The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 14, 1897, Image 1

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l)c Dallco
cCjp HJV -irB-iB-V
Spaniards Walked Into Their
Own Trap.
Ciiliniis rurued the SurvlvorH to tlie
Const, VTliore tlni I.Httnr Toiik Shl
fur Alnii.iinlllii.
Xew Yokk, May 1U. A dispatch to
the Herald from Havana via Key West
says :
Apparently reliable news of the most
important insurgent success in months
has just reached Havana. It appears
that General Oalixto Garcia and General
Rabi fell on a Spanish force which was
carrying food and supplies from Man
zanillo toBayamo early laBt week, cap
tured the convoy, routed General Lonos'
i . i i 1,:. ..:
column ami purHut-u uuii eu viuiuusiji
that he fled to the coast with the rem
nant of his brigade and took a ship at
Cabo de Cruz for Manzanillo. It is Baid
that so severe were his losses and so
thoroughly disorganized his men, that
the Spanish general did not dare attempt
to retrace his steps to Manzanillo by
land, fearing that he would he again
attacked, and this time wiped out of
Tli is engagement which is regarded as
more important than any battle since
that of Cacarijicara, goes to show how
helpless the Spanish are in the country
east of the trocho. What is known of
the affair came in a private letter to a
Spanish officer here.
General Lono laid a trap for the insur
gents. Balieving the convoy would be
attacked, he sent a mule train ahead
with scant escort, intending to flank the
rebels while the escort held their fire.
Bis force is said to have been between
1500 and 12000.
Garcia, with between GOO and 1000
waited lor the convoy three leaguea from
Bayatno. He was told by his Bcouts that
there was n large Spanish force follow
ing the poorly protected mule train, and
euspectint; a trick, he allowed the pack
mules and u small escort to pass with
out molestation, and placed his men in
an advantageous position to await the
coining of Lono.
The Spanish eagerly awaited the sound
of firing ahead, which would tell them
the train had been attacked, marching
straight into the trap. Dismayed by the
sharp musketry fire from ambush, the
Spaniards fled utterly demoralized, when
the Cubans charged them with machetes.
As has been generally the case, the
Spanish infnatry, having been subjected
to a heavy fire, did not long oppose the
machete with the bayonet. In a few
minutes the retreat, was general. Gen
eral Lono and hie staff by desperate
eflbrtu succeedad in rallying a few hun
dred men for a Btand, but although they
opposed the insurgents with a bnek fire,
it was evident that the day was lost.
Fearing that a movement among the
Cubans ment an attempt to surround
them, the Spanish broke and ran. Thus
the defeat became a rout. The insur
gent fores were divided, one division
pursuing General Lono. and the other
going to capture the arms and provisions.
This last proved an easy task. The
Spauish commander with the retreating
main body was harassed for 10 miles.
Ho decided to abandon the regular road
back to Manzanillo, fearing he would bo
interrupted as General Reyes had been
a few days before. Tho victorious Cub
ans were on the road to Bayamo, his pro
visions were lost and his men were prac
tically without food. The only way he
eaw to escape with the remnant of his
forces was to make for the coast at a
point many miles from Manzanillo. A
passenger steamer waB pressed into the
service, and carried the despondent eol
diors back to Manzanillo.
So fierce was the fighting and bo swift
their retreat that they were able to carry
off but few of their wounded. The de
tails are not yet learned. Indeed offi
cially, there is as yt no report of uny
e"gagcm(!iit between Garcia and Lono,
'"it the news reached Havana neverthe
less. Goneral Gomez, upon hearing of Way
ler's declaration that Santa Clara was
pacified, issued a proclamation of his
own, declaring Santiago de Cuba and
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for it.-, srreat Iravcnlm- strength nud
licalthfulness. Assures tUe food Hpiinst nlinn
nnd all forms of adulteration common to the
cheap brands.
Koyai. Making Powder Co. Nnw Youk.
Tyerto Frincipe "pacified."
There was some firing on outskirts of
Havana at 2 o'clock last Saturday morn
ing. About 50 shots were fired by a
Bentry, who, it is said, thought he de
tected insurgents. There has been no
official explanation of the firing, and the
censor would not permit any mention
of the report that a part- of insurgents
had iiiude a midnight demonstration in
that quarter. Every effort was made to
create the impression that the affair was
insignificant, but there was considerable
firing, followed by a rapid movement of
soldiers to the .loans del Monte district,
where the firing occured, there cannot
be the slightest doubt. As the rebels
are very strong in Havana, the fact that
there was such firing caused consider
able excitement.
The Shakers have made a discovery
which is destined to accomplish much
good. Realizing that three-fourths oi
all of our sufferings arise from stomach
troubles, that the country is literally
filled with people who cannot eat and
digest food, without subsequently suffer
ing pain and distress, and that many
are starving, wasting to mere skeletons,
because their food does them no good,
they have devoted much study and
thought to the subject, and the result is
this discovery of their Digestive Cordial.
