The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 17, 1897, Image 4

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
TUT, ll.Vl.l.lCS,
All vert Kates.
I'tr inch.
One tr.eli or less In Dally ..(! W
Over two Inches and under four inches, ... I 00
Over (our inches mid under twelve Inches. To
Over twelve Inches Rl
One Inch or less, per Inch f i M
Over one Inch and under four Inches 1! 00
Over four Inches and under twelve Inches. . 1 M
Over twelve Inches 1 IX)
Mr. Wilbur Holtou is in the city from
Mr. ami Mrs. 1. N. Tall'e e.inie down
from Colilo this morniui!.
Hugh Glenn was up from Goble yes
terday, returning this morning.
Misses Pearl Williams and Maie iteall
returned to Portland by boat todnv.
Mrs. E.
visiting in
Miss Drews
C. Warren of Portland is
the city, and is the tzuest of
Mr. Frank Meredith, who has been
visiting relatives in this city, returned
to Salem todnv.
.m ai:i;ii;i).
At Cascade Locks, Sundav evening,
May 16th, Mr. Carl Smith of Cascades
and Miss Susie Arbuckle of Portland,
Dr. Leavens performing the ceremony.
A Vine IMece of Wiirl;.
A lllomiilliomji!' i i to", .'eent.
A remnrkiilile exli'il on of the lue-i-rc
. of s vrt of t' i loodlunind v
f.iveti ill t!.o litllr lev. j of HroiiKOti, i;.
Allen eounty, the olhi r day. T'.ir tov, :i
nrently npproprii'ti il nino out of the
c'ly tivnrry for C:-? pir. S : c- "f
tluve nidmals. the pu :'.-: " l- : the
di'teotion and capture cf lli'i1-. . who
were operating in the neijrhbn'
and a test of the hound war eonsiden'xl
desirable. At noon three men started
out on foot, iind walked four miles Into
the country. Then they mounted horses
."T.d by a circuitous route returned to
the town. Six hour:i Inter the hound
was permitted to smell a glove which
had been worn by one of the mi". , and
the next instant with a deep howl he
caught up the, trail anil followed il on
the run. At one point, the men had
walked for 30 yards on n fence, ind
when the hound came to this point he
carried his nose clong the rail with
hardly any reduction of s-peed. Comi"g
to the place where the i"en had mount
ed, ho took tip the trail of the. horse;)
and followed it into town, where, in a
crowd of more than 100 men, he pi cited
out the one whose glove had been given
him to smell. Kansas City Journal.
We called at Dr. Siddall's oflice today
and saw him adjusting a piece of "crown
and bridge work," consisting of ten
teeth and crowns placed upon three roots
and one molar, or jaw tooth, without
nny plate coverini: to the roof of the
mouth, ity this means the teeth are re
tained in the month as solidly as natural
ones, Hyinf; cemented to the roots and
teeth, and is certainly the. best manner
of wearing artificial teeth when the
mouth will permit of it.
The doctor attends the dental colleges
every two or three years, and is thereby
able to give the public the benefit of
everything new to the profession, and
lias the only known appliances for re
pairing "crown and bridge work" with
out removing the same from the mouth,
which saves mnch annoyance and incon
venience, especially if hard to remove,
which is the old way of repairing.
In his work he u?es his own invention
of dental elevators for the extraction of
roots when they are broken off very low
down in the jaws. On these instruments
he holds patents in this country, Great
Britain and Canada, and they are used
by many of the leading dentists in all of
them, as they will do the work with ease
to the operator, and relieve the patient
when all others known to the faculty
may fail. lie also uses the latest and
most scientific means for painless opera
tions, as nearly as is possible, by the use
of eucaine and cocaine, applied by elec
tricity and known as cataphoresis.
The doctor has been with us nearly
twenty years and has always let his
work spak for itself, which it does most
eloquently. Of late years, however, den
tistry has made such vast strides that
modern methods have superseded the old
in a manner that few reabze, and men
tion of what is and can be done, is a
matter of legitimate and interesting
news. Doctor Siddall i prepared to
give his patrons the benefit of every
thing modern and at such reasonable
prices as to be within the reach of all
who wish to have the highest grade of
lirst-clas work.
A "crown" we may add, is simply a
gold thimble fitted over a broken tooth
or root, tliat cannot lie saved ny any
other means. The piece of work to
which we have alluded, can be seen in
the window at Mr. Garretson'a jewelry
II llfli Water in Ktuuiittli County.
