The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Tit k iai.i.i:s, Oil I1HON All vi'rtUltii; ltutp.. 1'cr tueli n SO . 1 00 One Inch or less In Dally Over two Inchc and under four Inches Over four Inches mul under twelve Inches 7" Over twelve tnche- M I) A 1 LY AND WKKKI.Y. One Inch or less, per Inch ?2 W Over one Inch and under four Inches 2 00 Over four Inches and under twelve Inches . 1 SO Over twelve Inches 1 00 County Commissioner' Court. Following is the list of bills allowed at the May term : James C Johnson. K F Wiehham, Thotn.'.s Ddiilun, Thomas Hoi ton, Kalph IXiylu, Uoy Taylor, Euiietiu' Williams, D G Floyd, John D.ilrvtnple, G G Evans, W II Taylor. IJov F Tit v lor, Ed' Wilson, J II Sherar, Win Underwood, F II Woodcock, Jesse Lantry, Aiij!iit Keere, G W Iiurliniran, II Snipes, W A J5 Campbell. W S Gribhle. N 1 .Moore, JI A CiHhing, C E ConRliii.', Indian Jake, George Thompson, C F Denton, F C Clauen, James D.irnielle, O L U alter, C E Spencer, D D Nelson. E I' Dutler. Stockmen's Un'on bntvonaninils 00 0U 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 oo! 00 00 00' 10 00 1 00 S 001 1 00 l 2 00 7 00 I 1 00 41 oo 1 00 1 00 S 00. io oo ; 2 00, 1 00 2 00 I 1 00 i 1 00 1 00. G 00 1 00 i co! 5S CO! Pease ec .Mays, supplies pauper . Times- .Mountaineer, publishing J P Watson, supervisor dist 20 !2"), a'lowed TJ Driver, bill rendered E 1'u m ph rev, caring for pauper. . T A Wilhelm.use of polling place 15, allowed A Keller, room for pauper W U Winans, work on road 5. not allowed Johnson Bros, supplies pauper. . W H Moore, coffin lor pauper .. Johnson Bros, supplies pauper It J Pilkiugtou, medical services 5.20; not allowed S M Baldwin, messenger S M Baldwin, use of polling place A Field, supervisor district 30. . H H Tomlinson, lumber for dis trict No 23 A S Blowers, services county com missioner T J Driver, salary 12 25 3 10 20 CO 1G3 2S 5 00 2 50 S 00 o 10 10 7 00 2 50 20 00 S 00 13 40 21(5 66 It I J hi Not l'ass. Iany stockmen have gotten the im pression that congress has passed a bill Eetting aside President Cleveland's order establishing forest reservations. The truth is the senate tacked an amend ment on the civil sundry appropriation bill and passed it, but the house refused to concur in the amendment by a de cisive majority, and so it failed to pass. The senate amendment was as follows : That to remove any doubt which may exist pertaining to the authority there to, Hie president of the United States is hereby authorized, and empowered to revoke, modify or suspend any and ail tueli executiveorders and proclamations de-iguatiiig forest reserves, or any part thereof, from time to time, as he shall de-m best for the public interest; pro vided, that the lands embraced in such reservations not otherwise disposed of shall, until the surveys of eiiel reserva tions ate completed, be subjected to f-ucb orders as the president may make in reference to the same, so as not to distort) the rights of any actual settler or claimant now residing upon any of the lands embraced in such reservation." Tim Wound I'ruveil Fatal. The death of Mrs. Pearl Kith, the tin fo'tunate young woman who, in a fit of melancholy, sent a bullet crashing through her breast, at her home in Ba ker Citv Saturday afternoon, occurred Monday at 1 o'clock a. in. By the death-bed were a sister and three broth ers, he-idt-a number of friends, and all that loving hands could do was admin istered luring the sufferer's few linger ing hours. Coroner Snow empanelled a jury, and after examining a number of witnesses, returned tho following verdict: "We, the undersigned jurors, sworn to inquire of the death of Pearl Kith, on oath do find that she came to iter death i by a gunshot wound, inflicted by her own hand, on May 8th, and