A little book can be obtained from
your druggist that will point out the
way of relief at once. An investigation
will cost nothing and will result in
much good.
Laxol is the best medicine for chil
dren. Doctors recommend it in place of
Castor Oil.
Date bet for Tail 11' Debate.
Washington, May 13. The senate
committee on finance reached an under
standing today by which it was practic
ally agreed that the debate on the tariff
bill should begin Monday, the 24th inst.
Senator Aldrich will call up the bill
Thursday of next week for the purpose
of making a statement. There will be
no further effort to get the bill up until
the followiug Monday. This concession
waB made out of deference to the wishes
of the Democratic members and because
of the delay in getting comparative
statements in shape.
The Uet Keuiecly for Kheuinatlsin.
From the Falrhaveu (N. Y.) Register.
Mr. James Rowland of this village,
state that for twenty-five years his wife
has been a sufferer from rheumatism.
A few nights ago she was in such pain
that she was nearly crazy, bhe Bent
Mr. Rowland for the doctor, but he bad
read of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and
instead of going for the doctor he went
to the store and secured a bottle ot it.
His wife did not approve of Mr. Row
land's purchase at first, but neverthe
less aonlied the Balm thoroughly ana in
an hour's time was able to go to sleep.
She now applies it whenever she feels an
ache or a pain and finds that it always
gives relief. He says that no medicine
which she had used ever did her as much
good. The 23 and 50 cent sizes for eale
by Blakeley & Houghton.
Good tea is easy to get
Get Schillings Best oi
your grocer and your money
back if you don t like it.
A Schilling; & Company
Armistice Ha firm Concluded.
r.uus, May 13. Tho correspondent of
the Journal at Lamia, Thessaly, tele
graphed yesterday that he had learned
from official sources that an armistice
between Turkey nnd Greece had been
concluded. He added :
"It is probable the action of tho Greek
cabinet in signing the treaty of peace is
destined to bring the ministry to n
'speedy end."
Reports from other sources indicate
that Turkey is delaying action.
Something; to Po-iend (In.
Mr, James Jones, of the drug firm of
Jones Son, Cowden, III., in speaking
of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that
last winter his wife was attacked with
LaGrippe, and her case grew so serious
that physicians at Cowden and Pana
could do nothing for her. It seemed to
develop into Hasty Consumption. Hav
ing Dr. King's Now Discovery in store,
and selling lots of it, he took' a bottle
home, and to the surprise of all she be
gan to get better from the first dose, and
half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound
and well. Dr. King's New Discovery
lor consumption, uougiis ana Uolds is
guaranteed to do this good work. Trv
it. tree trial bottles at Biakelev &
Houghton's Drug Store. v5)
ltlockades liy Greek Fleet.
Salo.vica, May 13. A Greek squadron
is watching the coast from Platamona to
the gulf of Volo. It is claimed Greek
warships are also blockading the gulf of
Salonica. A British steamer, bound for
Salonica, has been prevented from en
tering the gulf.
Bucklen'o Arnica Salre.
'Die best salve in the world for cutB,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chupped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by . Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists.
Turks Marching on Katamaka.
Constantinople, May 13. An official
dispatch from Larissa, dated yesterday,
announces that six battalions from
Diskat and four battalions from Janina
are marching on Katamaka, where they
will shortly be joined by the Turkish
armies from Janina and Elassonu.
Notice to Tux-mi'ert".
Notice is hereby given that by order
of the county court, the fcherifi' will re
turn the tax roll for 189G to the
county clerk on the first Monday in
April. 1897, and all taxes then remain
ing unpaid on the roll will be declared
delinquent, and thereafter the sheriff
will not receive taxes until the delin
quent roll is given him. By order of
court. A. M. Kki.say,
m23 4tw Clerk.
Save Your Grain.
Few realize that each squirrel de
stroys $1.60 worth of gram annually.
Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterm
inator is the most effective and econom
ical poison known. Price reduced to 30
cents. For sale by M. Z. Donnel),
Soap Foam excels all other washing
compounds, a2-3m
18 J'aeeg u Week. 150 1'a-iern a Year
It Hands first among weekly" paper?
in size, frequency of publication and
freshness, variety and reliability of con
tents. It is practically a daily at the low
price o a weekly ; and its vast list of
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for the accuracy and
fairness of its news columns.
It is splendidly Illustrated, and among
Its special features are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fash ion a for women and a long
series of stories by the greatest living
American and English authors,
Conau Doyle, Jerome K. Jeroiu,
Stanley Weyuiau, Mary K. WJIklu
Anthony Hone. Uret ilarte,
Itraiulor Matthew, Ktc.