A CoiiMorviittvc Opinion.
The young man had not been given
a part on the stage, but at a point in the
performance where a song was dtisired
he was permil'ted to stand in the wings
and carol.
"What did they think of me as a
singer?" he nnxioutJy asked of a friend.
"Did you hear any comments?"
"Why-er-yv.s. They said you were out
of sight.' Washington Star.
A Cheerful frounce.
"I did not expect you would shed
tears becaus-e I'm going to take your
daughter away," said the bridegroom
"It is for you thUt I'm weeping,
young man." said the old gentleman,
as he carelessly thumbed the stubs of
his check book. Detroit Free Press.
j-lou; Ibout Your
job pFjifrrW?
We have the facilities fordoing all kinds
of .Job 1'rinting, from a visiting card to a
catalogue, and we are after all the work we
can do. We not only desire ',o keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. Come in
and compare our prices with that of any
one, and compare quality of work. Let us
have your next order.
-Di:.u.i:uw ix-
IltiNlne.MH Item.
"I 'understand you to pay tliat Rogers
is the proprietor of a match factory."
"So he is. lie runs a matrimonial
agency." Up-to-Dnte.
A Safe Tii.
"Which direction is that .shootin'?"
shouted the policeman its he dashed ,
around the corner j Drapers Manufact ured and Repaired.
"Down the street, grinned a news- ""
"Then I've got 'em," and he sprinted i Pitts' Threshers, Powers and Extras.
up the street to make the capture. De
troit 1' ree Press..
fJnve ller n fJonil Chniicc.
She The thing that surprises me is
that I didn't discover how hopeless a
fool you were, before, we were mar
ried. lie Well, you have only yourself to
hi. mie for it. I asked you in plain Eng
lish to be my wife.- Cleveland Leader.
Nebraska corn for sale at the Wasco
warehouse. Best feed on earth. m9-tf
English and Uelinau cement, very
best imported brands, for sale by Wasco
Warehouse Co. my5-lni
This is an "Age of Soap." Why use
any but the very best. J5est soap means
Hoe Cake . Sold by Pease & Mays. a'J-om
Pitts' Harrows and Cultivators.
Celebrated Piano Header.
Lubricating Oils, Etc.
White Sewing Machine and Extras.
Soap Foam
excels all other washing
Lost river slough, in Klamath county,
is bank high again with overflow water
from the Klamath, and has increased
the normal volume of water in Lost river
more than double, and in consequence
Tulo lake is overflowing much of the
farm and hay lauds of Tule lake valley.
K. Hutchison ban found it necessary to
lay planks in older to be a'ole to get
about his premises. The old farm resi
dence of Mike Hartery is surrounded by
water, which, up to a few years ago, al
ways remained high and dry. Buck
water from the lake in Lost river ex
tends aa far as Merrill. The natural
bridga near the mouth of Lost river, on
which emigrants used to cross at all sea
sons of the year, is more than ten feet
under water.
NoniRtliln;: to Duiiond On. j
Mr, James Jones, of the drug firm of'
Jones it Son, Cowden, 111., in speaking
of Dr. King's Now Discovery, says that'
last winter his wife was attacked with I
LaGrippe, and her case grew eo serious .
that physicians at Cowden and Pana
could do nothing for her. It seemed to
develop into Hasty Consumption. Hav
ing Dr. King'a New Discovery in store,
and selling lots of it, he took a bottle j
home, and to the surprise of all she be-!
gan to get better from the first dose, and
half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound
and well. Dr. King's Now Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is
guaranteed to do this good work. Try
it. Free trial bottles at Ulakeley &
Notice is hereby given that by nil
thorlty of ordinance No. 22, which
the Common Comic I o Dalles
Citv April 10th, 1807, entitled, 'An or
dinance to provide for the alo of certain
10 belonging to Dalles Citv,1' I will, on
Saturdaythe loth day of May, 181) ,
eel public auction, to the highest
bidder, all the following lots and parts
of lots in Gates addition to .Dalles City,
Wasco county. Oregon, to-wit:
Lots'Jnd 10 jointly, in b ock -I ; n
7, 8. '.land 10, jointly in block 16. I n
7 8, , and 10, jointly in Wock Jl.
known as butte; lots 10. H nnM2. in
nlock27; lot. Oin block il; lots 4,
,-, il 7 8 0 10 and 11, in block .15;
It V:;N 8, 0. 10. 11 and PJ, in block
W lot, 3 4, 5,0, 7 .8 .0 10, U .,d
l', in block I!"; Iota 1. 'J. d, -1, o. b. 8,
), 10, II and 1'J, in block lots 1. J, o.
fi 0, 10 and 11. in block A?, lots 1. -
11 7i 10, II and 1", in bloc 41, and lots
1, I!, 4, C, (i, in block 4b.