that death j resulted on Slay 10, 1807, at 4 o'clock a. m " It is stated that tin cause of the deed was separation of Mrs Kith and her hus bund, the hitter being now in Calif ornia La Grande Chronicle. StooKliolclui ' .MutitliiK- Notice is hereby given that a mectiti,' of the HtuckholderH of The Dalles Chron icle I'lihliHtiing Company will bu held at tin county court rooms on Tuesday, tho L'fith day of May, A. I)., 1SU7, -at 2 o'clock p. in., for tliu purpose of adopt ini: Hiiplimentary articles of incorpora tion, increasiut; tho capital stock of said company and transacting such other do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do business as may romu before talil meet inc. 15' order of the Hoard of Directors. The Dalles, Oregon, April 0, 189". A. S. .Mac Am.istimi, President. K. G. Davknpokt, Secretary. UI1 I'.oiile. Old people who require medicine to legulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Electric Bitters. This medicine does not stimulate and contains no whisky nor other intoxicant, but acts as n tonic and alternative. It acts mildly on the stomach and oowels, milling strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding Nature in the performance of the functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find it just exact ly what they need. Price 50 cents and $1.00 per bottle at Blakeley & Hough ton's Drug Store. 5 i tum:i:. chimin: w ..siij.i;to.v. "Poor man! How did you lose the siirht of your eye?" "Lookiif for work, mem!" Piek-Me-l'l. Tho Three-Venr-OliM. Alas, poor infants, what an Of sorrow do you strike! Too blj? for baby carriages. Too small to ride a bike! Washington Star. I' urrsei'ii. .Mrs. McSwatt Billijrer.when I asked ou to get a hook for a birthday prtv rut for brother John I .supposed you would suk-.-l one that had at least i v.ibstuntial bituliiiLT. 'Phis one will fall to jxeeet) before he has it six months. .Mr. McSwatt So it won't, l.ohelia. It will last that brother of yours 100 years, in any kind of hintlint',r. It'.-; i book- on manners. Chicago Tribune. In the lleoji-e Inlands. "What did you say the name of thi missionary was?" asked lhf! Ktwapta. "hive ever, your liijrlines.5." said the trembling chief; "he said it was John." "Well, for a change" Kin,'- Ktwapta looked lovingly at 'his toothpick "let us have a .Jackpot-pie." Town Topics. IIIh Views n i.alior. First. Traii) Do you h'lieve in keep Mi out the pauper labor of Europe? Second Tramp 1 don't mind the pau per labor, but w hen it conies to Rutin' in paupers what don't work. I'm afraid they'll crowd us fellers into lookin for a job. N. V. World. Hit. OlTfllK'.-. "The New WomanV, club will never iiire Tenor, the singer, again." "Why o?" "He was billed to sing four times at. their annual dinner, and each time lie warbled 'What Is Home Without a Mother.' "X. Y. Truth. .Ml l-'nfeelliiK Cmiiineiit. "Willie Washington." anid the friend, "is one of those people, who tell every thing they know." "Yeh," replied .Miss Cayenne, wearilv. "and he doesn't talk very much, either." Washington Star. An Oiiiiiiinin iiiKli Adviser So you think that your wife is dead in earnest in her demands? Husband 1 certainly do. Adviser How do you know? Husband She has become silent. Up-to-lXiU;. . i i I A lli-iir la I1t I'ntli. "This baby carriage with a canopy top is a wood thinf,'." said the early spring nurse (,'irl to the policeman in tin park. "Then push it alony," grimly ordered the lnibby. Detniit Free l'ress. In !,ll'r(itiirc. "Hridgeinore tells me he is writing for one of the magazines," "Well, he is. He writes the names of tiie post oflices on the packages for the mails." Chicago Tribune. The Unite. j Youiiff Motlier (on the train) -Oil, dear, 1 don't know what to do with you, baby! ' 'Kind Itachelor- Shall I open the win- dow for you, ma.'ain? X. Y. Journal. Coffee goes by the taste j alone. Try Schilling's Best tea coffee soda bakiuz nowder flavoring extracts and spicus. All money-back. sa I'"or sale iiy K. Kahler flow Ibout Your job We have the facilities fordoing all kind? of Job Printing, from a visiting cTud to a catalogue, and Ave are after all the work we can do. 