOCK, Agent, Wamlc, Or.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, oKe'ed
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
f qvi FlOUr '"1'H r'0,lr Ifl iiuiiiiifactured expressly for family
' UKe; every eack iu u'narantccd to i;lvo eatlbfaction.
We sell our yoods lower than any house In thu trade, und If you don't think so
call and yet our jiriceu and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
175 Second Street.
Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention;
THE KIKST It.V'ITI.K Is nu laterestliiB story
of thu Krent political Htrnxtflo ol IMW, Itx imwt
iiii(rtiitit ovi'iitu unit thu iniinv Iknuuk Involved;
IokIi'iiI troiitlkc on lll-nititiillfiin un uttiTtil by
eminent uxixtnetitn, IhoIuiIIhk thu purt taken hy
Hun. W, J. llryiiu In thuxllver iiKltutloii prior to
thu Dcinocrntli! Mutlnim! Convention, mid dur
ing thu t'Hiiipulun; thu hot e.iimpk'n of hit wim
ilnfiil omtory. tho moid iiotowi.Mhy liiehluntH of
liix fiunotiN tour, ii eiiri'ful luvlmr of thu polltlcid
(lluiillon, ii IlKiMiKhloti of thu election lelimiH
mill tho IkuIIIl'iiiu!c thereof, mill the fuuiru
pOhklhllltlcH of BI-iiietnllKm lis u polltluil N.sue.
The Dalles, Oregon