The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 14, 1897, Image 3

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    ft T
Close Your Eyes
ust Received.
lo quality and the world is full of cheap things. But with vour eyes wide
open the veal good things are few and far between. When we'buv our goods
we look sharp fqr quality and workmanship. If they are right, wo see about
the price; it not, ten cents on the dollar won't tempt us to buy, for wo have a
rfmm.ii firm nt. efnl-o If 1 - ,. ... , . J ' .. , , . ...
1 y- " j"" uuy anyining oi us it's right: no matter how little
VOU T)flV fm it it. c vicrVif a
Made in every way which
TAD as well as" FASHION
demands. They are cool, com
fortable and dressy.
$1.00, $1.25,
$1.50, $1.75.
We are oflerinc; tlic best
values in Balbrigguu Under
wear ever shown. Reliability
has p. value. Ic saves time,
energy and money. Vour con
fidence in the above goods will
not be misplaced at
50c, $1 00, $1.50,
$2.00 per suit.
We are favorably known as
distributers of superior value
in Hosiery. Those who have
looked to us for such, need
not be told that our direct con
nections with the best mak
ers, and our large handlings,
are a guarantee always of the
best sorts at proper prices.
FAST BLCK K"rnntceil not to
1 ;wl JJU.WIV, fme or crock .
per pair 10e
per pair T2-Jc
per pair lOSjc
See Our
Furnishing Goods Window
The Dalies Daily Gttfomeie.
MAY 14, 1897
KniMlnm OliHttfvatmiiK and Local Events
of L,e8Ner Magnitude.
Clioice potatoes Toe per sack at Maier
& Benton's. m8-lw
Garden hose for sy cents a foot at
Mays & Crowe's. a30-tf
The regular quarterly examination of
teachers closed today.
Deputy Sheriff Kelley has so far re
covered from his illness as to he again
on duty.
We advise our sheepmen to interview
Mr. Lanuley and Mr. Buckley concerning
the Montana ranges.
Fresh Oregon peas and strawberries ;
also dressed chickens for your Sunday
dinner at The DalleB Commission Co.
Choice Burbank potatoes for 70 cents
per sack, and good butter for 30 cts per
roll at J. II. Cross' feed and grocery
store, mylO-tf
The ladies capture! the Moody bowl
ine alley, on Front .street, this morning,
and in consequence the gentlemen had
to find some other amusement.
Jackson county has a woman mail
carrier, Mrs. Vol Stickel, of Eagle Point,
who will carry the mail between that
point and Big Unite this summer.
Do not fail to attend the social in
Baldwin's oper.i house Saturday even
ing. The latest dance out, the Waltz
Oxford, will be taught to all in attend
ance. inl4-2t
Miss Alma Suhamrfo yesterday won
the medal in the bawling contest. This
is the second tiuro she lias won it con
secutively, and o,ne more winning en
titles her to keep it.
An alarm of fire last evening called
out tho engines, but their services were
fortunately not needed. The alarm was
caused by a burning flue at the Sisters'
school. No damaee was done.
liov. EH Fisher, of Medford, has
turned loose eight Chinese pheasants,
one cock and seven hens, near Phoenix. 1
Sportsmen are requested not to molest
thorn, but to allow the species to in-1
For the first time in several seasons a j
largo number of bluohacks is being j
brought into Astoria, by the fishermen. !
This is said by old fishermen to bo a j
sure indication oi an extraordinary run
u sainion.
Hy permission of thogame warden, Mr.
Chris Vandrun has shipped twelve pairs
of Chinese pheasants to California. The
captain of the steamer Homer will tak6
them from Portland and use them for
"reeding purposes.
The band lias reorganized, nearly all
the old members joining it. Those who
stay out will, however, assist at tiroeB,
and all will take part Sunday in fur
nlshlng music on the occasiou of the
Kedmen's excursion.
The river has. started up again, being
at the 31.4 mark this morning and 31.0
at noon, The Snake and Clearwater are
rising rapidly, and the rise here for two
or three days will be at the rate of from
eighteen inches to two feet a day.