'We not only desire ',o keep busy, but would prefer to be rushed. Come in and compare our prices with that of any one, and compare quality of work. Let us have vour next order. C. W. PHELPS & CO. -DEALEJIn IX- Agricultural Drapers Manufactured and Repaired. Pitts' Threshers, Powers and Extras. Pitts' Harrows and Cultivators. Celebrated Piano Header. Lubricating' Oils, Etc. i White Sewing Machine and Extras. EAiST SECOM) STREET lSCAB. T1CKSqLICE THE WORLD RENOWNED ?f . . 3 J Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE & MAYS, The Dalles, Oregon. Assignee's Notice Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby slven that tho undersigned, assignee of thoestatoof H. I".. Williams an in solvent debtor, has tiled bis dual account and report in said assignment with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of tliu State c.f Otigon for Wasco County, and that tho sanio will bu called up for heatiii); before the JuiIku of said Court on the day of the next regular term of wild Circuit Coiut, to-wll: On .Monday, tbCJIth day of .May, t' If the smile cannot be hctrtl by said Court ut Mild time, as soon thereafter a.s the same can be heard by said Court. Dated this 10th day of April, 14.97. A. S. .M.vcALLITKlt, Assignee of the cstutoof it. L. Williams, an insolvent debtor. iil7-ot-ii Administrator's Final Account. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of theestato of J. 1), CJiltllu, de ceased, has llltd his Haul account, and that Jlonday, thelid day of May, h'J7, at ihu hour of 10 o'clock a. in., has been appointed a.s tho time for hearing objections thereto and tho settle ment theieof. All heirs, creditors or other per sons Interested in said estate are herebv untitled to Mo their obiectloiiH to said llnal any they have, on or befoie tliu day appointed for tho healing thereof. Dalles City, Oregon, March 23, 18U7. mc27-lt ll K. A. OKIM'IN, Adminlstiiitor. Notice of Filial StllleiJieiil. Notice Is hereby glve-i that the undersigned administrator o( thuestato of Mary M, Cordon, deceased, has tiled his llnal report and account In said estate, mid that Tuesday, the Ith day of May, lh'J7, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m, of said day at the Ccaiuty court loom, in the county court house in Dalles City, Wasco County, Ore gon, lias been appointed by said court as Ihu time and plucu for healing said llnal account, Dated thlsi!3th duy of March, 1MJ7. AHA S'lOtiHDll.L. Admlulttritor of the estate of Maty M. Cor don, decease i, upM-ll piTci ?t?roi?i;ie publistyii ?o. - Implements. THE IULLES, OR. Sheriff's Sale. IN TIIIC ClltCl'IT COURT of tho State of Ore J. gon for Wasco County. I'. D. Greene, l'hiintill', vs. J. L. .Story. Lucretla Story and Dalles City, lifts. Hy virtue of an execution and order of salo Is sued out of tho Clicult Court of tho Statu of Oregon for tho County of Waseo, to niu directed and dated .tho iWth day of March, 1N17, upon a judgment and decree for tho foreclosure of certain iiiorti iges, rendered and entered in said court on the iKd day of Match, h'J7, la the above entitled catiso, In favor of tho plalntiil and against tho defendants, J. L. Story mul Lucietla Story, as Judgment debtors, in tho sum of fJSI.W, with interest theieon at tho ruto of eight per cent per annum from tho 'J-Jd day of Maieh, lb'J7, and the further sum of $73 attorney's fees, mid tho further stun