The icasonalile value ol Ha . 'ots, for
less than which they will nm o sold,
hay been fixed i.r.d determine.. y the
Common Council of Dalles City as fol
lows, lo-wit: ,
Lots!) and 10, in block 14, $I0; b
7, 8, 0 and 10, jointly in block Hi, .$200 ;
lots 7, 8, Hand 10, jointly m block Jl,
L'00; lot 10, in block 1!7, 225 ; lot 1 , m
block 27, $223; lot 12. in block 2,, i;o00;
lot 0, in block III, iflOO; lots 2,..,4,o, 8,
!), 10 and 11, in block Ho, each leupeet
ively $100; lots 0 and 7. in block .in,
each lespeetivelv ifl'J.V, lots 2, !!, 4, 8, (),
10 and 11, in block Mi, each respectively
$100; lot 12, in block 'M, $l'-'o; lots .'!, 4,
o, 8, 0, 10 ami 11, in block IS7, each re
spectively $100; lots 0, 7 and 12, in
block !17, each respectively ifp;
lots 2, I!, 10 and 11. in block
41, ench u'spectively $100; lota 1,
7 and 12, in block 41. each reupeetively
$125; lots I!. 4, o, 8, !), 10 and 11, in
block 42. each respectively $100; lot h ,
0 and 12, in block 42, each respectively
$125; lots 2, .", 4, 5,0, 10 and 11, in
block 41!, each respectively $100; lot 1,
in block 111, $125; lots 2, I!, 4 and 5, in
block 40, each respect! v-ely $100; lots 1
and 0, in block 40, each respectively
$125. '
Each of these lots will be sold upon
the lot respectively, and none of them
will be sold for a less sum than the value
thereof, as above stated.
One-fourth of the price bid on any of
said lots shall be paid in cash at the
time of sale, and the remainder in three
equal payments on or before, one, two
and three years from the date of said
sale, with interest on such deferred pay
ments at the rate of 10 per cent per
annum, payable annually; provided
that the payment may be made in full
at any time" at the option of the pur
chaser. The said sale will begin on the loth
day of May, 1S07, at the hour of 2
o'Jlock p. m. of faid day, and will con
tinue from time to time until all of said
lots shall be fold.
Dated this llltb day of April, 1807.
Gn.nmtT W. Piim.r-.s,
Recorder of Dalles Citv.
1'iir salt).
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Rout
Trains leave mut are Hue to nrrlvc nt l0tu411l
Pacific Como'v
8:.W r. M
s:du a. m,
I 111 11. v
l:eo I'. M,
7:r.D a. Jl.
l:l,-i 1'. M.
OVKIlI.ANl) kx.T
press, Siilciii, ltoHe.l
imrff, AHiiliimi, Sue
riimento, Ogilcn.san
Jr.inolseo, Jlojnvc.
if.. J " mm
Knttf.hllrfT ...itl
110118 ,
fiii Voo(lbutn tori
West Scfcr' S: '
H,"'C1U "iiOf Wny stutlons'Mo
JtcJIIiinvillo nll(i U.,.
wny stations .... 11 3,i)r-
: p.j,
Dally. laiiy, except Sunday,
1'UM.MAN JIUli-FlFr HI.IJKi'Eits
Attaoltcil to alt Through Trains.
loitos nail tleki'tR to Kntcrn noint. .it
in;.... Also JAPAN, CHINA. HlXVOLULl'
At'HTKAIilA, ciiii lie olifilnnl (mm U ni
.) II. IvI ltKli.VN'l), Ticket Agent
TlirniiBh Tlultot Olllne, llll Third street irh. tickets to nil 'points in
Btite.s, Cniimlii and Kurojm can be obUInfl?Vi
lou est rates from
J. II. K I IlKIiANI), Ticket Agent
All iibovo tnilns arrive nt iind deinrtfrom
(iriinil (-'cntral Station, Filth and Irving street,
lai.Bcn(,'cr Depot, foot of Jedcrsou street
Leave for OSVK(IO, dally,
7:20 a. in.; UI.-I5, fia!.5, C:Io, 8:mTb
fanil ll:::o ). m. on Bdtuiday only). Arrive it
i'oi tlniiil nt 7:I0timl ;3U n. m.; andltso, l is
mid 7:55 p. m. '
Leave for Sheridan, week days, nt 4:30 n
Arrive at l'ortlmid, U:::n a. m. p,n
Leave for AII'.I.IK on Jlondny, Wcdnesdavanrt
I I rl lay at 0: 10 u. in. Arrive at Portland. W
dnv, 'lliursday and Saturday nt3;05p. a.