We offer this unequaled newspaper and
The Dallea TwJee-a- Week Chronicle to
gether one year for $2.00. Tho regular
price of the two papers is $3.00.
T 1 T
JXeaCL iJtilOW a pair of "Mascots
No. 1094 is a beautiful Prussian-Bine
English Covert
Cloth Jacket, ilet-isined as
above cut. A strictly tailor-made
garment, strap
pi'd Ft-:tm. and s-i i k -1 i n !
throughout. Price, :9.7o.
In order to reduce the above stocks, and also to introduce to our
One on Alliert.
"By tho wny, Jennie, how did yau like
the dojr show?"
"Oh, Albert, wasn't it too lovely for
anything'.' There was one dofj tlieru
tlmt had .such u human face. I did ad
mire that dog-."
"Indeed, did he look anything' like
"No, not a bit. Jt had tooinuch char
acter in hii-' countenance."
Then Albert reached for his lit.
Tunmiuuv Times.
Too Much St nek Up.
Miss l.'pporten (daiiR'nter of a rich
manufacturer) Purdou mi miss, but
I have not the honor of your acquain
tance. Miss Lower ten (who does not intviid
to be put down in thnt btyle) -I 1 bought
you had, at one time; but nevermind.
Perhaps ii ny father owned a big
mueilage factory like your father's, I'd
be Htuel: up, too.- N. V, Weekly.
A .N:irln: IilU.
Nov sits an angler by tho nroTjk,
With bated breath unci halted hook;
Hut for his storloa he rttllos
On neither flsliiiiK-roJ nor (lies
He trusts to lies.
Chicago Times-Herald,
STItl'CK A S.MAli,
Hunk O'Steer Great Scott, Skinner!
You bi'ok! I always fought yer wow
(k slickest feller in de biz. Wot kiiuler
gaJiic did yer go up ngalnst?
Skinner J)e Sharp (sadly) No game
lit all. .lust took nic wife to a dhureb.
fair, dat'i all. C'hlcugo Tribune.
t'OHt 11(111 ljC.i7.50.
Ho turned to his friend. "Let's fro outside,"
Ho said, ".ind drink to drown our woes."
But ho wan ross-eyed, and at once
Jivery man in the room arose,
Chicago Tribune,
' Attorney anfl Counsellor at Law
Practice in the (State und Federal Courts of
Oregon uud Wellington, Jan 'i-imo
This cut represents a leader in Sep
arate Skirts, mado of all-wool Bro
cade Brilliantlne, lined throughout
with extra quality rustic; velveteen
bound; -hvard sweep; most correct
stylo. A value at $4.00.
Our Special Offer for
For the
K'iehly and durably bound in Englifdi Cloth, plain edes; portrait of the, au
thor forming tho defiigu on cover; niitotrnipli pref.ico; iiiiinillcent pre
sentation plate in silver, .;old ami lil no; fontainlui; (100 pugeu and 'S2
full-piifu illuatratioiiH $1 75
In half-Morocco, marbln edge 2 25
In full-Morocco, t'ilt edge 2 75
M. J. WOODCOCK, Agent, Wamlc, Or.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, ?KnEdE"D
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
TOTl VI OUT I'!u,,r la uianufactiired expressly for family
vyj- xwu.x. mtj. every eack la ifiiurHntvud to lvu eatiafuctiuu.
Wo eell our woods lower than any house In thu trudo, and if you don't think bo
call and net our iiricew and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
175 Second Street.
Country and Mall Orders will receive prompt attention,
How to get
No. 2709 A most stylish Black French
Diagonal Cloth Cape, anil elaborately
trimmed in Scutachi! anil Hercules
Braids. Prico $0.50.
the week.
customers tho "Mascot,"
will give as a premium,
with every Cape, Separate Skirt, or J-ickot
of a if 2.50 value or over, sold,
TIIK KIltBT llA'lTI.K 1k mi Intcri-hUiiR story
of the ureal political Mnwitluof 1M!, Its uiofct
lin-iortatit events anil the numy Ikniivh involved;
a lot-ii'iil lieatlhu on lll-ineiiillUni im uttered by
eminent exiioneiilx, Iiii'IihMiik tho part taken by
lion. W, J, llryiin In the Nllver nKllntlon prior to
tho Dcinocratlu National Convention, and dur
ing tliu cnmpaluii; tho bent examples of bin won
(U'rfnl oratory, the most imtowcrtliy incidents of
111 k fumoiiH tour, a careful review of the political
hituatloii, a illtcuhxlnn of tint election returns
and tin) Mi;nlMcancc thereof, and thu future,
po.ihlblllttc-i of lll-metalllniu nn u ixilltlctl Imhiiu.
The Dalles, Oregon