of f 11.70 costs ami disburse ments of suit; and further In favor of tho dc fendant Dalles City mid against tho defendants J. 1.. Stoiy Mini Lucretla Story, a.s Judgment debtors in thu sum of $310.11, mid the further sum ol $3 costs of suit, and further tho costs of and on said writ of execution; mul command ing mo to mako talo of tbo real property em braced in said decreo of foreclosure and order of sale and hereinafter described. I lm v ,inH- levied on mid will, cm thuikl day of May, 1SU7, at tho hour of SJ o'clock in the alternoon, at thu county courthouse door in Dalles City, Waseo County, Oregon, sell nt public auction, to tho highest bidder, for cash in hand, all tho right, titlu anil intcicsl which the said J. L. Story mid Lucretla Story, or either of them, hud on tho 1st day of Jmiuaiy, lhSU, the date of tho inoilgago of plaliilltt' foreclosed herein, or which such do leinlants, or any of the defendants herein, have slnco acquired or now have, In mid to tho fol lowing described real property, hituatuand being in tho County of Wasco, State of Oiegou, to-wit: Iits numbered eleven (11) mid twelve (1'ji in block twenty (S.U) of (iates Addition to Dalles City, Wusco County, Oregon, or so much thereof as will satisfy said above mentioned and de scribed Judgments, attorney's fees and costs. KiUd proiierty will bo sold subject to conllrina tlon by said Circuit Court mid to redemption, as by law provided, Dated at Tho Dalles, Oregon, this , 'list day of March, lfe'J7. T. J. DltlVlIR, iipr'Jdl h'licrlU'ot Winco County, Oregon, NOTICE-SALE OF CITY LOTS. Notice is hereby given that bv tiioritv of ordinance No. 202, hleh m e, the Common Co.inci o I alles Citv April 10th, 1807, entitled, 'An or ffiince to provide for tlw-..lB.f certain lots belonging to Dalles Citv," ill. Saturday, the 15th day of May, 18!), , se at public auction, to tho highest V.'.'. '. .1... ...ll..,..ti,.r nlM lthfl imrts i imiucr, mi uie mini" . ------ ! of lots in dates addition to Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon, to-wn . hots!) Mid 10 jointly, in block -I, " 7, 8. Dnml 10, jointly in block lo, lots 7 8. 0, and 10, jointly in block 21, known .U bntte; lots Hh 11 and 12 , ... dock 27; lot Oin block I P,, IfttB -,.., 4, 0, 0, 7. 8, 0, 10 ami 11, m W? k to; 1. ta U, 8. 0. 10, llnnd 12, in Mock :w; lot,. :t, -I, o il, 7 8, 0. 10 1 J .""jl l'J, in block :J7; lots 1. 'J, !!, -I, B. l. , !), 10, 11 and l'J, in block .12; ; lots 1. J, . , 1 o 0, 10 and 11. in block -Hi; lots I. J, ;j -; 10, 11 and l'J. in Woe -11, and lots 1, U. -1, , li, in liloek -lb. T'be ruasonable value ot sa hits, for les than wliich they will no. sold, has been iixnl i.nd determine.. I y Urn Common Council of Dalles City as fol lows, to-wit : Lots'.) and 10. in block H, $1"0; lots 7, 8, ',) and 10, jointly in block U, sfJOl ; lots 7, 8, !) and 10, jointly in block 21. $200; lot 10, in block 27, if 225 ; lot 1 , in block 27, $225; lot 12, in block 2, ?.100; lot 1), in block IM, $100; lots 2, li, I, o, 8, !), 10 ami 11, in block I'.o, each res piHit ivcly $100; lots 0 and 7. in block .lt, each Respectively $125; lots 2, 1!, -I, 8, ), 10 and 11, in block 30, each respectively .000; lot 12, in block :)(, $120 ; lots '.), 4, 5, 8,0, 10 and 11, in block 157, each re spectively ilOO; lots 0, 7 and 12, in bluck :i7, cacti respectively .fi-o, lots 2, li, 10 and 11. in block 41, efcli rtspeetivelv $100; lots 1, 7 and 12, in block 41, each respectively $125; lots I!, 4, o, 8, 0, 10 and 11. in block 42, each respectively $100; lot. h , 0 and 12, in block 42, each respectively $125; lots 2, :i,4, 5,1), 10 and 11, in block 4:$, each respectively $100; lot 1, in block 4;', $125; lots 2. II, 4 and ft, in block 40, each respectively $100; lots 1 and 0, in block 