Smidnv trains for OSU'KdO leave nt 8M0a.m
i iMir, i '(."n r.-o". ii. i-. u a-. .
.(. 4-. ir,, i w (iiiu a yj ... m, Al
'rivout I'ortliiml iitf::;0, 10;00 a. m.; 1:30,1:1)
I fl:Ui, (:.", 7:fM p. m.
Milliliter. Asst. O. K. dc Pass. An
Lots A, 15, K and L, block .10; A 15,
block 72; A, 15, C, 1), E and F, block 8'J.
and A, 15, C, D and E, block 25. Apply
to V.m. .Siiaoi:i:i.koiii).
Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has
no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE &
MAYS, The Dalles, Oregon. .
Assignee's Notice Final Settlement.
Houghton's Drug Store.
ltuoKltm'8 .ilrliivu rtulvo.
The best salve in tne world for uiils,
bruieee, eores, ulcers, suit rheum, fevei i
sorea, tetter, chapped hands, chilblaine.
corns, and al! skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to u,ivB perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 csntE
per box. For sale ny Ulakeley and
Houghton, druuudsts.
I'nr halo or Trade.
A desirable ranch of 100 acres, within
tour milcH of Dalles City, with one span
Inared, harness, wagons, plows and other
property. 'Fine fruit land and abun
dance of water. Will trade for Dalles
City property. Inquire of
A. H, Mac Almhtjiu,
Real Eftato and Insurance Ayent.
CimosiuLK ollico, The Dalles, Or.
Wo sell Hoe Cake &oap. Peaee &
a3 2m
Subscribe tor Tin: (Jiuto.vici.i;.
Do you want your windows cleaned,
carpets taken up, beaten and re laid, or
janitor work of any kind done by a
lirst-claes man? If eo, telephone Henry
Johneon at Parkins' barber shop.
'Phono 119. al0-tf
Citili In Your IIIiuuKm,
All county warrants registered prior
to Dec. 1, 1892, will bo paid at my
oflice. Interest ceases after May 7,
1897. C. L. Pim.i.ii's,
County Treasurer.
Notice Is hereby given that tlio undeiklKiicd,
iisslKlii'O of tliuc.tutoof K. '.. Willlums-, iiu Jii
holveut debtor, lias Hied bis llniil iiceount mid
report la sulil assigiunent with the Clerk of the
I'irnitt Court of tlio fjlatoof Oregon for Wuseo
County, mid Unit tlio same will bo culled up foi
hear! nt,' before tlio Judtje of mild Court on tlio
iirat any oi tne no.xt renuiur let in ol .said circuit
court, to-wll: On Monday, tho'.'ltli day of May,
lb'J". or If tlio biuao cannot be beaid by hald
Court nt said time, us soon tberoafter us tlio
sumo win bo beard by tuld Court.
Hated this 10th day of Aiull, 1W7.
AisIbiico of the cstutc of it. K, Williams, an
tni-olvent uebtor. a 17 0t-ll
hve Von r (ruin,
realize that each squirrel do-
Administrators Final Account
Notice Is hereby Riven that the inidersiKiied
administrator of tho estate of J. J). (itllllii.du
ceiiHd, lias tiled Ills II mil account, iind Iliac
Monuiiy, Ihoudday orMay, lb'J7,nt tlio hour of
10 o'clock n. m., has bien appolntnl ns tbo limu
lor neariiiR oojecuons inereio uuii tlio settle
men t theieof. All heirs, creditors or othiT dit
tons interested In said estate nro hercbv notllkil
tolllotntlr oblectlous to mid lliuil iiceount. It
any tnoy nave, on or (joioro tao day appointed
iur iiiu oearuiK iiiereoi.
Iinlles City, Oregon, March 0, 181)7.
nc:'7-lt ll J:. a. (illlrKlN, Adminlstiator.
