The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 17, 1897, Image 1

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NO 100
l)c Dalles
CflE tSClBfvB HB
Attitude of the Sultan Dis
turbs the Powers.
IJosiuiiptloti of Fighting 1.V Oreo Us in
KpiriiM Hurts tho l'rocreis or
I'ciU'u N'Etliitloiis.
Losno.v, May 15. The sultan's reply
to the note of the ambassadors at Con
stantinople, ofl'ering mediation, saying
he would be ready to discuss the mutter
after the greater Kairam festival, which
ends on Sunday night, justifies the fear
that the powers have lost ground that
will not be easy to get back. Abdul
Humid is cool to the point of insolence.
His attitude is that of a sovereign with
a powerful army behind him, and he is
disposed to treat the powers cavalierly.
Articles published in the semi-omcial
press of the Continent show that the in-
... t..n nF M.n nll-n !ti
crease in uiu jiikhi-ikc m ouuuu ,
the chief concern of the European cabi
nets and that the prospects of an effect
ive enforcement of the general reforms
for the Turkish empire are thereby rele
gated to the very distant future.
The Journal des Debats declares that
the result ut the war has been to place
! rl..i Knn rtt K..1.1
lUrKUy 11J 11 piirjlLlun ma uo ijwl urju
for the past half-centurv, adding:
"Her tremendous military effort is
largely in excess of what the struggle
against Greece required. It waB done to
refute the allegation of decrepitude and
to demonstrate to the sultan's own sub
jects and to those of the smaller states
and to the great powers that Turkey is
able to hold her own."
The British, Eussian and Austrian
newspapers re-echo these remarks, and
it is generally felt that this fact will
have to be reckoned with in the negotia
tions upon the conditions of peace.
In the meanwhile, the postponement
of the sultan's reply until after the great
er Bairnm festival is interpreted as mean
ing that his majesty intends that his
army shall continue its victorious ad
vance until every strategic point oil the
Otlirya mountain range is in the hands
of the Turks, and that only then will
Edhetn Pasha receive orders to stop
The resumption of fighting by the
Greeks in Epirus is regarded as a foolish
move, and only furnishes Turkey with a
plausible motive for refusing an armis
tice. It also hurts the progress of the
peace negotiations.
The cabinets are also occupied with the
dillicult problem of how Greece will pay
the war indemnity which Turkey seems
certain to demand. M. Delynnnis, tho
former Greek premier, in his newspaper,
sanguinely argues that Greece cannot be
expected to pay an indemnity because
the Turks "declared the war officially
without provocation." This view of
the question is not shared elsewhere, and
an international commission to adminis
ter finances of Greece on the lines of a
Bimilar Turkish commission is mooted.
The commission would, it ia proposed,
sit at Athens and take over the Greek
customs for the purpose of liquidating
the Greek debt and possibly for the war
Tho CruUer ISelug Hurriedly Prepared
(or a Long Sen Voyueo.
Kkw Yokk, May 15. Orders have
been eent to Rear-Admiral Montgomery
Sicard to have his flagship, the New
York, made ready to go to sea from New
York, at a moments warning, according
to a Washington dispatch to the Herald.
She is to fill iip with coal to her full
capacity. The haste with which she is
to prepare for sea may be judged from
the fact that, although she needs about
170 tonB to fill her bunkers to their full
capacity, this amount of fuel will be
hurried on board tomorrow.
Tho New York's engines have been
taken apart, and she is undergoing a
thorough overhauling of her motive ma
chinery ut her mooringe, off Tompkins
villo, S. I,, hut the engineering force, of
the crusler is doubtless already at work
Putting tho engines together, and it is
holioved that she will be ready for sea by
Monday next.
Concerning the flagships destination
nothing can ba learned at the navy de
Absolutely Pure.
) Celebrated for its Brent lcavenlnc strctiRth nud
t lieulthftiliicss. Assures the food npiitis-t nlum
t and all forms of adulteration common to the
, cheap brands.
Koyai, IS.ucini; Pownnr. Co. New Yokk.
partment, but that her departure from
port has bearing on the Cuban cause is
denied by the secretary. It does not
seem possible that the recent routine
order regarding target practice cover the
case of the New York. Not only would
there be no haste in getting her ready
for sea it target practice and gun exercise
were all that was intended, but there
would be no necessity for filling up her
coal bunkers. With about 1100 tons al
ready stored, the orusier could remain at
sea a couple of weeks without running
short of fuel. The rush to get the re
mainder of her coal on board indicates
a long voyage.
It has been suggested that Consul-General
Lee has renewed his request that
a naval force be kept within a short dis
tance of Havana for the protection of
American citizens in that city against
mob violence. There is no corroboration
of this theory, but the belief among navy
officers is strong that the New York is
to bo held in complete readiness to go
to Key West at a moment's warning.
Tho Shakers have made a discovery
which is destined to accomplish much
good. Realizing that three-fourths ol
all of our sufferings arise from stomach
troubles, that the country ia literally
filled with people who cannot eat and
digest food, without subsequently suffer
ing pain and distress, and that many
are starving, wasting to mere skeletons,
because their food does them no good,
they have devoted much study and
thought to the subject, and the result is
this discovery of their Digestive Cordial.