40, each respectively $ 1 5 Each of these lots will be sold upon the lot respectively, and none of them will lie sold for a less sum than the value thereof, as above stated. One-fourth of the price hid on any of said lots shall he paid in cash at the time of sale, and the remainder in three equal payments on or before, one, two and threw years from the date of said sale, with interest on such deferred pay ments at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, payable annually; provided that tlie payment may be mnde in full at any time at the option of the pur chaser. The said sale will begin on the loth day of ."Way, 1807, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. in. of said day, and will con tinue from time to time until all of said lots shall lie sold. Dated this llith day of April, 1807. Giuieiit W. Puma's. Recorder of Dalles City. For Nalu, Lots A, IJ, K and L, hlnek .10; A 15, block 72) A, B, C, D, E and F, block 82, and A, 15, C, D and K, block 25. Apply to Wm. t;iiAOKi:i.Koi:i). I'lopo-iil- for CoiiMtriietlng Water ami Nn'.vnr SyMtmu. US. Indian Pervice, Warm Springs Agencr, . Or.. May 7, 1KI7. SKALKD l'itOl'OSALS.euiliii.Hil- -'Proposals for Water and hewer Bystem 'iind addie.-sed in the undersigned at Warm springs, Crook County, Oregon, will be received at this agency until l o'clock p. m. of May 'J7, 1S.U7, for furnish ing tlie nieessiry materials mid labor required in the construction and completion of a water anil sewer svstem. rttwlinliin. TllM)lll,lM,r tin, I boarding school plant to be elected on this re I serve, in strict uenndaitce with plans and si ed ifications, which may bu examined nt the ullleo oi me ".Morning orcgonian," I'ortlainl, Or., "I'm: Ciiiio.nicm:," The Dalles Or., ami at this .vgeuoy. Hlddcrs will state clearly In their bids the length of time requited to complete the work, Tliu right is reserved to reject any and all bids, , or any part of any bid, if deemed for the best In terest of tin! service. '1 he ntten ion of bidders Is invited to tho tint of Congress approved August 1, lb'J.', entitled: "An act relatinir to thu Ihnthitimi mi ii.. I of dally service of laborers mid mechanics em. I ployed upon the nubile works of the 1'nlted ruuro nun Ol lliu IllMriOl Ol l OlliniUlll; MlMI to thu net of Congress approved August 18,, entitled. "An act for the protection of persons furnishing materials and labor for the construc tion of public works." CKitririiii) cuikcks. Knob bid must bo accompanied by a certified check or draft upon some United States Deposi tory or solvent National Hunk in the vicinity of the residence of tho bidder, made payable to tho order of tbo Commissioner of Indian Ailidrs, for at least KIVK 1'KR UKNT.of the amount of tho proiiosal, which check or draft will bo forfeited to tho United States in case any bidder or bid ders receiving an iiwmd shall fall to pminptly execute a contuict with good and sullhlent sureties, otherwise to bo returned to the bidder. Illds accompanied b cash In lien of a ecrtl lied check will not bo considered. For any additional information, applv to . , JAMKS L. COWAN, my,.mi'.7 u. h. Indian Agent. J. S. SCIIKNK, President. II. M. 11IUI.L, Cashier. First National Bank. THE DALLES - - OREGON A tjeneral Uauking Buaiiiese truiifluuted DopoaitB received, aubject to Sight urait or uneck. Collectiona made and proceeds promptly , remitted on day of collection, bight and Telegraphic Exchange aold on New York, San Francisco and ort- iHIIU. D. P. Tjiomphon. Jno. S. Schkncjk. En. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likkk. H. M. Bkai.l. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL I WatchmakerlJeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. EAST and SOUTH va The Shasta Route OK TIIK Southern Pacific Compy Trains lenvomut iirc duo to arrive at Fort,nt i.KAVn. OVKItl.AN'l) k7 rcss. HnlniK t UUIK, Aslilmiil, Hnc-I J riununto, Osilcn,s,m 8iW I'. M. Krnuclspn. M.,i...... V l.osAnKclc8,i:ilW New iir i'ihiu II "i:10A. si. Kut... "uu 8:.".0 A. M. Ituscbure mul U'.tt .... I it " - ' "J IHIl- fVl.i Wnoilhiirn P.M .... Dally exeunt Hanilnyi, l:0() 1'. M. 7:;:o a. .m. i VVeKt Heln, Ilrnwns; l1 M.,M VlllL.rilirltll.llnl,l 1 I -elM Natron . ilr1.0'" 'W,'1 w"' ta'tlotis!10 15A u nml way) JAftS way II Csap.jj, i Minions , , Muillnnvillo I way stiitlons u n'rt HM V. Jt. It 8:25 l'.M "Dally. fD.uiy, except Siuia.iy. DINIS'tS CAI1S ON OfiUKN UOUTE, PULLMAN imKKKT sl.KKl'EHs AND t5KtOXl)-(!USS .SLUKPIN-Q CAR3 Attnelieit to all Tlirnugli Trains. Dlrent eouneullon at Sun Kranclsoo win, n .lentil nn.l Oriental anil 1'aclllc i JtcarnS llni. fur. l.Vt'AN mul IMflV l e.. . ' "PlMMp , ,V ,ille,.tlou. "",n nat 0. lintvH iiinl tickets to KaMern nnlnt roiie. AImi JAPAN, tJHI.VA HOXULULr S be ohtuliu'il from Ml j J. 11. IClUKLAND.Tlcket.tgeat I rt'l. ....... 1. rri..l...i r..t. .... . . iiufcui imi;y, i.ti i mm street, ffhP tlnoncli tickets to all points In the TeS Ht'itt-f, Camilla and Kuiojk! ran bo obtalniJ ',i low t".t rates from .1. II. KIltKbANI), Ticket Ajent All nbovo train.s arrive at mul depart from Gram! Central Station, Fifth mid Irving "trecl! YA.MinUnTvisiox. I'atyciiRer Depot, foot of Jcrtcrsoiulrect Leave for OSWKdO, dally, except (anil U::;o p. m. on biitnnlay only). Anlre it I'ortlainl at 7:10 anil 8;Sl) a, m.j iindl:30 1 11 i'r.'X) anil ".'55 p. in, ' ' Li'iive for Shcrl.lan, week days, ut 4:30 1 a Arilve at I'ortlimil, 'J:",0 a. m, r Leave for AIULIK on Mondnv, Wednesday acl Krl'iay at !l: 10 n. m. Arrive nt Portland, Tun ilav, TliurMlay anil Snturilay at 3:03 p. ia. Kunilay trains for OSWKdO leave nt 8:Wa.n and WMii. I :!., ,'i:'i"i r,;V mid 8 05 p.m. Ar rive at Portland at .S::j), 10:00 a. m.; 1:30,1b 5:10, ii:".", 7:55 p. ni. It. KOKIILIOK, K. P. ROGERS, .MimiiL'er. Asst. (i. F. A; Pass. Ait GIVES TIIK Choice of Transcontinental Routes , VIA Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul Denver Omaha Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities OCKAN STKAiMKKH heave rortlui Kvnrr Vivo Jluys for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. for full details call on O. U A Co. s Agent Th.) Dalles, or address W, II. IIUItLIIUIlT, Ocn. IteAft l'cirtlthtd. Oreion K. M'XKII.I. 1'iesldeiit and Manii er The New Time Card. Under the new time card, which gW into effect tomorrow, triune will moves! follows : No. 4, to Spokane and Great Northern arrives at 0 p. in., leaves at 0:05 p.m. No. 2, to Pendleton, Baker City and Union Pacilic, arrives 1:15 a- m-i(' parts 1 :20 a. in. , No. :$, from Spokane and Great Nortt em, arrives 8:90, departs 8:35 a. ra. No. 1, from Baker City and Union w cilic, arrives 1 :'20, departs 1 :25 a. m. Nob. 23 and 24, moving ea8tn,! Duiles, will carry passengcrfl. arrives at 0:90 p. m., departs p. m. . Passengers for Ileppnor will take tw leaving hered:05 p. in. Dalles, Moro and A STAGE LINE. Through by dayllsht via Grass UM, and Cross Hollows. lMimiH AVI.KS, The V. M. WIIITKI.AWi Antelot"' KhiKcs leave 'the Dalles from VrfjS.wfrT nt 7 ii. in., also lioin Aiiiei..e . -C00nKW: .Monday, Wednesday and I-rW' Mitcbell ;d. madu at Antelope for I'rluov l ie, SIW imlntH boyonit. Close cmuiectlons m Uallcs with railways, iriuus , Ilel Tu Ulaues fiom Anlclopo reuc u 0. clays, Thurtdays and batunhos t 1 itATKS or r.wir.. i Dalles to Deschutes ., 1 do Alcirc ' .... ;jj do Cirass Valley. ,.,,. do Kent... ..... ' ... S EMST iiteli do Cross Hollows. . ,...S Aiitelnpu to Cross llollims . lt do Kent. " 'iui do tliass Valley .. JJJ do More IS do Dcscliuees do Dalles