Notice of Final Stilleoieof.
Notice Is lieieby Klvo'i that tlio uiiderolKiied
administrator of tboestato of Mary M, (iordon,
ileeeaKed, has Hied bis limit report and account
in hald estate, und that Tuesday, the Ith day of
Hlrnvs 1 fifl worth of itriiin nniiiinllv :'" WJ1 1,1 l" ,l01"" l - " clock p. Ill of mid
stroys ifi.ou worm oi ruin aiintiiiiij. i ,,Hy llt tl)u ailltv WJlut ,nmili tllu t.mill,y
Wakelee'8 Squirrel and Gopliur Kxterm-1 court houso in Dalles city, Wmwi County, Oie-
time and jilueo for iieiirlnt,' mid llliitl account.
ir. sior is the most effective and econom
ical poitoii known. Price reduced to SO
cents. For salo by M, ',, Doniioll,
Agent .
Hated IhisWtli day of March. li'J7.
. , , , AHA BT()(MI)IJJ..
Adminlstnitor of tho estnto of Mary M. (Jor
don, deceiue J, upr;J-ll
Sheriff" s Sale
IH TIIK CIKCTIT COL'KT of tbo State of Ore
- koii for Wasco County.
I'. I). (ireene. l'Jaintiir,
J. h. Stoiy, I.ueieliuStoty and Hallos City, lifts.
lly virtue of an execution and order of sale Is
sued out of th" Circuit Court of the Statu of
OrcKou lor tlio County of U'aeo, to mo dlieeted
and dated , tho With dav of March. 1S!)7. Iltlflll II
juditmeiit and deereo for the forcflo.Miro of
ceitaln niortfaKOS, lendered and entered In tuld
court on tho 'J-Jd day of Mineh, Jh'J7, in tho above
entitled cause, In favor of tho plnlntftl itnil
HKalust tho defendants, J. I,. Story mid I.ueretlu
.Story, us judgment debtors, In tho sum of,
with Intt-rest theieon ut tho rato of clttli titer
cent iieraiinum from tho LVJI day of March, ltU7,
and the further sum of 1.7.r attorney's fees ami
tho further sum of J.ll.70 costs and disburse,
meats of suit; and further in favor of tbo de
fendant PnlJc.'. f Jiy and iiKiiinst tho defendants
J. Ij. Htoiy and l.ueictla Story, as Judgment
debtors in tbo sum of, and the further
sum ol costs of suit, and further tho costs of
and on suld wilt of execution; and command.
ini; mo tii niako sale of tbo real property em.
braced In said deereo of foreclosure and order of
siilo and heieiniifter described, I havo duly
levied on and will, on tboi'd day of May. 18117,
at tho hour of U o'clock in tho afternoon, at tho
county courthouse door in Dalles City, Wasco
County, OicKon. sell at public auction, to tbo
highest bidder, for cash in band, all tho right,
litlo and iutetest which the said J. b. Htorv and
l.ueretla Story, or either of them, had on dm
day of Jiinuaiy, IKK'J, thodatoof tho moitKaoof
pluliiliir foreclosed herein, or which such do.
leiidants. or anv of the defendants herein, lmv..
slueo iic.pilred or now have, in ami to tho fol
lowing described real property, situatoaud being
in thu County of Wasco, State of Oregon, t'.-wlt:
Uits niimberiHl eleven (II) and twelve f!2i in
block twenty ('JO) of tiutes Addition to Dalles
Citv. Wiiseo County. Oregon, or so much thereof
as will satisfy said above mentioned and de
scribed ludsfinents. attorney's fees and costs.
Held property will bo sold subject to cunllrimi
Hon by suld Circuit Court mid to redemption, us
by law provided.
Dated ut Tlio Dalles, Oregon, nils ;nst dav of
March, lb'J7.
i. j. nuivi;i(,
uprJ-ll SherlU'of Wiuco County, Oregon.
l' for CniiHtriietln Water and
Snu'wr System.
U. Iiidinn Service, Warm Springs Agencj,
. dr., May 7, lb'J7.