A little book can be obtained from
ycur drugtrist that will point out the
way of relief at once. An investigation
will cost nothing and will result in
much good.
Laxol is tho best medicine for chil
dren. Doctors recommend it in place oi
Castor Oil.
Greeks Ueturiied l'rmu Crete.
Athens, May 15. Five hundred Greek
soldiers and twenty officers arrived here
today from the island of Crete. They
received an ovation from the populace.
Greeks liomliurried Mccipolis.
Athens, May 15. The Greeks have
been bombarding Nicopolis since early
this morning.
Old i'eojile.
Old people who requiremediciue to
regulate the bowels and kidneys will
find the true remedy in Electric Bitters.
This medicine does not stimulate and
contains no whisky nor other intoxicant,
but acts as a tonic and alternative. It
acts mildly on the stomach and Dowels,
adding strength and giving tone to the
organs, thereby aiding Nature in the
performance of the functions. Electric
Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids
digestion. Old people find it just exact
ly what thev need. Price 50 cents and
$1.00 per bottle at Blakeley & Hough
ton's Drug Store. 0
Schilling's Best Japan is
the cheapest of teas, if you
happen to like it not every
one likes Japan.
If you don't like any fla
vor of Schilling's Best your
grocer returns your money
in full.
A Schilllne & Company
San Francisco
More Trouble In Africa.
Paris, May 15. There are indications
of a possibility of serious trouble between
France and Morocco, owing to the incur
sion of Moorish tribesmen into Algerian
territory. The Moors recently revolted
against the authority of the governor of
Cudida, a town near the French frontier,
and on Tuesday attempted to sieze an
Algerian village. The French cavalry is
being massed on the frontier of Morocco
and two companies of zouaves and a
number of tirrailleurs, with several field
pieces, have been ordered to hold them
selves in readiness to leave Oran, the port
of Algoria nearest to Morocco. A rum
or is also in circulation that 30 spahis
(Arabian cavalry in the French service)
were surprised by Moors nenr Magnhia,
who fired several volleysat them. One
of tho sapbis was wounded.
Tho ISest itemed' for Illicuiuntlsm.
From the Fairhuven (X. Y.) Kcgtster.
Mr. James Rowland of this village,
state that for twentv-five vears his wife
has been a sufferer from rheumatism
A few nights ago she was in such pain
that she was nearlv crazv. bhe sent
Mr. Rowland for the doctor, but he bad
read of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and
instead of coing for the doctor he went
to the store and secured a bottle ot it.
His wife did not approve of Mr. Row
land's purchase at first, but neverthe
less applied the Balm thoroughly and in
an hour's time was able to go to sleep.
She now applies it whenever she feels an
acho or a pain and finds that it always
gives relief. He says that no medicine
which she had used ever did her as much
good. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale
by Blakeley & Houghton.
It's a Whopper.
Astoria, Or., May 15. What is be
lieved to be the largest salmon ever
caught in the Columbia river was de
livered at S. Elmore's packing-house in
this city this morning. The monster was
one of the truest and most perfect sped
mens of royal chinook salmon ever seen
in Astoria. His actual measurement,
from tip to tip, was 4 feet ! inches,
and his largest circumference, three
feet, the girth close to the tail being
fully one foot. The spread of the tail
was 1 foot 4 inches, and the exact weight,
8l pounds. On being cooked and
packed the fish filled 5,l dozen one
pound cans.
Ity the Sultiin'8 CoiiimiiiidB.
Constantinople, May 15. At the
command of the sultan, eleven wounded
Turkish eoldiere uere placed in the court
of the Mosque yesterday while his ma
jesty passed, upon the occasion of the
Too TrmiNjiari'iit.
Dairyman's Wife The cows grave
more milk than usual to-night.
Dairyman Yes; but 1 eim explain
that, it's kind of funny, but 1 actually
forg-ot to milk them this morniii"; at
all until I bad rone over the whole route.
I. noticed the people seemed to grumble
more than uwunl when I tilled their
pitchers. LTp-to-Date.
l,Ittl- IJlcunor'w Frank jm-hn.
Eleanor had been sent down to enter
tain the young' man until her- big sis
ter was ready.
"You cerkenly has a worry wed nose,
Mr. Nicolls." she said, among other
startling thing's; "it's uv.kf til wed des'
like sister's cheeks does you paint it
wif a wed wose leaf or des' pinch V Sis
ter does both." N. Y. World.
18 1'aces u Week. 150 l'ujiers a Year
It etands first among 'weekly" papers
in size, frequency of publication and
freshness, variety and reliability of con
tents. It is practically a daily at the low
price o a weekly; and its vast list of
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for the accuracy and
fairness of its news columns.
It is splendidly illustrated, and among
its special features are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashions for women and a long
series of stories by the greatest living
American and English authors,
Coiian Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome,
Kliinley Weyiuan, Mary K. IVllkluu
Anthony Hope, Bret Hurte,
llruniler Matthew, Etc.