Just drop into Mays & Crowe's and
see that new bicycle, "The Richmond."
It is just what everybody has been wait
ing for, a wheel that does not jar you to
death on our rough roads. It is, as
compared with the ordinary bicycle, as
v buggy compared with a farm wagon.
The body of Judge McArthnr was
taken from Portland to Derry yesterday,
where the interment took place. Gov
ernor Lord, Judge Bellinger and ex-Attorney-General
Williams were among
the honorary pallbearers. Quite a large
delegation from the Portland Bar Asso
ciation attended the funeral.
We do not say that "delft ware is not
as pretty as aluminum ware," but leave
that to our customers to judge for them
selves. We do say that it will wear
three or four times as long, is easier
kept clean, will weigh only a third as
much as granite, and is the cheapest in
the end. Mays & Ckowe.
Target practice at the 0. N. G. nflo
range has been changed to Saturday.
Acting Range Officer Keller will he at
the range on Saturday from 7 a.m. to
5 p. ni. The members of Co. G will re
port to Lieut. Bartell between the
hours mentioned properly uniformed,
armed and equipped for practice.
A federal court has enjoined the en
forcement of the 3-cent street-car fare
law in Indianapolis. But the state su
preme court intends to have a hand in
the case also. If it decides the law to
be constitutional, which is said to be
very probable, what will become of the
federal injunction or the state court?
Already the latter court in effect savs
The Great 'Northern ltallirav I'artlally
Solves tlie I'rolilein.
The Great Northern railway furnishes
a possible solution of our sheepmen's
troubles, and one that is well worth ex
amining into. It will provide for such
sheep as are to be marketed only, but it
will furnish pasturajje for that many
and relieve the pressure to that extent.
Mr. B. H. Langley, traveling agent for
the company is in the city, will remain
here for two or three days, and it will be
well for our sheepmen to interview him.
The proposition he makes is this.
The Great Northern will bill sheep
through to Chicago at the regular rates,
with stop over privileges of lour, five or
Eix monthB. In Northwestern Montana,
between Williston and Minot, on the
line of the road, a distance of 125 miles,
is a fine stock country which is practi
tically unused. It is a magnificent Bum
mer range, but the long and severe
winters prevent stockmen settling in it,
and it has never been pastured. The
Great Northern will haul sheep to this
range, allow them to stop until the own
ers are ready to move them this fall,
when they will be taken on to Chicago.
Mr. Buckley, of the firm of Kerr &
Buckley, has just returned from a visit
to this section and we understand will
ship 10.000 head there as Eoon as shear
ing is over.
Mr. Langley can be found at the Uma
tilla House, wliero full information of
the country can be procured. The mat
ter is well worth looking into.
Since writing the above we have in
terviewed Mr. Buckley, and find that he
is enthusiastic over the find. He starts
Nebraska corn for sale at the Wasco
warehouse. Best feed on earth. mO-tf
English and Belgian cement, verv
best imported brands, for sale by Wttec'o
Wnrehouse Co. my5-l m
This is an "Age of Soap." Why use
any but the very best. Best soap means
f loo Cake. Sold by Pease it Mavs. a2-3m
Saturday Kvpniiif;. May IStli, at tliv New
York Musce, Wear 1'ost utllie.
Between "Spider" Johnson of San
Francisco and "Young" Davis of Mon
tana, in a ten-round go at 10 o'clock p.
m., you can rest assured this will be a
hot contest. Admission 25 cents.
A gill for general housework. Must
be a good cook. Apply at the residence
of W. Lord on Saturday morning be
tween fl and 11. " a5-tf
A stock of Pure Aluminum Ware Cook
ing Utensils.
No enamel to flake off. Solid metal. No
plating to wear off.
Absolutely pure. No verdigris, or salts
of tin.
Wonderfully light and beautiful, and
very durable.
Foods cooked in it do not scorch.
Drop in and see it. We will be pleased to show it to you, even if
von don't buv.
We Carry a full line of
Builders' and Heavy Hardware,
Lime and Cement,
Farm Machinery,
Bain Wagons, Champion Mowers
and Reapers,
Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron,
Barb Wire, Etc.