SKAI.UD 1'ltorOSAI.S. endorsed: 'I'riit,.i,nls
for Water and Sewer system" and iiddiesseil to
the iiudei'Igned at Warm springs, Crook
County, Oregon, will be ucelved at this ugenciv
until l o'clock p. in. of .IayJ7, lv.17, for furnish'-
i lug the necessary mat. rlal-, and labor required
ir 1 In eoii'truetion and completion of a water
and sewer system, (Including plumbing) for tbo
boarding school plant to bo elected on this to
servo, in strict ni'coidauee with plans and si ed
ucations, which may bo examined at thoodlro
of the "Morning Oregoniiin," Portland, Or.,
"Tiik Ciiiio.s-icLi:," The Dalles Or., and ut this
, Agency.
' llidders will state clearly in their bids the
, length of time required to complete the work.
Tl.e right is reset vod to reject any and all bids,
or any pint of any bid, If deemed for the best in
terest of thi service.
Tlieatten Ion of bidders Is invited tothoi.ct
of Congress approved August 1, ls'j.', entitled:
"An act relating to tho limitation of the hours
of dally servicn of luboreis and mechatiles em
ployed uiion tho public works of the United
states and of tbo District of Columbia;" also to
the act of Congress aniirovcl Aiiuut la.
entitled. "An act for tho protection of persons
furnishing materials and labor for the construc
tion of public- works."
hach bid must bo accompanied bv a certified
check or draft upon some United States Deposi
tory or solvent National Hank in tho vloinln of
tho residence of tho bidder, made payable to' tlio
order of tlio Commissioner of Indian Allaiis, for
at least I I VK l'KK CUNT, of the amount of tho
proiiosiil, which check or draft will bo forfeited
to tho United Ktatts In case any bidder or bid
ders receiving an award shall fall to promptlv
execute a contract with good and sullblen't
sutcties, otherwise to bo returned to tho bidder.
I Ids accompanied b cash In lieu of a certl
Iled check will not bo considered.
l'or any additional information, apply to
. , JAM12S li, COWAN,
my-niiL'7 u. S. Indian Agent.
mMmmm lit
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
St. Paul
Kansas City
First National Bank.
A aeneral Uankinfe' Business transuded
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection,
blight and Teleyraphiu Exchange sold on
iNow York, San Francisco and port
land. DIRBOTOK8.
l 'r,'l,ON. .INO. S. SCHUNOK.
htu M. WiiiUAua, Gko. A. Limm.
ti. M. Bkai.i.,
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities
IIOHAN STKAAIKUH l.euvo rorlltnd
Kviirv I'lvo Ilayn fur
Kor full details call on O. K & Cn. s Agent
Tha Dalles, or address
W, II. IIUKI.imilT, Ocn. PM'i-W.
Portland, Orefon
1J. il'NKII.I. I'resldcnt aiul Mima cr
The Nw TI1110 Curd.
Under tlio now time card, wbicb gee!
into effect tomorrow, trams will moveas
follows :
No. 4, to Spokane and Great Northern
arrives at Op. m., leaves atG;05p.rfl.
No. 2, to J'endleton, Baker City and
Union Pacific, arrives 1:15 a. m.,
parts 1 ;20 a. m.
No. 3, from Spokane and Great North
ern, arrives 8 -HO, departs 8:35 a. m
No. 1, from Baker City and Union
cilic, arrives 1 :20, departs 1 :25 a. ib
Nos. 2!) and 24, moving "nJ
Dalles, will carry jiaesengers. No.-J
arrives at 0:110 p. iu., departs l-:
' iVissenKerfl for Heppnor will take train
leaving here 0:0.3 p. m.
Dalles. Mora and I
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
Through by daylight via Gts Valley. f'
mid Cross Hollows.
U. M. WIUTKLAW, Aliteloi'
Stages leave Tho Dulles froin .""Jf"'.'!?
ut 7 11. 111,. also from Antelope ' 7 coaaWtlon
Monday, Wednesday una 1-r W Mltcbell irf
miido at Antelope for J'rlnev J"iaeitTM
i.ol-.itK beyond. Close cuiiiwtlo"
iialles with nillways, trains iiiirt lio aw.
Hinges fioia Auleiopo reuti - -wp B,
ivs. Thursdays and SaturUnys Ut 1. I
Hinges noia Aineiopu iv
days, Thursdays ami SaturuajH ut 1
. ... Dl II R.
Dulles to Doschutc
do More
do (Irass Valley. .
do Kent......
do Cross Hollows
Antelope to Cross Hollows,
do Kent. ....
do (Irass Valley..-
do Mori
do Dcocliuees
do Dalles
.- H
. ...,w
" ts
" I 0