We offer this unequaled newspaper and
Tho Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to
gether one year for $2.00, Th& regular
price of the two papers is $3.00,
Read Below
No. 1694 is a beautiful Prussian-Blue
English Covert
Cloth .Jacket, decerned as
above cut. A strictly tailor-made
garment, strap
ped seama, and nlk-linod
throughout. Price, $i.75.
In order to reduce the above stocks, and also to introduce to our
All Indication.
lias your son iukcji up me nigner
latheniatiesV" inquired the friend.
"I don't know for sure," replied the
father, who was looking over a number
of bills; "anyhow, he's getting a great
deal more, familiar with figures than lie
used to be."--Washington Star.
; rit!lilcal.
Miss Beacon Hill Dear me! Strange,
but 1 cannot remember. WMtero is
Young1 Lakeside O, flint's easy. In
China. Saw the address in a show-
window to-day. Philadelphia I'risss.
Ac-ot'iitt'il Willi TIiiiiiUm.
ITe 1 had my picture taken along
with Nero, my biff St. Bernard, you
know. May I have the pleasure of pre
senting you witn a copy?
She Oh, I ffiie-sa bo. 1 always did ad
mire a handsome iloff. Tit-Bits.
The lHppy Man--I tell you, old fel
low, a maif doesn't know what real hap
piness is tint1! he's married.
Cynical Friend Then he finds thnt it
consists in being single. Brooklyn
All ItlK'it In IIU 1-liicc.
Yeast The oflice seeker Is all riffhtin
liis plucc.
Crimsonbeak ititrht you are. But
the trouble is he won't go there.
"Go w here V" '4
"Home." Yonkers Statesman,
It Wan True II I lie.
"G liens it's goiiiff to rain," chirped the
milkman, as he emptied his measure.
The woman of the house threw ft
glance into the pan.
"ft looks like it," she wild, sternly.
N. Y. World.
Ilaz.el I wonder why so few take
time by the forelock?
NuUte Beoa use time's forelock usual
ly lies bit ween the horns of a dilemma.
Brooklyn Life,
lit tho lleiit of tli? Conflict.
He Do you think your judgment in
as ffoodtis mine'.'
She OIj, no, dear. Our choice of life
partners proves that it isn't, N. Y,
InU'i'ilt'il to Fui'it Him.
"Now, when you 'ask papa for me, bo
sure to fw ' him like a man."
"You 1). t 1 will. He doesn't get any
chance at my back if I can help it."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
g a. i. a;iti,KV,
' Attorney and Counsellor at Law
rruotlcea lu th Stiite und Fcderu Courts of
Oiegon uud VViitliliigtou, jun 'J3-3iuu
This cut represents a leader in Sep
arate Skirts, made of all-wool Bro
cade Brilliantine, lined throughout
with extra finality rustle; velveteei
bound; 4 vard sweep; most correct
stylo. A value at fl.'JO.
Our Special Offer for
For Today nl
Richly and durably bound in English Cloth, plain edyesj portrait of the au
thor forming the denigu on cover; autograph preface; tmitiKlcunt pro
Henttition plato in tilver, tfold and blue; containing 000 pitmen and .'12
full-page Illustrations $1 75
fn half-Morocco, marble edge 2 25
In full-Morocco, gilt edge. , U 75
M. J. WOODCOCK, Agent, Wamlc, Or.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, ofnMTLLklnEdED
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour.
This Flour
tifce; every
We sell our floods lower than any house in the trudo, uud if yon don't think so
call and got our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
175 Second Street,
Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
How to get I
a pair of "Mascots" S
. FREE ?
No. 2709 A most stylish Black French
Diagonal Cloth Capo, and elaborately
trimmed in Seiitache and Hercules
Braids. Price $5.50.
today only.
customers tho "Mascot,"
will give na a premium,
A Pair of " MASCOTS " FREE
with every Cape, Separata Skirt, or J'icket
of a $2.50 value or over, sold,
TitK KM ST IIA'ITI.K Is mi intor.'HtliiK story
' of tho ftrviit pointful MrtlKUU n( I WW, ltd moat
luiiortiuil events mill thu ninny Usuen Involved;
a IhhIciiI IrvullM) mi lll-nii'iiil'iMii tm uttered hy
cmltu'iit oxiioiidiits, InuliiilliiK tho l'urt tukun hy
lion, W. .1. limit) hi tilt! ollvvr limitation prior to
tliu Dvmiicriitlii Niiliotnii Convention, mid dur
I in,' tin) ciiinpiilifii: tlio liCHt example ot his won
iiful oratory, tho uniKt nntmvutliy IiicIiIciiIh of
his fiiinoliH tour, it careful levlmvof tho political
(.ltuatloil, a illfcutlfcalou of tho L'lei lion lutimiN
i mid tho kIkiiIIIciiiicu tliuieof, nud tho (ii'uio
1 pOhHillllltiOrt Of lll-!IR't!lllUlll III, It polltll! ll Ulle.
m manufactured exprenHly for family
euck In Kiiaruutecd to give satisfaction.
The Dalles, Oregon