Phone 25.
Baby Carriages
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
Where will also he found the largest and most com
plete line of l'ianos, and other Musical Instruments
in Eastern Oregon.
Complete Line of FISHING TACKLE,
Notions, Base Ball Goods, Hammocks, Books and
Stationery at Hod rook Prices.
New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
that federal injunctions "don't go here."; one week from Monday with 10,000 head
of his own, and says he would like to
It is reported that E. Jennings has
sold his ranch in Table Rock dietrict,
Jackson county, for $50,000. condition
ally to California and Eastern capital
ists, says the Jacksonville Democrat.
Mr. Jennings has been prospecting for
some time for coal on the premises, and
has discovered favorable indications in a
number of places.
have 15,000 more to take care of. He
describes tho country as being a vast
rolling prairie, covered with fine grass,
which was four inches high when he
was there. Mr. Buckley goes out to his
homo at Graea Valley this evening on
the G o'clock train, but will be pleased
Yellow washing powder will make
your clothes the same color. Avoid
this by using Soap Foam. It's pure
white. aS-lltn
The merchant who tells you he has
something else as good as lloe Cake soap
is a good man to keep away from. a2-.'!m
Wo sell Hoe Cake soap. Pease &
Mays. a3.2m
"The Delft"
i Til MVf Ciiuniimoii 41 I I initrinn in r.Aca!
He has alreadv been . , " v" ' T '
paid $1,000 down and a sum has been I"" ,7 . , ' , 1 ,
' . . ,. Eays there is room for all and p enty to
il(Mn.itf(i to over exoenses of einkniL' n I ' 1 J
i...ft Kt. ,in,t. Bnr foot I 8Pa,'
ClUlll, ,WJII1( Will UU JW.f.
800 feet
on one of the veins. If ooal is not found i
at the depth above named, Mr. Jennings
Is !o receive but the $1,000 mentioned;
but if coal is there, the balance of the
$50,000 will be" paid at once
That alleged show next to tho post
office, with its barkers and its noise, has
gotten to he a nuisance to all persons
who live or have business in that vi-
Last evening as Dr. Hollister was pre- J When the outfit first eumo here
paring for a visit to a country patient, , 11 lu uurrarriMiwyiio
an accident occurred that postponed his . be tho "human spider," but there was
trio temnorarilv. Ho had a livery team , ot i" irunsiorm an every
- - 1 V
and had Btopped at his house for a mo
ment for tho purpose of taking his little
daughter with him for the ride. He
had to get out of the buggy for a mo
ment, and as he did bo, the tot said :
"Papa, I don't like the way the horse is
looking at me, take me out." The doc
tor lifted her out while he went in the
house, and in a moment the horse had
struck out, upsetting the buggy and
went flying down the street. He ran
about a block when a tree refused to get
out of his way, and there was a decided
wreck. The horse was not hurt, but the
buggy is demoralized.
day nevvaboy into an araneiform speci
men. The contrast is too great, for car
riers and messenger boys are not sup
posed to have legs at all, but to travel by
alternate sinuosities of their sluggish
systems. The mermaid who, which, or
that, according to the barker's state
ment, "can be seen on the inside for 10
cents," is also a Dalles production, we
are told, and not worth seeing on the
outside for nothing. The fake has been
put up with long enough, and it is time,
high time, for it to take He mermaids
and its spiders into some other place.
Ware -
Mixed Blue and White out
side and While inside
"The Delft" is the latest
ware out in cooking utensils.
Prices are about the same as
granite ware, and a great deal
cheaper than the aluminum
ware, and prettier than oithor
of them. Call and see tho
goods at
107 Second Street.
IKuccc'thor to (j'lirlsinim & Corson.
Again in business at the old Hta::d. I would bo pleased to
see all my former patrons. Vrvo delivery to any part of town.
Opp. A. iI. Williams it Co.,
Ball I
Admission 25c.
Sunday, Maj 16, 1897.
Ladies Free.
Tickets on sale at all the business houses.
Lumber, Building Material and Boxes
TradedjiorHay, Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c.
rowe & CO.,
The Dalles, Or